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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1904)
' i 1 1 i ' , ? TSC2CbUT!C f OOP EVETCTNO, OF THE I 1 1 V . - Toolsht and Friday, fair: Friday; variable win da, anrtn tA hiL . - : . y,;y--Y ' . : , f , ; a i VOL. IH. NO. 168. Wrecks by the Score In JUDGE PARKER IN PERIL 3 ,'. ' HrraVbeitht Reported Fred Deliwtrt V River Where Elfcbt lei Dhwi Evtfcquke h Westen Rev V '. Twt Qoes flight- Dtnage. , (JmtmJ nU BarrtM.) f ; - New York. Bt Ik Om of ttM aUMt thrmtnlnc ' orai on rooord nd tho IratroC tho ftpprooohlnc winter Huoa, ' Mt In vr tho Now BiMrlond oout loot larht and stwdllr lnoroMod not II this " nornlu tt hod rocfad orclonlo viAlouco. Bllltt llvoa oro katown Jm 1wvo bora loot ond It to foarod that wbon oomuauilea Jkm. which la now out oil or loUrmit- ' Unt, la rootorod, tho oooot roturaa wiU now aara-olr hwii Hat. Proportjr damavo haa airoadr m to high nsuro. bolni "OmaU, howaver, out- ldo of - that InOlotod "on ahloplnc W roc ha nro ranortod by tho aooro. in tho city troaa woro uprootod. moko- auAi and chlatnoya hont Into tho ahr ta clouds of bricks and airs ta tho flUUrtna- dlatrtct addod to tbo'ondaa- - jMrlnc of podoatrlana. For a tlmo foaro woro- ontovtainod for JTndso Parkor, who with PrtvaU Sooro tary McCausland. loft Eoopuk laat ovon- . lac oh board tho prlvoto roeht Babhiro. ownod by John B. MclMnald. tho con- tmetoo. of thhi elty. Tho oatit daltod to BMko I to aspoaranco and not unul tnla mornlna waa tt sonorally known, that owing to homvr woathor It had an eborod off CromwoH Uait laat nlfht and tharo dhtcharaod lta dtatlnvuiohod fuoat. Ho waa landod at Thirty-fifth atroot laat nlvht nnd wojt wt onco-dHTwn to tho Aator houao. Tho Baphlro nwdo nor war with difflcuitir to hor dook In this city at o'aloek thla Kkarnlnc .W- .- : MCht "V Tho flrat mwi of fatamtoo cwno this Bkomlac in s opootal eonununloatlon PORTLAND ; HAS HER GALA DAY; AT lHb 51 Alh tAIK AJnD ; DEATH III vild sTonr.i 1 WW I . sac V Tmi Wllnihkfton, PoU wharo nw hod boon, roovlvod Baylna' that tho Tub- Durham of PhUodalphla had 'sno- owmbod to tha atornk Tho ton- attempted t , vainly to saka on nnohoraso In tha ; Dalawaro rlrar, but-4naUy foundoro Off k Chrtotlan erooa . . . ' Aboard hor woro It tnoa. but two f "k whom woro reocuod. Tbay oaoapoa br ennotwoj to wroekaso atU roaohod br " Ufa suardaman. Tbolr stent oompanlono wont down with tho boat. A bar, which tho Dnrfcam had In tow nntu tho torm parted hor Rawoao, drlftod about ' nntU drrron aobor by tho wind. NhMtoon haraos In tow of tho soa-fO ln tug- Ashton woro orortumod. and waohed ssboro ftt TomkfnoYUIo. la thla t eaaaK la balloTod no lrrao wars loot. ' g. flahtaa; amark and tbraomatod - nahoonor want down off Holland l!ht hoaoo whllo tho storm was aainln Its . worst staco at an or " morn- tog and It is not known whether aap of thooo aboard woro savod. t - . prom Bandy Hook to Capo May moy barwoa and aalllas craft wro blown ahoro and thofdamaoo w orr haavr , Comntanlcatlon alone ahoro botwoan thoaa points Is . pnfetloallT nothlns; ach hour, howover. brlnaa- atorlas of T'dtMstor and nhmas; of smaller craft ". that hava boon loat. Two btaj bargaa hSTS boon washod op - at dandy Hook, -but nalthor bora any ptarns ofj crow. It bollovod nroba f- ' Ui that'thBoa aboard thorn war drowned i and tbo beach patrol is watahlna; for bodtoa. - - 1 ' j ' The omr of a barpo, that but a row f mfnutas later fouadorod. waa taken off barely In time by tho fcoec Boaoh Ufa Inarors this morn Ins. VOinBlV OgdensburB,t K. Sept. llPoltow- (Contmuod am Paa Two.) HUGE COAL I. b 'Portland' Is to hero one of the-largest ess I lag stations on tha Pacific coast. It will be ooaatructed by ths Pestflo Coast company, which to affiliated with the Pad fte Coast Steamship company. The location af tho proposed plant hi aa Front beta sea tulatby sad Raleigh streeto. A lot with a frontage of M feet, t Inches, and st ending 171 feet back from the railway track to ths har bor line, to tne sits secured. On this property immense ens bunkv ra will be built Jit a eoet of tsi.av, to add tt lea to which will be Installed ths snoot modern stMfm and eiectrlo m a - "v r and uu -a vea . . , ' Y M - warmer mostly y y yy-v - y : 4 , . " : Spedcrshlp May Be Mb. chded ia the Ochell- Fc'ton Program. CAREY'S ASPIRATIONS NaftMiars Sapeft is Vital ( the Saecess f the Scmtflr.' PIm, fT ;M'lilirfce VikNk ; rWot Ftttor. osajor HUcnoU and Senator Falton BAt sUrrod np political temoaot br meir prop-ram for -tha organisation of tho next state lepistatMre. It ! so comlnc Inoreaslnply apparent that they Sill not bo able to confine the program ' tho naralnf of tho prosident of the sonato; and that they wUl bo compelled to -Include tho apeakerahlp aa welL Probably both asnators will accept thla oonelaoton with reluctance, for the op poottlooi that has already dovelopod to their candidate for proa id Ins officer of tho upper houao gtvmm warning of even more bitter antaawnlam In tho event that tho atata la made to hKludo tha speaker. Tho obstante to she plans of tho asn ators lies In the fact that they cannot make Dr. Kdydendall president of the seneto without help from the Multno mah delegation. To control tho Repub lican amicus In ths senate he muat hare SI votes, and the moat liberal oatlmato of hie areata strength gives Mm only I. including his own. Ho cannot hope for malls -from saatmn-Orapan. too aha senators from that part of tho state ara outspoken In the declaration that (hoy will not-take tha Mltchell-rMHon pro gram. All the Influence of ca-CongTeae man Malcolm Moody will be exerted agalnat tho progress, s4 notwlthatand lac hla- dsfsat In tho laat- oongroaalonal oonvontloa of hta dlatrtct, ho la atllt a strong factor In RapubHcan politics, and his following; hi tho isgtelatars Jb) large onougby to torn tho scale 4n a aloee flght. , Jsalouay os tho polltloal power of tho Bootb-iLslty Zumber company is another element-which militates strong ly against Kuykendall, for bo Is closely Mentlfled with that corporation and haa bean lta prlnolpal advocate la past aee slods of tho leaislaturev It so ana bnperativa. therefore, that Kuykendall ahonld have the votes of st least s majority of the Multnomah dele gation. Senator C w, Nottingham, who haa always Men a loyal adherent of Mitchell nnd rulton, might oast hie vote for Kuykendall, but thus far there Is little prospect that tho other eenatora from thia county would fall In Una for ths Man from Lane. Suggestions that hffultnomahls support anight bo pur chased by giving thla county the speak ership meet with little eaioowragemont, for It Is exceedingly doubtful whether either party to. such a contract could deliver the goods. Moreover It would bo awkward, par Senator .Fulton to enter Into A eompmst so manifestly hostile to the aprMUon of Tom Kay of Marlon, fwhoj hopes to be tha- next speaker and who had good reason to eypect that he will 'not'toe thwarted by Fulton. lUpreSfntotlvs A. A. Bailey of Mult nomah ia the only candidate from this county for speaker -end he refuses to be pulled down. His candidacy is not re garded favorably . by either Jack Mat thews or judge carer, and without their help he can eceVoeiyhop so llns p his own delegation, still lean to oommK ths senators from this dountv to .the eause Of Df. JCdykeadeV. t y Y a ! was yaslMiig. - f Soma doubt exists as to the extent to which fudgg Oarey wpuld carry his op position to the wishes of Mitchell and Fulton, for- ay serious rupture with them might destroy his ohanoes af be coming ludge of the. United b tales Oourt or claims. There ts a vacancy la this court and President Bioooevelt Is said to have agrrd- that. It shall be filled by the appointment of seme one from the Pacific coast. Judge Carey haa boon aa- (featlnued M tmt Two.) BUNKERS sola and can. It Is ssMmsted that the entire plant will tost It SIIWIIS s.eos and it a, 90S. - , 1 Thts plant ts aft exact duplicate of oh blg tastoltoa at Seattle by ths- same sompsay. - Most of the coal will some from tha Pacific Coast company's mines Iocs ted st Black Dlsmond. Franklin, and New Castle, Wash. 'It Is of a Mtumtnous quality. , They will, however, receive ooal from ail parts of tho world. Pile drivers will as set to work 0 ths water-front next week and the work on tho bunkers- win be rushed to com pletion. Th company hopce to hava lta plant saaalns by next December 1 SLATE IS IN DAM i ar i i vr i - i i i it iinncoMH uiii iiMii as an r i ' i Y Portland. Oregon; 'Thursday evening, PRESIDENT DIAZ OF CELEBRATES 75TH aeaaasBasaawaaiwBW''i0'l,,ij.Wi'Wii' wjsaMMtfw'iasn ' ': ' 'f l :-., . ,. it i ' Y v Y', I'-l :'"''.- .. YY , vv' :i :i ? ; Y r -f V ; ' r I i , i mi mi ,-"i4f s, i PORVORIO SIA& !RBrDsnT Ol, MEXIOX i - (jesnad ftbeewi hfflw.J .- City of Meslcb, Sept. . President Dlaa entered spun hta pevecy-Afthyeer today, v During the day raoelvrd numerous- congraturatlons. from army4 eaeera, civilian officials and toombei- of the dtptomatlo oorpo. Tho oalsbrn- tloa of ths presidents birthday will be confirmed tomorrow, which Is Mexico's Independenss day Congreaa will- as- aamblonmorraw. -, 1 PorfTrlo ptas has led a rrretruoos Ufa. id it Is only natural that bo should begin to foal the weight of advancing m. ir Is known that ho has not boon a mail man for soma time, and . It has been reported time nnd again that ho sontemplated retiring from' the presi dency. He would nndoubtedly tah thla step were ha sure all irauld- go WelL 1 ", V 1 KOEHLER IN THE 4 .;- '- , --- Y. ' In line wttk the changes following tne ooaaoiiaeuea of ths Harrlmaa of- noes in this, city and tho systems throughout the state, Richard Koebler has been appointed general purchasing spent of the Southern PeelfhOrgon Railroad Navigation system for Ore gon. The office of F. O. Wheeler, who aas oeen purchasing agent of the Or- goa Railroad Navigation oompany, haa Men abolished. At the same tint Mr Koshler'e former title of manager of ths Southern ' Pacific lines, hi Oregon to abolished and the 'buataeay af that Of fice falls to ths office of Oeneral Man ager . . Calvin. Ths changes will bo made on September 11- It ta understood that Mr, Wheeler will Kb taken ears of END FOR 'ACTOR WHO Y SAW LINCOLN TRAGEDY Plalnfleld. N. J., tVpt. It lWwift Varrey. the veteran actor, who haa pUyed wUH Joseph Jefferson. Rdwln Booth atul Wilkes Booth,- Is critically ill at tho Muhlenberg hospital la this city and bis end In soar. Varrey has been oa, ths stag the greater part of bis Ufa. Ho waa In tho cast of ""Our American Conain" on th sight when President Lincoln wsa phot at Ford's theatre m Waahiagton, sad wltaesssd the tragedy. - . ' LYNCHERS ARE TO EE : BROUGHT INTO COURT RtmtovlUo, Ala.. Bops, lt The grand Jury wbjch Investigated ths lynching of us negro Horsos Maples has round tea trus bllla. It Is reported that several of the alleged participants la th lynching have disappeared. Impeachment charges against the sheriff, Taylor Smith, for a failure to prevent tha lynching Is probable, all eases br to be rigorously pi touted, t 7 . r ha SUM anaafhls Tf Mi irurn ths ac Uvai sdmlnlstratlon -af ths oaVe In faror'Ypobllo education has received much of aonor Coral, tha. vice-president, or soma one -else jmiuki oouM - be counted upon to carry 'Out - his poUete. Ho would always bo' within esifc- howaecr. and seady to respond, as waa tho ease once before. That la perhaps tho only political ehange whlan may bo antici pated 'in the near future. . The removal of President Diss from -the aervloe of bis eountry Is not a possibility tho poo pie of Mexico -oars, to .oooteanplate. AasasslnB surrounded 'the presldenfe chair when IMas.aama' Into power. If liberal Mxlco tmatod htia. eonaervntlve and clerical Mexico hated. Lawlessness prevailed tn all sections of ths repubHo. Title to property - was rn secure. The currency was de baaed. , foreign- capital HAS NEW: HARRIMAN: SYSTEM la another" department, though tils new powtiesi lias not as yet been deslgnsted. Richard Koehlar returned last evening from a d days' stay In Bhirope. There he met bis family, who - bad been so lournlng in Germany - for a time, and they-accompanied him back to Portland. Oeneral Manager Calvin soaflratod ths reported changes this morning, stating that a circular announcing ths new np pototmeato would b issued' within a day .or. two 'When asked for 'an ex planation of the ehangeo, Mr. Calvin aaid: l' , . . - - TTbcynve simply In llns with the oon aolldatton of the onlcea," f - Th Sole management af ths Oregon line having now boon - placed to Mr. WALK1N& MINE TO Y Y KILL PREMIER MAIRA t ' '(Jesraal t 1 ml stovfce.P ' MadrM, Sept, liv The poitc today arrested th well known and dangerous anarchist Ftores, who - arrived from Parts for th purpose, ft Is said, ef aa saaslpatlns; Premier Maura. Ten dyna mite cartridges and compromising dooa- msnta. were found oa tho prisoner. Msw York. Sept. Xe. Stockholders of tho standard Oil company today received cheeks for amounts representing I per oent of their holdings; this being the quarterly dividend declared laat atonth. This makes ! per cent to bo paid In dividends so far this, year. Th capital stock of th company amounta to lee,o.- and the amouat dial rib ated to day was I4.l7i.tss. of which sum John D, Rockefeller received il Dtopatto to Ths JaemaL) Colfax, Wash.. Sept. It. Harold Webster, aged 14. became entangled ta a rope while leading a cow. The ran seer him aad draaped him a disiaacs over rocks breaJLias Sla to. StUJlSl FOB SOBSlSriiSSJ, npnlsl gerrtm.) ' ' j, September is, wot MEXICO BIRTHDAY would not Invest' Pauperism wVs at every twist of the road. 1 Pen of ' Dial, the son of a poor Innkeeper of OaxAca must bsvo possessed Napoleonic qualities to have brought about a state of affairs ths reverse of that existing when ho was made president. Under Santa Ana he demonstrated bis bravery. He fbught tho French at Pueblo with famed bravery. He besieged Marques hi ths City of M eh ice and hastened the downfall of Maximilian, and when war was at an and he proved himself v mas ter In statecraft. Rublo was ono-otyhts early opponents. Bo raised hd army against him. de feated him and his chief Lento, and then married ,ftublos daughter. The marriage- waa ' one of love and made sec ond In tho rule of Mexico a woman noted for her loveliness of disposition and her ohxrtilea, ' ' Diss trst became president la 1S7T, Although, ho dlaUngalahed himself In the war for Independence, ho caused the re-established government Of Juarea much trouble, rebelled against Juarea' a auooeaaor and took" office 'first by proclamation. not by election. When his term expired In Uto, ho govs way to General bonsalea, thia being but the seoond regular transfer of tho omoo In ths history of tho country. - The law at ths time forbade succes sive terms for any one man, and subse quently Oonaalea obeyed 4 aa Dlas bad done and suffered the return of the let ter without reelstanos upon his election in ltta. Afterward the prohibition as to suooosstvs terms wsa removed and Dlas baa ruled- continuously from Kit to the present time. Although ho Is common! y described as a dlctatoiy. and tha elections are said, to bo farcical. It Is also asserted that his strength la ths sols guarantee of peace In Mexico and gloomy predlo lions are made as to ths chaoa that Is likely to ensue when his strong hand Is removed. Mexico has gained Immensely sines her revolationary days. When Maximilian was emperor -she had but one railroad with If miles of track. Tha mileage now aggregates lv.Me. During- this same -period aa utterly in algnMoaao, telegraph aervles- hss en ponded to almost U.Ovd miles of which half belongs to ths government. Finan cially, commercially and Industrially there hss been a' great Improvement, which has done wondera for ths credit JmnsUi ismiiiiai ll d4eVM IrsjpeeTm attention and Is making gratifying progress, although -the percentage of Illiteracy Is still very high,; Ths mors intelligent cUaseo cherish peace above all things, but a tpcknos military ad venturer might eaose .e great deal of trouble with the co-operation of a few ambitious assoclstes, and an Ignorant mob, and It la realised by many that perfect security will never be fait until the tost of a change has been tried. While the ehanees for law and order ara a thousand times better than they ever wore oeroro. it is racoalsad that ther is enough of the element of doubt to make- tho el root ion very interesting in the event of tho retirement or death of President Data . . PLACE JCv 14- ''- . A J . - - v . - 1 ... - Calvin's hand by eAcul saasunoemaii It la expected that at as distant data the general manager will learn just what sum will bo si lowed by the executive board for ths Improvement of the road. Already -work to la progress between Orants Pass and West Fork. M mile or aew track, laid with te-pouirt ratla. being under way. On this division also the .old ss-pound rails are. being torn up and ths heavier steel laid. This work, sions will eoet Slf,eee pad as much mor as the general manager can pos sibly get will be expended, to similar improvsmsnte. Oenersl Manager Catvto Is making very effort to perfect the line from the Slsklyo mountains to Portland. WOMAN WITH BABY "INTERRUPTS WEDDING . f -' (fMmsl speelal servtoa.) , Cinchmatl, Sept, if. A sensational eoan was enacted yestordsv at St. John's Cstholle church durlnp ths wedding of F. Kublmann, and Mia Bmma Oruppenhof. Th church waa crowded and tha osrmony wss shout half completed when a good-looking young woman, carry lag a baby la her arms, dashed through tho church doom and ran wildly toward th altar holding the babe la her outstretched arms and ehoutlnp to the priest to atop the eere mony. Th congregation Waa panto stricken for a moment and tatenss excitement prevailed. Tw ushers- at tha wedding arrested th women In her light toward tha altar aad led bar from the church aura ths ceremony proceeded. The young woman alleges that Kublstaaa promised to marry bar. - 4Jeurit Speelal bufcal 1 -Minneapolis Minn., Sept. IS. The annual session f the Northern Bwadleh conference of the M. ft ebarab eo vened In Minneapolis today, with Bishop J. W. Hamilton af San Francisco pre siding; Several hundred delegate and msnjr. Visitors ar to attenneiw. I'Z vYY Yr Y"' i-Y''V"Y.-- l Visitors Sec" Greatest Parade of Cattle " and Horses Ever Witnessed at a . i -Similar State Meeting - Woman's Club Delegation Received at Main Pa : vilion by Salem ContingentY-Many Prominent ' ; - Persons Present and Many Reunions. ; ' , ffty a Journal Staff Cut respondent,) Fair Qroqnde, Salem. Or,. SepL ll. From two special trains and a regular train, aggregating St coach ee, Portland people poured Into the state fair grounds this morning between it o'clock and noon. On ths first special was Mayor Williams, ths city officiate, representa tives of Portland oomtnerclal organisa tions and a car filled with a dele gat km of the Portland Woman's club. This to emphatically Portland dap at ths fstr. Railway men here estimate the Portland crowd from MM to 1,000, which to said t be a record breaker. Nearly all got off st the fair grounds, arriving In tlmo to see the greatest parade of eattls and homes aver witnessed her,' v- A few hundred went Into th city and spent thS day with frienda. Regret Is expressed that badges were not worn by Portland people 'in honor of the day. The Portland Womaa'e dub delegation was received st ths main pavilion by th. Salem dub women; The reception In cluded prominent .woman from other towns and there wet stony reunions of old frienda. Ths raw, foggy weather of early morn ing warmed up some by noon, but tho atmosphere la extremely smoky and de tracts from tha pleasurs of seeing the races. 'Th turn ' stiles- registered ' 4.04 entries yesterday at th state fair and th receipts of the day were K.1SS. Mrs. a H. Ticket f Bugene fell ingn a ealuc guar -yesterday morn- Ins near the falrgrounds sad fraotarod bar left shoulder blade. - AU. day's attendance ysstsrdsy was calculated at persona at the state fair. Old-ttmera pronounce ths fair the laismsa. - wroabls tvss Awards. -5 i Thers waa all kinds f trouble for ths stats board of agriculture yesterday. In Judging the standard breed trotting horses H. E. Wood, who has been brought to rm fait Id "serve as Judge of ths course and whoso boms address Is Morborn, Missouri, eras made Judge of the standard bred horses. Hs swarded first premium to W. O. Trine' s Broad heart y Pomeroy Wilkes, :. and eoond to Douglas Soott's Memo by Sid ney, from Bugen. There Is a strong protest against th flrat award signed by O. A. Westgata, N. K. West, T. D. Coadoti and J. A. Joaes oa ths grounds that ths award was In vloiatioa of rule is (requiring th presentation of regis tration papers for sll stock entered In thlg class for too confirmation ef qual ity and breading), and ssoond, that th premium was awarded to a ho rev with a blemish. The protestors alee aaked for a rejudglhg according to th rule of entry. -.jr.. . The sasoad protest waa Sled upon the awarding of premiums la ths county exhibit oontest as a result of which Polk county was given first premium. upon a eoors of tt points, or slot; Linn county second, boom tf, arise tie: Marlon third, sear f. IXSO: Washing ton fourth, score , lie; Ben toe fifth, scors 71. lies, and Lane sixth, scors 17. I10S. Upon th shove result of the Judgment of J, N. Ortove aa to tha re spective points of excellence - of tb county exhibits C T. Bonney, manager of ths Marlon county exhibit, takes ex ceptions in tha following languag to the atata board of agriculture: "T hereby protest against ths dectoton of ths Judge In tb county exhibits and respectfully aak that ths exhibits be scored according to the' rules." Mr. Grieve to the man who hss charge of th Canadian exhibit to the pavilion, and Mr. Bonney'a protest, while It . Is not oouehed to that language, is based upon tha ground that ths Judge to not competent to pas upon th quality of th exhibits, w. JL. Warren ef Eugene, In charge of the Lane county exhibit. also protests to the acting of Mr. Orleve a Judge In the contest on tho speeln ground that he to not a cltlssn of the United States aad. therefore, not quail- fled to set la that oapaoyty. Mr. Bonney filed a protest last year against ths Judging to th county exhibition son- tests, but his object lens iV were, ever ruled by th board. Teatovdars xtooas. . - ' Testerday's races brought nt S Tina field of starters, including seme fast FEARFUL! RIDE WITH MAD STAGE DRIVER . ' Buret a, CaL. Sept. la. Terrified by th reakloss awanar to which a drunken or tnoane driver of aa overland stops handled bto horses ever dangerous parts of th rand, and believing their liven ra danger. P. W. Hanooa and W. 9. Con don, two peaaenger en. the stage be tween LaytonviHe and' Bolls Springs. Monday, overpowers te -driver aid tonk control of He t- m tl they arrived at BU tlv turned 10 pni" a of t e a c- -5 f i- PRICE FIVE CENTS. ones, aad the results were not as a rut expected. Winners were hard to pick. as waa shown by ths fact that la in Oreator Salem stake of 11, too, . fop pacers la the 1:11 class, the korseaw war tb heaviest losers. Queen B., after a gems fight and th loss of 00s heat, nosed the wire first and took down the money. It to doubtful if she would have carried off the third heat had not Cavallero worked himself off his feet aa he approached tha wlr anp broken so badly that he romped him self out of tho honors. In ths fourth hsag Cavalerlo was close In sad ctmteetlng every Soot, but wss. pot quits feat enough. Tidal Wave, th favorite, we not in ths money. Lady Usk enlivened the half mils ran, by running away before the start end. -sulked when brought to ths poet that -she wss left when the flag dropped. ' Snack, ths favorite la ths fourth, hadl an easy field and oasa boas without effort. -9 , War Times, a Id to 1 shot, gladdened the outsiders by winning . th sixth la sa exceptionally good race participated la by eight starters. .- On the entire day, th bookie weal long to th good. The results were aa follows: - . Patlag, l-yeer-eMa. stake, MM Loaledl. Del . Korte-mHrgsa . S f Celt. LovUrr XUifle. i tib, raf. fsiii. Ty ; Trotting. 2:JK tUs, taoS 1 ' Kay Tllt&e, AlUmool tfcule Ivstoee. .V. . .1 Urd Kltrher Koeibro-.Sarah Sartoa 4 f Joil'CSwtonre'Adir "ck. YI 9 Seattle Utla, . Natawed WUkea, toa ay (jnycaeca !,...' A S Time. t 7t. Padag. Urwatsr aelesi Hake, I to t, xa0S-- TM1 Wave, Hatweoe-WUkee-Me- Kiaaey Y7....1 4 ySa f.t . . EcvtHinUMr. Chu. Drry-Sceaaw..l S fi Oures P. Ctmn-&awwr , $ ill rilhre, lumw iae glicttcsew.i fit Olllp M., WMtOHd-OnroeUs C 9 rVrtfce;;;:i I I trla t-aiefT.....T 3 IM-tNTtto. CtaerbM Starker. Ckrulu-Oar LCawliesa, Weleaaw Bt lever Seiuae. are tartuage. (JOO riarfc tKelleyi, Bret: Hogarth taitrle), sMond: fearl! ile (UeLsee), telrd; gedoca. Carohara, lUcefnl. Auale, Marls aad Vsegliaa else res. ilaw. saleis takes, foer farleags, baadleap' tut an acre. SWo Titos (Clark), int; Senax tRflly). eeaeod;- Sedsa (Wliklae. third. Nonle. Judge Those, iarere P. aad Laiiy Uafc ah raa. Tlwe, t:4S- Y . llln. sU rfnrlusga. fito Werlhsia fMe. Ieti). mat; Vrtoso Alarle, erend; inewtoe lariieyi, uwe. lAicaeee. lO Hrvle. Acnre Oanry It was a laughing, toklnar. nstursd crowd that thronged th Union mmrw, Aiotmn ess vane ex aMOSBa aJea raa. Ttojs, 1:1M. Y ;' w Off IP TWO TmATBS. f , ' station thla morning and plied Itself oa th trains bound for Seiem. Tw special trains of 10 eoaches wars aao- , canary to accommodate thoaa who went to th fair, besides th raarular train. . which was crowded to tb platform by, . thoea who were delayed. It Is Portland day at th state fair " at Balem. In honor of th event seveml hundred of Portland's cltlsena rose early and spent th emir day en route or at the fair. A speelal rate of li ft wa offered, which Included no only rail - -road fare, but entrance into ths grounds. The first section left tho Union sta ' tloa shortly before I o'clock thla morn ing and. was followed ken minutes later by ths second section. Hotb Brain -were packed. The regular Southern Pa- f clfic train which left half aa hour Ipter ; carried extra eoaehe to accommodate those who had mlaeed th specials, and ' It alas waa packed. ? The day at th fair was One of the most successful of the most In petal of attendance and splendid attractions. Ths facing events were .unusually good, BOODLER AMES FAILS TO ESCAPE THE LAW h--' t e 1 -: k- -Ve" Minmapslts. Sept. It. A motkm to nolle sll oases against ex-Mayor Atata, v now a Repubitoan candidate for imcnlna tloa to congreaa, Was dsnled thai morn ing. Tea Indictments charging grafting ar still standing sgatost him. . HMMBtela rood which Winds around steep cliffs and over rugged hlllsldee and au h aioment sssmsd likely to hurl the ve hicle Into a canyon. Condon saked ! driver If be carried a gun. rWti a aigativ reply, he pounced urwrn t i and endeavored to threw h"a tt i seat. The men grappled end b te the raadwast llanen aaetslanee of enton f - ' ifenen aucee'4 P c dvtver, w -e W" S s a tfee - . f ft