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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
' 1 J ' 1SDAY eJ . THE . OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, "WEDNESDAY jEVENZNO SEPTEMBER 14, 1904. A. ' i . - '- , .... . . ,J NEWS OF THE RUNES A '''V ' I , GIANT ORE SHOOT SKELTER BADE HERE CJVERY DAY see new good arrive and Bum AT ALAMEDA H WILL BE TESTED 4 placed on sale at this store the store SCHOOL m where quality and low prices are supreme, 'IX This season we will show all the new novelties tdf A XBBA op 9 A and our prices will be still lower than In pre sUTS) WlXdUAVBOsT MAS SUITS OOBT1BU vlous years. Come and bring your friends with JKAJUCABKT SsT TA you and let us show you many, many bargains. New Fall UOOQS ' gar - - jsjs iiffru i " V X v. PBjOTxM pmAOTXOA rjr bjepbaimabtax. 1BBJ ABB AOTWA WW WZ VAXB vraACOi TaA aVOBAn, Children9 Worsted Dresses . Jut received, from t to and braid, 85, f 1.00, fl.25, SI .50, f 1.75, f 1.95 New French Styles, trimmed in silk with medaV , Hons. ............... ..92.25 to f4.25 New Styles Ladies9 Woolen Waists Balance of Summer Waists,' while they last, trades up . to lMor ........ .59 " Grades up to $1.78, for.fc.....,...............:...7 Grades op to $150, for.. .......... ...98 ChHdreii's Fall Underwear Heary fleece lined. T..... .25f Hea9 Mixed Underwear. ..35 8mall lot of Ladies Medium Length Jackets, left from last, at on -Values up to $7.00, for. ,..........'.... ......... $3.65 Values up to $8.00, for ......f4.95 New Flannelettes In dektrabW patterns for wrappers and kimonos, $6 Inches wide, yard.............. ,.15d) ' 87-inch Flannelettes, yard 12$4c Ue, 10c........ 8 1-3 Big BsrssJns fa. Tabls Unsas, Napkins Towels, - Bedsprssdsp Blanker, Comforters DostoiiStore Where Quality and Law Prices Are Supreme mSTAND SALMON. CE"iESE LO V IS SCilCE EE CUaaaa Inspector Barbour rmajw rum m fwom w fOT HATS TOO KVOX MOsTST Tjasi sots ura uaube. i that there la a tremendous dmand for Cblncae labor Is Portion and for that mint Um raOMt irtgUaaoa will bam to ba exerclaad from thla ttete a to prmot ariHitala tolas smuggled toto ..I, tha country. White away of On Chinee ara rstarn tec from tba fishing grounds up north ? , an froai tha various nlmoa mmnIm la otlMr localities h dsclaroa that their gervlecg will not bo for sals during- tba iiaiiair aa winter. Whea a Chinaman ba mads a wtator ataks tno exphuw 1 . thm la mada that ha apends tha balaaoa " ', 1 tha roar la lateness an aomfort. So tha statement to mad that thooo - who ara returning; from th fishing ' grounds will not bo th as as of adding ; in tha loaat to the ouppiy la tao Cbtnsss labor market. Oa tha sotrtrsry, U to ' arroo by tao lnopaotor, that thay arc likely a bo tho eaoao of am ooloottal who ara at la tho haMt of aamkln thotr Uvtne; by tha awaat at tbab? aaowa eoav In to Portland. . la aupport of ttdo vtow tao aaaartloa J moda that tha bmb from tho flowwy fclnadoai ara toit aiaoh Ilka othor po , plo la manr roapaeta. Tboy know that v tho ratumlnf flaaonnon bava aioaor and - tho eplaloa la aanroon that thay will flock hora from othor aoctaoaa of tha " eoantry with tha' oxpeetatloa of tattlna; . a porOoa of that wealth la whatarar maaoar tbay can, without woralns for M. Xa etaae worda It to thought that tha town will ba ararrua with orlaotal KoaiMora aa Mlara who will not work - ao loae aa thara la an opportunltr to at a faw dollara by aomo hook or oroelt tron thatr mora induatrtoua bratnran. Mr. Barbour aaya thara ara ptratr of Chlnaawa la tha eltr ta do ail tho work raqulra by taalr alaaa If thor war , wUUna ta narfoiia It, but ho daotana ' '' that, tho aw nam of tha ' lauarloa ara ahort of bain. Am lone aa thla aoa dltloa aoatlnuaa ba bllavaa that many of tha proprtatora will uoa ovary an .. daavor to auppty tha af latency by aaiunllna; , If tbay aaaaot da It la aay I atbar wayj , , , ' VhJno bava aotaa vary aartous "'; tratts." Mr. Barbour ooasluda. "Soma , of thm ara up to all orta of "acnaaiaa to injur a buainaaa oompotltor. If thy fill to boat him out In a bualncoa way they try ta aat alat into troubte with thla efftaa. Only yaatarday I raeatvad tha followtBa; unaiamd aoinnuniaattra froa, ono of than wa ovldaatly ana ducts a laundry: "Satmoa otraat. Wtwaoa Third and Saaoad atraata. Laundry, all aaw bm from B. C. Com you. Ono awa aa Third atraat aaofc an aaa aaaa gm Sao and atraat baok atdo.' "That waa a tip far ata ts so and ar rant a lot of Chtaaraaa whoai tM wrttar would bava aia balteva ara la tha oowf . try unlawfully. Many atmllar tlaa ara ant ava, but uaaaliy I allow aomo llttla tlma t aooa bafora I aja ta wbara I aw airwHta. Ono oaanot always tan vnaa thm erafty yaUow m ara aat , adj Im far aiafc" . - - - ... 14 years, trimmed with buttons : ; J. K. STANTON, Mgr. SAW-IIAN THINKS mtiF mum "I aanaMar Portland tha boat attrib uting point on fha PaetfM ooaat; and X think U will oontlnaa ta ba ao." la tha opinion axnraaaad by H. C Atkins of Indianapolis, president of tha largast aa dnalva aaw company ta tha world. Mr. Atktaa Is a aoo af tha lata . C Atklas, who founded tha bl factory at Indianapolis that bow employs more than l.aad people. Bo baa been auklns; a tour of tho Paetflo ooaat, where tha oompany baa a number of dlstrlbutln polnts, Ineludlna Ban Franeluoo, Port land, Saatta and Taooma. Tao Portland branch waa atartad hora about five yeara aA with one eanploya aa tha pay roll, and at tha present tUna its foroe auaibarB paapla, aevaa af waoai are travel lug awa. Mr. Atkins oald that Portland will oontlnaa to ba tha oompanya main branch an this ooaat It Is iBOw in obarga of A. XL Potter, who after II yaara with the oompany la southern territory, waa aont to Portland last Jan uary to BtanaaM tha buainaaa bora. SWEETHEART'S PLEA : 1 FAILS TO SAVE HIM -Sla yeara 4n -tba aaalteaitterv aa he aantanra of Ouray H Morok, who will hare tha aoainany of his brother ' rntrla. for that tlma Bantanea waa troaounoe: I t Circuit Judex Imii hImiu itM a ary had found tba vanv a-an ru'Jty of tha la many of jewelry and thar articles from Paul Weaolngar'a houaa. Itetectlvas Snow and Kerrigan testi fied that both tha Morck boys had oon ftosad their crime several times. Miss Hattlo Pickles, a pretty girl of it, who kapt oompany with Gary far several months, triad to free him by testifying that at tha tlma tha larceny waa com mitted ha waa at her house. Mrs, Plck laa also gave testimony favorable to the P"teoae. Evidence was submitted show ing that Gary had sold a pair of opera glassea. stotea from Waaalngar. la a pawnshop. After hlg eoavlctlOB Ouray Morck ad mitted having served two years la tho Walla Walla. Waalu penitentiary and asked for a light aentencs. P" asb-sestaieeafcBBaaaaj f Uw 'Friscs Slesner Kite. 4 Aeeouat tba Sovsralgn Brand lodge I. O. O. P, at Saa Prase iere, September Ifl-lt, the O, R 4 H. will sell return trip tlokat bp steamer. September lltb and 18th for lift. Particulars of C W. SUnger lty ticket ageM, Third an Waahlagton streets. .VPortlHdOaysiSutefilr. Bpeolal train leaves ITnloa depot 8:M a m., Thursday. Round trip tlsksts I) It tnrludlng admlealon. Buy at up town affloa. Third and Washington, tax day, aad aval tha rueh. Paaaaek flour always given aaHafaa. Ooa, an uaxaataed ay y oar grooar, axaJVAvosa uubumsuts avas- SSS sTSaUl MAS taOWV SVsV iwsuw&t xv im rmajuc Ora a van a beta la drift and out," te tba report oomlng from tha Ala meda mine aa tha lover Bogus ertvor, Crews ara working- la both tba upper and lower tunnela. la addition la drift ing along tha ooursa af tho-vain, cross outs ara be log mads toward tha Walls, tba result Is nrnvlnar this great toother-lode fissure of tha district to have an ore body unsurpassed la width length by anything opened pre viously la eouthera Oregon. P. B. Wlckbam, aoa of Ma nearer j, P. Wlckhaaa, oams ta tba Portland af floa of tha oompany yaatarday. Ha said that tha mala drift aa tha lowol level. which diverged from a true slightly whoa reaching tha banging wall. is still In good ota 4 fast from tho portal. ' The second crosscut made from this drift to prove the width of tha ore body baa a length now af approximate ly M fast, and tha foot wall is not jut Tha grade af ara being opened la tha eroescut ts quite uniform la ebar aotsr, but Improves ta 'values aa tha foot wall Is spproached. with tha ra- ault that from tha face af this working la now being taken tha beat ara found oa tba lower level. Tba management says that all ore passed through In the to-foot crosscut 1a caatataruUL with., a good margin for profit. In tha upper tunnel, which baa been driven mora than 400 fast on ore, tha fans tha drift Is la tba beat grade yet taken from that level, says Mr. Wick ham. No aroascut has been mads from thla drift to determine tha width of tha vain thara, but cropping show It ta bo mora than ltd feat. Down whara Bogua river baa cut through tha lode to to ba found ona of tno moat remarkable erepplnga of tba northwest. Almost at water isval, be tween flood aad dry aaa oca flows, la a solid sxpanss of vela mutter full Id feet wide, from which values may be had la every sample. If tha iron capping formed whara water has boon at tba ore longest la removed, the values Improve quickly, and good average assays may be secured m abundance. The charac ter of ore found la this river-worn crop ping la tunnel No. 1. It feet above, and to tha faca of tunnel No. t, about 190 feat above No. 1, la Ideatloai- through out, with marked . Improvement where depth la attained. Copper an gold val- ueu ara always present. For almost tha length of ana claim thai mammoth ore body baa been proven. Its greatest widUlto at tha poW of great-! depth. whara tba rlvor haa cut through It Is 0e feat there and la the development work above thara Is AO pises whara tba vain pinches to ltd feat width. Tha magnitude of this ore body be come appalling whoa those figures ara grasped. If it la nearly all commercial. aa tha management asserts 4s tba case. Oregon's greatest reduction -plant will ba operating thara soma day, and twa gen- arsthms hence will find It busy. This vein was formerly known as the Big Tank, or mother lode. It baa been defined for several mites, and seems to ba tha ore of tha great mineral bait ba- glnatne about Mount Reuben and extend ing southerly Into northern California. Twa other properties ara working oa It adjacent ta tha Alameda, and locations beyond am ftumerou Tba Alameda Is tho first to attain depth. Tha result thara Is of tatanaa interest to tha ontlrs district. CUMBERLAND HOIST IS NOW AT VIRTUE Completion of tha big sinking plant for tha Virtue mine, near Baker City, will ba announced by Manager S. K. Romlgr ta tha near future. When tha hoist Is ready for work three shifts will bo put la tba triple compartment shaft aad sinking to to proceed with all pos sible despatch. Bafora tba rsorajanlaatfoa af tba Vir tue oompany tha sinking plant of tha Cumberland mine, at Silver City, Idaho, wsa removed to tha Virtue, at Baker, both mines tbaa being owned by tha bum concern. Tha removal waa ac compli ahed last year, but the managa ment did not gat tha hoist erected ba fora winter sat In. After Mr. Botnlg took obarga of oompany affairs tba hoist wsa erected. Tha plant to third In alas In tha entire state, being exceeded only by those st the Bad Boy and tha Bo nansa mines, and baa a depth aapaetty of about 1,000 fast Vmest P.- Warner an John Phillips, ths Milwaukee managers of tha Killon-Warner-Stawart oompany, Bumptsr, Or., were la tha olty yeaterday for a short tlma, an routs, from Saa Francisco, They state that work on firm proper ties, namely, tha Standard, tho Cracker Summit., the Morning and . Lba Oregon Monarch, ts proceeding as usual, and that bsavlsr operations wars to be in augurated at tha Morning Immediately. Tha mala office of tha company Is to ba moved to Chicago, whara Manager t. L. KUlea will make hfa home, other part ners will be in Milwaukee, - Baltimore and New York. H. H. Nicholson will ba local manager af tha company mines, with aa sfllca In Bumpter. Tha move Is made to bring tha main office In closer touoh with tha eastern clientage, and to secure advantage af greater office economies possible In a large city. vuffarare from DYSPEPSIA aaty fed reHel, but as abMhrto sarslraai ihta itwmisiag trouble by mlag Si Order ta prove that thla ahmhrtrty barailMS remedy rare! catarrhal Is aaawalkm at the slosMcb, 1 will acad TRIAL SIZE BOTTLC PBEB aa receipt of as casta to pay postage. Clvcosomi sot aaly tauavea. Sat h cere. Is this Hdlatts bum what yeasmy save seed. by loa-dlrtd ssrudgnMa. ' i wtthasi my staastssa. TtmatVt Sold SMgaamsM M Fianeo St, Haw Task, MolNMM'MlitNltMM Betweea tha lath and lltb of this mouth test will ba made of the Improved mineral smelting furnace at tho property of tha Turk Mining oompany, St miles wast of Spokane. Thla Is tha furaaoa devised and being constructed by the Improved Mineral Smelter oompany of Portland. Tha Idea la tha Joint product of Messrs. Blanobard and Williamson, and aalda from aa experimental test glvsa tha furnace at Oewegq, for tha Lad Metals oompany, baa - not aaaa yet la operation. Tba plant about completed for tha Turk oompany ombraoea tha principle af tha now furaaoa fully, and tha re- sult of tha work thara will be watched closely. Two stack, termed primary and secondary, ara aonatrueta Jointly, only a partial partlUon, opsa at the bottom, separating thorn. Ore la charged into both from above; but fn tha pri mary stack only la fuel admitted, aa rule. The blast enters at tha top of the primary stack, passes through the fuel and ora obarga, under tha partition between tba stacks, and up through tho secondary stack, making Ita exit near tha top of tha latter to tba down- Tha blast saay bo admitted ta tha primary furnaoa from ona main pipe or through three tiers of tuyeres. arranged at regular distances between the top of the stack and to within two feat ad tha slag at tho bottom. Whan firing up tha blast eomsa from tha main pipe, but aa tha fuel Region combustion the tuyeres ara turned on suocsaalvaly. Two tiara of tha tuyeres allow tha ad mitting of a blast' In tha secondary stack well toward the bottom thereof. In the experimental work dona, llgnlta or other coal. and. svsa wood, baa baeo use as fuel and, tha patentees state. with sucoess. aa they bava been a bis to attain a heat of approximately t,0Qt de grees Fahrenheit la tha secondary stack. So thorough is oombustlon that la tha Oswego test, It to said, that tha amoks issuing from tba chimney waa almost colorless. This extraordinary result la claimed aa a result of admitting fresh air, with its heavy proportion of oxy gen, near tha bottoatoz tha secondary stack at a point whara tha gases ara emerging from tha primary, stack. Smelting to said to ba about three times as rapid la tha aeoondary stack aa la tha primary. It tsJOng; three charges to tha flrgt'a ona. Tha plant erected at tha property of L SSSlmTllSSJS .T.-1??!1? '7 ivi wvw win uwi. VI l BOW furnace Is a success tha nianagament Of the mining oompany states that other furnaces will, fas put In until tha maxi mum oapaatty Indicated aaa beam a THREE SHIFTS WORK r IN BLACK BUTTE O. C WrlgM of tha Black Butts gold mine, ta Grant county, a tat that his new hoisting plant has boon put to commlastoa, and that three shifts are la ths shaft. Repairs and renovat ing work ara progressing rapidly oa ths Msrralls roll aalu and tba Sva-stamp plant m that mas gam est expects ta begin reducing ara ta tha near futura Sinking at tha Black Butts will be prosecuted steadily. To begin tha shaft, a ralas was made from tha prevent adit level, a distance of about 70 feet. , Water la not expected to interfere materially with oarly staking, and whoa It doe come In tha management has fortified against tha eontlngeaey by Installing pumps, Tba hoist is a superior.- plant. capabls Of going to a depth of 2,100 fast aad handling ora for a aaiu. Manager C J.- Allan to assuring tba development grew desired at tha Monu mental mine, la eastern Oregon, more slowly than ba expected. He wrote S W. Btsdrnar, his partner la this city. that good minors war not so plentiful about Bumpter as bs thought, but that ha will ba shis to secure enough man soon and get everything at ths Monu mental la full swing early In tha fall. Not aa many miners have drifted to tba eastern Oregon mineral none aa a thought probabl la view of tha strikes to ths middle west. Boms of those who were there hava gone to othor sections. which lsavae tha esmp with relatively few Ml miners. IV A. Nelson, amployad at tba lima qxmrry af tho Oregon H melting Ba nning eompany, assy Bumpter, was ae oldentally killed thara thla weak by bs- rag thrown over tha dump with his ora oar. ' He was tramming wasa tba acci dent occurred, aa ao ona could learn how b happened to get caught while dlecharglng tha contents of the oar. His bruises provsd fatal In three hours. Vbea P. Torray, who waa for a period to charge of tba laboratory at tha Lacky Boy. baa bean appointed by W. I Vln son as superintendent of tba Emma mine la eastern Oregon. Mr. Torray bad pra Ttoualy to his work at tba Lucky Boy, Blue river district, run aa sassy office at Baker City, , USsTT Psalff P VBSUfflim. . Completing his milling plant, Man ager P. J. Hard m Installing aa electric lighting apparatus, Tha dynamo to to connect with the mala engine, an will have ample capacity to light tha entire mill. The dynamo la expected to ba In place by tba tlma tha mill to ready to start op. Olaf Finland, amployad on tba nlgfit ihlft at ths plant of tha Portland Lum ber eompany, wag Injured badly at It o'clock Monday night by being knocked down by a Joad of Umber. Ha was In jured internally, It is feared, and a leg was broken. Ha to aow at tha Good 8a- marttaa hospital and to under tha oar of Or. 1 a Thornton, - While worktng with tha Iron crew an the art building that la being erected at rtfth and Taylor streets, a hug beam fall oa Pet Polar, an Ironworker, yes terday afternoon, maehtng his left foot H was removed to Oood Samsritsa hos pital. It Is believed thai amnutaUoa wiu aat n gassarj; X Suits that we guarantee to wear as - well as the FIVE DOLLaAR SUITS of other Coiie in land let us sliow them to vWIICN YOll MC IT IN OUtt AD. IFft 50 f-r rr. -----1 - J a , -1 l--:" ' - It MT-(MENTION;;; flERE DURING FAIR Portland will endeavor to toad the 101 meeting of tha American Associa tion of i Traveling Passenger Agents. The Paclflo ooaat railroad maa ara work ing to that and. Portland last year loot tba 1904 convention baeausa of tba St. Louts fair, which compelled the aa nual mooting to ba postponed until Do osmber, aad that waa not lagardad as a favorabl season for a meeting la Port- C At tha tlma, however, It waa un derstood that Portland should hava the Orst consideration for ths lftvl meet trig. President B. FL Trumbull of the Pa cific Coast AsBOdotloa of Traffic Agaats yesterday named tha following; eommlt ta to take charge of tha light for Port land: Alex Tlnlang, general agent of the Northern Paolno at Taooma; J. BL O'Neill, traveling passenger agrant af tha Oregon Railroad St Mavlgstloa aompany at Portland, and M. J. Xtocha, traveling passenger agent of tha Gould lines la Portland; Thla ootnmltt win be baokad by mora than 9 ooaat delegates ta Hszloo City, wherb this year's meottog wlU ba held la December. A majority of the other delegates to the convention stand pledged to Portland's interests. Ths con toot will be a hard one, but tha local man believe they will win. Two special oars will go from Baa praaoisoe to Mexico City carrying tba delegates from California and local agents hops to sw ears enough persona from Orsgoa and Washington to ail aaathen oar. - No other class of man Domes so Intimately In touch with tha traveling and Immi grant public as the -traveling passenger ageats. and no other body of men can do so much for the Paetflo aorthwest or. the Iwta and Clark fair. . ..- NORTHWESTERN WHEAT GOES TO WINDY CITY Tba Oteson Railroad A NoWigatlon eompany and ths Northern Pacmc rail ways are enjoying this fall tha extra ordinary privilege of hauling Oregon and Washington wheat eastward for tha Chi cago market. Tha Union Pacific gata decidedly th beat of tha battgala by having tha long haul from O. R. A N. territory, but thla eauaea no tears In ths Harrlman camp, ao tha net profit ultimately reaches tha Harrlman coffers. Th Northern Pacific haa a longas haul on what It gats. Thera Is a sussor ta tha effect that It will msks a rate for th aoxt 10 days that will gat a good hare of tha buainaaa. Th railway hava made ample preparation for a sup ply of ears. Tha wheat to aold thara for Immediate delivery. It would pleas O. R. A N. people to so th wheat mov ing toward Port Is nd Instead af Chicago, for then that road would gat tho Ions haul across Orsgoa. Scratch, scratch, scratch: unable to attend to buainaaa during tha day or aleep during tha night, itching piles, horrible plagus. Doen's Ointment curea Never fails. At sat drua sLore. M PO,sVPfcSaTMtoS t WUbsV VsTs VO ZS- Xosn ta . WFAR-RFSIST1NG AT:TEMPTINGJ-iY LOW; stores.: -;: IIIIKV mrssy VMsl OlsU,a.lO Preferred Stock Tab! e ' S u gg ' B -'V , f - ' '"na8ssa ' A NEW ADDITION TO OUR INCOMPARABLE LINE Of PRKIXRRED STOCK CANNES GOODS o saov rra in vbam a op pususi vjacm Of blUy- mm borehy STOCK Table Sugar iyrup to ba absolutely PURS - sad full maaaura. Made from a Mending of high-grade eugar aaly, .and to aat to ba TTlrtrnl with any atbar sugar syrup oa tba marhuL' , ... ALLEN O LEVIS WVlSials CaTOOoTt . .. t PCES afV" swsay' - - 1 1 a r 'v S y r u. p bsass as roudwii .. auarantee TOWUTS niRllM. A 1 POrtisUld, OlfifOii J7 A