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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1904)
It is Bad nouR'h to Lack Schools Cut it is Criminal to Lack Schools for Which Taxpayers Have : .... j.. OOD EVENING", . 13.310 OF THE JCLT!AL YESTtAY WAS Tonight aad Wortnday.- fair; aorta to east win. VOL. I1X NO. 164. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1901 PRICE FIVE CENTS. IJsaniaf I. BATTLE IS EXPECTED . Frequent Skirmishes Be tween Russian and ' : Japanese Guards. , .i.7; DANGER OF STARVATION Bepirtt Ttot Cbliese Troopi Are Cot- ccitntlni Aloot Um River b . Caoslnf Rosslai Aatborl- ;VVYX Uei Hod Cancers, i j "'. ' i -'- , , ; . .?' tXeorsal Ipwtol Servlet.) London. Sept. I. A general battle Is expected between, the tralM of Kure natklu and Oyama which It faoing each other south of Mukden. That hi th mot recent now, contained la a report (root General XCurokt'a haadqoartara, r eeived by the Kxcheng Telegraph to day. Tho dispatch aay that klrmlsh Ing twtWMO th Russian roar guard and Kurokl s advance poets which haa been coin on in desultory taahloa lno tho battle of Liao Tana-, la becoming much genre Sro endfrqunt of lata, News from afukden is that tbo Rus sian tooops quartered hi that vicinity an to deplorable oondtUon and actually . la dangaa of atarvtag. It la aaid that a much of th supplies rushed out of Llao Yang waa hurrlad away to the north :t that an tenfflclana quaaUty of food I t haa baajqlaft for tha actual -aaaaa of tbo troopa. - ' - oanorai Koropatkte tm m roport to 91 rataraburc. thla morning aaya that h haa raoairad no awa of any onvaaonunt ;. today. H.raporta. howavar, that eon Morabln foroa of Jananooe la novlnv klloaiatara aDu$hoat of afukdan, la th dlroettpa of th aaoantatna. - Thla ta takon ta aa poaalbly a furtherfar of th . fUakinc aaovoaMnt, v which ndlltary - ' autharuiaa hr now ntln no doubt - Oyaana. la aaoratly oxaentlnar during th -v. dayn hi which hlo army la lylnc dppar ' ontly torpid, and oxhauatad. - Oonaral Curopatkln'a dlapateh ala r-; ponta that th Japan are oonoantrat . loa; at Yuan Pine almost dlractly aouth of lfukdon. Oaaaral afofopatkia hi anally nnafed : - In raaraanlalna; hla army, th abattarad i , oondltlon of which w only now boom " Ina raaltaad, now that Ha battnrod baf- -,"r"tailona ara sallta tha roll and aavnttnr !' thatr fanrful loaaaa. Th man ara u donbtadly damoraJlaod by th ratraat r and wrythlna; poaalhl la bains' dona to ;' . rator thatr aplrlt. - , It la baaittnlnv to ba aoapoetad that , , th raporta that Kuroptkta would aban don Mukdan without a blow war ptir ' poaaly mlaladlna;, and tha Ruaalaa tn aral ta planalnc a aurprla for tha Jap b anaaa on thlr naxt adTano.- A oonald rabl' foro haa bean atatlonad at J TMln so that In eaao of dafaat th - Haa tana may not ba routed but may ' have a pleoe of rafaao within oompam tlTaly oaay raaob. Tha cenoral ataff at At. Patarabury danlaa tha roport that' Gnral L4no- - Tltch la adTanclna; from Vladlroatok to Out Kurokl'a line of communication. Th Ruaalan war offlca dantaa th tory that l,0O mm of Oanaral Xaa ' aallteh'a fere hav bn oapturdt alao tho Tokto atory that dumdum bullata ' War aaod by th Ruaalana at Llao 4- Taaa - Raporta thai China troona ara ' aonoontratlna: In th rally along th Lion river la causing oonaMarabla aon aara In St Pataraburg. ... It la etatod offtctaJly alao that there a no truth In the rumor that Prince - . Ukbtonwkp had bn abof for dleobo - dlane to order of th eaar not to ra ta m to Port Arthur after hla aortl of - 'J August 10. . Th prlnc. howarar, may . rooallad. . : . , (loareal tparlal aervka.) 'T ' ' Iterilo, Sept. It. The Prankfort Oa . aetto aaya that Russia haa ordered aa -' Aiaarloaa' Arm to construct IS aubma rlno boats of a w hn proved type, whtoh ara of a ala that wllVatnk read- Uy. They ara to a U fast long with a r'- oarrying oapaclty of -thrae man. Tha u Brio la aald to ba 100,0 each. ' . i. ' t r- flemaal - smaa.y , Washington, Sept. li.-rTh stat de ne rtmant baa. received th following eablegraa from United State Minister Pinch at Montevideo, Uruguay: Ser vU. the military leadar of the revolu tionary fore, la dead.4 I N C EN DIARY F R E . ; " - TAKES SEVEN LIVES V: ' (Merml Special Srrvlm.f . - Nw York. aopt. It. Seven live war loot. Ave persona ware eeriooaly tn- Sired and a soors or more lea badly urt 1a a fir which Satrord a tv story tenement house la First street bore this morning. Ineondlarlea ara bel laved to hav ftred th building; because ftamaa were seen bunting from th three upper atorle almultanoouely about i o'clock thla morning whoa all la tha house war aaleop. Th alarm wa given at oaw and aasaer rushing la aroused th house by their fries. Saveral men tried to reach tha third floor, but were unable to stand Hast una waU af Ax and amoha thax IIIISCilOOL iS JAMMED So Much That Another New BuHding WUI Be ' J Necessary v MORE SPACE IS fiEEDED fie Room Hew Ii Institute for Spria CiDuidates SeeklD CoIIeeiate ' TnlBlBf fiellef wm Btvete v .Coae at Early Date. Portland must have another high hooLThe prassnt buUdlna; la already taxed ta-Ma utmost oapacUy and tho n roflmant la Increasing to such an extent that outside quarter will have to b aa cured before tho year end or pupils de nied the prtvllaca of high school court Thla morning there war MO student enrolled and many additional ones en- tared during- th day. It to expected that th total enrollment tor thla term wlU snow th l.tOO merit, making Port land' Institution on of . th Urgent Ugh aeboola ta point of Mtandanoa on MOT UIIW BiaMi - .... - v Th popularity of the achool hag reached beyond tha bound of- thla elty. Rosldanta off other eittos ara taking ad- vantag of th neUnt facilltle offered by th high aohool and ara sand ing their ehlldrmt to Portland to gat aa aoadoaOo odiMation. Of thoa who hav nroUad, tbar are great amsy noa- realdant gtudenta Prlnelpai Davla tatod thla morning that at least U of h now atadontn do not reside In Portland. . What will ba dan with th elassis which will enter for th spring term la a quaatloa whh I being discussed by those In tare tad. There will not be room la tho preeent bfllldlnrf to aooommodat any more pupils, fdr avarytlng la filled. Additional room has .to ba eourd aomowhar. . Rand ft Raw Seaool Rowaa. ' ' mn ara agitating th aropoaltton of Miiiding a nw high school on th east aid of th liver to aooommodat. tha students residing In that section of th elty. Othara advano tho plan of build ing another atruetur near the center of the elty and dividing the sexes, using on or u buildings for a boys' high aohool and tha other for a girls high aohooL Thoaa Interested feel that tha time. has oom whoa eome action regard ing anotner acnool la imperative, In spaa king of th situation City Sup erintendent of School Frank Rlgier siatea m is morning: Tu probabilities ara that during th spring term th high achool building will not aeommodate ha students who enter. It will be necessary for aa to us aom of the unoccupied room la either th Park or tho Atkinson achool butldlnga for those entering high achool classes until tha and of tho year. - Mat Re More Roam., ' - It sea ma vary likely that aom per manent enlargement of high 'school faollltla either by building aa addition to tha present structure or by oonatruot lng another high school building will hav to ba eonetdered." Principal Davla of th high achool stated that the building would be Ailed this term and that aom arrangement had to be mad to aeoommodate thoa entering for the spring term. H ex pressed himself a not being in favor of building another school, but enlarging tho old atruetur If thought practicable by architects. Reports from tho various schools throughout the city today show an la creased attendance Over yaaurday, and many of th class ara up to the stand ard in numbers. Report hav bom In from Brooklyn a bowing an enrollment. of Mt; Sellwood, MP) Ockley Oreen, MT. . Work la being rushed on th Atkinson and Ladd schools but la all probability It will b two weeks or longer before they are ready- for - occupancy.- Tha seventh, alghUl and ninth grados of tha Atkinson will be .tha only one which will most thla week. Thoa elan are reciting ta thd portable rooms at th Couch aahooL The Portsmouth aohool will not open before Monday. In all th other schools th elassee war fairly wall organ-sag today and th work of th term begun. ' : : " K -,; - v ooofronted thamt ' Th atalreaa dsrved aa a fla and waa naalaaa within Ave mlnutaa after th Are started. Many woman and children war reecoed by ladder. Through th Are people ould be aeon aa th upper floor waving thatr handa and evidently screaming for help, which asuld not be given thorn. At least three parson are known to hav Jumped from th building. None of them wa killed, although on may die. r All th dead were found la roam In th upper thro atorle. Th dead1 are Anton Coonowita, Ami Oonnowlta, hla wife, their twin babies thro weeks old, - Anaonto Truasevlts. Antoato JUiecaj and a anldeaUned ' '" ' 17 v CRUIdKR NEW YORK, FLAGSHIP. 4 r - , , RUMIAJf T SCHOOL ACCOMODATIONS NEEDED FOR 2000 CHILDREN Mora th 1,710 achool children of Portland war excluded from th priv ilege of attending-the public schools at the opening of th fall Una yesterday, and mora xre reoefvlng bat half a day of Inatructioa. Thla stat of af fairs 1 tha consequence of th Inexcus able failure do oom plate repairs and al teretlone upon a number of tha aohool building before the term opened. . Partial relief mar ba give next Mdn day. If tbo prom lea of th auparrlslng architect. Thomas J. jone. are fulfilled, but over 1.90 children wlU be unable to attend aohool at all for at toast a weak and poaalbly even longer. Indeed It may ba doubted whether all af the children enrolled last year mn b fully aooommodated before Ootober 1, and weeks must elapse before th additional accommodations that are to provide for tha Increase in aohool population ara ready for occupancy. Many of th children will b palled to begin th term at, aohool re mote front Chair homes and In crowded quarter. The organisation of classes for the year will ba seriously retarded and thd result af th delay oaanot but ba demoralising. ' .1 Only tho groaaeat neglect could havo brought about such a condition. Th work which was to ba don upon the achool buildings during th summer va cation waa alT of such a character ghat H oould hav been completed easily be fore the opening of tho fail term. Th Polleeman Ol Nelson, who wa wounded by Chart aa W. Walton In an at tempt to hold up a Twenty-third street oar September 1. declares that ha owe hi llf to a heavy gold watch which h carried In hla vast pocket at th time be wa abot. He stooped down when he rushed Into the ear In the face of th young bandit' revolver, whtoh was at onoa pointed In Ma direction. He Moopod so low that th first ball grased hla breast and, ranging down ward, struck his watch. Prom It tho hall waa diverted and Inflicted only a alight Saab wound. Rut for the watch he believe It would oartataly have pen etrated a vital spot. To officer's vest waa powder-burned and the watch waa blackened and slightly smashed by the buUet. , . . . - : Retoon Ten Story. For th drat time alnoe h wa wounded two weeks ago Officer Nelson was able today to give a detailed account of th part h played la th affair. Lying on hla bed at Good Samaritan aospitai n talked slowly and somewhat painfully and grew excited aa he spoke. There was nothlna of braggadocio In his atory and there wa nothing to Indicate that b realised he took tne part ox a hero In risking hi llf to do hi duty. Ha declared, however, that ba waa of the BMtnun that ha had dona th com munity a service ta ridding It of on of tho moat desperate men he ever encoun tered. Ha fouatit 'despersteiy.- said ornoer Nelson la telling of th encounter with Walton. "So cunning waa he at th PRETTY CLOAK MODEL ENDS LIFE WITH GAS 1 v : ftomaal special tervlfe. New Tort Sent. 11. Over and ovr aaala th strain of- "Cavallerta Ruatl- oana," reproduced by a gramophone from an orchestral rendition, floated out from tho rooms of Mary MeCoov a pretty young el oak model, on tho top floor of th apartment-bouee at Amsterdam avenue, tat yeeteroay evening, oniu finally the Instrument ran dowa and ta melody died away. Alto VeCuo, returning from work a few minute later, found her alater dead la th parlor of their bom, with th end f A tub la her mouth. She bad been lulled to her last Sleep oy tne smd. sweet note of bar favorite air. Th broken melody told of th enapping Of th thread of llf. NERVY MAN WITH GIN SAVES BANK 530,000 tfeuraal apeetal servkm) hrraanaa. Neb.. Boot. It. Cracksmen blew open th vault In thd- bank at Pal myra between midnight and dawn, -and a rich haul of . waa In , their graap whan they were driven away by a nervy man with a ahotgun. ; Then followed J tarUUai rao log If. sail aoros th OLE NELSON OF THB AMBRICAN SQtTADROIf WHICH IB KBBPtNO AN STB ON THJt WARSHIP LENA IN SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR, . , t . . ' contractors wr bound by their ouo trncte to hav th work finished la am ple tlma. .. T. J. Jones, th architect employed by thd achool board to supervl th work, lays tha blame upon th mill men, who, he says, failed to supply tha mill work la time. - Th mlllmaa repudiate tha charge and aay that they hav been ready at all twines to- furnish all that wa required, aa fast aa demand waa madav upon them. Tbo oontraetora de clare that she architect. Jones. 1 hfm- haelf responsible for th delay, and they aay that their work haa been constantly retarded because of his failure to supply detail and specifications. Contractor must pay h penalty of flO a day for each day that th work 1 un finished beyond th data set for comple tion hi their contracts but this penalty wltt ba no compensation for tha great pubHe tnoonvanlano which baa been caused i Superintendent Rlgler hope that th old port ton of tho Park school will be ready for oecupaaey next Monday. The, pupil will probably meet tomorrow and class will be Organised but It 1 doubt ful whether any effective work can be don that aitk. aa th flooring has not yt been completed and th plumbing In th basement ta unfinished. Nearly Hd pupils war enroll ed to thla aohool tost year and as yet none of them haa begun work for th fail. Th portable building used; last year must ba m- TELLS BATTLE leu earae time, though Aghtlng ferociously, that he told u he was abot, ao that w wouldn't Injur him.. X waa on top of him when be abot me the second time, and I reached for my gun. I said to the crew 'I'm shot.' The kid got wis In a moment and ha said th same thing, though be waa th only on who had even tried to use a gun. Row H Peel to R Shot. : ' "Whoa I threw myself on him we fought our way out to th rear plat form. I throw him to th floor and aud denly aw a gun. I don't know how be managed to get hla arm In position to una 1L But suddenly ther waa a flash, than I felt a suddea pala and heard a muffled report. I distinctly felt the ball aa tt went through my body. I grow weak and called to the cannon to get my revolver. 1 had dropped out of my peoket In th souffle. I didn't want to use It unless I had ta ? 1 felt dlsxy and sick and flt my hold relaxing. Thing began to awlm and th young follow laughed, I believe, aa a felt b waa getting out of my graap. But whan I called that X waa hot th motorman and conductor Jumped on him and on of them asked If he must klU hlav ; ; , . "He looked hist Ilk a boy, bat fought savagely all th way down to tbo hos pital on the ear. When they carried me up to a bod and removed my clothe he waa atlU lighting and aom on hap pened to notice th handcuffs I bad la mr Docket. They took' them and man acled th hand of th young fallow. ooufltry by the robbera with a noaaMn oiose pursuit, but they escaped. ' Th explosion when th men blew open the safe awoke W. H. Wheeler of th telephone company. He fired both bar rel ,f a shotgun at the robber, who were about to carry away tne ooaieaia of tho safe. ' Th cracksmen, two In number,' did not attempt to get th money or defend thcmsslY hub took to their hoi. 4 STEAM WHALERS ARE SURROUNDED BY ICE (Joerea! Sseelet Service.) New Bedford, Sept. IX. A tottor dated July1 IS, from Mat Bartlatt, of th ateam whaler Alexander, poetmorkad Barrow, Alaska, th moat northerly postal station of th United State, says that th whaler were then awaiting a chanoa to got around Point Barrow to th eastward. ... . Th vessel were surrounded by pack loa 4 feet thick. Th eatch of tha fleet waa but a donta whale. All lgn In dicated aa early winter, and th vessels ar likely to be froae In. X SRXW -.... .. IJeoraal spealsl SerrKe ) ' Prederioharuha, Sept. 11. Prtno Her bert Rlsamrek la In a critical eondltlon. Counteas von Rantscaa. hla sister, has been summoned to Join th rest Of th family at hla bdsld - Ployed again until th repair upon tha achool building ar oomplated. Of th to pupllb enrolled last year ta tha Atkinson school, not mora than one quarter are now attending classes. Thoa pre reoelvpng only half a day of tuition, at th Couch aohool. Architect Jonea aaya that tha old portion of tha Atkin son aohool will b ready naxt Monday If th flooring la oomplated. Soma of th room la th Brooklyn achool will ba ready next Monday, but other will not be oomnletod for a week from that time. The I children who attended thla aohool last year ar re- toolvlng half day tuition, being distrib uted between th Stephen school, two portable buildings nd th Lee chapel annog. " - - - - - Th ehltdren of th Clinton Rally and th Portsmouth schools ar receiving no Inatructioa whatever, and . eannot be eared for befor on week from next Monday, at th earliest In th Clinton Kelly school 40 pupUs were enrolled last year and In th Portsmouth 160. All of the children must loa at least two weeks ; of schooling gad probably more. , It tt Nradeirtablo hat tf th work aport th aohool building' had bean vigorous ly prosecuted, all of them would hav beea ready at th opening f th fall term. Publl Indignation haa been thor oughly aroused over -4he- delay la com pleting repairs and there is strong demand that th reaponalbUlty shall be definitely nxod. . . - STORY and la that way got htm Into th wagon. "I boarded th oar at Twenty-third and savior atreet. Th motorman and I talked about holdup a w mad Ue trip out. He told me he had been en a oar that waa bald up a abort tint befor wb I waa an my vacation. I oaUed hla attaatloo to th young fel low who ran alongalde th oar oa our return. He bad a bandage over hi yes. but I thought It waa somebody with a aor the." Officer Nelson's wounds are gradually healing. He I abl to move freely la bed and declares that within a week he will go to hla homo. ' HI ohyalctans. however, hav not eoassnted to that ar rangement. '- Wathan Amnions. Charles W. Waltoa waa arraigned be fore Presiding Judge Oeorg In th oir- oult eourt thla morning and given until tomorrow to plead to th charges of assaulting Policeman Nelson with a deadly weapon and robbing XCmanual Johnson, a streetcar conductor, while armed with a deadly weapon. H waa rep recanted by Attorney Henry St. Ray nor. Th prisoner wag visibly affected by tha ardeal and hi Angara twitched nervously. H waa very pal Immediately after the' arraignment and befor be wa led from th court room by a sheriff's deputy his mother buret Into tea re and threw her arma around on hack. She accompanied htm to th ooanty jfl and bad a abort eoa f are no with him therm ' Mr. Walton will return to Saa Francisco tomorrow. AFFECTS OWNERS OF STEEL SKYSCRAPERS fOvVffwil Bpttvtel bpottIcs Chicago. Sept. fit. Two suit which may affect th owners and. builders of stool skyscrapers throughout tho coun try ware begun today la Chicago and New York. The on bar la dlreeted against th National Safe Deposit com pany, which la tha owner of th First National Bank building, now In oourso of construction. Th suit la New York make aa tha defendant a oorporation known aa "sixty Wall Street" a the owner f th building of that number. Th suit Is Instituted to establish th olalm of Leroy S. Bufflngtoo, a Minne apolis architect aad th Inventor of th preeent prooeee of constructing build ing with a steel skeleton, to secure damage from thoa employed la con structing by thla method. He assart that all person erecting such buildings laf rings on hla patents. 'r (Bseehtl Ptsjink ta Tha JteenaM ' ' Tasteouvar, B. C. Sept. it- Aa ob struction was placed on the track near Hammond last night with th evident Intention of wrecking th Canadian Pa ct fto traneoaqtlnental paaeewger train. A freight train passed ahead of th pas senger, and cleared the obstruction with out serious results To railroad I now belof nativitod. "-s I WITH W A I TO M J asa tr -am7 C WARSHIP TO REMAIN Washington Permits the Lena to Make Repairs In San Francisco. JAPS THREATEN, SHIP -vr- Close Gist MaMalnet U See Thit - She U Not AttKktd likely RetMlaSJx Week, Before i ' Ske CwPuf te Set.- 'r' Ubaraal Special aerrlee.) Washtngton. Sept. Th Ruasian ship Lena will ba allowod to remain to San Franotos harbor until osasgry repairs." eblafly to her botlers, ar saada. That means that she will lie la. the Amerioaa port about six wreaks. Tha mo ment tho repairs ar completed mark the beginning of th St hour limit within which, a a foreign warship, ah must toav th -neutral 1 port of Saa pranctooo. Thla to th decision of th navy de partment mad this morning oa receipt of a report from Mr. Stratton, ootleo- tor of tho port of Saa Pranolaoo. Un der Instruction from Washington Mr. Stratton bad aa examination made of the Laaa'e bo tiers. Inspector Bulger, who did th work, aald that It would tax six wceka work to bring tha Ien tot con dition to put to sea. An noun cement -Of tha decision mad by th United States was authoritative ly made thla morning by Captain PUls bury. ass latent ohlef of th bureau of navigation, after a conference to th tat, department with noting seoratary of atat Ad and Judge Penneid, aollo- Itor for th stat department. Cantnla PUlsbury saidl , -Under th tow th Xja must b permitted to make . aeoceaary repair. Anything, however, m th nature of re pairs beyond thoa absolutely necessary to make bar aea worthy, may ba pro vented by th authorities.' It la understood that instructions have beea Bent to Captain MoCalla of th United States squadron now In San FYanoleoo harbor to see to it that no other, than necessary repairs ar mad. Th navy department oonatder itself re sponsible for any foreign warship la aa Amerioaa port. and. Issued . Its. order without considering either th- depart ment of commerce, tha treasury or th stat depastmenta. (leer sal SaeetU servtee.) ' Saa Pranciaoor Sept. IX. Tha 14-hour limit within which a ahlp of a foreign country at war asay 11 la a aaatrel port had alspeed this morning befor orders war reoelred from Washington by all the various ropreaentdtlvea of depart ments concerned that th Lena waa to be allowed to rental a ta port until aha could be put Into aea wort by oondlttoa. Th Russian steamship Iena (her of Aoers call bar a tranaport, but aha ha tt gun mounted on her decks) Is nuk ing preparation thla afternoon to go Into tha dry dock at th Union iron. works, There repairs on her will be pushed with all speed. It la understood that a constant guard of marina from th erulaer New fork, flagship of th L Amerioaa equadroa here, will be main tained. This . guard will serve th double purpose of preventing any crank from inflicting damage oa th ahlp and making aur that the Lena receive none but absolutely neoeeeary repair.-' Th destroyer Paul Jones to follow lag th Lena about as a sort of body guard. Cant. A. T. Berilnaky. In command of th Lena, explains her presence In San FTanclaoo thua; Th Lena waa sent to Vladlvoatok to tranaport troop home when th war should be over. Needing repair she wa ordered back to Llbau on th Baltic see. Chang of order waa secured and she oame to San Pranclsoo, the nearest port at whtoh aha oould be aafely refitted. A popular view Of th situation J that the Lena, plainly a merchantman oen vented Into a cruiser, was detailed to watch Paclflo water toward the American coast, as tho Smolensk and Petersburg were .detained In the Red aea, and to setae merchantmen from a Francisco, Portland and ruget Sound, bound for Japan with contra band of war, that befor . ah bad chance to do any active work ah waa disabled by an accident so her boilers. (Continued on Pag Two.) Tfatoed Siatos Padrot misma Rsrtot Snasd , i Ova Xtoaa. . - PUGILIST CORBETT v PUTS OUT THREE 1 Servtee.) i No York. Sept. IX. Jame , Cor- bott, sane aha mp ten pugilist, had ala full yesterday afternoon, whew ho went to th assistance ad Pollooman Roardoa of the Broadway aasjad who waa attached by four men In front of th HoRWn bouse. Siva aaaa came : of saloon aad one-tried to tab whip from hman Policeman Reardon arrested a man named Norrtx who ree'"d and Reardon knocked down. wno a - Hon t a FOR HOTELS Present Accomodations Not Sufficient For r Daily Traffic. WHAT ABOUT FAIR TIKE? v. Softest!, h lade That AftwUtlt " BnIM oi hs4de ' Im ft WtoK -Wlero Sitaitloo SMewbit Th most asrlous prnMsat that eon fronts Portland today Is th cueatioa of hotel accommodations for tho Lewie and Clark fair next year.- aald Rd Khrmeu, nar of th Portland bona of Ma. son. Bhrmna Co. Mr. Ehrmaa he Just returned with his family from saoath's vacation at Saa Pranctoa. H waa Impressed with the way fla fraa olaoo took ar of th Knights Templar during th cone lav. Ther ware be tween l.0O nd . visitor In th elty, and they were easily absorbed. He aay Saa Franeleco'e hotel sooommoda tlona are Immense, and that a crowd Ilk this can be taksn la so easily that on would hardly know ther ware mor thaa tho usual volume of travel er to that olty. , X hav a groat many friend thero." aid Mr. Rbrman, "and vry one 1 saw 1 coming to th Lewie and Clark fair. I really believe that half of Saa Pran ctooo will com. If they can be accom modated. But. It to already well known over the country that Portland haa very limited hotel accommodation, and un leaa thl to overcome It will hurt tho attendance at tbo fair. It to up to th exposition management to do something, and at onoa. It would be better to hav no fair her than to bring thousands of people, who will com and have them disgusted because they oaanot hay pleasant aooommodat lona" A. XX Charlton, asalsteat general pas senger agent of th Northern Paelfl railway, to emphatically of th opinion that th fair management will hav to take action, aad that tt should be don Immediately. It to oom mo knowledge that Port land's hotel aoeommodatlona hav been inadequate for a long tlm to tak oar of th ordinary travel- through thl olty," -h aald. "With thl condition now, what ar wa going to do even with few thousand extra visitor? Th situation In Portland is becoming known over the country. People who eome her now en a tour ar unable to get good rooms hi a hotel or room with bath. Aa soon aa they learn thla they eomo back to th railroad wfftc and ohang their reservation from thro or four day ahead aad go out f th elty th am night. Tbey hav been dotes; this for th Mat two years. Every hotel In this city right now to full, and th eity to badly la need of another big Arst-clasa hotel to accommodate the regular trafae. Th question la up to the fair management. I think a hotel f l.Ot room should bo built to tho exposition grounds. It should be advertised and run In con nection with one or all of th present hotels. If It were placed In charge of an experienced and well-known man It would b a decided sueci from th -start.' A. L. Craig, general passenger agent of tbo Oregon Railroad and Navigation company, wa equally posltiv that Portland haa a vary grave alius tloa tt face. - ' -The elty ta up against R," h aatd, -and th only thing to do to to- threw open the homeo of th city aad tab ear of tho visitor ta that way. Ther must also be hotels built. I hav beea trying to agitate thl question for th last year. It to Immaterial where th hotala ar built. Th Inside ma Idea W all right, and hotel down la tha elty ar close enough to th fair ground ta serve svary convenience. Something should bo don Immediately by th fair , management." ' f PORTLAND MAN KILLS HIMSELF IN 'FRISCO (geeetat twm to Tea XearaaL) Saa rranotsco, Sept. If. Th body ad tha man that asphyxiated himself tn a local rooming house yesterday waa iden tified thla saorning aa that af t Paul Zwlekar, a mualolan. recently front Portland. II was despondent on ae count of Inability to secure employment. attempted t get their friend waf from him. Reardon was to bad stre Wha Corbatt lumped out of the ar- s aad proceeded to aid the pollee- w Corbatt showed he bad not torm, a bow to use his date. Wntte the - rested axaa aad one of hu I lee I t) aolicoman buev. U-.e m " Ur ait io ' In a t e me p