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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORfLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1004. IS ' lUnJIil' rT "I '1 mtm I 'i'BEBSB - totered at th jpoetofftee f Portland. Or. for tnnaiwrUttN through Ik OMUa 88 1 Peotase far alBfl oopieai Fee aa A 15 HP neper. I at: II h 10 ptfM, t WW 1 et nags COStf, If. fi. VSLXTHOim. a ' Office Main DOft. '"f vi..i nn M.iia ana. ' nuni 'inmmiM immitiTm. Vrreland ftensamla BpecUl Advetllng M' 100 Nuui HnM. hew Terht WMiW- ntnounioi bath. The Daffy awntl. wit Bundey, X The Journal, with Sunday, eette. 5JJ The It.1l lnnm.1 arirh Rundav. I tM. " The Pally Journal. 8 months . . . -jS The Datlv Journal, with gnmlty. 1 J-"-; ;:y- - us The Daily, M mii! telfestwa. nads? es asp tod ..,.. Ihm lir iuh. ih, kiulai t mmm., .B7T. The Dally Journal. 1 rw i"'2i" sen The Dally Journal, with Banter. asnnttel The Dally Journal, t Month. Th Dally Jonrn.t. with Sunday, " i-V, 'Th Dally Journal. month , .... tim naiiy Journal, wiib nununy, , i ne lmi it journal, i avDii. ..-- The Sunday Jom-uat 1 year..l.... fS Tte Beam-Weekly Tte fejori-Woehiv Journal, 5 to eeeh tarn. Iltaetratod. Ml awrfe Pert. 1 tn Tfea Waaidy Imml . Tfc Wrklj Journal. 100 polnaitsi l am, rsprvaa arwra. imi muimu - wrtw a. fw T nal wte W W , wb ftr tte TOmaaar c ? fcnru te thrm ta any aoar- Ab. u.imkI bi tta am VMMMM TKS iWMIAl. VAT M rOVirB. Th. Joaraal aaa to tmm m lewtsc placa: " B R, I DA HO Ptaaaar bMk ttMm. CHICAGO PastoffiM Nrwa oeapan7. in In-- ftBNVKB, OULO. KMWJrti Book A tT!? fc iWeffe and Cnrtto ctravta. KAWSAB MTT hay Jf- i . mi t-i m brfM Kl ffnaVk Bprtac ftrwti Ottrcr' H ail. Ruruua-a au amam frwORK CTTT SrwtaaVa, MM irisn uanra aiawa cdbiibbi. . OMAHA HlliM lMW ww t tlyttt StaUaatrr enmpany. 180B rrtiai tnt. a ULf LA KB CirT--kTm fcotal WW "tMl hrrow Bros.. S t aXwod -ttl-T LOtHS-Phlllp ltoad, 1S Local AN FRANCT8CO W. K. Ardlnc P""?!1 rtrt: M W. Pitt.. IMS M.r TACOA. WA8B-0aatrt omfT. UM ..- ATOT10B AALH rOKOaAOW. ,. Br W B--r A Oo.; Prt ttfj?" treat, at J p. m. BaU of aouaehold tarBlak-Inxs- flmrr Bakae A Co.. aacthmW. .. . . VXAXXXX EXTOET. Waathar randltloaa ana araml (arrcaat for Oracon. Waabltiatoa and Idaho Ovoaral rain ku awwrrtHl OarlDJj tba teat M boun ta tha aupar HlMllppl and tha lowar Mlaaoart al rTtba avprflakc raaiott, tba mlddla AUantle stutea aad U Tesaa. At San Antonio tba rain fall waa tmt 8:M Inchea bvlf rportad. Fair weathar rontlnoaa la tbe at s tea weat 'of tba Koakr lawwtalna. It ta togtJ thla mora ine alone tba coast front Cape Mandoelno to Cana FUttwjr, wttta llfbt to droaa smoke pra Tafla la tba Interior of northern California. Ore on. Waahtnctoa and Britlab OolnmbU. It a dumb rooler In noKbara Tcxaa, Oklahona. XaDaaa. IfUaourt Iowa, Mrbraaka and Wn tuHU SumI kllllnf froata ara raportad la tkw pkutaa. Wonaiag, . Jloataam and waa tarn Ifabraaka. The tndtcatknna ara fw fair waatber ta tM Olatrtet Thnradar. It win probaol? ho apolar toolnrtit tn tba Willamette rallty. , i Obaarratloaa atoned it I a. m. , ' " .- Max. Mia. - fftoe. Atlanta. M., ....... tW aktf City. Or....... " B"la. I dab , A3 Boaum. Maaa.. U CbarMtaa. B. C.......... M Clileavo. 111.. .. .... 11... Of TO 0 S 48 08 TO 48 80 0 ,18 .18 Cincinnati. OUa... SB 0 Burraa, ai. ............ . v rmm, Cml...., S flt-lfoa, Mont SO ndipanilancc. Cal..u... SI KallapelL Mont. .:..,.. BS Kanaaa Cltx, Mo...; 8S lwlatoB, Idaho. ........a 80 Ultte Rork. Ark BS Lm Anaalea. Gat SO NWOrWikKL SO Npw Vork. It. Y. S North Had, Waa.,.... 74 Omaba, Nrb. ......... ..... SO rhlladripbta. Pa w... TO Poratrllo. Idaho T4 Portland. Or .t ft , Boartivrf. Or........ TS Sacramento. Gal... ........ SS St. Louta, Mo SA Salt Lafca, Utah... ' 7S Baa Dlm. Oai..v. T4 Ban rraarHHo. Cal 04 St. Paul. Ulna M Bpohana. WaaAu... ....... T4 Taraxna, TTaah... TS Victoria. B. C T Walla Witlat, Waak 0 WaahlnatoD, D. G... TO Wliineniurra. NV...;...SS Tusha. ArU aT 50 .8 - 0 ,9 t .14 ( S 0 .SS 0 .01 0 83 aA ' 88 48 44 SS 83 T4 4 58 40 54 48 SB 04 54 88 54 41 88 48 SO 48 88 41 TO Baetaaater It, ' to Mr. and Mr. John . C O'RrW-n, at SIS BTarett atrnet, a tenyhter. Baftember IS, to Mr. and Mm. Charlaa H. lam'll. at 549 Hood atraet, a aon. riiumiDT t o mi. un mra. vmmBM aaoon. : BOA Sent Twelfth ntraot, n omv . , at OOMTAwIOVa WmtASTB ' aVptawhar tS. Mra. Oaore tewrenra. t.. St 740 naaate atreet. typhoid Cerer. . ;j .J MATVA, BrTtoinber 1. Barnard E. Raariltoa. afod moaton, at AVaaldo, Or., eauaa c bo tea In fantum. Burial at Lone Ftr crmetary. teptnnbar U. Arnold T. Mnhmn, arVd 1 year, at Bnaeoll and MUatedpnl'BrfnDa, taaae tmtaro -o1ltl. Itnrlal at rremitortam. " rVprember IS. Alexander Backer, ago 4 lUon. BarUl at Columbia comotary. . inBaaa---aSkaMan - ja Of bi a tort am aa Orecoa Cttp ear BJa. near fllwond; Bftodam, arlantlfle. aompleto. Cbaraea . Adolto, SUi children. f. Via! tor 8 a. m. ratlhA. on- rortUs4 CraawUoa aaooeUtlca, ' The Bdward Bolmaa TJndarUktas eoanaay. fr.eeral director, and ambalamrn. S9 Third atreet. Phone SOT. , f , J. P. PtnW A Son. fanarat dlrortore end embalman, have remored to Cbelr new eetab liityiient. ceraar Third and AUdmoa atroeta. BoUT phonoa Ho. , ' aVlW'Brrnee Q., fanaral dlroetors and em teimera, S Enoorti Lady aaat. Pteaa Bant 1088 BVILBTJia PXEXIT8. UofYatea. redarinc two- earary bnllfttnp; at aonthaal nrnor of Eweaatb nnd JnhtMon .traata; mot, WW. eoptamtwr IS. i. AndaroiiN. twe-atorr, SwalU tnc on nunhaaat enrner of Thirtieth and CUatoa .Mptniier 14. . O. laaaaon. am ranter of tMr tetweoa Etantoa aad ta. ntroato; eent, f700, - wHemiM i j-i- "", BJUX ESTATE TnAJTSTEEA. ;. ffjrnma tMrklaoon at aZ to A. IMcfclnapn. F rtb 14 faat lot 8, noatb IT feat lot block In. '.miner' Addition la Ua- raNiero' eddH1a $ 1 Portland Looe fir feanetecy ooenpany to Mra. O. W. Kliya. north lot ST, hh-eb M. Lone Kir aamat-ry SO Hb 1-aod mrupany to frsnHn I. Mf Kcnua, porta actloa f. lownohto, I north, ran 1 -. t. K Bn'tt nnd wife to Henry PVatea iHa, lota I, A toetootra, Moeh TA faitoa Pa'h ., I rlarmoa J Sw.) and wife to-Arvanade E nVma, lot 1A Hoefc 1, roadmen p- , ,, , , fjp Jt M, Naab wife to Pteate M. , bteeji . aaab-e --t i . fc'rUrti'tooi'i I 0B tM, . 30314 Washing too ? Stmt. a wmm w ; . . T Iroubioa thai anno o.l Bat -v. ivu in IBUUSLI uar An r Bat no BMtur , ' gow to OTiaowa au tsqubu a , Toor rt. yo prwoat Rfa and yaw oatlr. fntnra. and arythta w ha VJLm SZJ?' SfBtaaat tlalrToyaat and apt lit anadlasa. ah) h On craatoat maata of oerntt acUawa and naycnJe forea tha worid Am arar Aaoarn, Ula twoafcHlona ara atwaya o-rroM and na fail tn aonat tmay aa thaaaanda of no. taattfyv - - . f yj bfra to find tb.m. which will bo raraaVd w yoa. Ion wiU akw hn toul sow ta haa naa waatn and Manna aaOaflaS. Bow n vUaia roar abjoa ta Ufa or yoar aoart'a daatra. . . How to Utb haofn oA tn. Mot of mm Hfa and ha fortonato. Bow to obtain tAa paonay m wnat. And what yoa ara boat adapted for. Xalln what yo hara . alula niHuitlflA. IB za wow wan .a am manUM Anwmw H wTrhTTWWSS. 'SjnonAVXOaT, , BjOTS OOUatl s -. V BottWv knW onarreln. ranltna til arreM, rcanftaa tha nil infihH. mtwmm m. asadrwt Mtahnu Zlri lanxtetlo.. telJmT drapnt. matmymtae or ramuiaa, tong may ba roar troabl JmahMoa men at mud cradao of Ufa. BATISFAaTIOM GIVEN . , Tba Oao of ahopttciam hi aaroly taraloc uroainoo tn on wnai no oooa oy nomo otronao, p. --"1 . .. -JIT , tn aanh. wboaa power la, aoon la tho Urtm of natnra. thla woodrrfal and flftod maa "tra "a .TiJ" yoa look. Ilaton and wondVr. Tba doaoM of tan prophota and tba wlaa man of W ara odona Y'" iFs ".?ZL.??. of modarn tlmaa. From wboneo comra thU woniVrfnl powart Profoaalonal maa ard w omon ara jwaatrlffcaa, tha pMoU dnmfoundad. paoehlaaa. Had ba baaa horn Id tUnea of auiwatltlon work wonM ho claanad aa Uttln Inaa than Avlrnawn. Bw la mom ir nrotaooino whoV. tho matoora a xan tte team af of tha toady. mi. a tran.artTlr Taw.uita coote.tod wll7 HfTWaranca. damaa aoltn. dlTorooa, daoda. adntarearnld mlolaf atocka and alt financial dlfflcnltlo.. TmlT nrctt tte nKM p-ndlHg panAon elalma? ate.; talln wbathor yoa will netlra fair OMflna with partrfc follow to ba asweaoafnT wtera yoa ahall an and whom to avoid. If yon Intend to mate any prlWtr 7 bTSS iteTn? finVunt JteiTdoa't faO to coooalt Str Frond. Urate. . tteaMM of doIUra nnd a mat deal of Remember, yoar proapeeta of today may ba yoar Occult Wonder. Ahrara Coaaalt the Boat. farmaaintiy meaUd. Bonn -: : SIR FRANCIS DRAKE v 303J4 WASHINOTON ST. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. IMMIMMIIIIItlMIMIMIIIMMIIlilintt T---- 1 nad S. Work 8. Marat Qatar addltwn' .. y 1 Oreaon A California company to Eppto Androwa. lot J. narnoa a, rownnnip '" nouthr run S oaat, eontalalnf A-48 acraa , ... 54 United Btatea to Bamnal tamberooa, S14.S acraa tn townablp 8 nortb, ranya 1 weat. Henry Bbo and wlfa to WUer 0. Wood atr. lot 8, NoaS 8. - Uoiiaoay ran addition 1.180 not von tnnnranea and abatracti to real catata from tte Title Guarantee A Traat oom- pany, Cbamber of Oomnterce naUflinx- SALVATION ARMY . MAN IS WANTED A' man, un V t-owoom, nniujro.. AABrra " at IQAjra IQIIOTI ' ABOUT wobti av ABTiaua. (Bpedal tXrpatrk to Tbe JonronL) Central la. Sept. 14. Knalan John W. Khur of the Balvattoa Army, ta wanted bT th eairtmlB of th Jooal branch of that o reran iaatlon. Klna; came to Ceo- t raj la a few weeka wo from London, nsivianit tA tip un the Americans. Be flrsf Vnlned oon t derliWe notoriety Is this city by Wa efforts to have tn steam merr-ao-round, .whloh had lo cated Itnelf just outnld th Bjnlvatlon Army hall window, atopped. He went to Ateywr Elmmsr and de manded that he Inetruct th merry-o-round Deonia to move to some other lo cation, bteyor Zlmroer refuned to have anythlnn to do with, .the - matter and Klna painted A number of sign on tha hall windows, each of which reflected upon th mayor's character. A few daya ago Klna borrowed A In rare number of magic lantern slide, a wheal and a lot f other Articles with th in tention, he nald. of giving an entertain ment at Ch aha lie. it waa aoon learned that ha never atopped at Che halls, but wa traced to Portland, where fa epnnt on night, Th value of th article King took w about 400. King ta a man a little be row th me dium height With brown curly hair. He talk with a decidedly Bngllsh aocnat and is a good oonveraatlonallat. . - Special SLtouli Car. . Monday. Oetobar t. the Q. R- A- M, will run a apeolaJ cotrrlnt car. Portland to At. Louln. partlcularg of C W. Stinger, city tlckat agent. Third and Washington etreeta - - -- --" THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR ? D. SINGLETON Th famona doctor has saved Many. Mvea from opera tlooa He euro all dis- of man and women. rhaumatlam, ne li ra! gin, kidney dis ease, stomach dla aeee. etc., by th us of roota and herbs, enpedatlr prepared for each kooo All Ataoo.ikB F 1 BuooassfuUy treat- tT i d with powerful """B1"1"-1 Chinese herbs, roots and Dunce that are entirely an knowB to Aedlosi scMoo la this ovb k' consultation free Pattmts out of th ertty can be ourdT- at home. Writ yoar symptoms fully. Addreaa lUigletoa Chinese rfcdklM Ca. B4 BT. rourth St. Sot. OomoA and nTmZB alde Btreeta. Portlsnd. Orajfoev cuaia VtlltlMaia ABB hit oM B all Pfwatwtela. . rwuntwr MEN AMD WOMEN. TJoa Big for nnnotnral glee h.rcaa 4a Sam m atlona, IrriUUaaa er nlcaratloae af mucosa memnreaas. V.I.Ua ud nmt mmiMm- , goat er poiaonona. 1 ShnMaar . or bmI la ptola wrapper, by eipreaa, propold, far J SJ 48, orlbottlfaSIT. teesntor an an aaaasaai WrmVVm'l JWtennen - Of liriF M ( I Bill I II I ... Al wdf a tiX.'.eTj m 9 tturUtmr. " B 9 " ' -"frwEvaartuiM 1 BsihmmA- IMIimm ITTTTT Claitoyant i ISpirit Medium Pal rri 1st W: ; 1 A COMPLETE LIFE 41U READINGS FOR For 7 Days' Only . H Wm teO Yoa Your Tun NaUM Age' Occupation, and Whom an4 Whan You Will Marry. - !..- am m mmttaMmt to. ninn. eniHnini n-f " . T T " " - .k.. troublw nay ha joa wtu aa tvM ok what imi trouhtoa may dona, what job nra doln now and what JS ar CIAtM AM1 DXTOBOS - - . . ' wWk nmara ratad, oaanra a apoody .nnd happy marHaffo with itea mlaea, laterpraU dee a ma. ttllo U Uwaulta, avarrtblos- Tte troubted and anrortunata nhoold M8kJ V' f' ?a",, d nlt - d by hU arforta; tbooaanda of heart mado ftad tbroonh bm truth Ml predlctlooa. J Z fira and wubaa. eall on thla ftttad atUman tomodUt5f. tHto partor. J1, X ralUbla Itifnrmatlon aa tn tte oatooma af fMara or naat taToatnaopta, and by Mhn i Uwwita overTthlDn. Tha troubled and aafbrtnnan nhouM oaek hl ooanoaj. OK NO TR ACCBPTKD, hy tha woodorral powar anaolayod of thki . . -.rtkaiiw AiniMurf ndlum fllea SSoaoTnr rtt)lT dTlood medium flha traa Ifkht of nannlaa nawar nhinaa triaaasbanc acintllUtlnc atov. oowaMixm auaUMJUM Am .ii.k.i. um imwtiM advioo aad farorautlBS an all suttari of tntararl trouble. fertaM toworrow If rlchfly ten died. alrlvelr no aanal on earth In bw pro from 18 a. am. to S p. k, Sudays toelndnd. MONTANA DEMOCRATIC ; r Convention meets ' 8paetol Diopatck to Tte SonraaL) Hfllona, HonW wtopL'lkTmH-Xiimm-eratlc ooavaotlon cajlad for tb purpose of nominatlns ntate tlckat snd pranl dantiai aloctora met bora this BXtornoon. Beyorul iMrfaetlsay temporary organls tion an4 tba appointment of tho usual oommltttea, little prosreM bss boen made up to a late hour today. . Th chief interest crater In the ques lton of seatlnt; tbe oontesthin; Helnse delecutlon from Butt. Th matter of fualoo with th Populists and Laborlte Is also attractlnr treat deal of at tention. Governor Tool wlU . uo doubtadly be ravnomfnated. - yZBAJftOAX. L BaUblBbed In 1SW.) a Oaaoral Banklna Bnainasi. OoUectlona made at all polnta ea farorablo tar ma. , Lattera of credit baud available la Aarone nnd all solata la tbe United Btatea. Slant Entente aud Telegraphle Tranafara oo Id oa New York, Waahlnaton,. CAIcage, St. Iala. Denver, Omaha, San Irenelnne aad Montana and Britlab Columbia. Exchange an id oa London, Park, Berlin, Prank fort, Boog Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Bonoinla. U STTTMB MTATBSJ BTATIOBTAX BABTZ, - - or ponTT.Airn. orxoom. BOETKWiaT DOE. THIRD AMD OAX STt, Trassseta Oaneral Banking Enataam, ' t) RAFTS IBSCED ' AvaUable ta all citiea of the United Btatea and . . Europe. Bong Kong aad MnnUa. , COIXEOTIOEa MADE OK PATOEAEXJI TZBJEf, Prreldant ...J. C AINSWOBTH Vice l-raeldt.t...7.v -W . B. AYMR Ctablxr..., W. BCHMBUB Aaateunt Oaabter .......A. M. WBIOHT nEtf MATI0MA1 BAsTBC r af WtMPtlnnd. Or. ' - Doatgnated TDepooltory and Financial Agent f UM vaiiea SAnue. President..... i -Li- r.hw J. W. MEWK1KK Amlatant raahlar W. a ALVORD Second Aulatant Oeehler". . . .' . . B. P. STEVENS Lattera ef credit Uaoed available t Europe and tte Eaetern' Btatea. HgM Brcnanga and Talagrapble TraBefaro aold on New York. Boston, ( St. Lawla. St. Paul, Ornate, San Frandaoe end tte principal polnta In tba North weat. Bight and time Mils draw Is earns M sett on London. T.rta, Berlin, Prank fort-oo-tbe Mala, Hong Kong, Yokohama. Copentegen, Cnrlatlanla. - Stockholm, St. Peteraterg. Atoe eow. Enrich, Honotala. - Oollactloai mado oa favorable torme. 1 I OBTDOET a BAJT TmAaTOTEOO BUUTat, L , rrbrTTEj. Chamtet af tteamareefcOanni, TWrd sad Stark Streets. Hand Ofses, BS Old Broad street. Lendoe. Tnls bank tranaacta a canoral banking bosl- naoa. makoa loanr, dlaconnU bllni and Inaoee letters of credit are! lab I for travelera and for tbe purchase of mcrchandlee la any dty of tte World. Deala In foreign and do me. tic excaanga. , Interest paid ea all tlne d-poalta. W. A. MACBAH, Manager. l. PKAKK WATSON .pTeei dent B, X. DrRHAM...".i..7i...T;.T.Tn3n-ITeaiaenr n W. HOTT Caahlar OBORnn W. HOT....,.....,AnrteUnt OaaUer , Tiassaeta a oaaetai awassag naamaai. DrafU and lettera of credit leaned available to all parts of tbe world. taWtlona a pactolty. Gold duat teagkt. SMCnrjAITT BATTMOXi Sj TBTJBT OO, 4 Blerrloaa at.. Portland. Or. TaaMa iH a General Banning snniaea. . SAVTVOS DEPABTMCirT. Tali eat Allowed on Time and Ba Tinge Desoetta. Art as Truatea for Batatea. Drafts sad atttera of credit available la nU parti er tne woria. AD AMB. .................. j.. .. President t.RWilt Pint Tke-Praaldcnt 0. F. AD, L. A. LE' t E MILLS. . v Second Tlxe-Prreldent JUBITX Secretary MOMsUSJ sora. a Offer glltdge gutdge wvaatmenu Ja maaiotpu Bsilroad Bend. Write er eall. :.1 tafH first at, Pertlasd. Oregon. MORTGAGE LOANS 0a Portland Baal Estate at Leweat Rates. Tltlee Inimred. Abatricta Furnlahed. TTTXM OUAJSABTTTBE A TBOMT OO. Room 1. her of Commerce, sAWISBrEVT FOB STWXE fM EAST TBTE- TT-FOTBTM STEEET. Notice hi teraty given that tte Cnwortl sf rhe City ef Portland. Oregon, at a meeting baM on the Ttb day of Snpteraber, 1804, declared tte ssaceamcnt by ordinance No. 14,102, for the eonatriM-tlen ef e aewer in aaat Thirty- fourth etreat from 00 raet north of tne north line ef Hawthorne avenue to a aewer la Eaat Thtrtv -fourth atreet at 50 feat aonth of the noath line ef Eaet Mala street In the man- 1 nro Tided .y ordinance no. 14.048, upon arch kit, part of tot and parcel of land, which ara anectally and peculiarly peneOtee. to be ss folio wa, via: SUNNSII'B WRCOIfD ADDITION BLOCET SS. lot 18, Bobert Lock tie. 4, lot . Botert Lorkhead, flb.Afi; aaat 1-8 .lot 14. Flarel L. Riimoar, giasft; eaet 2-8 lot 18, Flava I Sumner. 818 ; Weet 1-8 tot 14, D. L. Nlcfaol.. $200; west 1-8 lot 1. D. L. lUateaa, fUt, ALQCA 8A tot BL BsfAsaa F i4.4tt4jTa.M4.hl.M N Qarc UiUnsSatitv , factory ' YMcaikc Hra. or havav na any Hfa. or har ron any doanatla a " . - ' . . uasi aas raeam ta- fnvar sotsaT to dn. All' toad without aakUf a ' . tka mm mt mot rtnlro no oartn Mooahl tte ono of roar choleo. of yoar frloada and lemlaa. r raipoTaa d atraaanj sua.. ' bofora blm, baowtna; full woU that tbara bofora him. knowtnc fall W xaay oaab nna nun una u uanuaa tataroat tn toalnan T a and . . oaonilatloa d tn roll aQdwoL.tlo r Mtan Sf mmmm HrM ta know banteM yoa wtll etennaa or Mart .8 bnn nana, boy ot naU 4iaa may ha tte ananas t aria yoa taoamn.' Cat taw at to nonta mbitote to OTTT V0T1UBS. ' Bayer, 815.59: ' lot SB, Barman P. Beyer, 510.88: lot 18. Herman p. aorta 58.4 feet lot M. Anns Bcbnut, si.; north 58.4 feet lot 15, Anns Bcbmlt, ST.OO; 'north 58.4 feet !t IS, Anno Scbmit, it.7S; noutb 50 feet lot 14. Plorence C. Webatar, 11.00; Booth 50 feet lot 15, Florence a Web ster, 88.00: eoutk 50 feet lot 14, Florence C Wabater, 818.00; lot IT, Bunayslde Land A ImproTetneat Company, 815.88. aUNNYSlDE BI.OC1C fti tot 4. Haggle Oaeste mbihob,; tor a, !. unrry, eiu.wo, lot A L. L. Carry, 810.00; lot I. L. t. Oorry, lot r block at, lot t, wiinem M. Howea, 10.801 let A William M. Howes, 810.0O; lot William M. Howea, 810.80- lot 4, William Howes. 810.80: lot A Ooorea Shearor. 81.80: lot X. Gaorre Shearer. 811.30: lot 1. Qaorge Sheerer, 821.90. Total. t398.T0. A tatemant of aforesaid avaeaiment tea been entered la tbe Docket of City Uena, and la now due and parable at tte office ef tte City Treaanrer la lawful money ef the United Btatea. and If not nald within an dare from the date ef this notice each proreedlnss will. oe taken tor ta collect via eg im are provided by tte eterter af tte City ef Portland. Tte above ana earnest win tear farter est 10 eaya alter tte Orat pubucattoa of tbia notice. . , TB0S. a DIVUN, ' Aedltor of tte City ef PortlenA Portlend. Oregon, September 18, 1804. lPOaXD rMPEOTZMXJTT OF EAST BTAEZ BTEJOET. Kottee to hereby given that at tba maa ring or tne uooncu or tea Cltr of rWUino. ureson. bald on the Tfb day ef September, ISO, tte tol lowlns reeolntlon wae adonted: Beoolved, That tbe Council ef tte City ef Portland. Orea-on. deema It aznedlant and nro poaee to Improve Eaat Btark atreet from the center line of East Seventh atreet to tba center line ef Beat Ninth atreet In tte following mas ear. to-wlt: m 'j'- " Plrei By removing an loose earth, mad and debrle from the aur See ef tte etreat fall width with full Intamectlona. 8eeend-By redrrmlng tte Street fall Width with tun intareectieaa wits wnaaea nnar era ral. Third By eoeetroetlog ertitclal stone elda- walka In accordance with tbe City plana, epecilleatlona and eanmatae. rourtn hi conatructina Fifth Br eonetructliuT carte. Sixth Br eonetroctlns bos a utter. Seventh By con. true tins wooden aldewalfca la accordance with the city Englaeer'a plana, epad Oca tlooa and eatlmatea. Said Improvement to be made ba aceordaace with tha charter and ordinances of tte Cltr of Portland and tbe plana, aped fl cations and eatl matea of tte City Engineer, filed in tte office of tte Auditor ef tte City of Portland oa ttefttb any ef September, ism. mooned: "Cltr nnrtn eer'a plana and aped flea tlooa for the Improve ment of Eaet Stark atreet from tte center Ifhe of Rut Seventh itreet to tte coster Hne of East Ninth atreet and tte eatlmatea of the work to be doss and tte probable total eost thereof.' Tte coat of said lmnrovement to be aaeeeaod as provided by tte city charter upon the prop erty a peel a ivy Benefited thereby and which M hereby declared to ba all the lots, parts of lots and parreh ef land lying between a Una 100 feet nortb ef and parallel with tte Berth Una of Bast Btark atreet and a line 100 feat south of and narallel with tha south Una of Beat Btark atreet and between tne east line of Bait Seventh atreet and tba weet Ine ef East Ninth atreet. Tho Bnoinear'a of to nrohahla total Feeat .far the Improvement eft aeld Aaat Stark atreet la ai.X1B.D0. The above Improvement ht to be cussed aa a eravel rcDair Improvement and ahall be main talced br tte city for a Period of two yearn: provided, that tte ownera of a majority of tbe property Benefited ny a a id improvement er any portion thereof, ahall net petition for a new or different Improvement before tte expiration sf auch Derma. Tbe plana, epecMeaMeaa and eettnmtea af tte City Engineer for the Improvement of Mid Bart Stork .treat are herebr adonted. Rceolved, That the Auditor of the dty ef Portland be and he M hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed improvement ef mm atreet as provided by tte dty charter. Hetaona trances aaat oat. the above improve- went mar be Sled tn writ tne with tte under- etened wttbln SO daya from tte. data af tte Orat pablicatloa of thla notlee. - - - By order af tte Council. . - T1I08. C. DEVLIN. - - " " Auditor ef tbe City ef Portland. Port (end, Oregon, September 10, 104, ssaTtskmrc foe stwee n aleiva AVEEUB. i Notice to hereby aivea that tte Oeemcfi ef tbe City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on tte Tth day of September, 1804, dec la rail tte aaneaameat by ordinance Un 14,108. for 'ha construction of a newer la Albion avenue from 108 feat aonth of the south Una of Shaver atreet to a connection with the newer In Beech atreeti In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14,041, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are epaclsllr and peculiarly bene filed, to be as follows, via: Ml' LTNOMAB BLOCK 28, lot fl. 0 ear re W. Cummlnan, 818.80; tot S, Edward J. 0Dss. fl.30; lot T, Henry Moore. 818.80; let ft, tlenry Moore,; lot 8. D. A. Paine, B10.30: lot 1. D. A. Paine, 18 80. BLOCK te lot 15, Belle Fry, llO.SO: lot IE erlna A. OnM..glB.8o: north H tot 11, 0am brinaSvBrewlng company. 8P f ; south lot 11. Henry Berger. 80.85: lot 8, Oeorge Hurd. 818.110: let T, Oeorg, Hnrd, 18.80; tot 1 Christina Kirn, l.S0. CENTRAL ALB IN A BLOCK SO. let 1L Maod B. TlUman, SM.SOi lot IE Maud 1. Til Una a, 828.80; lot 18, C. W. Prteraoa, 848.80; lot 14, C. W. Peieaoa, 838.80; hit 15 William M. K11IlnsawortbL 82R.HO; lot 18, William M. KUIiugawortb, 838.80. BIjOCK 10, lot 8, Ida M. Cftnson, ISS.SO; lot 10, Ida M. Johnson. 828.80 t 11, Erik and Sophie Johenen. 828.80; lot It, Anna end Mario Dahl. 828.S0; let 15, Erik Johanaoa, 83H 80; lot 14, Ambrssa flaa teabeJn. 82 80. Total, 9K4T.2V A ataUment ef aforeaaid aanmamenl tee bees entered la tte Docket sf City Uena, and la new due and payable at tte ofnre of the Cltr Treasurer la lawful monei ef the United States, and If not bald wttbln 80 dare from tte date of tela notice each proceed In is will be taken for the collect I ru of tte same aa K provided by the charter ef tte City of (land. Tbe a hove asseeaasent win tear ' inter eel Kt daya after tte flrat ynMtcatlon of thla seties. THOa. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tte City of Portland, ' PertJnad, Oregon. Baptamter U ISO. KNOW $10 Compl BUDAH BERNIQUE Her parlors are erowdefJ dally by tha best people of Portland aaxloue to know their future. Budah Bernlqu's demon at rations of aeoond algbt muat be aeon to be believed. Ho be sure and aonsult liar at ocoa, - . , ., y rmaMi't TBaas a rmAontmrm , azdtxmTOTAjrr. . - . Known from ocean ' to ooean ' as th . , marvel of two hemisphere, -, , k kmvw fnarr wvtvwol .v.; OOH8TTLT AM IWPBRIOB MEDIUM WH EM MADAM BEENIQUB, THE ACEN0WL EiKlED LEA DBS OP THEM ALL. IB HBRB, AND HBB FEB NO BIOMEB THAM THOSE LABS CUM PATENT f , .: rmm nmmi vmrnai y . - 1 XT MOT OOEaBnOW. ' Be poatrlve am f ef any newer to tell tte seat, griaent and fatare and exactly what fee want to konw, that 1 win mate NO CHAEOBI MO OMABOBI nmni yea ebtota perfect satfefsetton end and to aaperlor ta all MEDIUMS. CLAJRTOXAMTS and PALM1STB ta thin etty. y Kim Wbeeler Wltoex, tbe nonteea, Budah aaved am nartona take. jtfae hi a Baarrel among mot women." tayet mnv "Rndab Bondeu la the beet nnd eat clairvoyant In tte rttf.' '-Chicago erd Herald of April U. William I. Br ran sent "Budah alene ta tte greatest telenttot In hat Ate has thoroughly eoevlaoed sea.' Bar- OKmwiu T. DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM 891 MOBRIftON 01TT, noioszs XMiEOTOmrr or albtea AFKMOK. - - '.v ; Notlee ta hereby given ttet et the BMetJag ef the Oonncll of tbe-Oty of- Portlana. Oregon, held oa the Tth day of September, ISO, tbe Beeolvod, That tte Conncll of tte City ef Porttan. wagon, oeama n e.p" prees to Improve Alblna avenue from tte north line of KHUnes worth avenue to tte sorts lino of West Piedmont, ta tte teihrwlag nmn- "n&Znr grading tte atreet fuO width with ron tntemecrJona to the era da ss aivea hp the City EnglDoer. Second By cooatrnctlng gravel Mdewajte with wooden curbs In nccordance with tte City Engineer's plana, oped flea ttons snd oatltsatoa Third By cooa true ting eroaawalka. Bald Imprevenient tote made 1 accordance With the charter and ordinance, of the City of Port la ad and tha plana. apedflcoUoos and estimates or tea tiiy swaw, una im office of tte Auditor edjhe Clof PortJ oa the 1h day ef September. 1B04, dorsad: "City Engineer's puna and eperirteations for the improvement of Alblna avenue from the V(11ttiBMrtk ImH tm th. north line ef Wast Piedmont, andtte estj mates of the work t he dees snd tte probable total . Tte cost of nald Improvement to be aaaisnd aa provided by tba city charter upon tte prop rty snecUlly benefited thereby, aad which ta hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots and percale of tend lying between a Hne 1U0 feat wret -Of end parallel with tte weat line of AlMna avenue and a line 10 feet eaat of and parallel with tte eaet Hne of Alblna avenue and betwey tte Sfstt Kaa Jt K1U tog worth avenae aad tte aartA Una of- want WTten"etneers esttmato of tte probeble total cost for tte improvement f said Alblna a venae MThe nlana,' epeH flea Hoes and eatlmatea ef tte dty Engineer for . the Improvement of asid Alblna avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved, That tte Auditor of the City ef Portland be aad be ta hereby directed to gtve notlce of tbe proponed lmnrovement sf aald street aa provided br tte dty ebarter. - Remonatrance. against the above Intpeove ment may be filed In writing with tte uodar riswd within SO days from tte data ef tte flrat publication of thla nptlee. . Br order ef the Council. av oruor "Boi 0. DEVLIN, ' ' Audltoc of tte City of Portland. Portia ntL Oregon, September 10, 1804. inur08KS iBrPMTaTJCBMT O BETBTWICK Notice to hereby give that at tte muting ef tte Conncll ef tte Ctty of Portland, Oregon, held on the Ttb day of September, 1804, tte following reaoJutkju wss adopted: M Beoolved, That tM OoudcQ of tte Ctty ef Portland deems It expedient and propose to Improve Borthwick Street from the north line ot Killing. worth avenue to tte north Un ef Weet PUdatoat, la tte following manner, to- Wnrat By grading tte street fall width with full loterwrlous to tte grade aa given by tte aseenudt-By' constructing gravel eleewathe with woodea car be Is accordssce with tbe uV Bui Inaer'B plan, aped flea tlooa and eatlmatea. Third By constructing eroaawalka. Bald improvement ta be made la aosardanc with tbe charter aad erdiaancea of tte City of Portland and tbe plans, specifications and eatlmatea of the City Engineer, filed 1 tte office of tbe Auditor of the City ef Portland on tte Ath day of September, 1004. indorsed: "City Bnaineer's plana and aped flea tlona for tte Improvement of Borthwick afreet from tte worth line of Kllllnf. worth avenae to tte nortb line ef Went Piedmont, and the eatlmatea of tbe work to bo asm aad the ytetehto total ooet thereof . Tbe cost of BaU tm prove meat to be asaasaad mm BMiiid hv the cltr charter anon the dtod- erty specially benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all tte lota, porta of iota an parcew et inno lying petwoen n hoc 100 feet west of and parallel With the weat line of Borthwick atreet and a line 100 feet ml mnA narallol with the OSSt Una of Bortb- wick street and between tte nortfc Una of Xilllneuworth a venae and tte north Una ef Weet Piedmont - Tho Eaoinaef'e earlmato of fte nrotebte total coat for tba Improvement of aald Borthwlek atraet la l.W.0d7 . , Tte plans. vpeclDcarkien and estlantoa af tte Cltr Rnaineer for tba Improvemest Of said tiwtfcurlc k .treat ore adootad. Beoolved. That tte Auditor of the City ef ewtuod he and ba la herebr directed to sir. notice of tte propoeed Improvement ofssld atreet ea oro rloed br the dtr charter. Itomonetrancea sgatnat the above Imprevafnont my ba filed In writing wit the andemgne within so oaya rrom tne saie ec nee am pas Ucatto ef thla notice . , mr rdet ef tbeOenartt - . THOB. a DETLIN, ' Auditor of tte City of PortleAnL ftetland, Oregoa, September 10, 104. . nonaAia torn collecttow ajts bxe- POAAX OF AEAAOK. - , ProeoeaN) wiB be received at tte office ef tte Auditor of tbe City ef Portland until a o'clock p. m., oa Monday, September 19, 1804, for tte collection and disposal of ssrbage. Bvarr loa must he for the eonee- tlen and disposal of all garbage, dead animals and refuae matter of alt kinds, for a period of not Bus than ten nor more than twenty yearn. Evmry propooltloa aiuat be eabmittad Is the form of n franchlee ordinance of which at traat twelve copies mast be turn tab ed whoa ran neated by the city. Every proposition mast Stott tte rates to he eterged for oellocUou, removal And dm btjait Qf MrbaajV, Every propoaltlo must net forth tA datafl tba method of eollectlon, reaaoval and aia- ril and tte kind of vebietee aad apparataa wad. Bvery prepneifMa anarc esoraia a pre van we ' which a bond for not toes than twtntr nan. nd dntlara will be' aivea ta tho Cltr of i 'or t laud to Insure the faithful carrying out of the prnvlBlonB orHthe francbtee It granted. All comounicationa ao ne an or rag an n i nomas C. DevUn. Aaditor ef 1he City of Portland. Orate. BANFORD WHITtNO, . . MAT r'lH.l.tsn., - Oedamlrree' ef tte Coanrll a Healts and Pottos. Par tot nd. Oregoa, Beptster I, CLAIRVOYANT Life Readinas 1 ete THIS WEEk ONLV Bora With a Doubki Vll-eiucAt4Ml In Oc cult Scioaca la Egypt and India. that. The Veiled Prophetess 5 '' ta "1 Tell Your Name' Thfs OCCULT WONDER la placed In a class by her self, towering head and shoulders over every rival, and Is recognised by tha PROFESSION as their BRIGHTEST BTAB, ftTRCET, COR. flPTtl ' CTTT NOTICES. isUvoaxo ZMPEOTCMEBT or MiaaiaarPTi c... AvKhrtna, - Notlee la hereby given ttet et the SMettog of tte Oonncll ot tte City of Portland, Oregon, held oa the Ttb day of tentembeg, 1504. tte CoHowlns resolution, waa adootad: Resolved, Ttet the Council of tte Ctty ef Portland, Oregon, ore ma lt--expedleat and pro pesee to Improve Mississippi avenae from tte north Hne ef KlUlngaworth avenue to tte nortb line of Weat fledmoat, t tte AOIowug manner, to-wlt: Flrat Br mdtaa tte street fuB width with fsU tatoresctlons to tte grade as gives by tte uty aiigineer. Seeond By eons tree Hng gravel ajdewalka with wooosa earns in accordance wtu tbe ctty amgineer'a plana, a pad tic. tlooa and mil ma tea Third Br count ctlaa eroaawalka. Bald improve moot to be made la accordance with tte charter and erdluaaceo ef tte City ef Portland and the plana. pacification and eerimates of tte Ctty Engineer, filed ta tbe office of tte Auditor of the City of Portland oa tte th day ef September, 1004, Indorsed: "City Engineer'a plans and aped fl cations tor tte improvement ef Mlesteslppl avenue from tbe north line of Killing. worth avenue to the nortb line of West todmont, and tte estimates of tte work to be done and tte vpeoteble total eost the roof." Tte coat of nald improvement to I a provided by tte dty charter apoa tbe prop arty spedally benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to te an the lots, parts of lota and parcel of land lying between n line 100 feet wet of aad narallel with the weat line of M1a.bMlpd avenae and a line 100 feet east of nnd narallel with tte east Una of Mieetaelppl avenue and between tba north Una of KUllnes worth avenue and tte north Una af West Piedmont Tbe nhmteoer'a estimate of tte probable total met for tte ImproveeMal ef aaU Mies Ian tppl arenas ht tl.SBz.00. Tbe plana, aped flee ttoes and estimates ot tte Cltr Engineer for tte Improvement ef aald Mtoslaelppl ayenae ara hereby adopted; - RewWed, That tba Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice Of the proposad Improvement af paid atraet as provlSod by tte dty charter. Baanonatrancea against the a bore InaprwvS ment may be filed In writing with tbe ander algned within SO daya from tte data ef tte first publication ef this notlee. , By order ot tte Counctt. " THOS. 0. DarrLiw, - ' '"' Aadttor ef tte City ef Pnrtlend. Portland. Oregoa, Beptemner 10, 104. noposES vtncrwxBn or east stjmtk . . . STEEET, Nodes si hereby given that at tte meeting ef tte Ooundl of tte City ef Portland. Oregon, held oa the Tth day ef September. IBM, tte following resolution was adopted: Besolvad, That the Oonncll ef the City t Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poaea to Improve East Ninth atraet from tbe south line of Wygant atreet to tte north Hne of Going atreet. In tte.feUowlng amnner, te- rirot By gradufe ate street fall width with fall Interaec tlooa. Second By hrlnaing -the eerfaea ef tte street full width with full loteroectlone to the proper or.ita with noland bunk aravaL Taird Br constmctlnc woodea sidewalks. Bald Improvement to oa made la accordaoea With tte charter and ordinance, of the City of Portland and tte plana, epedfl cations and eatlmatea of the Ctty Buglneer, filed la tbe office ef tte Auditor ef the City of Portland on the SOth dar ef AUaruat. leoa. indorsed: "Cite Engineer'a plana and spec I flee tlooa for me improvement or naat Hints atraet rrom tne eoutk line of Wygaat atreet to tte north Hne of Going atraet and the eatlmatea of tte work to be done ana tne proMDie total east lacreoi. Tte eoet of said Improvement to ba assesi aa provided by tlte dty charter apoa tte prop erty apedally benefited thereby, and which ta hereby declared to be all tte Iota, parte af lots- and pare la of la ad lying between a Una 100 feet eaat of and narallel with tte eaat Una of East Ninth atreet and a Una 100 feet west ef and parallel with tbe weat Una ef Kent NintB atraet ana netween tee Bouts una of Wygant etreat and tM north MM ef Oeing Tte aTmsineer't eettmato ef tte grotto 1W total eoet for the Improvement f said Bast Mint atreet la 51.150.00. . . The above lmnrovement M to to etoaaed as a gravel Improvement and shall be maintained by the dty for n period of four years, provided that the ownera of a majority ef tha property benefited by paid Improvement er any portion thereof ahafl not petition far n new or different lmproveawat. be (ore the expwauoa ef m -rind- The plans, onjed flee ttons end eerimates sf the- City Kna-ineer or tbe improvement eg sale Beat Ninth atreet ara hereby adopted. Resolved, That the Auditor of tbs City Of yon land ne ana Ba te hereby directed to give notice Of the proposed Improvement ef aald atreet aa provided by tte city charter. ' Remonatrance. against the above tnrprove. ment may be filed In writing with tte ander signed within BO days from fte date of tte first imbllrarlofi af thla nettoa. . , By order of tha Council THOS. C. DETLIN, Aaditor of tte City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Septra bar 10, 1004. v raoroaBi DrmovYBnrjp ot JBssa ' - 8TEEET. . . .... . Notice M neveny girn that at tba Inaatlng of the Conodl of tte City ef PortUnd, Oregon, held on the Tth dog of September, lS(M, ,tte followlug resolnttoa waa adopted: Resolved. That tte Council or tM City off Portland, Orngoh, deems It expedient sad pro poses to Imp mra Jessnp atreet from tte eaet line of M It Mass avenue to tte eaat line ef Borthwick street by grading tte atreet to tte grade aa given by the City Engineer. Bald Improvement to be made la accordance with tte charter and ordinance, of tbe City of Portland and tte plans, aped Meat! one and esti mates of tte City Engineer, filed In tte office Of tte Auditor of tte City at Portland a tte Tth day of September. 1004, Indorsed: "City Engineer'a plana and Spec! flea tlooa far the Im prove ment of Jeeaup atraet from tte eeat Mae of Michigan avenue to the east line of Borth wlek atraet, and the eatlmatea ef tbe work to be done and tha probable total oat thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to te aesenead as provided by the city eterter npea tte prop-. M hereby declared b be sll the Wta, parte af J mmm . KmW . , hi-ne II : m London r moat fam a pahntot and rlatrvoy br praaa and poblle the TBANCB MBDII M. ant m acteowladgrd bi araatest Brine DEAD 4 Abe tetla what yoa earn for be tor. yoa attar s went: doee not eeh eseaUees, w amtter what yoar trouble may be. Call, and aba will gelds yea with certainty Usher then aaaus power. Telia yen tte trath, good or bad. -roe miiowtng net anowe purely and nmptV Budah Berulgae tea neon conenite oy the moot popular and it noted man nnd women of the wor and her reading of ttelf ajoet wonderful . . President Harrtoea Preeldt Cleveland 2 -ArcbbUbop Ireland Z' ' Senator Dapaw Senator Banna . ., '-m , .Senator Foraker Sanatov Spoener ass ever teen esanlted Uvea we JnUa Marlowe Sarah B"mhardt B1U Wteeler WllenB Helen Oild Hon. 0. H. Harrlana Praatdant McKlnlay rreeldeat EooaeroH Me man er womai mora notable affaire than ate. In Euro do ens America she ana navMed rnossande ta vait odk walks sf life, and always to ttear .aavea tage. It may ba of vital mtereet ta yo to know the entoome of yoar praaent dlatraea. Tte tepidnoaa of your future life ma de pend upon tte right aolntloa nnd proper advtea, . There are no nuaukaa la tte predictions toad by tte great and wonder fai dead traaa saedlam. Toa may wish to knew ht It to advtoabls to make- a otenge to bnamaea, la tore, la amt-. ftaae. "Shatl 1 enceeed fa my aew nndertaktagr 'Can I eetsia atf hepaa, aw wishes, aw ambitions V "SteU I ever entoy tte latwrk sf weeltor rCan I trust my frlendel" , , . . When ehaU 1 marry T," - . 'How often ahall I marry 3, . - , "SnaH I ever be divorced f fc - "Doe. another etefo tte m8 that rtghtfaSy teVotgs to mar j . "Ifee, whomP y Jr, "Am I mved hi retarnr , - "irtnere a rival hi my mver - 'When nball aw tor agalr ternnteto fsj awrrlaseP' "Whan shall mr donwarle treaMea endf . "Uow can 1 make my Ufa aad home tepteP 'Whoa ahall my absent friend re tors 11; . 'Why do I not receive a letter I" . , J -1 la my dteaeoe curable r7 . -,- -.i , ' 8tell C wis my lawnaltr , . . , ., ;; .; Tc8uSday8aSoud,au!?. 't T. Wlao at ' 1 " " Bostem areata!- jrters CITY EOTXCE8. tots and newest ef Mad lying between a tine 100 feet north ef aad parallel with tte sorts Una of Jeeaup atreet and a line 100 feet aonth of and parallel with the aonth Una of Teeaup atreet aad between 'te eaat Una If Michigan venae and tte weat Hne of Borthwick atreet. Tte Engineer'a estimate of tbe probable total fast for the imsrovaaent of aald Jesaun agreed la 1120.00. The plana, aas)dtleattoaa and eatlmatea af tte Ctty En Bi near for tbe Improvement ef Mid Jeeaup street are tereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the Otty of Portland by and te la hereby Otrerted to give notice ef tte proposed Improvement eC said atraet a provided by tte city charter., Remonstrances af alnat the above impfovessemt may te filed In writing with tte undersigned within 20 daya from tte data of tte first gos Ucatloa of this notice. By ordered tte CooneO. , i . THOB. 0. DBVTJN, Aaditor of the City ef Porthuuf. . Portland. Oregon, Septesoter io. 1804. ' .,rVtm.ii JreU)l08JES ZBTPEOVKMBBT er sTAtpaosi . . .,1 SJXJ1BXT. v- c ' Notice to tereby given that at the- saw Hug ef tte CounoU of tte City of Portland. Oregon, held en- the Tth day of September, WOa, th Sallowing reeoiutton waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council ef tte City of Portland, Oregoa, deema It expedient and pro noeea to Improve Bimpeoa Street from tbe eaat line ef Michigan avenae to tte eaat line of aVsthwtcfc street by grading tte etreat to tM grade aa given by the City Engineer. Said lmnrovement to be made la aceordaace with tte charter and or dl nances of tte City of Portland and tte plana, apeclflcattona snd eatlmatea of tte City Engineer, filed to tte office of tte Aaditor of the City ef Portland en the Tth day sf September. 1004, Indorsed: "City Bniineer'a 'plana and specification for tte Improvement ef Slmpooa atreet from the east lino of Michigan avenue to tte aaat Una. of Borthwick atreet, and the eatlmatea ef tba work to te does and Om probable total east thereof." The coat af said ttn prevent ent to te amaserd as provided by tM dty eterter ansa tte prop, erty apedally benefited thereby, aad which la hereby declared to te all tte lata, parts of lota and perceta ef mad lying between a line 100 feet north ef and parallel with tte north Una Of aimpaon etreat and a Una 100 feet aoatb of and parallel with tbe aouth Una ef Simpson street and bet woes tte eaat Una ef Mich igan a venae and tte west line of Borthwick atreet, Tbe Htetueera estimate ef tte probable total eoet for the lmnrovement ef amid Slatpee hi 8285.00. lmnrovement ef aald Slmpeea atraet Tte plane, epedficatioaa ' and estimate of tte City Engineer for tba Improvoiaoat af aald Sim peon atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved; That tte Auditor ef tM City af PortUnd te and be M tereby directed to give no Ilea of the proposed improve meat of naid screst na provided by tM dtr charter. Keaaonatraoces against tM above Imp may be tiled la wrttlne with tte an within SO daya from .the date af tte publication off una notice. ... Ay order ef tte ConnriL ' THOS. A DEVLIN. Aaditor ot tte City sf Portland. Purttkad, Oregon, September 10, 1004. ASSESSMENT FOB BXWXS Of EAAT - j TWELFTH BZESEX, j . NotJro M hereby el van ttet tte CoanctJ of fte City of Portland, Oregon, at a sneering held oa tte Tth day of September, 10O4, declared tbe asaemment by ordinance No, 14,180. for the ouna traction of a aewer In Bast Twelfth atreet . from 150 feet north of Hancock atraet to tte stwer to Hancock street, tn tM Btanner pro vided by ordinance No. 18,080, apoa each wt, part ef tot and parcel ef land, which ar apedally and tecattarly teaattad, to Aa a tel. holla day's addition to bant Port landblock S87, tot T, Maria Smith. wtliT'i R VI N 0 TON BLOCK fstV tot B, .Da M. Bdeon, 887.70. . nruiA t a aduitiw txt hast -rrrnT -UndBLOCK 208, tot B, 2. A, Her tames, WfcsT IRTINOTON BLOCK IB' lot Jeha "A. Hertsman. 120.20. Total, 8188.M. A atatement of aforesaid aaaeasaieat fen beea entered In tte Docket of CTty Uena. and b now due and parable at tte ofSce of tba City Treasarar ta lawful money et tte United States, and If not paid with la SO daya from tbe data of thla antics tucb preeedlnga will be taken for tbe collection of the asms aa ara provided by tte char tor ef tte City or Portland. The above aaacoement win tear Interest ta daya after tte flrat publico Una of this aottoa. . . TI10H. a DEVLIN, Andltor of tte City of Portland. , PortUnd, Oregoa, tepteamber u, loo. AaggSgMTaTT FOE awma DI KOTT frTBEXT Nottoe to terete given that tte Conodl of held on tte Tth day of 'September, 1804, declared th. aaeesoment hr or din a oca No, 14,14. for the construction of a aewer In Hoyt atreet from TB feat wast of tM west Una or Tenth .treat to the sewer In Ninth street la tte maanes, proTided by ordinance No. 14,048. apoa each let. part .Of r of let and pareei ox maa. wnioa are 'aad peculiarly baaaStad, to te aa M- ISwFV COUCH S ADDITION TO TBI CTTT OP PORT LAND Bl.OCn un, wt l, Harraret Mar shell Aetata, telrs of. 8.1080; tot A W.r- Biret Marobnll Batata, netra ef, 824.20. LOCK 118, tot A Charles R, Carr. p S0; lot a, unaries a. imtj. ea w. bujls tb, lot 8V Mra. Brtdgaa Rahlea. 84T.80jlot ft. Mrs. irldgea Rabies, 832.00. BLOCK 74, Vet T, . W. Fletcher. 847 80 1 tot A F. W. fetches. amen Tnt.i. 8287.80. A atatement af aforesaid asaassmeut bee bees- entered In tha Docket ef City IJeoa. and la now dua aad payable at the eface ot the City Treaaarsr to lawful money of tte United States, snd If not paid within 80 daya from the dete ef thla not lea such pro aa a dings will te taken for tte eoltoctlna of the name as are provided hr tte charter ef tte City af Portland. The above nsyeasawat will Bear tofeveat H days after tte Or.t piihllcatloa of tbb aottoa. uoa v- osvLin, - Aadttor of the City et PoriunA, Partmnd, Oregon, aeptemtet 15, 18V4. 1