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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
THIS MOUNlAG AST0R1AN, THURSDAY XOVKMUEK 8. Jh99. I tin nu Ueief 0l r fiullau.. iiaa t flutlaura hum Outlewa toe Outieu'asaa Face Humors Flmplfi, blackheads, aimjile rathea, red, rough hand, (ailing hair, and baby blemlhc prevented by Cun cvma Soap, a lure preventive of in flammation and clogningof the I'oret. tVupl ar oomm.oly much ooou. pl4 In (minting cm I fault In lhn uvr4 of tliPiu. a to fitnmt that axmie. atrn, may at ttw ramo Instant be drritliig on thHr' In llk manner. lUfTINf.MtA Karl s Clover Root Tea lUauiMUa (He (',,,.. il. I'urlfW. l wl.lm( frh,( Lalti'ln, I un..luo WIIMlion, lixllrnllon, and all Hl'Hl"" " Ihe Skin, An liiwl'lt Nare Ionic, fctld n .i.Jula (..Braille Vf ell drug, an. it sik., toe. anil l l0. . C. WELL 4 CO., LINOV, N. V. am Mijaairroaa Tlw ers whloh are th kr of rlcnee, hunt often ao hvtly at tin rich man's girdle, that they clog blm with weary iUy and roanie night, when hr sleep QUUtlf. ' ; JERVITA PILLS ttstart VlUllty. Ut Vigor aa4 Maakood. Dire Imnotency.NlrbtEmlMlonaand wasting- diseases, all effect of aelf- abuse, or exec and indis Joetlon. A nerve tonlo and f bloml buildr. Bring the 4 restore the Are of youth. k'V my man ovo per oox, u ooxca tor 2.00; with a written guaran too to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NCRVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton it Jaofcaon 8tv, CHICAGO. III for aVei by Chart Roawr Drugglat Orton .IFPrael.TransferCo. TlptMM U. DRAYINU AND EXPRESSING alt Owaft Sht i Our Car UI Reoslw .nal ttaaaw M Dhm Bt, W. i. COOK. Mir. iatrla Or. . Tot. IM. Gbeat TICKETS to all HDP01NTS EAST Through pain iuuI touriHt leopor, Ulnleia aim library nlxrvaU(n oar. ICLKOANT VKHTIHUMd TRAINS. No. i, "Flyor," Ivaw Portland at 2:30 o. m. No. S, "Flyr," arrive Portland at 1:30 a, m. For rate, to., call or addrwwi O. W. I.OUNSBBRRT. AAgont 0. It. ft N.i Aatoria, A. B. C. DENNI80N, C. P. & T. A., Portland, Ore. It T UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL THE "Nortti.Wtitcrn Limited" trtlna, Uotrlo lighted throughout, both In Id and out, and iteim heated, ar. without exception, the Bnet train In the world. They embody the latest, nwet .and beat Idea for corarort, oonvenleno and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether ar the mott com. plete and iplendld production of the oar builder' art. The Splendid Trtlna ' Connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra oharg for thee uperlor ao. eommodatlon and all olaaee of ticket ar available for paaaag on the famou "North-wetern Limited." all train oa thl line ar protected by the Interlocking Block cyatem. "V7. H. MEAD, F. C. BAVAQH, 0n'l Agent, T. A. Portland Or. AN INJUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE OTIS He IsKeally a (irral Man ami III Work will Live Long Afirr Illm. COLONEL I'OI'C'S ESTMATE The Manila Commiindcr Hits Hd to Kulc an Kmplrc and Orijanlie and I'lijht TwuArmlcH. Corni Pop, rhlef (inartfrmoatrr of the army In th Philippine, tin J nut com to Waahlngtim, ami h la muking Mm vrry Iitt4nittlng tatvntent about the iltuallim In the anhHrlii(i, iwya Waltor Wwlnian, In thn Chlrago TIiik-. Herald. "TU," ho aay. "(lnn-rnl Oil la all right. Otl ha boon cenaurvd for thing no in art a I man could be blamed fur." "Oeneral Otl la a really gr.t man and 1 bellvv othT will e him In that tight wfem they ar abl to lmk at what he ha aocoinplllMd tliout prejudlc." "Oil ha had to manage an empire, both In a military and civil rapnrlty; to fight a mmt dllTloult war 1.000 mlU- from hi tn of BUpplk, and lo i haflge armle at the name time." The are a few of Colonol I'upe' rxpreiiln. The an me olDcer give u an Inti r rating gllinpim nf Onneral Oil the man In th flliwlng: "The r.l work of Gatu-ral (Ml ha warcely U-ftt m''l(Hid. Public at tention ha been almiMt entirely dl rH'ted to th ptai-ular uur of the wnr. In I lie almltilitrtUlim f civil affair Je?wr.U Oil Im done, wrk of Inritlmablfl valiio t hi country. Ill rnpni'lty fur toll I marvelou. e la of a ncrvou temrnineiit, n-millunt fnim a wound, and cannot deep, Work I a rrll-'f, and he lalxm iilmoel lx tn hour a day. A I have ald, the war will oon be ended, but there will remain the hercul-an lank of iti(iill!nh Ing the afflr of thl eeutteri. empire on a clean, ound financial baala. Jhl will take year, and Otl I now lay ing k on foundailMa which will never be thaken 'and abRit which the taint nf fraud and corruption will never cling. A few week ago the Chicago Record printed In It admirable eorreepon drnre from Manila a statement which attracted the attetitlor, of the country It wa a llt of h town lu the Phil ippine, which had ben raptured onor, twlc or thrlc by our trwiw, and a many time abandoned. The rxpow did eem to confirm the uplclon that the American form wtre not blng Intelligently handled, but now Colonl Pop glvi an explanation, which 1 both Intereatlng and Important. "Not a single town ha ben abandoned that I of any Importance to u." he ay. "Then why did w tako ttum In the flrnt place T Th 'lr capture wo simply an Incident In tho campaign. We were after the Filipino, not tho towns. If the Filipino were In the towns, we had to attack them. Tho object wa to get (he lnurgU to fight and to ob tain possession of tholr arms, some thing even more valuable than the reb el thmnaelve. It moJo no difference to us, In a mratglc sense, whether we held the town or not. It wa really better to leave them, for In many cae they extromeVy unhealthy. They wvre no: stronghold, and their de-feiue- weiw not even as valuable a the oHInary Held fortlflcaXions. If we had retained them It would have hampered cur operations even more than they are now hindered, and a a matter of fact, It would not be in slightest troublo to rtako any of irwm. This has been dono In sowral Instwioeei where Uie Insurgents have collated In sufficient number to make It worth while to give them battle. We) have kept such places as Oaloooan, San Fernando and now hold Ban Tsldro." NEW ARTILLERY SHELL. Opens Out In tho Form of Four Knlve Whan It Leaves the Gun. The latest Invention of on ortillery shell I designed to cut a broad swath through an enemy's ranks, mowing down a whole regiment, as well ts working widespread destruction by Its explosion. When slipped Into the breech of a gun It looks like an ordinary shell, but the Instant It emerge from the gun's muaxle after the dlschiU'gtt It throws out four knlfo blade twenty Inches long. Thsy are like wines of steel, whose mission Is to mow down men like grass. The Inventor of what Is probably the most deadly dcvlcj for modern war fare ever proposed is William Whitney Christmas of Washington. He suggests that It would bs especially effective In the Philippine), to terrify the natives and kill them by wholesale. It la a fact that man kind stands Infinitely more In awe of cold steel than of hot lead. Especially Is thl true of . half-savage tribe. Many a native will run from a mun with a sword wha would face death coolly looking at the muzzle of a gun The Idea of being blown to pieces by an explosive shell does not appeal to them as being so horrible. But to be butchered up with a bun dle of corn knives attached to a flying machine; to be literally cut Into mince meat by these weapons, and to be Houaovork io Hard Work without Gold Dust It lightens the labor of cleaning more than half and saves both time and money. It is "Woman's Best Friend, Dirt's Worst Enemy." Bm4 far In WoklH " OoUaa feeia for aoauri " THE H. K. FAIRBANK COMPAffT fc.Laala HtwTark blown Into atoms by the bursting of the shell o which they it re hurnewl-- thl Is a proposition that requires a very recklem kind of man, be he sav age or civilised, to face, Awl thl Is exactly what Mr. Chrlatmas hus In- Vented his lo do. Th Inventor deft-ml the apparent hideous cruelty of the weapon by claiming that anything tendlrg to make war more terrible Is calculated to decrease the frequency of conflict between th various nations and to bring nearer the era of universal peace, It la very likely should any civilised nation attempt to u such a shell a protest might be evoked by the great powers that It Is ( barbarous fur civilised warfare. If U could not be uvd for this reason In molnT down exposed men the In ventor Insist It might be permitted for unmssklng batteries and for clearing out wo'kI and undergrowth. "I should say," he state, "that for clearing out cane brake and for clone underbrush work such a our soldier are now railed upon to perform almoett dally In the Philippine this shell would; be especially effective. With the JU'tlc Intm use of these shell any thick J' or jungle would ho quickly cut away.' P.oads rouVI be 'id up for the pas sage of troop, and a hidden enemy would b uncovered can short nolle.' The base-shell ran be used In al fli-ld batterle and Ird from all field guns." BIO HOISTINO CRANE. Baldwin locomotive Work the Great est Machine Bhops In the World. A hoisting crane that handle a lo comotive like a toy and whirl. It through spare at the rata of forty feet a mlnirto Is the latent mechanical de vice which the Baldwin Locomotive Work ha put Into ltn finishing de partment a a part of the greatest ma chine shop In the world. The crane Is run by electricity. Some conception of H si Be and power can be gathered by the following fig ure: It I S3 feet long, 168 feet wide and 42 feet high. It has a lifting power of 10 tons, which la more than the weight of any locomotive that has yet been built. 1 The finishing shop of Baldwin's has a working floor capacity of TO locomo tives, which moans that It is possible for this great American company to be at work on that many almost com pleted engines at one time. All the parts of the locomotive made In the other shops are assembl.d In this de partment and put togvtht-r. I Naturally when the huge bulks of all these parts were bolted fast and the engines took form the weight was enor mous. For a long time some difficulty was experienced In handling this weight. Wlwn an engine was finished' In one corner of the room It was not easy to bring It up to the oenter track, where It could be run out of th? shop and sent to Its destination. 1 That Is what the new crane Is for; that and lifting also any part like the boilers, tubing or cylinder truck Into place. The consrtruetkm tracks run across the short dimensions of the room. There are nlnnteten of them and they all end at tho brick wall except the center ones, which lead to 'the out side world. Cranes like this and other shop de-' vices for handling are the things which make It possible for American firms to complete their wk In such re- markable short time. To them Is due In a great measure the rapidity of the construction of the Atbara bridge, of tho Pencoyd Iron Works, which opened England's eyes so wide, and the rapid ity which enables the Baldwin Loco motive Works 4o turn out three en gines a day. The speed of this crane Is remark able. It executes three motions. One consists of running the entire crnne PISO f II ft m CURE 5S 8old by Druggists everywhere, I WW S'i'Mgi:tjl me from consumption. My child $ SniffiB 13 subiect to CrouP- Pi90's Cure m g8 Mibyrn. M aiWays relieves him. Mrs. B. era sKi liVlal-yiylJl.'lafcyJ CRANDELL, Mannsville, Ky., The Ptno Company. Warren, V. juiy on overhead tracks from orve md of the building to the other. It travels that distance, 3.K foot, at the rate of 200 frt per minute. The next motion Is that of hoisting an utiglne bodily so a to clear th other on th ground. It hoist them about forty ftwt In one minute. And the third motion la alorg Its own length, 15S feet In one minute. In other words, tho crane could lift a IW.OOO pound origin forty feet in the air, run with It 138 foot and set. It down again upon It tracks at the ottv-r end of the shop in Just thne minute and thirty-six seconds. With tools of this kind It become no longer a matter of wonder that six thousand men can turn out one thou sand locomotives In 365 day. One of the best rule In conversation la never to say a thing which any of Uie company can reasonably wish we had rothT left unsaid; nor can there be anything mora contrary to the end for which people meet together than to part unsatisfied with each other or themaelvea. MEALS LIKE AT HOME. WI.en you are In Portland and want a really good home meal, Juat give Mr. Prown a trial, 101 Fourth St., near Washington. You will like It aurely. Thl restaurant 1 open all night. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladles who go to Portland and Aealrt something especially fine In the way ot tailor-made suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at L D. Boyer'a IT Fourth atreet. In the T. If. C. A. building. Not only doea ha keep a atrlotly flrat class cutter for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladle' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the beat of materials, as Mr. Boyer la an expert on woolen cloths. THEY CUT TO FIT. Yes they do and the style and finish they give to mea'a suits, rank these gentlemen a expert practical mer chant tailors. The material they use I also the very best and you will al ways And them busy at 269 V4 Yamhill St., Portland. Get your next suit there, and get It now. A POEM ON MANKIND. Like what la man, but like a sprouting weed. That wrows and ripens but to cast Ita seed Among the thistles and the tares of lift And then to see It strangled In the atlfe? Or like the clouda that wander with the bree;:e And pas unnoticed from a life of ease? Or like a mushroom, sprung to life, alas! To starve or strangle In the tangled grasT These are thought that are apt to come to many peopl at time, espe cially when they are sick and have to pay big prices for medicine. But there Is one drug store In Oregon where you can save from io to 25 per cent on everything you buy, and that ts X A. Clemenson's Drug Store, at 227 Yam hill street, Portland, Ore. At that store you can get Hood's Sarsaparllla at 70c; Mellen's Food. Si slxe, 65c; Bromo Selt zer, II size, 70c, and everything else at the same low rate, xou can get red trading stomps there, and If you need the Natural Body Brace, you can get It there. WHITE COLLAR LINl Columbia River and ruget Sound Navl ' gat ion Company. bailey Oatsert leavea Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets and a R & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oataert and Hassalo. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Art U. B. SCOTT. Telephone UL. President. for Consumption began using Piso's Cure 13 9m, io9s. AS iT.nro .An ansi haliav ft fidv.1 WHEnE TO EAT. Why at Th Eastern,' of course, 170 Third St., Portland. You can get a good layout for 15 cent here, which! win aatisry your hunger and bring you back at;aln to th am plaoe. Remem ber th Eastern, IMPROVED TOURIHT SLEEPERS. Railroad Are Acceding to Demands of Middle Classe Who Want Better Hloeplng-Car Service. In rpons to the demands of the times the O. R. V N. and Ita connec tion are placing In operation a much bettr grade of tourist sleeper for Pa cific const service than at any previous time. The largely Increased traffic to this section of th country has demand ed all the Improvement of latter-day transportation, and In consideration of this the railroad are establishing a rvlce which I excellent In every par ticular. Not only are the wishes of flrsl-closs passenger served, but those wno are traveling to and from the East on second-das tickets are splendidly cared for. There was a time when a tcurlat sleeper appealed to a limited number of people who were traveling on th "cheap" order, In every meaning of th term. Now, however, there ha been a radical change. With the bet tr tourist sleeper In operation th clas of passengers has been Improved, and on may now travel upon them and enloy all the privilege of a flrat- class sleeper at a greately reduced rate. Dally, on th O. R. St N. east-bound fast mall. Is attached on of these lat est Improved tourist sleepers, a model of beauty and handsome appointment. The new cars are almrst an exact counterpart of the first-class sleepers. One noticeable feature of th new tourist car la th absence of a imoklng apartment The new car being built by the Pullman Company ar not pro vided with smoking apartments. This new departure haa been taken because of the fact that mwt through train are provided with composite ear, wmch provide a smoker for th sleeping-car passenger. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA - RIVER RAILROAD. nv. PORTLAND. Arrive. 1:00 a. m. 7:00 p. m. Portland Union Depot, a.m. for Astoria and lour 1:40 p.m. mediate points. I ASTORIA. r 7.4Sa.m.For Portland eV ln-)ll :30 a.m. I 10 p.m.termedlate polnta 10:3p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p m l S:0Ul:S!Lv S-23lll:6SAr S:W: 11:U Lt (.301 l:0O.Ar la. m.; p.m. ....Astoria.... Ar 7:40 4:00 ....,- Lvl 7:9)1 3:31 ..Warrenton...Ar ,. ....Beaslde.... L1 :U! 1:30 SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:30 a. m.; arrive at Seaside 1:41 a. m. Pasaeoger may return on any train shown on schedule oa aam data ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren- ton. All train mak do connection at Oobl wtta all Northern Pacific train to and from th east or Sound points. At Portland with all train lea Ting Union depot At Astoria with LRiK. Co.' boat and rail lino to and from Ilwaco and North Beaeh point. THROUGH TICKETS oa al at As toria for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European point. City ticket offlo Astoria. (34 Common, tlal street J. C MAYO. Oca'l rrt and Paa. Agent T1MB SCHEDULES DEPART Vmm Portland Aaatva Fast Mall 8 p. m. oalt Lake. Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kn-j Fart Mull t:4i p. m. ai City, St. Lou It,! cmcagu and East. Spokane Klver 1 10 p. m, Wall Walls. Bnokane. Minneapolis SLI'huI, Dululh, Milwaukee, Chicago and East, Spokane Tlror 8:30 a. m. Fiom Aitorlm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing Dates iub teet to chance. For Ban Krancuco 8al( H V. 4 9, 14, 19, 24. 29 folemhla Rlvtr 7ameiSu 8teamr ndar To Portland aa4 Way Landing a. iamexMo Ddav Willamette sad Ysst 7a.m. I hill River. 8:30 p.m. Mon.,Wed. and Frt. and Ll' 0" 4 Klprt I Mk.Bl.r. 'LvLewlstn Leave aiyi . . . . 10 in 1:40 a. m. I KlparlatoLewision. dlliy i From Portland IwrLUMKTTK RiVF.R a, m a, ra. Moo Oregon Cltv, Newberg, Tuea, Thut Friili Salem r-Lauai. Saturday a. W. fcOTJNBBERRT, Agent Atorta. W. H. HURLBURT. (Ha. Paa. Ait Pwtlama. Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ar contemplating a trtz whether on business or pleasure, the) naturally want the best service ob tainable o far a speed, comfort sad . safety Is concerned. Employe of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEL are uald to serve th public and our train are operated ao a to mak elos 00s neotlona with diverging line at all Juncvtlon point. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through tralra Dining Oar Mrvtv unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain thl fl7t claaa eervloe, aak th ticket agent to sell you a ticket TheWIsconsin Central Lines. and you will max direct connection at Bt. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all point oast For any further Information call on aa.1 ticket agent or correspond with J AS. C. POND. Gen. Paa. Agent, or JAB A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent 341 Stark BX. roruand Or TO WiiV zJou lio HMi THE PROOF of th pudding I In th sating and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That' an argument that' coo. dustvs demonstration. Our will stand th tac HUGHES & CO. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools lor Rent. The PALACE JSTmSl W. W. WhlppIClPVoprietO r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE SEHVICU.... FIR8TCLAM CUIBfRS.. PRTVATE ROOU3 FOm LADtBt. 5.3 Commercial St.. Aetorla, Oregon W. F. SCHEIBE, snssre A fall Ha et Pipes, Tabacc. d Seaefcers' Articles. Commercial sat. C. J. TRENCHLARD, Commission. Brokera. r " asto waTobego n Insurance and Shipping, agent w. .co, sod pacmeiexoreasco. The Leading Visiting and Weddlng'Card . . . Engravers ... 22 & 23 WASMXGTOX BUILDING. SAINT I m ID MARINE ST. PAUL, MINN., JAN. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities - Total Assets PACIFIC DEPART1 ENT. CHARLES CHRISTENSEN. Manager, a GOODWIN. Assistant Manager. Rl "California St., S. F., Cal. DDIVATF DUeaiea. ThU doctor (ruaranteea to cure any fKIVMIU C1M 0( syphllla. Oonorrhoea, Oleet. 3t cturne cured, ro difference how lonf atandln. Spermatorno. Lo, cf Manhood or .Nightly Emlaalona, curwl ly. -ihe habit ot Selt-Abuet etteciually cured In a al ort time. VOIIVfi MFN Tour errora and folllea of vouth can he I UUnu nil.ll fjmej) a ,hl, 0i,i donor will rive cu wh jlme advice and cure you make you perfectly tin n and lieslthy. You will be amaied at hla aucceae m curlus Spermatorrhoea. Seminal Loaaea, Mghtly Emlulona, and other eltecta. Patient, treated In any part ot the country by hla horn ayattn. Write full particular, tncloee 10 20 nam,), and he will anawer you promptly. Hundred, treated at acme who art unable to aome to the ally. READ Take a el ear bottle at bedtime and urinate in th tnttl. et aalde and look at It In the mornlnf. If It la cloudy or haa a rloudy eettllnf In It. you have aome Kidney cr bladder llaeaie, and ehould be attended to before you let an :ncur abl ulaeaee. aa hundred die every year from drlfht'a dla eaae i Kldneya. Mormon BlShOPV PHIS Church ma Uitit tullwct. lttoiucir t f lgifcaaTTamnWlaWhm hh tlunf vM Ocljoml. eifaaa, SrimuUhM tha bnia and Dctt. center., 50c a hoi. notenor, lort Power, MlaM-Loases, Snennatorrhoea Insomnia, Tajn in Back, Evil pealrea, nominal mtiQ,. i" .'jaci C blllty, Headacris.UntlVnesstoMarra.ipas ot fTV?! 5em," Y.WfPSJiS! or cona'lpntlon, atopa Qulcknee of pis- nl pharge, 5pa OU Twltonlna Of Cjelld. fcoocu aa Immeih 110. fl'l liniuitujof n.l p.ncir. k L LEBECK Carpenter und Builder General Contractor HOUSe RAISING AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO Alb Opi every .ay from I oetoek to 141 aad I. St t tM . . obacrlptloa rat 31 ar annas. Wwt Cor. eleventh aad Doaa aUreotaV TEHPLX LODGE NO. T, A. F. A. M. Regular commonlcatloa held oa th first and third Tosaday evening of eavch month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. If.; E. C HOLD EN. aUeretarr. ot Hl labia "Li Belle Astoria" Cljir Schelfce's Opera Star Scbelbe's Special And Othejr Brand PORTLAND. OR., Over Lltt's. PAUL 101 lui mi 1 it, 1899. $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Agents, Astoria, Oregon mm LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour look, tell on you. Can keo it eecret a while. Before It'a too late go and aee or write to thla old doc tor. He has been treating auch ca.ea for over 20 yean, and la perfectly reliable. Furnlihea hla own o,i cine and telle no tales. DR. KESSLER Of the old St. Louie Medical and Surgical DOpentary, 2.IU4 Yamhill aireei, Portland, Or., poaltlvely ur anttea to cure. THIS tceri in uw over 50 yean by the leuler. ol Ui Morma cure the worrt cs Ir. old and y.rtintr .rltinr hum affocti 6r-.fct.Mr wrtttea ffu.ranta, 10 core For Bale by CHART.. HOUKua. . nt. a cur. U .1. OiUi1. IJ R.,n tmiii, .Ti.iuua, I i