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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
NO TICK! Books, Purioflicik, Mn;; vim-i ' 'i '.try w , , i ; I ) !. vvii.' U'Ji.iMt.'io prosecuti VOL I ASTOKIA. OKEUON, MIDAY, NOVKJiBER 10. NO. HO mum err i' The Eclipse Hardware Co. cVfcVfrlfi) J I ax Ucmovnl to itH New Quarter next Id tlm Columbia Klt'ctricnl it Uuir Co., I luce doors ft rm the old hIuixI, wliero tlicv will n t iimo to curry tin.' linenl ntock of htoVt'H 111 Arilul'iil. - - - BOND STREET. LONDON EXPERIENCES ANOTHER DAY OF DREAD IMPORTANT NOTICE Yesterday we two!! notice from lbs Publishers ol the Wkknkh Kmtion n tii Etci.oi,iia IIiutammc, that oIiik ii tlm t'lioruiouf Idcitmh In the price of paper tib ia tb past few weeks, they would ihortly withdraw the sal ol llirir Knc vrloioUi at the present prion. Our contract with tb publisher, nnlilra u. to make tbeaame lik'tal of lor at heretofore. Thirty lanw volumes, ol the Kurycloix- OTt dm. one uulilo to Hvatunmtlo 1 lead Inn ol tbe Encyclopedia. V: I . -V .... t. . . i. . i . ... 1 ll'.l Vfie 1 pnglll wuk utMiKraw umi woo iargo nrium r.u cyclopedia fres ol rharire, AH the above will be delivered upon tbe small payment ol ONE DOLLAR Halation ia amall monthly payuieuta. Call and look Into tbia oircr. GRIFFIN 6k REED. 6 Here Is a List Of HlgH (Jrade flood nt Modrnl P'Hccm Plausible Rumors of Heavy Fighting at Ladysmith Brought by Natives. SUSPICIOUS ABSENCE OF INFORMATION It Is Feared That This Silence Betokens a Reverse for tbe English ' Troops for Tbere Would Be no Object In With boldinff Favorable News. W K.ll. 411 It if 1 LONDON, Nov. 10, 10 e. in.- The scanty nnd conflict- ing news front, the scut of wnr, ami the fact that General $ White lias not yet paid a word about alleged fighting around js' IjtdyHinitli, are again jirodncing a feeling of gloom, si It may he that General White haw sent news and that !i General Huller luu thought lt to keep it to himself. . In di'ed, this iH the version that is beginning to be believed, as it held to be imjKif-Mblo that the news of heavy fighting ; brought by Kallirn in such circumstantial detail can be wholly groundlcis. If this be ho, it is ominous, for there could be no ground for concealing favorable news. It cannot bo long, however,' before a change occurs, General Uuller'a forces will wKn arrive at Durban and will probably begin the advance for the relief of Ladysmith about November 15. " Fancy Creamery IJutter in Kegs and Rolls. Strictly Krch Kggs. New Crop Maple Syrup. Huekwhcatand (iridic Cako Flour. Packard & Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes. New Crop NuLs, Figs, Mince Meat ROSS. HlfifilNS U CO. The Sllvcrf icld Fur Manufacturing Co., MorrUon Ht., 1'ortlnnil, Ore. To the LnclIcH of AHtoriui We will ai) you onc-fourtb on erery BHriniMit u piircbiwe Iroin uh, b cai)M) we am uinv t lunnufm turfm, and you will mivo the iiiiddloniHii'i protlt Kiir Ccillnri'llni, rnim . 4im up Kur Nn-k Ilimn.rMin 7V lip Uitlm' KlnTitllr Hull, (mill up Urilm1 Kllix Mllor Miult'CiiiU) Jtckrln, frwil up IaiIIii' KIiio rrvni'li KUiuifl l.l, from 1.7A up AlHk lrnl hkln Jnrki'U, lnili !), miil npxciHlly t ontor Irotn I1.V1.0O up HeiniMli'tliiK of Fur (tnriwnta Into Hip Utwl Hi) lr al very low lliun. Hanit fur niuirt-t ratnliii, whloli we will Kindly ruull you. Highest I'rlcc I'ald for Haw Purs. Yours Respectfully, . The Sllverfleld Fur Manufacturing Co. largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Top Flnnr tVaihluKton Hulltl- Crown and Bridge Work, $4.60 per lootb, Buarttutwd. Rent aet Tooth. 83.00 fit RUnrauteed. liiBt Flllinga, 60o up, guaranteed. i All Work Positively Guaranteed to alve l'crlcct SutiHlnction OR NO FAY. Wnftblngton Building, Corner 4th and Washington Sti. Fifth Floor, Rooms 47, 48, tO, 61, 62. 'Phon Oraifon, prawn 403- Columbia go LONthtN, Nov. .-At thf guild ball tMnquit tilh: Lor4 HnlUIury 'a iiudly rhwr4 h-n nt arom' t.i nn.ak. Kptuklng of the r-piriiM Intfrfcrfnc;. ofVonditHtial power In thv Tranivgal. the prvmli'r aalJ: "1 hav w-n it muvaicd that trb'r lirr will InKifcic Kith t 111 ta c"Untr' uiiij In-mc t utner ilkiul,. .o liiiw.' rtlin rv rtu'frii'-l In tt a to what Iik upylit h"M b'n. lMi't l-t iui)' nuui think It In In that f.mhl.'ii lli- (iiilltct will In- rimcluJcd. ! vliull liavr to i ,wry It through our m 'Ivch. uiM th Inu-rffivnce nf anybmly i-li. will huvf H" olT-ot Um It. In th- firm plai-v, U'cauao we wouKI not nciv t that Inttrfi-nciKit? ami In the H'C oiij place, tttviiiin- we re eonvlnoeO that therv l no ttiwii lilca In th mlml of any irovernnu-nt In the world. "Within my rvoollertUm there have tx-on iumi! five or hIx areat warn In volving In their clow great territorial niodllli'otlon. but In none of theae wars haa any nation claimed the light to determine what the Imuo of the contest or Ita terme ihould fo. They have not claimed that right becaune they cannot. It l not In aoconlmice with the Inter national law that thoy ehoiiM pvi.wiw it. Therefore such drenma ahould be oiKK. Wherever w are vlotorloim we shall coimult that vant Interest committed to our care, Vast duties lie Uxn us to perform and taking council of the uni form triMltlom of our colonial govern ment and of moderation and equal Jus tice to all race of men which It U our uniform practice to observe, I Jo not doubt we shall so arrange that the Ik sue of this conflict will confer good government uim the arVu wheiv it ragCB and give security sorely needed again St a recurrence of any such dan ger and the neo-jBslty of tuiy future ex ertion and for the restoration of peace and civilisation to thnt portion of the world." ;, UEI'ORT FROM nUI.LKR. Bomburdmenl of Ladymnith Was to Have Uf?n Reaumed Monday, LON U(JN, Nov. . Tlu war office haa received the following dlsatch from General Buller, dated Cape Town, Wed nesday evening, November 8: "General While reports by pigeon post that the woluided and some civil ians from Ladysmith have been re moved four miles down the railroad by arrangement with General Joubvrt, to a neutral place to save them from the bombardment, Ninety-nine wounded from Dundee have xen sent In under a flag of truce. They are all doing well. The bombardment was discontinued to commence November 6." DKWKV MAI'.HIKD. CVrmiimiy K.itlrely Hltnple and Uut Few l'reiwnt. WASHINGTON, Nov. .-Admlral George Dewey and Mrs. Mildred Uaz-n were marrl'.-d quietly at the r.-YMory of Ht. faul'a Catholic church In tnlx city, r.noruy wnii iu o ci'KK tnm morning,' The ceremony was of th simplest cbar- j ac'.vr according to he rites of the 1 Catholic church, and the only witnesses' besides th orriclaUng clergyman, werej Mrs. Washington McLean and Mrs.' Ludlow, wife of Admiral Ludlow, moth-' er aid slater respectively of the bride, and Lieut. Caldwell, Dewey's secre tary. Before the ceremony Father Vackin addressed the contracting par ties, saying: AGUINALD0 FLIES INTO THE MOUNTAINS Struggling Vainly to Escape the Net that is Closing la Upon Him. HIS LOCATION IS DEFINITELY KNOWN The higher your position In life, the He Is Cot Off From Any Communication With tbe Coast inj Wilt i more Incumbent upon you la the faith ful fulfilment of your obligation and the more rigorous the accounts thatj will be exacted. The neglect of thaw! obligations will cast Its shadow upon ' eternity." ' Arrangements for the wedding were SSS)S2SS made with all the secrecy which has ' S attended the whole affair. As Dewey Is not a Catholic, a special dispensa tion was rejulrd for the performance of the ceremony. Admiral and Mrs. Dewey left at 12:43 p. tn. for New York. Have No Means of Receiving Supplies General Wneaton's Troops Continuing oa His Trail. OPEN DOOR IN CHINA I AMERICAN DIPLOMACY WINS nr c pn TX-z-iO'nrvT x- t rrL . .-i . . i lg iiaouiuiu., iov. . ine war oenanmeni naa definitely located Aguinaldo today as on liis way to Boam bang, about 75 miles northeast of Tarlac. It is exjiectdd that the insurgent capital will be shifted to Boambaug, and the efforts of the American military forces will be directed toward that point. It is in the mountainous country of the north, said to be accessible from the south by way of one route only. This leaves the rebel leader little or no opportunity for communi cating with the coast or getting in supplies. It is.said the columns of Generals Young and Wheaton will push on to the north, following up the insurgent leader and his scattered bands. A LITTLE FIGHT. An Armored Train Battles With th Boers Near Cok-nso. EUTCOURT, Sunday. Nov. 5. Detail were rerel v -d from an armored train which return from Colonso- today of a brilliant little performance. The tniln which carried two compan ies of Doiiblln fuslleers sighted, near C'oU'iiso, the liners In considerable force near the line. The fuelUvrs immediately iipetu-d a brisk lire to wl.lch the Hoers replied In effectively and an they were suffering loss tln-y quickly retired out of sight. Several voll.ys at long rang were fired on the retr.-atii.g enemy. AT KIMBERLEY. ORANGE RIVER. Cape Colony. Mon day, Nov. 6. The Boors Investing Klm berley have bwti reinforced by 2,000 men, and haw succeiedtd In corral I ng about 5000 worth of 8tock belonging to Klmberly nierchants, which was in tended for the sustenance of the town. AND THE QUEEN IS STRONG. LONDON, Nov. 9. The fifty-eighth birthday of the Prince of Wales was celebrated today. C AN RAISE ANOTHER ARMY. LONDON, Nov. 9.-At the guilds hall banquet tiwilght General Woltwly, com mander In chief of the army, said: "We at present have mobilized one army corps, consisting of 55,000 men, of whom 44.000 are already on their way to the CaH Todiy orders have been sent to mobillzo another division and If called upon by the minister to moblllie another army corps, we are qul'.e pre pared to do so." Officials Very Confident That the Powers Will Assent to Ibe Pro posals of This Country. WASHINGTON. Nov. .-The diplo matic rvpres?ntatlve of every nation WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-The follow ing cablegram has been received at the war department: "Manila, Nov. 9. General Wlwaton successfully landed an expedition at Linsayan, west of Dagupan, on the af ternoon of th 7th, against considerable opposition, and with alight casualties. directly Interested in the Chinese ques-j a rough sea not permitting the landing tlon. call.'d at the state department to-1 at San Fabian, north of Dagupan. As day. It was notlt-sable that .he calls of directed, he Is" moving eastward. Admiral Bradford, chief of the naval bureau of equipment, la his repjrt to the secretary of the navy. Admiral Bradford says the Uni'.ed States fleet If called upon to act at any point across the Atlantic must en counter even greater difficulties than were encountered by Admiral Cervers, "As a matter of fact." continued Ad miral Bradford, "it may be stated with out fear of contradiction that at pres- tho Russian ambassador, and French "MacArthur seid Mabalacat, oi the ent it would be Impossible for the charge d'affaires, on Secretary Hay railroad, the "th instant, Colonel Bell 'United States fleet to carry on active lasted longer .than usual. ' ! taking the same on a directed recon. j operations during a w ar anyw here Secpitary Hay has relieved the main noisance. about the coast of Europe. Africa or apprehensiiM. whL-h was founded unon, "Lawton is at Cabantau'an. Troops a large portion of Asia and South a suspicion that our government. In I beyond Talabera and Aliga have met America for want of coal. th e'eit tnat tne t,urop-an powM-: o". l-e.v.v-., ... ...0 failed to give a formal assurance of , driven back In all instances. The' maintaining the "open door" that It country is still submerged but the wa- seek. would take ikmmujIoi of a Me- ter is falling. The troops wUl movej NORTHAMPTON, Mass.. Nov. 9.-Itt lion of Chinese coast before It Is all. rapidly as soon as the conditions per-, super.ur un mlt. Hughes moved against the Pan- j Sed , who wrecked the Hampshire County National bank and the Hamp shire Savings bank by embezzling; JrWJ.OOO was sentenced to state prison AN AMERICAN LORD. NXW YORK, Nov. 9. Lord Paunee- foote, British Ambassador to the Unit ed Stales arrived today on the Oceanic. He said h was slad to gvt back to this country. "I have lived here for 10 years" he sold, "and I feel that I am quite an American," THE WAGES OF SIN. J taken up by the oth.T powers. So contident aiv th officials of sue-; r Insurgents today. oewi that It Is Intimated they hare not even gone to the length of framing a policy to meet the event of defeat. A HEROIC ENGINEER. COALING STATION. I for not more than 13 Dor less than nine years, the first day to be in soli tary confinement Though Probably Fatally Inj ired 1 Drew His Fires and Prevented an Explosion. j TOLEDO. O., Nov. 9. A Michigan Central train from Toled to Detroit, was ditched by the spreading of rails, between Alexis and Vienna, Michigan, tonight. I Thive ersons were seriously Injured: John McKay, Indianapolis. John O'Neit, fireman. William Hamilton, engineer. TVn other persons wore painfully hurt. William Hamilton, engineer, was thrown tbrouph the window of his cab! and though perhaps fatally Injured he retained sufficient presence of mind when he receoverd to hurry to his. en gine and draw the fires thus preventing an explosion. The accident was the work of train wreckers. Admiral Bradford Points Out the Great Weakness of Our Navy. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9.-The urgent! necessity of adequate cooling stations j Words are wise men's counters, but for our warships is dwelt upon by Rear the money of fools. CARNEGIE'S RETURN. i I The Opinion of a Man Who Keeps His Heart in His Pock-nhook. AN INDIAN KILLED. Great Excitement Prevails Upon the ReservaUon. SALT LAKE, Nov. . A special to the Deart News from Vernal, Utah, says: An Indian was shot and killed on the i?eervatlon yesterday al Red Ders sheep herd by Olsen, a herder. The Indian was trying ta drive the herder out and attacked him with an axo, whereupon the herder shot and killed hhn. The he,-der was also shot through the arm and severely wounded. Great excitement prevails among the Indians. I NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Andrew Cam egle arrived today from Liverpool on - the ptxjmer Oovinle. He said the re ports that he Intended to become a subject of Great Britain were without foundation, for, he said, "where a man's treasure Is, tlvnv his !eart Is also." Speaking of the prosent war between England and the Boers, Carnegie said: "War against the Boers Is most Infam ous and injust and It is brought about by England's lust for domain i.nd Is on a par with our attack on the r-oor Filipinos. These two attacks are a disgrace to both branches of our race." ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft The Proof ill i Mi Of Boys' Clothing is in ( the wearing. Clothes must be of best quali ty to withstand the healthy violence of youngsters, or mother will be kept ' busy mending and buying more. The tougher the boy the better we like to clothe him. He's the surest test we know. See Our Superb Line of Winter Novelty Suits $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 to $10.00 Bovs' double-breasted snits at RJ.OO to $9.00 Youths long trouser suits, $7.50 to $18 00 Overcoats, Reefers, Hats and Furnishings. A B STEINBACH 8 CO. LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., 1'OK ILASU, UKtuuA. Hi Ob m