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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
TUK MORXlNO AN IONIAN, THlHSm., NOV KM Mil o, KW 5 M During the past few days we have talked exclusively on Men's and Boys' Clothing, and an exceptionally fine lino of Overcoats which were placed at prices that drew even the attention and presence of Portlanders to give them a trial; and all who purchased are mightily proud of the bargains they realized. Ftey, We Have Something Else to Say It is this: We have in stock a rich and varied assortment of Underwear and Neckwear that in comparison is fully as reasonable to buy as the Clothing. Really these goods must be seen to be appreciated. They are new strictly so in material and design, and are identically the same class of goods as will be found on sale at this moment in the leading houses of New York City. - - UNDERWEAR - - Read the price we are now making on Swift's goods. As is well known, Mr. Swift is recognized the country over as the most conscientious manufacturer in this line to be found anv SWIFT'S CONDE WOOL-RIBBED UNDER WEAR, 1 1.50 per suit. Always heretofore they have been more than cheap at $2.00. Here is a line of Camel's Hair and National Wool Un derwear at 50 cents per garment. They are excellent for the price asked and arc sure to please the purchaser. Many of our best people select them by reason of the soft character of the material. While insKH ting this department, ak also to see Lot K T-B. These are what are known as Ribbed Wool Shirts and Druwers. We havo decided for a few days only to sell them at 2.00 a suit. This is a remarkably low figure, if you are posted as to values in this direction. And now we are making a still further cut on the justly celebrated Lu zerne Underwear. Think of it! Only $2.50 a suit We have just been selling it at'3.00, but we want the bulk of Astoria's trade and we propose to get it You cannot beat this price nor the goods anywhere on earth. This Week, Wright's Health-Fleeced Underwear, f 2.50 per suit. All who wear underwear will understand that this is an amazingly cheap price fur Wright's noted make, They are unexcelled for winter on account of 1 ing fleece-lined on the inside. In the same connection we have the Famous Arabian Fierce Underwear. We are also cutting it for the time being to $2.50 per suit. ChSpfr Attention all ! Fancy Bosom and Colored Body Oil 1 1 lo Shirts with one pair of cuffs $1.00. Certainly after examining the quality you won't believe it, but it is the truth. We are going to sell these very same shirts this week at the above figure HatC A nian w'10 ' tr'ct'.v up-to-ilato in style wears a llUlo derby hat. We carry two lines, one at $.1.00 and one at $4.00. They have just been received from the factory and are Litest Fall Shapes. This is a good timo to tender our thanks for the splendid trade in hats we have enjoyed. A nobby tie make any man look respwtuble. H In wears a bandaome ti ft l'ortland nirrrliHiil run Nerkwear iivviiii vui ,1M i..,,- , i u'. awn v' St'V PMU Vl W jUIJr'l "! have a beautiful variety jmt in from llio Ksal. Include! in it la the swell Bufua WaUrhoimfl S(n kPir. Mr. Watorliouae manufaoturra the llneat line of ties In the United States, and the patterns are innumernMe. Ask to it our Imperials, Trek. rour-m-IIsiiJa, run ami Hlilnbl ami Hand Mows. Triors nniio from AOo upwards. 490 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. TRUE PICTURE OF THE OUTLANDER Poor, Hardworking Men With Very Few Exceptions. SOME EKRONE01S IMPRESSIONS Instead of Being Concentrated in Johannesburg, They are Scattered Throughout the Transvaal. well. Deduct these 210 men from the I white (European) population of Johan- nesburgh say 30,000 and a reeldum Is left of 27,780 men, who are the real Out- j landers, and are. po-w men at that. They are of all slasses, trades and professions doctors, lawyers, miners, assayers, surveyor?, clerks, shopkeep ers, brokers, contractors manufactures and the like. Wag3s are high, It Is true. A carpenter on the mines gets his pound a shift. A decent clerk can com mand 30 a month, but expenses are, In proportion. Rent is terribly hlgrh. I food Is also expensive; cloths, cabs, ser vants, books and amusements ar? treble what they are at home. The club sub scription is one gul-ua a month, with ar: entrance fee originally 20, then raised to 30 and afterward 100, but subsequently brought down to the low er figure. Nothing is cheap save tobac co and mealies. The smallest current 1 coin Is a tickey (three penny piece). Coppers are unknown. There Is another Important item which is generally overlooked In Euro pean judgment of the average Outland- London Truth. There are very few rich Outlanders. This may seera a remarkable state ment, but It e the gospel truth. The!r- wl:h hardly an exception none of real Outlander is a hardworking man! the men whose wives' dresses, carri-j Of business, who just manages to make1 S"S aml horses are quoted a typical both ends meet and sometimes only tame to the Raid as poor men; prac sometimes makes a hundred or two on' Ucally all of them had amassed for the share market. i tunes, differing in amount, but none of The current picture In the English : them by any means contemptible, in press of the "stage Outlander" if one K!mbTly, in the quod old days when may use that term la absurdly errone-' diamonds were diamonds, and De Ous. He U rarely a well-to-do man, Reers was not the devouring monopo and, with a few trilling exceptions, H:t it today. "The old Klmberly never a millionaire. crow 1," which comprises the much The ridiculous vaporing of ill-in-; maligned magnates of Park Lane and formed scribes prjtt iugeniously that! eIsewhere' onlr augmented their since we are fighting the Transvaal we wealth In Johannesburg; none of them are fighting In the Interest of Capel originated it there. Court and Park Lane. Nothing could! jt jH nt generally known, or, be more silly or Inexact. indeed, known at all, that dur- -ine simple arutn is container in a ing trie pr-sent crisis very many short sentence which cannot be too', men of honor and Integrity on forcibly driven home to those who la-j the Rand have had to bor- bor under the Impression that Oulland- row money fro'n friands In order to er Is a synonym for plutocrat. Nine send away their wives and families to out of every ten men In Johannesburg places of security' in the Cape Colony are poor men. Really poor, mind you,' and Natal? Surely not, or a little studying economy in every form, stint- more kindly compassion would be lng themselves of everything save the evinced. Tiie Outlander, broadly speak barest necessities, and struggling, ver- lng, Is Just an ordinary hard working ltably struggling, to maintain an ap-'man of business, who, seeing a quicker pearance of prosperity. This is In or-j turnover for his work, or maybe for his dlnary times, too. Not In war times,-small capital, In Johannesburg than nor In "boom" times, when evpryone elsewhere, has thought fit (and' who Is a bit above '.llmself. shall say him nay?) to settle down In Between 18S6 and 18S9 there have been the Transvaal, to pay five-sixths of the four, or possibly five, "booms," and taxes of the country, to put up with then money was made by a good many. ' countless Injustices and political dis Only, however, to be loHt again by all abilities, and when the burden becomes save the richest folks. For the disas- too great and he protests, personally trous policy of "nursing the baby" and through his government at home, seems to be the special prerogative of is taunted with the opprobrious epithet those who can least well afford to In-' of millionaire. It Is Just a little bit dulge In that expensive pastime. j hard and It Is very untrue. "Political The rich folk who are quoted In sea-: helot" he may be In fact, Sir Alfred son and out of season (particularly In Miner says he Is but millionaire helot the former) as typical Outlanders are never! not by any means fair examples, j The rich firms on the Rand fully Taken by and large, there are not more recognize their responsibility toward than a score of millionaires, and a cou-' the country In which, by their own pie cf hundred who have done passably astuteness and against terrific odds, they have made their thousands roll up Into millions. No charitable occasion Is ever allowed to pass without very ) substantial help from them. In fact, all' Transvaal charity and It Is, In the ag-j gregate, a very large Item Is entirely Outlander money. One example will sufice. At the time of the great dyna- mite explosion at Veldschoendorn, on j the outskirts of Johannesburg, in Feb- I ruary, 1S!)6, very many deaths occurred and scores of poor folk were weriously Injured. T.y chance, not one English man suffered. All the d-nd and hurt were p or Hin ts, natives, Malays, cool ies and Chinamen. Within two hours of the happening of the accident 75. 000 was subscribed "between the chains" by the big firms of the town toward the alleviation of the sufferers. Every penny was Outlander money; no Boers contributed. Paul Kruger per mitted his name to be put at the head of the subscription Ust with a donation of 23. But he never paid a penny of the money, In spite of repeated ap plications. Again, the most beneficial charitable InHtltutlon In the Rand Is the Rev. Mr. Kelly's Home. Here employment Is found for men out of work, sheiu-r and j food are provided and every d"-rvlng white man, be he Boer or Briton, ls succored and helped. This home Is en-j tirely managed by Outlander sub-1 scriptlons. A grant of land was made. to Mr. Kelly by the Transvaal govern ment, but the conditions were so oner ous and the chicanery and ' verneuk ery" (cheating) on the part of the Boer officials was so flagrant that It was a gift of Dead Sea apples. Another error Into which too many fall is that every Outlander lives In Johannesburg. Nothing could be less accurate. Scattered throughout the Transvaal, In townships, on home steads, In Isolated little mining camps, In sundry roadside wlnkels or stores, up and down country, In dorp and on the veldt, are many hundreds of Out landers of all nationalities, the Eng lish, however, always predominating, who are in precisely the same condition j as the maligned Rand pauper. Many a country storekeeper who has preferred to remain honest, not to I bribe the police, not to sell liquor to na j tlves, not to let the veldt cornet run up a long bill, which he never pays, I has had his store looted by vagrant I Boer youths, who laugh at his protests and threaten to shoot him If he offers I resistance. Again, it has often oc curred that horsis. oxen, goods, sad dles, and money have beoa "com mandeered" on the smallest provoca tionor on none for the assistance of de arme Boer, who Is called out to quell some ridiculous native uprising, brought about by the peculations, bru tality or Inconsistency of a Boer native commissioner. These things are flagrant and frequent. The Outlander ceases protesting when he finds redress hopeless, and either turns his back on the country or begins his labors all over again. True enough that his only direct tax, beyond his trading license, is iss Cd an nually for what are termed poll or per sonal taxes, but he has to pay Indirect ly on nearly everything he eats, drinks, weurs it u-s. The custom tariff Is craftily arranged that lxldes th ad valorem duty of 74 pT cent all round (shortly to be ruis.-a to ten p.T cnu -the rates vary In exact ratio lih th artlclm which are much, little or not ; at all used by the Iluers. Thus to give ' the two extreme, i office U very llttht-. ly taxed, because the Ho-rs do not grow much, but use a great dwil. On the other hand, .:oap. which the lloer n"er use, and of which they evi-n dis like the srivll. Is very highly t.ixed And so forth throughout the gamut of n.'. Hltles and luxuri. The town Outland.-r has his griev ances, and the country Outlander ban his; th-y are In mitiy ways Identical, and they .ire entlMy legitimate and i sincere. I It is worth repeating the Indisputable fact the outland er Is not a rich man. H e fully destrw to be for his pluck : and endurance through a decade of troublous times, but the process ot freezing out," the ex tenses of living, the Insecurity of title and want of faith In any permunency of government have kept him In a st.ite of suspended flnan- j clal animation. He Is an honest, poor man, making the b-st of a Job, ami he deserves every sympathy, encour agement and assistance. RADICAL LITERATURE. Wu know of only ona book stors In Portland where so complete a lln of novels can be obtained, on all the radi cal subjects of the day under discussion ns can be seen at Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder street. BUSINESS POINTERS. Fresh cracked crabs at the National Cafe. Hire's root beer at the Spa candy factory. Iturbank potatoes, $l a sack, at Tat's Market. Jeffs Is "the only" White cooks. restaurant. 1 T4I "V No wondei some wonirn feel as if the disease which constantly pur sues them is just a malig nant devil C ' Ay dooming them yvff1 I r to endless mis- Jik'srJ 1 I V fT- Thousands (ya of w"mcn who CUUIU KCl liu If lief from any other source have written grateful letters to Doctor K. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., telling him of the benefits received from bia wonderful prescriptions and the careful professional advice which be sends by mail without charge. A lady living In Wert Raton, Madison Co., N. Y., Mra. Maltie A. Walker, in a recent Irtter to Dr. Pierce, ayi: "I write to inform you what your remedies have done for me; but they have helped me no much that I know not where to commence or where to leave off, as I had uch a complication of ailment. For three yean I hd nuch bad rlli 1 thought that If dying wni only junt a aleep I did not want to wake and auf fer K'n; 1 would be glad to have death come any night. I (fot no dlKouraKed it aeemed If I ul(I never lie well and happy again. I had a. .hmatic Hixrlts towardi morning. Sometimes I felt an if I could not grt breath enough to live: had dreadful pain in the lop of my head, and waa so nervou I felt aa If something dreadful wan going to happen I could not tell why either. I could write a doten sheet fun and not tell all the dreadful thinga I nuftVred, from fe male weaknru. countitmlion, anthmatic spells, and rheumatic neuralKia. ' I advine all who are Buffering not only to uae Dr. Pierce t medicines, but to get his advice alao, for It has helped me so much I cannot Hay enough in orle of both the advice and the remrdien. I loolf on your medicine aa being a God-aend. ami will auk Cud to guide suffering humanity to the right reliof." For nervous troubles and ailments pecu liar to women Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Pre scription is the only proprietary remedy designed by a regularly educated physician. For bronchial affections and digestive diffi culties his "Golden Medical Discovery" is the one permanent cure. His "Pleasant Pellet " are the most effective natural non griping laxative for constipation. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, BufiTalo, N. Y.. for a free copy of the "People's Medical Adviser." For paper-coTerea copy enclose si one-cent stamps to cover mailing only. Cloth-bound, 31 um(a. You never know what form of blood poison will follow constipation. Kerp the liver clean by using DoWltfi Lit tle Kiuly Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous llttlo pills f-T constipation and llvwr and bowel troubles. For salo by C1IARLKS RO3-KRS. Th" time Is newr lost that Is devoted to work. It will not bo a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good quail llwi of Chamberlain's Cough Kerned IS" know that people everywhere take pleasure In relating their exprrlenoe In the use of that splendid medicine and In telling of the benefit they have re ceived from It. of td cobls It has cured, of thratnel attacks of pneu monia It has averted and of the children It bus saved from attacks of croup and Hlmopliig cough. It Is a grand, good medicine. For sale by Cha. Rogers. Best 15-cent meal. Rising Sun Restau rant, 613 Commercial street. Chili con carne and fiijolles at Lee Herring's National Cafe every day. Until further notice the Astoria creamery will pay 2tt cents for butter fat. Cold lunch, pickled pigs' feet, oys ters, h-p's tongue, etc., at the Na tional Cafe. Do you know Bnodgross makes Stamp I'hotos? Call and see them. They are all the go. Cream Pure Rye, America's finest! whiskey. The only pure goods; guaran teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole agent. I Buy Roelyn ooal; the best coal fori heating and oooklng purposes on the I market. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. ' Boquet de Cuba and Key West Qems aro the finest 6-cent cigars that ever came to this market. Henry Roe, op posite brewery. Visitors from Portland and elsewhere will find the pleasantest rooms In As toria at the Bay City house, 179 Tenth street, Mrs. E. S. Andrews, proprietress. Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapf's fur niture store, 630 Commercial street, will reoelve prompt attention, Telephone 2144. The following reduced rates are In effect via the O. R. & N. between Asto ria, Portland and Intermediate points along the river: Fare, 25 cents; section, 25 oents; lower or upper berth, 60 cents each: stateroom, 75 cents. Oo to the Columbia Electric and Re pair Company for all kinds of new and repair work, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaranteed. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Hlgglns k Co. Troubles spring from Idleness, and grievous tolls from needless ease. J. D. Drldges. Kdltor "Democrat,"; Lancaster, N. H.. says: "One Minute Cough Cure Is the best remedy for, croup I ever used." Immediately re-j lleves and cures coughs, colds, croup,' nsthniii. pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe j and all throat aril lung 1 roubles. It! prevents consumption. For salo by I CHAIILKH HOOKR8. life's a reckoning we cannot make twlie over. You "uiiiii! mend u iong tiiliti-ui Hon by didng your Addition rliibt. Beauty Is nam rally something king ly. Xenophon. Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says "My wife had piles forty years. DcWltt's Witch llnrel Salve cured her. It Is the bent salvo In America." It heale everything and cures all skin diseases. For Sale by CIIARLRS ROGERS. I Manners are the final and perfect flower of ivblo character. William Winter. ' I'HKD 11Y nillTISir SOLDIERS IN AFRICA. ('pjt. C. O. Dcnnlson Is well known all over Africa as the commander of ths forces tlint rapturtd the famous rebel tinllshe. Under dale of Nov. 4. 1SOT, f i din Vrybtirg. Bochuanaland, he writes: "M"f ore starting nn the last riim'pnlgn I bought a quantity of Cham bi'iliiln's Colic, Cholera and Dlnrrhoea R.Mii-dy. which I used myssilf whon troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and In every case It pr ived most beivflcUl." For sale by Chns. Rogers. To make laws complete t h-y should rewind us well ns punish. tloldsmlth. Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy Hill, N. T.,says: "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife Immedi ate relief In suffocating aatnma." Pleasant to take. Never falls to quick ly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. "I wouldn't be without DcWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for any considera tion," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Center field, O, Infallible for piles, cuts, burns nnd skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. For sale by CHARLES ROGERS. I To epdenvor to. forget nnyone Is the certain way to think of nothing else. La Bruycre. Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a splendid medicine. I prescribe It, and rpy confidence In It grows with contin ued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and Indigestion. For sale by CHARLES ROGERS, Oh, popular applause! What henrt of man Is proof against thy sweet sedun Ing charms. Cowper. CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM CUKES OTHiCRS. WHY NOT YOU? My wife has been using Chamber lain's Pain Balm Balm, with good re sults, for a lame shoulder that has pained her contlnualy for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any ben ellt from any of them. Ono day we saw an advertisement of this midlclne and thought of trying It, which we did, with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder Is al most well. Adolph L. llllett, Man chester, N. II. For sale by Chas. Rog ers. The loss of fortune only serves to In crease the pride of tho worthy. Goldsmith. "I had dyspepsia nrty-scven years, and never found permanent relief until I used Kodol dyspepsia Cure. Now I. am well and feel like a new man,", writes S. J.iFlemlng, Murray, Neb. It la the best dlgestant known. Cures aU forms of IndlgJstlon. Physlolons every-' fipAiirlhA It TIVii. an 1a htf PHAa ' ROGERS. Every great and commanding move ment In the annals of tho world Is the triumph of enthusiasm. Emerson. LaGrlppe, with Its after effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be qulegly cured by One Min ute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces Immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneu monia and throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. For sals by CHARLES ROGERS. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local application, they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is cajieed by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube Is In flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is en tirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars: free F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. ' Sold by druggists, 25o. Hall's Family Pills are tfc best. J