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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
MIL MUKNING AST0K1AN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 18rfb ! Mllllnory. Headquarters for Pry fiooJs on the Lower Columbia MISS MoKKA Corner Tenth an J Commercial streets. CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers niPFfT uirfq to Nw York Slock Exchange DIRECT WIPES T0 ChicagQ Board flf 8 Seasonable Cloakinos I 21 4-21 s Chamber of ( -ommerce, Portland, Oregon. a . i . At rtMiucti pruv. rive attractive nun bi nations ami ten styles heavy euily doth lor coats or yoh'caos. $2 .00 and $'2 50 values for 1 48 yard this week. BISHOP SCOn ACADEMY I; 4. W. Bill, H. D, Prlaelpal. .ii :- i WEST SIDE NOTES. Mr. Clark Hay, of Portland, was vis iting his daughter, Mrs. Clara Parirer, of Sklpanon. Miss Eva Parker was visiting; In As toria during the week. Mr. A. C. Wirt spent Tuesday and Wednesday In town. Andrew Hanson and family visited Portland several days during the week ' - Hammond now has two restaurants and one hotel. J. Cralne of warren ton is soon to rnovs Ma drugstore to Hammond r, Saturday Willie Abbott was fortunate enough to kill thirteen geese with four shots. Owing to tbe illness of Mrs. Mason, tha school has been closed this week, but will open again Monday. Mr. Leonard Harris spent Sunday at home. He wil move his family to As toria on Monday, as he baa been em ployed In the Astoria Box Factory. A very pleasant party was given at the A. O. TJ. W. hall Friday evening. by the members of the order. Dancing was indulged In till a late hour. Miss Daisy Dean returned to Gervais with her friend Miss Emma Tandebeck and will remain several weeks. During the last week the tides have been very high on the ocean beach. The waves have washed out sticks and logs that have been covered In the sand for many years. The wedding of Mr. Luther Camp bell and Miss Nannie Hamlin was the occasion of calling together all the members of the Morrison family. The bride was the grand daughter of the late William and Nancy Morrison who ettled on Clatsop Plains In the early days. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have gone to California on a wedding trip. Mrs. Alfred Dawson Is still very ill. The boys had their usual good time CkrtatMS Tit Ohm lt. is, Vf. I A aMralBc u4 P7 SohooL DMar trans iMimH lOoa Wit IW eataloauai or tsformaUaa adJna tha rlBjUwl J. W. HOI M. IX, F. O. 4ir It. Portland Or. Primary, rnswalory tad Aeadwala rprt. Mstx Coil PraparaUao, Military PtaelaUaa, aaaua iniuf W. B. Edwrirds I'.very variety of Kouuli and DresNtd Lumber, Uoorn, Window h, .MmiMlngM and Cedar MiIiiIch r f t'..i'n..n Slt.l!iirk. Fir, Utile Scentli Street Dock case their Joke was so serious that they came near being arrested. ! Mrs. J. M. Twney was calling in . mmmmmm? Sklpanon last Tu.sday. ! The body of R. L. Chrtst? bat- George Dean of Nehalera was in Skip-j tw' M- na not vt n rwwvwd. anon visiting his parents previous to The drowning occurred at Ilwaco. their departure for their new home In Mr- Chrlstenberg was an examplary Westport. young man. and Is much missed by Miss Mlimie Grey, who is attending his rJ- the Astoria High School, came home! Owing to the Thursdays mfHon of Friday for a few days visit. ; the county institute at Astoria all! nrrTAIinA MT Allan Ana,,n rrf iMvilL ... In' hwls " thl j R LOl A U K A IN I Nut foil. Nut Huttcr. K IMVreiil. conviMiilun Ih held on the 2lt day of Noveinlver, IS'.i. JOtlAN E. YOl'Ntl. t'hiUrnian UeiHibliran City Central CommlKt"". F. 1 LKtXENWKHEll. SrrvUry Health (rackci-N, BROWN'S Warrenton during the week. John Relth of Lewis and Clarke was burin cattle on this side last Sat-1 urday. Mrs. Sarah Bird and daughter of Seaside are visiting !n Ilwaco. Frank Damaat those days, as the teachers are required . . . . . Miss Edna Dow has gone to Seattle to attend school. She will moke her home with her stster, Mrs. Ed Masney. Miss Edna Morrlsuo is attending school In Portland. some horses over for winter's paotur-! age last Friday. A. M. Essor. came down from Mon tana to attend the Campbell-Hamlin welding, and is nox calling on old friends In this vicinity. la Portland. I ""- Mr. Kennedy, representing the Vnlon Savings and Loan Association, is in Hammond In the interest of his com pany, i Notice Is hereby given that there F. S. Dow, of Prospect Park. Is visit ing at Seaside. He will return to Bos ton next week. C. C. March went to Portland Satur day to remain over Sunday. Mrs. John Mlnto, of Salem, is spend ing a tew days at her old home on NOTICE OF REPUBLICAN PRIM ARY CITT ELECTION. A tirst-claM place at moderate prices lwxims for ladies and private parties Open nil INIsHt... 10S Fourth St., near Washington CORTLAND, OlttUOI. Clntcii. i Nut Routt, Nutene. Maltotla Are a few of the Health Foods told by KNAI'P HKOS., IIKALTI1 FOOD Co. Portland, Or What Is It, do you ask ? It Is a new way to tench bookkeeping. Stiulrnts Iran to keep books cxnctly an they are kept In business. No text-book is UfCl. A text-book teaches, in a f heoretival way, how books mar be kept Armstrong's teaches, ill a pnutkul way, how books are kept. It is a bookkeeper method. Investigate. Cull, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill St. A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time, business, Shorthand and F.nglih department. Private or dim Initrurtlon, Catalogue free PHONK HUACK 1H.15. The Eastern Posing a Specialty. L. A. Conn went to Portland on Wed. nesday and wil remain until his health Is Improved. Miss Grandma and Miss Henderson are visiting in Hammond. Mrs. E. M. Lally Is forced ta enlarge her building, owing to her Increasing, will be a republican primary city elec tion on the 17th day of November, 1899, for the purpose of electing' delegates to the republican city convention. The judges and polling places of said elec tion to be as follows, to wit: First ward Judges, Charles S. playing tricks Halloween, but In one week. business. Robt. Gray has his new store almost completed. Willis Mudd Is able to be out, but still uses crutches. The detachment at Fort Canby has been reduced to ten men, the others Joining the battery at Fort Stevens. Owing to a better target range, the practice with small arms has been car ried on at Fort Canby during the Martin Johmwn and A. C. polling place at county court Wright, Fisher; house. Second ward Judges, D. H. Welch, Walter Robb and R. Carruthers; poll ing place, Welch block. Third ward Judges, T. S. Cornelius, C. Gramms and Maxwell Toung; poll ing place, old school house. The number of delegates to be eleoted at said election being 11 from each ward. It Is reeonmended by the re publican city central committee that DinlnijToom and Kcstaurant J. IT. Waiintr, I Top. rrivtte Diilag-rooau tor ladies .Meats 15c t'p Opts tit Xiqht. 170 THIRD STRCCT. ......Dtt. Jlorrlsoi sad Yiahill Portland, Oregon.... Beautiful Miiliriery . At prices aitliio th? reach of all. Call and examine the new styles. MRS. ROSS, 1H3 11th Street. tfYLiflflD The Photographer N. W. Corner Seventh ami Washington POKTLAND. ORKUON Holmes' English AND Business College 4M Yamhill CI, Portlaml, Oregon. SIX DEPARTMENTS Knulisli, HookkccplMK, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Ait. Semi for cironliiri. r 1 Garry the Ralston A- V. ALLEN Health Poods Wheat Flakes, Crono, Whole Wheat Crockets, Breakfast Food, Select Brap, Yeast Cocoa. Koffy C. A. WHALE, Wholesale aud retail dealer in Pianos Krauich and Koch, SclialTrr, Schiller, aud many others. mi MmlU and Co. Miller, Ann Arbor ltenlloy and others ""'' PORIIAND OREGON. Instruments Sold on Easy Terms. M. C. MATTHIELL .MHnaKcr. Head, offloe It'.' SUts St. Fsl.m.tH. Plays any Piano. Anyone Can Play It. We'll Show You The PIANOLA Monday, Nov. 20, '99 and will Continue One Week. Fry n yJ (K)S7 n 11 -19 Wherever there is a Piano there should be a Pianola. Moszkowski The Great Composer and PlnnlHt BtidorscB the . PIANOLA . (Literal translation.) "Any one hidden in n room near by who will hear the Pianola for tho first time will miroly think that it is a groat virtuoso that plays; but after a while ho will perceive his error, bceause your instrument never playq false notes." MAURICE MOSZKOWSKI. Pianola, in Connection with Grand Piano, Price, $250. M. B. WELLS, Sole Agent for Oregon. Representing The Aeolian Co., (S Portland Warerooms, 335 Horrison St., M'rquam Bld'g. New York, 19 West 23rd St Loudon, 225 Regent St. '. Parli 11 Avanna H'T.'Dnara The Largest Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in the World. FflCtories at MerWeBi Worct.gteri MaM.f ,,0, Mieh.