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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
1'HK MORNINQ ASTORIA y THURSDAY, OCTOBEH 5, 1839. gathj glotorian. 4. JOHM T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main Kt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mall, pr fear tttO Pent by mall, per month M Served by carrier, per month W SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year. In adranos 12-00 Postage free to subscrtbsra. AU communications Intended for pub lication ahjuld be directed to the edi tor. Business oommunloatloin of all klndi and remittance moat be address ed to "The Astorlan." The Astorian fuaraateea to IU ad rertlnera the larftst circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rate can be had on ap plication to the business manager. TO KBADKKSTh "Daily Ailwlu'' SaaUlae Iwlee aa Mill nMta sutler aa aay etaar ppr pabllaare' la Aaturla. It Is taa Ml J paper thai presrau Ite rcadrr. vita a Sally telegraphic rvpvrt. TO ADVKRTISEKS.-Ta -Dally Aa torUa" has sure thaatata.Bai.j read rs as say vtawr ar paaiUaaa ia AiU Ha. It Is tacrtfora aiora taaa twice aa ralaaMs as aa edrertialag BMdleaa. IF PORTLAND OSLT WOULD! The Telegram says it "cheerfully ad mits that Astoria has an uniquely val uable harbor, and that, by loading there, ships would save considerable towage bills and perhaps a little time," which Is only part of the claim, amounting to, perhaps, 59 cvnu a tn gained on wheat values. The Telegram does not mention that the GREAT saving would be on iv dJced ocean charters due to the heav iest ship tonnage possible at Astoria and Imjxwsibke at Portland, amounting to at least f- a ton more of gain to the 1 producers, thus adding millions of do!-1 lars annually to the wealth of this basin. The Telegram further says: ' "But there are several other advan-' tages in coming to Portland, obvious' to everybody except our Astoria friends.- "Advantag"." to whom? The WHOLE QUESTION Involved In' the choice of a seaport for a basin Is! the -lU-ry. "At which place will thej blpments be of most advantage to the1 producers?" Where mill the products: bring most, and which point will best' control the foreign trade for the bene- j fit of the dwellers In the basin? Now, the Astorlan would challenge the Telegram to point out the superior benefit to our producers, or to Port land Itself, as a trading center, of Port- ' land over Astoria as a seaport. The! Astorlan points out Its claims for As-1 torla aa the port specifically that (1) It would, by cheapened charters, add 1 at least three million dollars annually. M I Vi a iroliiA rt . , ' ' - wi uur eijr, ana or Portland. Astoria, and of all the Co lumbian basin In an extraordinary de gree. The "advantages" of Portland as the seaport, to whom? we repeat the question. Will the Telegram point them out? The Astorlan denies any gain to any i body on earth from that status. The Astorlan asserts hat the present un natural conditions cause universal damage and that Astoria, as the port, would cause universal prosperity Im mediate proeperixy in every quarter of the Columbian basin. If the Portland paper would work in harmony wiih AMorla. Oregon and all these regions would Mossom with a developm -nt hitherto unknown In any section of the Western Empire. Portlanu, though, Is blind m the r--aJ situation-because her press Is blind. Let the Telegram answer the Asturl an's Utlons. excuse for division on the question of establishing law and oredor In the mil loDlnea now exists. The ear of IssW was a year of great world movement In which America, oj the Dower of Dewey's fleet, was per mitted to participate in a manner that gave us a new position among the power of the earth. Dewey opeden tn far ist to Amerloa and mad land realize that the Pacific U the new eat of empire. Russia also expanded the Influence of that great empire by breaking her way . the ocean at Port Arthur. " A cannot undo the event of 1SS," says Professor Wtwlor. America, must now have a concern In the future af fairs of China, which present the greatest problem of our times. Amer ica cannot afford to have the future of China shaped adversely to our com mercial interests. America 1 a pow er that must now be reckoned with in the Orient. California look across the svs to China, Japan and Australia. She ex pect to reap the rtchvet reward of commerce and wealth from our new interests In the Pacific. The senti ments expressed by President Wheeler will not only be highly gratifying to people of the Pacific coast, but utey meet with cordial Indorsement from the great body of IntWlgvna, patriotic American of all parties. We are ex panslonista not Imperialists." GERMANY IS A GOOD CUSTOMER. No matter what the governments n ay do or the politician may say, it is plainly obvious from the latest sta tistics of German commerce that the Germans prefer American-matle goods to those made in other countries, and they are determined to have them. Fig ures Just received at the state depart n.ent from the German bureau of sta tistics, through -Vlce-Conaul General Hanauer at Frankfort", show that Ger many bought more goods and product from the United States during ISM than from any other country, the total being ?OS.rS5.500. Great Britain, which formerly stood first among the na tions from which Germany purchased goolf now stands second and Kuasia third. It Li a significant fact in connection with this displacement of Great Britain tha we bought less goods of Germany than did any o;her nation, our total iirrhase for the year amounting to onl $T!-, It must also be borne in mind that this marked Increase in our sales to Germany was affected In the face of the constant agrarian agi tation for more stringent inspection of ocr food product and for restrictive embargoes upon our meats. That Germany is certain to become our most profitable customer, next to Great r.rltain, is Indicated by the dearth of tnw materials In that coun try (iermany is dependent upon the outside world for raw materials for her manufactures as well as for a (ood portion of her food products. At the present time many branches of Industry In Germany can work onlyj bair tneir torce Because oi tne iaca oi raw materials. The rolling mill are unable to get enough pig Iron to keep them going, although they have large central is given by the government for its railroad stations and rolling stock, as well as from private corporations and electric railways. The United States leads the world in the class of materials which Is now In greatest demand in Germany, and the increasing tendency of the Ger mans to buy them here Is a guiranty of the maintenance of the most friend ly relations between the two govern ments. (Continued from Page On.) KRCOKRS ULTIMATUM. PARIS, Oc. 4. A number of paper say that the Boer have sent an ulti matum to England demanding the withdrawal of th troops from ths frontier within 43 hour. The papers congratulate President Kruger for coming to this decision. BRITISH BUTINQ AMERICAN HORSES. NEW TORK. Oct. t-Agent of th British government are now In this country picking up horse and mules by th hundred and arranging for speedy shipment New Tork dealers say that 12.000 horses and mules are to be bought for service In South Af rica. Some are to be shipped from Gulf porta, others from New Tork. MASS MEETING AT NEW TORK. Bourke Cochran and Other Will Sym pathise with Boer. NEW TORK, Oct. 4.-A mass meet Ing to express sympathy with the Boers tn their struggle against England will be held In Cooper Union on October I at S o'clock. Bourke Cockran will deliver an ad' dress. T. W. Burg will also speak. The meeting will be presided over by Au gustus Van Wyck. but the movement la under the auspices of the Holland Society. Among the vice-presidents named In the announcement are Abram S. Htwett, Jordan L. MoM, General J. Watts de Peyster and John Starln. OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION .... OPENS IN Portland, September a8, CLOSES October 28, 1S99. Horticultural ind Agricultural Product of Oregon, Washington and Idaho In greater variety and profu sion than ever before. Bennett's Kcoowncd Military Hand MISS ALICE RAYMOND America' Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist TRANSVAAL ARBITRATION. WASHINGTON, Oct 4.-The Trans vaal situation formed the basis of a discussion In the council of the Pan. Presbyterian Alliance. The controver sy arose over a resolution Introduced by Dr. Cyrus Cort of Sablllaavllle. Md urging the arbitration upon the gov ernments of Great Britain and the Trarsvaal In connection with the pre' ent crisis. DISASTER IS FEARED. The Ship Cyrus Wakefield Believed to isoi uoa ah SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 4.-Shlpplng men fear that some disaster has be fallen the ship Cyrus Wakefield, which sailed from New Tork for this port 183 ago. She was last heard from at Port Stanley, where she put In after the death at sea of her master. Captain Henry. She left Port Stanley 89 day ago In charge of Captain Chapman, and should have reached here nearly a month ago. Five per cent reinsurance Is being paid on her. The ship Valky rie reports passing the mast of a ship In the track of vessels rounding Cape Horn. Mariners say that this may have be longed to the Cyrus Wakefield, which is possibly now making slow progress under a Jury rig. IN A TTPHOON. British Rark Rose Has a Tough Ex perience Enroute to Puget Sound, SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 4.-The Brtt ish bark hose, Captain RIckmers, has put Into Shanghai in distress after a hard fight for her life in the heart of a typhoon off the Chinese coast She was bound from Hongkong to Puget Sound when she got Into the trar of a typhoon. Her main topmaac head, fore and main top gallant masts were blown away. The ballast began to snut ana leaks were discovered for warn. After two days the weaither moderat el and the vessel was handed for anangnai, wnere she will be repal red. TRESIDFNT WHEELER AN EX PANSIONIST. "We must stand behind the president like men and Ilka Americans" Is the ringing utterances of a Cleveland dem ocrat who places country above party Professor Benjamin Ide Wheeler, the new prenldent of the Unlventlty of Cal ifornia. Professor Wheeler Is not an "imperi alist;" he Is an expansionist. In an interview while stopping In Chicago on his way to assume his duties at the head of the greatest state university on the Pacific coast he declared that our policy In the Philippines Is not In spired by a dream of empire, but " "America Is a missionary carrying out side her borders the gospel of freedom and law." We may divide In our opin ions hereafter concerning the final dls potkl of our new possesHions, but no $Mr nor ITRYiNG "P I can't t.iko nlain rnH.livsr j oil. Doctor says, try it He! might as well tell me to mclt$ !ard or butter and try to take hpm If it Inn rirk intt ) will upset the stomach. But you can take milk or cream, : ;o you can take I Scott's Envision S It is like cream: but wills? feed and nourish when cream will not. Babies and chil-J dren will thrive c. .d grow Fat on it when their nrrlinarv w food does not r.crhh them. 4) Personi hive been fcr.v v.'n to gain ? $ a pound a tL.y v-'itn Uin$ an y ounce of .Volt's Emu!:; in. It Cets T the digestive r.:hinry in working J oroer so iror 105 wi.nvy rood b properly iA and assimilated. : '. 1 'o, s' rJri: 1 i.:, ifimaiv New York. SNOW SHEDS BURNED. SACRAMENTO. Oct. 4.-BIX thou sand four hundred feet of snow sheds were destroyed by fire last night on the Southern Pacific betsreen Cisco and EnimiKrant Gap. Th total loss to the railroad will nut be lens than $50,000. The company hopes to have trains moving by tomorrow morning. There are two passenger trains, east and west -bound, now stalled In the moun lain. RABIil WISE ACCEPTS. NEW YORK, Oct 4. Rev. Dr. Stephen Wise, rabbi of (he Bnal Jes- surum synagogue, Madison avenue, has announced his acceptance of the call the Congregation Beth Israel, of Port' land. Or., which he has bad under eon slderatlon for several weeks. Dr. Wise said last night he had ac cepted the call because an enlarged field of ministerial work awaits him there. B. House' Cafe at US Third street. Portland, la regarded by many people as the leading restaurant In the Pa cific Northwest. Th unequal ed FL0KCXIE TK01TC Of Acrobats, direct from th Empire Theatre, Londoa; their flrst appear' ano In America. A Great PILinxO WAR MISCIM 3 GREAT SISTERS MACAKTE Unsurpassed Asriallst. In their thrill ing acta. ANIi OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS. A Season of Great Surprises and As tounding Feats. Reduced rate on all transportation line. ADMISSION. K CENTS; Children on der 11 year, II oents. Andrew Lake 5g COMMKHCIAU HT. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Pone. Light your house and plac of business with Incandescent Vapor Qas Lamps lOO-candl power at a cost of lo for three heur. Miller & Barnafcerg, Agents 40S Bond Street, Astoria. THE PROOF of the pudding Is la the aod the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's aa ergnaMBt that', ceo. olusive-e, deayostratioav Our will staad the test. HUGHES & CO. Don't Miss It! SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out-of the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for the county of Multnomah, on the 3d day of October, Ibfj. uoon a Judgment rendered In the Justice Court for Portland district, of the titate of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah, on the 25th day of Octo ber, 1891, In favor of T. W. Schulze, plaintiff, and against Geo. Reichweln and Pauline iieiehweln, defendants, commanding and requiring me to levy uoon the property of the above named defendants to satisry tne sum or now due on said judgment, with inter est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent rer annum from the 25th day of Octo ber. 18M. and tne rurtner sum or 134.7s, also now due on said Judgment, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 25th day of October, mm to tne did oay 01 ucio- ber. 18K and Interest thereafter at th rate of I per cent per annum, and also the costs of and upon tnt writ, 1 aid. on the 4th day of October, 18D9, levy upon the following described real prop erty, towlt: The B V, of the S W the w ft or the Sfc, K of section li, townsnip , north of range 8, west of tne Willam ette meridian, in Clatsop county, Ore gon. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on Saturday, the 4lh day of November, IMS, at the hour of 2 o'eock In the af ternoon of said day. In front of and at the court house door In the city of Astcna, .Clatsop county, Oregon, s-1' at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the above described real prop erty, or so much thereof as may be necessary 'to satisfy (the Judgment, in terest costs and accruing coets. TIIOS. LIN VILLE, PherilT of Clatsop County, Or. Astoria, kit., October 4, IMi. OREGON COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Cor. Socond and Morrison Sis , PORTLAND. OR. Th regular annual session begin October S, 1899. Last day for entrance I October 11. The course of Instruc tion In this college I In advance, or rather more extended, than art the requirement of th. National Associa tion of Dental College facilities. For catalogues and further particulars, ap ply at th college building, or to DR. HERBERT C. MILLER, Dean, tn Oregonlan Building. DR. B. S. WRIGHT. Secretary, M Dekum Building. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALU Opsm every uay from I e does to and !: tsla a. akscrtpttoa rats II per annoaa. West Cor. Eleventh aa Doss atresia J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools lor Runt. L LEBECK Carpenter and Ilulldcr General Contractor HOUSE RAI5INO AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY 5inger Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Payments Old machines taken in e ichsnxe. C. P. Looney, Agent. 433 Commercial Street, Astoria. mnmmmmtm SnirtDf strip ta tlx Parts Kipoattloa, eliaaeni Xfc fAtfcMT U-ECOtU), UalUaier, Ui, SAINT PAUL A E INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN,. JAN. ist. 1899. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLB8 CHR9TEK8BN, Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. ai7California St., S. F., Cal. $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE GO, Agents, Astoria, Oregon W. F. SCHEIBE, a nulscliirsr of Always Mailable sad 5sMfcrs' Article. 474 Commercial St. "La Belle Astoria" Clear Schelbe's Opera Star Schelbe's Special And Other Brand! MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. ....High-Grade Colege for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and attraothrs location (40 miles fro"u Portland on ths Bouthara Partflo Sprlngflsid branoh). CompJeta and thorough preparatory, literary, solanlflo, dassloal, normal, comnMrot si oourse. SPECIAL COITR8BM mathsmaltijs, Burveylnc, Drawing, CI via florvlcs, Franoh, Oarnmn, Bp also TtsWan, Bhortliand, Typewritlnf, TslSgTiaphy, Music. Academic Dsaraes and Tihnrt Stats Certiftnstes and Dlpto nws Conferral. Send for oatalons, AIOKQ3a The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg Pacific Sheet Metal Works spice MANUFACTURERS OF . LithographTng on Tin a Specialty. Sao Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ort. Falrtaven. Wash. Writ U for Prle) ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tslaphons No. ll J Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4S Caosiifrtal (I., Mil PelsM Rsalsawaal. Pacific Navigation Com pan y HTKAMKHH R. P. Blmora W. If. Ilnrrltion ONLY niHKCT LINK AHTOKIA to TILLAMOOK QAUIBALDI HAY CITY IIUHHONVILLS OunDtllng it Astoria with I lis Ortvo ItallrnaJ A NaritfatloD CV. fur 8ao Frant'lsro, Portlsml ami all point east. For frfitfht ami passn gsr rat ipplr I j Hanmsl Clmors a) Co. ual Aitoats, AHTOIUA, ORE. COUS AOOH Aisnts, Onira air.ia.1 Nsl,rilin Co., TH.UM00li.trs. CORTLAND, Ors. The DAT Art? Open Day a and Night. W. W. Whlppl.IVoprlrt C r. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTSNTIVl BXRTICB.... rtRflrotAM ctnHNa.. PRIVAT ROOMS TOM LADIH. 53 8CommercIal St., AHtorin, OrtrRon Columbia Eleetrie & Repair Go SucceBsor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Logging Engines Unlit and Rcpnlrod Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the fasur passed ... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tower I'ltttiU. SMOKERS READ, , All 16c cigars 10c El Falnncia lOc El Belmont 10c Gen. Arthur 10c. Leland Stanford 10c Sanchez Y Hyas 10c All 5c cigars C for 2ftc J. F. HANDLEY and Co. Cut rate cigar and news dealers, PerkiiiN Hotel building, PORTLAND, Ore. C. J. TRBNCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Cumtom House Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W. F. A Co., tod Paclllc l;it,i,i Co'a, f m nsarance ana snipping. Twenty Years of Success KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES OF THE RECTUM DISK ASKS OF MEN yBV0yt!S l-P-W. thorouh- drlPnrsSes. .Khau.t.n. manhood, UNFITS YOU FOR BUsiNFflB rli? a.'s'SS? f yUf BLOOD AND SKIN DISB.ABKS n . bloody urins OleM RHninT ByJlhllli Oonorrhoe, painful, VartSeeto HySfs V. Bexual Dsbllltr, WITHOUT Rh..umatlsm CURED. ru'ONOUa DHUOS. Catarrh and enrorftum.r'ornrr.,n1a7. pTSM. 't' X S Con.ulUt.on frss and .acrealy,aarBcron' 4' 0P Doctor Walker, 1.13 Flrat St., Cor. Alder, Portland. Or.