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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
l'UE MOltMNO AH'i'UitlAN. 'JilUUSDAa, OCTOBER 5, lft9 5 Extraordinary Snlo Special for Wednesday and Thursday. JHttck and Colon.. Surge fl.00 quality 00c Golf l'lftld 40 In. Moqulity ".!!!"!.!!! 4o Kiigliwlt FlnnnuUtto 10c quality bc All other goods in proportion McALLEN & HcDONNELL, 470 Coniinorcinl St, TO ASTORIANS. T IIAILV A4TOKIAM vlll a fuand nil ta I'arUaad at Iaa all-aaua-a tluaar- fcuata af IT, llaaalla-r a la., liwl Va.Matoa Atraat. Ortt.r. far aiar l.lag Ud alia tali tat will raaalf Irarut Allaallaa. TODAY' WBATHKR. IMHTLAND. Oot, I.' with Incrvaaliif cloudl rain tunlRhl Fair Wvlhvr probabl AROUND TOWN. CH council maaU tonlcbt. Alia FUuvno ltuaJ U avrloualj 111. W, 1C Millar, of Rain, U In town. Mr, tlajithurn la vlaltlng frMnda In Portland. Aire. lloK toft on b up train yi- Urday mnrnlng. Thua. I, WUkaa, of Corn.llua, waa in A at or I a yesterday. J. II. WyaCt. ni a paaavmf r down on tn train yean an ay. ' Harry llouaoroan, of Portland, U In lb clly on bualneaa. Air. J. W. Bolohar It In I'ortlaiid on mualial eii(a(wmaut. tTufraaor Lyman waa a. panfT on tha up train laat tvtnln. Mr. J. C. Mayo and mn hav r. turned from A vlalt In Marlon eoomy. For rant Fumlahed front room on Commercial trt; onQUlro at Ihla of flea. Mr. O. Zlrfler And llttlo Lucy Zlef Irr Iff t yvatartlay for Portland fur a vl.lU Ir. Qoanrll, of Ilwaco, pajuwtl through Uia clly ycalvrday on hli way to Port lam!. County Ruivrlntamlonl of School Ijp and wlf cam down on tha noon train yoitarday. Juitlra of tha Praoc Mlt Hughe loft on th up train laat nlartit for a few warka' niitlna. 1 nv ramaon onami out Mr. William Klnnry and ion wvtb for Clray Harbor. She hail In low a paaariiarar on tha train fc Portland rork-ladcn barg And tn raaollne laat cvrnlng. launch Horculc. Tb latter will be Air. (lo. Hruwn, of tha A. C, XL and hla wlfa art back In AatorlA tJior a trip to California. Thar la to b a weotlnc of tha Aa tori Itowlnc club a Mr. HbannAn' ofilc Halunlay avotilnf. Tha ClAtaop mill dry houa. Juat auuth of th boi factory, U bvlu niiKlilad and rebuilt throughout Mr. IT rank Hhumaaor, formerly of ihla rlty but now a raaldanl of fcVat- tl, If repurtad to b In poor health. Air. Muntfomary, wife of John Montgomery, An old raaldant of thli oily, la Avrtoualy III at bur raaldano. Mr. John Chit wood took tha train yaatarday morning for Portland And will remain In that city for a few daya Tou oan find ovr 10.900 tltlai of nov- ali At Hyland Bros.' old bookjtora.Port. bind. Drop In Aiid fat omathlnx to rAd. Wanted A oomoatattt woman for inoral boua work. Tha bait wagea will ba paid. Addraaa "W" Aatortaa of Ac. Mr. Matnu Cruaby baa changed hor plac of rraldunu from lO Fif tnattth itrooi, to tha corner ono block toutb. Air, J. T. Koa ralurnod to Aalorla yratmlay on ha noon train. Mr. lb hiui torn In Alaaka for tiw paal few wk. XI IM Ituth CowalnA. who baa bavn vlalllnff bar friend Mia Ethol Andrew of Ihla oily, ha returned to her horn In Portland. Qo to Puttier' opora houae txnlfht and hear th ladle' mlnatrvla, for the benefit of th Aalorla PubUo Library, tin.' lira your acwia at Orlltln & Revd'a Mra. P. r. Woodford will W two Iaa- on a week In ahorthAnd at bar boma. I IU Commercial ilreeL II A month. All llnterrated call Tuaaday evenlnr, Octo jber I - I. V. Harper- Nelson county, Ky., whlakey. A irentleman't whlakey; a whlikey for th aldoboard; a whlakey for th tick room. Bold by Foard it Hlokr Company, AatorlA, Oregon. uaad a II Arbor. a CAnnery tendvr on Oray'i Th chocoJata crvama made At The HpA t'.'Andy Kaotiiry canri'it he ped, W aucorvd In making tlwm Juat a little better than other. a" ..iVCT' Whrli In AatorlA, tranalcnt gunl oan ecui unaurpaaaod avcommodif lion at the Aalor Houae. PfrtVcH oook Inir and nice, olean room, ftatea, II per day, Ticket No. 110 secure) Ml beautiful lamp given away by Mr. Cootilvy aX The rtpa Candy Faotory. The cutifx'tlonery a4 Th Hpa Candy FaiHory ha Juat that delicate fluvor you Ilka o well. Th ladle of th W. C. T. U. And missionary society of the Prasbytertan church ar Invited to actend tlie fare well reception to be given Mr. W. W. Parker At th resident' of Mrs. Ot-ar-hart, this evening from four to all. ' Th Oerman ship Neck Is on the way down tha liver, wheat-laden for Quewnitown fur order, lib left Port land yesterday morning, aud bad to wait for high water Ucfor sh could eroa th sand-bar art th mouth of tha Willamette. Th claaalflcAtlon of (lb schools ha not yet boon oomplnled. So far It has been A cam of transfer and re transfer. However th board and the teaithers an working bard And It Is expected things hrlll ba In A settled condition. The funeral of th young son of Mar tin Franslacovu-h was held from the family reeldenos on Fifth tfireet yea trrday afternoon. Th Interment was mouth of ah Columbia and th Cali fornia Una are now In first olaa condi tion and ready for winter, Th captain was cagur to loani the result of the brat rue between the Columbia and thg (Shamrock. When asked which val lie doslrwd to b vtclorlou b an- werod "Out best ou." Mr. Bamuvl Elniure recently t telved from Chicago an Invriatlon uniquely and handsomely printed, elikh read as follows: "The people of Chk'ugo request the honor of your prestmce to assist the preiluVnt lit the cerciiioiilva of laying the cormr-aloiie jf the Culled iHulea guvvrnuieiit build ing In that city on Monday, Ouioocr , im." It la signed by John it. Tan ner, governor of Illinois; Carter 11. Harrison, mayor of Chicago, and four oilier prominent clUsona. Tncr bus been some trouble Utweeu the nuuia geis of the ceremony, and tbu lubor unions and President McKlnley de clined to attend uultae the dllllculty aelrUed. The reurlpt of lite luvila Hull Indlcavr that pvac bad been dv ulared. Ju trsusports Ulkb and City of lllo de Janeiro left Portland ysaterday evenlug wKh th members of the Thir-ty-flflh regiment on board, both trans ports will draw close to 21 foel on coining down the river. Klwr pilots aud water-front men, however, do not expect them down on time as they be lieve th transports will bav to wait for the tide to cross over the Innum erable sand-bars between here and Portland. Tbclr depth of water Is not definitely know, but, assuming that' both are drawing over 21 feet of water, I which la the depth It Is gvui-rully be hoved they will draw, they are nut ex pected to arrive ben before tomorrow evening. The tides are now ut their Foard & Stokes Company Ship Chandlers and General Keiaiiers Wholesalers and Special Departments Hardware Groceries Fruits and Meats Crockeryware Stoves, Tinware Paints and Oils Largest Store of the Kind in Oregon. i 1 1 1 1 At Greenwood. A cortege of cArrlag highest stage being known us surtna c allied tha sorrowing relative) ana friends to th plao of burial. Bhlp Burgeon A. M. Carpenter, of the now famou McCulloch, called at th Astorlan ofllc yesterday. He said the boy on board were especially Inter ested In th Intemartlonal yacht race, and he took out a quantity of th lut eal paper to them. Thl I Dr. Car penter' first cruise on th McCulloch. Quito n active Interest 1 b-lng taken In the clas of Hpanlnh now be ing taught In the high school by Pro fessor Payne. Borne of th students are not In regular attendance at the school, hut ar taking adVAntage of this opportunity to Acquire a knowl dg of th language. Two corporals and Hhros prlvaU belonging to the Thirty-fifth reirtment tides, notwithstanding the season and the stage of water In the river Is uf flclemly great to permit the passage of th Iransporta Mr. J. U. Wyalt, ft rmerly In businena here, but now a resident of Vancouver, Wash., where his son hus a targe drug store, Is spending a few days In As toria Mr. WyaU says there was a lively time In Vancouver Monday after the aoldlers were paid off. although lit tle occurred that was blameworthy. In the Thirty-fifth rvgluient, which Is just starting fur Manila, iuv 887 VAflMILLSr PDR1 a, i tyrTy ,LJX7ta. Jf.lCT 2 . a- 7 l auir &7 R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St, oorner Fifth Opposite Hotel Perkini Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty Ladie entrance to bath oo Filth street PORTLAND, OBEGOK.-. mentioned. The National saloon now remedlua this defect, and will be open to supply th delicious beverage, either unm- buttled or on draught, in a popular ber who have already served Uncle Sam In th Philippines, and these know Juat the things the boys need for tholr trip. Tbey also have learned that a little money Is a handy article to have along, and they so caution the others, Mr. Wyalt say the Thirty-fifth show the remarkable results our army nlTi caine down on the train last night to cer can accomplish with raw material riipn inn xuu tie jmiivi ...,, the enjoyment of pay day transport when It Kft Portland occurrence wens frequent with troop rBrkg 1 remarkably low. leaving 8on Francisco. resort which never closes Its door. CARD OF THANKS. 1 desire to raturn my heartfelt thanks tn the neighbors and friends who so kindly tendered me their aid and sym pathy In my recent affliction due to the death of my wife, E. HAUKE. , and also he gives much credit to ths , missed the , intelligence of the mauiial. The pvr-' Such (village of slckikW at' Vancouver bar-; THE YELLOW FEVER SCARE. The ManxanltA came In yesterday f ternoon. tn;-botind The recent yellow fever fright raised wldefelt Interest In its treatment It Is Hon. Penjamln Young Is home from1 treated In the simplest way possible al- Monnmuth where he vnt tn attend a' though it Is A terrible disease. Perfect . (i , . Aionntouin wnere lie wem 10 aiienu a - ....-.w . 8h has Wn,-"""r special meeting of the board of ivgents anltary arrangemenU ars Insisted up ln Yaqulma bay since Toes- ' dv of last wvek. Tb , of ,h mwtlng WM to ralfy a few1 lnP'e medicines are admlnUtered and thoroughly W"J"V"" .' alteration, made by the executive com-j the bowel, kept regular. If this last trip and captain Oregory reports mat -rurtlon of the new measuw was observed by everyone we all the aid. to navigation oeiween ne "V . al . A W rortland and Astoria . . FREE. . To provlile tli citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the earae advantage as the people of Portland, we will, during the continuance of the prevailing ' rates, furnish round trip ticlcotd from Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free By giving; one round trip ticket and an Admission to th Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat pur chased of us, no matter what priee the garment, This will enablo those desiring to visit tho Exposition to do so without cost and at tho samo time ta take advantage of our enormous soloction of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND ,:....OVERCOATS For Morns, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THI8 "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to tho exposition with each purchnso of a Suit or Overcoat. Moyer Clothing Co. The Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager. 3rd and Oak Streets, Tortlard would be a magnificent race. There hi nothing better than Hostetter' Stom ach Bitter for cleansing the system. A doae three tlmea a day will bring new life And happiness. It will positively t . . , .. 3 i - .1 Itv l..ttln the contracts lnt ! cure cunsnraiioo ano umk-o. u r weak liver or maneys mere is nouung to equal It. Every druggist keeps It and a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. RALSTONJjEALTH CLUB Breakfast Food Select Bran . . . Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats 1 A. V, ALLEN'S oruuriAAnru V IHTR1 . n rininnnnnninnnivnnrw PORTLAND Iinj PORTLAND, OR. a iw wiia a n-wioesn i luiui in rurunnu s fi.rt of he booed to keep, within the llmK of $10,000 which. It will be remem bered, was appropriated for the pur pose by the legislature during the last Sl'KMlon. March, a saving of over $00 has been effected, as all building material since then has materially IncreasiM In value. Mr. Young expresses himself as more than pleased with the results of the ap propriation, for, when completed the Stale Normal school building at Mon mouth will be the finest edifice of Its kind In the state. Clatsop county Is exceptionally well represented and her contingent Is always glad to see an Astorlan. Th British sbpAmshlp Queen Ade laide Arrived In yesterday, M days from Kobe, Japan. The Adelaide takes the llnee of the steamship Columbia, which was recently chartered by the government as a transport. Captain MoNear reports that he experienced a heavy hurricane alter being out about 10 days from Kobe. The gale lasted for three days. And for awhile It Appeared that the steamer would founder. The A.lelalde was art the merry of the storm f r 13 hours and was completely un manageable. She wath;rcd th? gule, however, without receiving serious In jur' And hAd comparatively good weather for the remainder of the trip. The Adelaide arrived off the rlwr yes terday and crossed In with a pilot. She has a light cArgo of Oriental goods, which was badly shaken up during the storm. Afber clearing at the customs house the Adelaide reft up for Portland, where she will load general merchan dise for the return trip. plrttaaltata. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE PALM lat rlnlrvnvant anil llfA reader: con suit her on all business affairs, love troubles, absent menas: sne nas no equal; restores lost love. 1S7H First street, parlors t and i. Fee, (Oo And up. Watson's Restaurant WAT80N BR0&, Propr't, Conducted oo the check ystm, there fore paiioni pay for what tliey order and no mora. ft Cliia Ui Larrtit, Ckfiwit. Int ill lirkest Srvif ii tie .WtiffesL 10 and 111 Fourth Si. Opa.m, PORTLAND The Hop Gold Star brewery of Van couver, Wash., Jumped Into- sudden prominence on tW- raoifle Cuast through an unparalelled demand from Manila for Its especlnl output of ber. It Is the only beer manufactured west of St. Louis which In any manner bears comparison with 'the famous brews of the east. In this connection, It Is a pleasure to Bay that Mr. Lee Herring. proprietor of the National snloon. on Commercial street, was tendered and accepted the sole affency for the Hop Gold Star brewery beer In Astoria. He will be prepared to furnish It either bottled or on draught ond In wholesale or retail Quantities as circum stances shall regulate. The National saloon Is kept open both day and night. Heretofore It has been Impossible to et hlgh-grado bottled beer after 10:30 o'clock by reason of the two or three saloons carrying It closing at the time CtH.T.i.til. The Portland Restaurant E. I. PFTIELkAl, i'roprteti r. rritit loom tor lidin. sMWwhlng ton St., near 8th ST OPEN DAY S AND NIGHT Established E. Houses Cafe, I2S Thirl treel, Portland, Oregon. '4 The Host Cup of Ciiflee y orCocoa In the city. V Cream and Milk f mm nurowu ranch nome made Plea aud oaken, J,' ...The Esmond Hotel... wwir PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. European p'an, 5oe U t l.w psr dar. 03CAR ANDERSON, Manager- X American plan. 11.00 to XQ0 per day. J. C. PESDEG AST, Chief Clark. FISflER'S OPERA HOUSE L E. SELIG Lessee and Manager. Wednesday and Thursday, Octoter 4-5, '99 The Society Event of the Season. LADY fllNSTRELS By Astoria Citv Ladlea for the Benefit of the Astoria Public Library. Refined and Fanny A Rousing, Roaring Bally of Sonfri and Laughter. . GRGAT FIRST PART. New Jokes, New Music, Nw Dances, Fine Solos and Choruses. Six End Ladies. Many Local Hits. Regular Musical Olio of pleasing specialties. ...THE DARKTOWN CAKE WALK... Throwing side lights and shadows on the ebony 400. Guaranteed op-to-date high clase entertainment. ADMISSION Reserved Seats 75 cent. Gallery 50 cents. Sale of seats opens Tuesday morning at Griffin A Reed's P. fl. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latest and Best. FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders Heavy and Shelf "Hardcuare, Ship Chandlery, Etc.