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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
ASTOaiA PU3UC LIDRARY ASSOaATOH, u,kSllJvi ,,iom JV'ii!n A8TOUIA. OKKGON, FK1DAY. OCTfMKK . I8ill AO. 112 VOL. L 4 i Ha. We are tht selling agtnts in Astoria for the New Born Bteel Range I'rlcc from f.'.VOOfto fW.OO. Every Kanijc Gvtrtntccd. Eclipse Hardware Co. AImj sole ifltntit fur the Celebrated Superior Stove and Ranges and Cole's . Air Tlijfct Cole Ituracr. GRIFFIN Here Is a List Oi some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KALSTOX HEALTH POODS ii great variety good thing. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO TO THE LADIES Send for Illustrated Catalogue of To Out of TowD Proplo : Fof t ur or eloth W will trad good on approval and pay Will girt yog (all delallt at to sljle ana want your trade. IHgoest price paid (or The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Go, ' Morrison St.. nerlh. 1 . T"i x-n. 1 J0. ...rUILiailU LVC11LC11. Largest and i 5 Extracting by our process without pain. nnnnAnnn Best Work at our prices because we have the largest volume of dental work in Portland. 1 s i 8 1 MWWHI Take Elevator on Washington Street near For th and ask Parlors, Top Floor. 'Phone Oreeon. Brown 493. Columbia, 56. fa Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens I lux !coratw1 fapcr nnd Knvlcp--iiH3 & REED fresh from tie milk AROMATIC SriCCS ouaraeteol the Haest. TILLMANV8 rTKE EXTRACTS. CHASE tt SASBOKYS COrrEES are aa rivalled. .Together with a host of other PURS AMD CLOAKS TAILOR MADB SUITS we aay write to us, espies one way, pries. In taot w raw (ura. . 1 4- 1 Top Floor Washington Building Best Equipped Offices in Iteat Crown urnl BriJue Work, 2 knrat gold per tooth -() Bet Teeth, fully Ruiiraiitet'd rubier $5.00 Heal (Jold Filllug $1.0 'P Bout Alloy Filling n"5 P Teeth exlruotej willioiit imin 50c up MWW HMMI tl HMMI 1 1 M Hl I ! THE BOERS BEGIN FORWARD MOVEMENT General Advance Has Laing's Neck is Occupied Members of Cape House Assembly Petition Queen. AIR. CHAMBERLAIN Imperial Government Unable to Adopt Suggestion of Petitioners Fears Ttat Wbites Win te Massacrecd Sboold Hos tilities U Prolonjtd. I.ONION,Oct. 5. The Ii!y Telegni.h Ims the follow ing tlijnUh from NVwcnttlt-, N'utal, dntttd yeifterday: "Tliu Boers' advance began today with a general move ment of artillery. The IWrs arc occupying Laing's Neck, nnd now hold the mountains to thewuth of Volksrust. There aro no British t.ooj8 nearer than Lady Smith, and prepara tion nro being made to abandon Xutal from the frontier to tSleni'oe. The inhabitants of NeweaMle met today and de cided not to attempt to defend the town in the event of a Boer advance in force. General iiimona is preparing to evacu- ato within 24 hour. The people are crowding the trains at winy omiw. trTITtfl Til F 01TF ILIillU.Ns MIL . . LONDON, Oot. I A petition to gueen Victoria, rfgned by it membvri of the Cap. House assembly, has been . i.., ..., -K IV.. Urttl.h h h IHVIIUCU tivus - - oommlssloner, Blr Alfred Mllner, point - iu out ilw pUllun. a, w'w rltvC by blood and through marriage to the resident of the Tran.vaal, are mate - rially Interested In th. maintenance of peace, and urging abandonment of j September 3L In view of the refusal the first half. Altogether, sit least 175.-( wheeUng. men who were sleeping onj quire almost two months, and the vea warllke measures "as th Transvaal Is ot the Transvaal to entertain that mod- ko tons have been sold In the central tne deck and the WheeUng bombarded sel will not be ready to start south now fully awakened to the wisdom of liberal concessions," and praying hT majesty to appoint a commission forth-1 wltt to confer with "th. Boem. as the petitioners are convinced that If the present frmchlse act Is Inadequate thej Transvaal government Is prepared to' make further concession to the landers. Today Secretary of State fr ith. Col- onles Chamberlain sent th following reply: The Imperial government Is not un - mindful of the sympathy and Interest of British' aubjeot ot Dutch descent ... - W In South Africa. On. or tne main - . . Jeols of the Imperial policies is the Northwest iwmwwwtmiiii ww Bring this adr with you and have your teeth cleaned Free of Charge uuuuwnm Dental Work We employ only the most modern methods, and guarantee satisfaction. ltM HmMMHHIMMIItllMIHIMWII for the Portland Dental i ESSJSSESil Parlors IBM Mil Um Mml md MM Been commenced and; FORWARDS REPLY m ;CUr ,ur ,h no""I)ulen Inhabitants of rranvaAl fighii and privileges inil'r to those enjoyed by the Dutch In the Cape colonies. The Imperial sovemment has shown the Transvaal every consideration consistent with ' - tnls objeot. and deeply regrets that ef- ( f)r,f for a peaoefu! settlement have'.ry during the drat halt of 1900. In' Ij.iiio beeu unsucceeshiL The Impe - rial authorities are unable to adopt the , sungestlon of petitioners for the rea- ( sons tared In a note to th. Transvaal, rsalc and conciliatory offer, the Impe- rlnl authorities have been compelled to formulate their own proposals regard- in a rnal settlement, which will short- ly be communicated to the Transvaal." The second edition of the Standard and Diggers News, the Boer organ. publishes the following dlstpsitch from Johannesburg, dated yesterday: 'It Is expected that W.000 burghers ( from the Transvaal and the Orange I Frw Stw wl" on thWr re"Pectlve ; borders this evening , (Wednesday). , fchnuld hostilities b. protraoted there J ! much fear that the Zulus, the Mata , ,1V. Daanlna wilt flssA (TO !nlf w - - i Ik. -kit., .n.1 hn maaurMM .nit rila- asters will roliow. tne juiu cmeis nUl(lo conc?nwd. Well-informed 0ai?uapul San Fernando and De have been summoning their tribesmen papUe. , the unahe t0 trsuM( h, h undw the UM of from Rand for weeks past" ' Stories OX outrages communed oy me Boer upon refugees trom th Trane-' vaivl contlnu to pour In. NO WAR PROBABLE I iXut Believed In New York That(drawlnK iulfo hev,,y on Btocks of Kruger Will Press England . Too Far. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. A dispatch ' to the Tribune from London sayr: I'rominont men connected with the 'military and other services now de- i ! dure that there will be no hostilities i with the Transvaal, but that matters' will be adjusted at the last moment! The reasons for their confidence In th ! maintenance of peaoe are not apparent tween eastern and western mills. This transports Para, Zealandla and Valen-, sUy Jn rtland and wlll then pesum ;to outsiders, who cannot understand j Includes some recent western orders. ; cla sailed tonight for Manila with the. lhpir eaalwanj joumey over the North how an outbreak of war con be pre- among which may be mentioned 60.000 Twent-nlnth regiment and a large I, pariflC, vented. Publlo opinion also relleotsj tons for the Chicago. Burlington and number of recrulta. The gouth Dakota volunteers wera this optimltftlo vlaw. although no In-, Qnlnoey ana JS.OOO for the St Paul, i mustered out today and paid off. They itelllglble reason can be given for the railroad. The great trunk lines east; GOING TO CANADA. kave r.r their homles Sunday, reacUon against the war feeling which of Chlcairo have as yet placed no or-1 I0NDOx. Oct. 5.-It Is announced' traveling over Ithe Southern Pacific to baa prevailed for the last three weks. ders. nor have the majority of the rail-' hat Lof and y Aberdeen will Portland, thence east on the Northern ! Kruger-s delay In striking the BrlUsh, roads arranged for their requirements. , q Canad(L Pacitl0 ' garrison when It was weakest has tend- 1 ed to convlnoo some Journalists that he i will not open hostilities and that he ! may consent to a conference It he Is ! assured thoit England's fresh demands.' when presented, are a complete list of ' grievances, and that no new Issue will ; bt cached. i The satisfactory Issue of the Vene- ' nrMM-.itlon Is also a timely object lesson which Influences publlo Judg ment. While the reaction against mill- tarism may be only theory, It encour age the mHui nt tit fx-toc party to renew th-lr effort and make much of Blr William Verrvrfi Harcourt's con version to their view. Tb rprt of a liberal conference- at Blr Henry Campbell Hannerman's house It an ex-.-ratl m. It was a imall meeting of ' a few frl'-niid. SITUATION UNCHANGED. Gretut Britain, However Continue to Make Active Preparation.. j LONDON, Oct. t-Whlle there la no diminution In tba Hood f dispatches' from South Africa, recording- with al most tiresome Iteration the military preparation and movement of both' Idea, with all kind of accurate and In- j accurate rumors and (peculation. The: real situation remains unchanged. It ' Is evident that strong efforts are still being made to preserve peaoe, sltnulto-, neously with a determined energy to' ! be prepared for any emergency. It Is expected thsit 5.000 reserves will be called out tomorrow. ' In the meantime It la Interesting to note that neither side shows anxiety to precipitate a conflict DEMAND FOR IKON IMMENSE Tne Entire Product I'p to Next I Summer Has Already Been Engaged. I NEW YORK. Oct 5.-Revlewtng th. situation In the Iron and metal trade, the Iron Age will say today: Interest continues to center In the pig Iron market. In which there la ae- cumulating evidence of the fact that the enUie product up to the summer of urgently needed. The evnl the week has been the pur - cnase bv the leiding Chicago lntereet of a'lout 190.000 tons of beaaemer Die lu the valleys and elsewhera for deUr- 'addltTon to theW seJes, a leading inter - est Id Pittsburg has take J0.000 tons, oWlvery to begin at once, and a valley' plant has contracted for 20,000 tons for west during the past week. in foundry Irons, the demand con - tinues quite active, and while ooca- a;Wmlly new Irons are seeking buyers for future delivery at some concession, lBe market la strong for the whole of lHe ,lx months of 1900. Producers are nuim generally behind in deliveries. and the scarcity of spot Iron continues. lt ta however, that during th. course of the winter, the furnaces will ,b able -to catch up. There Is a report tnat some southern Iron Is being of - feredi t0 t. returned from England. !t ii,, M though the reports of sales ........... or Kngusn low pnospnorus pig naa ... . . Deen exaggem?a so iar as meir mag- more than about ,000 Uuia We note . of S.000 tons of eastern low thos- h -1- KMS ak tht furnace. The steel situation Is rather perplex- ilng. On very large consuming Inter- es has been forced to lay Idle a num- r of plants, and Is reported to be (mnnuractuDd goods. Report has It that two recent contracts call for close to 200,000 tons. .The price basis for a good deal of the steel being pnntraoted, for next year la about $31 Last week the makers had a oon- ference In this city, the result of which was that $3J east and west Is being named on orders for next year. It Is estimated ithat the total tonnage already booked for next year Is about 250.000 tons, about equally divided be-j Negotiations nun the Pennsylvania and other large systems are now pro-i" ceedlng, however. , j In other directions, too, Ithe railroad! demand continues to absorb large' quantities of bars and car material.! The Illinois Steel company denies that ' " nas enterel lnt a contract with the Pressed Steel company for 400 tons of, plates per day. It seems that many; are beginning to feel that lt Is the best policy to awalL developments. ' FLEET OF. WATSON'S TO BE REINFORCED Acting on Advice of Admiral Dewey, Cruisers Brooklyn. Nashville and New Orleans Ordered to Manilla. ' PLOT TO DESTROY FUILDINGS IN MANILA Residences of Governor-General and Arcbtisbop Were to te Bsrned Bn't Plot ralleS-Afninaldo Orders Soldiers io Northern Provinces to Resume Fannin?. . WASHINGTON, Oct 6. The navy department was buily ngaged today in arranging to reinforce the fleet in the Philippines as suggested yesterday by Admiral Dewey at his conference with the president. . . , . The Cruisers Brooklyn, New Orleans and Nashville have been ordered to proceed via Suez canal as soon as possible, and the United States steamer Badger has been ordered to go from San Francisco. PLOT TO BURN BUILDINGS, j Archbishop of Manila Notifies General j Otis Wheeling Bombards Bt j Vincent I MANILA, Oct l The archbishop of Manila has notlded General Otis that u,ere was a plot on foot to burn the rejidences of the gorernor-renersd and ' archbishop, together with several .overnmeat buildings and banks, but .l.. ,. i.iu .h.iim. nnnihlv lUB v""- ' ' twuLiiui of a disolar of forec Th XTnlted Slates runboai Wheel ng, from Vanoouvw, March t, via Honolulu, while pawing St Vincent, In Northern Luson, shot down a Filipino flag, u,e Filipinos fired a volley at the the settlement ; . ORDERED TO THEIR FARMS. I Aulluado Uglng soldiers for Alternate' ghifu on Farms and Under Arms. uxsiLX. Oot 5.-Agulnaldo, ac-j t0 4 report brought to Manila today b, a Dominican friar from the north ha. tssuei orders to the Flllpi - n0 u,e northern provinces t0 t0 their towns and resume farmlng. ThU story lacks conflrma-J ' UoDi DUt 9 minor may be in aooord-l nce wUo Agulnaido's policy of keeping! the country aa productive a possible,! ' I Mlng nl8 qq aJternate shifts on farms or under arms. united States warships, are supposed . o. t, u .iw th.t th Z n. In th. -,!' inhabitants to be orderly in case of the' arrival of American troops, and ex - prcssos the hope Ithat the Americans will protect the towns. MILITARY POST DISCONTINUED. WASHINGTON, Oct. 5. The secre- ! tary ct war has Issued an order dls- continuing the military department of ' the Gulf and merging lt into the de- parlment of the East, under command of Major-General Merrltt, with head- quarters at New York. THIRTY-NINTH LEAVES. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5.-The SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 5,-Tltt Makes the food more XT CHICAGO NEEDS REPAIRS Oljmpfn Discharging Ammunition and Will Go Oat of Commis sion at Boston. Ni W TORK, Oct (. A special to th Herald from Washington says: Re ports received by the navy department from Captain Cooper, commanding tba Chicago, showing that that vessel la la need of repairs, will delay Rear Ad- mlral Schley In the hoisting of his dag. The repairs to the Chicago wlU re-' until tha latter n&rt of NonmW. Tha ' secretary left tonight with the presi- dent, but he has made no provision for actional vessels for the South At-', Untie st&Uon. Captain Lamberton. commanding tha cruiser Olj-mpia, received orders after he had landed the ammunition at'th. : naval magazine In New York harbor. " to proceed with the Olympla to the Boston navyyard. where the vessel wlU . be placed out of commission. Captain Lambsrton desires duty In ' Washington, although he would not be averse to spending another year at in order to make up the usual sea tour. of an oincer of his grade. Rear Admiral Sampson will resume i command of the squadron and prooeed nmtwhi "tut r-li0v,t nf th ..nmm.n . ht ni. Formal orders were Issued today to J . Captain Barker, formerly commanding 1 the battleship Oregon and the Asiatio . squadron, directing htm to assume ! command of the Norfolk navyyard. I I Captain Barker will be promoted to the rude of rear admiral upon the re tirement of Rear Admiral Howlson. MINESOTEANS LEAVE 'FRISCO. Will Go Fast From Portland Over N. P. South Dakota Volunteers Mustered Out SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5.-The Min nesota volunteers started for home to-' day Xn M hurg t)J m 0 m a m delicious and wholesome