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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
'TIIJMOUSiI0 A8TUKUN, Tlll'liHDAV, IjCJ'OBKK 6, IWJ. a a a - a 4 wa' j a Acts gently, on the KibrsiEYs, Liver and Bowels nrANSES the System OVERCOMtsiyCN' hAB,TUAl W"T" ' ' w . ntnuiiifimu PERMANENTLY ItmUkMIMHIDN IUMMi timnr4tively Easy. DIf Dnt you think iw.i can live on ehenply as Oils? May-Crtalnly-lf tha mui'i , In- coma la over IW.OOO a y curJudo. ITCHING HUMORS sUebaa.and Irrltatwma iMeunlly rsllavacl and edily cuwl by bt bailie with ll-rnin ik", in PwaiuM im aain, (will iiiru M'TMI'U UlnlUMnl. InWl lh iklu. ill J !. uf CuTKH iu kaMJLVWT, w oooi Cow.l'toiak. " la i.M 4la II MMfV ttm ThiMif Two flouli Araln. H Ah. It 'iii'iiin-f ffni m If I eould almoat illn Wllllltng, Di: Shilohs ) Cough and (pnsumplion I III Thlan hayond nueatlon the ,lx Ill tnnat aneeeaatnl t mth Me.ll. '1 II cute evar known tn aclenev: a lit rw doara Iny.ii lii'il y ouie Ibe f Pit wolt cnaea Id t'inih, rinap yl and KinnaJiitia.Wtiile it. wn- t dertul aiuvraa'ln the fur a o( I onaiiniiiiiuii la without a par allel in inr niMnry ot inrttioina. r. i ilea ita hi Kt diKOivrry It haa lirril aold en a Ullurantrr, a ittt whn h no nthrr mnlirina ran atnml ll y..u have a t'oin;h( v rnmraily aak you toll y it. In I'nitritMiitraaml ( aim. In ,Xt-. and l ml, and In KiiKland la. W., a, M. and 4a. aiii r nnAnninnnt S.C.WELLS&Co LEROY, N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN, Slta (ntwen gasps) Well, thoie that waits with you must often think they may have to meet that kind of a fate, too. Chicago Times-Herald. '9! I Iheta tiny CiDlulei are lupenoi to ttatiam ot topaiDt, vuooui or iniecnoni anorurr.v CURE IN 48 HOURSVWj the urns dneaiei with out Inconvenience. - .Wrf by all rtrurrfntt. A poatlcal muse soraetlmea keeps the poet awake, but It's the mewi of the ant that disturb the slumbers of othor people. : ' , Pears' soap is noth ing but soap. Pure soap is as gen tle as oil to the living skin. ears DEWEY LEAVES THE OLYMrA Trlrgraplifd Ills Kxrcullvf Ollcer to Haul down His Klai? Yesterday. WILL VISIT HIS FOLKS Secretary Long tells Illra to Con .sldur Himself His Own Master for is Lome as He Pleases. t.J l-Admlral navy di iwrMiicnt early today and had a talk with H-c- r, : 1 retary Iig over lh plana hi Unm-tHnfe futuiV. The " secretary rwitly Informal, bewvy thiU the de partment was willing lo give hint p-r- llberly (o ili m hi pUiiwJ. Tbn d- lrl , therefore, at hla Instance. detached formally fntiu the (ilympla after thl dull.. Il will telegraph the eicc'tve officer at Tiiiiiklnavllle, to haul down hi flag today, and thus will' terminate hla connection with the ''ru,l"r 'hlrh for morn than two ycare has Imii lila home. In accordance with projects already planned, ill admiral will go In Vrr niiint Monday as the guest nf V. Hew. rd Webb, f liurllnrton. Iter In lh day the admiral rail,-.! nn the president In d I ecu as I he Philippine puliation. MNoTYI'B IIKi'iHtl) HltoKKN. Cuiiiudilir m the Hun Hole nn Avmi; nf 11.940 Eiii an Hour. nill.ADKUMUA. (X. willlnm H. HiiiIiImi, compositor on thu IUUI- iniw fiun. liMk in wortiri rwnrd fur nucliln tyihiaritlnit In a coiitim f r r of I4f. a Hit with Wllllun Infy of th I'hlliKlrlplil Knqulrrr. The CiinlMt wo Mil In h Phlladfl- phla Time ofTlcw. Hlulvbg an M.17 oini In 5 hour and It nilnuuw, or an aver ag of 11, Ho fin an hour. Puffy m4 55.o.'6 ciiii In t hours and S3 minute Tli prevloua rcord waa 10.H00 pmi an hour. maji. in th 8t. Loula Pnnt-Dla-p.Krh or71it four yian afO- JF.AVKLEKS ON A STRIKE. NKW YORK, the fAbout lOOlM)i ' I 1 . immnr iiiioii, nave airucK for etKitfi houra. m wv -m nii-ivMiw' 111 Yiavrt'S for overtime and double vnrii for Sun. lay work, .... - UUHONK? Pl.Afll'R BPHEA . OIHKTO Ik-t ' 4 ,Thru.' n..v 1 wi" t HA H t. lire m-W cnaea of tlte jdiigue and one death ni n-iMirted Tueaday. IlK TIMED TO ROAST HIM. The Astoria office was visited by a gfthtlrnian a few days ago, who nought throuiih a llnnnclal btitie to pursiiade the hualneaa niaiUMror Into Kiptratlng whiat in newspaper piirlaniv. Is known us a 'roojit' on Styner, the electric doc tor. The offer was refund. At that lime but llttlo was known, either of Doctor Styner or of the Styner Thera- puili' Company, Now, the fuct la dem onntrated that this Inoffenalve but per alatnnt and laborious doctor is nut on ly accoinpllahlng a world of good In and around Astoria, but has as his patients, almost every complaining res. idont In the city. , , It Is understood that some ot his brethren In the local profession have ruined much flurry and bother over hln appearance here and have bean un ceasing In their efforts to bellUle his iron!., xt. Thla Is directly at variance with lTofi'sahna) courtesy. Moreover, a frail's merits must be measured by tlio nucress ho attains. Dr. fltyner'a practice Is Increasing and he Is fairly floodud with testimonials. William Jackson I tl name of a man who was given up by our home physicians Mr. Jackson will tell any one that Dr. Styner has virtually cured him. Wil liam Nebbcr was dying of paralysis. Within 4wo weeks, Doctor Slyner's treatment will have him off nf his crutches. Ask Captain Randall, of the Wallulu, and John Anderson, of the Anchor caloon, their opinion nf Doctor Styner. Of course there Is an army of ntincks plylnn; their nefarious practices In every neotlon of the Union, Doctor Styner do not belong Ito this element. He Is an honorable and skillful man, and controls a patronage that any competitor In the United States would feel proud to call his own, and his treatment does what he promises It to do cures dhe sick. Can you aak more. THE rHIZB COXTBBT. Th fall Irfm of th pulillc avhiMila tartHl on Monday and brought Into lhu city a givat niMy chllilrvn who ilurhig the auniiiicr muM n liuva bv-n rtiatlratlng in Hi country and at th "iiahorv. It waa hnnlly n In; rxp---d, houvvr, thut Ilia lltilu poil hud bi'n ') warily and lndOMtrtuly canvamlny for thn prlxi-a which nr Mug offirrd III tha Aatorlana aiiliai'rlptlon contiat fur H-linilHtr and (utolx-r. It la prcti-d hat (irtolwr will a.Tloualy out atrip HnitiiilHir, both, In th InUTi-m, manlfi'ati'il and tha iiumlH-r of auli tvrlptluiia rrelvd. Huroly iiouh, thv linlt. la a llvuly oini. I-t It wa iiht- rlly and may tha lent boy or girl win, M-r- nri thn ruk and romlMona which CONDITIONS. 'rl t.-The boy or girl undi-r II yoma of ng ariillng in tha Urgi-at numuar of monthly or yrarly aubacrlb ara to tha Dally Aatorlan during tha nion (hi of Bcptemtx-r and Octobtr will be entltlrd to a tholca of tha but grada of 140 Kamblrr blcyclra. Thla .irlie 1 contrlbutrd by tha Columbia Electrical l"palr Company. Prliv 3. Tha boy or girt undar II yrara o( (g tending In tha aacond larg est pumbor of monthly or yearly tub-K-rllwra to tha Dally Aatorlan during Si-ptcmlwr and Ootobar will ba antl tied to a 110 ault, If a boy. or Ita aiulv. alent In rah. If a girl. Thla prlxa I given by Mr. Daniirr uf the popular San Franrlsro Store, I'rtae t The boy or girl undr II yean of age eemllng In tha third larrr't numbrr of monthly or yearly tubaerthre to tha Dally Aatorlan dur In fi-ptpmlwr and October, will be rntltlH to a beautiful aterllng silver watch, A:norlran movemont, guaran teed for una year, value I7.W. Thla prize la tendered by Mr, J. H. Seymour, the well-known Jeweler at 401 Com mercial afreet THE HUI.ES. Ram buy at girl participating In the C'lid'at niuit bring the name and ad dreaa nf each aubacrlber, Irglbly writ ten on a aeparata piece of papr, to tha bualiK'ii olllce of the Aatorlan, be tween 1 and I p. ni. ot any day during the content, together wltb tha amount of tha aubacrlptlon, at tha rata of 14 O'liia a month, for the term uf the aub acrlptlon. In return, each boy or girl will receive a printed card bearing tha name and add real of the subscriber, with the date and amount of the aul, acrlptluii. Theie card will be retained by the recipient until the second day of October, 1S9. On that day the carda received by the children mutt be returned to a committee of clergy- .nien. whon nme will hereafter be announced, and theae gentlemen will compare the cards so returned with the recorda of the office and make the award of prises thui ahown to be earned. An order will be given to the lucky boys or g Iris and tha dealers will Immediately deliver to them the prliea named. DKWEV ON AMERICAN SAILOR. t'Mcago Times-Herald. Th.' Anivrlcan jHHiple are now fully satisfied that Admiral LVw-y It a great mail. When the news nf tin wonderful victory In Manila bay waa fluuki.ul .1... (.. .K.. ...1.1 I hit nmi-ii. klirj W1IU tvt.l. ..n r.......u I. .i..t aia i anluln.' Itv oniiular v.rillcl h, wn SV,, n t.h(. , ,h) ,rlnlie of "in i loatf l .eiaon. rarruaui. juuca, and Perry, l.ut the Industrious newspap r Inter viewer has given the people a larger conception of the man Dewey. He has climbed from tthe conning tower of the Otympla to greater heights. The people have weighed the utterances of the -nan and they find that their naval hen Ik also a wise, level-headed, saga cious and far-swing American. He is greater than a sea-fighter. The peoplo usk no better proof of hi, greatness ithnn his referents to, the American sailor and his concern j for the brave crew of the Olympla. After being informed by the New York coinmlttee concerning the elaborate plans that were -mder way for his ceptloii and entiit-tiilnment he quietly j and modem' ly asked: "What are you going to do for my nenT They all want to take port In th) celebration." After belmr aasurcil that the crew of! th oivmnu hud n.d h-. n fnPlrnMon I and that the lackles would, have anjms of dyspepsia and irtomaoh trou Important place In the festivities of, F- R- Gamble. Vernon, Tex., the two days' welcome the admiral ex- KIV- relelved me from the start and pressed great aatlnfaotlon and declared that they might do with him as they desired. . When Admiral Sampson was taken lo the Olympla to extend the greetings of the North Atlantic squadron almost! the first words that came from Dewey fts he met the visiting admiral at the head of the gangway were: "Look at those marines. Did you ever see a finer body of men?" These were "the men behind the guns" wh won the battle In Manila bay. They wwe flint In the thoughts of the victorious admiral In the har bor of his home land as well as In the thick of the fight at Mnnlla, There may be other proofs that Dewey Is a great man, but these are elements of greatness that appeal with peculiar power to the American peo ple, Levi F, Cook, a republican politician of local prominence In Someyvllle, Mass., who has been discovered as the author and putter out' of the somewhat mysterious circulars suggesting Gener al Miles as a candidate for ptVMldent. sent to both democrats and republi cans all over the enuntrv nys, after some pressing, that his purpose Is not to form an independent republican par ty and that ithe movement has not been engineered by any am:ret organisation As to whether General Miles has glvwn hla aanntlim to the publication of the circular or to the movement, Mr. Cook la allent. . . The cold chills of frar run nn nrtd down the bud of the btaveit aiuii whrn be down tlic bar rel of i d :h dialillK Win, rlii nler in the ba. of a mas who Oii-ana "ahoot." vary hour and ever minute men face drain In a mure frourm and eiUlly critui'l forni (Iruth in the Kiijie of tint ilri.llet rnrlliy ui niHiminu ra-aijr-i i,i ion. Out of all the Iriia of liiou ii'i'li who yrarly die from coniimitlon oo trr cent, nuild be aaved. IH. Wrice'e (Kildtn Medical Die. covrry l an almoat oiifniling cure if taken In the earlier atagra of the dineax. It will cuie ron-umption and all allied die eava, aa bronchial. Ih mat and navil affrc- tluna. It cure by cuing to fit at prinriplra. a man a oony aiarvee a Ion time Or I ore rnaiiui(ion atUrka him. The tiaauca of hla lunir alarve for lack of audidrnt nour iabmvnl. They become inert and balf dead and then are aliaard by tbc barcilli of consumption. Tile "Goldrn Medical Iiiaei.vrry '' realorea the long lot apetite; it atrtnuthena the weak atomach and cor recta the impaired donation; it protnotca the flow of dineatire juicea and acilitaiei the aximilati'in of the lifr tnvme: element! of the food into the blood When the bluKl l pure and rich, old inert liura are torn down, rairied off and earreted, and new. hralthr. muarular tiaanea replace thru allays uilUinmation of the inn rim niemhianea, aooihra the cough, fa cilitatra ripectoution. and drrptiia the brrnllnnr. anpplymg the avutrm with a much needed almk of oiygrn. It drives rail all iiniuiitk-e and diaraae genua. M'dicine dralrra aril it ' I ir firat laVrn nearly two yeara ago with rh"kmi and ai hin: in my llinait." writra Mra. ft r. V rr. of Itrnrita; c.ranl Cn ff Mrairo. I l.aia rvrrvlhlilif I cinild think uf and aurnl a ftral .Irrl irf tniHii-y. Thrrr iliKiir Ireatrtl me. Mv ihtiMl ttW-rrird and I liaa my voire. I Milit amrel talk The ductora rallrd the IrtHi'tlr Lnrtirhtnl alRcllon and a.ild Ihr larvna arn lui.llv alfriLd I waa almiial drad with rnii-iiriti,Hl. y nrl);hbura tnnnulit I nnd not lor a month I hrfan Uktua Iw rirrrra 0''.tcn Mr.licul tnaciwrrv From Ihr firal. I fkt.imriKi I lo ImfirmY ami now ha ive aa good l'irree Btl'rwrirr I owr mt lili" to lit. A prlva, letter to a frlt-nd In New Vork from he dlatlngulnhed palnti-r, Itttlinondo da Madraao. anya he will be ivcr brre by the latter part of Octo ber. Madame- de Madraso, who was ( Mile. Haha, and Is a well-known com- lr, mill come with hi-r huaband. w hen a woman faila to make a fool of a man sln doesn't feel any more rtMt for him; she thlnka he's Just dumb unappreclatlve Idiot TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Tuke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's itg nature Is on each box. XSc Senator Piatt's leaning toward Llu tenant Oovernor Woodruff, of No York, fr the second place on the tick with MiKlnley looka as if the senator': old diallki for the president was crop ping o it airiln, or else he is very sure of renubllcnn success with any ticket (hit may ho named. For many years science has studied liquors. Result the whole world uses whlnkey. It has proven the best stlm ulant and does not Injure nerves and tlaauei like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whlakey la the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard A Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon. "VI - . ..(. . . , .... kA i n- -u- ... loreph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me., heal- a sore running for seventeen years and cured his piles of long standing by using DeWltt's Witch Haxel Bulve. It cures all skin diseases. For sale by Charles Rogers, The counterfeiter may have been brought up well, but he always turns out queer. Millions of dollars Is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., 0., thc tf or nt,r cMi whPh ,ne av, ei f,om croup by the use of One Mhv we -m,8, cure. It cures all coughs. cMs Rna throat and lung troubles. r,r cnie by Charles Riggers, , Stationers are about the only persons who can keep diaries through the en- tire year. " E"' P1". Kod'l PyPP"la Cure wl" digest what you eat. It cures all cured me. it is now my ever mating friend." 8old by Chas. Rogers. The price a woman pays for a com p'exlon Improver Is always a hand some sum. "If you scour-the world '. you will never And a remedy equal to One S'lnute Couirh Cure, "says Editor Fack Icr, of the Mlcanopy, Fla., "Hustler." It cured his family of LaGrlppe and saves thousands from pneumonia, bron chitis, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by Chas. Rogers. "When our boys were almost dead from whooping cough, our doctor gave One Minute Cough Cure. They re covered rapidly," writes P. B. Belles, Arglye, Pa, It cures coughs, colds, grippe, and all throat troubles. Sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist It keeps some men busy Inventing schemes to separate other men from their money. "It did me more good than anything I ever used. . My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after eating !t was terrihle. Now I am well." writes S. B. Keener, Holslngton, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist XJh'S Governor Sadler, of Nevada, . who has luit had gubernatotial flgt.t ds cldJ in hla favir by the iopreoie court, la credited with laying he ow.s his majority to the fact that he signed tlw bill ligullxlrig fights In his Hats. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. . Klrkmon, Belle Hive, III., aayi, "After offering from Bronchial or lung trou ble for ten years, I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It la all that is cUlrned and more." It cures coughs, ci.ldn, grippe and all throat and lung troullea. Sold by ('has. Itogr, drug Kliit. The dufitlxt may not be able to Oil a I' uia! f It want, but be can OH aching void. President King, Farmer's Bonk, ilruuklyn. Mich., has uaed DeWltt's Mttlo Karly Jtlacrs In his family for years. raya they are tha best Tb- se famous little pills ours constipation, bllliouaneai and all liver and bowel troubles. Sold by Chaa. Rogers. The poof fowl Is dreadfully cut up by tha time an amateur carver gets through with it "I wish to erpress my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea; Remedy, for havlna put on the market such a won derful medicine," says W. W. Maa alnill, of lleaumont, Texas. There are IhoUMnda of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dys entery and cholera infantum who mufti nlo f,-el thankful. It la for sale b C'lia. Rogers. A (treat many people who are trying to get in the social swim should put on life preservers. On the 10th of December, iW, Rev, H. A. Donahoe, pastor of M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va,, contracted a aev.-pe cold, which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He us: "After resorting to a numb r of so-cilled 'apeclflcs,' usually kept In the house, to no purpose, I purchased, a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheerfully recommend It to the public" Fir aale by Chas. Rogers. It is hard lo convlnoe the small boy that f urn pier vacation days are longer than winter school days. During the winter of 1897 Mr. James Reed one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co.. W. V., stiuck his leg against a cake of Ice in su"h a manner as to bruise It se verely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not wak without the aid of crotches. He nas treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky In bath Ing It, hut nothing gave any relief until he began uidng Chamberlain's Pain balm. This brought almost a co m lete cure in a week's time and he believes that had he not used this rem edy his teg would have had to be am putated. Pain Balm is unequalled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by Chas. Rogers. There may bo nothing In a name but In the society columns of a news paper there are nothing but nanus. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re gard for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last IS years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST ft TRAUX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. WAt.DING, KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. TVs tiivor.lals sent free. Price, 75c per bot tle. Sold by all druggists. Hull's Family Pills are the best Uudyard Kipling Is intending to re visit Australia, and will probably stop en route for a short visit In South A'rlci. Come to think about It, Mr. Kiplmc has never turned out much copy concerning that part of the world and If he happens there at Just the rmht moment he will find lots of ma terial. .The Original WORCESTERSHIRE Beware of Imitations )obsl Dunun'i Sons, Agents, New York MfiPfRRirte' SAUCE THAT JOTFUI. FEMJNO. witn tns oxntiaratlnf sense of re newed health and strength and In ternol cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to the few who have not progressed be yond the old-time medicines and the chea p substitutes eometlm'-s offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. :3 reserves 1 fratu. lallk plrklM of catnap ara mora taii, mora auU-ki, mora . b-aJthf'illr araX) WHS tUBnad wax man by any (una 1 mrihod. buaanaotvUiMaatewulM .''Refined, j Paraffins Wax - In '7 bnoMbotd. ' It la damn, ' 7 taatrlr-e and ednrlraa air, nut v ami and pront Urt a pound can. of 7 It Willi a liat of lia many aaaa 4 Imm roar 4ivcwler gnr, rf J . bUdTrrwtra. afadaby -- STaSB'a.KSeil.Uaw THE 9 Encyclopedia Britannica rs mm sortas octave yaLCiaa The Torch of Knowledge burns brighterto-day than ever before, and yet there are many people lower down in the scale ot lite tnan they ought to be or want to be. The prob lems of pro gression can only be solv ed by think ling, educated I men and wo men. A need therefore ex ists for a great educational power which is far reaching in its influence. Such a need is supplied by the world-renowned Encyclopaedia Britannica. It represents con centrated thought from the be ginning of the world to the present hour. No subject in the realm of reason is left out. The information is easily found, and is clear, concise, authentic The New Werner Edition, the latest, the most complete, and the best. Encyclopaedia Britannica for $i Cash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty ( jo) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment is made. Tha Complete Sat (Thirty Largs Oetavo Volumes): No. i. Naw Style Buckram Cloth. Marbled Bigrt, Extra Quality Hi(h Machine Fla th Book Paper. $f oo. First payment. On Dollar ($1.00) ana Three Dollars ($ 1.00) per month thereafter. No. a. Half Morocco. MarbkM Elites, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $60.00. First payment Two Dollars (S.oo) and Four Dollars (S4-00) per moadl thereafter. No. t. Sheep, Tan Color. Marbled Edffas, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper. ?v. First payment. Three Dollars (S1.00) ani Ftv Dollars ( pereMnth thereafter. A reductloa of 10 per cent, to (ranted by paying cash with la as days after the receipt of the work. Of New NeuiZ ealand V. P Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. JNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOI DERS. Subscribe! Capital - - $5,000,000 Taid-Up Capital ... 1,000,000 Assets - . - - - - 2,545,114 Assets in United States - 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders - 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Const over Twtnty-two years, SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents. Astoria. Oregon .hlfYrViVtViiy JL THE ASTORIAN... I r.'-r. . r isvsw Mormon CliOJ' '.!'-. oi ikC.'-ji.'ti'i;, ajvery tutu tUiu. li'.ul kfet aoititiu i.t. t SHmuUtcc thfj baua tUiJ neiv ccntfrv ;ik: n Hot, in Back, i. il UvA.rns. v--.'4. twrvi-i ii-icc, Kervou !" blllty, Had-ichv :n'.-.t':' :. J'.-dv :c r i ' Pri, Vnrlcore.ip, or c.ona-ipation, ttor.j ul 6 cf i)r f g 1 c nnrjp9 6top Hf wmm of mm m ontetretctwd erlng Tnr Arrce. rapacioaa bird of prey C intra nrar that email, sweet. Waiter thlsf t born cruet claws would snatch away. u. now that mother' heart must leaf To drire thia peril oflHa air Away from that soft neat of ateep With all ner lore and looting there. nt are tha aUmdl defrnder rla With bristling sua and bead and. Ho power can snatch thai precious prise While ne stands rasdr to Drotcct. tlerp on sweet babe, yoar mother's breast Once more aha!) press yon close and srarm, N' evil bird shall e'er molest While thia brave guardian aerate the barm. To protect her little ones la among the Strongest instincts of a mother's heart, and through all the thousands carrs and worries of a busy woman's life there arWe ever and anon the thought "O, if I could do mors tor my baby !" But mothers are too often weighed dows r-aii r,yB-'y-ja- wiiW71 ,j. ,.i ' . ' a and weakened with their own daily burdens to do any more than struirgle almont hope lessly against the physical and mental evils that beort themselves, with no strenirth left to care for others. Women with laiire fam ilies find that the very ordeal of bringing children into the world, and nursing and rearing them to boyhood and girlhood, ia so great a draft npon the mother's strength that she herself become the natural object Of care and protection. It ia a glorious boon to tbe women of this generation that the wonderful aupportivs tonic, originated by Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.t is capable of sustaining them through the ordeal of frequent motherhood and bringing them out of it with snimpaired Womanly strength and energy. Motherhood is not only the grandest of woman's possibilities, but is tbe natuxil fulfillment of her physical being and when prepared for with proper observance of turn re's laws and attended by reasonable care should be free from the mental do presston, excessive pain and subsequent prostration so commonly experienced. Thousands of women have found that the Bsc of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription during the expectant time and over the nursing period imparts precisely the local strength and constitutional reinforcement Seeded to carry them over this critical junct ure cheerfully, safely, almost painlessly. ' It affords direct omnie endurance anJ Constitutional nerve-force. It given recti pvrative power; it promotes the secretion Of abundant healthy nourishment for the J j : . 1. . . . ... . tniw uurins; inc. nursing period, u n m the best sense the guardian of childhood for it not only enables the mother to taie ap the work of life again with visor end enjoyment but through her it Imbues tin little one with the rugged natural atrenfttli which is a constant protection against tbe physical evils with which childhood at Constantly assailed. What Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription does for mothers and their children ia weU exemplified in the experience of Mrs. H. M. Hansrote, of Magnolia, Morgan Co, V. Va In a recast letter to Dr. fierce she writes: 1 mm m.i . I tj kk. tw wl m. ,1. iption somethitur over two years airo anal am glad 10 testily that it ia a God-arod to woman kind. The three children who were bora bribre I hegsn to take your medicine did not lire long; they were vry delicate, but those born since (three in all) are very beam, and that mnilnm aw that your medicine ia just what it is said ta be and a great deal more: I could tell enough ta hm m uuua. awn me way 1 sunerect ana uie way your medicine acted, indeed, every woman on we 1 globe ought to know about your medicine I Another lady, Mra. Elisabeth Hull, of tf Mer I Jick St., Pswtucket B. I., writes: " I have had fifteen babies, end times I have bad to have two doctors. I bejraa taking your 'Favorite rresmptioa ' last July and in September I ave birth to two little girkt and I never had such an easy time. I had no doctor and did not suffer hair as long as before. My twins when born weighed ten pounds each. They are fine girls, now tour months old." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser tells yon how to treat almoat every known form of disease at home and just what to do in ease of emrnrrnrv. Tt,r I is no trouble in understanding it It con- m,u mu more tnan 700 Illustra tions. A paper-covered copy will be sent free for at one-cent stamps, by the World a Dispensary Medical Association, fluffaln N. Y. If a French cloth binding ia want ed, send ten cents more, thirty-one stamps in all. - 1 : . ,:J1;' fcUtatss, m Aim,, , --?. fcf.v.iTj.,. -. v 1 Fire Instance Go Zealand. Delivered at your Office, Store, or Residence, Only 60 Cents a Month -s)... : j au9t.. atataiaj ; r-r -a v ? 3--r : y-r l.y tf.L- vlitera ot the Mortusa i Jn 1 T -un.f aMsirtj from ctTrxtt ineOfnni.i. pn 6 f. f to .? unit. sawrViaJ a writtim jrunRtse, to cw Ci'ltt U l -nl. : K -1 "it, Uu.itltn.sjnii Vc Ba3 by CRAHLSM nOG&XL