Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1876)
was found to be both instructive and Dissolution of Co-partnership, X entertaining. The Teachers’ Institute for Jackson Wo learn that a misapprehension The election of c fficers being next in Ml GIVEN THAT THE CAP ART- . .OCTOBER 28, 1*76. SATURDAY. County was called to order in the Ash uer«hip teretofore exis irg between I. D., L. order, E. J. Farlow, County School X -onCE exists in the minds of tho people in land Academy on October 20th, 1876, [B. unto. C. Applegate, under the firm name of ! Superintendent, was chosen as 1 resi- Ì A:»pk*gate Bro?.. Ì0 this day dissolved Dy mutual some portions of this county in regard by President Skidmore. Institute OL’R SCHOOLS. , dent during his term of office ; Miss con»eui—O. C. AppFga’» withdrawing. A co-part- to tho nature and effect of H. B. No. opened with singing and player. uershlp wi 1 lie coirli ned by the remaining p.irlieB, i Nettie Howard, Vice President ; J. Q. J. M. McCALL & Co.. Propr’s. 1 under the u.iueof I. D. <k L. B. Appletrate. A volume could be written on the 58, passed by tho recent session of the President Skidmore, thinking it one Willits, Secretary, and Miss Kate O. C. A fpi . foatf , L. B. A pple » ate , subject expressed in the brief words | Legislature. The bill in question was of the proper duties of County Super • Thornton, Assistant Secretary for the I. I). A pplegate . intendent to preside at County Insti , next session. which head this article ; but it is not introduced by Mr. Cheesman, of Lake S wan L ake , Like County, Oregon, 8epteml>er tute. resigned his position in favor of After the report of critics the lusti I 30tb, 1 76. 1«; <w. our design to elaborate upon our excel County, and amends section 7 of an E. J. Farlow, who was unanimously :30 o’clock. tute adjourned until 7 lent and ever progressive school sys act approved October, 1874, relating to elected President of the Institute. Evening Session. tem at this time. Wo shall only at the fees of county officers. Hero is the A committee of four was appointed President absent. L. F. Willits was tempt to address a few words of con section before amended by Mr. Chees-1 to draft a programme for Institute. J. chosen as President ¡>r<> ton. H. Skidmore, J. II. Clayton, Miss F. Exercises opened with singing. gratulation and encouragement to the man’s bill: Read Their News. Myer and J. Q. Willits constituted the The audience then listened to an ad I youth, who daily throng our streets, S ec . 7. The County Clerks and committee. dress delivered by J. W. Merritt on upon the superior facilities they en Sherifls in the counties of Grant, Jack- j Miss Ida Martin and C.II. Dyar were the subject of memory. The audience AND joy for obtaining an education com son and Baker shall receive for their ; appointed critics for the forenoon. was .well entertained for three-quarters an additional compensation of pared with those of the past generation. services The subject of Practical Arithmetic i of an hour. twenty-five per centum. SuDg, solo, “ Remembered ; ' surg There are thousands still but littlo was first on programme, but the time Following is the section as amended ! being too short nut a great deal was by E. D. Crandall. past the meridian of life, who realize by Mr. Cheesmau’s bill : The question for discussion this eve said at this time. with the keenest regret the difficulties ning was : “Should notour primary i S ec . 7. The County Clerks and; RECESS. under which they labored to acquire a Sheriffs in the counties of Grant, Jack-! schools be taught bv our best teach Etymology was the next subject, in ers ? ” bare knowledge of reading, writing sou, B iker and l.ake shall receive for troduced by J. W. Merritt. Here some Committee on programme for next and the simple rules of mathematics. i their services au additional compensa I views were interchanged, and the: Institute reported tho following : Granite Street, These were consideied the only neces tion of twenty five per centum. 1 opinion prevailed that, generally, Prayer, by Rev. Hurlburt ; singing, Thus it will bo seen that the only teachers stick to their text books too Messrs. Willits ; opening address, E. ; sary educational acquirements to tit a AN 1MNENSE STOCK Oh change made in the section i3 the ad , closely in teaching this subject. J. Farlow ; othography, Miss Frances young man for tho battle of life. To N. II. Clayton treated the subject of Myer and N. II. Clayton ; reading, J. : Oregon A siila h »I, read and write was all that even the dition of Lake County to the list of Q Willits aud W. T. Leeke ; writing, ■ reading, by forming a class and giving counties whose officers receive an in wealthier portions of the people of his method of instruction in this im C. B. Watson and 1’. L. Fountain;; many of the States considered neces- crease of compensation, aud that in portant branch of education. geography, Miss M. Sergent ami R. A. I FALL AND WIHTEH GOODS Marsh &, Valpey. crease was made by tho Legislature of sary to teach their daughters. There. The following subjects camo next in Gray ; English Grammar, J. W. Mer- 1 were many, very many, who were de 1874. No increase of compensation order : Spelling, by Miss F. Alyer and ritt and J. H. Clayton ; arithmetic, J. > H. Skidmore and Mr. Fitzgerald ; mod prived of even these all important and, was made in the fees of County officers J. H. Skidmore, and L’raetions, by J. ern history, B. R. Willits and H. ('. H. Clayton. It being so near the close at this time, easily obtained rudiments by late session. Fleming ; address, South America, by --------- - - of the forenoon session tho timo was Rev. M. A. Williams ; address by J. H. I of an education. NOVELTV IN POLITICS. extremely short. Skidmore ; query box. Each session ; The method of teaching thirty year? Critics reported and Institute ad will open with singing and prayer und ago, in the southern and western At A Ssn Francisco paper publishes tie jouined until afternoon. close with responses to queries. Afternoon Session. lantic States, was rude in the extreme following as one of the novelties in po J. H SKIDMOJtE, 1 DOORS, MOULDINGS, Institute was called to order J. W. M erritt , -Committee. compared with that now in practice litical life, and our readers will doubt- j ' County School Superintendent Far J. II. C layton , ) even in the young State of Oregon. less agree that it is decidedly funny. ; low. Exercises were opened with Report was received and adopted. BEDSTEADS, i singing. To sit eight hours a day, on a wooden The case stands thus : Mr. Leeke was appointed a committee D. W. Cheesman. of Lake County, I Miss Mary Quigley and L. F. Wil ' to ask permission of Miss Weber to bench, without a support to rest the wero chosen critics for afternoon have her essay on music presented for BREAKEAST, DINING, weary shoulders or a desk on which to formerly Assistant United States Treas I lits session. urer in San Francisco, was elected lay books and elate, was tho sentence Representative to tho Oregon Logubi- The teaching of penmanship was il I ! publication. of the school boy and girl of thirty ture from that county on the Demo lustrated by L. F. Willits, and differ A motion was made and carried that CENTER, and Jacksonville ba the place, and tho first years ago, when they attended a com cratic ticket, although a pronounced ent methods were discussed by tLe i Friday and Saturday in M iy be the mon school. Neither globe, map, Independent. In the party caucuses teachers, but, as our school law says time, fur holding the next session of EXTENSION held at Salem. D. W. Cheesman was “Spencerian system,” not much di i Jacksen County Teachers’ Institute. chart or blackboard had yet been count elected r.s the Democratic nominee for gression was made from the same. The Committee on Resolutions re ed among the necessary perquisites of a Temporary Chairman, and D. M. C. “ What is the principal object in ported TABLES, the following resolutions, which country school room. The govern Gault received the Republican nomi educating children, and what means were accepted : ment of schools was then far different nation. When the IIouso met, in the are necessary to their instruction to tne W hereas , Many cf our public schools for Temporary Chairman, Chees ¡ best advantage ?” Thia question en- i are closed during a great portion of the BUREAUS, from what it is at the present ; the vote man was elected by a vote of 30, Gault ¡ gaged the attention of the teacher? for year for lack of funds ; therefore, birchen rod, the ferulo and tho dunce receiving 28 votes ; the two received ' some time, being opened by J. 11. Skid i Rwdi-f I, That the bill before the LOUNGES, block had not yet l^en supplanted by the party strength, with the exception more. CIIA1KS, present Legislature-«increasing the tax BECES3. the kind admonition and exemplary of tbeir own two votes, which they ex for school purposes receive tho highott Mr. L?eko then mentioned some ad approl) itiou of this Institute. demeanor cf enlightened teachers. The changed. When the House proceeded to permanent organization Cheesman vantages which ho thought would be Io sole /, That a copy of the minutes highest recommendation a teacher was put in nomination for permanent gained if book-keeping were taught in of this Institute be furnished the pa could boost in these days was that he Speaker, and it was understood that he our schools. His thoughts were pers of this county for publication. BOARDS, WASH was a merciless tyrant ; physical force was the Republican caucus nominee. agreed to by others as being correct. Resole I, That the thanks of the In Analysis of Sentences was then in held the place now occupied by reason He received the full Republican vote. be tendered I’rof. Skidmore for An<l all kinds of furnilnre on Lund, and J. K. Weatherford, of Linn County, troduced by Miss K ite Thornton. A stilute and common sense. The world has ad the Democratic caucus nominee, was, sentenco placed Upon the board com the use of the Academy. ¡nade to order. It That the thanks of this In- vanced since then. The science of however, elected, the vote standing manded tho attention for some time. : stitnto be tendered tho citizens of Ash After the critics reported, and min land for the manner in which they human government, which is and ever Weatherford, 30; Cheesman, 28; FARMERS’ HARROWS, blank, 1. we kelp hardware , iron , utes were read ¿ind approved, the In have entertained its members. should ba the chief study of man, has ----------------* « ------------- stitute adjourned until seven o’clock. There being no more business before developed into a broader and more Liquor Lirenne Law. Evening Sessioi,. STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS. GLASS, the Institute it adjourned. liberal realm of thought. President Furlow being absent the L. F. W illits , I’res. pro With tho advantages we have enu Au act was passed by the Legislative Secretary called the hou e to order and J. Q. W illits . Sec. merated tho rising generation should Assembly, at its late eessioD, amending AV. T. Let ke was chosen President pro 3 T he yellow fever is fearfully bad in not make the scientist, the pbvlosopher tho law relating to license for retail Zcfii. Exercises opened by the quaitette, portions of tho South — 2,000 people or the scholar of the present day the of spirituous liquors. Hitherto the law Chestnuts.” are sick with it in Savannah and 600 in model of hiscr her attainments. They required applicants for license to pro Select reading, Miss Nettie Howard, Atlanta. Eight thousand people ap should plume their genius for a loftier cure the names of a majority of the Who are Disturbed by Reforms ? ” plied fur relief io Savannah in one day ! FARMIN« ; mri.FAI ENT,eraH KFRY Select reading, Miss Mary Berry, flight. As there has been advancement legal voters of the precinct or ward Nature of True Eloquence.” PoLrnurvNS of all parties are Lru-,h- in the past so it must bo in the future; where they wished to establish such Ax% FRUIT CANS. Select leading, C. H. Dyar, “Cen ing up their hair to give themselves an there is no resting place for the human business, to a petition prayiDg tho tennial.” intellectual appearance. mind in tho pursuit of knowledge ; un County Court to grant the license. The Query Box was then opened and BURN. explored fields for investigation stretch The amendment requires the applicant was the cause of both amusemeut and away throughout the created universe. for license to obtain the names of a instruction. Song, duett, “ David and Goliath.” CURRY At Rock Point, Och ber 221, 1876, to the Earth, sea and air, and all illimitable majority of the “ whole number of cit The following question was then I wife of 1 h.i'.nas Curry, a run. 5 THS SODA SPRINGS space contain myeteiies sealed, yet izens, male and female, over tho age read fur discussion : Resolved, That it I penetrable, to the divine attribute of of twenty-one years,” to tbeir petition. is the duty of the present Legislature —AND— No CENTENNIAL FOR A L auge and C hoice man — his immortal mind. This Tho bill making this change, we un to ine^ftfte tho school tax and enact a enforcing compulsory education. thought alone should be sufficient to derstand, passed- both Houses, and, if law After S election of TEAS. being discussed for some time, stimulate tho youth of the present age signed by tho Governor, it is now the both ¡oo und <'<./, the question was put —oo— to improve npon the knowledge impart law of the land. to a vote and carried unanimously. ► ♦ * ♦ <------------ - Critics for the evening, .Miss Nettie Ho! U nto A ll W ho T hirst ! ed to them by the lubors of the past. Work Berlin. Howard and J. H. Clayton, reported, s and Institute adjourned until Saturday If you w; ut lo invest your mon y where it will Home A ¿fain» p ty cuiue to me A Corinne correspondent of the Salt, morning. x< Second Day -Morning Session. Hon. J. M. McCall arrived home Lake Herald writes that the Portland, j Institute called to order by President i last Monday from the State Capital, Salt Lake and South Pass Railroad ! ! 5 I Furlow. Institute opened with singing ODA Si’KINO Company are taking steps for active having been away during the entire and prayer. Legislative term of foity days. He work. A large force of surveyors is in A committee consi.-ting of Messrs. J. ' CHARS AKD Pi?ZG Aad buy Lice f:uit and eh ide trees. cot m3 none the worse of his association the field. It is the intention of the II. Skidmore, J. \V. Merritt and J. H. with the assembled wisdom of the Company to contract et onco with par Clayton was appointed to draft a pro Without Money, and Without gramme for next institute. State and speaks highly of the general ties for furnishing 130 000 ties, to be A committee of three was appointed Pi ice. spirit of good will that existed among used between here and Malad City, and to draft resolution». tho contract for furnishing bridge tim L. F. Willit», Miss Mary Quigley and the members of tho House, of which rjMIE UNDERSIGNED are now keeping ber has already been made with Hiram I W. T. Lceke composed said committee. I he was himself one. Mr. McCall has Critics appointed for the forenoon; House, who owns a large sawmill in received the endorsement of his constit MARKETABLE PRODUCE. session were Miss Amy Dunn aud B. IL uents, so for as we know, in all of his the Malad Pass. Tho maximum grade Willits. After discussing the various methods acts for the interest of his county and from Corinne to Malad City, Idaho, as We see no cause to change our and having repaired and refited the same, show by the preliminary survey, is of teaching Decimals and Interest, ; the State. We, of course, have no ref PLANTED iN ONE OR( TIA KI) are now prepaied to accommodate all who and the relation of Mental Arithmetic erence to political questions, as they eleven feet per mile, with a ruling to common schools, Mr. Leeke opened may favor ns with a call. Prices Io suit W jo ie th? b.cky nun w>o wi’l tnke aw are matters of opinion which every in grade of seven feet per mile. the subject of introducing young pu first ore tinnitili 1TVVEN i V TUOUSAN I these hard time?. fite Cems euch all as Irreverent pils to the study of Language. dividual claims tho right to decide for The Marble Business RECESS. himself and as freely accord the same YUc(,/.>isfi.inMsstii<jcr is responsi GSAFTiD FRUIT! Will still be a speciality. All orders in /After recess an essay on “Music,” right to others. Representative Crane ble for the following : written by Miss Weber, was read be this line promptly filled iu the best manner aud Senator lierren of this county As there is iu America. FIFTEEN THOUSAND The Centennial abounds in pictures fore the Institute. hue be .rii g grape root«, fur the ir lling sum uf tuo aud at reasonable rates. have also returned home. Both of and busts of George Washington in Miss Nettie Howard then opened the c ala each Address, as usual, “Quick Sales & Small Profits. theso gentlemen have been active aud every place where there seems- to be question of the “ Best Method of 1’un- ROSES, DAHLIAS, J. II. A A. ¡1. RUSSELL, Ashland. vigilant in the discharge of their re room for either. One artist has shown | ishraent,” and Miss Mary Berry the AND A VARIETY nF bis taste in making a bust of Christ question, “ What motives and incen spective duties. with George AV ashington on one side tives to study ought to ba appealed to?” Green house plant?, and Henry Ward Beecher on the other.' Critics reported and Institute ad see them. The Wheat Trucie. There is the “ Father ” of his country, journed until 1:30 p. m . Reports from the East and San 1 ran- and the “ Son,” but we hardly think AHcriiooii Smion. HE STILL LIVES. rpiIEUNDERSIGNED WILL BE FOUND no lóti. cisco indicate that there is an advance Beecher’s late reputation would en-; President Farlow being absent J. H. 1 at his shop on Main street, two (loots j title him to be called the “ Holy I Clayton was chosen President pm A/n. from the livery stable?, where he is prepared in the price of wheat in tho great mar I Spirit.” I Exercises begun with singing. to do kinds of work in bis line -t tho INTERESTING TO FARMERS ! lowest all ---------- -*■ ♦ ............... kets of the world. While tho increase price. Miss Kate Thornton and Miss Ottie W e call the attention of our roaders in prices is not bo marked as to create Dunn were appointad critics for the HP I1E UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING IT WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS any great change in interior markets, i to the editorial correspondence in the afternoon. JL to be to the mutual advauUge of The subject of Fractions was again Granite Street, - - Ashland. Of Vehicles Made to Order. from what we can learn it seems that ! T idings of this week. Air. Sutton is making a canvass of the county. He considered, «J. W. Merritt leading. Millers and Farmers, the prospect is hopeful for a general Repairing of all kinds ¿one with ¿¡«patch, WILL DO 44 What are the prominent causes of will visit many of the most noted and call and ree me. Have made arrangements whereby the raise in wheat The prospect of a failure iu teaching ? ” was responded to noltf. JOHN RALPH. populous places and write them up. anything in my line European war, which must inevitably Among the by quita ft' number, Ashland and Phoenix Mills, involve all the great wheat districts of We are pleased to 6tate that he is add-' prominent causes were mentioned ON SHORT NOTICE ing many new names to his list of sub the following : Lack of preparation ; Will lie under the management of J a the Old W’orld and depress their in AND AT THE LOWEST TERMS. cob scribers. The T idings being the peo non-co-operation of parent.- ; inattention W agxeb . who will have charge of dustry, while it increases the demand both Mills for the Company during the ensu pie ’ s paper even body subscribes for to and undue appreciation of responsi- SASH, FWUIE EAGLE MILLS, SITUATED ONE AND for bread, is the only reason that is bilities and privileges. ing year, ending July l.-t, 1S77. fi u h h miles north of Ashlaud, has ou hand tnd DOORS, “ • ___________________ Mr. J. H. Clayton gave his method We wi 1 pay the highest market price for ir < ou-uuUy makir.g an eice.leot art.cle of floor. given for the present agitation among FURNITURE, good merchant ible wheat, ami arc prepared All tuoee desuing io purchase their D on ’ t gesticulate too vigorously. of teaching Geography. speculators in grain. One thing is to contract flour at $18.00 per thousand RECESS. Made to order. certain, however, and.that is that the A colored preacher in Texas who used WINTER SUPPLY OF FLOUll pounds at the Mills. went to ; After recess song, solo, “ I < Mlice of the Company at the Ashland Will do well toe ul at the mil); will also grind, on result will eventually turn to the ad his arms more vigorously than wisely, Picture Framing, &c. exchange, 36 of flour, 8 of bran and 2 of storta see my Sweetheart a3 I had nothing Mills. Addie«?, vantage of the wheat producers, who knocked over a kerosene lamp, from else to do.” I er bu-Uel of good wi eat; will s <ck and brand the Wheat, Dais, Lumber, or Ca-li taken iu WAGNER, ANDERSON & sacks-customers to farnieh 'l*h the sacks. are truly the most meritorious parties which the audienco came near being FARMER’S CO., L. S tbokg , The Query Box was again opened and exchange for work. Call and see me. Mdier, Sept. 26, 1 mo. Ashland, Orfcgou. Ashlaud, June 23d, 14)76. Uj2lf, concerned, no 12 tf. questions read and discussed. This burned up. THE ASHLAND ASHLAND STORE, TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. READ THE BILE. TIDINGS i PLANING MILL % • ♦ Furniture Factory. i JUST ARRIVED, I ! Emporium of Ashland. t 0 I A i i p 0 p L 4 4 4 • •---------------------------------- L 4 4 I i I A {j I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •t I The Soda Spring House Wagon Shop I. O. MILLER, ! I t i MILL NOTICE!