Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1876)
F ine P ainting .—In the Post Office in this place may bo seen a painting OCTOBER 28, 1S76. representing Crater Lake and drawn by SATURDAY. J. M. Sutton, Eq., of this paper. The Agents for tl?e Tidings. drawing is in oil, and for exquisito and RS-unuele, - - - • Torlton I, Oregon. life like exactness it is pronounced by Jacob Tboiipron, - - - S At. Pet’ireVl X'Co., - - - New York. critics, who havo viewed tho sublime scene it represents, uneqnaled by any WÎtè.' b » t TS"’ •' •’ .A/r'ri-J. work of art ever produced in th^ State. The view is taken from tho east end of C. S SergeOt, • • • " * , 1’ 71' El. R. Oxen, : - - - O’1 rL’ *'<'“/ tho lake and from an elevation of a Mi«« Allie AV. Coivi?, - - • Rock Puiut. thousand feet above the placid surface ( jj, Watson, Gtiærul Agent foi Tzikfc county• of its waters. In tho foreground, to ASHLAND P <>- REGISTER.! tho right, tho gnar’ed trunk of a giant tree stands out iu bold relief, while Stogc* lullve Asli 1 miil as fol 1 <>w >. stretching from its base to the brink of Tte O. A C. Stage Co.’s»Stajre leave Asbl ind i the precipice which overlooks the 1 k* f.u-Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rose-1 are the remains of other forest trees, lnirg every day at 6 a. m. Mail clo es at strewn among reeky declivities and 5:30 a. in. volcanic debris. To tho left and, also F >r Iknly, Yieka and Reading at G p. in. ' in the foreground, a somber forest of Mail c’o-'es at 5:30 p. m. | evergreen trees casts its shadow east Ilf tmn A Garrett’s Stages leave Ashland i ward, in the solitude of which a lordly every Monday, Wednesday ami I riday | mornings for iLinkville, and return on j antler stands, half concealed by the in every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. I creasing shades of approaching night. Leave Linkvill-tor Lake City, California, Tho full length of the lako stretches Wednesdays : arrive at Lake City S itur- j out in view, with its western boundary days: leave Lake City Mondays ; arrive! of imposing walls and still grander at Linkvilie Thursdays, carrying mail aud ( mountain peaks, tinted with the rays passengers. of the declining eun. Mr. Sutton lias J? -aular passenger w igon leaves Ashland { been especially happy in the puro at lor Linkvilie every Munday morning, and mospheric coloring ho has thrown over returns every Saturday. tho whole picture. Nowhere but in A. D. HELMAN, P. M. Oregon can such a puro, delicately roseate, yet deeply transparent tint be LÖ0AL INTELLIGENCE seen, at the enchanting hour of sunset, upon the sky and clouds and land scape ; and the artist must breathe our ALDEN FRUIT. pure atmosphere before he can produce Whilo iu Jacksonville, a few days. its effect upon the canvass. Bince, we had the pleasure of a visit to H on . Mr. C heesman , member of tho the establishment of tho Alden Fruit Pre erving Company of that place. It Legislature from Lake County, left is not necessary to enter into tho de- i this place for his homo on last Tues tails, but the whole progress seems' day morning. Mr. Cheeseman has taken an active part in almost every sinq and the evaporation is certainly question which has been presented to turning off an article of preserved (not the Legislature during its late session, dried fruit such, / as has never been established tho reputation of a . I * and ready debater aud acute parliamenta seen in this county before. Indeed, it rian. i3 in no sense dried fruit, but thorough THE ASHLAND TIDINGS ly preserved in its own juico and need ing only the same amount of water ex pelled from it to bring it back to its original fresh state. The factory has j only been in operation two weeks, and , already thero aro piled up and ready <or shipment nearly a ton and a half of choice preserved apples, that must command ready sale iu any market. It is something new to see any Jack- sou County product neatly boxed for exportation, aud bearing evidence, by the plain and conspicuous labels, tint those who prepared are not by any means ashamed of it, but rather feel assured that it will command attention, i We commend tho worthy example of ! our neighboring town to th s and all other fruit growing localities in this ■ county, and believe that this may be come one of the most valuable and im portant of our industries. Our fruit product cannot be excelled by any county on the coast, for size aud flavor, and we should certainly avail ourselves of the means to turn our hitherto value-1 less fruit crops to some account. From j all parts of the country we bear of the i financial success ot Alden preserving factories, and ia every quarter of thoj eastern and western States, aud even from Europe, their product is iu extra; ordinary demand, at prices more than treble that of ordinary dried fruit. It is too soon to determine whether the company in Jacksonville wiil make a profit on their operations this Fall ; they are laboring under tho evident disadvantage of having only one evap orator, while much of the same labor would work two or even three, but we give them full credit for their enter prise in sta ting this new and impor taut industry. Wo hope our neglected orchards will now bo taken care of, new ones planted, aud a geueral interest taken in a business t-Lat must Lo remunera tive aud a continual source of revenue to our people. T he T idings .— We tako pride in calling the attention of our readers to the solid printed matter in the columns of tho T idings this week. There is not a paper printed this side of Portland that contains as much. For this wo are indebted chiefly to Mr. Ed. D. Crandall, our efficient aud ever accom modating foreman. A lden F ruit .—We received from M m. Turner, Esq., list week, a speci men of preserved fruit from the Alden Dryer, which showed in an eminent degree tho perfection <»f this process. The fruit ot . Jackson County, if prop erly managed, is worth’moie than our rich gold mines. ------------------------- F arm in the M ountains .—Mr. Ed- ward Graubner, living ou the head of Sterling Creek, has ono of tho finest stock farms in the county. Ho Las over one hundred acres of line arable land under cultivation, surrounded OU all sides by high, grassy mountains. A brings back the friends we loved and shall never see again? Parents, in your endeavors to make home attractive, a place never to be forgotten, do not neglect tho cultiva tion of music. It may be the means of saving a son when far away ; a remem brance of pleasant evenings at home, M r . W. W. K entnor , of Ashland, when abont to be lead into temptation, raises tho “boss” sue flowers of tho may be his salvation. It expresses world. Wo have seen ono from Lis every sentiment ; profound emotions, garden which measured 49 inches in yearnings of the heart, may go up to circumference. Now trot out your big God without being clothed in words Who has not heard of John Gundel. » blossoms. i the best organist in America, who, in on prayer, eaid, said, V enison , fat and delicious, has made answer to a friend, ou “ Oh, yes, I pray, but not like you. I its appearance in this market. Hunt pray on my piano.” This friend, hap ers say the doer are to bo found in the pening to hear him ono night, writes, foothills, among tho oak timber, where *• Ab, I knew ho was praying ; it was they are attracted by the falling acorns. the grayer of a soul going up to bis ---------- -------------- Creator."’ Mendelssohn thought words M r . L oftus , of Lake County, in wero unnecessary, therefore his songs forms us that home manufactured flour are without words, and could they be ? sells at $2 50 per hundred in bis sec intelligible Music is tho unfallen angtl of the tion. Crops have generally yielded world. Before you can make an evil or well in the Goose Like country. even a doubtful thing of music you ------ r Lava to blend it with some evil cle- I. O. M iller returned from Rose ment. To hear good music is always, burg, last Wednesday, whither he had for that reason, a means of grace. been to meet Lis family on their way There is no such thing as firofano mu homo from a visit to friends fa the sic ; there is only one kind of music ; it is music—sacred music. Williamette Valley. F ine V ineyard .—The largo vine yard belonging to Granville Sears, near Willow Springs, has produced an im menso yield of grapes this season. Ho is now engaged in extracting the pure jaice of the grape. & Co.’S ) ASHLAND STOVE ' ) —AXE— S T A R. H ardw S tore , i FEK< HURON HOUSES. W illow S prings . — The miners at this old camp anticipate a good yield A correspondent writing from Phila this Winter. We understand that sev delphia to the San Francisco Bulletin eral companies will work there during Las the following ia reference to the the Winter. I’ercheron horses on exhibition at the M r . A. G. R uckfellow Las just re Centennial • ceived a Little Grant hydraulic appa Tho Horse Show has virtually closed. ratus, with pipe and nozzles, for his The chief attractions were the French placer wino three miles below this Feicberon horses aud their French- place. Canadian grooms, these being the orig ♦ intils of Rosa Bonheur’s representa Miss A ddie E lleff , daughter of tions. The center of admiratii.n was Hardy Elleff, Esq., of Cow Creek, ar the white Arabian stallion ./ nit" r, ago rived in town last Monday and will at 12 years. This beautiful animal, in tend the Academy during tho Winter. appearance, realized all one’s precon ceived ideas of the Arabian horse. R ev . M il M ayfield is canvassing General Gumer, tho South Carolina for the sale of portraits of tho Presi Commissioner, put to a practical test, dential candidates of both parties. The on one of his fast trotting mares, a new style of single Larne’s, which dis pictures are gotten up in good style. penses with traces and collar altogeth er. The horse is enclosed within the H ealth excellent in this vicinity. shafts by a steil bar running across The few cases of fever which wo report his brest, padded on the inside, lie ed a few weeks ago are e thcr entirely pushes tho buggy forward instead of recovered or convalescent. pulling. Ono would hardly imagine that a contrivance of this discription T he California and Oregon stages ar would work, but certainly it did in sev rive later than when roads were better. eral trips the track cn the Fair Ilills becoming too moist for rapid lo grounds. about One C lifotuia mustang was comotion. on exhibition, and a placard at his sta door, iu describing the origin and L ast Monday night the first frost of ble babiti of the mustang, recommended tho season whitened the house-tops them especially for their and nipped the vegetation iu this vi I tton. cinity. -------- A light covering of snow gave tho UNION LIVERY mountain tops a vestal appearance south of this place last Saturday morn ale and xchange ing. ------------ <>.---------- R efractory urchins are not pun I ished in this section of tho country. They aro simply “ reformed.” ------------o----------- • L, l e., Mr. R. E. F orm is now the most pop ular gentleman in political circles. Everybody supports him. ---------- ------------- — A large number of heavy loaded wagons left this place for Fort Klam ath during the week. L S y L ,a| ______ L- _ J ■ A.MIJIHUJIW-JT - Lt-rr-L- B. F. REESER, Proprietor. JUST RETURNED from sat rauvisco, v ith the best stlec’ed stuck of STOVES, HARDWARE, Ever brought to A «bland, I am prepared to sell everything In my Hue, FOR CAt?H, cneaier than the cheapest. UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION i « STOVES, NAILS, ROPE, -< ♦ By a ski'lfti! use of the etop?, and of the patent knee Fwell, the music is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the softest flute-like note to a vilume of rJUIld nûR?E-SnOES, AXES, CARPENTER TOOLS, And everythirg kept in a Cret-cl sb Stove and Hardware Store. E Agency for the Instrument. The proprietor? hr.vo r.otel carcfu'ly, f >r n. ny je-rs, the imperfection? and icds of the r-.ed i: suumentt*, aid direct their practical experience to the coriec.ion of euch inqierfecttoDS, and thiir ex- I < rirr.ents h;.ve resulted in the production of a quality cf lone w l.i.-b ai-< ties so cloetly to the Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Machinesy S erin i W agons .—Mr. Eubanks is the bast family ri* .chine made. putting up a lot of two horso spring wagons, which cannot be excelled any- where, They aro four springs with the Sivern wheel and Concord axle tree, PIPE ORGAN QUALITY and constructed throughout of eastern timber of the best quality. H on . H enry L angell , of Jackson *»--- " -■ -• THE BAIN WAGON, B. F. R eeser , of tho Ashland Stove ville, paid our town a visit lust Wed That Is diffcnlt to dlsttrguish Itetween the two. and Hardware Store, has just received nesday. This instrument has all the a fresh supply of all articles in his line P oliticians thick as about a Champion Mower & Reaper, direct from San ' rancisco. He has a barnyard. _______ number of fine Winchester rifles, just from the manufactory, which ho offers rrrrs’ buffalo thresher , & c . MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, at the very lowest figures. \ t !»- ---------- o ----------- by A N eat J ob —Mr. W. W. Kentnor i And every crg’.n is fd'y w; rr: nted. Large Oil by SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, has constructed a light wagon for his Pu ish, BI ck Walnut Panelled Ci ses tint forme, in addition to a little boy, which is about tho com- to lit rny aud all sewing machine.«. Always ou hand, aud made lo oider, the very best splendid inetrument i letest job we havo ever seen. It is a Music is, without doubt, the oldest quality of of music, a perfect miuiature vehicle, having every I’ ro and W on . A petition to the attachment used in constructing a as well as tho youngest art. Oldest— TIN, SHEET-IKON & COPPER-WARE, we read in Genesis that Jubal was fath County Court is being circulated by Mitchell or Bain wagon. I er to all them that handle tho harp and ------------- - --- — .... Thomas Chavner, of the Dardanells, to i BZAUTiFUL PIECE CF FURNITURE. Produce taken in exchange for goods. B. F. REESER. O ur old friend aud townsman, Bai- organ ; youngest — because it was the have a new county road established; from Lis bridge straight through to Lis ny Miller, returned from a trip to the last of the arts which developed itself ' N. B. All ptrsens indebted to me by note or ac last Saturday, ne brought as such. The study of music and a ' U- <: ni h g < ilr coi residence, and so much of the old road a Willamette count, will please come forward anl pay up within drove of three hundrtd fine sheep, L <■«, v.ould I» i thirty days, aud save costs. as lays between his house and the read I which he has turned out to graze knowledge of its beauty is not the St. lu utir t uccfíSurs. R. F. Ii. Ashland, June 17ito, 1876. noltf leading to Jacksonville, vacated. Citi among tho grass covered hills of Butte amusement of a day, but tho labor of years ; the more we learn the more we zens of the vicinity are also circulating Creek. find out how little wo know, Low much A git , a remonstrance, which is already numer This organ nee Is only to be seen to 1>3 appreciated, A specimen of F irly Rose potato, A. D. ’»rLM J. D. FOUKTAIX. ously sigued, protesting against so more there is to be learned ; aud is it and is sold at extrtmely is much of the petition as relates to va from tho garden of W. W. Kentnor, net this from which wo derive most cating the old road. We bclievo that I being of a second crop on tho same Tifi in justice to Mr. Chavner he should piece of ground, this season, has been pleasure? It is not tho sediment but HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, be grunted the new road provided he left at this office. It is well formed, thenquaffing of a cup that gives us de ’T > s*- / would put it in good condition without and large as that variety usually grow. light. expense to the county. But to vacate to In acquiring the art of music it opens the old road would certainly work a' M r . P. B. II argadtne has gone to such a fund of enjoyment to the stu g g AVISO PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK great injustice to many citizens living San Francisco, where ha proposes to dent, by making him see tho beauties on Foote’s Creek and down Rogue Riv during the Winter, to recuper er. The old road is a good ono, being remain bis failing health. We trust that in nature, that the task is never without gravelly and dry at all seasons, and re ate AGFJXTS JKAXTED may realize his hopes and return recompense. Let him not bo content GENERAL MERCHANDISE, quires no expense to keep it in repair, he with only a glimpse of its beauties but while the new road is over rich bottom with health and energies renewed. laud and will evidently be Aery muddy / T he L ucky Q ueen .—Reports from seek to participate in the best that is DRY-GOODS, groceries , BOOTS & SHOES, offered and only find pleasure in that iu Winter. the Lucky Queen mine are still favora which is noble and ennobling; the ob W. C. M yei : returned from the State ble. Mr. Assell, the Superintendent, — 9 Fair last Saturday. His celebrated reports the size of the vein on which ject of tho study should not be merely Perchcron horses wero, as usual, the he is sinking increasing, aud tho ore fur tho pleasure it affirds, but for the mental and moral improvement. Its center of attraction among admirers of growing richer as ho goes down. study unseals a book in which aro writ horse flesh, both at the Fair and' on the A LIBERAL DISCOUNT — OF THE— N ew S tore . — Messrs. Karewski & way tLither. Mr. Myer never fails to ten tho wonders of creation, animate bear away the blue ribbon when he Cameron have begun tho building f.;r and inanimate ; it refines the taste, it enters the Held of competition with his their new etore at Chavner’s Bridge. improves tho judgment. The pleasure WILL EE Ashland Business Association. powerful, and truly wonderful draft The building is 24x40 feet. They will, in a short time, bring on an entirely we experience from music is ta<-to ; to Ii Larses. pass upon its execution belongs to judg now stock of goods. Mr de to Teacher?, Minister«, Churches, Schools R eturned . — We had forgotten to ment, which compares tho imitation Lodges, etc., where there 18 no agent for the Star P. of II •1 mention the return of our old friend, M r . S extos , special agent and adjust with the original. It subdues the pas Organ. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. CurrespoLdence eoiidtel. Address the manufactu SrD. Van Dyke, who has been on a visit er for tho Fireman's Fund Insurance sions, it raises our thoughts, t an any t rers, one listening to it resist its influence to eastern States» and the Centennial. Co., passed through town last Wednes Porpore ?etlirg the time on terms and at prices Ilia many old time friends will con day, on his way to San Francisco. and harbor other than pure thoughts '? to suit the times. It smooths many a rough path iu life ; EL gratulate him on his good fortune in Mr. Harris Baum, of this place, is lo it inspires genius by giving it an ele 1. \.lleger,BoAvlby<t Co., bringing with him an accomplished cal agent. ------- -< ♦ ment of action ; it charms tho ear of THE ASHLAND ACADEMY bride to share the comforts of his AliSO BOOKS, STATIONERY, W e acknowledge tho receipt of a the savage as of the cultivated, only iu lloguo River home. basket of delicious grapes from the a different degree, ns a knowledge of rpi.e E 1 all Term of the Ashland Academy WAS1ÍIXGT0X, X, J. JL win I commence on next Monday, Sept. T he N ew B ritge . — Mr. Thomas vineyard of Mrs. Welborn Beeson, of any scienca gives us a keener relish I I Uth. for it. Candies, Nuts, Toys, Chavner has recently completed his Wagoner Creek. Many of the clusters AH expecting to attend, will do weli to Its influence is felt everywhere. new patent Howe Truss bridge across weighed over a pound and a half. > There is no nation or people without be present the first day. o Thanking our friends for tlieir liberal pat their music, and, though the works of lloguo River. This bridge is 380 feet J udge T olman returned from tho great masters may bo compared to the ronage ia the past, we bespeak its increase &C., 4-C., &C., long, a main span of 120 feet, with for the future. Scholars uiiy enter at any State Fair last week, looking none the ocean tho folks’ songs are like the time dining the term. Tuition charged only twelve feet in the clear between the T. B. M c M urtrie , Produce N taken in exchange at the highest market H. W. A lleged , floor and top timbers. It is one of the worse for a week’s sojourn at tho Cap pearls hid in its deith. It makes us for tie time in attendance. E dward P lotts . price. C, I’. B owlby , most substantial structures in ¡Southern ital city. The Judges stock ranked feel more kindly towards our fellow- \ J. H. SKIDMORE, Priaeipah HELMAN & FOUNTAIN. Ashland, June 17th, IW6. noltf, among the very best ou exhibition. (Sept. 27, ’76: 1 yr.) Oregon. 'beings; and is thero not music that' ne>13tt ► ♦ <------------------------ - ■*> ♦ U-uJ.