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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1876)
INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND, OREGON: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 187G. LIVING. W* can only lite once: an 1 death's terrors With life’s bowers and roses entwine, And our lives would bj darkened by error8 Did we even, like cats, 11 «e«e nine ’. They You'd b*, perhap*, all of tnein wasted, And be reckleee'y equ n lered away, And not half of the jojs would be tasted That one life can embrace mN day. T idings , ard buying a—well, I won’t say what; it wasn’t whisky—I set out for the Benedict House, a mile or so distant, arriving there in a drenching rain. I had tbe pleasure of enjoying the hospitality of Mr. Benedict ami his good lady for the night. It is needless for me to speak of thia old established house, as its reputation for good cheer is known throughout the entire land. Although Mr. B., some two or three years since, bad his ( ' [Original for the T idings .] LITTLE GERTIE'S PRACTICAL JOKE. DOMESTIC ’’ECIVES. night-clothing, and then at me ; but. before he could give utterance to a word, there came a ringing knock at the door and a messenger was admitted, who announced that Brinely, the por ter, had been detected in an attempt to rob his employer's safe, and. *• when brought to trial, confessed that he had committed tho theft of which I was ac cused. As tbo door closed b- hind the messenger Harry seized my hands and exclaimed : “ Forgive me old boy, that I ever allowed a thought of mistrust to enter my mind.” That night I retired happy, and the next week I resumed my old place at Mr. Gordon’s. ******* * Many years havo passed since this happened, but I have never forgotten little Gertie or her practical joke. PnEsrEvm P ears .—Cut tho pears in half and take ort the cores. Place them over the fire und boil them in a little water until they are soft enough for a fork to penetrate them. Take them out und place them on a diah to I drain. To each pound cf fruit allow a pound of loaf f ugar ; add the sugar to the water in which the pears were boiled ; put in the fruit with tho rind aud juice of a frosh lemon. Boil the pears gently for fifteen or twenty min utes ; t ike them out of tho syrup, lay them on a broad di h until cold ; then p’ace them carefully in glass j irs. Boil I the syrup until thick enough, pour it over the fruit hot, and seal up. A ddle P ie .—Sprinkle “A” oatmeal on barley Graham, uno-eighth of an inch thick, on an oiled pie-dish, Leap upon it carefully the cut apples, sweet en, if necessary, aud pour over the whole evenly as much water as i’ucre was meal sprinkled on a dish. Then level the surface by spreading over it some stew ed apples,and over this spread very thinly a batter mada liko gem-bat ter, only thinner, using about equal quantities of meal and water. Let tu’s spread to the edge of tho dish, then put in a good oven aud bake half an hoar, or until the apples are tender. Servo I warm or cold. P lum P reserves . — Plums may be preserved nice with the skins cn or off. If on, they ehould be pricked at the top and bottom with a largo need’s. If yon take them off turn boiling water over them. Prepare a syrup of a pound of sugar for each pound of plums, lay in vour fruit to simmer, not to boil ; lot them remain in a scalding state un til soaked through, at least two hours. Then skim out and boil tho liquor down about an hour. It must bo thick to keep well. Tbo flavor will bo much improved by boiling in tho syrup half a pint of the kernels cracked- G rade J elly . — Take tbo grapes when ripe, put them ever tho fire iu a preserving kettle, stir with a wooden spoon until all have burrted, and the juice flows freely from them ; Grain through a thin towel ; measure, then return tbo jnioo to tl-s fire, toil thirty minutes, add three-quarters of a pound of loaf sugar to each pint of juice, let it boil up, take off any scum that may rise. Pour into glasses ; when cold, seal up. M ilk C akf .—Ono cup sugar, one- half cup butter, ono cup sweet skim milk, one teaspoonful soda, and a little seasoning. This makes a very nico cake, aud very convenient, especially when eggs are scarce. I went to my room discouraged, heart-eick—despairing. Only a few ¡ days before I Lad been dismissed from my employer’s 6tore, where, for three ’ years, 1 had been constantly and act Let the live, that we live be worth living; ively at work ; and, so much satisfac- I Let the d ys that we rpend be well epent; tion bad I given, that Mr. Gordon hart ' let us save t it the pie if u re of giving, promised to make me his head clerk at And Dot borrow at filly per Cent.; Let u< never cease iovii g an I Darning, tho beginning of the next year. I bad And use life lor its nonleet of ecd.«, worked hard for the interest of my em Tteu when duet to its duet is returning HOUSE AND CONTENTS BURNED, We siall live in the hearts of uuc inends. ployer, had risen steadily in his esti I can assure the traveling public that mation, and I prided myself upon be- ’ Mrs. B. is still on hanLto keep up the STBENGHfl FOR TO-DAY'. iug liked and respected by the clerks reputation of her tab}©. On the morn and our customers. ing of tho 18th I Crossed Applegate BY MRS. M. A. KIDDIR. But a blow had fallen upon me, such Creek on a fine covered county bridge as I found bard to bear. When I went near Mr. Benedict’s farm, and soon Btreng'h for to-day is all that we Deed, to tho store ou the morning in question As there never will be a to-morrow ; found myself at the month of Farris’ For to-morrow will pr ive but another to-day, I was surprised to notice that all tho Gulch. At this point Messrs. Slagle With its measure of j‘>y and sorrow. clerks were huddled together, convers- , & Bolt are putting in 600 yards of two- Then why forecast the trials of lire ing in subdued voices, while, from tho 1 foot llume to work thsir diggings on With such grave -mil sad persistence, frequent glances cast in my direction, GONE MID DOT IRISH WOMAN’ OFF, the gulch during the coming Winter. An 1 watch ax.<l wait fur a crowd of i;s That as yet has no existence ? They have been working the surface I knew 1 was the subject of I heir con Flora Ascliel Marks, a dark-skinned, of their claims down to the cement for versation. What could be the matter ? Btreng’h for to-diy -what a precious boon Fur the earnest tools who labor, several seasons, finding very good pay; Had I committed some grievous b'lin- \ dark-eyed, twenty-five year old Jewess, Fur the willing hands t|iat minister last Winter they discovered good pros der, or were they jealous of my increas was at tho Ejsex Market Police Court To the needy frienc or neighbor. yesterday, and charged her husband, pects in the cement deeper than they ing favor with----- Strength for to-day—that the weary heurt had worked ; they set a string of But my doubts were soon set at rest whom sue went all the way to Germany In he bittle for right may quill not; sluices and shoveled in this cement and by tho entrance of Mr. Gordon him- i to marry, with all crimes but murder, A’ m I tne eyes bedimmed with bitter tears, la tueir searcu for ligut may tail not. found that, by this mode of woiking, self, who immediately called mo into ! and the murder of tho lovo she once they could make from $4 to $8 per day, the counting room, paid me a month’s had for him. H j had, fihe said, aban Strergth for to-day, on the downhill track, For the travelers lie -r cne va! ey of coarse, black gold. When they get wages in advance, aud told me to leave doned her on many occasions, assaulted Tuat up, far u^ on the other side. their pipes to working it will evidently his store aud never Bet foot in it again. ' and battered her, and every time she I Ere .ung they may Safely rail*. “ pay big.” After traveling up Farris’ I was completely dumbfounded ! Hard- ¡ got him back she had to “pawn her I Strength far to-diy-thit our precious youth Guleh a short distance I crossed a ly knowing what I did or Raid I asked j traps ” to give him a decent outfit. M.y Bappilyisnun temptaii <u. Judge Smith—“Did vou go after short, steep divide and came down for an explanation. Mr. Gordon told Anti build from the rise to the re. of sue Ou a strong and sure foundation. into un almost interminable labyrinth me, in a tone of grieved severity, that him, Flora?” “ No Yudge : lie conies for him°elf, of ditches and okl diggings, and there he had missed from his store, tbo pre Strength for to-da? in house and home and when ho god Rchurz und every I devoted some two hours in extricating vious evening, Rome $300 in coin, which To practice furbotr .nee sadetly— To scatter kiud words and luvh g deeds, myself. At length I found myself at he Ltd good and snflicienbiecuson to be dings he told me I vas vou dam ongly Still trusting in God completely. ding, unt he got ein Irishwoman nicer tho residenco of my old-time friend, lieve that I had stolen ! Strength for tod ly 1» al! that we neei, Eli Taylor, on Williams Creek, just in “ And now,” ho continued, “ in rec as me und I can go in dur bell.” As mere never a id be a tomorrow, “Did yon ever see this Irishwoman?” time to partake of a good old Bachelor ognition of your past vein able services, I'ur tomorrow will prove but uuoth-r to-day. “ No, I dond see her aker I know .he dinner beneath his hospitable roof. I propose to let you go seott free, on With its me tsure of joy and sorrow. got one. ” This was but some four or five miles, these conditions : That you leave tho I ! “ You say that he assaulted you, over a good road, from my starting city within twenty-four hours, and EDITO RIAL CORRES FUNDENLE. Flore. ? ” point in tho morning. Aker dinner I never show yourself here again. If “Ho stick a big knife down my again set out, in a you have net gone by that time I shall A shland , Oct. 21,1876. mout' if I don’t shut up, and ho don’t have you placed under arrest. Now TORRENT OF RAIN, D ear T idinjs I have com liko mo no more ; I bin played oud, go.” pleted a little “awing around tbe cir For Williamsburg, some two miles and bo got der Irishwoman.” In vain did I plead my innocence— above ; co riy arrival I found Mr. J. “ Shall I send him up for five years, cle ” and come homo for a d^y; before T. I ayton, one of Southern Oregon’s my eceustr was inexorable. Ho hold Flora ? ” leaving »gain I will give a few notes of raort cuterprising busiutos men ; be the door open and motioned me ie the Thia satisfied Flora perfectly. The my trip. At some future time I will sides carrying on an extensive raercan- Greet ; I hesitated an instant—and husband said ho was a traveler and went out. speak more ia detail of tbo mines of tilo business be is extensively engaged Mr. Gordon’s warning, “If you have mido eight dollars a week, and to prove ir. mining on a large scale, llo owns that he was willing to support his wife Btorlingviile. I will say, however, a Urge part of water ditches on mines not gone by that time 1 shall have you he would bring tho Judge five dollars that cn my way down Sterling Creek I on'tiio creek, and has at the present placed under arrest,” still reng in my a week for her support. visited tho mine of Camoion, Arm time a ditch nearly completed over tho ears ; but should I leave? This ques Flora—Nien, nien, he vill gone mit tion I turned over in my mind time and strong end Hayden, two miles below mountain to l’arris Gulch, where ho again, dor Irishwoman off. tut finally resolved to stay and Marks offered to leave Lis address ¿Sterlingville; theso mines were worked also owns most cf die mining ground. stand trial, if he really meant to bring This ditch is dug, 42x21 inches, aud with the Court, but Hi« Honor said last Winter for the first timo and will be me to one. the address would be “ Tho Tombs,” Twenty-four hours passed. I was proved very remunerative. They have SIXTEEN MILES LONG, until he should furnish three hundred forty feet of pay dirt, with a good And, when completed with the arrested, stood a preliminary trial, was dollars bail for assaulting his wife and released on bonds, which I furnished. hydraulic pressure and are drained by hydraulic works, will cost $12,000. He Tlie principal witness against me was ' a tbreo hundred dollar bond to pay her I A MeinoruLle Flogging. a substantial tunnel GOO feet lung, tye ha3 on hand several tons of iron pipe Brinely, Mr. (Gordon's porter, who tes three dollars a week. to construct rm inverted syphon to Flora d< parted in high glee. tified that he had seen me, on tho night labor cn which oost §1,200 ; with carry the water cf his ditch over a --------------- >----------------------- Lord Albermarlo, whoso “ Recollec of the robbery, abstract a fum of plontv of water this Winter they will deep gorge. lie has also, on Whisky Tn.: E asiest W ay out of tiie D iffi tions ” have just been published, was money from one of tbo tills ; several of take out m iuy thousand dollars. Be Guleh, near Applegate, extensive min the clerks also testified to some suspi culty .—A Frenchman while at Naples, in his youth a play-fellow cf the Prin low this claim there are several good ing operations ; at the latter place he cious conduct on my part, and, alto was introduced at an assembly of cne cess Charlotte. ()a one Winter day has a three feet flume, 1,000 yards gether, the case looked bad for me. of tlie first ladies by a Neapolitan no liis grandmother proposed to tike him ones worked by Chinamen. The old long, with twenty-five feet of “pay bleman. While he was there his gold ¡ busy camp at Bankuni is a thing of the dirt ” and 275 feet hydraulic pressure. The affiir found its way ii to tho papers, snuff box was stolen from him. Saon to the play, of which he was very fond. “ I told the Princess,” he says, “cf pest. A solitary Chinaman, with a This mine yielded excellent results last and I soon noticed that I was shunned after, being iu another house, ho saw tbe pleasure I bad in prospect, and of by forme r companions, while old ac- ¡ pick and a sack cf flour on the oppo Winter. 1 learned that Alex. Watts is another person taking snuff out of his my readiness to incur the almost inevit quaiiitances passed me with a mere nod, ¡ site ends of a stiuk, was the only sign making extensive preparations to work box. Ho turned to his frn nd : able penalty attached to that pleasure of life I saw. The rich garden of his hydraulic claims on Horsehead this or no recognition at all. *, There,” Baid he, “ that nnu in blue, —a good flogging the following morn To escape these constantly recurring Hamuel Phillips, just below, with iU Winter, The settlement on Williams with gold embroidery, is taking snuff tiro system of i.x.gation, soniewnut Creek contains same fifty families, scenes of bhame and humiliation I cast out of my box. Do you know him? ing. From thia, as I told her Royal Highness, there was no escape, for bow serves tn break the desolate monotony. mostly engaged in farming und stock- about for some place outside of the Is ho not a professional sharper ? ” was it possible after the play and a city where I could spend tho time Traveling from here raising. Rain still continued in “co which must intervene before my trial “Take care,” paid tbo other, “ that good supper, to be in time for the 8 DOWN ?. DELEGATE pious effusions,” and I was compelled took place. While thinking of tho man is of the first quality.” o’clock morning school ? * Leave that “I Jo not care fur bis qualify, - —j, ’ ” re- to me,’ said the Princess, and forthwith I missed th j boards of Chinamen and to forego further item hunting and subject a serva .t ’-ought in a letter, 1 must 1 have penned a litter to Dr. Page, taking upon tLe perpetual chaut, chant, chant of turn my face homeward. Ou the which I instantly saw wasTroni my old plied tho Frenchman. “ _____ of their rurkers, th. t was heard ten or morning of the 17ih I set out to cross schoolmate and chum, Harry Langley, ! my box back again. 1’11 go and ask herself the blame for my anticipated twelve years ago, The mines laying the mountain for Foote's Creek ; for of whom I had not heard for several him for it.” non-appearance. “ Pray bo quiet,” said his friend, below the dildoes aro either worked getting the experience of the day be years. It ran : The morning after the play I came “and let me get it back for yon.” over or pre-empted by settlers, but they fore I determined to cross tho moun into st ho school half an hour late and D ear F riend D ick I have read full Upon this assurance the Frenchman was ‘ shown up ’ as a matter of course. are by no means worked out. There tain without a trail, to save five mile3 accounts of your recent arrest and trial. went away, after inviting his friend to are, above all tbe ditches, hundreds of in distance ; finding it too steep to ride 1 can never believe my old chum guilty dine with Lim next day. He came With a deprecatory ‘Phase,dr.’ [pre acres of gravel that would,with a small I led my* horse to tho top of tbe moun sonted my royal credentials, ' he doc amount of capital and tho requisite tain, through heavy rain and dense un of a crime, and, to show yon my con next «’•ay, and us he entered exclaimed : tor glanced :.t the seal an:! the hiero tinued trust and esteem, I want you to “There, I liuvo brought vour snuff glyphic ‘Charlotte’ on the envelope, amount of enterprise, add greatly to derbrush. Arriving at pay me a visit at my country home. box. ” the wealth of Jackson County. There THE SUMMIT and then dropped the letter into the Coma at once. Sincerely, H arry . “ Well, how did you obtain it ? ” is no place in the county where water I found the outlook rather gloomy. pi cket of his gown, that bis ban! might I resolved to go, and the next even “ Wby,” raid the Neapolitan noble- be free to grasp the rod. His next pro is so accessible, aud no place where Tho rain still continued to come down labor would ba to well rewarded as on “ endwise ” and I was surrounded by ing found iuo at my friend’s door. Har irniu, “ I did not wish to make a noise ceeding was to perform that part cf bis Applegate. For miles the bars have so dense a cloud that I could not see ry and his pleasant little wife received about it so I picked his pocket.” duty which always seemed a pleasure. ------ - 4 ------------ been worked out to the ditches with an fifty yards in any direction ; a steep m3 very kindly and soon made me for That done, he read the letter to the absolute certainty of there being even mountain to descend, covered with a get my troubles. Their little child, | Cur.ious H istory of a S tate .—The wholo room and added how glad he Gertie, just learning to talk, soon took better diggings above. wilderness of underbrush, the ground a fancy to me, and 1 spent many hours ; territory now known as Wisconsin was was that ho had net opened it sooner, THE FARMS slippery, my horse bare-footed, and, in her amusement and enjoying her i claimed by Franco, on tho grouxd of for ho would have been under the pain On Applegate are the most productive worse still, being in great doubt which childish prattle. She particularly en i discovery by its missionaries and tench- ful necessity of di-obey ing her Royal in Boriaorx Oregon ; that of Mr. way to go. Taking my bridle-reins ia joyed hearing her father’s watch tick, 1 ers in 1670, who governed it until they Highness’ commands. Lyman Chappell, below the mouth of my hand I started down the mountain but always insisted that “ Uncle Dick,” ceded it to Great Britain in 1763. It C heerfulne - s .—What a thing it ia Little Applegate, is most admirably on foot, and in due timo arrived at the as Rhe had learned to call me, should wa« held by tho British nation until 1782, w hen was ceded all her posses to be cheerful, and to havo cheerful cultivated, as its fine orchards aud first miner’s cabin on the north fork share her sport. people about cne I Life, except during sions north-east of the Ohio to tho broad acres of potatoes aud other gar of Foote’s Creek. Here I got some One evening after she had, as usual, United States. Wisconsin was then tbo pressure of its most terrible calam den productions prove. Ia no part FINE TEACHES. been listening to the tick, tick of the i thrown under tho territorial govern ities, always has a blight tide, and of Southern Oregon has fruit yielded These were raised on a miner’s claim. delicate machinery, and Ind been ment of Ohio by the ordinance of 1787. those who look at all sides are far the bo well this year as on Applegate. The Still raining, Going down tue creek, tucked awry in her little crib, Harry’s farm of A. Sturgis, near by, is equally passing several miners’ cabins near tbo watch was missing. We search* d tbe Ou the fourth of July, 1800, Indian wisest. Yet there arc excellent people productive, and is capable of produc store of Silas Draper. Continues to house high ami low, but not a sign of Territory was organized, and it was at who go about bowed down under a tached to that territory until April 18, I v.’oight of forebodings, who feel ture ing all the fruits,vegetables and cereals rain. 7" There are eight companies on it could we find : the natural conclusion 1818, when Illinois became a State. It tho worst thing possible will happen— known to Oregon ; re can testify to Foote's Creek who are preparing ___ ------ to was that it must have been stolen a..d was then attached to the territory of who indofd make it manifest that it has the rich flavor of Mr. Sturgis’ farm and work on a large scale this Winter, At 1 had been seen with i’ last I Wisconsin, July 4, 1836 ; bo that Wis happened already. orchard productions after being pre present little is being done, except The thought struck me that it might consin was governed by the King cf pared and spread on tho table by the preparations for Winter, and conse havo fallen under the table, so I bent n old farmer purchased semo sweet expert directions cf Mrs. S., as I had quently I heard considerable complaint forward, when, tc my astonishment, France ninty-three years ; the KiDg of oil A in a drug store, and being asked if Great Britain twenty years ; by the the good fortune to join that pleasant of dull times. the watch dropped—from my pocket! Slate of Virginia one year ; by the ter there was ‘ nothing clso,” he laid sev family circle at dinner. At Union Harry stepped forward and recovered ritory of Ohio sixteen years; by In eral packages on the counter held up Town T hey do a good many things nearly Lis property withthe quiet remark : “ I dian Territory nine years i ; Illinois Ter- 1 er- a hand with several strings tied on the MESSRS. HAYDEN A CAMERON right iu Englund, after all. Benjamin was deceived in you, Dick ; you are no ritory nine years, and Michigan Terri- fingers, and said : “Lot’s Gee 1 That Have a trading-post, doing quite an ex Shirry, of Salford, has been sentenced longer a friend.” tory eighteen years." bhe continued a red string is for the bar of soap ; that 1 tried to stammer out that there wa3 a Territory of the United States nearly rag is for a broom ; that blue cord for tensive business with the farmers and to three months’ hard labor for pluck miners in that section; it was rather a ing a live fowl, and at the Norwich mistake somewhere, but I could not twelve year3, when, on the 13th of a calico ; that braid means four pounds lonesome place when I .passed, as the petty sessions another man was sen speak ; I Bank into a chair and covered March, 1848, she became the thirtieth of 6ugar, and this other string is fur store was closed and not a single person tenced to a month's hard labor for cut my face with my hands. Just at this State of the American Union. the sweet oil. No nothing more.” •------------------------------ moment I heard Gertie’s childish voice : to be seen in the town or its suburbs. ting off a cat s tail piecemeal. -------------------- — ...-------------------- --- "Did ’ou fin’ ’our watch, papa? I put “Docs our constant chatter disturb I f you go out in the night in your After passing many deserted mining Ir requires but little knowledge of it in Uncle Dick’s pocket—make him you ? ” asked one of three talkative barefeet to bring in the washing,*and olaims and some well tilled farms I ar the heart to know that woman's first fink de chain was a snake;” and she ladies of a sober looking fellow passen you step on a rusty nail, you are rived at theetore of Kubli <fc Bolt, in wish is to be handsome ; and conse clapped her hands in great glee. ger. “No, ma’am ; I’ve been married doomed just as certain as certain can the midst of a heavy rain storm. After quently, the readiest method of obtain Harry looked first at tbe child, stand nigh on to thirty years,” was tho re be. If your wife loves you 6he w,11 go stopping at this point long enough to herself. write my friend Bolt a receipt for the ing her kindness is to praise her beauty. ing there in the door, clad only in her ply. -> <* -S' «W > i í Y $2.50 PER ANNUM. I A MEAN DEVICE. Thera was a score cr more of women gathered together at Mr. Johnson’s Louse. Mr. Johnson ia a good-hearted men acd a respectable citizen, though he is rather skeptical about.some things. The women bad just organized “The Foreign Benevolent {Society,” when Mr. Johnson entered tbe room. He was at once appealed to donate s few dollars as a foundation to work on, and Mrs. Graham added : “ It would be so pleasant in after years for you to remember that you gave this society its first dollar and its first kind word.” He slowly opened bis wallet, drew out a 810 bill, and as the ladies smack ed their lips and clapped their hands, he asked : “ Is this society organized to aid the poor of foreign countries ? ’ t« .es yes ye- 1 ” they chorused. “ And it wants money ? ” “ Y’es—yes 1 ” “Well, now,” paid Johnson, as he folded the bill in a tempting shape, “ there aro twenty married women here. If there are fifteen of you who can make oath that you have combed your children's hair this morning, washed the dishes, blacked the cook- stove. and made the beds, I'll donate this $10.” “I have,” answered two of the crowd, and the rest said : “ Vv by, new Mr. Johnson 1 ” “ If fifteen of you can make oath that your husbands are not wearing socks with holes ia the heols, thia money is yours,” continued the wretch. “Just hear him 1 ” they exclaimed, each one looking at the other. “ If ten of you have boys without holes in the knees of their pants, thia ‘X’ gees to the society I ” said John son. “Such a man 1 ” they whispered. “ If there are pair of stockings in this room that! don’t need darning, I ll hand over the money I ” he went 0D. “Mr. Johnson,” said Mrs. Graham, with great dignity, “ the rules of this society declare that no money shall be contributed except by members ; and; as yon aro not a member, I beg that you will withdraw and let us proceed with tbo routine business.”—BcwAiny- ton Chronicle, --------------------- < ♦ i r ----------------------- • B adly C heated .—Mr.---- ,of a cer tain town in Vermont, is not distin guished for liberality, either cf purse cr opinion. His ruling passion is a fear of being ing cheated. The loss, wheth* wheth er real or fancied, £__ _ of a few cents, would give him more e wain than the destruc- tion of an i oAiru navy. Ha once bought a lari oF cake of tallow at a country store l at ten cents a pound. On breaking it to pieces at home, it was found to contain a large cavity. Thia ho considered a terrible disclosure of cupidity and fraud. He drove furi ously back to the store, entering in great excitement, bearing tho cake of tallow, exclaiming vehemently : “ Ilf re, you rascal, yon have cheated me ! Do you cull that an honest cake of tallow ? It is hollow, and there ain’t near so much as there appeared to be. I want you to make it right. “ Certainly,” replied the merchant, “ I’ll make it all right, I didn’t know tho cake was hollow, You paid ten cents a pound. Now, Mr.----- , bow much do you suppose the hole will weigh ? ” I n a ceriain college in Virginia there naia youth named D----- , who invari ably used the whar andthar taught him iu infancy by his neRro nurse. Pro fessor F----- tried hard to cure him of thi3 habit, but was himBelf audioted to the no less vulgar habit of using pint fcr point and yui« for join. One day the professor, seeing D----- very inat tentive, raid : “ Mr, D----- , pleasi read where Mr. C-------- left off.” “I didn’t see trhar he left off sir,” said the iDCcnigablo D-------- . “1 did not sav irZtar he left off,” eaid tbo professor, “ but perhaps I can tell you xcherc he left off.” “ All right, sir,” said D----- ; “ show mo the aud I’ll jine in.’’ A short time since, a lady look pas sage in the cars on tbe Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. She put her ticket in her dress pocket, where she had several other articles, and seating herself, became earnestly engaged in conversation with a friend. The conductor scon came around for the tickets. When he came to this lady, she drew from her pocket what she supposed to be the ticket, and without looking at it, offered it to the conductor, and continned talking ; but after extending it for a short time, and be not taking it, she looked up, and discovered that she was offering the conductor a fine tooth comb. T hey are t iking evidence in a divorce case for cruelty ; tbe husband is under examination ; his wife, prostrated with grief, is weeping bitterly, covering her face with her handkerchief. “Now,” says the judge, “are you not ashamed ■ to have thus brutally treated your wife, i a tender young woman of 25?” The wife suddenly raises her head, “ I beg i your ” she — pardon, r------ she sobs sobs ; ” ; “ only 24.” And she again gives way to her grief. 1 —Paris Paper, \ ■ * * i I •i * ?^T5