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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1876)
H*i3» INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND, OREGON: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1876. VOL. I.—NO. 19. Nebucliadnezzer. Gen, Sitting Bull as a French Scholar. they drove in them spikes, ho eaid he Coins of the Worid« Something Qnite Soft. darsn ’ t take off his clothes, or ho ’ d A You, Nebuchadcezzah, vvloa , tab ! “ Why, your hands feel us eoft as Tho following is the value in round bleed to death. Ho said his own father "Whar Is you tryin’ to go, sih J Ho is a Trenton-Sioux, and only 35 silk, ” said I, as I shook hands with tie numbers, in cents of our currency, of I’d hab you for to know, sail, didn ’ t know it, because Bill was afraid widow. ycurs of age. Captain McGarry, cf I’s a boldin’ ob date U lcs . A family rained ‘smith has recently it might w’orry tho old man. And Bill tho coins of the world : You stop dat prancin’; the steamer Benton, tells me be has moved to Germantown, and Mr. Brown’s “Nonsense, doctor,” she replied’ Australia—Gold, pound, 532, sov- told me they wasn ’ t goiug to get him You’s powerful fond cbdanclq’, known Sitting Bull about the Upper boy, on Saturday, loaned over the “Hero with some more of your flat But I'll bet you my yeah’B advancin’ to go to Sunday school. Ho says his erign, 4S5. Missouri trading posts for many years Dat I’ll cure you ob your ebine«. Austria—Gold, ducat, 228,soveieign, tery, are you ! My hands are not as fence and gave to ocr reporter his im father has a brass idol that he ko?ps in He and his band have followed the buf Look beach, mule! BetteU min’ out— pression of Mr. Smith’s boy, a lad the garret, aud Bill says he made up 675, crown, 664 ; silver, old dollar, 102, eoft as your own this minute.” falo north on tho Souris and Pembina about fourteen years old : “ Why, your hand,” said I, *’ feels so fust ting you know you’ll 4n’ out old rcudo, 101, old florin, 51, now do., I bis mind to be a pagan, and begin to How quick I’ll wear di> line out rivers, and L<*vs bartered their robes 48, new dollar, 77, Maria Theresa dol- soft, I’d bo afraid to squeeze it I go naked, and carry a tomahawk and a “ Y'es, mo and him aro right well ac On your ugly ctubt>o’n back. never felt anything sc soft ” and tongues foi* guns and ammunition 102. You need"’tio «teal up quainted now. He knows more’n I do, bow and arrow, us soon as the warm « ijr, with the French half-breeds of Mani “Now, doctor just listen at jrou ^Belgium — Gold, 25 francs, 472 ; And tiT dat precious heel up ; sil- weather comes. And to provo it to me and ho ’ s bad moro experience. Bill You’« got to plow uis ftei’ up— toba. Sitting Bull was a convert and again ! If you never felt anything as ver, 5 francs, 98. he says Lis father has this town all un says bis father used to ba a robber You has, sah, for a fac’. friend of Father DoSmet, who taught Bolivia—Gold, doubloon, 1,559 ; BÌ1- soft as my hand, and even softer— derlaid with nitro glycorine, and as (Smith, by the way, is a deacon in the Dor, dat’s de way to do it 1 him to read rud write French. Ho much softer—you know it has been ver, dollar, 79, half dollar, 39. Presbyterian church, and a very excel Jei’t watch him plowin’ troolt— soon as Lo gets ready ho ’ s going to blow, has always scorned to learn English, Brazil — Gold, 20 mûries, 1,090, your own fault,” and I thought the Dis niggah ain’t no fool 1 lent lawyer), and that ho has ton mil tho old thing out, bust her up, let her but is a fair French scholar. In tho widow blushed as though sorry she had Some folks they would ’a beat him ; doublo mûries, 102. I I know jes’ how to tie 4 him— said it, Dakota language he is also versed, and lion dollars in gold buried in Lis cellar, rip, and demolish her. He said so Central America—Gold, 2 scudos, along with a whole lot of human bones You mus’ reason wid a mule. down at the dam, and told me not to declared to bo a greater orator than “Pray,” said I, becoming deeply in 368 ; silver, dollar, 100. — people he ’ s killed. And ho says his tel! anybodj, but I thought they'd be He minds me like a nigger. Little Pheasant, Chief of tho Yanton- Chili—Gold, doubloon, 1,559, ton terested, “ what might I have felt that If he was only bigger, father 13 a conjuror, and that ho makes no harm in Mentioning it to you. Aud nais. Captain McGarry says ho knows is softer than your band ? ” He'd a mighty rigger, all thocoartbquakes that happen any now I believe I must be going ; I hear pesos, 915 ; silver, old dollar, 106, that Sitting Bull has read tho French “Hush now! You don’t know, of He would, I tell you— yes, oah ! now do., 98. where in the world. The old man will Bill whistling. Maybe he ’ s got some See how he keeps a-cnckin’ I history of Napoleon’s wars, and be Denmark—Gold, ten thaler, 700 ; course. You are innooeni;rt end ¿hen He’s as gentle as a chicken, come Lome at night, after there ’ s been thing else to tell me. ” lieves that he has modeled his Gc-ner- I could have sworn tho widow was silver, two regisdaoa, 110. Au’ uebber thinks o' kicken’ — an earthqnako, all covered with eweat, Tho SmitL boy, wo think, will be blushing. alahip after tho littlo Careican corpo Whoa, dar, Nebuchadnezzoh 1 Ecuador—Gold, four escudos, 755. and so tired he cun hardly eland. Bill profitable to tho youth of this commu ral. Sitting Bull has never accepted “ Upon my honor I don ¿know,” wes England—Gold, pound or sovereign, Is dis heah me, or not me I ’/' iladJph ia Bulletin. my still more interested reply ; “ won’t an overture ci peace, tho report that says it’a such hard work. And Bill nity,—! ---------------- Or is de debil got me! 4S6, do. average, 484 ; silver, shilling, - • ►-♦♦♦«<-------------------- told mo tlmt once, when a men came AVae dat a cannon »hot me ? you tell me or show me? ” he gavo in his r.dheaion to Sully to tho new, 23, do. average, 22. Domestic Recipes, Hub I Hid heah more’n a week I around there trying to sell lightning “No, you know I won’t tell you.” contrary notwithstanding. He has al France—Gold, 20 francs, new, 385, Dat mule do kick amazin’! rods, Lis father got in id and ot-et him R aspberry J am . — One pound of su “ Then show me, won’t you ? ” De beast was sp’ifed in raising*— ways been an unrelenting and vindic do. average, 384 ; silver, 5 francs, right up ; and be takes bites out of Dy now I 'sped be’6 grazin’ gar to tach pound of berries, and nearly “ I don’t like to. Bet you are such tive savage—to the Americans what 98. On de Oder rile de creek. everybody ho comes acrost. a pint of currant juice. Put tho sugar a tease and suoh a dunce, one must do Sehamyl was to the Russiana. Father Germany — Gold, ton thaler, 790, “ That ’ s what Bill tells me. That ’ s together in a pan over krone, 664, ducat, ‘328 ; silver, gold almost anything to get rid of you.’* I aud berries DeSmet kopt tho Teton-Sioux from tho Resources o2 Brazil. I know abodt it. And ho told me all tho fire, and with a potato-masber, or thaler, 72, now do., 73, florin, 65. “Certainly.” warpath until 1868. IIo then left the All intelligent travelers who have Upper Missouri, and Sitting Bull be that bo onco used to have a dog, one of wooden spoon, keep mashing aud stir And she took my hand mincingly in Greece—Gold, 20 draohms, 344 ; visited Brazil speak in ths most glowing came a chief. No organized effort was these little kind of dogs, and ho was ring constantly to prevent burning. silvor, 5 drachms, 88. hers. terms of the country, l’rof. Agassis made to erray tho Sioux nation against flying his kite, and just for fun be tied When they are well mashed, add the “ Now shut your eyes, doctor. * Hindostan—Gold, moliur, 708;silver, the kite string onto his dog ’ s tail. And currant juice and boil briskly, still stir rupee, 46. regarded it as the most productive and tho whites until after tho Minnesota I closed my eyes in an instant. She interesting country on tho globe, and massacro of 18G3, whe?i the Sioux were then tho wind struck her, and his dog ring it carefully. Jmt before it actu lifted my hand up and up. I held my Italy—Gold, 20 lire, 384. the one in which it is tho easiest to driven west of tho Missouri iuto the went a boomin’ down tho street, with ally boils skim it well. Let it boil Japan—Gold, old cobang, 444, now breath, and dear reader, before I sus obtain a livelihood. Some who have bad lands and mountains of Dakota. hind legs in the air, for about a milo, about three quarters of an hour to do., 357 ; silver, it-zebu, 37, now do, pected wliat she was about, she had Ballad up the Amazon declare that a Silting Ball aspired to the leadership, when the kite all of a sudden began to bring it to the right consistency. It 33. placed it gently upon—my head. ..... - . go up, and in about a minute the dog vessel can be loaded with Brazil-nuts but Rod Cloud, Spotted Tail, Littlo is best to put it in cups, bowls or fruit Moxioo — Gold, doubloon, average, Self-Supporting ?T»sont). nt an expense of only a few cents per Pheasant and the Ogalalla Sitting was fifteen miles high, and commanded jars, as it does not keep so well after 1,552, now do., 1,561; silver, dollar, bushel. These constitute a valuablo Bull chiefs repudiated him. From a view of California and Egypt and being disturbed. Cover the cups with average, 106, new do, 107. At the late meeting of the Social article of commerce, while tho oil ex that time ho has been a malcontent, Oahkosh, I think Bill said. He came firm paper, varnished with tho white Naples—Gold, 6 ducati, 504 : silver, Science Association at Saratoga, Capt. tracted from them is very desirable. and at war with tho chiefs of the Sioux down, anyhow, I know, in Brazil; and of an egg, and pressed closely around scudo, 95. < W. Balbot Harvey, Governor of the Bill Baid he swum homo all the way in AU the tropical fruits uro produced in netidm though ho has 1/7 his persua over the edges of the cups. Jam Netherlands—Gold, 10 guilders, 399; Government prison at Brixton, Eng Brazil almost without cultivation. sive arts of oratory seduced many Lnn- the Atlantic ocean ; and when he landed I should bo kept in a cool, dry place. land, gave an interesting sketch of the silver, 2) 3 guilders, 103. The soil in many pirU of tho country dreda cf their young braves into his bis legs wero all nibbled off by sharks. • O range J elly .—Ono box of Cox’s New Granada—Gold, doubloon, Bo plan on which that experimental institu will produce twenty successive crops ranks. He is also largely reinforced I wish father would buy me a deg, eo’a Gelatine, coak it one hour with three gota, 1,561, do., Popayan, 1,537, 10 tion is conducted. It ip a prison to of cotton, tsbacco, or ougar cane, with by young braves from the Crees and I could send him up that way. But I lemons sliced (remove tho seeds) in a pesos, 967 ; silver, dollar, 97. whioh convicts sentenced foz £70 years never bad no luck. Bill said that out tho application of manure. No Assiniboina of Manitoba. Every Sum quart of cold water, then add one quart Peru—Gold, doubloon, 1,555 ; sil- and upwards are sent, alter a prelimi country in tho world approaches t'uo mer for iivo years he has been up North whore they used to livo bo went out of boiling water, four small teacup ver, dollar, old, 166, do. of 1858, 64, nary solitary confinement of nine laud of Dom Pedro in tho variety of among theso tribes, and now they are on tho roof one day to fly his kite, and fuls of granulated sugar, put it over a half do., 38. months, as a taming process. The Spe jte forest productions. Trof. Aga3siz flocking to bis standard.— Dakota, Cur. ho sat on top of tho chimbly to give slow firo for twonty minutes ; stir often cial feature iu the m anegement is that Portugal—Gold, crown. 589. her plenty of room, and while ho was etatei thkkhe saw 117 different kinds of Chicago Tribune. to prevent burning, then add one tea Prussia—Gold, 10 thaler, 797, crown, the convicts are paid for their work— sitting there thinking about nothing, valuable woods that were cut from a spoonful of essence of cinnamon. 664 ; silver, thaler, old, 72, d©. new, that is, for ell they do over a certain the old man put a keg of powder in tho piece of land not half a milo square. Take five small oranges, sour ones aro 73. task. They aro engaged in tailoring, Abbott of Cariboo. fireplace, to clean the coot cut cf tho They represented almost every variety tho best, peel and divide them in small Rame—Gold, 2J4 eoadi, 260 ; silver, making suits for police, shoe-making, Tho <ipath cf the unfortunate man chimbly, and when ho touched her off pieces, cover the molds with them, of color, and many of them were capa printing, basket-weaving, and other scudo, 105. Abbott, nt Caesiar, says the Colonist, Bill was thrown over agin tho Baptist ble of receiving a high polish. Ono sprinkle plenty of sugar over the Russia—Gold, 5 rabies, 397 ; silver, trades. Each convict is expected to do calls to miud some of tho exciting inci church steeple, and be landed on the tree furnishes wax that is used for oranges, strain tho jelly through a £m- rouble, 79. a task represented by six maria; all caudles ; another a pitch which is used dents of the first gold discoveries at weathercock with bis pants torn, and nel bag into the molds, set in a cool Spain—Gold, 200 reals, 465, 80 do., they do over that goes to shortening for food ; and still another yields a Cariboo. Abbott wu3 one of a com they couldn’t git him down for three place. Make the day before it is 3S6 ; silver, piastreen, 20. their term of imprisonment and to the juice which is used in the place of in pany who struck rich pay on William days, so bo bung there, going round wanted for use. •a,Sweden—Gold, ducat, 223 ; rix dol amassing of a fund which is gi7en them toxicating liquor. There is a single Creek in 1861, arriving at Victoria with and round with tho wind, and ho lived A pple F ritters .—Peel some apples lar, 111. when they leave. If their 'oreman variety cf palm from which the natives 300 pounds cf gold iu the Full of that by eating the crowsTuat came and sr.t and cut them in slicos ; put a little Tunis—Gold, 25 piastres, 299 ; BÜ- fails to give them credit for their over year. He wan the “ lion ” of the Win on him, bccauso they thought ho was obtain food, drink, clothing, bodding, sugar over them and some lemon juice. ver, 5 piastres, G2. work, they aro allowed to complain to ter of 1862, and spent his gold lavishly made of sheet iron and put there on cordage, fishing tackle, medicine end Let the pieces soak a couple of hours ; the governor and have the injustice the material they manufacture into on tho most unworthy objects. On purpose. then dip each piece in flour, and have remedied. The work is undeniably Aii Astonishing Bill. “ He’s moro fun than enough. He already a frying pan, with two inches dwellings, weapons, harpoons and mu one occasion ho entered a ealoon and hard, and the discipline severe ; there sical instruments. Doubtless the day Blikd a handful of $20 pieces at a large was telling me about a sausage staffer deep of fat. When hot put the slices An old and long neglected church is nothing in tho instituticn to attract is not distant when the valuable woods plate-glass mirror behind tho bur, shat I bis brother invented. It was a kinder of apple in one at a time, turn over in Belgium was at length cleaned and criminals, but the management .is not of Brazil will be used for various use tering it, When reproached by the machine that worked with a treadle, with a slice as they are doing, and repaired. A bill embracing all the de cruel, and the results are oatisfaoixjry. ful purposes. Brazil is not only “ a barkeeper ho requested Lim to keep and Bill said the way they did in the serve with powdered loaf sugar. tails of the work required, the follow The prison is not only self-Bupporfiag, wooden country,” but a country that the “ beast (tho 20s) for the damage.” Fall was to fix it on tho hog’s back, and V entilate thoroughly all of the ing ridiculous list was tho result: but, generally yields a surplus—which produces the moat beautiful woods in On another occasion he and another connect tho treadle with a btring, and sleeping rooms. Nothing is moro es Corrected the Ten Command is the test of success in the eotimctic n Caribooito astonished Government the hog ’ d work tho treadle, and keep sential to health than pure air. Too ments...................................... $ 5 12 of the public, on whom the cost of the world. Street by throwing $20 at each other on running it up and down until the many farm houses have small, illy-ven- Embellished Pontius Pilate, and prisons that are not self-supporting S omething W rong .—Aman, a satch until etopped by the police. The machine cut the hog all up line end i tilatod bed rooms. No one can retain put a ribbon in his hat.......... 3 02 falls. -------------- —---------- -------- el, an umbrella and a great deal of puf throwing commenced with throwing shoved tho meat into tho skins. Bill i health and sleep in them. Put a new tail on the rooster of Phosphorous Making. fing entered the Central depot yester enow-balls. On bis return to Cariboo, said his brother called it * Every Hog St. Peter and mended his To tako rust from Bteel, cover the day afternoon and asked if tho Sagi Abbott’s good fortune continued and he His Own Staffer ;’ and it worked splen steel with sweet oil, well rubbed in. comb....................................... 3 20 One of the largest manufacturers of has been known to stake $10,000 on a didly. But I d ’ know ; ’ pears to mo naw train had departed. i In forty eight hours, rub it with finely- Replumed the left wing of the phosphorous in Europe has stated that hand at poker. After two or throe I ther couldn ’ t be no machino like that, “ Just out of sight,” was the reply of Guardian Angel.................... 4 18 the whole stock of the articles in the powdered nnslacked limo until the years ’ prosperity Abbott got to the bot i But, anyway, Bill said so. And he Washed the servant of the High rust disappears. chemical establishment where he was the official. tom of liis claim and his purse about told about an undo of his out in Aus “Didn’t they know I was coming Priest and put carmine on his To clean Btraw matting, put a pint trained consisted ♦ of '* a little stick two the same time, and was miserably poor tralia who was et by a big oyster one?, in?” inquired the stranger. of salt in a pail of warm water, and cheek...................................... 5 12 inches long. Ee has lived to Bee it at tho time of his death — like Loring, and when ho got inside bo stayed there “ I guess not; didn't hear any one give the matting a thorough washing. Renewed Heaven, adjusted two pulled by his own machinery in a cord Hard, Curry, Cunningham and a host ■ till he ’ d et the oyster. Then ho split say anything about it.” To keep cut flowers fresh, to a vase stars, and cleaned the moon... 7 14 uncounted miles long, and dispatched “ That’s strange,” mused the traveler. of other pioneers who made fortunes i tho shell open and took ono-half for a of flowers put half a teaspoouful of so Ro-animated the flames of pur by the ton together for use in both boat, and ho sailed along until ha met da in the water. “ I live out here nine miles, and yes at Cariboo iu a single season. gatory, aDd restored souls.... 3 07 hemispheres. The chemist etill lives ----------------------- + -W- <---------------------- a sea serpent, and be killed it and terday I 6ent in word by one of the To preserve ico in a refrigerator, Revived the flames of hell, put in London who first produced phospho O n H er D ig . — They were fond of i ¿rawed off its skin, and when he got squarest men in our town that I'd come wrap iu several thicknesses of news a new tail on the devil, mend rous for use by the friction match man in here this morning and go out on the each other, very, und hud been en Lome he sold it to an engine company paper. ufacturers at $2,500 per pound. Now ed his left hoof, and did sev Saginaw train. I’m here to tho minute, gaged. But they quarreled, and were i for a hose for forty thousand dollars, to eral jobs for the damned....... 7 17 demand and competition have reduced C ircumstantial evidence : “Circum Re-bordering the robe of He too proud to make it up. He called a put out fires with. Bill said that was but where’s tho train ? ” the price bo low that a cingle pound stances alter cases, you know, ” re few days ago at her fathers ’ ^ houso — ; actually so, because bo could show mo “ Gone, as I told you before,” re rod and re adjusting his wig... 4 00 can be bought in the city for about $1. to see the old gentlemen, on business, J a man who used to belong to the en marked a Scotch lawyer to an old farm Put new spotted dashes on the It was at one time feared the demand plied the official. “Something wrong here—something of course. She answered his ring at gine company. I wish father’d let me er client. “ Verra true, sir,” replied for bones for agricultural purposes son of Tobias and dressing on wrong,” Baid the man, shaking his head. the door. ! Said he : “ Ah ! Miss------ , go out to find a 6ea serpent like that; the farmer, “and cases alter circum his sack................................... 2 00 would so enhance the cost and dimin but bo don’t let mo Lave no chance to stances as weel ; for, man, I mind when Cleaned tho ears of Balaam’s ass “ If your train can’t connect with a I believe. Is your father within ? ” ish the supply as to raise the price of yo were young and had but few cases, she replied, “ Pa is not “ No, sir, distinguish myself. man after he’a walked nine miles, it and shod him.......................... 3 02 phosphorous to a high point. But the your circumstances werna ower braw.” in at present. Did you wish to see “ Bill was raying only ycsterJay that goes to show bad management. I think Put ear-rings in the ears of discovery of the immense deposits of him personally ? ” tho Indians caught him once, cud Sarah....................................... 2 04 phosphatic rooks in this country and 1’11 see some lawyer about it.— Detroit “ W hy do you not take wino with “ Yes,” was his bluff response, feel- drove eleven railroad spikes through Put a new stone in David’s sling, elesewhere has set at rest all apprehen Free Dress. ing that bhe wal yielding,—“ on very bis stomach, and cut eff hie scalp, and > your dinner ? ” asked a gentleman of a —---------------------------- » enlarged tho head of Goliah sions of this nature. We have phos 1 five-year-old at his side, while being • T he superiority of man to nature is particular personal business.” And it never hurt him a bit. He said he j entertained at a fashionable dinner and extended his legs............ 3 02 phorous enough quietly resting in got away by the daughter of the Chief he proudly turned to go away. South Carolina rock beds to meet the continually illustrated in literature i party. “ Tause I don’t like it.” “But Decorated Noah’s ark................ 3 00 demand of the world for thousands of sneaking him out of the wigwam and “ I beg your pardon, ” she called af and in life. Nature needs an immense take a little, then, my child, for your Mended the shirt of the Prodi centuries, and no one need be anxious quantity of quills to make a goose ter him as he struck the lower step, lending him a horse. Bill says she stomach’s eake,” he urged. “I ain’t gal son and ?leaned his ears... 4 00 concerning a full supply of cheap rates was in love with him. And when I dot no tumick’s acke,” indignantly res with ; but man can make a goose of “ but who shall I say called ? ” of the indispensable friction matches asked him to show me the holes where Total $59 10 Ho never fciti'vd »¿ain. ponded the little miss. during his own lifetime, at loast. bimwli io fire minute tfitli one quill. I I I u- — K $2.50 PER ANNUM. ---------- 0 4------------------------