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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1876)
FR a 'NC’£C®1S- INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. » ASHLAND, OREGON: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1876. VOL. I that of Thomas Gilson, one of the'51 pioneers of Sterlingville. It is said to be a very was seated, when suddenly all my gay- • “ And this is why I preferred to pass DOMESTIC RECIPES. ety lied from me. I had just preceived for a thief rather than have it known The Result of a Search for a Misninj? Left there, nobody’8 «laughter, To M ake J ellies .—Put the? fruit itr at one end of the table a splendid roast that my father’s daughter was dying Child of dirgrace and eBame, Rinjf. Noboly ever taught her a stone j»r placed in a boiler of hot fowl that a domestic had just placed ! from hunger,” I concluded, drawing VALUABLE CLAIM. a mo.ber’8 street, saving name, < water. the fruit is sufficiently My father had been dead a month, • there. Tho scene of the morning pnd from my pocket the piece of fowl L softened, When The next and last claim of impor strain through a jolly biff, Nobo’.y ever cartr g the hnngry look in my sister’s eyes had contrived to slip from my plate tance, goiDg down the creek, is that when one morning Mr. Maitland, our rose up before me, and my heart was during the sumptuous repast of which place the juice in a preserving kettle, Whether ehe stood or fell, And men (are they men?j ensnaring belonging to Reuben S. Armstrong, family lawyer, one of my father’s old wrung by the remembrance. The next I just partaken. Tho tears fell from and allow one pound of sugar to a With the arte and the gold of lied! Tod Cameron and U. S. Hayden. This est friends, called on me. of juice. While heating the juice “Mr. Chari es,” lie said, after we had instant a portion of the fowl was placed the eyes of the lawyer as he listened to pint Stitching with ceaseleee lubor claim was worked last Winter for tho place the sugar in a dish in the oven ; before me. In tho meantime, the lady me, and when I bad ceased speaking To earn her pitiful breid ; first time, and promises to be very rich ; shaken hands, “ we have arranged your beside me, finding I had suddenly be he once more seiz ed my hands and ex allow the jtiice to 1/oil twenty minutes, B-gging a crust of a neighbor, And getting a curse instead. it is 40 feet deep and drained by a tun father’s affairs, and found a purchaser come taciturn and distrait, gave her claimed : then add the heated sugar. Let all nel 200 yards long. The labor on this for the estate, but—” All through the long, hot summer, attention to my next neighbor, and left “ G >od 1 id ! The sister you love so come to a boil, and remove from the tunnel cost $1,200. With plenty of I “Are all the outlying debts paid in me to my own devices and the satisfac well shall never know want again ;” fire ; having your glasses scalded, pour All through the cold, dark time, With fingers that numb anl numb r water again this Winter these compa full?” I interrupted quickly. brimming full, and allow them ro Grow, white ae the froet’e white rime. “ They are, but,” continued our kind tion of my greedy appetite. 1 made such and-with my hand still cla-ped iu his in nies will take out a very largo amount stand in the sun for at kast a dav, or good use of the liberty thus accorded own, ha threw open the door of the Nobody ever conceiving of money. Tho miners in this camp friend, in a troubled voice, “I grieve, ♦ to me, that in a few seconds every trace drawing room, drew uie in after him, till the jelly ie thoroughly set. Cover The throb of th it w irm, yourg life, have all built them comfortable, and, to say there is hardly anything left for of the food on my plate had disap and laying bis other hand on my with tissue paper saturated with bran Nobody ever tielleving in some cases, elegant residences; they you and your sister—scarcely a thou peared. Dinner was nearly over when shoulder with fatherly affection, Lo I dy, and over alt paste thick white or The strain of that terrible strife. have their gardens and, orchards, aud sand dollars. brown paper. Nobody kinl words pourirg "Ah ! ” he went on, “if you had only ■ the conversation turned on a lawsuit said in a voice of deep emotion : some of them nice bands of cattle in In that Orphan he irt’s Bad ear. that my host had gained for one of ilia “ Gentlemen, I present to you the How’ to G et up S hirts E qual to But *11 of ue ignorlrg the rich grassy hills that surround followed my advice ! There were clients. n?Oft honorable and worthy iellow I N ew .—Wash, blue and dry the bosom, What lies at our door bo near. them. One of the most interesting among your father’s debts many that know, my private secretary. ” collars and cuffs ; make a starch with “ Well,” said tho judge, laughing, Oh, »later I down in the alley, items to me is the fact that everybody could honestly have been cut down by There were two happy, thankful one tablespoonful starch, one tea Pale, with the downcaet eye, takes tbe T idings . Those who cannot one-half. Your father had ever an I " the case was my best, I’il allow ; hearts that night in our humble apart spoonful of clear of prepared 1» .rk and drear is the valley, gum, a afford to subscribe borrow it from their open hand and a generous heart, ! but my client deserves a little mention, ment. But the stars eniue forth ou high. lump of sugar and one pinch of sa’t; too. Just look at the handsome pres sir.” neighbors. On next morning I mounted mix it with cold water, and make it Nobody here may lbve thee “I regret nothing that lias been ent he has sent me,” and he drew from my good horse “ Buck,” and set out to PARISIAN BEGGARS. Or c ire if thou etanl or f <1!; clear and of the proper consistency^, done, Mr. Maitland, and have but odo his finger a magnificent diamond ring, But the great, g od God above thee, visit my old He watches anl carta for all. and handed for inspection to the lady more question to ask you : When can The slang of “ bettandier,” says Wirt then stir a wax candle round it once or LOG CABIN HOME, who sat next to him. In the midst of Sikes in Appletons' Journal for Septem twice; dip the articles in the starch, I have the thousand dollars? ” BEREAVED. expressions of delight and admiration, ber, as a name for a beggar (mendi squeeze them dry, roll them out in a “ To-morrow, if you wish it.” i One-half mile distant. What a crowd A few days later my sister Emme the jewel was handed from one guest cant) — though bettlcr is the German cloth ten minutes and then iron them. of recollections galloped through my \ • BY LIZZIE EVERETT. Collarsand cuffs of linen are done up mind during that short visit ; how viv line and 1 bade adieu to our once hap to another round the table, and Mrs equivalent for the word—seems to be beautifally in this way. A vicmt ciw. Jr at the tib>, idly was portrayed the day-dreams and py home—ours, alas ! no longer—and Carleton had just risen and wos pro purely arbitrary, as entirely so as the An emp’y pillow in bed ; O atmeal and T eeth —The London ceeding to pass into tbe drawing room, Euglish “ cheese it” for “ be silent.” air-castles, the hopes aud fond expec departed for New York. A voice that ii »ilent forever, ytcliral liecord says : “ It has long been when her husband exclaimed, “ My In spite of my (florts to bear up The loved one, the 1 jved one is dead. Tho “ bettandier” is a beggar, who fol tations of my more youthful days spent noted in this country that in those dis dear, have you my ring ? ” against the sudden adversity that had lows the business as his regular occu in this old cauip. Winding my way I sit in rhe twil’gh*. tricts where .lie use of oatmeal (in. fallen upon us, the blow nearly over “ No, indeed ; Mrs. M---- returned pation. There can Leno question that through a young forest of pines, which The little one* round nw at pl ly, place of wheaten flour) prevails, w& whelmed me first. I did not think so But a»king, with lipj that quiver, it to you a few moments since.” nintv-nine out of every one hundred | had grown since the days when the old “ Wtiere, where is papa to-day ?” find children and adults the best much of myself ; a man can make his camp swarmed with hundreds of con “ Bless mo ! Then wLnre can it be? beggars in Vari3 are such because they developed teeth and jaws with ; and so well “ No need to watch at the window,” fident miners, I came to the spot which way in this world with energy and a he said shaking out his napkin, and find tho busine s a profitable ono. A recognized is the influence of oatmeal I eay, “ or list at the door; spread out a feast of memories before strong will, but I was troubled for my fetling in ell his pockets, one after the creature in that grade of blousard life, diet upon the teeth, that many prac He a none with the angels forever, Wtiere pain and p wrung are o’er. me, and renewed many forgotten inci dear sister. other. No one stirred from the table, where a choice of occupation lies be How should I find the means of pro and for some minutes the room was tween such employments as rag pick titioners order its use as an article of dents of the past. Here indeed was “ And out of the windows of Heaven once my home ; from here I had viewed viding for this fragile, delicate girl of filled with a confused hum of voices I ing, street sweeping, petty thieving daily diet fof children, in cases where Our E it her ¡8 watching through, dentition seems likely to bo either Tw see if you’re good little children, the future through a gold-tinted veil,. sixteen all the comforts and luxuries and the jingling of knives and folks, I aud the like, has no pride to govern the And trying His will to do. retarded or imperfect. she had hitherto enjoyed ? When this J with a pleasure that could never have china and glass, brought into violent his course, and ho turns to beggary as terrible problem fir.->t presented itself H ominy F ritters .—Two full tea “ And when yonf probation is ende<K been realized by the achievement of collision by the excited guests in their a businoss quite as willingly as any Aud when life e journey is through, to me I fell a prov for ju-t one moment search after the missing jewel. But other, if he can see his way to success cups of cold boiled hominy, add to it my most visionary hopes. My old cab lie ll send rhe bright angels to bear you- in was gone—not a log was lelt in its to utter discouragement and despair. I the seurch was all in vain ; the ring in it. There is a necessity of talent in one scan* teacup of sweet milk and a To those He veuly mar kons, too.1’ volved in the occupation of a beggar, little salt, stir till smooth, then add. old place. Wbat little time had left But those of my race are proud and had certainly disappeared. strong of will, and I mentally resolved however. A stupid person setting up four tablespoofuls of flour and one egg, I had been pulled down by the ruthless EDITORI Al. CORRESPONDENCE. “ I see how it is,” said the jndg*», that I would fight the battle of life so the yolk and white separately,, band of some modern miner for the jokingly, “ that ring must be some as a beggar will not be likely to earn beat bravely that victory mu3t at lust crown adding white last. Have ready a sake of the golden treasure beneath its B enedict H ouse , A ptleuatb , I wicked fairy who has maliciously hid enough to eat. But, if one has some pan with the hot my efforts. lard (half of eight by ten site. A email heap of the Get. 16th, 1876 f Jpn herself away in tho pocket of one histrionic ability, it can be turned to each), drop tho butterand Arrived in New York we took a mod batter in by spoonfuls, good purpose in tLis business. A tal D ear T idings :—Were I to recount half rotten logs of my cabin that yet erate apartment and furnished it with of our number. Now, I am going to ent and fry a light brown. for getting oneself up picturesque retained the imprint of the many gaps bub half the hardships and perils en of the old “root axe” use 1 in its as much comfort a3 our slender re make a proposal, ladies and gentlemen ly is of immense value. Mental quali — an odd, extravagant, impossible pro What Ivi it <1 of Rose, countered on my journey hither, I doubt construction lay near by, with an oc sources would allow. I made out a list posal, if yon will—and which you would ties of a high order bring tlieir own ex of all my father ’ s former friends, re ceptional rewards in this field as in not but I would elicit the tenderest casional nail remaining, on which, solved to apply to them one after an .¿tterly reject if it camo from any other others. Au old beggar whose post For some time past it has been ono doubtless, I bad hung my gum boots quarter ; but which you will aeoede to, sympathies of my readers. I might other until I had obtained employment. of tbe duties of the police officers to go. was, and for aught I kuow still is, at and other apparel to dry, on returning coming from an eccentric individual bell of wanderings to the source of Grif from work at night. Few of Day after day and week after week I the entrance of the Passage Vero Do- to the various hnuses on their respeo-* me.” solicited, hoped and waited. Promises like fin’s Creek, in search of the lost trail to dat, was reputed to. be a man of wealth. tive beats and ascertain the sizo, e* , “Explain f explain !” cried all tbe THE REVERIES without number, expressions of in 9 Ho was certainly a man of talent. In of the hose used in sprinkling Sterling Creek ; how I clambered up guests in chorns. yards and streets. Oat on Grand, terest for myself and my sister and re Of the half hour spent in this, to me, a moment of communicativeness this the rocky steeps of many a brushy II “ I propose, then,” continued our almost sacred solitude, will ever be re gret for our bereavement were lav host, “ that before we leave this room old bn/h/?i4ier gave his “ code,” as he enue, ono of our sturdy peelers ba mountain gorge, leading my reluctant corded —being too evanescent in their ished upon me, but that was all. It wo shall proceed to search each other, called it, which is worth printing. It watched a long time at the back yard of an aristocratic mansion to try and hprse close at my heels ; I might speak rapid flight across my memory to be was the old story, so well known to the ladies on/tbis side, and we gentle is as follows : all those whose bard doom condemns obtain the necessary information from Nover ask alms from— pathetically of streams of briny perspi arrested by the lips or pen. I thought men yonder. Let all who object hold them to solicit aid or succor from their 1. A man who is coming from din the servant girl. But she didn't ap ration that trickled down my throbbing of the gold pan containing the result fellows—promises first, then oblivion up their hands.” pear, and finally, in a fit of desperation, our day’s 1-abor, the guessing at the At the word "Search,” all tbe blood ner ; roast beef renders one selfish. temples ; I might add many conjee of We had now been three months in New amount, the weighing, the old tin 2. A gentleman who is following a the officer walked around to the fronk tures as to the final result of my wan “ blower,” the precautionary glances York, when one morniug I found that in my veins rushed back to my heart, lady. door and rang. A moment later the and a cold sweat broke out on my fore ODly five dollars remained iu my purso. derings had I not fortunately fell in to see that no stranger was present as 3 Men who are too fat; it annoys lady of the bouse herself opened the. head and trickled down my face, which Here, then, was tbe end of all my door. This rather staggered the officer with a “ chip ” of Abraham Lincoln, we drew the pin from the large auger dreams. But bow to face the cruel I felt had become ashy pile. I stood them to stop. and without a w’ord of preliminary ex hole in which our company purse was 4 A lady who is alone and unob- manufaHuring rails by tho roadside, secreted. And then, of the hearty rel reality ! The Winter was approaching, there apart, with a rush of sound in my served. planation he touched his bat and led who reversed my lino of travel and sent i ish of our not varied, but ample meal, my sister’s pale face was growing paler ears, a mist before my eyes, and a sway off with “ Good morning madam 1. 5 Gentlemen who are putting on to abd fro like a man drunk with called to inquire what kind of hose me back on my trail some two miles, contained in tho frying pan ami camp- day by day, and a backing congh bet ing wine. And through it all, I could hear their gloves. you use ? ” gan to harass her. Another fortnigh- But ask always from— and I succeeded in crossing the moun kettle, which occupied the most con-1 the laughing voice of my host counting passed, during which I had been “ Sir? ” said the astonished lady* position on our tabie. Nor 1. A man who is going to dinner ; the votes in favor of his proposal. Sud tain in triumph, and passing down the spicuous obliged to part with my watch and growing about a gaiter heel taller. did I forget the bunk of fir boughs and he sympathizes with the empty stom classic waters of Sterling Creek and ar blankets, where we enjoyed sleep jn all , chain and even with some articles of denly he confronted me, and said in a ach. “ Yes ’ m. Very disageeable to trouble, peculiar tone and with a significant clothing, to procure tbe bare necessa you, but we have to make these in riving at the once populous town of its most natural sweetness. But I 2. A lady who knows she is being glance at my arms, which were tightly ries of life. But worst of all, I was at quiries mu ’ m. Duly, yon know.” Sterlingville. I accepted the hospi must stop—a volume would not con folded on my breast : “And you, sir, followed. ! length forced to acquaint Emmeline "Duty, injeod, sir. Yoa misoreant 3 1‘eoplo who are walking two by talities of my old friend, Geo. Yaudes tain the thoughts of a half hour with j • with our terrible position. The poor do you not aj prove my suggestion ?” the past. I have in my mind’s eye ' two ; their amour proyrc makes them “ I do not, sir,” I replied with out and his pleasant lady for the night. I many old pioneers among the readers . child tried to comfort me with tender “ Bag pardon, madam ; perhaps you ward firmness, but with a face paler give. was much disappointed on arriving at of the T idings , who can supply the un carresses and hopeful words, but the than ever. don ’t use any hose. I’m very sorry, 4. Officers in full-dress uniform. A silence as of death suc Sterlingville to find that C. K. Klum, written parts of the half hour spent at words died away on her quivering lips ceeded these words, and every eye in 5. Oilice-seekers going into Cabinet but don’t know.” and gave place to bitter sobs. And I the room was turned in my direction. ministers’ bureaux ; they give, in hope “Not use any hose I Oh, you vil- Esq., of Ashland, and Judge L. J. C. the old camp. Those days are forever could lian ! ” do nothing. Nothing ? Ah, yes! gone, and with them more than one- that it will bring them luck. “ I beg your pardon for this foolish Duncan, of Jacksonville, had preceeded half of those who enjoyed them. It is one last hope remained to me. Some " Well, perhaps its rubber hose, A hideou3 looking beggar was arrest me and, by some plausible stories, had now, as then, that practicable present days previous I had written to Mr. juke, sir,” said tho judge after a pause, ed recently in the Rue des Boulets, a madam ? ’ in a tone I shall never forget. “ I “ Rubber hose I ” she screamed. succeeded in enticing almost the entire times and present interests are what Maitland, telling him of my desperate would rather be the loser of ten thou sinister street in the J.'aubourg St. An condition and requesting him to givo “ You abominable wretch. AV flat do. population into the mountains on a we most desire to investigate, and 1 sand dollars than wound the feelings of toine, between whom and the police you mean me some letters of introduction to tbe ? ” hunting excursion with them. I found, shall therefore, in my next, govern a guest under the shelter of my roof,” commissiary the following conversa New York law offices, and that very " I mean what kind of hose---- ” J. M. S. however, a few of the old-timers, and myself accordingly, and, moving toward the door, be added tion ensued : morning had received an answer in the “ Well, of all the impudence ! ” “ Your name ? ” right well did I enjoy a talk over the lightly, “gentlemen, coffee will be shape of a large official-looking letter, " I beg a thousand pardpns, “ Pontron Jacques—nicknamed Eyes “ D tck A rxid ,” of the Fusilecr bearing the address of the Hon. Mr. ruined if we delay here longer.” Just days long agone. I see you don ’ t know ---- >” for Everything.” Guards, on one occasion nearly in as be was passing through tho open A THOUSAND LATENT MEMORIES " I don ’ t know ! ” “ Your profession ? ” volved himself in a duel by his love of Carleton, an eminent member of tbe I advanced toward him. “ But here comes the kitchen maid. Were revived, and many a trivial inci a “sell.” He was dining at the mess, judicial bench. Taking up my hat, I door “ Witness. ” “I owe you an explanation, Mr. Perhaps she can tell me what I want dent which, for twenty years had lain and there happened to be present a straightway bore the letter to iis des Carleton, “ Witness? What do you mean by ” I said ; “ will you hear me? to know.” dormant, were most vividly brought to fire-eating, quarrelsome sort of a man, tination, and, having read it, the judge Pray do not witness ? ” me,” I added, see “ Knsan, if you say one word to that mind/ Old chums and partners were who had been cnvolved in many affairs said to me, glancing at me kindly over ing him turn refuse “As I have eyes for everything, I coldly away. Ho stood miserable I’ll discharge you. talked of, old diggings were discussed of honor. Dick, who bad all the pluck his gold-rimmed spectacles: “In a i still for a moment, and then turning know everything that occurs in the She can tell brute you, indeed, can. she, I add the whole camp was reviewed from of a son of Erin, and who had listened few’ days you shall hear from me, and toward me he said brusquely, but with neighborhood, and am called up every should like to see her .jailor Gulch to Nigger Flat. By the pationtly to this oracle laying down I think I shall have good news for out looking at me : I ’* time there is a row or anything.” Aud so the officer had to retreat way, Sterling diggings are not yet the law, thought he would cause a you.” Jn answer to further questioning the " Very well, come,” and he led the worked out- Several companies have laugh at his expense, so, suddenly without accomplishing his purpose. On the third morning after this in man stated that he belonged in the to bis study. The lady told her husband, the hus very valuable diggings which will last turning to him, he quietly said : “ I terview I had persuaded my sitter to way door had hardly closed behind Quartier St. Marguerite, and that by band flew in a rage to the sergeant, tho a lifetime. The diggings of Claus saw a man to-day who would give all take a walk with me. During our us The when shouts of laughter were beard his profession he netted about forty sergeant explained the matter, and they Kleinhammer & Co., near the mouth of he possessed to kick you.” “ Kick me! promenade, we happened to pass be from tho drawing-room, and before I franca a month, his pay being two both agreed that it was a great oatrago Sailor diggings, paid well last Winter kick me! I call upon you to name fore a restaurant in the neighborhood, had time utter a word Mrs. Carleton francs a time. This information, if that ought to be kept very quiet.— St- for piping ; this company have not yet him, at the same time turning livid whence a waiter had just issued fortn, burst into to the room, holding tho miss accurate, would indicate with precision Isniis Republican. finished cleaning up their last Winter with rage. “Oh, bedad, I’ll not tell bearing a luncheon tray, on which, ing riug iu the palm of her open the number of rows per month in + ♦ — — run. The members of the company you,’ replied his tormenter. “I in among other tempting viands, was a hand. dulged in by the scoundrels of that A took Irishman applied to ono of are Claus Kleinhammer, Frank Town sist upon knowing,” interrupted the dainty roast chicken. My poor sister quarter. In the intervals between “ There is your ring, ” she said, hand tbe overseers of the poor for relief, and S. Reynolds. The diggings of angry man. “ Well, if yoa wish to involuntarily fixed such a longing, ing it to her husband ; “ a servant has rows Pontron Jacques practise! on the and upon some doubt being expressed George Yaudes & Co. are situated on know, but it must not go further ; the hungry look on tbe food as it passed just found it.” sympathies of strangers as a beggar. as to whether he was a proper object the old cite of Sterlingville. This man was----- ” "Who? who?” “Ah, before her that it almost broke my ---------- >---------------------------- “ Where? ” stammered Mr. Carle for parochial relief, he enforced his company has done a vast amount of don’t be in a hurry ; the man was Billy heart. Ou our return home, I found ton, with a look of stupified amaze A S cotch minister thus discoursed suit with much earnestness. Och, work on their claim ; it took over ten Water, who goes about in a bowl, be a letter from Jadge Carleton awaiting ment. on the carelessness of his flock : “Breth yer honor,” tai 1 he, “ share I’d be years to open the diggings. they cause why has hasn’t got any legs, and, me. Apologizing for tbe irregular “ Just in your plate,” sho answered, ren, when you leave church just look starved long since but for mo cat.” ?ommenoed operations some fifteen by the powers; would give all he has form of bis invitation, he sa’d he laughing at the Duke’s swans; they are very “ But for what ? ” asked the astonished merrily. ears ago, and last \\ inter was the first to be able to kick anyone." should be happy to see me as a gnest bonny swans, an* they’ll be sooming interrogator. “ Me ca\” rejoined the " Very well, Annie, leave no for an good run they have made. The result at dinner on the same evening. about an’ aye dooking doon their beads Irishman. “Yoar cat! how so?” instant, aud we will join you in the made, however, amends for many years “ A nd you think, darling, you could As the servant announced me, Judge drawing-room.” and laving theirsels wi’ the clear water Shu re, yer honor, I sould her eleven of labor and disappointment, and in be content to share my humble lot and Carleton came towards me, and, taking ’ till they ’ re a drookit ; then you ’ ll see As the door closed behind his wife times for sixpence a time, and she was sures ample rewards in the future for live in a quiet way with love and me ? ” l me kindly by the hand, introduced me Mr. Carleton came up to me and seized them Booming to the shore, an’ they’ll always home, before I coaid get there, their long years of toil. The members queried the blissful lover as he looked to his wife and daughter, and then to me by both hands. gie their wiDgs a bit flap end they ’ re meself. ” of this company are George Yaudes, foDdly into her translucent blue eyes. several of his guests who bad known --------- ► <---- Before you say one word, sir, hear dry again. Now, my friends, you come Capt. Saltmarsh, Joseph Saltmarsh and “ Why, yes, precious ; you have no my father. All were so kind and cor my “ story, here every Sabbath, an ’ I lave yon a ’ ” aud then with rapid, fever “ I’ d thank you for another piece of our townsman C. K. Klum. My old idea how economical I am. Pa gave dial to me that in a few moments I felt ish interest I told him of my struggles, ower wi’ the Gospel till ye’re fairly that mince pie,” said Dubbins to his friend and forty niner, John Head, has me a hundredadollars last week to buy , quite at home. Tbe dinner was a my affectiou for my sister, of my suf drooit wi’ it. But yon ja«t gang awa’ landlady. “Owing to the peculiar charge of Rabe Saltmarsh’s interest. a new silk, and I saved enough out of i brilliant one. I was engaged in an an- fering at seeing her suffer, and finally hame, an’ sit doon by your fireside, arrangement of the programme, no Mr. Saltmarsh has permanently located it to purchase four pairs of six but- I imated conversation with i a charming of the heart-wringing sceue of the gie your wings a bit flap, an’ ye’re as piece can be repeated at this entertain in Albany. The next claim below ie toned kids 1 ” ’and very witty ladv lady bet besido whom I I morning. dry as ever again,” ment,” calmly replied the landlady s / NOBODY. I X $2.50 PER ANNUM. CONFESSION OF A THIEF.