Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1876)
week in which to complete the enor The following is a copy of the bogus ASHLAND STOVE dispatch as received: “ Commodoie mous amount of work marked out to * The Sunday Welcome has the follow Vanderbilt died this morning at 20 OCTOBER 21, 1876 SATURDAY ing to say regarding the true basis of be done. Only a few bills of general minutes past 10. Reporters are especi he fagt - e mit . ia , situated one and a h If mites Dorth o.‘ A^bbind, has on hand and personal worth : “The true basis of importance have been passed by both ally requested Dot to call at the house. j I f cot’FUuvy m.ikirg an exceitent art cle oi flour. Undeveloped Resources. Houses as yet ; probably the most im- ' distinction among men is not in posi All t » dm deling to purch^oe their Particulars will be given to the press.” —AND— No State in the Union, of equal area, tion or possession ; it is not in the portant of these is the law appointing It came from the New York Hotel and WINTER SUPPLY OF FLOUR is poseased of a greater variety of nat circumstances of life, but in the con commissioners to superintend the locks was signed “ R?v; Cbas F. Deems.” Will do ve'l to Citi at ite mil!; will aleo piod, on ural resources than Oregon. And ro duct. It matters not how enviable a at Oregon City. That it will create ' excii <rire, 36 of flour, 8 of bran and 2 of at orta N ew Y ork , Oct. 16.—The following I ;.er bu brief good eat; will Sack *ad brand the people were ever so slow in developing position a man occupies, nor how much considerable expense for the State and disputch from Commodore Vanderbilt i e-ck.8—cur.uuuera to furnith tbe Buck». L. S tbosg , those resources. When we enumerate wealth he has in store, if there be de benefit no one very materially is the Sept. 7«, 1 »o. M.Ler. may be accepted as an authoritative de- ■ J J WDAV XRE tore the articles for sale in our mar fects in his behavior he is not entitled general opinion among those who have nial of the truth of his death : kets—articles which could be produced to that consideration and respect due been able,to give it unbiased consider At 20 minutes after 1 a dispatch was UNION LIVERY and manufactured at home in a style to one who is Lis superior in a moral ation. The final effect of the measure, sent to a Wall street firm : “lam alive equally as good and of superior quali point of view, though he possesses in my opinion, will be to hasten a de and doing well ; better than I have ale and xchange ty—it is most certainly a matter of sur neither riches nor honor. It is not mand on the part of the valley farmers been in many months. prise, not to say mortification. Tens that which gives us place, but conduct for the purchase of the locks. The C. V anderbilt .” of thousands of dollars annually find which makes the solid distinction. members of the Willamette Valley N ew Y ork , Oct. 16.—The St. Panl their way into the pockets of car We should know no man above us but! voted for it pretty generally, without Corner of 4th and California Sts.» neighbors of California from this State, for his virtues ; and none below us but regard to party, and many of them Pioneer Press' special from Bisiqark 6ays the Indians at Standing Rock against their own judgment, but by tbe paid out for canned fruits «nd vegeta for his vices. Entertaining this view, . JACksoNvr.’.a, O regon . B. F. REESER, Proprietor. bles alone. Go into any grocery store we should seek to imitate the good, dictation of their constituents. Sev signed the treaty relinquishing the rpHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING TUR in Oregon and examine the labels on though it be found under a coarse ex eral railroad bills are pending before Black Hills, on Wednesday. The JL cti isM he ab re named sublet fiom Kubli k Wilson, brg le re to Infoini canned peaches, tomatoes, blackber terior, and pity the evil, though it be the Legislature, with but a limited treaty was so far modified as not to insist tae | ub k iiiat they ¡-re de ertDined to meri', a c HLinu rce of the patronage that hag lor iutuy ries, strawberries, raspberries, green clothed in the finest garb and dwell iu probability of their passage. The last upon their removal to Indian Territory. years past been conferred od <he»e justly The troops intended for the expedi Legislature did considerable railroad corn, green peas, ground mustard, or luxury. We would never become ob building on paper, and the benefits tion go into camp to-morrow, and will any other article of the kind, ar.d you sequious in lhe wrong place. POPULAR STABLES! that have accrued to the State thereby i probably leave about Wednesday. will find almost invariably that it is a Call no man mean, low or vulgar be We have constantly on hind the very best California production. These are arti cause he tills the soil or stands before are not sufficient to justify a continua Gen. Sturgis, en route to join his regi SADDLE HORSES, cles of general use, and all of them the work bench, for in a point of true tion of that kind of business. The bill ment, will probably command the ex aving just returned from san for a road up tbe Columbia provides pedition, unless Terry goes in person. could be produced and put up in this worth and manhood, he may bo much Francisco, wi.h the be»i ktitc.ed ».uck of BUGGIES AND for a large appropriation and a heavy P ort R ichmond , Pa.,Oct. 15. — A san State at as little expense as in Califor superior to the president of some bank, CARRIAGES. nia. What part of the world will equal some eminent liquor dealer br Wall tax upon the people. It can only pass guinary conflict between a number of tramps and drunken miners occurred And can faruieb our customer« with a tip-top turn Jackson County in producing all the Street broker, or the rich nabob who by the most out al any lime. SHAMEFUL TRADING this morning near Shamokin, in the fruits and other articles we have dwells in his palace. STOVES, HARDWARE, And traffic in votes. That there is a Northumberland coal region. The fight named ? That locality eannot be found Horses Boarded The virtuous and right-minded sons disposition in some quarters to resort lasted several hours, and resulted in . on the face of the globe. The latitude of toil are nature’s noblemen ; they are Oo re‘iFon‘>b’e ter mt», anl the of cire and atten tion bes.owed upon them w bile under their caarge. and soil of Southern Oregon, and es lovers of good, lovers of nature, lovers to this mode of achieving success in the death of three participants,—one Also, pecially of this county, are peculiarly of each other ; they were not born to the passage of many big jobs and miner who was, until recently, em adapted to the production of small shine, nor to be the recipients of empty measures is daily growing more and ployed in the collieries of Mineral Run Horses Bought and Sold. —AND— fruits. Other varieties succeed equal honor ; but they were born to be mcn more apparent ; especially are mem Mining Railroad Company. Subse We will guirantee saVsfjction io &1I our traoB- bers of tbe Third House open and em quently some strikers from one of the actioue. C ab . dwi . ll k M i M ahos . ly as well. A great qaantity of such and a nation’s bulwark.” phatic in the expression of a readiness mines in the district also engaged in — ----- fruits are raised, and, for want of a r|SBE UNDERSIGNED,TnANKING OUR FA to “ become to each other instruments the riot. One of these, known as “ Big Adjourned. IL non« f<>r toe hb-rul patroni se bestowed. U|-oD market in which to dispose of them utduriigour ccm-iuu with ue V l I ou Livery of reciprocal aapine, ” Speaking of Bully, ” was thrown over an embank just as they are plucked from the vines St. b ec, uo'.kl beejrt-ak u cutilino u.ce of rt.e » me The ninth biennial session of the lobbying, I am reminded the county ot ment along the Shamokin branch of to our tuaesiure. K vdli k W ilsox . and treeB, they are permitted to go to Oregon State Legislature completes its No. 17; tf. Lake takes the lead cf all others iu the Northern Central R. R., and in waste from year to year. We might forty days’ sitting to-day and will prob furnishing untiring,cheeky and ubiqui stantly killed by a passing train. 90 Now mention a hundred other articles sold ably adjourn. Aside from electing a S ubscribe for the tous button-holers of the Third House. heavily loaded coal cars passing over in our markets, and brought from other United States Senator, the business Ere- hrem-ht to A«b!, I em p-fpn-e-T to *el is » ik .'X i mv Ime, I UR CAoll, ime.., er Umu States, which could be furnished by which has occupied the attention of In vain do Senators and Representa him. After the fight, some of the par evr ide cue-pebu tlie home industry and of home production, the lato session has not been of such a tives ’mplore to be delivered from tbe ty went to another part of the region scourge of their pestiferous presence, near the Schuykill County border, and just entering its second yeir it is if the people were inclined to turn character as to excite any great interest Time ENLARGED ANO IMPROVED, and if this anno/ance is to increase in committed numerons acts of violence. STOVES, NAILS, RCPE, their attention to the business. among tho people at large. Much of proportion as Lake County grows in S an F rancisco , Oct. 16. — There was to g and wor’hy tie pal'onage of These are the channels through the time Jias been spent in the ap well-wi-ber ol the Pacific wealth and influence, it will greatly in a slight increase in the number of HORSE-SHOES, AXES, CARPENTER TOOLS, sxzsa? »■very which the people’s money find its way pointment of investigating committees North west. It is out of the country, and until these to look after supposed or real derilec- crease the difficulties of getting ordi smallpox cases reported lust week over Beautifully Illustrated nary human beings to come here and the preceding week—39 to 28. It is drains are stopped we may expect to tions of duty among State officers and by the leading arista ob the Coast. Some of sacrifice themselves to such a rigorous considered possible that the present Ani everythirg kept in a flret-cl-*B hear the cry of hard times. Home in appointees. As has always been the process of boring. The championing dull, rainy weather may facilitate the THE ABLEST WRITERS dustry and enterprise is what is most case these committees have gone through of aDy measure by such lobbyists as 1 spread of the disease. It rained quite in the pacific Northwest contribute to its needed. The establishment of fruit the formula of calling on the officer, have been speaking of is always fatal Stove and Hardware Store. columns. As a heavily before daylight this morning, dryers throughout the State is a good passing a few compliments and perhaps to it. S. B. 85 (providing for further and it has been dump and cloudy all FAMILY beginning. Let it be followed up by dining with him, and reported every payments of swamp land in warrants day, with a prospect of more rain. other enterprises, such as we referred thing lovely in that quarter. it stands at the head of Pacific Coast publi- drawD on the swamp land fund) is with C hicago , Oct. 16. — The Tribune's E ’ ew ca.ions. As a paper to to, and better times will soon dawn up But few general laws have been en them an object of especial solicitude at Orleans special says : Only four deaths SEND TO FRIENDS on the State. We import too much acted, which is a fact upon which the Agency for the present, and I am warranted thereby in lrom yellow fever occurred here during * and do not export enough, and no people certainly feel like congratulat abro ul. it ha’ no equal. A «ingle number predicting its defeat whenever it comeB the week ending Sunday evenir.g.'^Y'iie will give tiiem a be.ier idea of Oregon as d thoughtful man can look upon our pres ing both themselves and the Legisla up for final action in the House. [ I Wafu'.Higton Territory than m year’s numbers small amount of fever now existing is ent condition without admitting that ture. Some laws have been changed Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewihg Machines, I of any o.inr pjper. Siibwiipiion price, Thore is always a limit, beyond which confined to a single locality. There is there is a sad lack of enterprise among and amended but no serious innovation 81.50 PER YEAH, “ forbearance ceases to be a virtue.” « the people. has been mado on our statutes. Next And not a few of the members are cun- no danger to visitors. the best family m .chine made. including postage. Sample number, 20 cfs. S avannah , Oct. 16.—Deaths from week we shall review the work of the gratulating themselves upon the fact Retribution at Last yellow fever, three. Address the pabF-her, session and comment as we may deem that the close of the present week will L, SAMUEL, L ondon , Oct. 16.—A telegram from p. O. B »x 3, just end for the public good. set them free from “ daily contact with Madrid states that the Bishop of Minor- John D. Lee, the atrocious monster iu. . fid.Ogn. -------------- ------------------ ----- — [ *7 Reml ’ tin-es c n V made by ’ ■egle ered-iei^J’ who led the Mormons and Indians the things they loathe.” Of another co has issued a new circular enjoinirg Side Show. or Gv nuer oa any < f lav I’urdied tJasiuts« H< u 2». who perpetrated the Mountain Mead and different turn is the leading ■olS-SniV^ on the masters of primary schools not THE BAIN WAGON, The Greenback Convention mGt in ow Massacre, in 1856, has been at last LOBBYIST FROM JACKSON. to admit the sods of Protestants and brought to justice by a Utah Court. Salem, October IGth, and nominated He settles down to the work with si other dissenters. THE ASHLAND ACADEMY. The details of that inhuman outrage Fred. Sutherlin, of Douglas, Daü. lent resignation, as if he intended to Champion Mower & Reaper, DIED. he Fall Term of tl e Ashland Academy have, from time to time, been brought Clark, of Marion and Bait. Curl, of remain nil Winter. Like “ Patience will vomintiice on next Monday, Sept, Grant, for Electors on the Peter Coop forth during the trials to which Lee on a Monument,” whenever the session S ftckf . lmter .—In Ashland, on the lll’j. PITTS ’ BUFFALO THRESHER, AC. has been subjected. For cold-blooded er ticket. of the lloase opens in the morning he IGtb inst., Bartha J. Spickelmier, agtd All expecting to attend, will do well to lie pre»e it the first day. atrocity they cannot be equaled in the takes a seat at the reporters’ stand and 22 years. Salem Correspondence. TaaiikTig our fiends for their liberal pat Deceased leaves a husband and three record of crime anywhere. For twenty looks the embodiment of disinterested ronace i t the p ist, we b»-speMk its hier» ase SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, S alem , Oct. 15th, 1876. years the perpetrators of this crime wiedom as long as he keeps awake— children to mouru her sudden depart for the future. Sch Lr< rciy en er at any to fit ?ni and :■! ’ eew ’ ng m cb| ?«. E ditor A shland T idings : The week time during the t'-. m Tuition charged only ure. To them tLis entire community have been running at large, protected which usually is not long—and when A1 iv.i s GJ Luud, auu nude io c.der, the very best for the time in attendance under the murky wing of the Mormon just closed has been a busy one for Morpheus does enfold him iu bis extend the tendercst sym} atby and con quiil.y of J. II. SKIDMORE, Prierlpal. Church. From facts elicited during hack drivers, shop keepers, showmen, soporific arms, I am sorry to say that dolence. noiCtt TIN, SHEET-CON & CSPPER-WARE, the course of Lee’s trial it is morally State Fair officials, and nearly every the Knights of the Quill mill have their NO CENTENNIAL FOR P.jduce taken in exchange for «r^od». certain that the Mormon Priesthood body else except our law makers. The amusement at his expense. AmoDg IH T ERESTING TO FARMERS! E. F. REESER. weather Las proven all that could have were not only cognizant to the massa the bills that have passed both Houses '|>HE UNDESIGNED. BELIEVING IT cre, but many of them participated in been asked in point of favorableness ; is an act in relation to quartz leads. ONE HUNDRED YEARS! N. B - All p'’«'-n«in<i(-hte1 tn me by ro‘e cr ue. JL to be to the mutual advantage of it and shared in the division made of the crowd has been large, oiderly aDd It makes tbe State law conform to cocu , vi i pv. >e c > nt* f ¿ward ani p..y up w.tb n t Ja.y it. «, uLd 6. re cuä.i. the bloody booty. Brigham Young is good-natured, and, if not as lavish in that of Congress. Some important Millers and Farmers, E F Tî Asbhnd, Juie I7:h, 187G. ’ to If its distribution of the circulating me If you want to inreet your money whets it will known to have been privy to the whole amendments to the road law have also Have made arrangements whereby tL® pay come o.ue dium among the various catch penny affair, but, by the use of suborned wit been effected, but the matter is not in Ashland ¿nd Phoenix Mills, nesses, it has been made to appear that institutions of the Fair Ground as definite shape. The House has amend A. D. HELMAX. J. D. FOUNTAIN. former ones, it has been equally en he did not actually participate in the ed the school law so as to substitute Will be under the management of J a couraging to the more permanent pros slaughter. Lee has been made a vicari cob W agner . who will have charge of district uniformity of text-books for And buy nice Lu’.t and eli ule trees. both Mills for t’ e Company during lhe ensu perity of the society having charge of ous offering to bear away the sins of State uniformity, but it is doubtful if HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, ing year, ending July 1-t, 1877. others of the Mormon leaders equally affairs. The the Senate will concur. W. W ilson . We wi l pay il>e highest market price for EXHIBITION OF STOCK, guilty. The sentence of the court is good m■ rchnnt ¡ble whe -t, and aie prepared NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. to contract fi-Hir at $18.00 per tloasand that be be executed on the 26th day of I think, has been better than usual. T ees, and I rm bnimd to «e’l c'letp for CLsh. 1 J RAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK pounds at tie Mills. January next. The laws of Utah give In cattle and hogs the exhibition could Office of th»* Company at lhe Ashland [Fron the Daily Oregonian.] will sell fine bi:uir 4 tiees i>y ne itoouJ Band fir etveu ecu «each ; * criminals, whose doom is to be execut not easily be beaten. But the beet Mills. Addie-s, 0 N ew Y ork , Oct. 16.—Chas. Sodgwiok not less Ur m £f y WAGNER, ANDERSON ed, the right to choose between hang showing of all was probably made in Hunt, a well known journalist, died at trees of «rittv.ii.- FAKMER’S CO., tty to be horses ; in this line Jackson County ing, beheading and being shot. Lee n<>12U. Ashland, Oregon. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, his residence in this city yesterday. PLANTED IN ON E ORC1IAUD has signified his preference to be shot. was admirubly represented, and, if one Among the notices read by Mr. Thus, though justice has been tardy, did not come off victorious in the vari Beecher from the palpit yesterday was W.?o is ’he tacky who «i'l Me sw y be New Arrival of Medicines, it has at last overtaken one of the per ous contests for speed, she nevertheless one informing the congregation that C st one thon*ao»i ? TWENTY THOUSAND, oaiy DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, LOOTS k SHOES, live ceir.e each—all a i — AT THE — petrators of the most cold blooded and came in for a reasonable share of the the Women’s Union Missionary Society FINE GRAFTED FRUIT! dastardly crime that ever stained the premiums, besides making an enviable would hold a three days’ convention record for fleetness. Tolman’s fonr- As the e Is io America. FIFTEEN THOUSAND pages of criminal jurisprudence. this week in Rev. Dr. Storrs ’ ch arch. line be lirg ruois, fo.'cue mtliiig sum of two ----------------------- ♦ -4-------------------------------------- year-old, “Scamperdown,” has demon c nt a each ! TEE UNDERSIGNED TAKER PLEASURE IN strated his worthiness to rank among Arriving at that point Beecher hesitat ROSES, DAHLTAS, The Darien Canal. OF THE— 1 Cul ’i.g the at eu km of tue jubile lo bla rew luì ed a moment, and then said impress AND A VARIETY OF the fastest nags of the State ; an ani well bekc.ed ttock of ‘ FLOWERING SHRUBS. ively : “ I am sorry that the place se The isthmus is now being searched mal, to run with such horses as Tom CUI ¡-nd lected to hold this convention is one Green house plant», e.c., la profusion. O. C oolidge . all over, from Nicaragua to south of Merry and Ryestraw, is necessarily which will necessarily prevent many of see them. Ashland Business Association, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Panama, for the most feasible route for under very pressing obligations to you from attending. Of all places HE STILL LIVES. an inter-ocean canal, and up to the “ get up and dust,” and the ability of which might have been selected, I Jaü revived fiom San Franc'sco, which he la offer- ù g al the “ Scamperdown ” to do that very thiDg present time no special line has been think there is some one where it would decided upon. The lowest estimates is conceded on all bands. In fact, it is not have been an offense for you to LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ARCHITECT AN J UOL’SEEtILDER. of the cost have been SCO,000,000, and the opinion of many good jadges that go.” Granite Street, - • Ashland. Purpose ee’llrg the Baine on term» and at price« .IT** tn* e’en on haml a laige variety of CANDIES, the highest $250,000,000. One route he is the fastest animal, and will event to ftuii tile times. N U IS, SW EET CAKES hi .»I utber no ioua utuaily N ew Y ork , Oct. 16. — Commodore WILL DO proposed is 136 miles of canal excava ually prove (with a little more age and kept in .. L>»;-Ciia»uiug »io.e. He axouid uleo c-U until ion to hi« tion ; while an American survey by training) the best horse in the State. Vanderbilt died this morning at 10:20 anything in my line ALSO BOOKS, STATIONERY, Com. Selfridge, by the Nappi route, is Tolman’s two-year-old, I believe, was o’clock. Overland Condition Powders! ON SHOUT NOTICE L atest — Commodore Vanderbilt is only twenty-eight miles of canal, the ruled out of the two-year-old race on AND AT ThE LOWcST TERMS. Beh g ol-hl« own manor■ ctore te cip confidently rest of the distance being navigable some technical grounds. A great deal not dead. return mend them. He ajao prepares u Syrup of SASll, Lo^thouiil and river ; but three miles of the excava of money was expended on premiums N ew Y ork , Oct. 16.—The Evening DOORS, tion would be tunnel, and there would for speed, and I think satisfaction was Post notifies the agent of the Western FURNITURE, be 200 feet lockage. If this canal ever given to all concerned. The other de Associated Press that Vanderbilt is not Made to order. &C., Ac., Ac., * For Co'd-, Cough« and DiMaeea of the Lot g», which becomes an accomplished fact, it will partments of the Fair were fully up to dead. The dispatch to the New York be ba» ut>ed m ny yeure in hie practice, and found to Picture Framing, &c. be a very serious competitor to our former years. Associated Press announcing the death, be a Very vala^bx remedy. Wheat, Oats, Lumber, or Ca>h taken in Produce taken in exchange at the highest market J. II. Chitwood. system of overland railways to an ex- price. purporting to be signed by Dr. DeSms, exchange for work. Call and see me. LEGISLATION. HELMAN k FOUNTAIN. N. B. — He has aleo on band an aeeortment of tset not pleasant to contemplate. Ashland, June 23d, 1876. no2tf. Our law makers have but one more was the work of gome trickster here. Ashland, Jose pth, IMG. gpltt WINES and LIQUORS for awdidnal purpoee*. THE ASHLAND TIDINGS. MILL NOTICE! Personal Honor T S , S E STABLES, 4® I H Pressed Tinware, Í WEST SHORE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T Ashland Drug Store 1 I. o. MILLER, P. of H., Candies, Nuts, Toys, Mouatala Salmi