Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1876)
THE ASHLAND SATURDAY TIDINGS. OCTOBER 21, 1874. Agents for the Tidings. L. Samuels, .... Portland, Oregon. Jacob Thompson, ... •• •' 8. M. Pettinri l a Co., . . . New York. Rockwell & Cae.iman, * • - St. Louie. L. P. Fi.ner, ..... Bin Francisco. Taos. Boyce, J. R. Neil, ..... Jacksonville. C. 8 Sargent, ..... Pbcenix. Ed. R. Owen, : - <r . Central Point. Mine Aflie W. Colvig, ... Rock Point. C. B. Watson, General Agent for Like county. ASHLAND P O. REGISTER. Stages leave Ashlaud as follows: The O. 4 C. Stage Co.’s Stage leave Ashland for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rosf- burg e-ery day at 6 a. m. Mail clones at 5:30 a. m. For llenly, Yteka and Reading at 6 p. m. Mail clo-es at 5:30 p. m. Hetlon A Garrett’s Stages leave Ashland every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for Linkville, and return on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Linkville for Lake City, California, Wednesdays ; arrive at Lake City Satur days; leive Lake City Mondays; arrive at Linkville Thursdays, carrying mail and passengers. Regular pas-enger wagon leaves Ashland for Linkville every Monday morning, and returns every Saturday. A. D. HELMAN, P. M. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Tilden and Hendricks Club D istrict S chool H ouse , i A shland , Oct. 16th, 1876. f Pursuant to adjournment the Tilden and Hendricks Club met at the usual hour, President E. DePeatt in the chair. The Secretary being absent Mr. J. D. Fountain was appointed Secretary pro tern, Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Motion that the regular meetings of the club be held on Monday evening of each week ; prevailed. Tue President then introduced Mr. Win. M. Colvig, of Rock Point, who proceeded to address the club in a yery able and eloquent manner. After which the club adjourned to meet Monday evening, October 23d. E. D e P eatt , President. J. D. F ountain , Secretary pro tem. OOlcers Elected. I f you want to eee the moat beauti The following officers of the State ful seta of glassware that ever were Agricultural Society were elected at shown in any market just edge in the annual meeting last evening for among th« crowd of customer» who constantly besiege J. M. McCall A the ensuing year : Co.’a store and yon will find them. W. P. Watson, President. C. P. Buckhart, of Linn, and J. W. Tatom, of Polk, Vice Presidents. Ladd & Bush, Treasurer. E. M. Waite, Secretary. B oard of D irectors . G. W. Hunt, Marion ; Jos. Hamil ton, Linn ; M. J. Basket!, Polk.; C. P. Bacon, Multnomah ; M. Wilkins, Lane ; <T. N. T. Miller, Jaokson ; A. LuelliDg, Washington ; Seth Luelling, Clackamas; R. W. Wilson, Tillamook; B. fl. Stewart. Yambill ; Jos. Kelsay, Benton ; and other names unable to obtain. Dissolution of Co-partnership, otice is given that the co - part . nerohtp heretofore exle'irg between 1.1)., L. N B.&D1O. C. Applegate, under the firm name of Applegate Bros., ig this day dissolved by mutual con*?Pl~9 C- Applegnte withdrawing. A co-part nership wi 1 be continued by the remaining parties, under the name of I. D. & L. B. Applegate. O. C. APPLVGATK, L. B. A pplxgate , I. D. A pplegate . S wan L& ee , Lake County, Oregon, September 30th, 1874. 17; <vv. S kidmorh returned from Yreka, last Tuesday morning, and has taken personal charge of the Ashland Academy, where he will be found in the future, as is the past, at his post of duty. _______ M essrs . H enry K lippel and Wm. H. Odell, opposing candidates for Presidential Elector, will address the —AND— people of Ashland, at the District School House, this afternoon at 2 o’clock. ---- • — Miss I rene C hitwood , daughter of Dr. J. H. Chitwood, of this place, has Salem Items. gone to Bonanza, Lake County, where We are allowed to clip the following she has been engaged to teach a Winter school. Mias Irene is an accomplished Granite Street, from a private letter from Salem : scholar. The attendance at the State Fair was ------ . - ♦----------- not so large as in past years. The O ur fair and talented correspondent scarcity of money was everywhere re “Sierra,” is paying our town a visit. Ashland, Oregon marked. Miss Eva Miller, of Rock Point, is al Stand-keepers and exhibitors barely so paying a visit to friends here. Marsh & Valpey. ----------- ■» . . ■ made expenses. T he travel to and from Oregon, on D. L. Emerson, of California, is ll kinds of planing , mould - teaching elocution at Willamette Uni the stage line, has been about equal for ing, Circular and Scroll-Sawing done the past month. versity. to order. -------------» -------- Our old friend Frank Hodgkin re O ur Winter’s supply of paper has ported the Senate, during the late ses arrived and the T idings folks aro hap SASH, sion, for the Oregonian, Statesman, py- ------------- «.------------ Mercury, Albany Democrat and Standard. DOORS, MOULDINGS, V egetables plenty and chet.p. ---------- ♦ >>-------------- P rof . Alleger, Bowlby & Co.’s ASHLAND STORE, PLANING MILL J. M. McCALL & Co., Propr’s. PARLOR Read Their News. ORGAN Furniture Factory, JUST ARRIVED, FALL AND WINTER GOODS A Hlodoc Item«. E. Lauer has bought out the interest of his partner, Louis Cohn, in the store at Dorris Bridge, or Alturas. Thos. McClure has been nominated by the Democrats for Supervisor of District No. 3. E. Lauer is also out as a People’s candidate in opposition. Henry Mann challenges any horse in Modoc, Siskiyou, Plumas or Lassen Counties to rnn his horse, two miles and repeat, for $1,000. Ox teams have arrived from Ashland, with Oregon flour. Emporium of Ashland. -------------» G rape season about over. BEDSTEADS, W heat CO cents. • BREAKFAST, DINING Af er thanking our many kind Patrons ng MO for past favore, we wish to call their at- II I ten ion to our large stock of F all and f 0 W inter G oods , just received trona 8. F. Decisions. CENTER, and By Grand Lodge of Oregon, al its last Surpasses in tone and power any Reed Organ here tofore manufactured in this country. It Session. has beeu tested by many EXTENSION To the G rand L odge , I. O. G. T.: competent judges, and gwes Your Committee to whom were referred TABLES, certain questions, report as follows : 1. Can two or more candidates for in UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION ! itiation be balloted for at one time ? BUREAUS, Ans. Yes ; but in case one or more black balls appear, the ballot shall then ( CHAIRS, LOUNGES, be taken upon each applicant sepa rately. Bonanza Items PICTURE FRAMES, 2. Cm a member plead guilty after E astern O regon .— The Dalles Our Bonanza correspondent sends a committee has been appointed to in By a eki lful nee of the etop«, and of the patent Mounttineer, with much commendable the following : BOARDS, knee swell, the maeic la adapted to the hurnaD voice, WASH ! vestigate such charges ? Ans. Yes. ranging from the eofleet flute-like Dote to a vclume pride, says : “ Eastern Oregon will Stock is in fine order. Buyers have 3. Is it right, after a second ballot of sound soon have a world wide reputation for all gone south. for officers, to confine the voting to the And all kinds of furniture on hand, and it« fine stock. New importations and A speck of war appeared here last two highest candidates ? Ans. Yes, if made to order. new purchases are made nearly every Friday. Shooting-irons were drawn, there is a by-law to that effect. UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER week, by some of the citizens living in bot no bj0Oj gbe<3> FARMERS’ HARROWS, 4. In case of an appeal from the de the great pastoral region lying east of Sheep-shearers are scarce. Locky cision of the W. C. T., is not that offi Of superior quality, and latest styles the Cascade range of mountains. This has about two thousand yet to shear. cer obliged to put the question, “Shall mid« to ord»*r. Instrument. The proprietors have noted carefully, week we have the pleasure of record House, Sign an<l Ornamental Painting and for many years, the imperfections and reeds of the the decision of the ohair be sustained ? ” Potatoes are worth one and a half ing the purchase, by Messrs. Nye Graining done 1o order in the Mil), or in reed instruments, and airee t their practical experience A ds . Yes. cants per pound. the country. Canvassing ceiling, Paper the corree Ion of such imperfections, and their ex ¿Todd, of the horse ‘Champion,’« 5. Does a member by playing bil binging, Calsoniining, Whitewashing, &c. to periments have resulted in the production of a quality find Tamatoes and peaches would very flue, dark mahogany bay, fifteen liards or cards, in a saloon, violate bis on shortest poi-ible no ice. of tone which assimilates so closely to the The undersigned takes this opportunity and a half Land stallion, weighing 1,200 a ready sale here. obligation or the 13w ? Ans. Yes, both. ’-------- << ♦ ------------- ol tendering our thanks to our many friends pounds. This horse has a very stylish C aptured .—The murderer, Carousi, 6. Can an officer be re-obligated with and patrons lor liberal favors during the action, trots easily in 2:50, and is a good who shot Gordon on the moruiDg of out losing his office ? Apy. s No. last two years, and are happy to say that we have, during the last winter and spring, roadster. He is remarkably kind and the 6th, in Scott Valley, after making 7. If an officer resigns his oflieb' can erected PIPE ORGAN QUALITY additional machinery, and improved gentle in disposition, aud has bred a hard trip over the mountains to he be re-instated n a-jy other v wy than our facilities for mnnufactuiing in the above some of the fiaest trotters, and his reach Oregon, arrived at Roseburg, and by ballot ? Ans. Ne. z ' line of business. * MARSH & VALPEY. stock has a wide reputation for boing was arrested by the Sheriff’ of Doug 8. Must such re-ele Jted officer be in Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. That le difficult to dietlrgnish between the two. good, active and fast roadsters. Col. las County, and Wm. Gordon, a broth stalled ? Ans. Yes. Thle instrument has all the Nye drove ‘ Champion ’ through the er of the deceased. He has been de 9. Must all elective officers be full streets, this week, and his style and livered to the proper authorities and at degree members? Ans. Only the W. ; action attracted universal attention.” last account his case was being inves C. T., and W. V. T. need be full de MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, gree members. tigated. S ad .—"’Tie sad, when times are hard, ----------- ------------- 10. Can a Subordinate Lodge fill the Two T housand D ollars R ew ard .— to pay six bitB a glass for lemonade. And every organ Is fully warranted. Large OU blanks in the constitution relative to Tu* sometimes hard to hear the answer Posters may be seen abont town which fines, etc., without submitting the Polish, Black Walnut Panelled Cases — oo — ’ Tis sad to see fond hopes announce that the State, and W. F. that forms, in addition to a “ No!” same to the Grand Secretary ? Ans. Splendid instrument blasted—no matter how 'tie dooe ; ’tis Pogue A Brox, of Rice Valley, Lake All by-laws adopted by Subordinate Ho 1 U nto A ll W ho T hirst ! of music, a sad, on Sunday eve., to wait two hours County, offer §2,000 for the arrest aod Lodges, and all amendments by filling COME YE UNTO THE for the coming stage ; ead to seo the conviction of John Mazino, who is blanks or otherwise, should be sub wouldbo groom become so Hoffy as to charged with the murder of P. D. mitted to this Grand Lodge, or in the BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF FURLITURE. force b friend to walk a Milo(r) more, Pogue, of the same place. The mnr- interim between seesions to the G. W. acd to fall in the creek besides, but der was committed October 3d, in the C. T. for approval. ÌODA pringe presence of two witnesses. EaJder still to drive sixteen miles, 11. In case a charge is preferred —------------ -------------------- with bright hopas of matrimony dwell B revet . Col. E. C. Mason, U. 8- against a member, can evidence be ing in the heart, only to realize that his A., sojourned at the Ashland House lawfully taken from persons who are Without Money, and Without girl bad gone back on him. Oh ! how from Saturday until Monday last, when not members of the Order ? Ans. Yes. sad to see her fail to connect at such a he proceeded on his journey to assume This organ neele only to be seen to be apprtdated, Pl icc. L e F. A. S haw , and 1. sold at extremely time. But it should be a consolation command of the military post of Van W m . G rant , rjMIE UNDERSIGNED are now keeping to him to know that the invited guests couver. Col. Mason was one of the G. A. D yson , deeply sympathize with him in this, officers who bore an honorable part in z . Committee. hie tore affliction, and whether he be at the Modoc war. He has just returned The Committee on Appeals submit home or abroad, in crowded street or from a visit to his old home at Colum ted the following : the noisy tin-shop, their sympathy will bus, Ohio. Q uestion : Bro. “ A,” of Peoria and having repaired and refiied the same, are now prepared to accommodate all who attend him. I t is said that one of the editors of Lodge, No. 260, I. O. G. T., was may favor us with a call. Prices to suit D omesticated . — Mr. Lindsey Ap a Portland paper, soon after commenc charged with having violated his obli these hard limo?. plegate has in his orchard, and ad ing to learn the printing business, gation, and after due trial, was found AGENTS WANTED The Marble Business guilty. Lodge then proceeded to pun joining park, fifteen domesticated deer, went to see a preacher’s daughter. county in the United States from seven years old to last Spring When he attended churoh be was con ish by suspending Bro. “ A,” for one Will still bo a speciality. All orders In (Male or female) in every and Canada. fawns. Among the number he has two siderably astonished at bearing the month—after the expiration of that this lino promptly tilled iu the best manner “mule deer,” a species found east of minister announce as his text, “ My time to re-obligate him. He was duly and at reasonable rates, the mountains, and much larger than danghter is grievously tormented with re-obligated. It was ascertained that Address, as usual, ----- 0 J. II. & A. H. RUSSELL, Ashland. Bro. “ A ” had violated his obligation the black tail, or common deer. These a devil. -----------«------------ during his suspension. Now, what beautiful animals are gentle as pet S iskiyou C ounty F air .—The elev can Peoria Lodge do with the offend lambs and will permit themselves fon enth annual fair of the Siskiyou Coun A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ing Brother? dled upon with equal manifestations of ty Agricultural Society closed at Yreka, Submitted in F. H. and C., delight. Mr. Applegate has also a HE UNDERSIGN ED WILL BE FOUND last Saturday. The Journal of last P. G ilbert . -WILL BE — at b's shop on Main street, two doors flock of domesticated wild geese, as Wednesday gave an elaborate report of from the livery stable?, where be is prepares Your committee would report that gentle as those raised upon the farm. the proceedings, from which we should to do all kinds of work in his line at the These denizens of the lake and forest infer that our neighbors across the nothing can be done with the Brother. lowest price. Made to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, School. W. B. C arter , seem as well contented as though they line Lad a good time. WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS Lodges, etc., where there is no agent for the S:ar, J. H. F rush , Organ. Illustrated catalogue atxl price list free. inhabited their native retreats. I. H urt , Of Vehicles Made to Order. Correspondence solicited. Address the manufactu ---------------- ♦---------------- D uring the recent “ occulation ” of O cr T rade with C alifornia .—The Saturn by the moon, or in other words, W. M auzey , Repairing of all kinds done with dispatch, rers, San Francisco Commercial Herald of < th when the moon passed between Satnrn call and see me. J. W. S trange , noltf. JOHN RALPH. inst. contains the following in an arti and the earth, several astronomers who Committee. cle about the Oregon Steamship Com were watching the phenomenon say The above reports were adopted. In pany : “ Onr relations with Oregon they distinctly heard the people of Ba the case of Bro. “A,” of Peoria Lodge, ON THE TRADE. are steadily increasing* in importance, turn yelling “Down front!” to the the Lodge should have required his re wisn TO SAY TO MY PATRONS WASHINGTON, N. J. with the prospect of beiDg, at no dis obligation before the suspension ; then that I am prepared to take in payment man in the wood . tant future, equal to those which have of subscription to the T idings all kinds of if, dnring suspension, he violated the --■ ■■ ■»------------ long subsisted between California and marketable ptoduce, such as Wheat, Fiour, C hina is now our second best cus obligation again, he would be liable to Lumber, Wood, the Atlantic States.” Let California 0 Dried Fruit, Eggs, Butter, encourage, by every means at her com tomer for flour, 51,967 barrels having a penalty. You will notice that his re- Cheese, Beaos, Bacon, Lard, etc. Arrange mand, the completion of the Califor been shipped there from San Francisco > obligation took place at the expiration ments have been mad°, whereby parties i nia <fc Oregon R. R. to the State line, since 1st July, as also 5,164 centals of ' of his suspension, and after he had bringing in more produce than enough to T. B. M c M urtrte , H. W. A llegar , pay their subset iption. can receive mer and she will enhance the importance -hoat-nouly ‘tree time. th. .mount ; drank the second time. E dward P lotts . chandise at CASH RATES tor the balance. C. P. B owlby , of our 1______ ____ J. M. SUTTON. Publisher. ' of iny post year. (■•pt. 27. ’76: 1 yr.) J. B. N. B ell , S. D. G. W. C. T. fold. We have any thing you may need in our line. 11 U Our new stock contains a large assortment of XI Xv ry G oods , G roceries , TX C D BOOTS and SHOES, It c Ready-made Clothing, Hats, T » and Millinery Goods. X WE KEEP HARDWARE, IRON. 0 SJEEL, N AILS, BOLTS, GLASS, ÍJ L HORSE SHOES, SHOE-SHAPE, ROPE, WOOL SACKS, PAINT8, O1L8 W JU SOAP AN D CUTLERY. cya FARMING 1MPI.EMENT, CROCKERY A nd FRUIT CANS. Oilcloth for fables and and Floors. J 0 A L arge and C hoice S election of TEAS. i S AND DRINK! The Soda Spring House r — . - - I —— - I — ■ " A Vagón Shop. T Alleger,Bowlby & Co., I u M We have just received a select assortment of the best brands of TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND PIPES. We will sell our goods at the lowest cash price, or exchange for all kinds of MARKETABLE PRODUCE. We see no cause to change our It still remains ‘‘Quick Sales & Small Profits.” Call and examine our stock, and if you do not see what you want, C all for it . Sept. 21st, 1876. nolôtf. NURSE & THATCHER, Dealers in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HAT8, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS, I Y ankee N otions , Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., I 1 Linkville, Lake county, Oregoq. λ »