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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1876)
ft INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTIII N OREGON. , --------- - -- — ----- . - -------- - r ^ASHLAND, OREGON: SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 14, 187G. VOL. I.—NO. 18. —■ ■ ■ ■ Playing Tinker. A Letter from Goose Lake. I .. ......................... .................................. .. ■ ... The Demon of Drink. , ■ . ............... . , ■ .1 —4—.—------------------------------------------------ :— j S’frosin. $2.50 'PER ANNUM .................. ... The Latest Wonder. Domestic Recipes, A rural resident man being told that Tho readers of the Traveller have A Fearful Picture of the Lafe Iler, J. J. One of Max Adeler’s characters en- W ild F owl P te . —The fowl should there were several pieces of tin which been made acquainted with the won Talbot's Struggle Against It. tors a lawyer ’ s office and says : “ I be trussed like needed mending, conceived the idea of • a dwek > for a * pie, * larded derful inventions of rrof. Bell, by I • called in, Judge, to get your opinion with anchovies and seasoned with pep getting an iron and solder, and of doing The following is an extract from one about a little point of law. S’posin which musical and vocal sounds can per, salt and sweet herbs ; put a good the mending himself. His wife—filled of the leotures of J, J. Talbot, who be and havo been sent over the electric with vague forebodings, perhaps—said died lately at Elkhart, Ind., from the you lived next door to a man namod wires, but few if any ore aware of the quantity of butter into the pie, and. Johnson. And s’posin you was to fluBh like __ that the expense was such a trifle that effeots of a drunken debauoh :, wonderful results which are sure io fol say to Johnson, what a splendid illus R olled J z . tzy C ak A.—One cup of it would hardly pay to do it oneself. But now the struggle is over, I can tration of the superiority of the human low these improvements in telegraphy. sugar, one cup floj| a egfcz, maa To which he responded : survèy the fields and measure the intellect was to be found in the power A few nights ago Prof. Bell was in tablespoonful cwoet half ’-W “ I’ll admit that in this one instanoe 108866. I had position high and holy. of the human eye to restrain the feroc communication With a telegraphic spoonful soda, essonce, ete. Beai su it will not pay. But there is something The demon tore from around me the ity of a wild anim&l. And s’posin operator in New York, and commenced gar and eggs slightly, then put rli to boing in want of repair every little robes of my sacred office and sent me Johnson was to remark that it was all experimenting with one of his inven gether and beat thoroughly. while ; and, if I have the tools here for forth churchless and Godless, a very bosh, and you should declare that you tions pertaining to the transmission of R ice C ustard .—Into a quart of fixing it, we are saved just so much hissing and byword among men. After could hold the savagest beast that was musical sounds. He made use of his boiling waterastir in two teblsspooninls expense right along. It may not be wards I had business large and lucra ever born if you could once fix your phonetic organ and played the tune of much in the course of a year; but tive, and my voice in all large courts gazo on him. Well-, then s’pusin John “ America,” and asked the operator in of rice flour, dissolved in a little cold milk; add two well beaten eggs io every little helps, and in course of was heard pleading for mercy, justice son was to say he’d bet a hundred dol New York what he heard.” time the total rill amount to a nice and the right. But the dust gathered lars he could bring a tame anitial that BULLARDS CREEK “ I hear the tune of ‘ America,’ ” re boiling mixture; sweeten and flavor to taste. Now makes some pretentions cf impor little lump. We don’t wantjhe Astors on my open books, and no footfall you couldn’t hold with your eye, and plied New York, “ give us another.” C orn C ake .—One quart of sour Prof. Bell then played “ Auld Lang tance, being the county seat of the lugging off all tho money in tho country crossed the threshold of the drunk you was to take him up on it, and — by gracious ! ” milk, three eggs, one teacupful of Cour, ard's office. I had moneys ample for Johnson was to ask you to come down Syne.” picturesque and fertile county of Lake. He got the iron (one dollar), fifty yellow corn meal enough to make a all necessities, but they took wings and* to his place and settle that bet. You’d “ What do you hear now ?” Ii is located in a fine valley where a re conts ’ wcrih of solder, and ten cants ’ went to feed the coffers of the devils go, we’ll say, and Johpson’d introduce “ I hear the tune of ‘ Auld Lang Syno’ batter as thick as for pansaLcu. Bake markable creak, pure and sparkling, flows from tho mountains through the worth of resin. He came home with which possess me. I had a home a dog bigger ’n any four decent dogs with the full chords distinctly,” replied quickly in pans well buttered. village, which haa taken its name from these things and went into the kitchen, adorned with all that wealth and taste ought to be, and sick him on you, and New York. T omato H oney .—To each pound of Thus the astounding disoovery has tomatoes allow the grated peel of a the creek, and the creek derived its looking so nroud and happy that his could suggest. The devil crossed its he’d come at you like a sixteen-inch cognomen from the melodious sounds wife would have been glad he got threshold and the light faded from its shell out of a howitzer, and you’d get been made that a man can play upon lemon and six fresh peach leaves. which have been heurd in its vicinity them, were it not for an overpowering chambers ; the fire went out on thé kind of skeery about it, end try to held musical instruments in New York, Boil them slowly till they are all to in the recent past. Another version of dread of an impending muss. He called holiest of altars, and leading me the dog with your eye and couldn’t. New Orleans, or London, or Paris and pieces, then squeeze them through a its origin is as much to bo wondered at for the articles needing repair. His, through its portals, despair walked And s’posin you’d suddenly conclude he can be heard distinctly in Boston 1 bag. To each pound of liquid allow a forth with her, and sorrow and anguish that maybe your kind of an eye wasn’t If this can be done, why cannot dis pound of sugar and juioo of one lemon. aa the story is to be credited. Eaving wife brought out a pan. “ Where ’ s the rent? Bring ’ em all lingered within. I had children, beau calculated to hold that kind of a dog, tinguished performers execute the most Boil them together half an hour, or been derived from O. C. Applegate's out, an ’ let me make one job of ’ em tiful to me at least, as a dream of the and you’d conclude to break for a plum artistic and beautiful music in Paris, until they become a thiok jelly. Then Indians its truthfulness ¡3 very strong morning, and they bad so entwined tree. You ketch my idea. Very well, and an audience assemble in Music put them into glasses and lay double ly fortified- But ¡.he tail is a little too white I’m ebout it. ” He got them all, and seemed to be themselves around their father’s heart then. Well, sir s’posin just as you llall, Boston, to listen ? long to give in this letter. tissue paper over the top. It will disappointed that there were not more that, no matter where it might wander, Professor Bell ’ s other improvement, scarcely be distinguished from real EVERY BODY 13 BUSY got three foot up the tree Johnson’s of them. Poshed the iron into the ever it came back to them on the bright dog would grab you by the teg, and namely, the transmissin of the human honey. Througout Lake County. Four head fire, got a milkpan inverted on his knee, wings of a father’s undying love. His ers are running between Bullard’s and and with the solder in his hand waited destroyer took their hands in his and hold on like a vise, shaking you until voice, has become eo far perfeoted that To M ake P icalilli .—T o half a you nearly lost your hold. And s’posin persons have conversed over 1,000 bushel nioely chopped tomatoes, which tho State line, and north of us reapers for the right heat. led them away. I had a wife whose Johnson was to stand there and holler, miles of wire with perfect ease, al are laying low the yellow grain in “ The iron cost only one dollar, and charms of person and mind were such “Fix your eye on him, Briggs,” and so though as yet the vocal sounds are not must be squeezed dry, add two dozen Summer Lake and Chewaucin Vallies. it’ll never wear out, and there’s enough that to see her was to remember, and onions chopped fine, one dozen green M my long ricka of Lay meet the eyo of solder in this piece to do twenty-five to know her was to love. * * * * on, and s’posin he kept that dog on loud enough to bo heard by more than peppers chopped, one box of ground the traveler r.s ba pacses through the dollars’ worth of monding, ” he said to For thirteon years we walked the rug that leg until he made you swear to one or two persons. But if the human mustard, one large root of grated horse pay that bet, and then at last had to voice can now be sent over the wire, radish, nearly a pint of salt, <**" mountain vales, and the Lum of the his wife. ged path of life together, rejoicing in pry the dog off with a hot poker, and so distinctly that when two or mvw6r yet lie—J. azd-ssuy hundred Pretty soon tuo iron wus at the right its sunshine and sorrowing in its shade. b pcsiu this, what I want to know is, three, known parti*’*1 aro telegraphing, spoonfuls ground cloves. tens of hiy- is yet to be stacked. heat, be judged. He rubbed the resin The infernal monster could not spare Bplee. Mix thoroughly in a stone jar the voices of each may be recognized, Toilers are we, but with such health os about the hole which was to be repair me even this. I had a mother who for couldn't you suo Johnson for dam and cover with vinegar, making a hole we may soon have distinguished men io found in Lake County labor is bat a ed, held the stick of solder over it, and long, long years bad not left her chair, ages.” ------------------------- 4-^--------------------------------- in the center to let the vinegar to the delivering speeches in Washingtoni pleasant exercise. We Lave carefully applied the iron. It wa3 an a victim of suffering and disease ; and “I’h take the Shortest, l’apa.5’ Now York or London, and audiences bottom. HIGH OLD TIMES intensely interesting moment. His wife her choicest delight was in reflecting C ream C ake .—Boil together half a assembled in Musio Hall or Faneuil la catching goalins at the head of watched him with feverish interest. He that tho lesson which she had taught One day a gentleman entered a store, Hall to listen. pint of water and two-thirds cup of Goose Lake two months after hatching said, speaking laboriously as bo applied at her knee had taken root in the heart accompanied by his two little daugh butter;'while boiling stir in cne and a lima. After they have undergone the the iron, “ The only thing I regret of her youngest born, and that he was ters. “Buy us each a lead pencil, Foreign governments are somewhat half cups of flour thoroughly; let it proper cullinary operation the catch about it is that I did not think of get useful to his fellows and an honor to papa,” 6aid Adda. like our own in leaving the stable door then cool sufficiently not to cook the becomes a positive luxury. I noticed ting this before we—” Then ascended her who boro him. But the thunder “Yes, do, papa," said May, entreat- unlocked until the horse is stolen; but eggs, five of which are to be well beat the gardens of Linkville as I traveled through that ceiling, and went up to bolt reached even there, and there it ingly. “I’ll get you one and divide it they are much more vigorous in lock en, and the whole mixed together; drop through that prosperous burg, a few the vault of heaven, tho most awful did its most cruel work. Other days between you.” Which he did, but con ing it after that misfortune has taken on tins a spoonful in a place, and bake weeks ago, were a great deal like a cook yell that woman ever heard, and on the may cure ail but this. Ah ! me; never I trary io his intention one piece was place. On the 24th of July an aocident in a very hot oven twenty or thirty ed goose. From this I infer that it is iuetant the soldering iron flew over the a word of reproach from her lips—only longer than the ether. Laying the two occurred on one of the Spanish rail minutes. It will make two dozen. For more frosty in that section than this stove, the pan went clattering across a tender caress ; only a shadow of the pieces together, he said, “One piece is ways by which twenty-one persons the cream, boil a pint of new milk, part of the country. The gardens of I tho floor, and the bar of soldor struck great and unspoken grief gathering smaller than tho other, daughter. What were killed and forty-nine wounded. stirring in, beaten together, two eggs Hummer Lake, Chewaucan and Goose the wall with such force a3 to smash ■ over the dear old face; only a trembling shall I do?” This account was followed almost im with one oup of sugar, and not quite a Lake are still green and generally un right through both plaster and lath. liuud placed more lovingly on my head; I expected to see tho pink lips pout mediately by the introduction of a bill cup of flour; boil a little, stirring touched by Jack the Frost King. The And before her horrified gaze danced only a closer clinging to tho cross ; but instead the clear voice of little into the Spanish Congress providing briskly; when cool, flavor with lemon; gardens of this part of the country are her husband in an ecstaoy of agony, only a piteous appeal to Heaven if her May, the younger of the two, rang that, whenever a railway disaster can open the cakes at the side with a sharp a glory of which Goose Lukers are » sobbing and screaming, and holding on cop at last were not full. And while cheerily, "I'll take the shortest,papa. » be distinctly traced to the servants of knife, and pour in the cream. justly proud. This season has bean to his left log as desperately as if it her boy raved in his delirium two thou The tears glistened in more than one tho company, the company shall be UNUSUALLY COOL HERE, were made of solid gold and studded sand miles away, the pitying angel eye for a moment, and many times compelled to pay a fine of $15,000 to “ Mr. Busbee says you needn’t send Bat has worked very little injury to with diamonds. pushed the gates ajar, and tho mother since have her unselfish words echoed the family of every person who is the paper to him any more,” said -a crons. There will be a good jield of in my ears. “ Get the camphor ! why don’t you ? ” of the drunkard entered into rest. killed and a fino of §7,000 to the family little urchin who stuck his head into the all kinds of products showing a good he yelled, “ Send for the doctor 1 Oh 1 Afterwards a lady camo in with a of every person injured, besideo §5 per sanctum. “ All right.” “ An’ he said And thus I stand—a clergyman with average. It is thoroughly demonstrat oh I I'm a dead man ! ” he shouted. littlo daughter. “Buy me something, day to tho injured person so long as to tell you he wouldn't 'a stopped it out a cure ; a barretter without brief ed that the chain of vallies from Pitt Just then his gaze rested on the sol or business ; a father without a child ; mamma,” said the little girl. they may be incapacitated for labor. only you didn’t say nothin* about the River to 8ilver Lake will produco all dering iron. In an instant he caught a husband without a wife ; a son with The frugal mother bought two figs. It is interesting to note in this connec big hog he killed last week,” oontinued hardier verities of vegetables in abund jt up and hurled it through the window out a parent ; a man with scarcely a “One is for you,” she said, “and the tion that tho legal value of a dead the youth ; and then he slid down the ance. In many localities in each of without the preliminary of raising the friend ; a soul without hope—all swal other is for Mary.” Spaniard is three times that of a banisters into the street. these vallies tomatoes, watermelons sash. life I knew that poor Mary's lot in lowed up in tho maelstrom of drink. slaughtered citizen of Michigan. and even red pepper will ripen ; and A nephew of Mr. Baggos, in explain It was not long before the thoroughly was a sad one. AU Winter she had to-day, while I write, can be found in frightened and confused woman learned I A Tradition of Saratoga Lake. been helpless with inflammatory rheu “T he B est C rap .”—That was a neat ing the mysteries of a tea kettle, de the most frosty localities in the land a that some of the molten solder had run scribes the benefits of the application of There is an Indian superstition at matism, and when Spring came we reply which a Scotch servant made : crop of goslina rapidly maturing, which through the hole in the pan on his leg, feared quick consumption was on her A baby was out with a nurse, who steam to useful purposes: “For all are unexoelled or uneaqualed in size, although she knew from the first that tached to this lake which probably had track. walked it up and down the the garden. which,” remarks Mr. Bagges, “wa have number or quality, anywhere else in something of an unusual nature had its source in its remarkable loveliness The littlo girl eyed the figs, and as “ Is it a laddie or a lassie ?” said the principally to thank—what was his and tranquility. Tho Mohawks be the bread dominion of Oregon. name?’’ “Watt was his name, I believe, occurred. She didn’t send for the lieved that its stillness was sacred to she went out filled her *-outh full with gardner. G ray G oose . uncle,” replied the boy. doctor. She made and applied the the Great Spirit, and that if a human one—fuller than it ought to have been. “A laddie,” gaid the maid. “ Why, you havo taken tho biggest, ” “Weel,” says he, “I’ glad o’ that, poultices herself to save expense, She voice uttered a sound upon its waters, Pen Pictures. The modern girl is pretty quizzical. said the mother. for there’s ower mony woman in the said: ♦ the canoo of, the offender would instant We clip the following from the This time she lives in St. Louis and “There is hardly c bite in the other,” world.” “ AVe don’t want the Astors lugging ly sink. A story is told of an English Salem Statesman.’ off all the money in tho country—by woman, in the early days of the first said the girl. “ llecb, mon,” said the girl, “ div ye reads her Bible with thoughtfulness, is sick, ” replied tho J. n. CRAIN “But Mary gracious I ” no ken there’s aye maist sawn o’ the and makes her own commentary. “Did settlers, who had occasion to cross this they take a piece out of Adam to make “Come, Maria, don’t bo cunning I” lake with a party of Indians, who, be mother. Yet the selfish little girl was best crap ? ’— Harper's Magazine. Was born in Warren County, Ohio, his wife?” “Yps, darling.” “What! - ■< -V• » — 1831; emigrated to Fountain County, he sheepishly expostulated. fore embarking, warned her most im not sorry at all. My thoughts went back to little May: A young olergyman, modest almost right out of him? And wasn’t he always Indiana, in the year 1837; from thence pressively of the spell. It was a silent, to bashfulness, was once asked by a sickly afterwards?” “Are you an Old Fellow?” to Oregon by way of South Pass, Snake breathless day, and the canoe shot over “I’ll take the shortest, papa.” country apothecary, by a contrary char “No, sir; I’ve been married for a the surface of the lake like an arrow. River and Dalles in 1847; Wintered in A party of ten English medical men A man entirely bald except« little Portland; went to Southern Oregon in week.” About half a mile from the shore, near were dining not long ago, when one of acter, in a public and crowded assem bly, and in a tone of voioe sufficient to tnft of hair at the base of the train “I mean do you belong to the order the centre of the lake, the womeD, wish Spring of 1852; occupation, mining, them inquired if all present were lim until Fall of 1854; settled in Rogue of Odd Fellows?” ing to convince the Indians of the er- I ited in their practice to a selection of catch the attention of the whole com behind the ears, frequently took off pany, “ How happened it that the pa his hat and scratched his head back “No, no; I belong to the order of reneousness of their superstition, ut River Valley, Jackson County, Oregon; six pharmscopmlal remedies, which served in Company “C," Southern bat married men.” tered a loud cry. The countenances of would bo chosen as being the moat use triarchs lived to such extreme old age?” of his ears. A waggish backwoodsman To which question the clergyman re thereupon shouted out:—“Stranger, “Mercy, how dumb! Are you a Ma the Indians fell instantly to the deepest talion, Oregon voulunteers, in Indian ful, compound drugs to bo oxcepted. war of 1855 and 1856 since which time son?” “No; I’m a carpenter.” gloom. After a minute’s pause, how Each of the party wrote tho names of plied, “ Perhaps they took no physic.” drive ’em up in the clearing, and yon can ketch ’em all in five minutes. ” “Worse and worse! Are you a Son ever, they redoubled their exertions, he has resided in Jackson County; tho six drugs he would select, end A lady, in describing to an irreverent married in 1861; continued the occu of Temperance?” and in frowning silence drove the light A Jersey man married five widows, “ No, sir ; I’m a son of John Gos bark swiftly over the waters. They gave them to the doctor who asked the boy an occurrence in which his father pation of farming. Respected and reached the shore in safety, and drew question. On examination of the bal figured, closed by remarking, “I am and they were all red-headed. The trusted by his neighbors he fills in a ling’s.” —— <3 -e » ------------------ up the canoe, when the woman rallied lots it was found that a majority of the sorry to say that the thing ended by sameujnan was once thrown one hun creditable manner his present position When the war of the Revolution be the chief on his credulity. “The votes were given in favor of opium, your father losing his temper.” “Did dred and fifty feet by an express traiD, as legislator. gan there was but one man in Massa Great Spirit ismeroiful,” answered the quinine and iron ; between mercury father lose his temper?” exclaimed the when he picked himself ‘Up, looked Mohawk ; “ He knows that and iodide of potassium they were young scapegrace; “then I hop^ he’ll round for his hat and remarked, “ Well, «« Wake up here and pay for your chusetts who was worth over 830,000. scornful a white woman can not hold her" lodging,” said a deacon, as he nudged There are now forty-five worth over a tongue I ”—Fz. L, Stone, in Harper's equally divided, as they were, also, be never find it again, for it was tho worst if I don’t find that hat I’ll make the million. tween ammonia and chloroform. Magazine, company pay for it! ” temper I ever heard of.” D stranger with a contribution box. B ullard ’ s C reek , Aug. 28th, E ditor A shland T auras: Perhaps a few items from tho pen of one who has wandered in a w ild goose chase far away, and final’y reached the land of geese and ganders, would bo ot inter- cst to your readers. Speaking of the ganders reminds me that several of those bipeds are now preambulating the streets of Bullards’s Creek. It is said that a daring boy found them, when quite young in great danger, and rescued from the deep and turbulent waters of Goose Lake. They now safe ly roam on dry land, are vOry tame, and are held to be very interesting and ornamental pets by our villagers. 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