Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1876)
A b c DD THE ’ ASHLAND TIDINGS. To Our Patrons. Estimated Expenses. Decisions. MILL NOTICE! M ASHLAND STOVE The T idings has now been issued In his report to the Legislative As Made and approved by the Riyld Worthy OCTOBER U, lí>»6. BATÜRDAY four months, and the success of the en- sembly, | Grand Lodge in 1875. lately issued, Secretary Chad TLE EAOI.E MILLS, SITUATED ONE AND terprise is guaranteed by the liberal , wick gives the following as his estimate a half miles north of Ashland, has on band and 1. A W. C. T. cannot grant a clear A Bill That Should Not Be patronage it has secured. We work 1* constantly making an excellent article of flour. of the expenses which will be neces. ance card. It can only be granted by All those dosiring to purchase their come a Law. —AND— off an edition of six hundred copies sary to run the State machinery for the a vote of the Lodge, when a member WINTER SUPPLY OF FLOUR Mr. Thompson, Joint Senator from with this date and onr list is still in two years commencing the second Mon applying for the same ia square on tho Will do well to call at the mill; will also grind, on Wasco and Lake Counties, has intro creasing. Many good and substantial day in September, 187G. Thia estimate books, and there are no charges pend exchange, 36 of flour, 4 of bran aDd 2 of shorts per bushel of good wheat; will sack and brand the duced a bill to oreate the office of Reg names are in our books without credit is exclusive of extraordinary appropri ing. Decisions of the G. W. C. T.’s sacks -customers to furnish the sacks. L.S tbong , ister of State Lands for the Linkville for their year’s subscription. To all ations for special purposes : in conflict with the above decisions are Sept. 26,1 mo. Miller. tore HARDWARE Land District and to provide for the such we feel at liberty to send, to For mileage and per diem of the void and of no effect. management and sale of State lands gether with a kindly greeting, a re Legislative Assembly, £30,000 ; salary 2. It is the duty of Lodge Deputy to ONION LIVERY therein. We have hitherto advocated quest to settle at their earliest conven of Executive officers, $16,000 ; salary notice and correct any informality in the creation of such an office, but not ience. The amount is small to each of Justices of the Supreme Court, the working of the Subordinate Lodge, ale and xchange with the almost unlimited powere con individual subscriber, but to us, in the District Attorneys and Supreme Court whether called upon to do so or not; ferred upon the lucky recipient of aggregate, the sum is a very important Clerk, $36,000 ; salary of Pilot Com but be should be prudent and cautious, the official position created, as is pro item. Two dollars and fifty cents per missioners, State Geologist, Superin and not dictatorial, preserving harmo vided by Mr. Thompson’s bill. It was annum is cheaper than ever a newspa tendent of Publio Instruction and ex ny and peace in the Lodge, and not in the interest of those seeking homes per was issued in Southern Oregon, penses of Mute School, Blind School, provoking discord and strife. He can Corner of 4th and California Sts., that we wrote and not for the benefit but it is enough, provided subscribers advertising, printing bonds and war make an official decision only when a J acksonville , O begon . B. F. REESER, Proprietor. of the individual who might bo so for are prompt in making payment. We rants, stamps, eto., $40,0b0 ; expenses question is formally submitted to him, he UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Pur tunate as to be chosen Register. Seo have ordered our Winter’s supply of of Penitentiary, including salary of and if the Lodge is not satisfied with chased the abjve named stables' from Kubli A Wilson, beg leave *o Inform tion 20 of Mr. Thompson’s bill pro paper and other material and it is now Prison Inspector, $40,600 ; expenses his decision, an appeal can be taken. the public that they are determined to merit, on the way. To meet this expense continuance of the patronage that has for many vides that : for keeping insane and idiotic, includ 3. A Lodge Deputy should obey the a year» paal been conferred on these justly and to pay printers will require a con “Upon proof boing made to the sat ing visiting physician's salary, $121,000; authority of W. C. Templar, he beiDg isfaction of tho Register that the land siderable outlay of money in a short for conveying convicts to the Peniten as much under tho authority of Lodge POPULAR STABLES! described in a swamp land certificate time. We trust that all patrons who tiary, $12,000 ; for public printing, and W. C. Templar as any other mem We have coiMtautly oa ha&d the very beat has been drained or otherwise re are in arrears will appreciate this fact $30,600 ; incidental expenses, $25,000; ber. claimed, and payment to said Register and govern themselves accordingly. expenses of the Agricultural College, aving just return » from sat # 4. A. violation of Art. 11, Subordinate SADDLE HORSES, The T idings will continue in its in FniDGiaco, with the beat «elected stock of of the mmnining eighty per centum of £5,000; for arresting fugitives from Lodge Constitution, confessed or prov BUGGIES AND r epurchase price of said land, and dependent course, ignoring partizan justice, $8,000 ; for the support of the en, shail operate as a forfeiture of all CARRIAGES, upon surrender of said certificate, or politics and laboring for the interests indigent and poor, $5,000 ; for clerical honors and dogrees previously es satisfactory proof of its loss, a patent of the State in general and Southern aid, maps and other expenses inciden And can furaish our customers with a tlf-iop turn quired. out a. any time. Oregon as a specialty. To every fair shall be issued for said land by said tal to common school lands, $6,000; 5. Although an application to with STOVES, HARDWARE, Board of Land Commissioners ; Pro minded citizen we therefore confident for like purposes for University and draw from the Order may b® dated pri Horses Boarded vided, That all swamp land that has ly look for support. State land funds, $7,000; for Orphan’s or to the beginning of a new quarter, O d rea?orab!e terms, and the he it of caro awl atten In conclusion we again urge those Aid Society, $3,000. been successfully cultivated in either taccowed upon them while under their charge. if tho application for withdrawal is not tion Also, who have not paid their subscription yrass, tho cereals or vegetables for These sums aggregate a grand total received prior to the installation of offi three years shall be considered as fully for the current year to come forward of $384,600. Of course when any -AND- Herses Bought and Sold. cers, the withdrawal can not be granted reclaimed witbin the meaning of this and liquidate, thus enabling us to work fund is exhausted the Secretary draws without the payment of dues for that We will gnirantee satisfaction in all our trans with renewed energy to give them a ’ a warrant in favor of any claimant act.” actions. C amdwxll A M c M aioi . quarter. Now it is well known that very paper worthy of their patronage. against such fund, which is indorsed HE UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR PA- 6. A Lodge Deputy oannot use the much of the land in the Linkville Daring the coming week we propose ' by the Treasurer, from the data of trona for the liberal patronage twstor.ed upon password unless obtained from the W. us d urieg our conaect'.ofl with Un- Union Idvery to canvass the county pretty thorough District, as elsewhere, known as swamp which indorsement it draws interest at C. T. of bis Lodge. His duty as L. D. Ntab'es, would be»peak a continuance of tho same to our successors. Krum A W ilson . land, is covered with a luxurious ly and shall at all times be pleased to ' the rate of ten per cent, per annum No. 17; tf. is to communicate the password to the growth of native grass which is cut for receive payment on subscription al until paid. W. C. T., when installed, and ha mnst ---------------- ► ♦ »..< — .... hay by herdsmon annually and in ready due or from those who wish to receive it as a member of the Lodge S ubscribe for the large quantities. When drained this become subscribers. Meatime a com Ohio and Indiana Elections Ever brought to Achtend, 1 sk prepared I« lei from the W. C. T. before he can prop is tverytklD.' in my line, FoR CASH, cueuper Uuii coat of native grass disappears and the petent person will be in ohargo ac the the chea¡>e*t. The latest information received, up erly use the same, and he has no right land becomes sterile and barren until office, where subscription and adver to the hour of going to press, from the as L. D. to communicate it to any ene J just entering it» second ye%r it is new life is given it by cultivation. tising bills may also be paid and re Ohio and Indiana, indicate the success but the W. C. T. of hia Lodge. Time STOVES, NAILS, ROPE, "What an easy matter it would be for a ceipts given. EKLARCED ANO IMPROVED, of the Republican ticket in the former 7. The W. M., at the opening of the and worthy the patronage of land speculator, with the average pli to State and of the Democracy in the Lodge, dees not take up the P. W. __ i every well-wl’her of the Pacific able conscience of such individuals, A European War Imminent latter. West Virginia has almost nOB8»WSO»ï, AXB6, CAKTCSTRIl TC.KW, North west. It is and Ex. from ths W. V. T. or Gaurds. under the above provision of this bill, Ominous mutterings of on approach certainly gene Democratic. In all of Beautifully Illustrated DECISIONS OF THE «. W. O. T. io cut tho native grass from a traot of ing struggle throughout Europe reach the States named tho veto baa been 1. Officers when directed by the W. by the leading artists job the Coest. Some of Au! everylhjDi kjpt I* » Cr.tcl.M swamp land for three successive years, us by every dispatch from that side of large and close, and nothing definite THE ABLEST JUA’ ITERS and, with the aid of convenient wit the Atlantic. Turkey, the vile ex- will be known as to tho majerilies for C. T. to leave the Lodge room on duty make no salutation, ia the Pacific Northwest contribute to its nesses, secure a patent. cresence on European civilization, has several days. Stove and Hardware Store. 2. When a member speaks in Lodge columns. A« a Section 25 of the bill confers upon again assumed its most malignant type ho must rise and address the W. T., the Register the “ powers of a court of of character. The Christian inhabit FAMILY JOURNAL, Political Notes. but is required to give the salutation. law, to summon parties and witnesses, ants of Servia and Bulgaria, provinces It is reported that ex-Secretary Bel- The salutation is required of the Mar it stands at the head ef Pacific Coewt publi to administer oaths, to reject testimo of the Ottoman empire, weary of the cations. As a paper to shal after examination and of officers ny and to determine the rights of par oppressive control of the Porte, first knap is coming to California to live. SEND TO FRIENDS The Springfield, Massachusetts, Re- entering the Hall, and roporbiDg to the ties.” The second clause of the same struck for reform iu the manner of abroad, it ha* no equal. A single number section provides that “ either party to their government They were met publican supports tho Democratic) State W. C. T. will give them a belter idea of Oregon r.nd ticket. Washington Territory than a year’s numbers Wilcôx à Qibbfl' Sewiog Machine 3. Tho closing ccromonies can never a contest before the Register may ap- with unyielding severity by their op Ben Buller says ha intends to bring be omitted nor can any other be sub of any other paper. Subscription price. v>eal to the Board of Land Commis- pressors, and the war has changed to 81.53 PE® YEAR, ; Provided, Suoh appeal be one for independence on the part of Massachusetts ideas from the rear to stituted for the Ritual. including postage. Sample number, 20 eta. J. R. N. B ell , S. D. G. W. C. T. ten days after such decision.” ! Christiane, and subjugation, or, rather, tho front. Address the publisher. Here the time for taking an appeal is extermination on that of the followers In the Ootobar elections Ohio is L. SAMVEL, HARRIED. shorter by one-half than is given by of Mehomet. Thus the Cross and the conceded to the Republicans and In T. O. Box 3, Portland, Ogn. any court of justice, which would Crescent are again arrayed against each diana will be close. P arker —B daiii —At Crookad Creek, t^-Remlttanc«« can te- mad« by registered letter work a hardship in many cases, and, other. Atrocities nameless and blood The Vermillion colored undergarment Lake County, Oregon, September 10th, or by order oa any of lue loriland B u «1 d « m Kou«ee. K»13-2m no doubt, often deprive the actual set curdling are being daily committed by is waved with great vigor by the stay TMK WARON, by the Rev. E. J. Fulford, Wm. W. tler of his rights and favor the land the brutal Turkish soldiery ; neither at home patriots. Parker, to Miss Florence Blair. shark and moneyed speculator. age, sex or condition shield those who THE ASHLAND ACADEMY. Spurgeon has had elevon weeks of Ctampien f’ower Ci Reaper, Section 26 provides that "in no ease fall into their bands from outrage, mn- DIED. vacation, with an invitation to preach rjllie Fall Term of the Ashland Academy will a party be entitled to institute a tilation and death. All this is wit- JL will commence on next Monday, Sepi almost every day ho was absent. contest who has not filed an applica nessed and tolerated because of tbo W bitezel .—In Jacksonville, Octo 11th. FITTO’ BUFFALO TBEKim, ¿C. The Cincinnati Cbn»mcrc»<»Z has ob ber 1st, 1876, of cancer of ihe stomaeb, All expecting to nttend, will do well tion for the land he claims and made inability of the great powers of Eu- be present the first day. the first payment thereon.” There rope to agree to a division, or govern served that people on the fence are Henry Wbitezel, aged 72 years. Thanking our friends for their liberal pat would be nothing wrong in this pro ment of Turkey in the event or) tapping their tcos a little on the Hayes ronage in the pact, we bespeak its increase SEWIKQ MACHIN! CASTORS, for the future. Scholars may enter at any vision provided extraordinary powers the expulsion of the Turk from his side. NO CENTENNIAL FOR time during the term. Tuition charged only to fit «ay all «evrtng madAcee. Bailey, of the Danbury News, says were not conferred upon the Register. usurped dominions on the Bosphorus. for the time in attendance. °® ^uu^» made to order, Ue very beV! quality of Under the act as it now reads, how Meanwhile, true to the traditionary that " a lie is like a brush heap on fire ; J. H. SKIDMORE, Prineipal. nol3tt ever, the Register could, for any trivial policy of bis father, Alexander it is easier to let it burn out than try OilE HUMORED YEARS! Tl?!, SHEET-IRON A COPPER-WARE, cause, delay an application made by of Russia is permitting his subjects to extinguish it.” INTERESTING TO FARMERS ! lYoduee taheu fo exchange for pood*. one person in favor of another. In to aid the Servians with both men and Ont of two hundred and forty Ger B. F. RkXJfR. these days of official corruption it is money, while the Russian government, man papors published in the United If yen want U> invest your money where It will rpilE UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING IT pay cuuie to the JL to be to the mutual advantage of not wise to clothe an officer with un quietly resting upon its assumed neu States one hundrod and sixty-five favor N. B All per«on« indebted to me by rate or ac- connt, will pleaee come tevpurd and pay up within limited powers to be used with un- trality, is proceeding to put ber vast Tilden and Hondricks. thirty 4ay», «U «ave eeot«. 1 Millers and Farmers, ! trameled discretion. army ready for immediate and agresaive A jury bill, requiring that no man Ashland, Ja» ina, IMS. noHf Have made arrangements whereby the Section 27 fixes the Register’s salary war. Germany, Franco, England and shall act as a juryman in Texas who And buy Elec fruit and ehade tree?. at $1,000 per annum and fees I The Austria aro also looking to their war cannot read and write the English lan Ashland and Phoenix Mills, A. D. ÏIELMX1», salary is a sufficient compensation with establishments in anticipation of the guage, has passed the Senate of that 9. D. ìoìruijt. Will be under the management of J a out the fees. Indeed it is quite proba threatened conflict. State, with only five dissenting votes. cob W agner , who will have charge of NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT ble that the fees of the office would While these exciting events aro so The Texas papers say it will pass the both Mills for the Company during the ensu I am bound to sell cheap for Cash, I more than compensate for the labor re agitating all Europe our own oountry lower House of the Legislature in the Trees, and HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, ing year, ending July 1st, 1877. will sell fine Iwaring trees by the thou We will pay the highest market price for sand for eeven ceut*each ; quired without the salary, as tho fees is celebrating its first centennial under same shape in which it was passed by not less W ish fifty good merchantable wheat, and are prepared named are simply exhorbitant. trees of one vari the imperious standard of Freedom tho Senate. to contract flour at $18.00 per thousand ety to be Section 28 authorizes the Register and on the spot where political and re pounds al the Mills. Office of the Company at the Ashland ^f1710 ^VICHASE) TO 1NTULB STOCK PLANTED IN ONE ORCHARD to procure books, maps, stationery, ligious liberty was first proclaimed to TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Mills. Addre’i, furnituro, safe, to rent an office, etc., an astonished world. The cause of the WAGNER, ANDERSON & [From the Dally Oregonian.] without limit, and without fixing a Christians is the same for which tho FARMER’S CO., Who is the lucky man who will take awry the first one thonsand ? TWENTY THOUSAND, only noI2tf. Ashland. Oregon. Large shipments of gold are being maximum for the expenses so in fathers of this Republic fought; and, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, five cents each —all a« made from Europe to this country. curred. though separated from the struggling New Arrival of Medicines, FINE GRAFTED FRUIT! Section 33 forbids any one from cut millions of the old world who thirst The election of the new state of Colo DRV-GOODS, GBOCBRltß, BOOTS A &HO», - AT THE — As there is In America. FIFTEEN TKOI’RAND ting timber or hay on land belonging to for the pure waters of liberty, their I rado has gone Republican. fine beirirg grape roots, for the triiilDg sum of two the State, and converts the Register . children are not so forgetful in their Twenty-ono thousand Californians cents each 1 into a sort of Inquisitor, to pounce day of pride and power as to fail registered at the California building ROSES, DAHLIAS, AND A VARIETY OF upon aDy one so transgressing, for to yield to bleeding Servia their earnest in Philadelphia from June 15th to FLOWERING SHRUBS. October 1st. which inquisitorial duty he receives a and sincere sympathy. HE UNDEUSIGNED TARES PLRABURE IN Green house plants, etc., in profusion. Call and Bee them. O. C<> ohi > ok . calliug the attention of tDe public tohi» rew and ---------- » < ■■ -OF THE— fee of ten dollars, and the trespasser is Yellow fever prevails in Savannah well eeketed ftock ut . Woman SnfTrage. required to pay three times the value and Charleston to an alarming extent. HE STILL LIVES. of the hay or timber cut. Timber on “ Boss ” Tweed, who was captured in A resolution, proposing an amend DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Ashland Business Association, State lands should, of course, be pro Spain a short time ago, has arrived in ment to the State Constitution accord tected, but why include the wild grass Jnat received from San Francisco, which he la offer ing the right of suffrage to women, New York. ARCHITECT AND HOUSEBUILDER. ing at the which withers at the frost and is worth was adopted by the House, last week, Moody and Sankey, the great revival less ? If such an infamous measure is after a somewhat protracted debate, in preachers, are holding forth in Chicago Granite Street, - - Aslilandr LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. to be adopted why not make it a crimi WILL DO which several members exhausted a to immense audiences. nal offense for the pioneer to permit He has al«> on hand a large variety of CANDIES, vast amount of rhetorio. The resolu felling the «ame oa tarmi and at öricet Wheat is on the raise in Chicago and anything in my line NUTS, SWEET CAKES and other notion« ueuallv to Purpose Lis milch cow or his work horse to suit the time«. kept in a flr.L-claas drug «lore. He w ottld also call tion met with immediate death in the in other eastern markets. The pros graze upon State lands ? We are very ON SHORT NOTICE attention to his Senate, being consignod to that tomb muoh mistaken if this bill is not a pect of European war is the inciting AND AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Overland Condition Powders! covert blow at those who have made of the Capulets, the table. As the oause. ALSO BOOKS, STATIONERY, pre-emption and homestead locations resolution brought the matter to a de SAS1I, The Mormon party of Utah have on public lands, and whose rights are eisiou by the people we can not regard Being or his own manafaetnre be can confidently DOORS, recommend them. He al»o pr<q»ajes a Syrup of being contested by swamp land specu re-nominated Geo. Q. Cannon for Dele FURNITURE, horehound and lators. Under the provisions of the the action of the Senate as other than gate to Congress. bill it is certain that such homestead controlled by blind prejudice, unwor The forty-sixth semi-annual confer Made to order. and pre-emption claimants would be thy of that body. We have yet to liable for heavy damages for outting learn that there is damage in trusting ence of the Mormon Church has For Colds, CouL'he and Diseases of the Lungs, which Picture Framing, &c. &C., &C., 6rC., be has used many years in his practice, and found to elected John W. Young first counselor fire wood or wild grass from their Wheat, Oats, Lumber, or Cash taken in be a xery valuable remedy. claims until the titles are freed fTom any question to a decision at the bal to Brigham. Produce taken in exchange at the highest exchange for work. Call and see uie. J ■ H. Chitwood. litigation, which may not be within the lot where the people are permitted to The California State Grange is in Ashland, June 23d, LS76. ue2U. N. B.—He has also on hand an assortment of fine . ’ . a. 4 FOUNTAIN. next dscadfl. give free expression to their views. session in San Francisco. WINDS and LIQUORS for medicinal purposefi. AaUhmd, Juae lHh, wttf T S S , E STABLES, T H T Pressed Tinware, WEST SHORE BAIN Ashland Nursery ! E 3 Ashland Drug Store! T I. O. MILLER, P. of II.,, MegaHta Balml Candies, Nuts, Toys, r !