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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1876)
Mc /S/W AGEMÜ 1 y îxc K miu ' Ev-*^ 7 V EoanSìy«*»«' r.-rr». NcISSOt^^ *9 INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. VOL. I. -NO. 17. ASHLAND, OREGON: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1876. $2.50 PER ANNUM. * [Written for the T idings .] send none of its children to e8t ribaldry. The pulpits of Savannah, ment fostered, doubtless, by tho know- I Will be Strong!*9 the public schools. And yet Bishop St. Louis, Chicago, San Francisco and ! ledge that he was standing fuco to face Gjod word? for thee, niy truly rob’e frieul! Purcell has forgotten all this, and de Portland renew tho discussion ; in J;l 'Encounter that the Arkansas Ti'atvlcr with a man who was fully determined I feed, then, thy promise, to the closing end might /¡are ■ cen in the old days. nies that “ Catholio prelates arc hostile New Mexico a Jesuit instructs tho Leg I to kill him. But if for an instant his Of life’s fair day, when thou : i ty’et sink to rest to tho public schools of this country. ’ ’ islature to destroy them ; in Arizona a Redeemed from earth, to be forever blest, The recent visit to New York of Col. courage lvavored, his sauvity forsook After times “ fitful fever ” pastes o’er; Bishop Purcell has been no more accu Chief Justieo employs the weight of Horace Featberstock,tho veteran Arkan him not and he looked up with a emilo : To count thy jewels ou the ye ;ctful shore— rate in his account of the political con his official station to lend strength to sas journalist, recalls an unimated and “ I um right sorry, my friend, that I To dwell forever iu the land of song, duct of tho other Roman Catholic pro- his argument against American schools; can ’t accommodate you, but my grave Where peace and love and happl less belong. hitherto unpublished passago iu the lates than of bis own. Bishops Ryan, in overy ultramontane city they are earlier day cf that gentleman’s .variegat yard ia full There really isn't- room Strong In the cau«e of ri"'iteousne»B anl tru’h, McQuaid, St. Palais, Borgess, Gil corrupted and secretly impaired. Every Strong to the social snares of youth; ed career. Ia that time and place a for another one.” Strong to endure when others quiil and lly, mour, tho prelates of St. Louis, Savan papal newspaper and periodical re vigorous muscular development, quick “ I was afraid you couldn’t find room Strung when temptation's eireu voice is nigh, nah, New Orleans and of tho Pacific peats tho clamor against the public eye and steady nerve wero counted cf in it forme,” said the stranger, aud bo bt. ong to reprove the vicious and the wrong, shore, will naturally smile to hear their schools. It would be in vain to at- no less value in the cd ¡tor’s equipment wrapped his words in a eneer that Strong to support the weak and ui l the strong; opposition to the public schools called tempt to number the enemios of popu- tbau a powerful mind. Tho rugged made the Colonel think that life wasn't S’rong in example to the yielding chi d — I Strong ia example, but in precept mild. » ‘ imaginary,” to find that they havo lar education amoDg them ; it would (aml impulsive nature of tho inhabit worth a cent. If the ttranger had an I Taus HviDg, brave’y, etrorgty, truly, well, never desired nor attempted their de be impossible to find a singlo “Catho swered the Colonel with pleasant Taou’lt prove a light which none can e’er excel — struction. Said Bishop Gilmour, in lic” journal that does not speak of un ants 1A1 thorn to a hastiness in tho set tlement of personal disputes that pros words, ho might have retired on a great A strong defense for purity and truth, his Lenten charge, 1873 : “ We sol sectarian teaching with hatred or dis A shluing model fur our rising truth ; pered tho undertakers oven at times victory, but that sneer changed the emnly charge and most positively re dain. And, better ye*, if still thy strength endure, whole programme. The Colonel reached when all other business pursuits la Th >u’lt merit weil tho friendship of the pure. quire overy Cathc-lio in the diocoso to Had Bishop Purcell expressed his re guisbed. Iu this respect they clifAred under Lis desk to I the pistol shelf, and In the White Stone be thy n.ime engravd. support, end scud their children to, a gret for the injurios aud wrongs tho brought out a i weapon that looked like Ordained by Him w hose etrerg'h tl.y strength materiallv from their more philosoph- Catholio school.” “ Were Catholics papal clergy and bishops have so often tho ilder broil.;: nas saved. T. W. brother of the stranger's ical fellow citizen of the Ea-.t. II re, S an T. vis Onirro,C j L, Sept. 3i;th. 1 >76. alive and united,” he continues, “ were inilicted upon the American system of if, as might hap exp cf his t,.._ in even ___ tbo bo.t shooting g iron. The expression ppen ! - pQ they to-demand, from every mau who education, for tho gross slanders they face was changed, but he went on talk 11EPLY OF EUGENE E1W- asks their vote, a pledge that ha would have heaped upon it, for tho children regulated office, an error crept into the ing in ihe the sumo same cheerful, measured paper, the aggiieved party would call 11ENCE TO BISHOP vote for our just sbaro cf the school they liavo driven away from its bench quietly and courteously stuto his case, v.ay, just as though without i in terr up- PUR€ EL fund, legislators would begin to respect cent influence, for the great mass of ig- securing ns courteous a correction ; lion ho was adding to' i^iis previous ro- Archbishop Parcell has published a ' the Catholic vote and give us our just ncranco and decay they have fostered there the offended person walked in be mark : pastoral letter, in which he asserts that , rights.” This, Bishop Purcell mu-.t in our great cities, for the thieves aud hind a pistol and casually expressed a “ Bui, though that ono is closed, full, countless criminals they have created “ the Catholic Church has been falsely I allow, is no imaginary hostility against belief that if tho editor was a rapid I huvo just opened a new cometery, and and foully accused of designing the j American schools ; it is a plain effort by their persistent opposition to Amer writer he might possibly get the re my oexton buii uug a enmple grave that destruction of the common school sys- , to destroy them. In April, 1872, ican schools, for their want of discre traction written before he had finished I should think i ha run Lis eye deliber tern.” Ho is anxious to convey the im- I Bishop Hennessy, of Dubuque, ex tion and humanity, ho might have all the shots in his revolver. ately along the stranger flora his feetdo pression that tho Roman Catholic pre- ' claimed in Lis address at the ordination made some reparation for tho obstacles In many’ cases thisUggressivo action his eyes and fastened them there] lates and clergy have never been, and I of P. J. Ryan as coadjutor of the Arch I his Church has ever thrown in the path aroused equally combative qualities in would just fit you.” ure not now, the enomics of free and , bishop of St. Louis : “ Oh, had the of knowledge. But he repents of noth Tho stranger's grip on himself was tho editor, and it not infrequently hap unsectarian education. It would be * 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 13 12 11 authority of the Church of God re ing ; he withdraws nothing. He will pened that one or the other was killed. gone. The change had beeu too sudden difficult to produce a plainer mis-j mained, would we see iu Europe every huvo none but “ Catholic” schools. He 1 hese circumstances gradually devel lor him. Of all tho crowd that the al statement of well known f icts. This throne in danger ? Would they have tolerates American education, but he oped the so-called fighting editor, a tercation Lad drawn into the room, the extraordinary pastoral is the result of invaded the dominion of the parental is resolved to have bis own. Nor can picturesque and powerful character pe Colonel was tho first to realize tho that cloudod aud irrational condition authority, and compelled a free people ho do otherwise. A power before culiar to American journalism, change and most aeurate in his csti To him of the intellect in which most papal in a free country to build up colleges which Roman Catholic bishops tremble were referred all questions of dispute mate cf its extent. Ho proceeded prelates live in a free country, of minds and institutions that give us nothing and obey prevents him from becoming involving personal argument, Ho was pleasantly and deliberately : that remember only what they choose, but infi'lol.s?” Maurice St. Palais, in heart an American. A power that “ N ‘W, I m-.y h-vo conveyed to you the cLivnlryus^ open-hearted and bravo and forget easily what they have done j Bishop of Vincennes, February, 1872, rules supremo in his church jp'’" « ’ when you first camo ia that this i*-vct roprC&Giftative oi a cla^s low nearly ex to stay tho progress of knowledge and I instructs the pastors of his chiq^T^ftf ■Wfi? cF it/ Litter condemnation <zpon one of my leguliir slaughtering diys ; tinct, whose characte r has suffered only ’rpedom. Does not B shop Purcell re- | refuse absolution to parentsx<fho, Lav- unsectarian education. Jesuitism and but at the same time, if you insist----- ” from the reckless exaggeration of local I Timber that he himself fur ten yea^- uJ^TcUoiceof schools, prefer to Eend an infallible Pope have declared an in The Colonel tagged uttae hammer of historians, themselves luxuriant pro I nJ more, has been agitating in Cin them to the public. “We object to expiable war upon all secular aud lib his pistol, but tho lock was rusty. Prob ducts of the same soil. shun *3 unati (or ably that rust saved the stranger’s life ; _ * of its sys- the public schools,” lie says, “ on ac eral teaching. Tho Pope and the Col. Featherstock was scarcely twen Jesuits conspiro to check the spread of ty-one when he entered the office of ho didn’t insist, but turned and started ta -m oi public instruction ? No man count of tho infidel source from whence knowledge. In France, where the the Eagleville T. i- IILZ/y Tomahauk off ; and before tho Colonel could get hi Is labored more actively than ho for they originated.” “Godless, immoral question of education is now the ruling and Mirror, and bo had been thcro his pistol to a full cock tho stranger Ü le destruction of the American plan seminaries of sin,” are somo of the i one, where the pov/ers of light und the scarcely three weeks when the sum was on the other side of the door, o' ■ education and the introduction of epitheta which Bishop Ilyan, of Buffa powers of darkness are divided into mary and scientific manner in which walking away, sad and thoughtful. th me Eurdpean. At the command of lo, is reported to have applied liberally ------------------- ---------------------- -—----- hl [is European masters he demanded the to the common ccliool-i. No one has two hostile camps of monarchists and be ejected a powerful backwoodsman, CSiewaMcati Items. r fjmovulf of the Bible from the schools. mere strenuously urged tLeir abolition republicans, where the deadly struggle v\ho bad ventured to remonstrate C hewaucan , Sept. 13ih, 1876. d It* was granted. Next he insisted that than this bishop. It would be easy, in between moLtal progress and mental against a savage personal reference to E ditor .-L shland T idings : As your School Board should fact, to show that almost every Roman decay is at its height, the Pope and tho himself, determined the chief to ap fl |ho Cincinnati prelate in this country has declared Jesuits, tho Catholic prelates and point Featherstock to the arduous and corresponding editor doos not seem to ) Introduce the European method of di- have traveled beyond Lost River, in •iding the fund or cf supporting openly his hostility to American edu priests, alone forbid the creation of a responsible position of fighting editor; Lake County and “Observer” sticks ectarian schools. He wrote in a man cation. Tho bishops of Louisiana, pyttem of common scl ooli mid a gen- a post which ho held for seven years close to Linkci!!-, , with your permission, datory letter, September, 18G9, to the Georgia, Oregon, California, have de oral education of the people, la Spain with honor to himself and credit to his and iu tho interest of the public, I will Cincinnati Commissioners, who were manded its destruction, havo agitated they have destroyed the Protestant paper. Ha was a good snot and simi send a few items from Caewaucan and anxious to form some compromise with for the establishment of sectarian school and the first steps in a national lar in his suddenness to lightning. It school*. Iu the city of New York, progress. In Italy, Germany, Eng is said that during his stay in tho 7b.’«- vicinity. the Roman Catholic Church : Hay harvest is about over for the “ The entire government of public under the guiding hand of Bishop Mc land, and Ireland the papal prelates ahawk office he killed niuteen men. In season ; au unusually largo quantity schools in which Catholic youth is Closkey, the authorities were forced or are the chief obstacles in tho way of fact tho number of those tuat blun has been put up here and in adjoining educated cannot be given over to the bribed to found a complete system of popular education. On the American dered in their dealings with him was so divil power. We, os Catholics, can not sectarian education at the cost of the continent, from Canada to the verge of valleys. The few small crops of wheat, great that it became a current humor approve of that system of education of oats and hurley that were sown in this youth which is set apart from instruc city. When tho ring fell, a part of the Patagonia, the “ Catholic clergy” have ous paying in the region that Feather und Summer Lake valleys, last spring, tion in the Catholic Church. If the endowment was withdrawn. But the shown a fierce resolution to check the stock kept a graveyard of bis own. Lave yielded excellent results, fully de School Board can offer anything in con wound still remains unhealed in the spread of knowledge. They have There lived in a neighboring county formity with these principles, as has common school system of the city. brought war and bloodshed into every monstrating the capacity of these val a giganticand bloodthirsty ruffian, who )»en done in England, France, Canada, leys, in point of production cf small •ussia and other countries, where the Bibhop McQuaid, of Rochester, is the Squth American republic ; they have had often heard of the renowned fight- ghts of conscience in tho matter of papal ehampion in the war upon Amer disturbed the political repose of Cana ingyditor on the Tomahawk, and, hav grain, to bo equal to tho best ; aud as location have been fully recoguized, ican education. Bishop Purcell has da ; and in our own republic, where ing held his own and sometimes more for gardens, corn, etc., they far excel am prepared to give it respectful heard his bitter scuffs at American Archbishop Purcell would so deftly anv Oiiiv. portion of Lake County with everybody be bad ever met, ho re consideration. (Signed,) teachers and scholars, his gross charges hido their real conduct from the obser solved to go to Eagleville and clean which, with tho good namo our section J ohn B. P urcell , against their moral j uritv, his insin vation of the peoplo, tho “ Catholic out tho Colonel. V.'hen ho appearod already Las fcr its mild winter climate Archbishop of Cincinnati. uations, more shocking than was his prelates,” at the command of their in the Tomahawk office ho might, but and excellent stock range, deserves C incinnati , Sept. 18, 1869.” This is plainly what the Roman once less repulsive candor. Bishop European masters, have proved their for his great size and ferocious aspect, special notice from tho T idings , as Catholic prelates meant in 1869, and McQuaid asserts that he will never undying hatred for freedom, education, have been mistaken for a drummer cf a well as ¿ireful attention by the immi I grant seeking a Lome. .Lt prosent we E ugene L aw hence . the way in which they showed their i rest until tho common school system knowledge. ------------------1 I----------------------- firearms establishment. All his pockets arc somewhat inconvenienced by hav hostility to American education. Bishop is destroyed. He demands the divis Biddy--“Did ytz iver see a finor were full of assorted weapons, and Lis Purcell demands the introduction of ion of the school fund. “We pro wake, a nicer funeral, or a purtier bolt locked like a fence with pistol ing to go to Goose Lake valley to got that European and foreign system pose, with God’s help,” be says (lecture corpsethan Paddy’s?” Kite—“Niver pickets. IIo stalked in with an air of grain n.illed ; but this, in time, will bs which has left France, England, and in November, 1871), “ to continue this a wanst.” Biddy—“ And do vez know brutal insolence, and said to the remedied, as Chowaucau River affjrds as good a water power for milling and all Roman Catholio Germany, Italy discussion, this agitation.” “All ether Paddy wa3 that natural loike, had he Colonel. manufacturing purposes us is to be and Spain in a condition of extraordi questions,” he adds, “pale before it.” come to life and got out of his cotiin to “Are you the Tomahawk's fighting found in Eastern Oregon ; und when nary ignorance. He will ba. satisfied And five years later, in 1876, tho busy see himself in it, be-dad ho himself editor ? ” utilized (as it certainly will be ore with nothing les's. Ho speaks for all priest is still calling for the overthrow wouldn’t have known he was dead.” The Colonel modestly allowed that long ) in working up the immenso quan “ Catholics ” when he makes his final of our whole vast system of public in be was. tities of wool that are and will be grown Miss Blanche (to the old coachman) proposition, and from 1869 it is safe to struction. “ I understand you keep a select in this portion of^the State, wo may con So grossly has Bishop Purcell mis —“Oh. John ! will you put this worm burjing ground of your own.” auy that no one has been more active fidently hope to see a great material in laboring for the ruin of the common stated the real position of the bishops on the hook for me? 1 cau’t bear to do “ Yes,” said the Colonel. “• I must schools than he ; that his official jour and clergy of th9 “ Catholic ” Church. it.” Old John (dubiously)—“Well, admit that 1 do find ii necessary to change wrought in our favor. Messrs. Hyronomus A Joseph have u nal, the (ZaMofic Telegraph, of Cincin They aro not only united iu their hos I’m sure some o’ the young gentlemen to keep u private cemetery.” steam saw mill, of a capacity for cut nati, has never ceased its attacks upon tility to “ihe public schools of the would not mind, Miss, but I’ve rather The ruffian reached down in LÎS ieyifan education, American oivili- country,” but Lave already used all a dulicot stomach myself, Miss, and right-hand outside coat pocket, und I ting 10,000 feet of lumber daily, in suc I cessful operation on tho road midw’ay on and everything that savored of I their political influence to destiuy them. ’eave at anything.” lifted out an immense olu fashioned Letweea Chewaucan and Goose Lake ublicanism; that Cincinnati has Had they the power they would sweep Thirteen years ago a man was driven revolver that bore a striking resem valleys. ’ M my ranchmen, uo.v that become tho center of a Jesuitical and them from tho land. “We want no out of town for an offense which he did blance to u young Gatling gun. He lumber is procurable, aro preparing • tramontane party, which has boasted schools,” they exelaim, “but thoso not commit. News now comes that ho swaggered up to the Colonel, and to fcnco extensively unu otherwise im at it controlled the whole Catholic controlled by priest or nun.” And sottled in Chicago and studied law, banged the muzzle of the pistol down prove their lauds. - te. It was only in the summer of nearlyHhe whole Catholic clergy and so savagely that it made r deep dent in and is now a prominont lawyer {here. The health is generally good ; in fact, 75 that Bishop Purcell presided at the wholo Catholic press unite with the desk, and tho words that accom Thus wo see how an unjust accusation with the exception of uu occasional immense assemblage of German their bishops in a common war upon panied the action were : may blast and ruin a man ’ s whole ca case that is liable to happen ia the best '¿¿lies, in Cincinnati. Bishop Mc- American education. Iu the city of reer. “Well, I’ve come, by G—J, to be i of families, I might say it is perfect ; _ —--------------------- ----------------------------------- aid delis ered the address amidst Now York every papal pulpit has heard buried in that graveyard ! ” and such exceptional cases, although A young lady told her lover that she d applause. He declared our educa- the bitter clamor of the foreign priest For the first (and lust) time in Lis i “ Oodles,” “ Pagan,” unpopular, hood against our public schools, some liked Shakespeare very much, and that life the Colonel weakened. It soemed they be of rather frequent recurrence,' she “ read it when it first came out.” should But be reckoned us an unhealthy med to a swift extinction. The times tempered with ingenious eoph- Then she proceeded to scan a magazine to him that life Lud never seemed so sign iu a ncjw and tpursely settled coun iting of the society pledged itself to istry, and sometimes fulling to the low i to teo what the spring stylos wcro. sweet as just at that moment—a senti- try like this/ 9 ” - I Decisions. A shland , Sept. 29th, 187G. To all L odges of I. O. G. T. in S outhern O regon : By permission of the editor of the A shland T idings I give all the late decisions made by W. R. Dunbar, G. W. C. T., and will con tinue the samo as I receive them. Take heed and govern yourselves accord ingly : 1. No member is eligible to tho office of W. C. T. who is under eighteen years of age. 2. The W. C. T. can control the ante room and order members to come into the Lodge room. The Lodge, through the AV. C. T., Las control of all the rooms of the Lodge. 3. Tho ball ballot is designed to be a strictly private ballot, and it ia not proper for one member to tell how another one votes, ?/..•'<>.>• the Good of the Order for disciplinary purposes requires its pulkimtlion. 4 The law fixing the minimum age at which Lodges can receive candidates docs not compel a LoJgo to receive a candidate at that age, but merely per mits it. Each Lodge may determine by its own by-laws what shall be tho least age at which it will receive can didates, so it does not fix the uge at less than that established by the Constitu tion. A dispensation can not be grant ed by the W. C. Templar, or any one else, to admit a candidate a few months less than twelve years. 5. When a candidate is balloted for and rejected, any member, whether voU ing for or against, may move a recon sideration at tho same or new/ meeting. G. If a member re fusos to pay a fine imposed upon him for disobeying any of tho regulations of the Lodge, it should be charged to him on the books of the XV. F. S., aud it then becomes a di|£, fur nonpayment of which tho password may be withheld. Or he may be tried for contempt in not paying the fine immcuiatly, and suspended or expelled as the case may require. 7. In case the XV. C. T. ia re elected, the junior P. XV. C. T. present becomes tho acting P. XV. C. T. 8. Tho XV. C. T. has a right to vote in all cases of balloting. In taking the vote by tho “usual sign,” Ac does not vote, except in case of a tie, in which event he mnst give the deoiding vote. 9. An officer re elected must be in stilled. 10. In caso LLero is no one present at the beginning of tho quarter author ized to install officers, the old officers will coniinuo to act, as tho officers are to hold their offices until their suc cessors are elected and installed. 11. Tho mere fact that a charge is pending against a member, does not deprive him. of any of the rights of membership. He is presumed te bo innocent until proved guilty, and an officer elect under charges may be in stalled, and is entitled to act in the of fice. A man of fielicate sensibilities will not wish to officiate while charges are ponding against him, but if he does wish to do so it is his right. 12. A subordinate Lodge has no right to adopt a password of its own, in case the password shall have been commu nicated to those not entitled to receive it. 13. Officers when directed by the XV. C. T. to leave the hall on duty, xauko no salutution. J. R. N. B ell , S. T. G. W. C. T. There have been some radical changes in the last century. A hundred years ago they kissed a lady’s hand ; now you kiss her lips- that is of course, if you happen to be behind the wood pile and nobody is looking, and you don’t want to disappoint her. It may take a hundred years to get from hand to mouth, but we never felt that the time was misspent. “Ma, what is lunker?” inquired a bright looking child, the other day. “I’m sure I don't know, my son. Where did you hear tho word ? ” “Why, at Sunday School. You know they sing, ‘We’ll stand the storm, it won’t be long ; we’ll linker by and by. ’ ” ----------- --------------- Rev. Henry M. Field, of the Ecan.- gcli.d, is engaged to marry Miss Fanny Dwight, a member of the old Massachu setts family. Dr. n. R. Revels, colored, has been appointed by Gov. Stone to the Presi- d.ncv of Alcorn University. / r l I / V l