Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1876)
THE ■ ASHLAND SATURDAY TIDINGS. OCTOBER 14, 1876. Agents for the Tidings. L. Samuels, .... Portland, Oregon. Jacob Thompson, ... •» « 8. M. Pettingili & Co., ... New York. Rockwell & Cheesman, • « - St. I^iuie. I. . P. Fisher, ..... ßrn Francisco. Tho#. Boyce, J. R. Neil, ..... Jacksonville. C. S. 8ergent, ..... Phenix. Ed. R. Owen, ?... Central Point. Miss Aftie W. Colvlg, ... Rock Point. F. B. Watson, General Agent for T^ike county. ASHLAND P_O. REGISTER. Stages leave Ashland as follows: The O. A C. Stage Co.’s Stage leave Ashland for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Jtese- burg every day at 6 a. m. Mail closes at »6:30 a. m. For Kenly, Yreka and Reading at 6 p. in. Mail closes at 5:30 p. m. Ilatton & Garrett’s Stages leave Ashland every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for Linkville, and return on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Linkville for Lake City, California, Wednesdays ; arrive at Lake” City Satur days; leave Lake City Mondays ; arrive at Linkville Thursdays, carrying mail and passengers. Regular passenger wagon leaves Ashland for Linkville every Monday morning, and returns every Saturday. A. D. HELMAN, T. M. I t was on ono of those delightful evenings of last week, He suggested a moonlight ramble. She thought it would be charming and they rambled. As they wended their way through the silent grove of aldors, “ lost in heaven ly visions of love’s first dreqm,” a frisky little animal capered along the path be fore them. She thought it was he? pet kitty, her dear little Tabby, and ex claimed : “Oh John Henry, catch him, do catch him I ” ne went for that animal. He followed it into an old 6hed and made a dive for it. Then he came out and remarked that he thought that was a Limburgher cheese factory. She seemed to be trying to swallow a cam brio handkerchief and said in smoth ered accents : “Why John Henry, that wasn't my kitty.” Ho looks thoughtful, now, and becomes unnecessarily angry when asked what kind of perfumery he uses. J ackson C ounty at the F air .— Jackaon County has a fine array of horses at the State Fair. The stables of W. C. Myer, Judge Tolman and John Watson are centers of attraction among those "who understand and value fine stock. ASHLAND STORE, Alleger, Bowlby & Co.’s Dissolution of Co-partnership. otice is given th at the co - part - Den-hip heretofore exls'iDg bstween 1.1)., L. N B. uni O. C. Applegate, under the firm name of Applegate Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual cousenc—O. C. Applegate withdrawing. A co-part nership will be continued by the remaining parties, under the name of I. D. <fc L. B. Applegate. O. C. ArPLBOAT«, I.. B. A pplegate , I. D. A pplegate . S wax L ave , Lake County, Oregon, September 30th, 187(1. 17; 4w. J. M. McCALL & Co., Propr’s, S till T itey C ome .— There are more pretty girls in Ashland than any other town of its size in the State. The man who disputes this is no friend of ours. And still they come, to avail themselves of our excellent school facilities. PARLOR Read Their News A n Applegate correspondent informs us that some hungry brother has been stealing flour, lately, in that vicinity. We are of the opinion that the busi ness will hardly pay with that article at only one dollar per sack. , PLANING MILL -AND- ORGAN --------------- >--------------- TnE most beautiful display of rare flowers within our knowledge may be seen in front of tho elegant residence M urder in S cott ’ s V alley .—Sheriff of O. Coolidge, our enterprising nur Jones, of Siskiyou County, California, seryman and florist, in the northern was in this place last Sunday in pur part of town. -------------•------------- suit of two young men charged with Q uite a number of Indians, large murdering a man named Gordon, near j and small, male and female, from FALL AND WINTER GOODS Lafayette Mill, Scott’s Valley, on the i ■ Klamath Reservation, have been about 6th inst. The killing seems to have LOCAL INTELLIGENCE been tho result of a quarrol originating town during the week. Externally, in a horse race between the parties a their appearance is decidedly fishy. Jacksonville items. few days previous. While here Sheriff Two sanguine, and opposing, gentle The Court House is having a new Jones received a dispatch from one of men settled a political dispute in town, floor put in and is in process of gener the parties charged with the killing, last Tuesday, by betting a fine horse from Henley, where he had given him each cn tho result of tho Presidential al renovation. self into the hands of an officer, ne I contest in the State of New York. A bear was seen on Jackson Creek i claims that he had no hand in the crime last Sunday, and the circumstance is • A young man named Dempsy, of ! but was present and was forced to ac successfully used by mothers who de company the guilty party in his flight. Polk County, was mistaken for a wild sire to keep their urchins close at . The laat heard of the other fugitive enimal and shot dead by a comrade home. he was on the way to Linkville. He while hunting in the hills near Dixie, i Af er thanking or.r many kind Patrone Political discussion between Hon. is closely pursued and cannot well 03- one day last week. for past fuvors, we wish to call their at- ren ion to our large stock of F all anl Wm. H. Odell and Hon. H. KlippeL cape capture. W ixtek G oods , just received iroru 8. E. Surpasses la tone anJ power any Reed Organ here E x - state Treasurer E. N. Cooke and ; ------------------ <»----------------- begins at Linkvillo on tho 19th inst. tofore manufactured in tbie country. It They ara candidates for Presidential has l«en tested by many M agnificent F ruit .—Mr. 0. Cool lady, of Salem, passed through town j competent judges, Electors on the Republican and Demo idge, of the Ashland Nursery, has the on their way to California Iast Satur end gives We have any thing cratic tickets. thanks of this office for a basket of the day. They go on a tour of recreation ' a and pleasure. may need in our line The Alden fruit factory started on choicest grapes. Following are some ---------—---------- Monday morning, and is turning out a varieties : The Black and White Ham Tnr. rear room of R. B. Hargadine’s UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION ! splendid article of dried apples. It burg, Catawba, Concord, Flaming new brick is being painted and other will be run entirely on p-pploe this sea Tcka, White Muscat of Alexander, wise completed. It is an elegant Our new stock contains pihsarigus, Red Trenaina, Rose of Pe son, having been started too late to save structure, both in design and work- a large assortment of ru, Muscatine, etc. Many of the clus the peach and plum crops. munsnip. / ters weighed over a pound and for fla A man named Hell, in tho employ of A local political economist has dis D ry G oods , G roceries , Tk Jacob Isb, was severely injured, last vor and size tho grapes were never ex covered a Cooper and Cary man in By a skillful use of the stops, and of the patent week, on Jackass Creek, by being celled. Mr. Coolidge also presented a this county. He is supposed to be the BOOTS and SHOES, It knee swell, the music is adapted to the human voice, thrown by a fractious mule and run samplo of a new variety of apple, called only living speciman in Southern ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volume ' the Anderson Seedling. It is a native of eound over by his wagon. Ho had two ribs « Oregon. I of thia county and is unexcelled --------------------------- broken, but is not dangerously injured. Ready-made Clothing, Hats, T U ntenanted .—Ashland has had a among the Fall varieties.* Tho citizens of this place voted last and Millinery Goods. X unsurpassed by ant other calaboose nearly two years and it has Thursday to run the Distriot School The Cuban revolutionists aro still never yet had a tonant. What other free for the ensuing year. The tax holding their own in their struggle town of its size oan eay as much? accessary for this purpose and to raise with tho Spanish authorities. After we keep hardware , iron , ------ --------- -------------------- Instrument. The proprietors hare noted carefully, the funds to pay for the school addi fivo years’ of devastating war tho Span T iie Howe Sewing Machiao has been for many years, the imperfections and reeds of tire STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS.GLASS, BOLTS.GLASS., tion is one per cent., only one dissent ish government finds itself powerless awarded the highest premium at the reed irstriimente, and direct their pr actical experience I to the correction of such imperfections, and their ex ing voice—a bachelor. to establish law on an island a little Centennial exhibition. Dimick Ar Son periments have resulted in the production of a quality Jeeso Thomas, an old and respected larger than Jackson and Josephine Lave lots of thorn. HURSE bHol.S, blR'E-hUAl'E, ROPE, of tone which aeelmilates so cloedy to tho citizen o(._“J’he,Ucadow3,” on Evans Counties. Is it not time for Uncle WOOL SACKS, PAINTS, OILS Tnr. roads are alive with heavy freight Crejkt had one of his legs broken id Sam to put a stop to such matters in SOAP AN D CUTLERY. wagons bringing supplies of goods and r two places below the knee, on Satur his immediate neighborhood? groceries to the merchants of tho val day laat. Mr. Thomas was hauling PIPE ORGAN QUALITY ley. A n aot has passed both Houses of logs for his saw mill, when his team I FARMING IMPLEMENT, CROCKERY A number of persons from Ashland Xj ran a«ay and he unfortunately had a tho Legislature to re-locate tho County A xd FRUIT CANS. log to run over his leg with the above Seat of Josephino County. The act and vicinity are attonding the Siski That la difficult to distinguish ’«etween Ibi two. result. He was promptly attended to provides that tho people of tho county you County Fair, at Yreka, this week. This instrument has all the ------------ -------------- shall, at tho next general election, vote by Dr. Aiken. Oilcloth lor Tables and L ucian A pplegate started for South J. W. Berry started for Oakland, upon tho towns of Korbyville and Wil- ern California with bis family last Tues and Floors. Oregon, on Wednesday, with a load of derville, and* the ono receiving the day. They go to spend the Winter. J MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, rich cinnabar. The one is from the greatest number of votes cast shall be J. M. M c C all & Co. are receiving Emaline mine and will be retorted declared tho County Seat. A L arge and C hoice great additions to their already xnam- every organ is fully warranted. Large Oil there to supply the homo market in A letter received hero on last Wed me th stock of Fall goods. Polish, Black Walnut Panelled Cases this county, the company not having S election of TEAS. that forms, in addition to a nesday, from Albany, brought tho sad had time to put up a retort on Beaver splendid instrument intelligence of the death of John Mil A number of new residences ore be of music, a Creek this Fall. The one is fully fifty ler, brother of Elias Miller, of this ing erected in town notwithstanding We have just received a select per cent., and it is probable that wo place, which occurred cn tho 7th iast. the lateness of tho season. assortment of the best lira nds of will export quicksilver in future in Mr. Miller had been afilicted for a BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF FURNITURE. stead of importing it. G eorge C onn , of the Linkvillo Land number of years with neuralgia, which defied medical skill and finally resulted Office, returned from a visit to Salem I. Social Joltings. last week. in his death. Furniture Factory, I Í Î I Emporium of Ashland. Granite Street, Ashland, Oregon ò Marsh & Valpey. ll kinds of planing , mould Circular and Scroll-Sawing done A to ing, erder. SASII, DOORS, MOULDINGS, BEDSTEADS, 4» BREAKFAST, DINING, J R I c c p Û A L A u Ashland enjoys the social privileges to a greater extent, perhaps, than any village in the State, and wo havo for a long time contemplated dishing up a few social items each week ; but the young folks are a little sly, so that one must be an Alfircd Bnssell-er to get hold of any dcws of that character— Mos'es as hard as building stone fence. Wo havo picked up a few items, how ever, which we give: They say another Fountain has been discovered at the Soda Springs. It m as first seen on last Sunday—walked there, you know, all the way from Ash land. The distribution of the mail was^ a little late that evening, and this fact may account for it. Moses and Dan Forth have been soon together lately. Well, what of it ? Our constablo was caught Neil-ing to one of our fair ones a few evenings since. He says he couldn’t help it—it was All-Fred’s fault. It’s all right Leander, you needn’t blush so 1 One of our young ladies who has been sojourning at Cottonwood for some time, came back last week. She says she don’t eüjoy travel by stage. By the way, it does Bock-a-fellow up considerably. We were just about to say that our young ladies appreciate Merritt when ever found, bat our devil yells for copy in a manner that Wil(i)ts ns; but we will have more to say next week. O ur town is rapidly increasing in population. Every day we hear strangers making inquiry for houses^, which are now scarcely to be had. Many contemplate' purchasing lots and building. ' TABLES., CHAIRS, LOUNGES PICTURE FRAMES, BOARDS, WASH And all kinds of iurnitnre ou bond, aod made to order. FARMERS’ HARROWS, Of superior quality, and latest 6tylos made to order. House, Sign and Ornamental Tainting and Graining done to order in tho Mill, or in the country. Canvassing ceiling, Papr=^n.r *ftbll- hanging, Calsoinining, Whitewashing four of <11« on bhcriest possible notice. The undersigned takes this opportunity o! tendering our thanks to our many friends and patrons tor liberal favors during the last two years, and are happy to say that wo have, during tlio last wintor and spring, erected additional machinery, and improved our facilities for manufacturing in the above line of business. MARSH & VALPEY, Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. ---- CO — Ilo? U nto A ll W ho T hirst 1 COME YE UNTO THE )) oda S pringes ♦ —----- — — A beautiful pattern of band-irons can bo had at the Ashland Foundery. No frost to nip gardens in this vi C hange of W eather .—For tho past cinity yet.________________ few days tho weather has been cloudy, with average Oregon mist descending A ticket speculator oilers a visitor a most of the time. We have been en ticket for Wagner s first night: “Fifty deavoring to appreciate tho feelings of our friends who are encamped on tho francs? That’s awfully dear.” “Possi State Fair Grounds, but fear we have bly; but this is for tho best seat in the not been able to do tae subject full j house.” ‘ ‘Where?” “Nearest the door.” • “You labor over much at your com justice. position, doctor,” said a flippant cler F irst round of quarterly meetings : gyman to an eminent divine. “I write Applegate Circuit, at Morning Star— a sermon in three hours and make Fourth Sunday in October. Jackson nothing of it.” “So your congregation ville Circuit, at Manzanita—Fifth Sun says,” quoth the doctor. day. Table Dock Circnit, at Sam's Val The superiority of man to naturo is ley—First Sunday in November. The continually illustrated in literature and officiary will please attend. in life. Nature needs an immense J. W. S tahl , P. E. quantity of quills to mako a goose with; S plendid O rgans .—The Star Par but man can make a goose of himself lor Organ, which is advertised in our in five minutes with one quill. Lord Thornton’s son—while travel columns, is tho best now manufactured. Persons desiring to purchase an instru ing in New England, modestly asked ment of the kind should not fail to ad to have a whole car placed entiroly at dress Allegar, Bowlby & Co., Wash hi3 disposal. He was informed that Lord Thornton himself could not have ington, N. J. a car on that road without paying for — - ♦ ------- M any Lake County people have been it. in town during tho past week, purchas A little boy six years old, and a little ing their winter supplies of goods and girl eight, were looking at tho clouds groceries of our merchants. ono beautiful Summer evening watch ing their fantastic shapes when the boy T he Ashland Academy and district exclaimed, “Oh, Minnie. I sea a dog schools are rapidly filling up with in the sky!” “Well, Willie,” replied bright, happy, intelligent pupils. the sister, “it must be a sky terrier.” AND DRINK! CIGARS AND PIPES. We will sell our goods at the D eputy Sheriff Seybert was in town last Tuesday looking after official mat lowest cash price, or exchange for ters. all kinds of I EXTENSION I W e receive tho IE A Shore only semi- occasionally. What’s wrong, Brother Samuel ? W e learn that there has been a littlo neighborhood excitement over on Ap plegate. A certain minister is charged with knocking his little daughter down with his list because be found the child I at the house of a neighbor without his permission. Bather a forcible manner of impressing moral precepts, in our opinion. CENTER, and Without Money, and Without This organ no Is oii'y to lx seen to be appreciated, and is sold at extremely Price. rjXIIE UNDERSIGNED aro now keeping The Soda Spring House MARKETABLE PRODUCE. ► We see no causo to change our AGENTS WANTED and having repaired and refited tho same, aro now prepared to accommodate all who may favor ns with a call. Prices to suit these hard times. The Marble Business (Mole or female) iu every county in the United States Will still and Canada. bo a speciality. All orders in. this lino promptly filled in the beat nmnuor and at reasonable rates, Address, as usual, J. II. & A. II; RUSSELL, Ashland. It still remains ----- O “Quick Sales & Small Profils,” Call and examine our stock, and if you do not see what you want, C all for A LIBERAL discount he undersigned will be found at his shop on Main street, two doors T from the livery stable?, where be is prepared it . Sept. 2ist, 1S7G. nolátf. NURSE & THATCHER, to do all kinds of work in Lis lino at the lowest price. Mode to Teacher?, Minie’ers, Churches, Schools Lodges, etc., where there is no agent for the Star, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS Organ. Illustrated catalogue anl price list free. Correspondence solicited. Address the manufactu rers, Dealers in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Wagon Shop. Alleger,Bowlby& Co., WLSTDXSTCLV, .V. J. HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS? Y ankee N otions , Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., H. W. A lleger , C. P. B owlby , OregOD. Linkvillo. Lake county, (Sept. Of Vehicles Made to Order, Repairing of all kinds done with call and see me. noltf, JOHN ’liALPII. — I O’* T h U trade , St6“-T<> SAY ,T0 ’-ir fatbons of sub«-A • r PrfPaFed take in payment , jCr,Ptlon t0 the fiDixce all kinds ol • .urkctable pioduce, such as Wheat. Flour 0 Lumber, Mood, iJried Fruit, Eggs, Butter’ Cheese Beans, Bacon. Lard, etc & Arrant ments have been made, whereby paries T. B. M c M urtrie , n-ivgth5’a n?orG.Produce than enough to pay thek eubscuption. can receive mer E dward P lotts . chant^ at CASH RATES for the balan". , ’76: 1 yr.) ■L M. SUTTON. Publisher- I