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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
PTPWyflS)HW,1"ir"",'''fym i Wiwwvv rf7" rWi"flJWpr"' THg COOS BAY TIMES, 'MARSHFIELD, OREGON',' SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1916.EVHSN1NG EDITION. " J FIVE Last Ca! For Flannel Shirts If You Will Ever Need a Flannel Shirt You Will Need One Now iRevitib 9t ! Priced CI 25 to WEATHER FORECAST, Dr AMorttted PreM to Cool DT Tlmn.J OREGON Generally fair, continued cold, easterly winds. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD HE T Marshtieid FIXUP" North Bend ii n m B - ,,, ,,,, ,. ,,..,1,1, Hpt- ,,," Mil WW" "'J'" Mm ( I IB We still have a few per colators left, You can get one of these aluminum cof fee makers for 99c by buy ing 3 pounds of. any coffe that we carry in stock, Getting's Cash Grocery We Save You Monev ! SUNRISE AND SUNSET Haturday ! January 20 Sun rises at 7: .17 and sots nt 5:12. . these days to even keep tlio crossings clear. Tho biiow Is carted down and dumped Into tho river. East port Service Tomorrow. nov. J. 8. Stubbloflold of ,the iMarshflcld Prcsbytorlnn church will preach tomorrow afternoon ntl 3 o'clock In tho Eastport school house. Evorybbdy is Invited to at tend this service i Bake) Not paroled tfrod llaker, who on Christmas night was captur ed in tho liquor room of tho Eaglo bar, has not been paroled, according to District Attorney Llljeqvlst.. In asmuch ns tho prlBonor turned state's evidence and gave good lnfor- j motion, It Is possible thlit ho will bo iiint-nln.1 Aa vn4 .Tiir1..n Pn1n litic m. For tho 24 hours ending at sentenced-hlni.nnd It. was said today, ...o . in. .lunuury tv, uy 'would not until about Fcrnarv 10. uonj. ostllnd, special gov- eminent mctoorologlBt: . Maximum na V Minimum 20 At l:in a, ni ni Precipitation 1.05 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1. 1315 48.00 Precipitation samo period Inst year . . . , 43.00 Wind: East, cloudy. Tho offteors nro Investigating h?j pact record. it BORN 1 I $ LIMNAL Uorn to Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Limnal of Eastsldo, Jan. 20, a daughter. Tho mother and child are both doing well. Mr. Limnal Is employed at tho C.'a. Smith mill. PERSONAL MENTION J. F. POLLEY, civil engineer of Coqulllo, was among tho visi tors hero today. YET UNDECIDED NORTH HEM) AM) MYRTLE ptfiXT must derate Winners Will- ;)le-t 'Cods',- Comity Champions and Will Contest for ' State Honors , WILLIAM LANG, of Powers, Is down today ifor a short visit whllo tho camps uio closod., ,, CHARLES ZIMMERMAN camo In on business last evening from Powers whuro ho lives. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Clark, of orlh llond, nt tholr homo on Mead Street, Saturday morning, January 20, 1015, a dnughtor. Doth tho mother and child aro doing very well. I :'-. juijinjMwirirTrrrrfr-T--" f ' "" ' 'I . . , If ' Funeral Tomorrow Tho funoral of tho lato Mrs. JoBoph Emory will ho held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho Wilson undertaking parlors In the city, N oble TheateD TO-NIGHT Ninth of the "WHO PAVS" dramas entitled "FOR THE COM MONWEALTH" Tluxv iccIh A story that ilea's with n vital question or life Ilnch one of tho "WHO PA VS" riiuiuit aro cnmiileto They nro often referred to as "THE PICTURES UEAUTIFUL" on uc roiint of their wonderful photography. "Tin: pauson's nurrox matcher" .. .-. , . INUson Comedy with Raymond-McKco-one of mo best come dians In nint ton lilrluroj. r . "DANGER AHEAD" Ono of the Hazards of Helen railroad Morion Full of thrills iimiiiI. " eupnr Kalcm "Hl'R" ' Comedy Hlupstlik that wlllvplene. Loner Floor Ifie llalcony 10c Children He SUNDAY MATINEE ONLY "CHIMMII I'AIIIIEX" will ho ro- lH'teil by niimeroiw requests. SUNDAY NIGHT Mary Pick ford in "LITTLE PAL" u Para- mount font ii re In five part j. MONDAY NIGHT AnothcV bis scoop "DOCTOR f ItAMEAU" n I iiv attraction in (I reels. Breaks Her Ann Ilazol Van 55110 daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Van Zllo, whllp playing, in tho nnow fell' and broko her left arm Junt above thb olbow. . Jenvp.s , fir Mexico Thomas Dragg, who has been, at North Uoiki ! for some tImo past, loft today for I California and will go to Tlajunna, I Mexico, to locato. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT R. E. RAKER, of, Coqulllc, camo over last evening, to Judge tho dobatb hero. , TOM IJASIINEY camo In' last pvon Ing from Powers whoro tho'snow is slowly edging up to tho caves of the houses. CLAUD II. GILES returned qn tho morning ttaln to Myrtlo Point aftor Judging a debuto hero last evoultig. MR. AND MRS. L. E; GRUVNER, of Wavorly, 'Washington, arrived on tho Kllbfirn today and will remain' " . , 4 .li, R. VON SIIIPMAN rcturnod on tho Kllbum this morning to Cooa ...Uny aftor nn.absonco of several months. Ho expects to ho hero ubout 30 days. MISS RELLE GHAPRURN and Miss Holeiv T)tor;)tpn, dobators of tho Randon high school, accoinpan toil by Mle.ii Rodgers, also of Randon, rcturnod thU morning i to Randon. ; , Tho dobatlng teams of North IJond and Myrtlo Point must meet to dccldo tho Coos County cham pionship although tho North BoHd team Ib ono point ahead, Tho results of tho debates last evening wcro ns follows: Nortlt Rend won from Coqulllo at North Bond, 4 to 0. North Rend won from Randon nt Randon, 4 to 0. Marshflold won from Randon In Marshflold, 4 to 0, . Myrtlo Point won from MarBh ficld at Myrtlo Point, 4 to 0. 'Myrtlo Point wo'n.from Coqulllo nt Coqulllo, 3 to 1. To Decide Champion In deciding tho dobato ono point waB allowed for tho decis ion and one point for tho opin ion of each Judge. North Bond got, all four points In each dobato. Myrtlo Point got four points In ono -'dobato and only 3 In tho other. This' gives (NorUt ,Hond 8 points and Myrtlo Point' 7 points but ac cording to thc,ruJcB adopted by tlio' Coos County Dobatlng Association when both teams of ono school win both "debates,, rogardlpsa of ppfitts, It Is .a tlo. and thoy must1 ip'ect' each other. North Bond and i Myrtlo Point must meet to dccldo tho championship. Llkoly It will ' bo planned for thu nfdrmatlvo team In each caso to go to tho other city' and tho ncgutlvo teams stay at homo thus giving the pcoplo nn opportunity to hoar both teams of tholr homo school. To Meet Astoria Tho details of tho last meeting to docido tho championship nro be ing worked out by tho schools af cctod. It Is llkoly thnt tho team' winning tlio' county champidnsnlpl will meet Astoria first in coillcst-j lug for tho stato honors. Tho following nro tho .points rc- ! colvod by each team as a result of tho dobntoa last evening,' North! Bond, 8; Myrtlo 1'oin.t, 7; Mnrflh flold, 4: Coqulllo' l;'1 Randon, 0. Aiarsuuciu won unanimously in Rubber Boots i At Jobbers: Prices You save 25 percent or jnore on Rubber Footwear at J. C. Penney Co. ; ... All sizes in Women's Storm 'Rubbers at r. - :'i49c All sizes in Men's Hip Boots1 Rolled; Edge Ddfoff Sizes 6 to 12 at,J..-..:-..-....-.u:;..$4'.49 Boys Short Boots, ,3 to 6 at ------ i;$1'.98 .; Youth's 'Short' Boots, 1 1 ;"tp 2 'at '. -: --'--. ii$1:.69 -, WATCH THESE ADDS '"'"'' ''' Call and see our Merchandise ' Save Money J Interponttd . We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Postoffice AN UNSOLICITED LETTER , Our best milcMiicn nro sntlsf il cusfomers nnd every, patron of ourx is n Mtlsficd fcuHtomcr; Read Hits unsolicited-tentliiionlnl from J. K. RrookingH ot UioRrooklugs Liuutier Co. "It may ho of luterent to ytni to .know that the Hiilt you iniulo mo flt.s perfectly , and thnt it is tho flrat nuR or clothes I over hutl that dll not have to ho changed, )Oycml t linos '' tliottnlIor boforo effecting' a fit. Very truly your, J. E. Brooking." - Comb hi and sco ninny otlur wiicli letlcrn from men,. you know ' and incit we'seiTo. ' 'f ' TODD THE TAILOR t SUITS 1? in to $51) MAHSHKIKLI), OREGON. 1!U8 'ROXT ST. a1 llnvo. Spelling .Match Tho Marsh-. 44f Hold and Coqulllo schools had a(t . TU- unT-, 1 Chundlcr Hotel fliolllng match thla week, conducting ; It by mall. Each school sent 2G words j to bo given out by tho teacher and opolled. Mnrslifloui 'won, tlio scoro being 95.73 acninst. 87 plus mudo by Coqulllo. KorfakH and Films Demanded O:io of tho first thought of tho nma tour photographor this morning was to lay In n supply of films. So rapid W. S. SwaiiBon, Soattlo: Miss Rodgors, Randon; Miss Hollo Clint hum, Dandou; Miss Ilolon Thorn ton, Bundon; Louis A. Woll, Port Huron, Minn.; II. W. Johnson, Portland; O. D. Dufoe, Detroit; Mabel J. Hansen, Albort Len, Minn; v. C. Ullory, Portland; John Gra- acm r wwj,.t. 4,ji,.i.,i.j:'a:joyoTff Sart 9 er s is tiii: PLArtii TO GET YOUR CANBIE PL'IIE AM) DELICIOUS Wo do not speak of Its Q U A L I -i y lliat speaks for Itself SAR.TER'5 P.1!!""0 -,,:,'J l'shfleld front .St., Oi'pMiin Manco equaled. Judo Coke Mated this i TAYKXTV l-'EUT OK sxow ! and hevy has boon tho demand that.j ,iyp Portland; A. G. Pearson, Port boforo noon most ovory film in tlio city had been sold. It was Impossible thou to got tiny of tho postal card ulzcs of any mako, Doaloru also re ported that all morning thero had been a demand for kodaks and qulto n number woro sold, especially In tho : noaa Portland. land; I. II. Sroat, Eugono; Claud H. Giles, Myrtlo Point; Tom Dash noy, Powors; Miss Ada May No woll, Coqulllo; Charlca Zimmer man, Powers; A. R. Hudson, Glen ada;' C. W. Mead, 'Portland; P. sinauor bizcs. stt Lawrence Hotel R. E. Rakor. Conulllo: II. D. ' Vvm. In dm hi .lorr of Coos Ray i Knights of Grip Meet. A meeting MCnraw. Evorett: C. C. Scfott. Port- has tho present miow fall been or tno koob luuguis or me unp win ,n,ul. J F poloyi Coqulllo; I. W. be hold tonight in tho Owls Hall, tic- morning that never during his for- cording to tho statements today of tyoV years residence on the Ray several of tho members. The purpose ha i thero ever been a mum' full Ilka the present. Trains in run alid Is to Initiate sovernl mombors. It Ib expected that somo of tho mem Coqulllo. Hotel J1 1 Hmmi uarmasr Tlio F.A. KILBURN sails for San Froncisco Via Eureka Jnnunry ;io r' n!11,U, Toi,'l Hock for Information call 13G ' I" G. CUSHIXG, Agent. out of Mamliflclil ere btallel limt; bora will como from Dandon and night. Even the hlg intor could not mako headway aguiutt tho henv lly packed kivuw'.. .Jltnoy borvlco aliout town fy. u thno was Irac-1 Carry Snow In Wagons In Port. .land tho utreot cleaning squad is Laird, Randon; J. II. Roonoy, Rluo Rldgo; II. Witsburg, Hridgo; Will iam Lang, Powors. Llojd Hotel Paul Valley, Portland; Ll'lia! Teal, Benvor Hill; William Lillian, Lakosldo; Art Thopln, Lakosldo; Chestor E. Carey, Allegany. i l . .1. . . tho dobato hero with Rahllon, but lost 4 to 0 at .Myrtlo Point. " '' ' Tho North Roijd,, nfflrmatlvo team, composed of Alex ,I3randt and Horaco Byjor, mot tho Coqulllo negatlvo, Including (!bh JIary Loi! var and Miss Myrtlo Cunningham, i Both team put up excoodlngly. good arguments. Mnrsiiflehl ys Rnui'lon ! In Marshflold Miss Eva ' Hanson nnd Miss Ruth .Cowan f Marsh flold represented tho affirmation 1 ngalnst Miss Clinpburii and Miss Thornton, of Randon, on tho neg atlvo. Tho Judges In Marshflold wero Clpud H. Giles, or Myrtlo Point; Edgar McDanlol, of North Bond; and Raymond E. Bakor, of do- qulllo. Tom T. Bennett presided When Good Times are Just AbSad, Then Jake Advantage of Hard Time Prices ..ill '' I' '.'111 i fU)((l homo,, cle.sq hu lot ,f0(l x, 110 .,,.. ,r ..,, .,.;.$ 00.Q.00 '1 ropiiV h'ousoi iti foot lot, closo In ....'....'.'...'.". i.Iod.OO 'Rest resltUMico lot,' xo,rnjn'ln8oHtlriIiir.iliflcld''.-r.""l;-p.OO Good' reHMence.' let," Weft MmwliriklL' '. . JJ .'.'". .i.VM 50(5.00 I. I O. ' J p; M )j. Clurlpost, iiuirtiuvnt Roio hlto Iii City, free from . ,,, ovoiy.ohjocllon, uud cl8o1o,',liuslhcss bonier, 100"' ' feet frontago ,rt .., . i . ..,-. v. . r k t -'OvOOO.OO ' ' ' o I'Mfht. Jass' corner, JlOOx 100? prospective hiibluess pwpCWy i k . . ii. i . , JI.800.00 I.S.Kaufman Co. 222 Central Avenue d at tho conclusion of tho tlo- 44 $ . .x . 11.. ii 1 mM mmw wmw rn tl.-..liv .... f conunlhsloii. W. A.Biuy ousy suoveung nnow inuW UU r A CVCUl IteM Is quoted as Keying that tlicrol'W". according to E. II. Joohnk, who is tuenty fut of snow In Pcrlmm ! " returned rom tlloro- " alVBOVS from haVJnC Park and that in places tho tree ' peared before tho supremo court and . " J W Y...& The Grippe . .. ... x Intni vlwlt(l hln linrcntH in Orecon I tops wero covered. Jlo n 0,-i" ' . , , , , , , 1 fliinliry his statement as to the City. Tho cleaners have hard Jobs areji covered by twenty feet of an bnto J. T. Brand gavo n brief talk on tho valuo of dobatlng. North Rend vs. Coqulllo . At North Bond Alex Brandt, of North Bond, oponfed tho nfflrma tlvo dobato. Also ho camo back with a very strong rebuttal. Ho was ably nsslstod by Horaco Byler. Both of tho young women from Cp qulllo woro applauded for tholr clovor arguments. Tho Judges woro P. E. Allen, Dr. R. W. Mor row ond M. C. Mnloney, editor oj tho Coos Bay Times, all oti- Marshflold. Tho Marshflold nogotlvo, com posed of Wesley Soaman and Har vey Walter debated last night in Myrtlo Point. Tho Myrtlo Point team won 4 to 0. Myrtlo Point won from Coqulllo at Coqulllo 3 to 1. 2 AMONG THE SICK t IRENE HODSON, tho young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hodson of South Coos River, who hnB been ill of typhoid . fovor continues to improvo and is now bolloved to bo out of danger. MRS. WOODRING of South Broad- , way Is suffering from, a Bovoro attack of blood poisoning, an til LOST AND FOUND 1 LOST In .Marshflold or North Rend, cap to hub of Locomobile. Roturh to E, G, Perlmm and recelvo re ward. g t WANTED 1 1 WANTED Competent woman for gonoral housework, References. Apply 858 So. 11 th St. Injury to hor hand becoming In focted. Sho Is bolloved to bo I WALTER. TO 1UV Cash registers out of dangor, however. tor cash. Call or phono L. V, HERMAN LILLENTHAL of Coos RrldgeB. Lloyd Hotel. River who sustained a. broken leg whllo In a football scrimmago has recovered sufficiently to ro turn to lila homo from Mercy hospital. (.now or explain that all tho Imiifl tops wero tdmlliirly cwerctl. m fff Ids cagcrnosH to assist In IiiilliluiS up this J popular residence district It was loported this morning that, he was husy erecting snow houses I patterned after tho stylo of J-.squi- ( ' niafi homes along tho Arctic (const, In which ho is qulto ovport 'afttV his fjmrteen years residence j in Alaska. If the- .present wvath-1 i cr coiftlnues this form of l-o.l-1 denco may become qulto popular lis there is nn ahundaiico of build-, inp; inateilal to ho hail witnout tost. SEE RKID AROUT IT Phone 74 for Drug Store Needs i ' THE WHITE IS KING Of all Sewing Machines Npw located at 256 Market avo. West. Phono 103-J, Wo have also got big bargains in all kinds of used machines. All machines sold on en3y payments. WE DELIVER ISDIE DLVTELY You Jinvo tho snmo sat isfaction ns though shop ping in person. "The Owl" Wo Deliver Immediately Tho Central Avenup Drug Store Ploue 74 Go to Tho Electric Shoo Store.' get them a pair of good water I pi oof shoes. Let them have fun. Lwhllo tho snow lasts. Fo'. girls wo Iinvo good gun met") al shoes that nro Just tho kind to wear in this snow. None but) I gord leather shoes will stand this' kind of weather. I For ladles wo hnvo high top j lace in tan and black, just thoi shoe for snow and mud. Bring in your old shoos, huo them re-solcd. Wa put water '-proofing between tho soles. Keep I youV feet dry, and keep from hav ing thej grippe, 1.ET US SHOW YOU Electric Shoe Store Shoes Repaired While You Wait S. J, IMMEL, Prop, 180 South Broadway Pure Drugs, Efficiency Economy These aro three of tho essentials your doctor should roquH-o In prescrip tions uml wo furnish theau. Efficiency insures accuracy in compounding tho pres criptions, puio drugs means that tho iiiedlclno will produco tip' ieults tho physician expects and promptness menus that you will get the proscription when you should have it. Theoo features should entitle us to your prescrip tion business nnd also to your other drug store pat ronage. ' THE BUSY CORNER Phone 208 We Deliver Promptly I Holmes Grocery Moves I Wo announce to axle patrons, prospective patrons ami friends that t the HolnlOH Grocery has :noved from North Front street to the Finnish Hall Building on West Central Avenue. I We will have a completo stock 'of fine groceries and will ho (Pre pared to servo your ovory neel in our Rue and will appreciate your ' business. Holmes Grocery I Oml & Holmes, P,rops JXioiv Phono ' Finnish Hall M002 Central Avenue WANTED Ono thousand dollars at 8 percent, 3 to 5 years on cose In resldenco property. Ad dress "O" Times offico. $ X rOR SALE t FOR SALE Seed potatoes, nil var ieties. Futuro delivery, Coos Bay Produco Co., Phono 450, FOR HA IM Thoroughbred Plj mouth Rock pullets. P. E. Ray mond, First Addition. Phono 14. FOR 91 Wo will deliver to you one dozen choice Roso bushel assorted varieties, guaranteed to bloom this year, Portland Rose Nursory, Lents, Oregon, t FOR RENT $ FOR RENT Star Theater llulldinp. Inquire of R. A. Bock. North Bend. FOR RENT Fui nlshed fLut, hofe and cold water, bath. 853 Third at. FOR RENT Rooming house over Ekblad's Hardwuro Store. Apply at Ekblad & Son, or call 3C0. FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat extra largo room, Rvlng room 11 x 22 modern In every way, soo it to appreciate It. Close in $2,500. Also 3 rooms furnished flO.Ol nib., apply O. Wilson 78 Central Ave., Phono 161-L, J 2SL rfv Wjl'' -J w vL- . St.tli'f