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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1916)
If r OST ALL MfN ARE WILLING TO FORGIVE AS SOON AS THEY GET EVEN A PAPER THAT A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN luteal AND ALWAYS BOOSTS (Bona MKMHKH OF THK ASSOCIATI2I) PHKS9 ,, No. XXXIX. Established 1H78 -As Tlio Const Mall IGINEER HDEY TELLS OF ROAD l.i r iaiii Rn Fvfnnsion of Willamette Pacific On UOWn tim uuaoi UCH ENTHUSIASM AT EUGENE BANQUET omlnent Speakers Take Part In Event Held There Last Night, )0S BAYJ1EN PRESENT , V. Dennett Was Among tho BwnkcM Announcement Aoout Kttcnslon of ltnlli-o"l Come . At Opportunt Tlmo LOOT REGDVEFJED SNOW GENERAL MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1 916. EVENING EDITION. i Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall mill Coos Bay Advertiser. No. 160 10LICE OET PART OF MOXEY NTOLKX FROM HANK Ml'CH IXTKUBST IX JtOAl) A.NX01WI5MKNT (Special to Tlio Tlmos) EUGBNB, Jnn. 28. Much Interest was manifested on tho occasion of tlio Chnm- Icr of Commorco banquet hero In tlio announcement of 11. P. Hoey that tlio rnllrond would bo built on down tho coast to Eureka, ' (Special to Tho Tlmos) H2UCJENB, Jan. 28,Co-opcratlon itween Lano county and Coos coun- i In tho development which will bo kendant upon tho operation of Wlllamotto Pacific railroad was kcynoto of tlio banquet hold KuRcno last night In rolohrntlon tho near completion of tho lino. Toastmastor Hay W. Goodrich, ht voiced (IiIb Bontlmout whon likened tlio nffalr to a. niarrlngo lit, and spoko of tlio wedding of id Man I.auo County" nnd tho r and b'lishlng brldo ".Miss Coos y." J. W. nonnott of Mnrshriold oko on "What tho YVIIIninotto Pa- llc means to Coos Day." is xi:.t LINK il to i:triul hut ICxact Dntu Ih iioL OIeu IKUGBNB, Ore, Jnn. 28. II. 1 ey, eiiBlncor of tho Southern Pu le, has announced that tho next P In tho railroad work will ho tho enslon of tho lino on down tho M to connect with Kurokn. Cnl.. a. Nanco of 200 miles. Mr. Hooj. I not Rlvo tho Bpoclflo dnto nB nen tills will bo dono hut did that tho policy wns tn rnnRlrimr Ms as fast US tlio trnffln wnrrnntml. Ilth tho coaBt road complotod nnd 1'iuo irom .Maploton to Tillnmook rro WOUld 1)0 a roast rnn.l frmn frtland to San Francisco. AGIN GUILTY WVICTKI) Foil KKLLIXCJ i.V. "'AiiMTIXa LIQUOR Nc Sho-vcd Cider Ciil,,o(l B"aTlirct..Qu,,rtorI'o rent Alcohol (Slinclnl 1. mi. ICOQUILI.R n- ,. ... . fcgllr D ' JUI1, 2H.- III Pee Stanley's court today Chat-Ion VSS r'vlotat.on,rtl,o conuu ::; ,f,ft.c,o,i.8oia c,aor 0 c!H. V Wils B"ovrn that u Ciaer rnnlni... i ... nfui .n, " n""!li 'oro than tho HI birr . Bontonco , ...v luiuorrow. '"o othor i.i keaonunii nI..raS?a.cannot b0 " Wcm a. ho 7 J'a,nl rCtUrnB 't;'tLAiirLu,jT Bhow- naldson , ' WU880' to Loslio Ibert Jnhn Procured from teste ? " ?' V " with U . , ,,ttraiea its quul- handle I"'" uu. Ul!U tho cider Other .. gooa falth- eir el? Wha W,U appcttr",n 'ogbt n as wltnoBBoa who . Drool ;,nor'y of North 30 Daa Gllir a " yUnS OASOLIXU IlOATS lThe Rello r-"T rr urlnK k . a from Slu8'aw lrnn.;utr "ailed at in n v"uU river. Fivo Men Uiulor Arrest at Clilcngo Ho. i Iloved to Ho tho Criminals Wanted tl AtaortiKJ l'rt lo Coo tltj Tlron CHICAao, Jan. 28. Much of tho '$15,000 tahon by flvo robbers from ,tho WnshliiKton Park Nutlonnl Hank In a darliiK mid yesterday wns ro covered today by tlio nollcq. Among tho 13 porsons taken Into custody, tho authorities bollevo they lmvo tho flvo who participated In tho robbery. 'Jhrowii Out Window Tho poltco raided rooms in a west sldo apartment building and arrested flvo men nnd threo womon. While they wero breaking down tho door, a newsboy on tho street outuldo nnw a pustebonrd box fell at his feet. Ho kicked It nnd ten nnd twenty dollar bills flew out ovor tho sldo walk. Tlio pollco recovered tho box which contnlnod $7800. Tho fivo mon later wero positively Identified by tho bank officials ns tho robhora, nccordlng to tho pollco. IS THE COUNTY Storm Spreads Over Other Sections of Southwestern Part oHheState ' WORST FRESHET IN YEARS IS EXPECTED Logging Operations At Powers Stopped arid Woods are 1 Dangerous for Men FIVE FEETJNJHE TIMBER Tree Are .Mnsae.s With Hugo Snow flakes Ims of Llvo Stock Wilt Ho (heat llcca'Uo f Tho Lack of Feed on Hand 4 TWO IXCIIKS OF SXOW IIKIll! THIS MOHXIXfl W N PHFSIDKXT (IIVKS FIltST AD DltUSH AT NUW YOHIC' Says HIh Kffoit for I'caco Hei- resent tho Spirit of tho United Klittc (lly Amoi-IiIihI I'niM to Cow lUjr Tlmni. NHW VOltK Jnn. 28 President Wilson dollvorod tho first or his threo addresses hero at noon he foro tho clerical confcrcuco of tho Now York federation of churcliea, rcpioHontlng all donomlutitlons. Ho tloclnred his efforts for penco rop rosontod "Tho Spirit of tho Unitud States." " I can find no bnsls for poaro but JtiBtlco," Riild tho presldout. "Tlio grontoBt force In thin world Is character, nnd I hollovo charac ter can bo expressed by ntt act of n nation. I.lvo nnd let llvq is a homely expression, hut It oxprosKOS what our nttltudo Bliould bo. I al ways ttccopt an Invitation to fight, but I hope I conduct my fight with justlco and falmcsB." EIGHT MEN ON STEAMER LOST Wreckage of the Aberdeen Found at Cliff House at San Francisco CITY INSPECTOR OF OAKLAND ABOARD Vessel Carried Garbage from that Place to Sna and Left Last Night BOAT REPEAT IS IN PORT HKPUHMOAX M3ADKII TAKKS UP WILSOX'S FIGHT iHclmkes Antl.Propnrodiicss Hemo- vntts for Attacking tlio Presi dent' Hpjeech v Dr AcUtel Treu to Con IIT Tlmm.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 28. IlopubKcau Loatlop Mann camo to tho dofoiiBO of Proaldont Wilson In the liouso today whou Hoprcsontatlvo Dlea, of Toxns, lendor of tho nntl proparodness democrats, attacked tno proBldont's Now York speech on na tional defonso. Mann robuked Dies for making any remarks about tho president's spoech lioforo tho latter hud completed his speaking tour, nnd doclnred that his ofenso for changing his position on prepnrodneps was bocauso ho hollovea ho was right. 1 BErTJDS MEETS OFFICIALS (llr AnoiUle-l I'rfm to Cc IUy Tlm. niSULlN, Jan. 28. Coloijel K. M. IIouso, who romalnod In comparative Do;lusIon during tho first two days In Horlln, began a sqrlB of conver sations with Gorman 'officials aty a luncheon today at tho Amorlcan em bassy, i 1 1 .I, VHSSKL movkmknt Kailod Adollno,' Oaklnnd', 2:30 a. m. Duo to Sail Spoodwoll, San Francisco, 1 p. ni. Saturday. Duo Hero F. A. Kilburn, Portland, tomorrow a. m, Yellowstone, San Francisco, Mon day. Hardy, Sau Francisco, Monday, There was a good.two Inch- ) ch of biiow In Slarahflold this morning nnd more foil during tho tiny. Twolvo Inches on tho level ,waa reported nt Powors nnd ns much as flvo foot in Bomo of the logging camps, Snow continued to fall today throughout southwestern Oregon as woll ns nt Coos Hay and it Is feared that tho now fall, combined with that already on tho ground will re sult In freshets tho lllco of which have not boon seen in this county for years. Coiiuillo Valley property owners nro said to ho facing dniu ngo to tho amount of thousands of dollars It n Chinook wind would tomo to melt tho snows of tho mountains. Stock Will Dlo Mcnnwhllo many of tho stockmen In both Coos nnd Curry counties nro without feed for their stock and in some plnccB It Is Impossible to buy hay and also Impossible to got hold of tho cnttlo roaming through tlio hills. Thero Is a possibility that tho stock loss will bo hoavy among tho ownorH of cnttlo who hnvo not laid In n supply of grain nntl liny, and tho niimbor of men who foraaw vhat was coming Is said to bo quito tow. Woods Aio Dangerous At Powora yesterday thoro wns bo wcon nlno and ten Inches of snow m tho level. In tho camps it ranged up to four nil flvo feet In lopth. Logging Is utterly Impossi ble nnd probably will bo for somo days to come. A. II. I'owott has Issuod orders against any of tho men going Into tho woods tboro. Ho Bays that tho snow has pecked In gigantic halls on tho limbs or tho till fir trooa nnd men plodding bonoath thorn aro In tlangor of bo'ng killed. Xo Logs Coming In tho moanUmo no logs nro be ing brought .to tho O. A. Smith mill. Logging operations every where nro at a linlt. Tlio camps on Coos Hlver aro closod on account of tlio snow. Cheeked tlio FroJiet It Is said that a Bovoro frcshot was woll undor way both on Mio. Coqulllo and Coos rivers when this last storm nnd cold spell rnmo In to frnnzo tlllllKB tight ngalll. It Is WIlCIl tho wonthor modorntos again that tho greatest damago ta feared. Tralnmon have oxprossod tho foer that tho Couulllo will rlbo and cover tho tracks, Btopplng train sor- vlco to tho Valloy nnd to Powors. Severn In.t Night Mr. Burton, formerly of tho Busy CorneV but now managing tho Lock-hart-Parsons Drug Storo at Powers tolcphonod Frank Parsons tins morning that thoro wjs about twolvo Inches of sn6w on tho levo! at Powers. Tho snow thoro last night was tho most sevcro of tho Boaaon. HotheVs LoggO!' HonryHoeck was down from his South Coos nivor camp yesterday said that thoy had been closed clow.n a few clays on account of tho snow, tho company has quite a supply of logs ahead, probably having suffi cient to supply both mills for a coup le of woeks. LAW IS UPHI2LI) ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan, 28. Tho constitutionality of tho Minnesota presidential primary law today was upheld by the state supreme court In a decision handed down In tho caso of Walter N. Carrol, who had peti tioned to have tlio law dcclnrod unconstitutional, Waterlogged and With How Under Wnter Schooner Is Towed Into Port at Astoria by the Hoati- tike Dbqxisiton Not Known Mr AnocIMM l'rcni lo Coot lit? Tlmra.J SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl, Jan. 28. Wrockngo of slcamor Abonloon, 391 tons not, wns found this morning on tho bench near tho Cliff Houoo. She had, eight men aboard, all or whom nro hollovcd to bo lost. She cnrlod garbngo to soa for the city of Oakland. A prcsorver marked "Aber deen" and a largo ploco of tho ves sel's atom wero found. Tho boat wns built In 1809 nt Aber deen, Wnsh. Sho loft Oakland last night. Thoso on board Included It. J. Moore, inspector for tho city of Onkland. ItKI'KAT IN FOKT Waterlogged Schoomv In Toned Into Port at Abtorla (llr A.iortilM I'm to Coo. I)r Tlmrn. ASTOItlA, Jan. 28. Wntorloggod with hor bow undor wator, tho Bchoonor Hopoat, abandoned by hor crow In a gulo, wub In tho harbor to day, having boon brought In by tho steamor Ronuokq.last night. What Is loft of hor deckioad of lumber has shitted for.ward. Just what disposi tion tho North Pacific Steamship com pany will mako of. tho prize hns not been announced. FUNDS nKINfl COLLKCTHI) FOH KKLIKF OF Ji:WS Pit's!dont Designates This Ah Jow ihh Hellef Day in This Country W7 AmwIiM l'rw r ri TlniM.J WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jnn. 28 Funds fcr tho relief of tho JowIbIi war BUfforors nro holng collected throughout tho United Statoa today under a proclamation or President Wilson designating this au "Jew ish Ilollor Day." HundrodB of Jowlsh organizations nro ongagod in collortlons, and look for a gen eral rosponso. 1 HOMES Floods Drive People Away Along the White and Arkansas Rivers THOUSANDS OF ACRES 1 ARE INUNDATED Expect Worst Flood Known in That Section for Tweniy- five Years BIG VOLUMN OF WATER Is Filing Up nt Headwaters of Streams and Arkansas Itiver Is Deported to Ho Four Miles Wldo at Mulberry inr AmocUM Vrtnt to Coot Ilr Time. LITTLE HOCK, Ark., Jnn. 28. Hundreds of persons aro hoiuoloss nnd thousands of acres aro Inun dated In tho lower reaches of tho Whlto hud Arkansas rivers. Up stream, with tho Arkansas river four mllos wldo at Mulberry, in a volumo of wator which river men hollovo will cause tho worst flood In 2(i years. M HELP PEACE CAHUAXZA THINKS HIS. THIUMPH WILL JtKACT In Heccnt Speech Says It Will Hesitlt In Settling Wotltl Trouble fnr Aocltx1 rrc to Cow Dir Tlnm.1 KL PASO, Texas, Jan. 28. Gener al Carranza In n recent ntldrcsn at Cclaya dcclarod that tho triumph of his causo in Moxlco would renct In a world pcaco, according to advices received hero today from Moxlco City. FEAR BOA OST AXXIKTY FKLT AHOUT HHITISH STUAMI3H AXI) PASSKXdKHS c JAFAXICSH ARK fi KIT IXO CHIXICSK COTTON HUSINKSS United States. Foirotl to Manufacture Different CInsH or Otnids ror tho Orient Iljr AuorMtnl I'rtu to Coo Ilnjr Tlmi, WASHINGTON, L C, Jnn. 28, Jpancso mnuurncturors havo cap turod tho Amorlcan coton good trr.dO' In China so completely, says tho dopnrtmont of commerce roport Issuod today, that all hopo of ronowod Amoricnn ImihIiicbh lies In an ontlro clmugo or tho class or goods manu factured for Oriental export. MUCH IS MN CIS HIS VIEW CAPTAIN KOIIKHT DOLLAR SPKAKS AT NKW ORLKAN8 Sail IYanclsco Man Hceomnieiids t!;o Creation or a Shipping Hoard by Congress till AuorUt! I'reu to Coo lUr Tlnit. NI3W OHLKANS, Ln., Jan. 28. Lack or a tloflnlto shipping policy pro vented tho bunlliOBS men from build ing up tho Amoricnn mercantile) mn- i rlno, .Captain Robert Dollar of San I Francisco today told tlio National I Foreign Trndo Convention. Ho nd- vocttcd tho cronton by cougroBS or a ' alt tti In Ikfin wit tt rinntii niniirl mntitix fat upbuilding tho morchnnt mnrlno. Threo Hundred l'ei-Honn Alxinitl and Life Hoat Ih Found Drifting at Sea tllr AMotlleiJ 1'rfM to Coot njr Tlme.l LONDON, Jan. 28. Gravo nnxloty is felt rogartllng the British steamor Appama, which loft Dakar for Fly mouth Jan. 11, with 110 passcngotH nnd 131 men of tho crew. Tho steamer Trogantl roportB having pnBsod at sea Jan. 10 njlfo boat with namo Appauu painted on tho stem and tho bow knocked away. l o. mm TO BE d U ST G E Named by President Wilson to Fill Vacancy on the Supreme Bench ' NOMINATION GOES TO THE SENATE TODAY Is Lawyer Who Has Been Much In Public Life Dur 1 Ing Recent Years GIN UP RKPORT LKADKH OF MOXTKNIC ORIXS HAS HUKHKXDKHKl) Advices from Ylonnn Say Vukotitcli and Other. Ociunl Lay Down Anns tnr Aodttil I'm to Coi lUrTlntM.J HI5RLIN, Jan. 28, (WlrolcBs to Sayvlllo) Advices from Vlonna say that Gondral ' Vukotitcli, who, ac cording to tho ontonto reports, has continued to lend tho Montenegrin resistance agaliiBt the Austro-Hun-garlans, Burrondcred at Daiillovorad together with sovoral Other Monte nogrln gcuorals. WAS B0RNJN KENTUCKY First Jew to Fill tho Position Wns Prominent ns Attorney In tho Hnlllngcr-Plnchot Fight In Congress ttlf AnodaU.l I'tm to Coot lly Tlmn i WASHINGTON, 1). C, Janu. 28. Prcsldqnt Wilson today Boloctod L011I3 D. Brandols of Boston "io ho associato justlco ot tho Biipromo court to suc ceed tho late Justlco Lamar. Tho nomination wont to tho sonnto today, It. was a BtirprlBo ovorywhoro '.n of ficial circles. Horn In Kentucky Brandolo Is n lawyer nnd has hocu much ln public life in rocont years, not only ln logal work but ln vari ous inovomeuta for social betterment. Ho Is flfty-nlno your old. Ho was bom ln Loulsvlllo, Ky., oducatod at f Louisville nnd later at Harvard nnd In 1878 bognn practicing law at Bos ton. Bonimo Notnblo He became most notably boforo tho public six yonrs ngo through his par- ftlclpntlon In tho celebrated Bnlllrgor- PInchot investigation In congress in which ho wns counsol tor tho forcoa vhch sought to romovo Balllngor from office l'l,rst Jew on ,ltcnch . , , Ho npopared as counsol for tlioso who fought tor tho' validity ot tho workmen's hours or labor law In Ore gon, Illinois nnd Ohio. Ho will bo tho rirst Jow to Hit on tho bench ot tho Biipromo court. n T REVISION MKHTS HIJSPONSH Liugo Siiiiin Italhed 011 tho Pacific Coast fUi AmotIiIM rrvu t mn ll&y TIiom. SAN FRANCISCO, Jim. 28 Tho first collective nppoal according to lo cal authorities, vory made by Jew ish peoplo for help from othor races f mot a rosponso along tho Pacific. coast today that tho storms could not dampen. Sun Francisco bogan tho day with $200,000 already subscribed, mostly at mass incotlngs hold Inst I night nnd It was expected to raiso ' $C0,000 moro todny. AGENT RECALLED LIMIT MEMBERS HILL IX COXOUKSS HK- STRICTS CAMPAIGN' MKASUHK HHITISH LAHOHF.HS DKMAXD CIIAXOK IX .MUNITION ACT Say Pretext of War and Means or Greater Kiilijorricm or Iiltor Must Ho IteinovccI in? AuocUtel I'rtM 10 Cou nr Tline. ' BRISTOL, KNGLAND, Jan. 2S. The labor conference adopted by show of hands, with 0110 dissenting vote, a resolution brought forwurd by tho lu- dopondont labor party demanding a drastic revision or thn munitions act I with a view to preventing tho "Prc- toxt or war bolug used ror greater ; coercion and mibjcctloii of labor." , Pertains to tho Solicitation of Funds and (ho Vso of .Money at Flec tion Tiiuo III Auoi-lalM rrcu to Cooi Pax Time WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 28. The Ronnto'oloctlona comlttoo todny Tcrom mended tho passage of bills tj mako -It unlawful ror nny iiienibor or congross to eorvo on or solicit runds for any political committee, club or organisation, to limit tho tiau of campaign funds in president ial and congressional elections, and to prohibit the movement or outsldo funds Into "doubtful" torrltory. GKOHOK C. OAHOTIIKHH LKAVICS TIIK MKXICAX HORDKIt Agent of State Dopaitiiicut AVJI1 Ho ' Seiit to Ouatonuila, Accoitl lug to Report (llr Auolate4 ITMf to ex pay Tloiaa.) KL PASO, Toxas, Jan. 28. Goorgo C. Carothors, special agent of Btate department, will Jeave horo tonight for Washington, having beon recallod by the stato department from tho Mexican border. According tp Infor mation horo, Carothors will procood from Washington to Guatemala. He refused tn discuss his mission In that country. ' Is I HOAT NOT IN DISTRICSS s HU'r JUST A SALUTK Tho N'onn Smith passod from Pugot Sound going south to San Francisco about 1 p. today. Passing tho light Iiouho sho blow four whistles for a salute. Somo mistook 4 It for tho signal of a ship in distress. F KXGLAXD COXCKDKS 1IKR PHKPARKDNKSS IN FAST Piths ToJegrains to florinnii Nowspa- Iter Stato That Previous Iteivorts Ait Tjrtio (llr AMorlatod I'rtt to Coo Ha; Timet. BKRL1N, Jan. 28. (Wiroless to Sayvlllo.) According to Frankfurter Zaltung, roporta from tho far East ern press stating Hint special agree mouts have been roached between Japan and Knglnud conceding pro ponornnce to Japan In thq far Kaat, aro corroct. LOSSESABEGIVEN HHITISH CAHUAIl'IKS I'P TO DATK ARK BIO Iiicliido Twenty.ftiur Thousand Of- flcur and Over Half a Million or Other Hanks llr Auocla'.ti rraa to Cooa liar Tlait. LONDON, Jan. 28. Promlor As qulth, In a written roply to a re quest for Information, says tho total British Casualties in all Holds or op eration up to January 9 wero 549. 4G7, or which 21, 122 wero orflcora and 525,315 of other ranks. IXVADKR'S PHOORKS8 Enemy continues to poiictniito Into Albania (Hr AaaoclatM l'rua to Cooa liar Tlmn.J PARIS, Jan. 28. a dispatch from Milan says that sovoral sections of tho, nrmy of Genorul Koovess, having mot no reslstauco at San Giovanni Dt Modu and Alcsslo, aro now marching on Purazzo. - Tho convenience and profit of Time Want Ads will bo demon Pirated by n trial. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I herorby announce mysoU as a candidate ror County Commissioner ot Coos County on the Republican' ticket In tho May Primaries. - J. T, HARRIQAN IS GERMAN SWISS TOWN OX LAKE GKXKVA DliMOXSTRATKS Attack Made 011 Peoplo Gathered Around (Iqriunn Flag and Pollco Usod Swords llr Aaaoclatod I'reai to Cooa Car Tinea,, PARIS, Jan. 28. Fresh nntl aorman domoiistratioua took placo last night nt Lausauno, a Swiss city on tho north shoro or Lako Geneva. Toward mid night grent crowds which surged through tho streets woro dispersed, but at tho railway station a small group ot porsons surrounding the Gorman flug woro attacked with canos, stones and fists. Tho poltco woro forced to uso tholr Bwordc bo foro they could reacuo tho mon attacked, Fill Log: Truck Holes. Street C,ommISBoner Albrecht toddy had men out with a wagon for tho purpose of filling with gravel the deep holes that havo been dug In tho paving by tho logging trucks. Somo ot them woro so doop that thoy woro down ttlirnnirli tlm tnrt HlirfnfV lt ihft nnvlnf nnd tho concroto baso. Some ot the holes aro aovoral foot across, Th?j are principally on Fourth. CoHiinvrclal and Front streets, l . Danco, Kaglos' Hall, Sat. eve., Jan. 21), Martin's Orcletra. Libby CohI, W.CW tou. PbcHt 7S, . M 'I