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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEU), OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1 916. EVENING EDITION. 5IX"S, CoMintj Court Proceedings t: u Ind. Fund tt :t u Alton. J. IU. JnckHon . . J 10.00 howls Ingram fi.00 Clms. Haytlcn 10.00 Eva Anderson 15.00 John Proinbrllllant . .i (i.00 Wnltor Androwa .. 10.00 J. II. Efltcs 10.00 Emily liiirns 7.50 Airs. C. H. Covoll .f... i ,u. . .10.00 Hays nnd Girls A'id Society '. .'. . 10.00 Com qilpln .,...1 0.00 M,ary 'ti Wnnl .'. , .'. t fi.00 Bopln Flltcroft 8.00 Wlnnto jllutler, . t... ,.'.. . aUO.UO uorso uiiVIs V...'.'. A', I )!.'. i . .5.00 Jinry Oulticrtson r..oo Tiny way 10.00 Bella Emery uo.00 Hannah, ..AllkutJs ,.. .. .15.00 Ainttlo F. Thomas 7.(0 Airs. E. l-'rom ....'. .' . . C.OO Sarah J. Wright . . . . 5.00 Mary Arjilto Kundo 20.00 Harriott Moguo , 10,00 Mrs. D. L. Ewlng 10.00 Louisa Jordan 10.00 Myrtlo I. Hlako 10.00 N. J). Pratt, liurmlKlmunii 0. .1. Armstrong, aid ind . . . .IlO.ItO Lyons & .Tones, ro Aborsoii . .10.00 (loo. A. ltbbliiBon, nulse Davis 10.00 DM. AUy. Olllco L. A. LtlJtmvlBt, exn. at meeting Claud H. Olios, acting . .. Eslhor Whitney, atonog. . .lull 1111(1 IVISOIIQI'S Sr. K. Landrlth, board . . . hudwlg Myrbtirg, rep. shoes Wultor Cultln. mod. attcn. Clms. h. lluntfon, seAl W. d. Walter Ctilln, health ofT. . . Evening ltpcord, pub. ct. pro. The Agitator, notice. Coos Hay Harbor, notice Dora Button Lilllo Perry . . . 1oulsa .1. Corbln J5lmrl Gregory Win. L. Croy . O. C. Ocholtrco James II. Welch L. II. Law Mattlo McDougal ! i 10.00 15.00 15.00 ..5.00 .10.00 .10.00 .10.00 .10.00 10.00 I.ucy S. Henderson 10.00 Ellen Motcalf 25.00 Mary E. Younkors . . . : 15.00 Abblo D. Hralnard . .j 15.00 Nanny A. Hollonbeak , 20.00 '.Mhry 13. Tanner , . . 25.00 I.eona II. MorohbiiHO ' . .'. '. 20.00 Barah It. lloyt . . . .' 10.00 Sarah E. Uttorback '.,;... .'.10.00 I. D. Colo ., .' .4.IM JI. P. Newam Nora Wakellohl Mnrtlin. Adams' , 'Mnrv l&rlnlfunn . o.i. 10.00 ,.... 10.00 .,. ..1.0.00 ,7.00, KM M, Prcdonburg .'... ,...00 ' Wlilo Pension ' " .10.00 ....17:50 ....10.00 . ..17.50 .25.03 Anna Hanson Porl It. llalllngnr Ida P. Patterson Imcy E. Hither . Melissa Nelson . . Cora J. fJonrad 10.00 koso ifi. owulioy 25.00 Cnthprlno M. Clark ..'.. ..17.50 Maria Grant 10.00 Clarn K. Cnntorhtiry 10.00 lice .1. King 25.00 Lydla McLay lo.oo Koto Preolund 25.00 PIos8io M. Porrarl 25.00 Honrlotta M. Hatcher 17.50 Mrs. Emily Wlrth .. ., . ...JO.OO Elizabeth .M. Abo .., .,,,10.1)0 Mrs. Amelia Volz 25. Q0 Allon'. I ml. Sol. Viiuil ,T. II. Ilobdrts, .Mrs. From ut nl ........ it!. .no C. A.'ltdllBera, I): YoUiir oi nl M.00 I). P. Strung. ff. Aker1 ot a! io;oo ..1.00 Irs. .IJIMIO .70.50' .78,00 ,UM0 ,71,50 :0f,20 n i,av. i .,,.,,.,,,, w . LVMhUlb' .' Co. cioikH oirim Inos Vy Hunch, clerk , .. . Eva tr iScrwilor, cluck. k . . Jt. Ajj, J.oub, clorlt ... . ,, The- Sun. blanks ,,. Jrwln Hodson Co., Supl, , , , -Dualiotfff A'Ob-T Sulii. . .'.. "' ' Sheriff Onit-u L. AV. Oddy, clerk .. .' 7S.06 Oeo. O. Itennh, dork 78.00 J. W. Ivanovo, clerk '78.00 Elvira Prlzeon, Rlono 70.50 Jrwln jroilHou Co., Supl 40.10 Blmon .Whetstone, lscy , . .... 2,01) Alfred Jp.hnson Jr., Sioo.-Dot, 20.00 Alfred Jphuson Jr lixu ,...15.00 W. G. Laird, Exp 1H.70 A. P. Davis, Exp, ,, ,. ..12.15 T. A. Walker, auto hVn , 5.00 Drown Drug Co., analysis .. ..3.00 Norton Hansen Co., pencils , .'!,00 P. J. Ward, team hlro . . . . Akhi'ssoi-'m Olllco P. II. Si how, ulork . . Walter Oerdlng, clork . . Hollo Thrift, el0rk .11.50 :: :: . Vatico Weekly, E. E. Jnhnsou, P. N. Thursl'or Wm. A. Pugh, M, .'15.15 .10.00 .25.00 .71.111 ..1.50 . .'.(.00 51 1.24 ,20.08 27.35 ..1.92 n7 W. W. W. G. O. J. Myrtlo Point Enterprise, notice 2.30 Western World, notlc0 . .,,..2.04 Coqulllo Sentinel, notices ....17.72 Widow h Pension gillie D. PIbI J0.00 Joanna Melton 1.00 Nellie Aason JJ.fiO Maud E. Turpoa 10.00 County Court James Wntson, Exp. At mee'.lng 37.75 T. Domont, .Alton. Crt. ..;in.'u T. Dement, At. meeting 47.7. T. Dement, vlowlng .. ..10.00 J. Armstrong, Attcn, Crt. 45.10 J. Armstrong, viewing . . . .21.00 L. Postor, care Smith children Norma Wilson, refund tax ..4.9 It. I). No. I Handon Consttnic. Co., Cont. 072.00 Itny C. Hyde, Cont 300.00 Coqulllo Sontlnol, notice . . . . K.87 It. I). No. (I Cnqulllo Sentinel, notice .. 1-30 Ilonry Hess, Cont 47.4,0 Western World, notlco .. ., ..2.07 E. 13. Johnson, Uir 401.70 Hid. Atc'd. Cdmni.. Contrib. ..7.70 Nor. Hock Quarry W. W.. Rliulf. foreman . . W S. Hlley, Eng 13. P. iGonk, la'bor OhnHw Stewart, bllmr f . .. Uliy Cook, labor, . . , . , W'. Davis, labor S. A'," OttBWold, )'" John Clinton, labor . . Albert Hcbroodor, labor labor lbr. .. labor labor Ulnrk Mace, labor Geo. Haughtou, labor . . . It. O. Green, labor . . . A. J. Undabiiugh, foromnn ltudnbaiigh, lbr. , . .H.'n'jNoi I IJottys, foreman " . . It. Hoiibam, labor . iiuriin, uuiii. 's i , A. J. Win; Geo. .1. J. ''. .20.15 .20.71 ,8.22 -81.7P .24.2,7, ,21,83 .10.50 .17.35 ..2:25 ..4.00 II. O. Hermann, smithing Co. Suieoi'8 Olllco C S. McCulloch, BUivcyor..105.00 J. P. Policy, Do, 100.00 A !:. iliulsall, Pop 13.75 I -a C. (liirdnor. Helper .. ..5.00 J. W. Laird, holiior 5.00 l'jlzecn & Dunav, Prom, on bond ,.15.00 Co ulllu I hi wo. Co , Hdwo 00 Wyinan Albeo,, S. S. bridge Tend. r.0.00 Hazor Son1, Supl., 0.25 jKnst r.lfhl. Kerry Goorgu'IlM'UHh, ferryman .-.OOjOO Alex Hall, 1. . ..,.7fi,3T S. G. Steckt-l, ,12ug ,.75.00 (hWgfi Hhnila. deck hand , . . .45.00, J. L,,.Koonz, oil etc. ..,. ...... 0.75 NiirUm & Hausoi). .boolc . . . . . . ..7fi n 1 ... ,. ' ' Stnudnrn'OlI Co., oil Plniiclu- IHiWU. Co., Iidw6. C.-A.1 Smith' Llir. CO. Lbr. No.' 3 ltd. .5.77 , 0.35 Coiinlllo Kerry ,1. N. MoNlilr, ferrymtin . S. II. MeAdnniH, KM' k. ... A.' II. Odeu, hauling ltd, No. P,, ( rt it 1mI It, I). No. WtKtrrn World, nn.l o . . ,.. t.s Coniilllo Rontlnol. libtlco ..'. 1.71 No''' Wilson, loro .111111 Dii ..4.75 350.00 ..3.03 ..3.37 ..0.75 . .5.02 .12.03 .32.18 ..1.00 H't ; ..5.00 .20.25 080.30 Walter Norrls, lbr ?. .'..423.00 Conulllo Sentinel, notlco 1.80 Otto Stephens, labor 40.50 fcftrl Endlcott, labor ,..,.. .1. .,4.50 Ernest Krcwson, labor 2.25 Oh an. Shepherd, labor 10.85 E. N. Harry, laboV ..'.'.',:.". .2.25 JulliiH 1 enhuni, labor 2.25 Harold Shepherd, labor 0.00 Thomas Krcwson, labor .... .4.50 13. P. S. Abernathy, labor ....3.37 J. II. Laird, labor 4IC0 M. C. Miller, labor .'.7.85 Alva Harry, labor . . 7.85 P. A. Hakor, foreman 71.25 J. A. Cotton, labor 35.00 Robert. Hyors, labor .. ; 5.00 Harry Mullen, labor 2.50 Geo Mullen, foreman l'.OO V.. S. Mft'hows&n, Lbr 11.01 ( n: 'on Prowh, labor 4.i" P L. Lasswell, labor !".'." I. '.'. Johnson, labor I ."0 O. a. Shophord, labor !(!. W. T. Citlbertson, labor 1.1 ") Sam Stout, foreman 2.100 L I . It. Holler, Lbr 21.10 PIu.ul Waters, foreman "' '.' A" JI. Myers, labor . .s ,r-.7r I-- St. King, labor I.M M PL Hdwo. Co, Hdwo 1 00 It. I). X11. f .loint Pabry, foreman .. ..VI 75 V'oy Jlaitlett, Jabor Pet". vjUii1o, la'bor ''75 Iv'hu. R. Mynro. labor 7 87 Wjt. is. Cribblns; labor .. ..1:00 l-'loyd 'Helleu, labor 0.75 h U. rllii'InB.' ll(,i" " "57 IJ. A 'CrllililriV.'foruninn .. ."-.10.00 lju DftUn, laftor ! 13 i; J. Montgoiueiry, labor .. ..1 12 Goo. Hrowilson, labor 3.37 E M. Jlardinnu, labor 1 f.O Unit lladaker, .labor J 1" LiuVr HllllngH, labor ..0.75 A. Rosolle, labor &0 M T. Clinton, foromnn .. ..25.10 Lafo CikiiwoII, labor 2. 5 Pnuiit Miller, labor 1.01 V ('. Wllllnuiii, labor .. ..10.1'.' Herb Elwood, labor 1.12 Prank Roblson, labor 6.75 .4.110 10.02 .5.80 .3.75 i.('j ....80.00 . ..28,12 1 12 . ..52.50 ....0.00 . . ..155 . ..24.05 ....75.00 ....1.50 ! 0.10 2.50 VfLircks lards a. a. T. P. A. M. A, Heunott', blanks . . Tioiiniiioi'h OIVIcc Sullivan, nlork . . Dlmmick. stamps Goldon, Co. Supvr. Itnymoud 13. Hakor, Exp. . P. A. Golden. Exp. . . Jonathan Quick, hall "-out Circuit Com t I'honog Inst. Co., pnnor ronorter 1.20 J. w. .Carter, sinto vs. nviius . .a.20 J. J. Stanley, CouusoMlnrry W. C, Chase, Coiiimol-Maddon Itlvt'i ttiii I o-;y P A, Jameson ferryman Cn vlllo Ihlwe.' Co.. Ihiwc. It. I). No. 1. W iD. Adams, "abor . . . J. T. Davis, labor ' Ab(, Roberts, labor Joe Robortfl, labor Allan Roberts, labor .... ..81.00 1 Hen Mormon, labor . .22.50 I W. P. Howron, super. ... . .3o!oo Mllo M. Plenum, nails .... .150.00 J- P. Davis, labor V. .1. 1:010, lannr 05.00 11 35 00 . .50 . ... .2.25 .! T 0.75 .0.75 .2.25 10.00 .3.50 .0.00 Prank Slnko, .labor 13. 13. Johnson, Lbr M, Pt. TraiiBp. Co., freight Cpqiilllo Hdwe, Co,, Ihlwe. M. T. Pliuton, Supl. ,. . Dick nrndon, labor Simon Albeo, labor . ( W, Norton, labor ., . . . 1 W. Laird, foreiimu . Geo. M. Starr, cable . . . . 13. XL !Mlchaol, wdoil .. Sugarlonf Lbr. Co., libr., . Goo. W. 'Mnrlln, lhbor . . II. G. Hermann, smithing M. Pt. Hdw. Co., hdw. .. Piil'innra Trans. (Jo.i fgt. T, M. Stover, labors 1 .,..., . lf.t0 P. O. Reed, hdw, . ... . ,; . ., 11.75 Isaac llarklow. foronuin ,. ...t.3.i5 IV. A. Myers1, labor ;. ..2.25 Smith l'owors Log. 'Po.', grnvel 28.50 W, P. Noal, forolnitn ... ,u. .-.'.21.25 Ran. Miller, labor ... 18.00 4 I KIHST IIAI'TIST CHURCH I Rev. It. D. Poskott, Pastor-; Residence, 210 lllroh Ave. ' Phono 123-.T. j ' Alice Tlckoll, cliureh clerk. H, II. Palcbett, Supt. lliblo School. Caloildar of Services: Hlblo School, 10 a. 111. f Morning Worship. 1 1 a. 111. 1 ".Lights and Holls" ) Evening Sermon '. "Work and 1.i..n.. I., mi... 11.... .i... r n.i n it iih i IIU iVIUIIUlll UL Ullll. 1 1 The Men's Chnrits. under dlroc-' lion of Mr. Heniilng will give two, special numbers at the ovonlng sor- vice. I H. Y. P. U. meeting, G:30 p. m. I People's Sorvlc.o, 7:30 p. 111. j Prayer meeting, Thursday 7:15 1 P. m. ' ! . . UNITED nillCTIIlltiN CIIURCn NORTH REND Mrs. It. N. Lewis. Pastor- Sabbath School at 10 a. in. nlirlallnn P.nilnnvnr nt 7 n m Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. j rrayor Mcotlng Wednosday oto nlng at S o'clock. 9 I MinilODIST EPISCOPAL. Joseph Knotts, Pastor, Sunday school at 10 n. m. Epworth Loaguo at 0:30 . in. Morning Bul'inon: "Those Who Aro Unworthy of Christ." Evening Sermon: "T)io Doubt of Thomas." Special mimic both mornliig ml svcnlng with Prof. Gerald Hunt direc tor of tbo cholr.W ' ' ' Junior L&iguo Sorvlc'o Thursday afternoon nt 3:4G Prnyor Mooting Thursday ovon-1 ing nt 7:30 o'clock. All aro cordially Invited. , EPISCOPAL CHURCH. I Pourth mid Market Streets It. E. Drowning, Rector 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 0:30 a. in. Sunday School. 1 1 a. in. Morning service and sermon. 7:!l0 p. m. Evening Sorvlce ami sermon. iltnlilsoii. labor . .. .vl. .2.25 Grant, apples ........ -.00 Ilnyes, supl . . 14.00 it. n. Xo. Pnhy, super -. . ., . .30.44 Pahy, labor ,a -..12,14 Koo, lubur .,.,,.... 0.00 Morrison, labor II. 8 1 Charles Phllpott. labor 1.50 George McDonald, labor 2.25 A. Sacchl, labor 7.S7 11. L. Tuvlor. labor 7.87 13. W. Pahy H. Co., lbr. etc. ..112.00 A. D. McKay, lags 0.00 1 Henry Koch, logs i.'"' I 13, II. John J. P. 13. W. p. G. l-'rpd J. A. -o v. j. i an it, inuur '"'" ftie.Nttir iiuw. i;u . ..R.75C H. Iliuntoii, feienmn 3.7B U iti founts. Tore . .0.20 'Alius Klii:on. foroinnn ....7.50 Joo ij;or. labor .100,00 ' Er'ck Aniierioii, labrr '' V. 11. Taylor, labo ..10.00 into Muetzel, lbr :u,-';J'Al Adams, labor , . .32.00 i Mllo M. PiOMon, hdw. ote 21.05 0rVj (;olu)tH, label . .5.00 Vlutor LlndHtrom. labor jM,0,H. J. Dow lit, InliQi i John D. Tower, labor .I10,.V i. Umuoih. Pdrv i John D. Tower, labor , II. P. Stage, labrr id. C. Johnson, foreman 100 Survey 'i" "r. .00. Win. Oddv, O. J. IlalHff l'nde.-'wnod Typ, C!., Typ. or Co, Ollicois Coos & Curry Tel. Co., Tel, C. J. Puhrmnii, Html. . . , R. S. Kuowltop. Supl Coil Valley Tl. Co . Tol. . . Court House Ore. Power Co., llgjit ., ,, City of Conulllu. wa'or . . Conulllo Hdwo. Co., lldwe. . P. C. True, globes J. II. Pointer, ,coal . . . . Coi Ldry. & Ice Co., I.dry. John P. Staufr, labor . . W. G. Hrniidon, wood . . . Poor Kuril! Gonlo niiiuidlor, cook . . . . A mi o,4 DavlH. helper Reiia Redding, heliior 10.00 John Prlzzell, wiitehman ...,10,00 Wm. (loldti'lp. labor 35.00 1.00 ft. 00 10,00 i PI' neor Hdw. Co.. nails ...... l.uu 10.00 I Louis' Weir, foreman 7. ISO '! MoNalr lldw. Co.. hdw foreman M.ou 27.50 or 21.7f. 0.75 Orvll Counts, labor 15.25 . II. J. Dowltt, labpr 5.03 W. P. K'JKum. Pdry.. supl 22.00 ,2;.2fi ,.i. no ...4..M, .72.73' I ' .84.50 i P. ..7.15 .15 05 .88.80 .,0.00 . .5.50 Allan McLttad, supt Wnltor Khilin, mod. atton. S. ,M. Nosier, gro Moss nud .1 ones, moat .... II. N. Loreuz, mdso P. 13. Drone, gro Goo. A. Rolilimon, milsii . , R. S Kuowltou, drugs . . . K, P. Clark, gro 'J. 3. Rnrtou, lusuramio ... F. C. True, uidbo Watklns Med. Co.. supl. . . . Coal. Purnlturo 't'o., uppl. Harry I'Jlousor, carpoutor . Tlios. Toats. carpenter Geo. Goodman, palnlor 47.50 13. D. Goodman, painter 31.00 O. J. Armstrong, foreman ..20.00 13. 13. Johnson, lbr 7.11 13. D. Goodman, paint 47.05 Randon Hdw, do., hdw 3. 10 Acme Planing Co., lbr. 104.03 Farmers Transp. Co., fgt 7.10 lOoQiillIe Hdw. Co., hdw 0.46 A. II. Odon, hauling 10.00 J. II. Jones, rout James . ...10.00 John IMckey, oomp S,niith ..4.70 S. M. Noalor, grp Davis ....10.00 J. W. Mast, gro Jnmos ....32.00 A. 13. Dlniont, gro Hrandt Smith Powers Log. uo Insou It. H. No. a N. 13. Daggett, foroman Arthur ninpbell, labor .. . L. Nomh, labor 72 W. IIiiiihou, labor 17.40 IC. A. Smlt ii Llir, 'p.. inr. . ia.r.o'8. n. cutiip. roioman .. . .7.50 !W. II. Stull, rnomuii .. It!. C. HIiMiiiiierinan, labor .30.78 .hii(iph i'liuioi-n. labor ... .IX. 00 Hollo Pattorsou, labor .. . ,i.05 1,1. It. Now lln. labor ... ':Ufi i Walter 1. utters, labor 7.00 .llerburl lilaue, lanor .. Dan -S'teliuion, lanor . . T. P. Sallng, labor Martin Leaton, labor . . MurMhllolil lldw. C., hdw. Pioneer lldw. Co.. hdw. it. D. ah. :t G. A. Perkins, fuiuuiau 07.50 Geo. M. Everott, labor 2.25 W. 13. Tompkins, labor 0.75 C. R. Perkins, labor 10.10 Stanley R. Oldlund, labor .... 50.00 L. T. Ellington, labor 1 lfi. 00 IMiuLmi lldw. 'Jo., lldw. J. Ifi. Walstrom, coal J. TC. Wnlstrom, ,fgt. It. Dauiulmm, rurwmnn J. PIhiu, labor Oscai Auer, labor W. C. Holland, lalmr . J. A. Prowott, labor . Goo. KiMhlliiK, bilur . I.lnvil Hull. Inli r . . . "IMIU'lhMiry VIikII. labor ... . .48. rtll ........ f,. i.,i,r .... . .... i i ... t ! ' . .4.50 . .0.75 ,111.00 . . 10.00 ..10.00 . .85.00 ...3 50 ..82.35 ...1.40 . .20.50 , .60,80 ...6.35 ..12.80 . .21.02 , .K.37 , .'u.oo IS. 00 .7.87 ,,0.75 .2.26 . 2.26 ,10.1" .0.76 ,11.20 ,11. OS Al Thrush, labor . . Ole PodorsJti, labor Win. Abel, labor .... Harry Steuunel, labor Nifl, Oswald, labor . . J. C. Perry, labor . 18.76 .41.26 .18.00 . . 1.00 .12.26 .80.00 .80.7.' .70.12 . .7.76 . 1 1.65 .. .05 .16.00 ..8.37 ut , i.,f. .62.60 H.lSt ,10.00 gro. jRob- 10 on Mrs, M,,C, Hoy lie, gro. -Croy 10 00 W. P. Norton, foreman . . C A Smhh Lbr. Co., lbr. Manthllold Hdw. K., hdw, Southern Paelllo 'Co., fgt. Hen Wilglit, smithing . . , ',. T. Slgllli, foreman . . Wm. Harding, labor ... N. I )u f roue, labor t 11. C. I.ioiif, foriiuiau Paul Crooks, labor . . . . Prank Pluck, labor 16.75 C. II. Woodnrd, labor 4.60 Albert MalHon. labor 7.60 J, .1. McDonald, toiuii 0,25 Mulvtu Norton, labor 1 1.25 C A. Smith Lbr.'Co.. lbr 33.20 Plenoor Hdw. Co., hdw 13.2' Clias. Strang, tureman 86.00 Hairy Tozlor, labor 26.86 M. C. Tozlor, labor 22.50 E. P. Davenport, labor 41.50 A. 11. Colllwr, labor 0.75 1. M Weokly, labor 22. So G. lUu'orsi inbor 28.12 i Tom Rose, labor ,V. J. White, labor Illanilou lldw. Co,, hdw, . . . W. W. KlKht, forumaiji , ... ,M. Cavett, ibor IR. 13. Illcburdsou, labor . . . , A. C. Klglil-. hilior . . . . W. W. KlKht. labor .. .. J. N. MoNnlr. labor . . .. A. II. odiii, labor E. L. Dal'iymplo, labor . . M. P. Transp. Co., Pgt.. . . Coqulllo Hdwo. (Jo., Ihlwe. II, P. Clniibou, foiemau .. R. Mclioo, labor L. C. Paul, labor John Plater, labor Mlko SUenkewJvh'. labor . . Matthew Stloukewleb, labor S. C. Small, Cont. Rd. 3 . .1. J. Hums, Work Rd. I r. D. Xo. n Henry Pox, labor . . .'. . . . R. 13.. Weokly, Supl. ote. . Hills Coutiiiiieil uiiil Not Alt red Johnson Jr., $sr.26 i'omiu nod: a. a. .00 ,.10.251 ..12.15, ..17.6.0, ,.5i.ri7! ...0.00' ..IHI.'H ..21.37' ..UI.37, ..10.87' ..II. '25 ..30.871 ..20.X1, ...0.66, ..X7.87 ..30.37 ,.15.76 ..37.12 ..5.00 ..1.76 ...0.37 . .2.80 ...6.00 ..7.00 . .00.00 . . 42.00 ,..11.26 ..11.25 ..13.50 . .2.25 .301.82 127.77 OHRISTrAN SCIENCE Sorvlces Sunday 11 n. m. .Wednesday, 8 p. m Auditorium Publtc Library! l Sunday moriiiug C'Love." Sunday School, 12 M. In Christ Ian Sclonco Hnll. Reading Room open dally oxcopt' Sunday and ioHdays, l-r-1, ) ' Chrfstlan Science Ihijl 237 TlUrd St. North. r , t MARSHK1ELD PRRSHX'TERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. S. Stubbloflold, Pastor Chas. II. Lowry, cleric of scsSlona A. L. Hutz, Trensuror. Mrs. Chas. MclCnlght, president Womon's .Auxiliary. Miss Mary KrusQ, organist. J, T, Hruiid, Supt'. Sunday School, Siindny school, 10 a, in. 11 a. in. "The Sabbath." 7:30 p, m. Community S'ug. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. in. Thurs SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rov. Heiigston Cornor Third and Commorrlal. Itesldenco 201 HlKlilaiul. Phono 04 -It. ' 0:15 a. m. Sunday School. In Ninth Hand; Confirmation class 2:30 p. m. (lid Borvlcb,7:30 p. m. . .... - - I VOHWEGIAN LUTHERAN ' Rev. R. 0. Thorpo. Pastor j Pubno 370 J. Hesldouce J.7 I So. 7t)i St. j ! Sunday School 10:00 p. m, Serlio, II a. m. ' In Noith Honil Soivlce 7:JI0 pi m. Confirmation 'dlas ait 0:3) p. in. CATHOLIC CHURCH MAHSIIKIELD Rev, II, J, McDovitt, pastor; Rov. M. Wallace, assistant. Addross, 312 South Sixth street. Phono 215. Sunday Services First mass, 8 n. m.: high mass, sormoii and bene diction, 10:30. I. 1.76 . ..03.10 Allow oil oxponsos, Nichols et i, labor Rd. No. 3, $43.05; P. Crowley refund taxes for $301.31; J. N. McNair, labor $1,38G.90; C. II. Dondono. labor $701. OS; anil. J. II. O'DonnclI. claim for Qxponso $71.00. no allowed. 1. Robt. R. Watson, County Clork of Coos County, State of Orouon, o pfflrlo Clerk of tbo County Court or until county and stnto, cuetodlan 'of the records, archives and files of Bald oountv do horoby certify that Wt fcoxoIiiK is a tmio and correct fiUUoiuont of tbo amount of bills al lowed, continued and not allowed, on tbo various funds of the county us amllttnl by the Countv Court for lW Cou.ity and Stato at tho regu lar January. 19 10, teim therenf, as the fame anpoar In exhibit of datum ir Geiual and Rond Funds nnd County Court Journal of said Court I CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Cor. Sixth and Control. j Victor P. Morris, Pastor Services as follows at tho Church, corner Sixth nnd Control: Regular rvlcos ovory Sunday. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Preaching and com munion. 0:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. in. Evangelistic Sermon. You aro cordially Invited to attend these meetings. I METHODIST CHURCJI I Rov. A. S. HlEoy, Pastor. North Rend Tho services Sunday will bo aa follows; Sunday School nt 10 a. ni. 11:00 a. m. Sermon. Vesper Circle and Epworth League at 7 p. m. . , now In my office and custody. Wltue-is my hand and tbo seal of the County Court affixed this 17t-h day of January, A. D.. 191G. ROUT. R WATSON. ISEAL) Cciuity Clork. Oldest Jliinlc In Coos County FstabllHhoil 1881) Flanagan Bennett Bank Mm-fJiflcIiI. Coin County, Orcjjiui. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; R. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. P. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. f Flanagan (h Bennett Bank OK MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Orricors J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. H. FLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPLEI3, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant CnHhlor. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; TOM T. DENNETT, Vlco Prcsldont; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Spcrotnry; DENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Trust Company lit tho State, Outside of Portland, Which Organleil Under tho New Law. ,CniiiideratIini! .' The Child Willi I ler Penney Saving! Bank The Small Qoy with Mis Small Change The Lady with Her Pin Money Savings The. Small Man with His Small Roll The Big Man with His Big Roll ARE EACH ACCORDED THE NAME CONSIDERATE AT- TENTION AT THE First National Bank t; The Bank of Personal Service Marshficld, Oregon ' i. v '1 . , 2 4 v t Do i rAn 1 7T . ew n Jk' m y oh vv ant AutomdbileM PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR, Dr. A. L. HousewortrT OfflCoilrvlmr ni.L. tttet tm it ... ... ' ...v ..,...., ii u, j.. nnd 7 to 8 ii. m. ,,, 'honest Office l-RMj Ml, ,a, ; -ct- a L H . M.Wright IIUIU1ING l3J!, Estimates furnished on requet Dr. Hi M. Shnw Ejo, 10r anil Throat Siieciali GLASSES FITTED Phone J10nT. Roiiiih UOO-201 IrvliiK illork. DR. MATTIH II. SHAW. Pljyulclnn and Surgem Phone ;io..j, H. G. Butler OIVHi ENOINRKIt f "UU1U " u,vo "'" i'non nj.j 4n;euuiU i -UUIIQ OUj-Ij. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko , Marahflold, Oregon. TIME TAHLE irWILLAJIKTTE PACIKIO MOTOR ' OAR Leavo t ' Mnrshfiold G:4D a.m. 7.4 C a.m.' ' 8:15 a.m. 3:4C n.m. 10:45-nim; . lt:30,'' " 12:C0 p.m.i.i-. i 1:45 p.miiii 2:45 p.m. I. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. G:55 p.m. North ctty limits oat;, 7:30 7:16 p.m, - Lnti North Bcal 7:00 in, 8:00 to. 9:00 la, 10:15 m j 11:00 to, 11:15 ib. 1:15 pa, 2:00 pa, 3:00 p.B. 4:00 pa. C: is po, 5:55 pa, MERCHANTS CAFE , Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial find H'dw'j, HAVEvTHE ROOF FIXED . . r Sco.'C0RTHELli Phone 3171 Or a house arid' lot? - I . No- matter what your-"'needs, -a' Times Want Ad-will help you get it. Try one today. Bring your ad to the Times or phone 133. v.PARE ,TEtf GKNTA t, vnn "commutation -nn I.U TICKETS 91.75 lj larsliflold-North Rond AuU) ' Lino Car ovwy 'Ion mlnntts from O n. ni. to 12 p. m,; to South BloiiRh ouco n day, lonvlng At ll', mirto Emplro Uirop Ulpi , .jOORST.A mSO, Prop, w -. WOOD GOOD WOOD fl'lli I'llllMO !KJ7I ( II, Miipi liiif. It nt SI. B0 uti fS. caair iicr load. (Jarliaso rci"0 Puget Sound Bridge ,&,. Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildinqs. General Constmctioi'4 : C0,':)LETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Cnasi work he' Dredge "Seattle" the most iWHorful, liost equipped hikI iihihi thoroughly moderit ' tweuty-Iuch hjilruullo drodKo Is Pacific wutern SAVE MONEY ii nnluriiiK Hie Imimou HFAJRYVILLE COAL - I Nia coal, pur lou I''W Uutnp coal, per ton 0,ou (Or luilf ion of botli W I it t IT4Ji VV I'mnj 1 ' iWi.m IH"l or jcao iiiiWh nt Hi,,!,', lHlllru',N ( lunr htpr f ' Coos Bay office, Marshficld, Oregon. Main office, Seattle, Washington.- m- v v "v;" DRY WOOD Nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North I-'iont Street Phono U7J Ab stracts For roliahlo Ahitiaots of Titlo and Information about COOS HAY HEAIj ESTATE, beo Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marahflold and Conulllo City, Oregon, (icuernl AkoiiIs ICabtshlo anil Scnstiuken's A.ddltlon, Spoeial attention paid to aNscshinoutH ami pajiucnt of taxes. HENltY SEXOSTACKEX, SlnnaKer. EXPERT.WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street kAAAAAMtM94lHltH ' I t Western loan and building CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 w- x ---. . -w i , Pays 8 per cent on savings , r V rf I. S. KAUFMAN & w Local Treasurer .J4 - t. j. boaifh ug a. n. nonais Marshficld SAffa co. ' , Kstiraxtes Famished Phoaa 140-R, Marslifleld, Ottfif dungan in IIMnPRTflKlrMU PARLOPS will bo kept OPEN TO THE rUBW A regular etato Uconsed BBdortakcr will l charge JPhone 105-J a i.XKi2