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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
I jpr-" t Wnfj h- .-j.ri T-"-r !-y yWi.if VWtiMi,PWfL WitiBJfT'T1r' ltJ t t c I l ..; f"i I. 1r U i sv " rouit COOS BAY TIMES M. O. ftlALONEY, Kdltor nnd l'ub. DAN E. MALONEJT, Nowa Editor Official Pnpcr of Coos County Official Pnpcr City of Marshfleld. . Entorod at tho Postoff Ico at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tbo malls as second-class mail matter. ''"An Independent Republican riows pnpor, published every evening ox copt Sunday, and wookly, by r,iTlio Cooa IJuy Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RAXES DAILY. . Qno year J6.00 vi Per month GO WEEKLY. : dno year SI. GO When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho ..A subset Iptlon ptlco of the Coos Bay 'Times Is $5.00 per year or J2.60 for lx months. ; 1 $ Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. J t EUROPEAN WAR ONE t YEAR AGO TODAY $ J JAN. 20, 1015 ? Italy calls young soldlors to tho ' colors to bring her reserves up to full ftttftU-Wnr strength, ,, .n'i Tho Germans In attempting to cross tho Alsnont SoIbsohb aro ret; 'pulsed by the French, ' Dunkirk Is bdmbnrdod-'by tho Gor. '' man aviators. ' ' Two Uusslan armies begin nn ad " Timco on tlio' capital of Kant PrusBln.' '. . ' " ' ' WELdOMf-J MKlTLlblKNT ' ' "' rS UPItESENTATlVJ-T HAWLI3V - has Introduced Into Congress a bill providing for tho dispo sition of tho O. & C lamlB. It favors thoflo who have settled on tho land and thoso who may wish to do so. It will bo gratifying to ovcryono In this part of tho stato If Mr. Hawloy's bill prases, or If tho matter is soCtlcd somo way. With tho largo holdings of tho Southern Pacific In tholr prCB ont stato no one is bolng benefitted. Ouch n largo holding bolng in a con- and a final settlement of tho mattor one wnydor enpior will bo a grcatt UVhlVi'u.JalthviwnyJof progr&sj Jvt present condition tho largo holding la helping no ono and doubtless tho ,,f-Mfroad company will bof'glad'to'sW i.ttV innltor cloared up. , ,. ,, l(l $.!!'.!!$' w.tufi WITH THE TOAST - t I AND THE TEA I fji'iLr lJ. ? llt( . WOOD EVKXLVO a ' ' ' " ,0-'r Men of loftier mind mnnlfcBt theniBolves In their oiiAltntyo dealings; v Binaii minueu men m going. for gain. Confucius. ) THE DISCONSOLATE ONE 1. Opportunity's never a comlu' no inoro I'm alius from homo whon ho 1 knocks nt the door; y No room In that slieltor a rofugo ! to twln ' " .f'i TIiqS-o'b never nobody to toll him !m ... "Como Jul" ' "'SO' ho Jingles 'Ills money' an' gods on his way To'tho'plticd'Vh'oro' tho wldo-awako 4 cltlzonsBtay. x J . " II. 'lln 'kurfwia ' ivhorn T llvn nt.. lint somehow it seems never can ketch mo to road Ho mo my dreams; An' forover I'm hcarln' from night tlmo till dawn; "With a gripsack o' gifts ho was hero but bo's gone!" No uso to waylay him! In sum mer or snow, Er ho boiled mo with "Howdy" I never would know! F. L. Stanton. When tailors tako tho moasuro 'of somo Coos Ray men they mako them pay In advance -.Tho Jess Ualr a Coos. Ray man ,lin8 on his head tho mora tlmo It ,, takes,, lilm. to comb It and part It. Lo'vo" s! o ' quest. Marriage is tho con-quest. Dlvorco 1b tho In-qnost. f buKS'TiSxFOR VllE DAY' & ::. :itt- never snows on . " Coos Day? Who said anything Coos Ray -climate? about tho Discretion Is something that usu ally comes' to a man when ho Is too old to bonoflt by It. The Coos Ray man who won't .fight until ho is cornered is usual ly mighty hard to. corner, Tho troublo with tho good and Kirk's Kolum Edited by F. R. KIRK, (Riley) IF YOU CAN'T ROOST, DON'T KNOCK F. R. Kirk (Riley). Wlif this cihUnue'd' knocking 'from "morning until nigm, Just becauBo tho things you Hko don't happon to go right'? ,'. Why not forget your troubles and Jay your hammor down, ( , , Jump right In and do boiho boosting for tho good old bloomln, town? You can always find the knocker, no mattor whoro you, go, Ho'll always bo a falluro by tho knocking Bcods ho'll bow; Ho knocks nbout lmprovomonta, ovon If thoy'ro vory Binnll, He Bays It costs tho town too much, It shouldn't bo at all. I pity thoso poor knockorB for they aro not to blamo. If you show mo a knockor, I'll show you a- man Insane; They aro all narrow-minded and thoy don't amount to much, Mndo up of crooks and gamblers and crazy men and such. wni' .i-tn m- . How nlco this town would got nlong, ' If, , tho knockor had to go; And cam his living with a plow or ' clfoVpIng with n hoo; Dut heM' knock1 tho ranch yhon ho i got thero or nny otliort place, . Fdr Iio'waB born a kuocketvlon thla ' good old 'human rnce. (j Ji Tako my tidvjco, you KNOCKER, and ,, , lay your.haminqr down,jj Jump In and boost a little for y6nr homo, your lodgo, your town; If you can't boost, don't knock for n whllo and I'll hot you'll ngrco That a booster boats a knocker nnd you'll como shako hands with mo Don't bo narrow-minded and always think you'ro IT, For tho man that's broador minded knows you never mudo a hit; If you must uso a hammor, try It on your measly block, k , Butftry nndtnppST, Jf you San't do try" amll noyqr v KNOCK. i, .'"ljIrjM,.,.: ,,ast F. R. Kirk (RIloy) . 'Just' put' yotlrsolf Ih my rjnco, Lot, mo know . how you would feel, J t ! , III J II I . l iT ' If you ponucd off a dandw poem fl'S'H ptralgh,t;, tho; rool. And..pnt.jUp.rjhp11cdltor I wl"io,lt b'" flaws 1 " ' Ho 'plibirshdd it'JnnUtf camS out, M..l... -II' I jiour namo spollod wrong Tight at !'1o neaa,"nna' men a nno icu out. Would'nt you-hopo tho editor Wou,d 8ot a d0B0 of eut7f Tbat i,appe rfcfft afSng yi ..That happens right along with mo,' And I feel -pretty aoro; -And If ho dooBii't cut It out, I'll wrlto for him uo moro. You know tho 8alory that I got For writing down In rhymo; Wouldn't, koop a grasshopper From starving all tho time. I havo gono to lots of bother, And I novor cared a bit If it was printed llkq I wroto, Anlr didn't' mako a hlt." i i Dut when n man Is wrlttng, And ho doesn't care for fame; For Heaven's sako look to It, And don't muss up his namo. Or leavo a lino out hero and there; I mak.0 this ono appeal, Wlien tho vorses run together Just toll mo how you'd feel. And If you don't agrco with mo That you'd glvo him a roast; I'm no Judge of human naturo, On this old Pacific coast. I hopo tho proofreader will look, And always try and seo That It's all 0, K. or lot him send (Tho proof right down to me. And when I send it back to you, Just lot tho old wheols hum; I don't like to have subscribers think That I a,m on the bum. For -that will hurt, thot paperv She's the best one on the coast. And nov, .Just please oxcuso. mo For this , quiet little -qas. hE pure man- Js" that ho ' wmits- tho world tp iin'ow;- that, -ii?' WJis mado in a special mold and after; he was mudo. they bwVe tlie niolu". ' v . r-T7 . -4 Till: RIGGKST QUKSTJON F OF THK DAY j ??????? How can dollar? ? ? I make another ? . ? ? 7 ? THK LLOYD FAMILY HOTEI Ilnusekeoping Apurtmeuts 4 Two rooms, $8.00 month 4 'Electricity and Gas. Free baths 4 Sleeping rooms, $l,r0 vvk., Wpf, '"i THEieOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEliDi OREGON; SATURDAY, CHIMES TO STRIKE THE PASSING HOURS Flanagan & Bennett Bank Puts Illumin "'' ated Clock on Its Building in . ( nil ' nt ' ' f HIME CLOCK 5 "SBBiBMKzBBRi .IIII1I1I Tho' Flanagan & Hpnnetl banlt ban including tho exclusive rlghtB for thin qrocted ' u magnificent electric illu-1 city, a largo -htuidsonio clock com mliiatod c,lock ou'tlie front' of its blued wltW" n ect of Urn softest and bank bulldng ,on Front and Market, hot' only adding' 'materially tot' tho appearanco of tho streot, but provld-1 I. .i. . i , ' .. .... , .... nig a .convoiiiciico iuui, win iiinioiiui.-" ndl'v 'lift irro'nllv nnnrccfatod liV tlia general jlubllc', ' n. i- TJio most dlslnctivo feature of tho clock, other than 'Us unusually 'artistic appearance and the porfpoj, uon or lis coiiBiruciioii nnu mojjunn laiu, is tlio entlro sft of Wesm luster chimes with, whlcli It is cqufjinod, Tliead ring every .qu'rlor hour and may bo heard practically as far ( jib tlio clock, may bo booh.' " Tho blc clocks aro onoratod bv oloctrlclty from a mustor clock Inside tho building, In tho main banking room. This Is an especially handsome structures of mahoianv nml nluto clasR construction, with n 1 3-incli dial and guaranteed to kcop practic - ally perfect tlmo. Evory pilnuto tho hands of tho big clock are sont abend ono minuto by electricity governed by tho mnstor clock within, tho con nection botwoon tho two Instruments being perfect nnd Insuring conoct tlmo on the largo. clocks on tho out sldo as well as on tho master clock inside m, . , , .. . ., . .. ' To clock is attached to tlio front of tho .Flanagan & Bonnott bank building at a sufficient oftvtflon to bo plainly vislblo for many blocks. Tho clock Is nlno feet in height, by throo In width, of dark groon bronzo, I with copper hood at top and bottom, Doth faces of tho clock aYo nllko, tho dial bolng surmounted by tho words "Flanagan & Dennett Dnk.CtIl.t tlirv wll1 L' "'' 4 " " "" tl in largo lllumlnatod letters. ThIs.M, ,.', ' ' ,., . , , . I i i. i . i is provided by a sheo of copper n. inilll.II H1U Ulll H1U IUHUIH IUUI UVUr puro pearl white glaBs with crystal plato glass on tho outniJ6, Tho dlnja of tho clock aro 30 inches in diamet er on tho poarl white glass, with crystal glass on tho outsldo, Tho Flanagan & Bonnott Dank of fers the following explanation of tho beautiful Westminster chlmga, con sisting of ftvo tubular chlmo bollBy with which the .clock Is equipped giv ing Interesting Information aut tho chimes tliemcolvea ns wolfyhs ox- ulnltllntv Hin nhlnpla -tilrtl.2 liXtm prompted the bapk,to offer lio piib- l!c tho many ndvAntngca twbo de rived and enjoyed from this-bdautlful clock; df- "As a homo institution serving tho people of this locality-enjoying your good will and btislnessjffavors, we havo In tho past endeavored to show our appreciation by presenting our patrons with calendars and novel ties and othorwlso rocogplzlng your co-operation In making tuts a ser viceable and successful, banking house. "Years of prosperous banking havo 'been made possible only by your support. Wo wanted to show our ap preciation In a substantial way and have tlioreforo purchased of tho man ufacturers, tho.McCHiitQcJj'Loomls company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Marshfield "t nioBt bonutlfiil chimes over hoard in mny city or tho old (GrMioW'iworld. 'lliVi'Ch'liiicM'" ' "Ddrd, tfirbhgli't'h'ls'fiour" "'Rtf Thb'iV our' gtildo j r - ;so "wy'Tiiypowur"'-'' No fOOf'BllMll'BlldO." "Ewryono who has llvod within BOiiudxp;h9)1cil9 .4 ,VqsMMiBtor- Is familiar wJtlL the verso glvop nbovo. 'riiJ-brrtnt or tho car'illon has novor IjQPIW j)93;tJoJlytaUlslif iX Some writers ccrfldlt, -f to a Mr. Crouch .who 'A'as a'liupl) of Doctor Rnndall lioglilB,, iirofeBsgir of music. This, """ u ."')'"- "y "ir wru er,B who accredit It to Dr. Randall's conception of tho Idea taken from a movomont In tho fifth bar of tho oponing of Handel's, "I know that ! ,ny ncdeomor llveth." Tho chimes ' wcro flrflt f,ttc(1 to ll, c,oclt ' iho University church. St. Mary'B tho Great, in Cnmbrldgo, but woro not coplod until thoy woro reproduced on u very Inrgo bcuIo In tho Victoria clock tower of tho houses of par liament, "At tho quarter, half and threo qunrtor hour, thoso chimes will ring out lii 'vnr"loil8 musical combinations. I At n quarter past tho hour, -four JtrokcsLWe8tm n4'er; nt al pnBt , ,,. .,....(.' i,..i' -. " " ' 7r " n' "i, 2 .(.... i. I..V, ....., ,, strokes Cathedral peal,, and on tho hour, 1G strokes Westminster; fol lowod by the striking of tho full hour, In a clear vibrant tono. "May, wo hopo that tho chimes will Ul nif.OM anltiriHlllli tn ir11 t miH vinnnlA "" J"'"' uu nuy iu Okiiiuui ft tI0HBht for U)0 ,)U8lne88 Jmn who hustles through his day; 'n so laco for tho old; an Inspiration for nil,' "Every day of tho week 'tho chimes will bo sounding tholr' message tho note of warning spoken in tlmo; tho Chlnio 'of'rojolclng; the lament In tlmo of sorrow. This chime will bo all things to all hien for It is go ing to belong not to us alono, but' to men nndwomon and 'children ofTour community." '' ,' 9$ 1ST Let 'er.Rain! If you've a manjs work to do, wear Tower's Fish Brand Reflex? Slicker $3.00 Tlie coat that keeps out all the rain. He JicxEdscs stop every drop from running in at the front. IVotector Hat, 73 cents Satisfaction Guaranteed Send for fi-t catalog OVER'S A.J.TQWERCO. 4S7BRM u HQTON WovaI 'vK Witt JANUARY 29, T 916. EVENING EDITION. G. S. WliOR NEW MANAGER (Continued from Pago Ono.) lcr wlillo Mr. Simpson wa s tho founder and president. H Mmlo Good Record ' Lntcr ho became prcBldoilt.J F or twclvo yeni's liq managed thobniilc nnd' his nblllty in that HnoM may bo understood, whfcii in tblliiig a btislnoEs s6c'rot, It is said that tho bank In that' tlmo paid 200. per ' cent dividends and loBt a total of only $225 In bad loans In tlio onV tiro time. When tho Dank of Orogon consolidated with tho First National Dank of North Hand Mr. Vlnsor was made vico president of tho latter Institution but has not boon nctlvoly Identi fied with tho oporatlon of tho bank. Mr. WliiBor'B business nblllty Ib recognized on Coos Hay and ho was selected by tho company as n man who was capablo of handling tho affairs of tho concern. Ho will bo tho financial man' and havo gonoral management -over tho whole proportion In Coos county. AIho Old Employee L. F. FalkeiiBtoln who has boon mndo offco mnnagor nnd .suporln toudent of manufneturo nnd ( ship ping,' Is also an old 'company man, Ho has been associated wltli tho Simpson Lumber 'Company and L. J. Simpson for thd years and hnd alway nout , In Coos Hay biiBlncBS clr cles. Ht'roug Combination Robort Kehoo has nluo boon long with tho company. Twdlyo ycnrB ago ho started Vorlc nB a. common laborer and worked up to tho position of superintendent of tho Porter mill, a plnco which ho has held for tho past eight years. Ho Is rccognlzod as ono of tlfo best milt superintendents- on tho coast. ' "" " Tho throo now hdada aro rogarfh od ns maklntr n nirong coinXilnu tlon dhil " tlio 'A'aW arrangements puts In Iho highest pOBltions tliond?j who'hnVo bcoiV longest wltli! thft QlmntAti IntimnM.. 3 liOiivoi Good Record 2 .j A. K. Arkloy, tho retiring ynant agor, " U'dii clihrgo of. iho Simp son' property last March whejf op eration was rosuriiod aftdr tho donth of Cant. Rlmnsdn. MV.fcArk- loy camo horo hluhlv recomwiond od nnd 'with a splendid rocordl(wlth 'niombeVs-of tho'icompAii nr9' iiont lirnibor bo'mpaili6a' in "tlio north.- commltdiu Vo'g"ur"dlng'i.'tH6"'VJperted With tho' Simpson company; ho mado an excellent allowing.' Tak ing tho mill after it hns Ihcon closed for some tlmo ho gradually built up tho .output of tlio fplant until during August he mado a showing of tho largfcst cut of lum bor that had ovor boon produced by tho company from both of tho mills, v Highly Efficient kL. J. Simpson stntos that Mr. Wrlflnv'n ndllllnlatrnt Inn nf Mm company affairs has boon highly offlclont but that sincothero was ponding a salo of tho manufactur ing ond of tho buBlnoss Mr. Ark- WHBM IT'S RAINING BLUE BLAZES AND YOUM WIFE'S AUNT ASKS YOU TO GO DOWN TOWN FOR A Nl.CKELlS WORTH OF INVISIBLE CARPET TACKS-DONY TELL HER TO "LET GEQRGE DO IT" GUT OUT YOUR UMBRELLA, PUT ON YOUR, VALUABLE JB I Z.rrm coupon in MP 4 JSL THE c,cARETT I loy deemed it best to liuto tulvan tago of his present offor whllo ho had tho opportunity. Whllo nothing is said of what aro tho Intentions or to prospective buyers it Is supposed that they will havo tholr own forco to take , fH" ' ' r C' ". ' ' chargo shouhl thoy nssumo ownorshln of tho ' mill. It ;thP wab for this reason, it is stated by Mr. Simpson and also by Mr. Arkloy himself, that tho change was made at this tlmo. t ' ' Mnlter KcJ.fc Quiet ' " .Thorp' has beb'h' pbndug' fbr ompy I Jio vessel wllUMl tln'io the pWrirtlo1' saio offtThofeWl HoanokctU,;, manufacturing end of tho business J nclflc Stcamslilp w C,T nnd of this fact Mr. Arkley lias uetween Portlnnd, San ftJ been aqualntwl.- Mr. Simpson f'' ' ro. J nough fe0rd4 was,, also .awaroof tho facWliat '" A" l "o crfoct th. Mr! Arklev' ha(lJ' revived nnSti&v v'0,ll " Poos Day U .offer 'Imtn Mm"' yJiolo mattWr ..has.e01"-, """K m'n tj,! been kept quiet' as a business nf- (-0,vc' "oiutciy no fair which wbb not yet ready to,Wy 0ltt bo mado public. Mr. Wlnsor In bolng appointed manager of tho Simpson company, should a salo bo cloBOd, ypTlI re main ns manager of tho property which Is retained by tho company. Ho 1b a gonoral business man ra ther than a lumborman and who would Btlll look after tho com- nnnv's tironortv on Coos Hay. Mr.1urn caiuo in throuch Arkley Is a lumberman "ami "hlsftf&in Portland. Dho wiling, spcelalty being tho manufacture of lumbor tlio poBltion, wlUi tho mlllB dlBposod of, would have 'no further attraction to hint, x SIV. Clyilo Leaves i J. H. Clyde, who has reconj s boon Buporlntondont df tho Porter. ',;-t'ia.n ""2 mill undor Mr. 'Arjclcy's udnilntrfi , ,. . . ... ... ....... n, iraiion. win co nuriu wuu mr. go Arkley to accept n position as sup-i i past Blxteo;i orlntondont , 'In. tlm; Aplaht wltln ,-s buon proml-ywlvlch- 'Mr.' ArlMoy-wlllwM.nss& - j elated. Avhllo Mr. Clydo Ib a now arrival on Coos Hay 'ho .has dem onstrated lilfi ability as a lumber man and worked for tho bimpson company as suporintondont nt South Hcnd, Wash., for boiuo yoars. He has won a great many friends by his gcn,urnl courtesies, although horo for n comparatively short tlmo. Mr. Arkloy hns mado many many friends whllo in North Dond 'Md hlsllopnrllro ' f rWCdds' Ba :TJUUJ49":rpj5rpttcrtfihJMa.larwtni;n bcr of his business and personal Bsoclatos.wlth whom ho laaomo: moro bouts In commlpkgL In! cqjltuc, ! 4. jJ-i A j tlcu IJoIlit- TranBpprtattoi (f JiCi-pl-.W.rlW'ofl 1 wIlMpul optf df tliclf?flll l-I.Vn1.n. tnwn nnl.l !.. rnmnl li tttrr I nil lint tl.n Hnrfl np(hAlVAr fiVTIiat 'tlieri2.JHUftt.Jio.fiQmQthing either the Dora or thfiX6ri il - m v itlV - "vi' i vr'ir r"- -': ' t 41ia ...n.M f 41m 1 Prwit.llln in Tlnllilnn A.n 1 property Is verified by tho fact Thd steamer Coqullle mi that (loorgo W.-Sallorrnon-in-lnw- -1-908 -for tho Coqullle Rhi of Philip Duohnor, hns"- a crow f portntlon Co. It was built timber crulfiorH at work on tho - f SlmiiEon tlrfibor. Howoveti ' tho sale. ''' -! ' Wlll Rcmnln lIerUr li. Ji Simpson "6acB-'iA.' nownycr that wjiatovor may bo demo bOho Simpson company will riot affect him personally. Ho will BtlllUmlrrl'to. her present ahapQ, The all, his largo personal proporty in terests on Coos Day, mako his homo nt Shore Acres and says that In fact, should thero uo tt sajo' ho 'will bo bottor nblo to carry out IiIh ideas of dovolopmont work- for Oregon that ho has In mind as die can glvo his entlro tlmo to It. Mr. Simpson Is ono of tho nine mon nppolntod to organizo tho stato chamber of commorco, .a workjLfJW Cost HlQll EiP BE PREPARED FOR &M&GENC1ES leUBBEKS AND LIGHT UP A- ' I SHIPPING mt: Stiwiml,!,, is TlioJiJ,, J ; rs ' i,m..ik ' " ,0THH' .iiiiihiuii now WlthollU parattm ami spocdler ,. foro, tho steamshln ni1 said to havo left San FriJ tisAlbf the new (chMm vory much In doubt. Captain T. J. Macgennm' uu umjiiiur 01 uio Drealnijl t WATERFRONT NE 4ttt At 7:30 a. m. the ttMl a. m. tomorrow for the i Tho Bteam Bchooncr. londed with tics and cirtjil unnrrArd anllntl i i nviiDww, omiwn OUUIU ttl uny Tomorrow tho slcim t I'rnu cIsco !i, tLf IRIiib coquiim: sou r.i r , ... ? Hlvor Rout Will 1 TliV . . '. I Willamette Soou ' : i Tho Bteamcr Coqnltle tl been on tlio run between hiM tho county scat has been i Portland firm. Tho 6?doa! Hays: As soon ns tho weather ti tin co tho boat can bo taken owl bar and up the Pacific to lei tlnntlon, tlio now owneu,ut9 Transportation company, tfflj possession nnd will uee tb 1 vntn 'on tho WlllamitUt!, nwnownqra, of tlmj largo concern and have i ftlhf f V w .......v.. ,-..,. f tho steamer uitoli fastest boat on tho river bit mpoti expectations and ,a ibf. afterwards under the diri Hnrlt Dunham ntir rebuilt, f.! t now. and powerful engine union. deck. Then slioiprow Jioqyy. and in anything- llkei sway,od bo that people were rldo oil' Uor, Sho vs again ji utos Btcnni as. n motive has an extra good engine, .crful enough for purposes ( which bo hns tnkca up. tl clarcs that ho Is to bo 1 1 for congress from this dbtrU years from now. COOS BAY TIMES WANT! 1i At ff'-'-'j'' Mii- ' ' "jl ta"lwalMtW!ts,