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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1916)
?WW' fftW',Wiwy' "Jf ,rH r fflyjrjBWr, n- ' Wf? f "" "lFrr v.'- j if i --W 4-ftT ' -r fjt i &riirT i y Y tSTp"" J IS A GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT TO DO A GOOD ACT AND KEEP STILL ABOUT IT APER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS LJr Exmta member op tite associated piiess A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES o. XXXIX. MUSE REAT MAGE Established 187H Ah TIio Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARV 31, 1916 ' -EVENING EDITION. states In Country Will fer Big Losses of Prop erty ana Lives i MISS GEORGIA ZlMMER HRIRE OK HAN FRANCISCO MAX Daughter of Mrs. If. .1. Klmlmll Mifrrlod Lust SiKuulay Mr. and Mrs. ICImlmll Will Return Soon SOUTH PHESMI IS AT MILWAUKEE f HOMELESS Weather Gives Chance Survey Situation in San Diego uounty , theUTddle WEST kit, ,MIOliri, nii"Mii jiihhii Oklahoma nml Kentucky Am Included In theZoiio Whhh li Ilclns Overflowed ooiAiiv or tin: ILOOI) MXflllUS TODAY ; It It believed tho worst the floods In vulloyR of An Diego County, Callfor- 'i, li over. te total loss of life there till be at least CO. I At Hickman, K, n lovoo are nay and tho Mlsslsal- 1s flooding manufactu- lag- districts and COO uro imeleii. Uluonrl, Kansas, Arkan- i and Oklahoma faco heavy KJM. Situation Is scrlotiH In intern Arkansas, where Ibltc and Arkansas Rivers apt? Into the Mississippi. Many persons rescuuil lorn tliclr marooned homna Fort Smith. Indiana rivers aro over- ping and hundreds driven lorn homes. KitcnsUo damage I8 ilono long tho ana Wa- pth Rivers. MIbh Georgia Zlmmer, tho hnnd- sonio and well-known daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Klmlmll, Jr., Saturday bccnmo tho brldo of Kox Webb nt Snn FranclBco. A wiro from II. .1. Kimball to Ed Smith, of Portland, who ban boon Bponding n few weeks lioro as n fittest at tho Klmbnll homo, brought tho nows of tho nuptlnls. No particulars wore given. , Mr. Kimball Btnted that ho. and .Mrs. Kimball would loavo Uioro soon for homo and It 1b presumed thnt Mr. Webb and his brldo havo loft on their honeymoon trip. Mr. Wobb Is qulto well known on tho Hay, having mndo this territory for Neuslnttdef Drothors, of San Fran cisco. They will mnko tholr homo In San Francisco. Tho nnnouncomont of tho cngago ment of Miss Zlmmor mid Mr. Wobb In Tho Times Inst wool: wnB tlm first Intimation to many frrouds. lioro of tho approaching uuptlalb. Speaks Bgf0re an Audience of Nine Thousand People in Big Auditorium A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnil o mid Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 162 MUST PAY BICKAIR MAID MADE ATTOHNHW GENERAL GIVES DE CISION AHOl'T O. At C. LANDS MIHII GEO. SEELIG WEDS TJilnkfi Money Collected fop Sales in Excess, of Rights' Should bo Deducted (Special to Tho Times. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 31. Attornoy General Gregory today wroto Senator Myers of tho Sonato lands cdinmltteo outlining what tho Dopartmont of Justlco considers n proper sottlcmout of tho govern ment a land controversy with tho Oregon & California Itnilroad. no tooK tho Doslt on that tlm amount of moneys tho company col lected from tho land nlroauy sold In excess of Its rights should bo do ducted from tho payments of $2. no nu ucro to bo mudo by tho govern ment for tho. rccovory of land un less tho company should Justify n more llboral adjustment by consent ing to tho sottlomont, thus pre cluding further litigation. REBELLIO STARTS .MISS MAHEL PETERS OF MARSH FIELD IIECOMES HIS HHIHE PEOPLE OF AXOTHIJR CHINESE PROVINCE ARE FIGHTING Xohh Comes Ah Surprise To Many Friends of Young Couple (Vieinony Saturday MIbb Mubol Potora nnd Georgo Soc llg woro married at eight o'olock Snt- tirday night b tho Rev. Josoph Knotts at tho Methodist parsonage. Tho news comes ns n surprlso to .tlio muny friends of the yotig couple ; JimUUj Tm to Cooi ttiy Tlnif i.J for tho word of the coming event was kept very quiet, and but fow woro .ucqualuted with tho secret. Only tho members of tho family were prosont at tho ceremony. Mr. ilnd Mrs. Scollg will mako tholr homo for tho prosont at tho O'Connell npurtment building. Mr. Scollg is matiagor of tho Plo- Ulr.GO, Cal., Jail. 31. Vic- nlovod for tlm nnnt fnnr nr flvo vnnrn of the floods which over- Tho brldo Is tho daiichtar nf M. nnd' no lanejs or San Diego Mrs. Itobort Peters, of Forndalo. inu rcuer parlies welcomed another clear day bh tir.ili- Itlie greatest aid lo n moro Pa aurvey of tho dnmmro nml hilon of measures to reatoro m to joniethhiK like normal ten days of chaos. lanii nro Holding f of further damaco worn V ly apparently rellablo ro- iMt tlio Morena. Cuav1imi..m et Water dams are holding. Cloud bursts In l.nlu Vli Sa" Pasqual Va'lloys Sat- m VESSELS L T HAD XOT PHEVIOUSIA' I IE EX IIE 1'OUTED MISSING ' COIt net mnu .1 . " wuiu iiiiiii inn iitt.r N of dead stood today at VVy U lldlilnn. w Admiral Fullain. roninin...!. ' Plflc reserve fin i.,i '' of marines and sailors 0f Pltrolllnt? Hi , Ki Preventing looting. " lfW lliijs Water ,2.M,heCr,pp,c,,C("Mn ' BUDli-lnill,. , -.,.., unnv(l wn,er 8 bll Diego becamn . .... the city council, pun-has. ' tl,r from a nriv, pmaca Prop;;;rer ' nxmv,m iiomi:lkss tlm ni.... ANAPOLIS. ,nd.. Jail. ' iZlT.?" Aom .k. .r "' ,,0v' rams i m . slllC0 T,MW(lay. fcei .. .7 oervico U two 'lt f ,hQ W1,1, n.l Wa ?S re,,Ort0d- .e water Sroi'n sta Word In Uiouglit Today by White Star l,liur Aii-jvlng from Maiithestor U AHorlalel iVcm to Cooi !) Time. NEW YOItK, Jan. 31. Tho White Star stoamor Uovie roportod on her arrival today from Manchester that j bIio picked up a wireless messngo in I dlcatlug that two stemno'rs had boon lost at sea recontly, which horotoforo wero unreported. One ' wns tho Apalacheo, a Ilrltish tankor, nnd tho other was an unldoutlfted Bteamor whoso crow was roscuod by tho stcamor Flimlll. Pledge to Keep Country Out of War If Possible to Do So ALL SING NATIONAL ,HYMfil I'icsldeiit SnyS Tlicio Is no Immo lialo CiInN anil That Xiitliliiir Now IIiin llupjioiiLMl, lint That Ho Wants to Confer (flf AiuocUte.! TtHH lo Coot Ilajr Tlmr.. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 31. Tho Prcsldont'H special train reached Mllwnukeo nt 12:10 p. m. President Wilson spoko tqilny to mi audioncobf moro than 9000 por- sons wiio filled tho auditorium. At L least BOOO were turnod away. No Ci-Mh at Hand "I want at tho outset to rcmovo any misapprehension In your minds" '",, , Ir0,H,,unt- ''"n,cro 's "oJcJovcrnor Koft-cl to .IMoo , Jan.. ( uiiu iiuiuiiiK nuw uaa uappouou, I camo to confer with you on n mat tor which wo should confer on In nny event. Wo should boo that uur hoiiso In sot In ordor. When all tho world In on fire, sparks uy ev erywhere." As tho Pronldont arriv ed in tho uudltorlum, the crowd Blood nnd cheered loud and long. All Slug "Amorhvi" Tho band played Amorlca. A coniiiilttoo of 300 on tho Btngo start ed tho Blnglng. Tho President Join ed and tho. big houso rnugnt the nlr and Joined in tho chorus. Mrs. Wilson occupied a box near tho stage with Dr. Grayson. No Division Now "Tllood. and energy havo boon drawn out of almost all tho nations of tho world," said tho Prcsldont. "At the outsot of tho war it did look as If thoro was n division of domestic sentiment which might lend us Into eomo orrur ot juagmout. I for one bollovo that daugor Is past." Tho crowd applauded, "Tho very uncalculated courso of affairs may touch to tlio quick any time. Standing in tho midst of theso difficulties, 1 want you to know that I am In difficulty." Tho President said ho know peo ple wanted him to keep tho nation out of tho war. Thoro was a pro longed applnuso. "I pledgo you," ho said solemnly, "that God helping me, 1 will keep you out of war." By ZEPPELIN SUBS ABE SAFE ITALY LANDING SEAMEN FKOM THE PHILADEL PHIA AltE LANDED TODAV Bombs Dropped on Paris and I wo Score Persons Are 1 Killed or Injured FIGHT lOHE im French Aeroplanes Engage the Enemy Airship and Keep up Fight for An Hour MACHINE GUNS ARE USED Second Attack Mndo Last Night. Hut According to HcpoitH No Material Dau.ago Wiim Doiio at tho French Capital ary JO, and CommunlcntlDiiMVith Outxldo 1m Intel rhptcd (Dr AiiocUtoJ rrmu lo Cooi Day Tlnin.) PEKING, Jan. 31. The provlnro of Kwolchow Is In full rebellion. Tho governor wbb forced to flco on January 10, and communication was interrupted. PLAN IS DEFEATED MiNEItS WILL NOT EXCLUDE GUAItDSMEN 'Decision Ih Iteachcd at Convention After a Long DInciihnIoii by tllO MlMllllQ.-M tnr amocuioi rrm to coo ny tiidm. INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Jan. 31. After a long discussion tho United Mlno Workers of America defeated a resolution to amend tho constitu tion ,or tho organization so as to ox cludo from moiuborshlp national guardsmen and tho state constabul ary. til Aiioclitoil Trcu IO Cooi Dtf Tlmn. PAItlS, Jan. .11. Flvo French aeroplanes engngod n Zoppolln, which Saturday night dropped bombs on Paris, killing and wounding ovor two score persons, according to an nuthorltatlvo statement today. Ono noroplano wont up to with in CO or 100 yard: of tho airship and stuck to tho qunrry with grim determination, sometimes flying above, sometimes below nnd boiiio times on a level In order to escapo tho flro from tho Zoppolln's guns. Enghio Ilroaks Down For 3 minutes tho chnso contin ued, tho machlno guns being UBcd frcoly on both bUIob until finally tho aeroplauo's engines broko down and it was obliged to descend. Another Koppollu attack last night did llttlo da in a go. IlatterloH Attack iwi official statomout on last night's raid said a dirlglblo roaVliud Parlb soon after 10 o'clock and was bombnrded by battortcs and Attacked by aoroplanes. Iloforo leaving tho airship dropped n numbor ot bombs which did not damage. I After Liner Collided With Sailing VcnhcI They Wero I-ost in At- tcniptlng a Itcticito ' (Dr AMoclttod rmi,to Cooi H7 TlmM.J LIVEUrOOL, Jan. 31. Sovcn missing seamon from tho Amorlcan llnor Philadelphia woro landed by a. trnwlor at Mllfordhavon, Wnles. Al ter tho Philadelphia's collision Sat urday with tho Urltlsh Bailing ship Den Loo, tho Bcatncn put, off In a Ufa boat to rescue tho latter'H crow and wero loBt in tlio darkness. io one die DUTCH STEADIER LA8DYK HAS AX ACCIDENT i E T Another Vessel of Hamo Nationality Jh ToulhI up tho Thames Dlsnhlcd Dr AMorlaim Trtet toaCooi Dijr Tlmn.J LONDON, Jan. 31. Lloyd's says tho Dutch stcamor Mnasdyk mot with an accident in which two of her crow woro killed and tho ves scl beached. Tho Dutch stcamor Thtibnn has boon damaged nnd was towed up tho Thames. ATTACK FAILEI tnr Aiocimi rrai to t cj tikh. PARIS, Jan. 31. Tlio Gormnn attack on tho French front south of the Somnio river on Friday along a width of sovornl kilometers, fail ed .completely on tho eouthorn end of tho lino, succeeding only on tho bank of tho Somnio against tho vil lage of Frlso, tho war offlco announced. BRING S L HS HARD TIMES lHt4TTEN IIY EAST IN ITS MAD HUSH HuftlnesH lu llooinlng SayH li. A. Well, Editor of Port Huron Tl.uou- llorald, Now Visiting Hero NO TREATY IDE UAPAN DENIES HAVING SIGNED TREATY WITH ENGIAND KILLED IN HOLDUP After .WAY CONSOLIDATE At tho Flagstaff school tonight thoro will bo a meotlng of tho Flag- I staff and Ilonryvlllo districts for tho purpose of discussing tho proposed plan of consolidating tho two dis tricts and building ono largo school houso at Flagstaff. Tho plan Is to run n boat so. that tho puplla from all ovor tho consolidated district could reach tho school. GREETED AT WAUKEGAN President Says That Ho is Xot on Holiday Trip (Dgr Auoditwt 1'rt-u lo Cooi IIr Tmn.) WAUKEfJAN, III., Jan. 31. A great crowd, headod by 2000 school children waving flags, greeted Pres- ildont Wilson whon tho train stoppod hero flvo minutes. "This loolca llko a holllay gath ering," said tho President, "but I OCCUPANTS OF AUTO AT HUFFA LO ARE 'VICTIMS Mis. Toijicr and Sou Killed and Tun Otlieis of tho Family Ser iously Injured Story Wns that Great Rritaln Had Given Other Country Superior Rights in East nr AmocUik Treu to Cooi Day TImM. TOKIO, Jan. 31. Tho forolgn of flco donlea tho report from Berlin that Japan and England havo signed a treaty recognizing Japan's superior rights in tho fnr East. f PRORARLY POSTPONE RIG TIMHER SALE (Or-AuocUliJ l'ni lo Cooi Ur Tlnin.) UUFFALO, Jan. 31. Mrs. Agnes M. Tolpor nnd son Frederick wero killed, a daughter Grace, was fatally Injured, and a son Edward seriously Injured lu an auto holdup near hero '' early today. Tho assailants escap- $ od. ' Tho family was returning from Or- 4 chard Park when sot upon by holdup men. Mrs. Tolper was killed by tho' am not hero on a holiday. I am first of four shots. Tho men then trying to Impress upon tho peoplo clubbed tho others and aftor robbing Mennshn Woodouwaref com lu nil probability, accord ing to tho rumors, tho big sale of Coos River timber that is known to havo been pond ing for several wooks, haB been postponed possibly for another mouth. It is known that options that ran out to day havo boon oxtonded for another 30 days though tho deal may bo completed any tlnio within tho next month. Tho buyors havo boon figur ing on timber land of tho tho need of this country's being pro- pared In a military cense." REACHES CHICAGO Ti:s Sl'FFKit & Anemic ak ivni.l.i- .tii. "r,u 3AS k Aio .? , -"" , 1 MM 1, ' Kansas TlniM 1 Sfc ." - faco,i . """W8 and Ok 1 Jterr p , "eanVV'roperty loss r "Kiion of traffin ,!.. .. ff"" r,SC3 oi duo to many persons wero rescued from their marooned homos nenr Fort Smith. FLOOD IN KENTUCKY MNMssipiji Rroaks Thiough lovocyi at AVot Hickiuuii Illr AuoolitM Pre,, o Cooi lUjr TlmM. HICKMAN, Ky., Jan. 31. Tho West Hickman loveo gavo way early today and tho Mississippi Rivor is now flooding a largo area of "tho manufacturing district.' Tho wator Is slowly backing up into tho busi ness section. About GOO peoplo so far havo boon rendered homeless. Trip From Cleveland Is Made Without Incident (Dr Auorliwg 1'fuil to Cooi Oar TlmM.) CHICAGO, III,, Jon. .31, Tho ttaln to which was attached a special car bearing President Wilson and party reached Chicago this morning. Tho run from Cleveland was without tncldonf. them of monoy and Jowolry thoyi4 flfcd. : Xogro SiiiqKJCted 4 Tho pollco aro soarchlug for a no-i gro who Is believed to have commu ted' tho crime. HELD IX CHECK Iiuiwrhil Valloy Irrigation PVoJectf Will ho Saved j lllf Auoelitttj l'rv to Cooi U7 TlmM. t, lne most serlni.a .. ,oa ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 31. ,'a Eastern Arkinoo 'luu ,A vices from El Contro and Caloxl- 5t 80HII. .. '""Iisas, from rn nnlil l,ot i. i.i ...!.. ...i.ini. Willi l0 Watson I " niut uu iiuuu iTuiom un.i a "" and a,'" 5horoi"avo been ojidangerlnc tho Imperial tb ii,. . "'vera Valley irrigation m-otoct am belnir -ippl. Manv'iiol,. . i.,. r LEMAXSKI IS RACK 'Itunuirs that Ho Will Opon Another Theater Hero Georgo J, Lemanskl, until a few mouths ago, well known hero in the moving picture business, Is back from California, It Is rumored that ho is going to establish another show houso hero, but this Is not confirmed. Mr. Lemanskl sold out his Inter est In what is now the Noblo Theater eovoral mouths ago to Robert Mars- don. UNO T BE FOUND SURMAHIXE K-& OF U. 8. XAVY .MISSING 1 . . 1 Has Xot Reon Heard froim by WIroi les Since Early Sunday Morning (Uy A"oritel 1'rfM 10 Ooni lUy Tliun. OJIARLESTONmR. C., Jan. 31-No pany besides several smaller holdings of Individuals, The sale is expected to nniount to close to $250,000 If complet- ed in its present proportions. WILL HOLD OPEX MEETING ICntei (aliniifiifi at Episcopal Guild Hall Tomorrow Night 'Tho open meqtlng of the Episcopal OUlId will be held tomorrow evonlng in the Guild Hall at 8 o'clock p. m. Tho,, following Is tho program which was arranged by" Ilenrlk GJordrum: Piano Duet. Norwegian Dances ,.,,.... Grieg Miss Edna Larson and Ilenrlk GJordrum word was received toJay from tho Quartet. submarine K-5, or from vessels which -Tlio Snow Elgar aro searching for her, according to 1 The Mljler's Wooing Fanning tho navy yard officials. The sub marine has been missing sinco 1 o'clock Sunday morning and has not responded to wireless calls. The monitor Tallahaseo and the I Mrs. E. J. Robinson, Mrs. RenJ Ostllnd, BenJ. Ostllnd, Gerald Hunt. ,Paper Associated Charities Don S. Fisher Dr. D. O. Vaughn, Dentist, Room SO, First National Dank building IJbby Coal. $5,00 ton. PliOBe 7SL submarines K-l, 2 and 0 camo Into Piano Solo. harbor this morning. They said no thing was heard of tho K-5. Naval pfflcera continue in tho hope that no thing moro spripus. has happened to tho K-fi, Uian. hat tho wireless ap paratus; is out of order. Hungarian MacDowell Miss Mary Kruse Thy Beaming Eyes. .... MacDowell Requiem' . . , Homer Love Is Mlno Qartnor ''- Gerald Hunt ' ' Tho compound word "hnrd-tlmos" is almost unknown in tho east, and no to its doflnltlon, only tho oldest inhabitants would oven essay nn an swor, says L. A. Well, editor and publisher of tho Port Huron Tlmos Horald, who Is on Coob Buy for a fow days, He is connected with tho Moore Lumber company which ex pects to resume operations very shortly. "Whon I landpd In Portland," continued Mr. Weil, "I henrd peoplo talking about the times bolug hard. It was now to mo. .Let mo nssuro you, It Is only tho quostlon of a ve ry short time beforo tho wavo ot good business and plenty of It tins sproad to tho west. Ita coming; it can't help but couio." Has Rig Circulation Mr Well has tho only nowspapor in n city of 2G.000 inhabitants, a publication with a circulation ot 13, 000. This publication Is porhaps tho only ono In tho country with a circulation of moro than half the population of tho city In which it is printed, Port Huron is a manufacturing ci ty on Lako Huron. Ita automobllo factories aro busy places, swamped with orders that cannot be filled. Thoro is no such thing as tlio ques tion of tho unemployed. Everybody works, ovou father, Mr. Well stated. Tho mines in the northern part of tho state aro being put to their capacity outputs. Do troit, some 00 miles from Port Hu ron is growing at an astonishing rate. "You can almost nee It grow, ov ernight," the publisher doclared. Mill to Start This morning Mr. Woll went tc Bandon. Ho is interested In the Moore Lumber company that has o mill at Bandon and nlso at Toledo, or. tho Yaqulna. It is tho present plan to start tho mill on the Coqullle within a very short time, but logging oi.eratlons Just now aro everywhere boing hold up on account of the deep snows. ESMPETpPTED A. M. JENNINGS TRIES TO RREAK JAIL AT EUGENE EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 31. One o four meh sentencod from Cooa Coun ty to the state ponltentlary whilo in tho county Jail hero, attempted to me tho padlock, on his cell and liberate himself, Tho man who attempted tho Jail break was Albert M, Jonnlngs. con VIcted of hold-up ln Coos Count' and sentence tq a term of three tc 1C years in the penitentiary, That Country Has Decided to Continue Campaign Start ed in Albania BEPULSEJEDINS French Check Two Assaults Made With Hand Grenades At Hill No. 140 STILL QUIET IN THE EAST Russia Claims to Havo Inflicted a Fresh Defeat on tho Turks In the Caucasus and Say that Krzcr- urn Is Surrounded Or AmooUKm I'rwi to Con Ur TlniM.I BERLIN, Jan. 31. (Wireless to Soyvlllo) Italy has decided to con ti.luo tho campaign in Albania, ac cording to Vlonna advlcos, and lo said to hnvo landed nn addlt.onal In fantry division and Bovornl battorlos of heavy artillery at Avlona. Two Attacks Full Tho Gorman forces last night de livered two attacks with hand gren ades, near hill No. 140 both of which failed, Paris annouticod today. Berlin stated that tho French havo been making repeated attomps to re gain ground recently loBt by thorn nenr Nouvlllo, but thnt nil tholr ef forts woro bonton off. Tho Gormans aro still holding tho nowly won trenches. Quiet in tho East In tho oaBt relative calm prevails. Unofficial mossngca claim that tho RusslaiiH infllctod fresh defeat 011 tho Turks In tho Caucasus. They voltornto tho roport that tha IUh--slanfl hnvo surrounded Erzorum. wnwr back Though thoro havo boon rauiots of n caso to bo brought by tho Southern Oregon company against tho count), L A. Lljoqvlst says that no papers hnvo as yet boon served by him. Ho has received from tho attorneys for tho company, n proposition that they wll dismiss tho suit now ponding against Coos county lu tho Supromu Court of tho Unltod States providing tho $107,000 hold In escrow by the county Is returned. Thb county lion no power to mnko a decision olthor way, says Mr. Llljeqvlst.. Payment of tho past duo taxes and penalties was refused by tho com pany on the grounds that tho quos tlon of tho legality of tho title ot their holdings Is In tho courts for sottlemout nnd that no settlement can bo mndo with tho county until this question la deterhilned. Tho matter Is up to Congress aa to whether or not tho orlglnnl contract to soil tho land at $2.50 an aero shall bo enforced. Suit AgnliiNt County Tho Portland Orogonlan haa tho following item concerning tho utlt against Coos County: "To recovor $103,300.07 lont to tho Southern Oregon Co., for de posit in trust to eovor accrued coun ty taxes until tho stntua of tho Coos Bay wagon road grant waB estab lished, tho Menasha Woodcnwaro Company, of Menasha. Wis., filed suit in tho United States District Court yesterday. DolphT Mallory, Gearln & Simon represent tho plain tiffs. Mr. Gearln said tho suit was a frlondly ono, brought as much In tho interests of tho Southern Ore gon Company as of the woodcnwaro company to determine to whom tho monoy bolongs. Tho Sup'romo Cour. decision did not settlo tho question ' is tho Southern Oregon Company, holding title to lands in tho grant, did not care to pay tho taxes until t Is determined whether the com Jany Is to hold tho lands or they iro to roort. In the meantime, tho Menasha Wpodenwaro Company vauts Its monoy. Hence, tho suit, which may re-open tho wagon road ltlgatlon." Tho four prisoners arrived In tho Ity last night accompanied by Dep- Uv Sheriff W. C. Laird and William Shoupo. They were placed lu sop- arato cells, Jennings pucceoded'ln hiding a small mill filo somowhero on his person and aftor they had been locked In tho Jail ho tried filing tho padlock on his cell door. Ho wa,s dotqetqd beforo ho com doted his task. The four men left or Salem today, If ' I r ' jsttKLjS .1- Mt.tll .. . : ..-'lilfaiH. msu j . ,j.i.iflft, irulk.. t.VK t.-ntLu' i, ?-(-,& fcJl4AiWj . lit