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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
mpiyrtiia m JfBSftPVTT "" W"'"'M " nw G n BOD'S LITTLE BlfSSINGS SO GREAT-IK? AND KIND' PLEASANT WORDS-AND A LITTLE A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS vTxxxix Established 1H78 As Tho Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1 916. EVENIN6 EDITION. TWELVE PAGES. ig $!&?" No. 161 y SNOW' 'i (Ewjs law .5. WINSOR IS nz - I DI GIVES WAY IE! MANAGER ' flKssSBt b MS, Placed at Head of Simpson Lumber Company Prop erty in Coos County A K. ARKLEY WILL LEAVE FOR NORTH Accepts Position Offered Him Because of Pending Sale of Milling Plant- KfcHOE TAKESOLD PLACE Ij. i Fiilkenslclii In Charge of Of fice, Blilpplng nm Mnniifiictiiro If Hnlo li Closed ltciortcl Onlr l'rt Change Hands Charles S. Wlnsor, wo)l known financier of Notth Bond, 1ib boon appointed division malinger of tho Simpson Lumber Company Intor cste In Coos county. Ho succocdH A. K. Arklcy who has resigned his position ns division manager for the company to accept a placo with a concern In tho nortli. Tho change was effcctUo today. It Is understood that somo time, ago ho recolved an offer In tho north and It Is said that Blnco It appeared that thoro might bo n sulo of tho company proporty Iio had de cided to accept tho offer. Others Aro Named With tho appolntmont, of Mr. Wlnsor as nlnnagor Buvoral othor changes tako placo, L. Falkon stoln la mado office manngor for the company and will bo superin tendent of manufacture iind ship ping of ltimhor. Kobcrt Kohoo In roturncd nn superintendent of tho Porter mill, a position which ho hold until re cently. Ileal Talked )f Thoro hhs been rumors thai tho Slmpwn company wns closing n deal tq soil tho Nortli no ml mills to Philip Iluelmor or Portland and his assoc'atcs. and that thoro should ho a now organization placed In tho management of tho company affalrH when audi "a deal Is ponding, Is explained by tho fact, that should a deal go through, It will bo only for n part of tho proporty. Only Will Sell Part While, officials of tho company Ill not dlscusg tho matter It Is understood on first class authori ty that tho sale, If It matorlallzos, will Involvo only tho lumber man ufacturing business and a part of tho 8lmpson tlmbor, whllo tho Simpson Lumber Company will till rotaln a largo amount of Property in (,0 county. Thoso who arb In n position to know ay. that officials of tho company navo groat faith In tho develop ment of Coos Hay and that tho company will hold a largo amount f real estate In -.'orth Bond as ''ell as a largo body of tlmbor. Will Itemnlu a Factor If tho sale Is closod, ns It ap fM nulto likely that It will ho, e Simpson I.umbor Company will remain as an Important factor In business affairs of Coo8 Day "4 ' by no means giving up all " Interests bore. Thorororo an wwnliatlon and management of ,ne C01Pany affairs Is nocossary. Well Known Muii C. s. Wlnsor, who 1ms boon nam , " novv managor of tho company l one or tho best known mou on loos nay. K0r lwonty.two voarB was connected with tho 'latf Brnn.. ' Wh Wne(1 ft ttre rlZ Y, n I,0K,, rlvr nd. thoro received hi, first busings traln ; Ho worked up until' hobo- manager of tho store, sal- Z h, Try' ranch tl H ojf e business itorcst8 of Mr , , Wn'eh were extensive. ' T . r"n,o As Hunker Slmn, . . . .o ynaro nnn wbon I ,7tu" "eclded to start a hnk In K-n,M. n"r? lu "a" a frlpn . no ftKkoa a-business 'end where h0 co,d got a man (Ved Mf- W,nBOr wn8 BS- abnuv J man ot Broat business y.:..T.ho two mot. Mr. win- baniri!- . know nthlB ot tho banklni. i . "uhii"k i mu 1IIK imnKnn t..i t.i. Fr..i " . "uu """ bo to a San sco bank wim,. i. -. Mr 1 1 and ,ear l details and of oS " returnea a"d tho Bank Bend' and" r8 X5pened ttt North "" "aa "aae tno pash ntl.Wed on pa?0 Four". fry 'ai ut NEY&mJLJm rW Prr ' i i , n i i i . ,- .. . . -..aJ Ut ARRESTED COOS BAV Olltli rilAIlOKI) WITH HOOTMXUllXO IX POHTIiA.M) Kuddlo Itiunpri HiiirinriMl MIsh, In Tolls Kinployor Tit km tip by Pollco WAS IiATKIl niVK.V FltlCKHOM HV POMCK Tho Intent accounts of tho enso say Siullo Hunipt was ro lonspd by tho Portland po Hco after her arrest, lightning hist night burn- Bnddlo Itumpf, u 20-yoar-ohl half brood girl who claims to havo ro coutly 'gouo to Portland from Coon Day, was arroslod there on Wednes day nnd charged with hootlogglng. P. II, Swnbb, proprlqt.or o(,lio Shastn Ilotol, 2G8 Ollsnu strcot, or tho Iloso CUy, omployer of tho girl, wbb also two or thro of thoso 'fly-dlck.n' In. hoporbut.I knrtw tUofu a'll,"'cnutIono'd Swnbb, as- ho dellve'rdd it bbttlo or hoor and n bottle of, vhlbkoy to Vn tr61m'un Wright, In plain clothes. "Woll, I'm ono of thoso 'fly dlcks.' " replied tho pollcoman, flash ing his Htur outsldo his plain clothes, It Is stated tho girl wns employed by Swnbb as n chambermnld with-, out wages oxcopt for room nnd board. I Tho girl, It wns chnrgod, had help-1 od sorvo two othor bottles of beer and whiskey. BAR DEPTH GOOD OAI'T. of.SO.V. KAYS DKPTII IS IIKIXCJ MAINTAIM3J) Capt. II. W. Olson of tho Ado lino Smith stat?3 that tho bar Is in tho host condition this winter that ho has over known It. Ilo 8ta,tos that thorn is pver -1 feot of wator on tho bar nt monn low wator. On ono of his recent trips .out, ho found vory smooth weathor and ran slowly. In tho distnnco ho took Bovonty-flvo sound-' ings. It was then noar flood tldo and tho least wator no got was thirty throo foot. Ho says thct tho Adeline Smith was drawing over 19 foot and In roasonablo woathor, tho largost of tho Dollar traus-Paclflo vessels enn tako a full load out of horn now. Ilo said that n vessel drawing twenty-four foot of wntor could mako It with out difficulty or dungor. Inner Clutnnol lletttV In addition to tho iinprutud bar condlt'ons, t,ho Innor. channel Is in good Bhnpo. Slnco' tho government changed tho aids to navigation tho vossols havo no difficulty. Tho only troublfsomo Bpot was tho rock reor'nonr Tar Heel and now that tho spar buoy has been chaug- od, tho vessels got tho north slno of tho Ray near tho old govern ment works whoro thoro is plonty of wator for any" craft. Will Fortify Capt. Olson says that It will not bo long boforo tho government will tako up tho question of fortifying Coos Hay and looking Into Its na val possibilities and expects to seo it mado a submarine base. Ho says that tho coal dopoolts horo make it especially necessary for tho Rpvornmont. taking -p011"-t)op tg,jprqt9Pt U plnccd uudor arieet opj thpB.tmQ cVro. fi'MPorlJand TolOBJrfm,'tbfil Ingo tho'ljilldciiays j J "Wo'veWt to'bo carofiii thoro's cmr COVERED BI BEEP SNOW Heaviest Known In This Part of the State for Many Years Past LIVE STOCK DYING 1 FOR WANT OF FEED Logging Operations Through out tli3 Country Have Been Demoralized ' MILLS SHUT-DOWN TODAY Klf;lit to Fotfcteen Inchoa of Snow In MiirliNclri tliN .WnrnliiK "' "Snowl'mllH and, Kmnvmcii Aro Tiiklc On Tho Streets DKPTII VA1HKS AT COOS COIJXTV POINTS At Marshflold snow was O 8 to 1 1 Indies deep this , morning. , At Coqutllo' 3 Inches of Biiow was reported this morning. At Himdon thoro was n light snow with thundor and v lightning Inst night burn- lug out tolophone wires. At Myrtle Point thoro was 3 Inches of ,snow which foil during tho night. At Ro30burg thoro was 4 lnchos In tho city and within $ two miles of tho cloy thoro was a depth of 3 feot. Telephone vlres wont down. ' Tho hcavlosi nnow Hint has vlsltod Coos Hay In yoars fell last night, and this morning tho whole city wiib covered. Thoro wan n dlfforenco In tho dopth. On tho stroots in tho busi ness Boctlon of town thpro waa u fall of 8 Inches of snow whllo tho dopth vnrlod up to as much as 14 Inches on some or the higher points. IJack In tho mountains tho snow continuing to got doopor. Logging operations aro domoral.zod, cattlo nnd sheop nro dying and wild bircis and boasts nro dying. Tolophono wires aro broken down in places and tho .moving of tho ?nall over tho mountains will bo un- dor great dlfilcultles. It Ini'lies Iti'iM'w' D. A. Jonos Btatod that ho mea sured tho enow nt sovoral placos near his homo on tho Ferndnlo hill and found II limhos on tho lovol. C, A. Johnson measured tho snow Ri many places around his homo In West Marshflold ahd 11 inches wns tho prevailing depth. Art ftlancliard said that near his homo on South Fifth Stroot, tonatid' ono-half Inches was tho nvorngo dopth on tho sidewalk. Deeper nt Allegany Parties from Allegnhy report that tho. snowfall thero yestorday and innt night totalod eighteen inches on tho level. Snowballs hum Hiiotvntcn Tho snow mado fun In tho city this morning. Tho tomptotion was ipo great and tho opportunity too flno for snowballing and noany every ono Indulged to somo extent. Porter Mill Closes BecauBo of the depth of snow In tho yards and tho scarcity of logs tho Porter Mill was unablq to operato this morning. At tho Biinfo time, tho workmen would uve- found It Imposslblo to work, GOMES IN SNOW ST.HAMSIIIP KILUl'ltX VAJCKH INTO IUjINDINO FliAKKS Hull In Shcatlicil to Avoid Ico Hrlngi iMoro Than noi) Toiih . I'eolglit 0it Tomoriow With hor hull encasod In plank and Iron sheathing to protect hor from tho lco encountered In tho Columbia river, tho stcnmshlo Kilhurn nrrjvcil In this morning from Portlund bringing u good number of pnnsongera and more than 100 tons of freight for Coos Hay. She will loavo at 7:30 a. m. tomorrow for Kuroka and San Francisco. Last night tho vessel ran Into a series of snow! storms that' ho enmo so blinding that tho fog whlBtlo. had to bo nlown constant ly, Tho ship arrived off tho bar nt 7 a. m. but was delayed nn hour on account of tho snow which obscured tho channel. ..Captain McLollan declared thero is now very llttlo Ico in tho lowor Columbia, though . tho rlvor nbovo Ih blocked; clear across with great cakes ot lco piled and jammed otfo on tho other. ' Tho arrivals today word: Roy A. Dallard, Mrs. A. Bal lard, Mrs. Julia C. Iluntor, J. M. Uowon, II. SnndqulBt, T. C. Slmnklnnd, Mrs. WI,1cox, n. II. Montsg, T. dunthor, Mrs. Ounth or, Jack (Inutlier, R. II. Murdock, A. A. Halo, R. Von Shlpman, Lowls K. Crovor, Mrs. Grovcr, E. Shay, A. Jomnrcus, Cloo. Stultz, John Anderson, Porry Wells, Ray Grounds, H. S. Povomlro, J. Har- A. J. Rnhmor, A. F. RodBon, U. K. Kndlcott. Wnlltor Stoltoli, J, k.i RvibliiBon, J. A. Roblnsnn, II. Clol kco, 'J. H. Sutherland, T. n. Shor loy, Carl Stolsonborg, N. M'ko, Lu cllo Hunter, Mrs. C. D. Horsoloy, 15. Johnson. W. M. Dillonbock, L. 15. nurnott, F. O. .Itanoju about In tho yards, pll.'ng tho lum bor. I.ogx ltuiinin; Short Tho C. A. Smith mill started up but closod down about plght o'clock on account of tho dopth of tho snow that provontod any working In tho yards. Tho supply of logs on hand will not last a great whllo. Cixiiilllo Is High L. A. Llljeqvlst, who returned last ovonltiK from Coqulllo, stated thut tho rlvor Is high nnd running vory swiftly. It Is almost impos sible for tho hosts to got upstream ngalns tho curront and logs and Bungs aro coming down, making It dangerous to boats and Btoamera. The people of thp Coqulllo Val loy, ho Bald, fear thoro will bo floods. Stork SttfferliiK In tho mountains tho stock Is Buffering terribly. Ho Bald "that pno man reported he had only one out of 35 shoep left. Cattlemen are caught without feed for tholr cattlo. Jt Is expected many will dlo from starvation. Hoof Strnlnwl Tho biiow bceamo bo heavy this mornlng on tho roof of A. T. Halno's warehouse, at tho foot of Central avenuo, that tho strlngors woro wrenched from tho sldo3 ot tho building. Jco on Itlver Cant. K. Ooorgo Smith of tho Rainbow on his arrlval In town this morning doclarod that thoro wa,s a thin coat of Ice clear across Pouth Coph River above Daniels Qok this morning. IN OTAY VALLEY Territory In Southern Cali fornia Swept by Thirteen Billion Gallons of Water REPORT THAT FIFTY HAVE BEEN KILLED Relief Parties Rush from San Diego to Give Relief to the Survivors ' DAMAGE IS $1,000,000 Arrldciit Occurred Liwt Thursday District Hum lleen KnUiely Cut Off from Coniniunlca- Hon with Outsldo UKHCUKItS FIND WHOM A'AIiLUV DKVASTATKI) 0 (Dr AMOeUIMl IT-M to CM DJ TlRIM.) 4 SAN DI12aO, Jan. 20 Twenty-two bodies havo boon rocovorcd so far by rescuing parties. It Is feared that many havo boon BWopt to sea. o Tho wholo valloy was found dovastatod. Tho death list will bo largo. nr AuorltlH Tmif to Coo Ilr Tlnti. SAN DIKOO, Jan. 29 (Radio to PLds Angolcs) Rellof parties' In im- ton iind n procoBslon of motor trucks loft horo today for tho Otay Vhlloy, Ahero tho bursting of tho dum ot tho Sotilhorn California Mountain Wator Company killed nt least HO Voopls. . Many of tho bodies aro being enr r'lod' Into tho sea by the rliBhIng wall 6t wator thirty feet high. Nowb of tho disaster dd not reach hero until last night, although tho dnm broke Thursday afternoon."" Scored A.TO flNslng; rrip valloy was lsola,tod, roads bo Jug ImpuBsablQ nnd bridges washod o'ut, and,al wires down. It. was fonr cd tho HiifferliiR of thp survivors from lack of food and oxpoBiiro would bo IntoiiBO. Scores ot pcoplo aro ro- ported missing, many ot whom pos-i s.bly mnj havo porlshcd.. Joss n Million ' Tho proporty loss probably will nmouut to moro than $1,000,000. Tho dovastatod section was ocauplod by nany small rnnchors, among thorn bolng oovcral Japatioso truck gardeners. Ono roport said. 2 5 Japan ese men, women and children woro drowned, , Engineering nnd civil authorities Joined in tho rescue parties, which hnstonod to tho nlto of tho lowor Otay dam, 17 miles southeast of '""" IWIIIons of Gallons Tho dam, J 30 feot high was of tho looso rock typo with eoucroto wnlls. It was one of a series of datr.s and rusnrvolrs by which tho magntflcont 'wntor supply was nssurod tho city of San Dlogo. Tho broak released thlr- , toon billion gallons of wator. Water Cut Off Tho motor trucks which loft todny carrlod provisions for tho survivors in tho vulloy and tools and pontoons for crossing tho bwoUoiV streams whero tho bridges nro out. Tho wator supply In parts of San Hicgo and nuburbs was curtailed or cut off ns a result ot tho breaking dun Mlv.MinCItS OF MILIilCOMA OLUIJ ' DKCIDi: OX MATTKIl Coiniitltlvo This Aftciii'Min Ih His ciihhIiik Plans and Flniiilctvi for Miilntnluing OrgiiuUntlon At a meeting of tho members of tho Mllllcoma Club last evening it was decided that tho Club shall bo continued and o, cpmmittoo meets this afternoon to tako tho matter up moro thoroughly. Tho mattor of flnancos was dismissed last ovon- lug, tho purposo bolng to got tho hearty support of all mombors for tho coming year, Huys Homo Karl Mack today purchasod u lot, parti- Improved in tho First Addition from J. W. Mcta- turf f and will make his homo there. Tho doal was mado by L, C. Hon- dricks. Times Want td bnag rwultt. 0 U 0 KEEP OP HOT FL'itTIIKIl TROUlHiK IS RI5POHT Kl IX. SWITOHUIiAND Moro thnn Ono Hundred Antl-Ocr-man Peoplo Aro Placed Un der Arrewt f Ily AikkIiIM TrfM to Coo llr Tlmn.l LAUSANNK, Switzerland, Jnn. 29. Notwithstanding tho presenco of troops, rioting ngaln broko out Inst night In tho vicinity of tho Gormnn consulate Moro thap 100 arrests woro mado. MI5X1CO JIAY FOHCI3 SHIIVIOK IX AUM.V Wt Am-kI.IM PfM. In cm rr Tlmn, 13L PASO, Texas, Jan. 20. A commission appointed by Carranza to consider estab lishing n compulsory mili tary sorvlco in Moxlco has .bo- , fun wnrlf In Mnxlco Cltv. nt . """ "- , T I cording to word received hero today. F OICHMAXS CIi,IM VICTOHV. . (Il7 A.MI lll.J rrtM to OW.I H4f TIIUM. IH5RLIN, Jan. 20. Tho capturo of 1000 yards ot French positions south of nnd Including tho vlllngo of Frlso was announced today by army headquarters. Thirteen . machine guns and 027 prlspnors woro tak en. Northeast of NouvllIo, tho Germans Btormod tho tronchca along a front of about 1,700 yardB, captur ing 270 prisoners' and nlno machlno guns. WIS TO: 8E OP WESTERN UNIONS WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK VIA EUCJEXE Within a vory Tow .days C008 Day will bo In tolographlo commu nication with tho outBldo world via tho Wcslorn Unloij along tho Wlll nmetto Pacific right-of-way. Otto Schottor, local managor, today stated tho wlros woro expected to be In operation next week. For weeks two gangs ot wlro- inoii havo boon working pit tho lino, ono group stringing down from tho Stuslaw and tno other group working north from Coos Duy. Thoy aro. now ' srtldi 'to, be- In tlto vicinity, of mho umpqua anu roany, to jiui inuir una uuruon iiiu rivur very shortly. Tolepliouo A'.ho When this sorvlco Is opolicd tho SCooa nnd Curry Tolophono com- pnny oxpocts to havo Its wlro work ing In connection with tho wlro of tho Pnclflo States Tolograph nnd Tolqphono Company. lioth companlos will then havo eliminated tho trotijilo and wor ry that ovory winter and during ovilry high wind storm ncconir panics tho lines out via tho Rose- burg routo. Can Keep Id no Up Inasmuch as thoy will bo laid along tho right-of-way U will bo posslblo for tho lluomou, In time of troublo, to qulekly find tho breaks anil mako ropalrs. Out tho othor way It Is now necessary for them to plod through tho deep snow, chop troca vmt of mo road, break a trail and half a dozpn other things hororo getting to work on tho lines. TWO MUX KIMiHI) IX OKLAHOMA FIRE U? AuocUtI l'n to Coo. 117 Time J V OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan, $ 29. Two porsous aro known to havo lost tholr llvos today In a flro which started at 4 Drumrlght, Okla., n small oil town and dostroyed an on- tiro block, causing n Iobb of $100,000. pa. m i ' Ixmvvo for South - Aboard tho Speodwoll as paBsongors this after noon woro L. J. Potromoulox, Fro1 Harris, It. C. Morris, R. W, Prowltt, V" H. Stovons, Mrs. Stovons npd Mary, WlUa and R, J. Stevens, J. D. Morris, Ada Morris, Nola Morris. Sam, Ilragg, M. A. Norton and Mrs. R Smith and Children, K MO S S Neither King or Heir Are Present but Treaty Has Been Agreed To DOES NOT NEED 1 A RATIFICATION Document Signed by Dele gates and Two Army Of ficers for Cabinet NEWS T0LDIN BERLIN Newspapers Thero Say Hint thoro is no Question About tho Validity In Commenting Todny on tho Proceedings it' GENERATj HODSOX DIES" OF HIS INJURIES 0 (Ur AuocUlM rim. to nn rttj Time. LONDON, Jan. 29. Drlg 4 adlcr Gonoral Goorgo Don- Janiln Hodson of tho Indt- nn army, wounded In tho fighting on tho Oalllpoll peninsula, died of Injur- les nt Malta. rf IDr AuocUt..! rrf.i to Coo Hr TiaiM.) BERLIN, Jan. 29, (WirolcsB to Sp'vHlo)-r-Lokal Anzolgor, com' montlng on tho dotails of tbo sur render ot iMontoncgro, statos that tbo abscucu ot King Nicholas at i this tlmo has llttlo weight, since . tUo constitution provides .that thf heir to' 'tho throno Bhnll net In lib fbsonco rind In tho absenco of the holr, tho 'cabinet Is In possession of goycrnmontal power. Montenegrin dolngatcu, General IJolcIr and raJo Iompar, the uowspapor1,sayB 'sliine'd a' document on behalf of tho cahlnot niembers remaining iu Montoiibgro. Tllere forotho tronty is valid without Va Iflcation r tho king or1 croWij prlnco. HOADMA8TER HERE It. 11. Murdock Arrlvo on tho Kill? burn: Today "' ' ' R, R. Murdook, th now count?' roadmastor, arrlvod on tho Kliburn this .morning from Portland, after having returned thoro to wind up his affairs. Mr. Murdock left Marshflold this morning tor Co qulllo whoro ho will ruako his rosldonco and whoro ho will havo offices in tho court house. $ X PERSONAL. MENTION t 'MRS, J. A, GOODWILL of floutlui Coo.s rlvor camo dqwn today to consult physlcanB regarding, hor nUinont from which oho has boon sufforlug for somo time. G. A. Cnrmichnol nnd wlfo of North Inlot nro euobIs of Marshflold friends. JOHN W. MOTLEY aud A. JJ. Gldloy roturuod this morning from Dan don whoro thoy wont last tilcht to Judge a dobato. II. 8MITIIGALL, of Catching Inlet, was down today for medical treat ment yestorday. Ho foil across a slump and struck his sklo on a knot, causing a painful Injury. E. R. Hodson of South Coos Rlvor wns horo today. Ho said that they think that tholr Bocond daughter, Miss Irono Is itUo coming down with typhoid fovor. Tholr oldest drughtor, Erma, la Just recovering from a Eovoro Blogo. J t AMONG THE SICK t Mrs. Wm. Hoaglaud and hor moth er, Mrs. Wall, aro hqth on tho pick dint, suffering from tho la grippe Mrs. Harry Russoll was down to dny from Catching Inlet to rocolve. medical treatmont. W. C. Bradley was'atlo tq bo qut; . today after bolng confined tp lt.'a homo or a wpek with la grlppo. i Wrong Sido of tpoet .Autorao- bllo No. 3231 was ropo'rtod by tho officers nt tho police sta tion this morning for bolng on the wrong sldo of tho streo(. TILVWEI) OUT HIS FEI'7C IN THE OVEN Jack Hayland of Beaver Hill lost a too as a result ot froozliiK his feot. He put ma v foot In th oven 'to- thaw" them pui and auftored bad ' consequences, ' $ f ol HI V J ,V'1W t . i