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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
ISSsKffif TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. iiirr in HRipiirnrn imTL n Hunuurnr Z PERSONAL MENTION KARL JENNINGS, of North Bond, was n visitor hero this morulas. OHVILLI3 WILSON of bumnur i u Mnrshfiold business visitor today. JIISS FLORENCE HAYES Is spend ing a week with relatives at Coos ton. S. ,D. CATHCAHT left today for Coqulllc where ho was cnlled on a business visit. WARREN DESSEY caino down from his South Coos Itlvcr rancli this morning. Railway Mews of Cos Bay CltOSS COMPLAINT CONTAINS SK VERB ALLEGATIONS Mike Itm-kc Files Ansni'r TIiidukIi Atloriii'.v.s nt Coiillle Denies Jnllik'llty Clini'Ke.s On n cross complaint filed at the office of the county clerk today Alike Durke answers the allegations of his wife, Mrs. Ventura M. Hiwkc. who seeks u dhorec front lilm. He, MANAGER ARKLEY of the Simpson j too, alleges cruel and Inhuinan treat Lumber Company Is a Marshflcld visitor today. CAPTAIN JOHN SWING vn3 up lost night from Empire for a short visit. J. S. UAItTOX was a visitor here this afternoon from t'ouulllc on his way down to Hnmloii. HAltltY LASllWAY and Charles I,owry left yestordny for Alleguny to enjoy a deer hunt. GEOIIGE JIcCULLOCH, of Hiiynos Inlet, was among the visitors in tho city today. MIL AND MRS. J. G. HIIOWN, of Myrtlo Point, wore over yesterday and today shopping. FIIED POWEIIS returned to Powers this morning after n pleasant out ing In California. It. IJUGGE and wlfo nro oxpected homo overland this evening from u trip to Portland. MnS. E. GEOItaE SMITH and Ilttlo son of South Coos Itlvcr, wcro Marshflcld visitors hero today. J. STEVENS has returned to his homo on south Coos Itlvcr after a visit hero of several days. MR. AND MRS. II. E. I1ESSEY, of Cooa River, were among the vis itors horo yesterday and today. H. J. KIMBALL Jr., returned today from Portland where ho went to Inspect a now kind of a municipal garbngo burner. WARNER OGREN returned from a dcor hunt above Allegany Fri day nrtornoou but did not havo any horns to exhibit. J, B. SNEDDON has returned from a trip to San Francisco and left at noon to attend tho EuglcB' doings at Powers. L R. HODSON of South Coos River Is In Mnrshfiold. Ho says that Mrs. Hodson and their week-old daughter nro doing fine. MRS. W. J. HILL and son, William, came down from Goodwill's today to mnko a trip to Powers with Mr. Hill tomorrow. IGNATIUS CHAPMAN and .Jons Hansen expect to lcavu on the San ta Clara tomorrow for a visit at tho Exposition. MRS. BURNT MATIIISON, of Hun ker Hill, visited with Mrs. Walter Robertson nnd Mrs. John Tellof son In Eastsldo yesterday. A. O. McCLANE, of Portland, nnd W. R. Wolgnmot, of Soattlo, of tho Western Union arrived last ovcu Ing from Rosoburg nnd left over tho lino today. JACK FARLEY and Henry Hug. gins loft this morning for tho Fnrloy plaeo at tho forks of Coou Rlvor, whoro they nro to take a Hovoral dayn' vacation. AV. R. BONE11RAKE, u former Coos Bay but now traveling for u Chi cago hospital and medical supply houso, Is expected hero today to visit hla brother, G. A. Bono brake. WALTER ROBERTSON, who has been working In tho Lukesldo mill for tho paBt two weeks, Is expected homo tomorrow to spend u few duys at his homo in East side. MRS. II. M. X1MMER and sou, or Chicago, who havo been visiting ut tho John llliitt residence for some time, expect to leave In the morning for tholr homo in the east. GUY CHAMBERS caino down from his Daniels Creek ranch this' morning to take a look ut the cl-( ty and moot old friends again as well as to transact a lot of busl-' num. ,t 5 Wl I FRED MARX arrived In today from I'ortluml to call on the tnido hero. Ho Is looking for the man who said that his uaiuo was Easy Mark nnd says ho will show lilm u thing or two. AV. S. CHANDLER returned over-1 laud yesterday from a business ( trip to San Frnmilsco, niuMug the I round trip In fivo days, having loft hero ovorland .Monday morn ing. CONSTAHLE WILLIAM COX nnd wlfo returned last ovonlug from Allogany whoro they hao been visiting for a wook, most of the tlmo at tho homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Tom Lawhorn. E, L. KING, of San Francisco, and Georgo J, Bnyllss, of Portland, both telegraphed officials of the S P. arrived horo yosterday and left this morning ovor tho line accom panied by C. H. Marsh. J, O. LANGWORTIIY and Cnl Laiitj- worthy returned yosterday from n i two days hunting trip to Powers ' Thby found no bucks, saying thev have all neon scared to (ho brush 1 ment nnd statement is mndo that tho plaintiff did at one time take a j broom nnd a poker to Mm following 'an argument. The cross complaint was filed by Hoy and Miller. A denial of practically all alle gations mndo by the wife are made by Mike Ilurkc. He admits that once he was Intoxicated on North Front street but claims that he took whiskey for an attack of neuralgia nnd that it was with the consent of his wlfo that ho did ho. Tho couplo wero married Oecem ber III, 1912, and the cross com plaint says that tho plaintiff often scolded him because he and his fa ther wcro in tho liquor business nnd "whenever defondant would seek to placate tho plaintiff or mildly pro test ngalut her cruel conduct sho would fly Into n violent rage and would assault him with a broom, or Iron rod, or poker and call him vllo names and would thrcatou to poison nnd to destroy liorsolf." Tho wlfo asks that she bo granted $!!! a month nlmony from her husband. I! OFFICIALS TO VISIT-FINISH TRESTLE WKSTKRX rIOX AM) S. P. .MUX OVER WILLAMETTE PACIFIC EXfilXEEH FONTAIXK TELLS RAPID WORK OX LINE Ol Make Final Survey f Line In Pie- Says All of Grading for Road Is Coin imiallon for Propo-cd String ing of Wires Ali'ng Ralls Inspection of the entire line of the Illamette Pacific for the purpose plete, Most 0f Piling Driven ami Bridge Work Remains All trestle work and grading on tho Willaniotto Pacific railroad ns $ SHIPPING NEWS X $ VESSEL MOVEMEXTS r. p. late last Arrived Hardy, San Francisco, m yesterday. Roamer, Rogue River, yesterday. Sir Francis, Seattle, evening. Sailed A. M. Simpson, San Francis co, this afternoon. Due Mere. Snnta Clara, Portland, Sun day morning. Kllhurn, San Francisco and Eureka, Sunday n. m. Yellowstone, San Francisco and Eureka, Sunday morn ing. To Sail Standard, Roguo River, Sun day morning. Ilreakwater, Portland, 8 a. m. ' t WATERFRONT NEWS t ? in the past tew days tho gasoline boat Standard has undergone an overhauling and tomorrow morning sho leaves out for Roguo River, where tho Ross Brothers will bring out a cargo for the Seaborg can nory. Later In tho week tho boat will probably take u cargo Into Port Or f oiil from Bandon. Attend tho dance at tho Finnish Hull Sat ui day levelling, Aug. "I. .Music by the Simmer Oivho.stni, MOXEY TOLOAX Arrangements havo been made (villi tho Bankers Mortgage Corpor ation or tuts state to lend nqvral thousnud dollars on Improved farm lauds. Only requirement Is that a small percentage of tho loan bo In vested In atock of said corporation after being satisfied suc Is a good Investment. No Commlmlous charg ed for negotiating the loan. Quick action. John W. Motley. Local Agent of finally ascertaining whether or ' far south ns u point on Lake Tnh- kenlch hns been completed nnd every foot of the grading on tho entire line Is completed, nccordlng to W. R Fontaine, assistant engineer, says the Eugeno Register. The trestle work on Tslltcoos lako was complet ed only a short time ago and tho big pile driver that was used thero Is being removed to the site of tho Umpnua bridge. As soon as tho work on tho Sluslaw hrldgo progres ses far enough as to permit of trains crossing It tho track will ho laid from tho Sluslnw to Luke Tahkenlch nnd construction trains will be operated as far as that point. Camps have been started at tho site of tho Umpnua bridge nnd tho work on tho piers will bo started In a short time. Mr. Fontaine snld that tho track has been laid north from Coos Bay for a distance of eight or nine miles and rails nro still lin ing shipped from tho material yards, In Eugene to Mnrshfiold by water for track laying In that locality. Tho first four spans of steel havo been raised on tho big hrldgo across tho bay and within (JO days, the en gineer says, tho piers will havo been completed so that the rest of tho stool can' ho swung Into position. By tho mlddlo of December or tho first of January It Is expected that the bridge will ho far enough along so that tho track may bo laid on It Into Mnrshfiold nnd as soon ns tho Ump qun hrldgo Is that far along tho truck will ho completed between Eugeno uiiil Coos Bny. However, It will tako some time to Imllost tho track and complete everything so that reg ular trains may bo operated between tho two terminal points. D. AV Campbell, nsslstnut general manager of tho S. P. system, who mndn n trin ovor tho lino a short tlmo ago. set May 1 ns tho earliest doto or tho beginning or regulnr service. Mr. Fontnlno stated that it is probable that trains will ho operat ed over tho south' portion of the lino before through trains nro put on. Ho snys thero is a groat deal or snnd around Coos Bay that can bo used for bnllast If It is desired to placo Hint portion of tho truck In condition for oporntlon hoforo tho connecting links nro built. not the wires of the Western t'nlon will be strung Into Coos Bay from Eugeno and how soon the work can bo completed Is being mode today by a party of telegraph officials of tho W. U. company and the South ern Pacific. They left this morn ing, nccompanled by C. 11. Marsh for a trip over the line. W. It. AVolgnmot, of Seattle, dis trict Hue superintendent of the Wsetcrn Union, nnd A. 0. McClano. of Portland, general for.oninn of the W. U. In Oregon, arlvcd hero Inst ovonlug via the Roseburg stage. They made a hasty survey of tho manner In which the wires aro now brought to Coos Bay. On tho Dronkwntcr yesterday came Georgo J. Bayllss, of Portland, gonernl foreman of tho S. P. tel egraph department, and E. L. King, superintendent of telegraph for tho Southern Pnclfic, and they too woro Included In tho party leaving this morning. They went up to the hrldgo on tho Gc Whiz. No wires In hero ovor tho Willam ctto Pacific as early ns Jnnunry 1, 191C, was tho stato of W. R. Wol gnmot. "Wo novor follow nhoad of tho rails," ho said this morning, "nnd further, wo hnvc mndo no fin al decision that tho lino will ho brought In bordering this road." Judging from other statements mndo by lilm It appeared that the Western Union company Is, howev er, figuring heavily on making tho change. He snld that tho parly has seen tho way tho wires aro brought from Rosoburg to Coos Bny and tho dif ficulties during high winds nnd rain storms nnd stated that this condition Is to bo relieved, which Is taken to mean nothing elso hut that tho tel egraph Hue will be brought hero via Eugene nnd Mapleton. EN EAGLES !( MEV AT POWERS APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP IX ORDER Special Initiation to he Held There Tomorrow Large Delegntlon To Go From Here. Sixty applications for member ship In the Eagles Lodge have boon recehed from Powers and tomorrow a delegation from the local Aerlo No. Tilts will go thero for tho pur pose of Initiation. A committee composed of Allan Todd, Jnck Sned don and Dr. Straw leaves this eve ning to complete arrangements. It Is expected that nt lenst 'n members of this lodge will leave for Powers tomorrow nnd the Ini tiation will bo held in time for them to catch the returning train In the nfternoon. v With this largo number added to their rolls the membership of the Ecirles lodnc hero will bo Increased to about nfiO. Plain aro now being made so that tin new nfoinbers may have a club room at Powers, though no branch or tho lodge will be es tablished there, nccordlng to August Fiieen, who Is also a member or the committee leaving Tor there this evening, but who enn not get uwny from hi business In time. Last Sunday Dr. Straw. D. J. Rei-B md Air mt Fiizeen were there Hid examined 1 prospceilve mem- llno IWff. II. .1.1 .. Powers, and bride, nrrivc..h'' ' terdal from their lionewZ1 of California, comii,B vla ' J Leg Brke.-A forc B B Noman was brought to Meii tnl from Powers today, .?,, from n broken leg. ' erltf ClnrliiiKo Buiiiercouncllm. T. Kimball . bl.0Il JK garbage- Incinerator j.. p !l which the city .o.,.., m, buying. Hugh,, ,,, T Sengslnckon nlso Insisted i. I? eeiuilno niakliin- .r.,- ... ..,gil products out of u( iit'l. ;i ill.' mini.... . -3 . v . . -iA MV' urnri I'i. "nil other i, wasto thai tin 1 WAV (I. out that Marshficl,, ro,a . ! iv ilnllnrn im .1... aliei ' ' ',vl "" " 0 It, II MHHHHBK III-'3 nMM MjMMMnHDnffVIJnfwBVBHHnwBBI'1 vvvlwiBnHWinMMMi- iiSHaSi .i PLAN FOR BRIDGE DAY CELEBRATION ConmiKU'cs Appointed to Take Charge of Th Diijh Festivals ut North llenil At u mcotug of the general com mittee In charge of thu Bridge Car nival to bo held In North Bend, Oct ober 8 and 1) last evening, the fol lowing sub-committees wero chosen to mnko arrangements for the cele bration: Sports Chairman, II. L. Borg ninn, W. E. Knowles, Prof. Cue, V. 0. Gorst, J. F. Grubbs. Decorations Chairman, Robert Kehoe, J. A. Allen, A. 15. Morten. Concessions Chairman, J. II. McComb, L. F. Falkensteln, 15. C. Mnthor. Music Chairman, Chns. Kaiser, Dr. Phil Kelser, Robt. Gebhart, W. M. Simpson, Marry Sehnfftor. Entertainment Chairman, C. M Byler, Osrnr Egor. II. C. Wray. .1. W, Mitchell, H. Rogstad. 45 H. P. Cylinder Motor Circulating Water Pump 15 Miles to Gallon of Gas Cantalever Rear Spring Real Leather Upholstering Full Floating Axle Full. Five Passenger Spiral Worm Drive 115-inch Wheel Base Transmission in Unit With Motor Tires, $18.25 EaCrT Some Car, Eh! X0TICI5 TO PI'BLIC While I am out after venison J. A. Ensnilnger will havo charge1 of my realty business. J. 15. C00LI5Y. -,!' .NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will bo received by Andrew Stora, August Ulst, .ill IS, for tho clearing of school grounds lu dls. trlct No. III!, at the Forks of Coos River. Right reserved to reject any or nil bid. JOHN BIASCA. Clerk. MATT L MAY ! CHANDLER HOTEL, MARSHFIELD ! OREGON Telephone 2(1 REPRESEXTIXG HAAS BROS. GROCERS ARMOUR & CO. PROVISIONS ASTORIA FLOURING MILLS CO. FI.OIR AND FEED Goodrum j-arage Marshfield, Oregon MAWlLWMI' U').y..7WUW.WWJ.WWI,..f1i)IWWftWffHWCTWinPgWl The Most Economical Enamel Ware to be had is the Famous are Robin Egg Eke Reed Enamel W Your Home Calls' fc For one of these A Ludwig Piano An Angelus Player Piano A Hardman Grand Piano An Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph A Victor Victrola Just a little weekly or monthly Don't wait do it now YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK C7f7j0 KUfsJ wmvrjMeu&!).!nwen&(& Guaranteed for Three Years Also just received Direct from the Factory, a Full Line of the Reed Waslh Boilers Both Copper and Tin These we are selling at the same old prices notwithstanding the recent big advance in the prices of copper and tin materials Reed Boilers - - - $2.75 to $4.00 We carry a Complete Line of Guaranteed Aluminum Ware It will pay you to try one of our Sample Aluminum Outfits, consisting or tnree pieces; Une one quart, One two quart, and One three quart Saucepans for L. L. THOMAS, Mgr. m, J1JlbuL, w SLA jL $1.00 CO. Wo Sell it for Less whilo tho does aro plentiful. ,'' flnrn tHM'mmiiiiin4 '- I -l 11 'Sfci- :l..i'.lt'tlu v Alir V. yanrnf i -YjT- j . m