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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
n f'w-t.Ufc. , "V Wrk V 1- rf, -Kr ' -, 11 jrinrttLw 1 111 t j BUtfi'M""ii'iH'M"""'t-' airtiMiMi i ii mwhwii 1- (Boos im? SOCIETY EDITORIAL CHURCHES SECTION TWO MEMREH OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 3 Vol. No. XXXIX . n n r r-- frS7TVv rnrFfTTl 7 n 7 fTv As nrv n v Wi . i '" sxxT&mmmis .."rmttiltTinNM mnenrnlntf l0Clal Imppcnlngfl, In (cmloil for publication In the boc'V depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub Silted to tbo editor not Inter San C o'clock ji. m., Frlilny of Mch week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases wlicro tho events occurred lator thun tbo tlmo mentioned.) so jolts tiii: world along A locl H nnd H loved C Ami cared not u whit for Aj Whllo II loved A, but courted E Ami dared no woul to way. K wedded V ami was adored Kor two whole yours or tbrco. When eaeli with each grow badly Ijorcd. And F sought balm with (5. A tired of life mid gave It hack Unto tlio niotber earth; , E earned her bread and found It cost Far moro than It was worth. D lived alone ami grew at last All wrinkled, mid and old; But II and C had seven sons And talile.iiooiia of gold. eva dean. AQUAIITEU of a century ago tho curient question was: "Shall women propose?" and u dis tinguished New Engliindor, .Mr. Charles Dudley Warner, used It an a title for onu of his delightful os sajs. "Marriage really coneoms thcin," he wrote, "moro than It docs men; they liaio tj bear tho ehlut of Its burdens. A wide and free choice for them would then, seem to bo only fair. "Umlcnlalily, a great many men ere Inattentive, iiiioIisoivImk, Im mersed In some absorbing pursuit, undecided and at times bashful, and liable to fall Into union with women ho liappcn to bo near them, ra ther than with those who nro con scious that they would milieu them the better wives. Men, unaided by tho finer fem inine Instincts of cholco are so apt to he deieivcd. In fact, mail's Inability to 'match' tttiyining Is notorious. "If ho cannot ho inibtcd In tho matter of wonted-work, why would he have such distinctive liberty In tho most Important mutter of llfo? "besides, there nro many men and tome of the best, who get Into n habit of not marrying at all, slmp ly becauso the right woman bus not Presented herself at tho right tlmo. Perhaps, If woman had tho open Privilege of selection, many a good fellow would ho rescued from mis erable Isolation, and perhaps also many a noldo woman whom ehaiico, or a btatlonnry position or tho Iner tia of tlio other sex, has loft to Woom alone, nnd wasto hor Hweot ew on relations, would bo tho coll ier of a charming homo, furnishing the finest spectacle been In this uPblll world a woman exerclblng gracious hospitality, and radiating o a circle far boyond her homo ! a Influcnco ot her civilizing por "onallty." Recently a variation of tho old Wry, "Can woman proposo?" hns nle Ita appearance In tho public Prints on both Bides of tho At lantic. Tho Obvious answer la. Tim,, f twtlmes do. A contributor im,,,,.,n ,Qe Haltlmoro Sun oxamliio.i nn.i "oss-cxamlned cIrIUv.hIx l.nnn. 0lCt8 of his iirniiHliitoiwn ...i iii W I the following facts: roposed themselves at r wives proposed No ,a:i Propoial at nil on "Of tho .u. , ...... ''"".. lhPv. u , vmj-iuur wno saiu ' ) had proposed themselves," re- X.J,.Umt '-"""Balor, "flvo tS u t,ml b0abt018' aml' tl'e thM.. -esonabl0 to suspect h 5ey lied- nt even assuming tha S t.?;a U' trut" ,l Wr. , -s l,er cent of married bod. l: ," 1,er ce,,t '"or o If f"" "y thc,r ives-to-be Proposa,.' mnrr,aKe wU,,0Ut nn- cln fJl0MnB ,ettcr was Plll)'' v " the Phll,li..i.i.. ....... ... un S ". ,?'Uh nertl0ii of a ""viuti-nent: rbit'r f t,,o,romfort8 -.-.v., lv 0W j yearj Established 1H78 An Tim Const Mall. v - , z It W . ,-' r for companionship. I nurely will marry again If 1 meet the young man or elderly man J euro not which, who will make a good husband, and who will Hay ono word, "Yes," A good husband In my opinion, is a great Jowcl. No greater Jowol can any woman over hope to possess. What, pray, Is that? Isn't it a blanket proposal? .Miss Mullens was the first white woman In this country to refuse to occupy a negative position, niul to be restricted in making the most Im portant part ot her career wholly to tho cholco Implied in rejections. Allies Stniidish, you remember, commanded John Aldeu thus. Co to tho damsel Frlscllla, the loveliest niutdeu of Plymouth. Say that u blunt old captain, n man not of words but of actions, Offers his hand nnd his heart, tho hand and heart of u soldier. Tho falr-halred, taciturn strip ling, surprised, embarasscd, bewil dered, went away through the woods cm tho errand. Ho urged tlio suit of his friend, explaining, persuading, expanding; refeired to his courage, and skill, and to all his battles In Flanders. Hut as hu warmed and glowed In his simple nud eloquent language, Quito forgetful ot self and full of tho praise of his rival, Archly tho maiden smiled, and, with eyes overrunning with htugl'-J tor, Hultl,, In m, .troMUlQiis voice, "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?" Mr, (Jeorgo Ilernurd Shaw thinks that tho women of today do pro Iiose, except In those Instances whero moro man, the pursued, simp ly gives up nud ask tho question be cause ho knows tho lady will usk It, If ho doen not. (I. 11. S however, Is prone to ex aggerate to get emphasis. Conventionally and successfully u majority of girls continue) to In vito tholr "steady company" to lend them to tho nltar by n look or tho eye or n pressure of tho palm. When that system falls to work as It somotimes does In wises of extreme masculine shyness, I, for ono, cannot blamo them for bravely imliig their tongues to bring court ship to a climax. Can you? 4 4 Will) THIS Wl'A'Ai Much to tho surprlso of their many friends, Miss Jonulo Tanner and Mr. James H. Corrlgan woro united In marrlngo at I p. in. Wed nesday, August ISth, by tho Kov. S. S. Shlmlnn. Only Immedlnto re lations and friends woro In attend ance) nnd motored to Coqullln who"o Lho wedding took plnco. Tho young couple received many benutlful nnd iiheful presents. Tho wedding party roturned Inter In tho evening to tho homo of tho brldo's sister, Mrs. 0. A. Honebrnke, whero a sumptuous woddlng lunch eon was Borvcel to the following: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 11. Corrlgan, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Honebrnke, Miss Kstlior Nelson, Miss Willa Hono brako, Miss Mnblo llonobrake, Mr. Cluis. J. Knox and Muster Ross Honebrnke. Mr. and Mrs. Conlgan loft early Thursday morning In their car for the I'annma-Paclf.c Ex position "and their futuro homo at Salinas, California, wheio Mr. Cor rlgan will engage In business. 4 A r I IMtlSCIMiA Cl.l'll I ; Mrs. G. Johnson was hostess last Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. II. M. Albeo to tho Indies of tho Prlsellla Club, tho occasion af fording a grent deal of pleasure for Mrs. L. Chrlstensen. .Mrs. I'd. Duncan, Mrs. L. Knudson, Mrs. V. Nelson, Mrs. F. Orlnolds, Mrs. Fred Sandberg, Mrs. L. Krlcfcson, Mrs. -. v f MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, 1'EnSONAL notices of vlBltora In tho city, or of Coos liny peoplo who visit In other cities, togotbor with notices of soclnl affairs, aro glndly received in tho soclnl do pnrtment. Tclcphono 133. No tlcos of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish earno. Dan Orr, Mrs. Mostollor and Mrs. A I hue, who spent the afternoon In sowing nud conversation until the solving of dulnty refreshments by tho hostess. On Sunday, August 2!)th, the club ladles, their. husbamlH and families will form a picnic party and spend tho day at Port Illinium. Tho committee on arrangement In cludes: Mrs. W. Nelson, Mrs. Dan Orr, Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Albeo. Tho next regular club meeting will bo In two weeks with Mrs. I. Knudson. , 4 ALPHA DIXPIIIA.V SOCIKIV "Habylonla" was the Inter 'fitlng topic discussed by tho members o( the Alpha Delphian Society Inst .'lenday evening at tho home of JI'm Irene Preuss on South Fourth iitri'i'l nnd, pertaining, to the subject, Ihe. following papers were ably prepare I and read: Comparisons on Habylonla and Kgypt ....Mrs. Olive K. llrown The Dominating Personality of lhiiiimuiabl ...Miss Mario Crrgg Babylonian Culture ( ' .Airs. Itebecca Wilson For tho general discussion, the topic, "What river has elono t'io most toward tho development ot tho bullion race," was taken up. Misses Mabel I.ang, Kmlly anil May HIako ami llulon .Merchant visitors Tor tho evening and tho members In attendance wore: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Harriett Kellogg, Mrs. Olive K. Hi own, MIbhch AUco Cur tis, .Mario (iregg. Myrtle Downer, Kllen UuelniiB, draco Johnson, ami lreiio Preuss. Next Mtmday evening tho society will meet ut the homo of Miss lllcn lluduuB. CHRISTIAN SISTERHOOD .li:ETIN(! Mrs. Ii. E. llendryx or Eastport was tho hostess at her homo last Wednesday to tho Christian Hiator- 1 hood members who speui 1110 anui 1,0011 hours profitably In sowing. The Indies present were: Mis. J. ('. Joiioh, Mrs. A. W. Gregg. M's. s:.inuol Grogg. Mrs. S. J. Hnmol, Mrs. E. Ii. Ilopson, Mrs J. mlngj sii'ih. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. . JUnnia Mrs. Stono, Mrs. Erwln Yalte. Mrs Isaacs, Mrs. C A. Solilureeio. 1 joy a mooniigui oxcursion id mu Mrs. W. A. Itold nud tho Misses Sandhills, the launch Alice II. hav Ust'er Hess Inimel. Mario Gregg, lug been chnrtorod for tho occbbIoii Next Wednesday nftornoon the la- ,les will meet again for woik In lho thurch hull. Thoy plan to glvo 11 food rale next S-iturday iifiornooii 4. 4 4 I CAMHNG PART' HETUNHS I I -. . 1 nnd I Mr niul Mrs. J'ercy ri-m clilldron Genevrn and Mvlan, .Mr. . 1 and Mrs. StecKel ftim uenuio, LMvth and T nolo siecKui, .hi. uu - Ms JnsTwohey. and daughter Mar-jl'oth well know,, young people or JlrM Mis Twol,eySr..Mr.andMrs.!Irslrield. A five o'clock dinner .S,ar"t.:!.?nls Frank Jr.. and, will be served at the home or tho . . n. ...( i.. ,. .i.i , . " 'u"u """ . .. .. .I..i,l .l fll.l., rnutli!l ' Eugene and duughtor U,"" EastBldo .returned last buneiuj u' a fow days cnmplng trip at the sauu - hills and report a most oiuojaum oninib. . . I I JOINT MIRTHDAV IMHTV " For the pleasure of Fred Knight whoso blrthduy wns Thursday of this I week, and of Ernest Drews whoso I birthday comes next Tuesday, Mrs. E. C. Drews eiitonnineii hi a j" blithday party last Thursday even ing at hor homo In Eastport. In tho ganio contest flrso prizes woro nwarded to Miss Murjorlo Diews and Eugene Keller and Miss Genevieve Gosney and Erwln Yake won second honors. Much pleasuro dorlved from tlio nffnlr nnd nt the close of the evening Mrs. Drews AUGUST 21, 1915 EVENING SOCIAIj CAI.IIXDAlt MONDAY Alpha Delphian Society with Miss KUen Kiiduns. TUESDAY . Mrs. Chns. (. Van Duyn entertains ut bridge. Dalgle-Knox nuptials and evening reception. 4 WEDNESDAY Narcissus Club with Miss HIancho Tellofson of East- sldo. 4 Dorcas Club picnic at bench. 4 Christian Sisterhood In 4 church hull. 4 Mrs. Clias. Q. Van Duyn entertains at bridge. 4 Young People's moonlight excursion at Sandhills. THURSDAY 4 EaBtsldo Sowing Club. 4 Mlnnc-Wlfl Club with Mrs. C N. Holt. 4 FRIDAY 4 Lucky Thirteen Club with Mrs. L. Ij. Hrntlley In East- port. 4 ' served tempting refreshments to tho Misses: Alone Lader, Genovleve, Gen evra nnd Virginia Gosnoy, Hlnnch Wllley, Jeanette Wilson, Pearl I.npp, Nlta Gallagher, Marjorle Drews, nnd tho boys present were: Reginald McCarbery. Therald Con Eddie Holland, an Wayne Gosney. Freil Knight, Erwln Ynkc, Eugono Kelloy, Ernest Drows nnd Enoch nnd Eddlo Hollnnd, nnd nyne Gosnty. I CHILDREN HAVE OUTING - A number of Hunker Hill boys nnd 'girls enjoyed an outing In tho ' pleasant woods of that locullty Wed nesday of this week, each ono be 'Ing well supplied with contilbutlons 'towards. tlio big picnic dinner which Was spread at noon under a largo shady tree. The affair wus dellght fuHy participated In by the fol lowing: Olga and Inn Chrlstensen, Nomina, Edith, Corlcs, draco and Johnnlo Orr, Doris and William riMillllps, Henry and George Albeo, Edna Grlnolds, Fred S.indberg, Edith, Howajel anel Abla Duncan. 4 4 "HAPPY NINE" CliUH I Miss Heryl Noah of North Coos River was tho charming young host ess to tho other eight members of tho "Happy Nino" Club nt bur bono at 1 11 all day session en Wed nesday f this week. At noon a de licious luncheon wns served ai 1 tho uftomoun was spent In sowing and hHlinmliiR In tho waters n't Coo; River. M'ss Evelyn Plpor has In vited tho girls to her homo tor the next Hireling In two weeks. The so enjoying tho day woro: Misses Jeauotto Nowlln, Evelyn PI pjr, Agnes Ilendiickbon, Esthor no'in, I .flit Ii Johnson, Joanui'.' liow mini, Snsnii Mnhnffy and tho Irjjtcss I)oil Noah. 4 4 I TRIP TO SANIHHIiUS 4 4 Next Wodnesday evening n party of Marshflold young people will 011- and will leave from tho foot of Mar-!llI)(, A,()la Maluoyi kot Street dock ut 7:15 o'clock.! ' K, This promises to bo one or tho most 1 enjoyablo affalra or tho week. - TO WED Tl'ESDAV Va. ffttraiirwr lit Aniiimr ill II 11111 - " " " v.....-..- . ... nr.mi lm tinfltttir rnrnmnnv nf MiHS um i.. tw...h v. w. - i.iiiinn Milium nun iiuiliuil iiiu.. .', ,: . ';' 7- "no, n,M, 'nne'Prlto. At the close or a few delight- "" " - ' " jtoupie, 1 Mi.'ivr ,'i' ffiriKTfiv 1 -l At tho North Ilond Swedish Luth- nn Aid Society meetfng at J. H. John- son's plato at Cooston Sunday Aug., tho following woro present: 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. HJalmar Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Tyberg. Mr. and Mrs. Mat KJelman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wlcklund, Mr. and Mrs. J. HJubeck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lundstriim, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Anderson, Mr. anel .Mrs. Wm. Strang, Mr. and Mrs, .'ohn Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Sanden, Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Uorglund, Mrs. E. Wittlck, Mrs. J. Olson, Mrs. A. Strang, Mrs. Marie Nyman, Mrs. EDITION. 1 .1. Sanden, Oreta Anderson, Mrs. Vic. j tor Stauff, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. audi j Mrs. I. O. Stronion, Mr. and Mrs. J. J II. .loluiBon, Mr. and Mis. Aug. Jos epliBon, Misses: Gladys Stnuff, Vera. IleiidrlckBon. and Messrs. Victor j Anderson, John llendrlckson, Gran tors, Alex Matsou, Rev 11. F. lleng- ston, C. HJubcck, M. Sanden. roil dr. and Mits. itie;e;s Conipllinontnry to Dr. nnd Mrs. II. 11. Rlggs of Grangovllle, Idaho, who aro visiting friends and relatives In North Ilend, Mr. and Mrs. Roy IVrnln ard entertained Inst Saturday even ing nt progreslvo whist, first prizes goliif; to Mr. and Mrs. N. G Haines, tho ladles' consolation to Mrs, Joo Olln nnd tho gentlemen's to Dr. Rlfigs. At tho'closo of this even ing of tho popular pastime Mrs. Hralnnrd served n delic ious luncheon to tho following guests: Dr. and Mrs. Rlggs, Mr and Mrs. Joo Olln, Mr. nnd Mrs. N G. Unities, Mr. "nnd Mrs. Win. Sheppnrd, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wcltzul, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh Jackson of Cnllf., Miss Gertrude Peeps nnd Tom Juzn. During tho evening, n number of delightful Instrumental numbers woro rendered by Miss Peeps and Dr. Rlggs who Is nu excellent violinist, and Mrs, Rlggs contributed somo , very sweet vocnl selections. I j 4 4 I PASTIME CM'll I 4 4 Last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Hie hard Marshall wns a pleasing Ii08tc8s to the members of the Pas time Club of North llend, serving dclcctahlo dainties to her guests nt the close of tho social hours of sow ing nnd chat. Tho next meeting will bo In two wcoks with Mrs. Edwnrd Thomas. The ladles out woro: Mrs. Ii. Hiitchtns, Mrs. Roscoo I Inzer, Mrs. Edward Thomas, Mrs. Joo Olln, Mrs. Mllns Richardson, Mrs. Arthur Der byshire, Mrs. Roy Hrnluard and special guest Miss lCtliia Jones. 4" 4 4 4 I VISIT MRS. MACMII.IjAN 4 4 Misses Frances llousel and Ethel Kltsou of Chicago aro guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. N. II. MacMII Ian on Elrod Avenue for u week or ten days. Tho young ladles aro touring tho West, having visited tho Exposition ami will return homo via Canada. 4 4 4 4 4 I "STUNT" PARTY . 4 4 Miss Mahlo Mauey entertained u niiiuber of friends at n "stunt" par ty last evening at her apartments on Third Street, each guest being ro fpicstcd to coiuo Hi humorous cos tumes, and humorous Indeed they were, causing shouts of merriment to burst forth during tho entire evening. Vlctrolu music, singing ami lively conversation followed Int er 011 by lemonade, sandwiches, ami cake ndded materially to tho enjoy ment of the occasion, which wns on Joyed heartily by Mrs. Ii. E. Mauzoy, Mrs. J. E. Mauzoy, Mrs. Parhhurst, Mrs, Roiuieo, Mrs. Ruilberg, ami tho Misses: Helen McLaughlin, .Mnblo Lang, Edna Hanson, Madge nud Winnie Simpson, Elslo linker, Aim HMIuntl llnsuln If n.1.1 litl. In' " " ....w.u .,.u.,1, ..,.1, ...... ,.W I AUCTION HRIDGE CLUI1 4 Very nrtlstlcnlly Indeed woro tho Myrtle Arms apartments or Mrs. Carl L. Davis arranged with mari golds, popples and dahlias Friday afternoon when sho wus hostess to tho mombers or the Auction Hridgo Club and u number or special guests. Mrs, J. S. Lyons won member's tro phy for high scoro, nud to Mrs. W. F, Miller was nwarded guest's first t hours of cards, Mrs. Davis as slsted by hor sister Miss Daisy Rush tervod a sumptoiis luncheon. The special guests present weie: Mrs. Georgo Goodrum, nnd hor house guest .Mis. Paxtoa, Mrs. Crosth ualto Sr., Mis. Clabaiigh and buby, Mrs. W. F. Mlllor, .Mrs. Kronenberg, nud Mrs, Ida Conrad, urn! the mem bers out were; Mrs. A. E. Adolspor gor, Mrs. F. V. Calterlln, Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mrs. J. S. Hanson, Mrs. Eu gono Ciosthwalte. On Wednosday Septomber 1st., tho ladles will he entertained at the homo of Mrs, J. S. Hanson. Mrs. Chas, MeiCullooh and Motor Ml?s Alice Cox oxpqeit- tb lenvo (no last of this month or tlio first of nxt tc visit the Exposition. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall anil Coos Hay Aihciilsor. MUSIC AND "" EVENTS MUSICIANS Mrs, Conway to Resume Instruction POPUiAlt VOCAl, TEACHER CONSENTS TO RE-OPEN HER STU IMO KOU THE WINTER SEASON. In response to the earnest solid- tatlon of her Interested students and admirers Mrs Conway , mndo such 11 signal surccss of her vo. cul lustrucllou work the past year has consented to again take up hor teaching and on September Sth will begin her fall term of voice and fun- . F E Conway who 1 MM I 11 (i, EVEI.VNE CONWAV 3. 4 I FRANK WICKMAN ENTER- j TAINS I Thu following press notices from tho llerkeley Gazetto and tho Oak laud .Examiner will bo of Interest' to the many Coon IhlJVifrlejniH or, Frank Wlekiuan, a fornief -Marsh-field boy who bus won an enviable place for himself In California cir cles. For VIsKncs. I Frank Whitman wus host at nu oiijoyahlo gathering last evening at his utudlo, entertaining In honor of Mr. ami Mis. Henry Dlnwoodey of Halt Lake City, hrolhor-lii-law and Hlsteir-lii-law of Mrs. William Dlnwoodey or thin city. Mr. Wlck mnu had a fow guests In (o dinner, with, an additional number Joining them for 1111 Informal evening of music following. During the evening Mrs.. Henry Dlnwoodey afforded much pleasure with a group of sunns, Mis. Din wooily poHKcstiliiB 1111 unusually beau tlfiil contralto" voice which would iiiuko her famous should sho engage In piofesslomil win k. Although re ceiving several flattering oTters to appear in gianil opera, Mrs. Dili ttooiloy bus pieferrcd to keep her talent for hor family and hor riiouds and slugs only for lho pleas ure It affords. Signer do Grassl played last evening as did also Mr. Wlekiuan, whllo Harold Williams sling u group of Kongjj. Mr. Mason wus tho accompanist. 4 4 Another largo nffnlr of tho coin ing week will bo the inception to bo given by Frank Wlekiuan on Tues day ovonliiK In honor or Miss Vlr-i glnla Goodsoll or Los Angelon, a taloutod sinner, formerly of Hor-, koley, who, with bur mother, Mrs. 1 doodsoll, Is making tin extended j visit with hor sister, Mrs. Chailos Ciimm, ut hor homo on Piedmont avenue. j Over 100 of tho musical and social eirelos of tho oast buy cities are, bidden to moot tho charming visi tor ami a delightful musical pio gium will ndd to tho hour's onjoy mout. Wlekiuan has u luxurious btudio ut "008 Piudmont uvonuo, which has furnlahod the suttlng for a boiios of dullghtful arralrs this season. l T Vf 4 4, I SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY j Last ovonlng botwooi, rorty and fifty mombors and friends of tho I Mollioeiibi Sunday rtcuooi ami somo of tho oldor folks participated In u lion riro festival at tho A. Isaacson homo on South Twoirth Stroot. They toasted imirshniallows, played gatnos nml hiul n real good tlmo In general around tho blazing fire, No. 24. ullmental piano with special work In the training ot tho child voice. Sho will tench at her studio In tho Myr tle Anns whoso attractive amuse ment hull makes such a splendid place for recitals. Tho terms Is for twelve weeks and Mrs. Conway's terms are most reasonable since hor teaching Ib not for pecuniary gain but for real love of her work. Spo- ,' clnl term prices nnd reduction for ihlhlrens work In classes aro a spo elal Inducement to pnrents who wish their children to have a thorough training In the fiiiidlmcutals or mu sic. Mrs. Conway's preparation for hor work has been most thorough. Sho studied threo years ot voice and pia no nt college nt the snino time taking the course for teaching tho fundi mental work for which sho recolvod her diploma and was graduated from the New England Conservatory eif Music. Among tho Instructors In voice under which Mrs. Conway studied woru Carl Faelton, with stu dents of Stockhauson, Gormntiy, In Paris with Vlardot-Garcla, Mnrcho sl's Instructor; lleushol In London, Shnliespcaro, Loudon, bcsldcs stu dents or Scandinavian nud Italian In structors, making t Di-opo of her education very lirond. In Amorlca Mrs. Conway was a student or Vic tor llarrlH or Now York and Freder ic Root or Chicago. - I I INSTRUCTOR COMING Mr. Jens Sovoly who Is to tnko chin go or tho Violin department or tho lleniik djerdriiui CoiiBorvutory HJWMK& 1'u vh'llnlst of broad nius Iclanshlp nud exeellont t nil n lug1. Ho ha. been eminently successful both In tho concert field and us a teacher, liy hlH paliiHtiiking moth od and thorough knowledge ot his art ho has ulwuys had a largo class or enthusiastic Htudoiits. Mr. Sov oly will appear In concert shortly after his arrival hero. Ho oxpocts li airlvo In Marshflold from Now York about the -fUh of Augiikc. HOW TIMES CHANGE Maud Mullor 011 it siimmor'n uTght event out on her hike In tho bright moonlight. She pedaled around from tlx to ton on u trip Unit would fag tho strongest men; but hor heart was light ami hor spirits gay, for It wasn't work 'twas nothing but piny. Noxt morning, however, sho'd n pain In her head, sho was nil played out and stayed In bed, whllo her mother hustled In tho kitchen below not to lido n wheol but to make things go, Tho tlio morning was hot and sho worked, by tho fire, sho didn't col lapse with a punctured tiro, Alas for tho girl and the woman, sco? Things uro not us thoy used to bo, Ex idinugo. I HUjISCHIHEHS NOTICE j. Tho Tinios currlor boys nro I initructod to put tho papers j on tho porch. If tho cnrrlor eloos I not do this, misses you, or no- j gleets getting tho pupor to you j on tlmo, kindly phono tho clr- I eolation mniiugcr, as this Is tho I only way wo can elotormlno wiintlior or not the cariiors nro following Instructions. Phono 13'J, f PS tB m