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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
vtt TWO - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES V. O. MALONKY, Editor nnd Tub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official l'npcr of Coos County Official l'nicr City of Mnrshfleld. Entered at the Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails na second-class matt matter. SUDSCHIPTION RATES DAILY. Ono year J COO Per month 60 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly in ndvanco the subsciiption ptlco of the Coos nay Times is $G.0O per year or $2. CO for bIx nionlhs. An independent Republican news paper, published every ovoning ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES. II UMAX TRUST UCII ot our supposed know ledge consists of taking for L'rnntnd what someone elso knows or thinks he knows. In splto of all tho skepticism and jealousy which exists between Individuals, hu man society rests wholly on trust In ono another. We accept with confidence tho statement of the mathcmatlclnn Hint the nearest approach of the moon to nro today undeveloped because of n lack of good roads. In opening any new country road building constl- Muui ot our su,. iiu .w.u - ft har1 prol)lem f0r th0 setUer. ledge consists of taking H At first whllo the settler Is struggling .... i.wt -li!i unmnntin nlRO i . . . . . 1...11.1 fn nrnr.t. his Home mill Ilirin uiiiiu- ings nnd to clear his land, he usually! cannot afford to pay a high tax orj otherwise contribute toward tho ox-j penso of road building. The national ' forests comprise the remotest and and least settled regions of the country. In many cases farming In . I 1 1 1 . t ..,111 ,,(minnrlnir. , the earth Is 252,948 miles, but tho u1for dirrirnlt conditions as ever number ot persons on this enrtu ; , . ., the- I'nltpcl States. Ono of! the prlnclpnl reasons for tho fnlluro i to develop tho largo nreas of exiell-, out agricultural land which lie near forests Is ttio lack of roads. m Evemmu Thoughts who have nctunlly figured It out Is pretty sinnll. In maters of national finance wo nro called upon to accept tin rnallHa nf tlin cnlClllntlOtlS Of tllO sharps upon about the same basis of trust that wo accept tnc ugurcs 01 the mathematicians. National debts are stated in terniB and figures Just ns Inromprohcnslblo to tho nverngc liumnn mind ns Is the speed with which n rav of light Is mild to travel from n fixed star to tho earth. Upon data so Intangible nnd bo Incomprehensible the wholo fabric of national credit Is resting, yet tho tricot mass of tho human rnco never one ok the lives god gives is J J t WITH THE TOAST , AMn TUC TEA , $ good evening Finish overy day nnd bo '$ , slops to figure whether or not It will done with It. blun- r.w 1 1 ever be possible to liquidate those ' dura crept In; forget them. X WAK YfcAK AbU UUAT 1 .Inbts. I Tho debts of tho nations at war are Ha(1 t0 ,mvo incrensed flomcthlng like AUGUST 21, 101 I. r Tho Germans bombard tho forts nt Namtir nnd part of tho city Is invested. Germans nro overrunning North ern Ilclglum nnd nro believed to be within striking dlstnnco of Oi tend. A. Russian army is planning the invasion of Prussia. After taking Brussels tho Ger mans begin u movement toward Antwerp presumably. With Germans appearing on tho frontier Holland renews her declara tion of neutrality. Great Drltnln decides to mnko n loan of ?GO,000,OUO to llelglum. The German generals Imposo n war tax of $10,000,000 on tho city of Ilrussols. United States issues a statement that it expects Japan to confine hor activities against Germany to Knlu Chau. August 22, 11)1 1. Tho Japanese fleet concentrates for tho bombardment of Tsiug-Tau, tho port ot Kinu-Clinu. Tho French army Is reported driven out of Lorrnlno and tho Gor niaiiB reinforced by Austrlnns, nro ndvnnclug into Alsace. Tho Germans occupy Ghent nnd Bruges nnd n strong rorco marches on Antwerp. Further roports of Servian vic tories over tho Austrlnns nro re ported. Canadn votes $.ri0,000,000 for war supplies at u fivo day war session ot parliament. Tho Porto sends messages to for eign diplomats that tho Dardanelles nro, open to commercial vessels, $100,000,000,000 since the war be gan. Can wo view tins niusirnuon oi human confidence and trust and still believe that a lnck of cinfldenco be tween man nnd mnn can cvor result In tho overthrow or organized society nnd establishing of n state of chaos nnd nnarchy such ns Is sometimes conjured 1n tho fenr of tho pessi mists? Certainly wo nro n trusting species, Is this human race. Isn't It. nftor nil, nbout tho strlngest trait Hint wo mnnofesl? A MORNING OREER l& HEAL EDUCATION t iRANIC SIIICIMIIOUI) Is right. Education Is not measured In WIIHN you awnko in tho morn ing you wnsh your body; why don't you wnsh your mind? You breakfast, putting food Into your body to give you strength for tho day; why don't you gtvo your soul Us breakfast? Therefore learn this creed, better It If you can. and say it as your day begins. . 1I vvnnt this day to bo a cheerful and successful ono, so that I may como to my resting bed tonight glad and satisfied. To accomplish this I will plan my day Intelligently. As 1 know Hint happiness de pends on me, my will nnd uttltudo of mind and not on ovonts, I will ad just myself to whatever happens. 3 I will not not worry. If n thing enn bo helped I will help it; If not. I will make tho best of It. .) i win koop all mental poisons out of my thought. I will especially resist nnd oxcludo fear, which weak ens nnd uniiorvcB me. H I will not allow myself to bo- i como angry. ii i win resist prmu. 7 i WIU try to affect pleasantly every ono with whom I nm thrown In contact. I will try to mnko happi ness as well as to receive It. s i will hollovo In myself. I will allow nothing to mnko mo doubt my self nor to croato In mo itiseourngc mout or despnlr, !iI will not let inysnir despise any liumnn being: and I will keep nil contemptuous thoughts and con demnatory thoughts of anybody out of my mind; neither will I speak de rogatory words. 10 I will keep my wholo self In tuno with positive, healthful and op timistic forces. 1 1 will take my enforced Inti macies as pleasant as possible; I will get along without friction or inciter Tommorw Is u new uuy. bo lectcd. COUNTRY OVER YONDER I. Tho country, over yonder, where the dreams come true, Is nlways singing, singing just the Hweetlst songs to you; Hut you'd better heed tho presont nnd tho deeds that nro to do To bo worthy of that country whero tho dreams como true. II. Thero tho restful valloys with tholr flowers aro in view, Sunlight nnd Btnrllght, and skies of cloudless blue, nut you'd better heed tho present, with its meaning bright to you, To bo worthy of that country whero tho dreams como true. Frank L. Stnnton This Is ono of tho lives God gives us, And whether we ever know more. It Is sweet to stand In this promised land Like a little child In a door. Like a little child that trembles , In awe of tho things to sec This life, like a thing that dissembles , The dream of a llfo to be! As the ono life runs to tho many, And tho many to one llfo at lust, Thank God for tho llfo Ho gives us, and those thut may be and nro past! For out of this hour is our message, And hero In this day is our call This is one of the lives God gives us, To llvo ns If it wore all! Ah, so lot me meet tho great challenge, And so let mo stand In my door, With n smile on my lips Hko tho morning, And drenm of the morn to udorol For whatever tho past may have given, Or taken nwny It is now I must look for nil that is heaven, I must strive for the crown on my brow! This Is ono of tho lives God gives us To bo taken, or bitter or sweet; To rlsofrom or fall from, God help us, ' Like flowers or weeds nt his feet! And tho bravo heart sings to the future, Thnt ho knows ho will find it somewhere, With his back to tho wall ns he battles, And n smile 'nenth his shadow and enre! Koontz Garage Agency for ' S00 DYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: " :: .. Phone 180-J -Folgor McKlnloy I There never wns a Coos Hay. mur rled man- who wns not fond ot IiIh wife's husband. Thoro nro n few blnmed fools on Coos liny who would llko to get u chanco to Ho awnko at night and worry over tho fact that they have to pay an Income tax on n million dollars. number or miles traveled, or)jBi r Btrnlnod relations with my books read, or lectures heard. The fnmllv my neighbors, nnd my busl- (iiuy ot uio puiiiic sciiooi is not confined to drilling Into tho nlml of tho youth the thrco It's but In eludes tho developing of tho child into, an upright uud useful citizen. Solf-restrnlut, lovo of honesty, virtue and cloanllness nnd self-reliance should bo taught along with grammar, arithmetic and spelling. More than thnt, they should be giv en tho preference over those sub jects which form tho visible part of tho school progress. Dr. Shophcrd declares that when n teacher Is hearing u geography class she should try to devleop In her pupils breadth and tolerance ot vluw. History should Inspire heroism, civic devotion and belief in tho constant upward progress of! niniiklml I nun I'll nil llilnln Irnlli mill I .. , nay: Ho also finds that the lelmol! ,l10 K""- should train the child to Inlolllg'iiit activity by real exercise of 'lis senses. The Intelligence of n truly educated person should work readily, ho said, and hhiuild understand or oxprohs through the agency of eyes. of ears, of hands as well us through words. The development of this ability he ranks as u duty of the public school iiiiuiiv my ness associates. 121 will plnn ror at least a half hours quiet, for reflection and for cultivating my own spirit. Ill I will bo more honest, stiuaro nnd prompt than business reiiulrcsi moro kind than charity requires; more loyal than friendship requires; more thoughtful than love requires. 11 I will do somebody a good turn thnt Is not expected of me. 1 r If nny person does mo wrong I will not bear him grudge; I will try to forget It Ifi I will enjoy ns heartily ns I inn what the day brings mo; and get nil tho pleasure possible out of eating, drinking, working, resting, iiiuiiHenienlH, nnd the people I meet: so Hint at night I may be able to "I have lived today, and found Dr. Frank Crane. ROAD IIUIUUN'G ll,.X Some of these Coos Hay peaches and crenin complexions taste llko cal cimluo uud shellac. Sunday morning when you don't havo to get up and go to work Is tho ono morning In tho week when you wako up early and can't go to sleep again. Some Coos liny women can wear bungalow aprons nnd look classy, and other always look like every thing they havo oil was purchased nt the ten cent store. It wouldn't do us a blamed bit or good to seo ourselves us others see us. Wo wouldn't bcllove our eyes. Wo nro always hunting for sure things. Well, hero Is one. Tho shoes that any Coos Ray girl Is wear ing nro at least two sizes too largo for her, If you will lenvo It to her. Wo aro such stuff As dreams nro made of, and our little llfo Is rounded out with sleep. Iili OF us, young or old, rich or poor nil of us havo our drcamti, and these dreams aro WORLD not nil of sleep. The best ot nil &'l " r' A' DRKAM STUFF AND SOU I j STUFF T HAS surely become a topsy-turvy nil-firing, exploding world. Tho year 1014 seemingly came In In- toxlcated and evidently 1!)1" took w somo of the A TOPSY-TURVY stuff with her when they met nnd greeted each our dreams aro other on the road. Wo have stood tho day dreams. tov the European war nnd Mt. I.os To tho young B011 and tho Lusltnnln, and tho over- theso dreams turning or mo i;asiianu in Lincngo, como llko a glittering pageant ot and the spots on the sun, and the beauty castles In Spain seen I'lne street controvert, some of liar- through tho cvor shitting kaleldo- iKan and Sengstnrkcifs dlsagrce- acopo of early hopes and aspirations. ent on tho war. tho Galveston "Also that drennis aro only "otl repeated, but now when it is dreams; that fancy ennnot give a announced that Japan Is about to In- lasting beauty to thoso forms that auguroto a period of volcanic nnd scarce a moment live." eurthquake activity. which may With tho years comes dlssllluslon. spread to. the Pacific coast then we The mirages rise, the rivers or fancy "re ready to glvo up tho ghost, lose their runnels In tho sands of The Nile will overflow next or thorc life's desert places. Tho feathery will be a fainlno In India or Teddy palm trees ot tho distance fado Roosevelt will begin organizing the nwtiv. Tho castles In Spain ills- "homo guard" for military duty. MARShTIELD-ROSEBURG AUTO UNF Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers Lenvo Miirshflclil Leave Roscburg "' A. M. ita, 8 A. M. ),; TICKET OFFICE 139 FRONT St, , MARS1IFII3LD New Dodge Cars Fare $?.oo OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE florst Vr King. Cars lenvo Maibflelil 7, 1 1, ,.,,( - 1U)) Cms lenvo for Kinplio 7, 1 1, u M,( n Cms Leave Sunset Ray 7, O, i iMll) B Fares, Umpire, n.c; Tmiicei oi'Miihii wiongii, imcj wining liny 7.y NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship F. A. KILBURN SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) .MONDAY, AIM1UST IIITII, 1 l M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for PORTLAND TUF.SDAY, AUOUST J7TII For fuilli or Information M'O W. K. STL' Hit, ,Kent SMITH 'I'L'RMINAL DOCK Rhone Rill nr llko tho filmy grey of a Coos We pray theo, oh Heaven, for un- uppc Ray fog as tho sun rises. Rut wo must not censo to dream. Recauso our IRo 1b such stuff as dreams are nindo of, because life In Its fulness of meaning Is In tho reaching nlways after our Ideals, other star, more peaceful on which to sleep and forget. A' inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Weekly Service Coos Bay and San Francisco. I STEAMER WESTERNER FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY Will Sail From San Francisco, Tuesday, August 24. Sun I'liinclxo Office, IIOO Fife lliilMing, anil 1'Ier Number lit Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Phone 44 A Coos Ray man always wishes ho had nioro furniture In the house until hu gets home Into und tries to sneak In bed In tho dark and falls over t,iss,:isi chairs and 'J.tillS, IC1 tables. TIIK proposition mndo by tho chief or the forestry department that the future receipts from the sale of timber from the lands within the reserve be anticipated. Rut It I' In tho foMtnrliiu und1 and road building bo prosecuted with dlnvilnir tin. niiviiirnl .m, I uioimi Hie proceeds, is In line with lh prcs- Don't knock the grouch forcos or overy Individual child to- ent-day methods ot developing new , t um. ,,1(, foiloWB , wants , ward his highest development that I territories. Cities, conn les ind states , 01 i...", n...i. .,. 1......I t ,1,1 uiriinlH mill Ml-Iiwmvx mnv . ' " "" "" ""l OU'IJ UlllO IIO jr. minimum ihhiw mi' Kii'iuttu ........ .-. , - ---. . duty or tho school. j be built and the people pay us they i meets joii. Ills thoughts were expivsu'd re-1 progress in prosperity niueu ny mo co-ill) by Ida M. Tarbell in a recent , roads so constructed. Unless some mngnzlno article, although khe v.-wh policy whereby the reserves may bo ii,.. .. ,,.,!.... f,-,..,, ., uiiui.,i.. ,m !... ...,!. nf muliii'lnl lu'iKifll In the west can point, tho principle brought out b be evolved, they will retard develop- iRUens to gleet him at every street both is the same. Sho says1 i meat ami provo a urnwuiicii innienu i ..i,. mn-. mm eory Is that eul-i or an asset to the coinmunliio wnere " ""'" '" '' .minuses i noiinei LMOST every day somebody Is taken to jnll for Injuring or killing someone else out of a because a soul without Its visions &tuplil iiiiiriel. Tho world Is fear Is dead. fully luudlcnppcd llecauso no man really lives If ho noi.N by the largo num- Is not ulwuys striving to mnko his mtiFTWOOD Iter of small persons host dr,eams como true. whoso empty lives Did you over realize tho difference uro a 011 the surface. They aro between great souls nud little souls? jllBl lvlK on tj10 crust these little The little soul-has few dreams or, llve8 wj,M t,0jr potty 8,,it0Sl their disappointed, ceaseB to dream. Tho Bonild little games, their pitiful do grent soul drennis on und is nl- vices yet these people cry for the ways going out to rcnllzo Ills ttenton and servlceB of the serious dreams. Tho Ideal is tho mental ,,uieu ,uuj inirposeful. They are conception of something supremely croeping. maimed things, good, supremely to ho desired. Ho B(1U,.,,K ,mrk circle nnd nrriv dreanis or what ought to bo and jnK ,10where, yet thoy chnllengo finds realization nnd happiness In tIl0Se w)l0 aro uving oventfully and striving nftor his ideal. His dreams W, ,.jH0 to unseon heights above may not come wholly true, but if them. The thoughtful build he has seen his vision, and ponder- ,.j,ur,.i,u8 f0r tho laggard and they oil it nnd been dominated uy u no 8lop) Tlley inilld reformatories bo Ith dig till They do their work iiuo siaos l0g0 oluy wlt, ,lllsti .jvory yo,ir whipped to their tasks; Lire has no ovory mlyt rintls tholr small horl spontaniety. Thero aro no cnthus- jj0U ,iarrowlng, and tho tlmo oon lasms In their lives, und they con- comos WMon for them It Is either Istantly ask themselves whether llfo tIu, mrnclo or the end. i iu u-miii, iin wiiiio. The man who AAA ,1,"s no vls,ou hM n0 nmimliUU'' " Success comes only by working for I ..;, "'. fullness of life. Ho Is already dead, jtnevor by shirking for It. hen you gamble on your- Tm.fmv u-t us go on dreaming self don t be a piker. tl i,,miitlful dreaniB. Somo sweet There's a whole heap or llfier- lln l,B. ,l "V. ' " " r ,'Z . " i. l.uMmnd. - - - t iiiiiii i'iiimii i ruiv i.i'i uu luiiiiii lllVtll 4111 V' .t-i --M llecuuse dream stuff put terms ot action und character isoul stuff When thev are first iimrrl.,l slm . . . . ........, yi.nueis wny tnere iMi't a brass! ,,..,,,i ,t i.mci.x T I IIOMK MARK I'HII.OSOl'RY innit nun a iH'ieatlon el iin:ul mnt I ' " L , i A woman's Indifference has reach the limit when she no longer list ens when her husband talks in his .i& KQUIl'IMID WITH WIRKIiliSS Steamship Breakwater AIAVAYS ON T1MK. SAILS FROM MARSRF1I:M)1:VI:RY SUNDAY DURINIJ AUfil'SI AT 8:011 A. M. AND FROM I'OHThANR FYFRY Tlll'ItSlM AT H A. M. iMiono :t5-,r. II. .7. MOIIIt, Agent It actuullv seems as If the Klrls wUI r,,lI l,arl,al reaUz,,tl0" nnd ln and jails and they will not 1 un, ..:: .liitoiniL8 :t L 0 ",8 m eu m,3 rmo thr w; . his happiness. work and they aro drones. They d nih ooij .iu. flnwa who never dream are not so. KrnvUs for them und they f YOU KNOW HIM He surely Is a bragging mutt: lie's thoro with hot air stuff ; He can't erect a mountain, hut He'll put up a big bluff. day we shall wake up and .Hud hotwon nmrrlwl man and n all come true. Let u8 ilr Vv.-icv nlfl vvniiinn hunvvfl lnl nf 18 sensible things that aro not to be round ln books. he Is o'i the l iw.MWUii.r.n uu- i-uhum. .......... . ..,.. , , lni.i- lUt lii mice. No observer but must . " " ;.,.'"",' ".., , ..... .... hnve noted n tendency on the ! part of the inanurncturers of low-i"'1' It's enslor to write a $."u.noo .iiuuagos led J Ml by a Jii-y out of coi't for entertnlnors nnd promoters s'lpport nnd developmont of the forest re- 1'or he hiu untold wealth. t emselvos through tho power ut sources, nnd would remove the one Ilif-Kc LTonus to exerclstt unlimited liarrler whldi In n few nlneoti pre- nnd heterogenoous Interest, to keip vents runners from Immediately eu- Any Co'is ln.v man la sutlsiud i.i siinr'il anil trinurrattire tbroueli n ' Invito Uu. lionpflla nf the national t 'e ns yomu as ho reel?. Rut A t.rcesslon or entliiH unrelated idea- forests 'woman Is ui. i i p unless si" Uol. and actlUtlc " J ".Millions cf nncs of farm lundUue part an iieeu rei. hiiihiuu-. mm l,""i'' ,,.,.,.. ,,.., ...r otter methods and more proficient '"Cal voir dYs'lro ll workmen enable tho inanufncturers IKIMli ...i, tt turo rosults from seeliiK, hearing, , thoy have been created. In t renting p l0 calciier wneu BnmnlinK. overilhlna new in Idee, i this subjeel the department of ntsil-("t'r. 1.. movement, In music. :u th.. drama .culture Year Rook Just Issued con- ., lia-n't ' Prli-otl cars to icduce the price ' I s ' ' .. Xn It U to l ractUe and literature." says Mum Tarbell. , talu, the following from the -hlof ,. ,, , go;1Ku0n,v " gillie public. IVrhnps the Ford has In ' g let1 lm ,.,, ...v., .,.. m........ ,...-... ,. ". . .. ., , ... i. . nuse ne oi uu n'euw mi no aaner i,iul ''n ii-niuuniuiv, ..,,.. ,.......,,,, or tins tuoory cuase culture iro.n, -i ins poucy nmm .M nj w un- ,, SIHW W-Mrv M,mo fellow uied liiuiiiiiig uu iiikiii. ii i i uu i) iii mnn' ruiiiiiiii'B niii'iu inu.v in ;( tornoratloii fn IIO can lie uuiuimui iiiiuu iu uu u riniBmi'iiiiui' nivi. u ii"ii i...... mj(j a tueaier at iu or ii o chick hi ine so ionium mm iue mresi rmmu loiuiuoniues ... ... (!..,... ,n .. I........... .... ...... ..... ....... 1... i.l,nlnil .. 1 t ll .,,,. 1, I . Illuming 10 iiniun iu 11 ir.iiuu uu run iiih m i"' mui i,u,',i, imiunihn j Stl't penro; tho cuior euro, suffrage later thoy will ylold a large revenue. "" or Tugoro; rudUim or the would fully meet tho local tl Iff I-1 WKAlniY cuial. Many things which Ihrlxeeuiiles arising from the fact that tho j.u, nm, w10-8 frot f,.om ,,! for u tlmo would die of Inuttmitl n nntlonnl foreats are not subjected to . . without them. A hordo or lectures tuxniion would aid In the protection! 'U1" wll '"Joys 8d neaiin. i lu nun lilnu ir in ulwMilil .in, nnmiilnlti i " "" " " " " Slogan of i0. meeting to make smaller prices and yet leave, ' " ',.,,, them a fair margin. Hut whatever. " 'J.1 Z ru." b ror prorit with tho vim you put Into your huslnchb but many Abstracts FOR ItEIilARLE ARSTRAOTS OK TITLE AND 1NFURMAT10.1 AROUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIKi.R AND COQUIhLE CITY, OKKGON GENERAL AGENTS, KASTSIDE AND SENGSIiACKEN'S AUDITI0S AGENTS FOR CANADIAN FACIFIO RAILROAD LAMM HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, SIANAOKK Poget Sovnd Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon wasc work the Dredge "Seattle" ttio mobt powerful, best equipped nnd most thoroughly " twouty-iuch hydra ullo dredgo la l'aclfio wateri Main nffiCC, Seattle, Washington. Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. will sell at figures reduced over thoso or lat year. In time perhaps a ser viceable automobile will not be vast ly moro expensive than tho family can luge of ye olden day. Olrls who make fools of men usu ally make impressions that Inst, Some women who wear golden slippers on earth may find it dlffl uilt to climb the golden stairs. The best thing out is being out ot debt. When a woman lo?os her temper she shows her nge. Perhnps It Is true that all the world may lovo n lover, but the proof Is missing. Probably tho first time a man seri ously contemplates securlm; a dlon e Is when he sees the corns on 1 I wire's feet. Exchange. BBWgUPBWHM t GRAVEL1 Wo aro now prepnrod to furnish GRAVEL In any u" from pllo In our yard or in carload lots, at following l,rlce8 From pile on ground, ?2.V5 per yard. afj. carload lots, taken from cara, $2.00 Pr ' Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. & fhnne ''" Opposite Post-Office, "--"--rnTrrfi Times Want Ads Bring rWs :ij&m