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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
"jf5Mp I" IS A "CINCH" fOR THE MAN WHO IS WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE Coos Bay Times Your Paper dons tea A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlint'a what tlio Ooos Hay Times Is. A South (vest Oregon paper for Botitlnvost Oregon people itl dovotcd to tlio best Interests of tills groat lection . Tho Times always boosts sd Merer knocks. ., iriiuM li nrourt of Ita Utlo "Tlio Tlie Cw B ' ... ,..- I'nncr." nd it strives nt nil times to L by dovoUng Ill energies to promoting Uie people' intcre.U. MEMHHIt OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS '-fcs" SUCCESS I mm VolJo. XXXIX if LET KAISER f 70 EXPLAIN United States Will Give Ger many Chance to Give Her Version of Arabic Case Decides Utmost Deliberation Shall Mark Course in Hand ling Delicate Situation TWO.AMERICANS ARE DEAD Xo Social Session of Congress Yet Talked of llesiegurd of Pres- tllent'ti Warning lJ" Germany May Coii'-e Serious Trouble j PRES. WILSON MAY ' t ACT QUICKLY NOW t t t 1 Rr Anml'IH l'ir "' I'" Tlmca. 4 J WASHINGTON, Aug, t j 21. President Wilson X t nnrl Sncrotarv Lansing X this afternoon confer- X t rprl nvnr Ihn sinkinff of t t tho liner Arabic, Lansing X ; went to the wnite nouso t with twn mnssnffns from 1 Ambassador Page, It X i was said that further In- t i formation regarding tho X t sinking would bo secured j before President Wilson X t decided what attitude tho X t Ameiican government X j would take, $$ ASK GERMANY TO EXPLAIN AHAHIC CASH 4 t B; AikkIiM Press to Coos llay Tlmea.1 ! WASHINGTON, I). C. ' Aug. 21. It Is announced by tlio Statu Department that Ambassador Gerard probably nlll 1)0 directed to call tho German government's atton- lion to tlio slnklnir of tho Arabic and Invito an ox plan- atloa. . , JlltS. IIRUGUIEHH READ IB; Aszncliif i I'rrv) n Com liny Tlm,l NKW YOltK, Aug. 21. Tho body of .Mtb. Josephine S. HriiRiileru has been found., the White Star Lino an- nounccil today. 4 40 IB; AorUtet I'rr-. lo Cimmi pay TlmM. WASHINGTON. I). C. Aiil-. '! Today's statement was tho first In dication from any official source tnat Germany will mvo an opportu- n'iy to give reasons for tho attack on the Arabic apparently In dlsre rd of President Wilson's solemn "rnlng after tho sinking of tho Lu "nla that such an act would bo Nsarded as dcllDerately unfriendly. TIlB U. S. Slntn r. Mode is that lt tn0 German govorn- enl Ha8 allV fUCts vhU., In ltu nnln. la goes to mltlcato the elreiiniHtiinn. 's of the attack, lierlln should have ,ue opportmuty to present thonr. " is Indicated that boforo Presl nt Wilson takes anv nctlm, tliorn r be wn, ex hango of dlplomat- " communications. The Stat l)(Mlnrtmn.!'. ii l onow tho utmobt deliberation con- "tent with tho delleatb qutpUon omit no on,ortunlty for avoid- ,a8 a SCVprnnxn i.. -... c ' ui luiinions wun "mans a3 long na there Is roasou- . ' "Peatlon that a sufficient ex u can bo gUeu for tho sinking ot the Arabic, "aim Arabic Warned lthoueli i. i c reporieci tnat tlio Zny mHuV had evidence that "e Captain nf ti, a. .,., ,.., , th. . aml aUeml,tod escape before wtV was '8fl'arged, It was "w at the stal r. '. ..... "Information o( that kind had li... ,vetl from the Oerman om- luarter a"y other of,,eial Vice nnB.., ,.. town Im " . l.,om"sn at Queens- ACTS SLOW - comirmea that only two Established 1878 An Tlio Count Mull. 111! VESSELS SUNK HEHLIX SAYS RUSSIAN' AM) (3 Kit. 31 AX WARSHIPS GONE Two Other (ierinau Vessels Damaged In Xnvul Engagement In (iiilf of Itlgu Itesult not (Jlxeu flly AmocIUM I'itii to cool nay Tlnn. IDy AnoclatrJ Press to Coos liar Tlmes.J HERL1N, Auk. SI. Tlirco Rus sian warships and one Gorman war ship, all Hinall vessels, wcro sunk In tho buttle In the Oulf or Itlgu, It whs announced toilny. Two oth er (lernmn warships were put out of commission. One win ashore and tin; other was daniuged. A I iLIES PLACE COTTON' OX CONTRARAND LIST (lly Associated 1'iess Ii Ciios llay Times. PARIS, Aug 21. Tho French foreign office un uouuccH that thu Journnlo Official tomorrow will ton tain tho announcement by tho French and Hrltlsh gov crnments declaring cotton an absolute contraband of war. ZKITHMX SHOT DOWX tlly AmoiUIpiI I'rrpM In Com Why Tlmm 1 hONDOX, Aug. St. Rus sian gunners brought down a Zeppelin approaching VII na, according to a dispatch from I'otrograd. ItKAU ADMIKAIi ASSICXCD COM.MAXD PACIFIC KlilHIT TO Will Succeed Admliiil Howard Ma ill i oh at Aiiiiaolls Ordered Pre pared to o to Haiti 111; AmocUUh Titis to Com lay Timet. WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. Rear Admiral Wlnsbjw today iwas as signed to becomo Admiral of tho United States Pacific fleet in suc cession to Admiral Howard, .MAItlNKS I'Olt HAITI Omi llattalioii at Annapolis Prepar ed Xop Servlco Tliero IU7 AuucuteJ rr lo Coo IMF Tlmw.J WASIIINOTON, I). C, Aug. 21. Ono battalion of marines, :ir0 111011 at Annapolis, was ordered to bo prepared to embark for Haiti If Hear Aklmlral Caperton calls for forces. ' . Americans, Mrs. Ilrugulcro of Sun Francisco and Dr. Woods, of Wis consin, lost their lives. TWO liODIKS FOUND Victims of Ambiu Washed AshoroJ Xear QueenstoHii lily AMocliiei rrna o t; Tlniw.l N13W YORK, Aug. 21. A cable gram recolvcd hero today by tho White Star Lino said that tho bod ies of two victims of tho Arable woro washed ashoro noar Queonstown. Ono was tho body of a woman, a cab in passenger, and tho other that of tho steward. AltADIC XOT COXVOYIID CUjr AMoclated Prw to Ltn Hr Tlmn.1 LONDON, Aug. 21. Tho Hrltlsh government today authorized tho stateinont that tho Arabic was not being convoyed when sho was tor pedoed. HIXTtiKX lilVHS , LOST OX AIJAHIC (Uy AuotUlel riru lo Coua liar Time I ? mm ISK LONDON, Aug. 21. Tho amended list of passengers lost on the Arabic gives n total of 1C, which with tho 21 members of tho crew who woro lost, places tho number of dead at 37. f (Jets Ferry Contract. Capt. Geo. Thrush of tho Huffado Dill announc ed today that ho has been awarded tho contract by tho county court for tho night ferry servlco between Marshflold and Eastslde at ?S0 per month. XOTICK TO K.U3MW All Eagles are requested to at tend moetlng Saturday evening at S o'clock, August 21st, to arrange for trip to Powers. HIk clnsa ir In itiation Sunday August 22nd. Train leaves depot at 7.10 In morning. P. MAGNUSSON, Acting President. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, CANNOT CHE GE Russian Field Armies Battling Desperately, But in Vain, Against Invaders WEW LINE BROKEN Marshes Alone Save Ossowelz by Making Big Guns of Germans Ineffective VON MACKENZEN GAINING Itiilgaiin Comciitmtes Troops on Holder Xavnl t'iiilcl(lcil Ilovlc May Safe la I 'oil I ,-,(iK)( llattlu b - Hl'I.CAItlA ACTIVK llT AmocUIciI Vtnt lo Cooi llx TlniM 1 NAPI.ICS, Aug. 2 1. A dispatch to tho Mattluo from Saloulkl says that Uulgarla has concentrnted IRO.OOO troops on tho Turkish fron tier. (2KHMAXS CLA1.M MOItK (JAINS TODAY Ily AiMoUlr. Tiraa t CWs luy Tlnirn. J IIUULIN, Aug. 21. Tho (ioniums have enptured 'tho Russian town of Illolsk, 25 miles south of lllalyatok, and had driven tho Russians over tho Illnln River, according to an official announcement. tnr AuocltloJ I'm 10 Cooa llay Tlmn.l LONDON, Aug. 21. Tho Russian field aruiles arc fighting desperate ly but vainly to check tho onrush of tho Germans and Austriniis. Ossowelz, In North Poland, has re sisted tho' Invaders thus far only be cause of tho uinrshy nature of tho surrounding- country, which pro veuts tho Germans from employing their heavy guns effectively. South of llrct Lltovsk General Von Mackonzen'H forces have pen etrated far beyond tho Hug. Other German armies cast of tho Dug render n serious Russian de fense of tho Hlnlystok-Hrest Lltovsk lino virtually Impossible. ' Xavnl Hattlo On Tho naval lmttlo In tho Gulf of Riga wns still In progress at tho tlmo of tho latest reports from Petrograd, which gavo no details ub to tho mngnltudo of tho action. French Aro Repulsed. Along tho other fronts no Im portant changes aro reported, with the exception or tho French mlml-1 slou of tho Inability to hold tho J Lons-Arras cross road recently cap turcd. Halkan 'Situation Diplomatic problems nrhr tho East woro brought appreciably near er a solution by tho formation of tho Greek ministry under tho pre miership of Venlzolos nnd tho In dication that tho uncompromising attltudo of inlltury factions In Sor bin against llulgaria's claims being broken down. Hovlc May be Safe. Aftor -IS hours or unusual activ ity resulting In a heavy toll of mer chant ships In tho naval war zone, the Gorman submarines I.avo ap parently withdrawn to bases. Heller Is expressed that tho Wlilto Star liner Hovlc is safely I" Prt. HERO OF ANTWERP Captor of Xovo (Jeorglevsk Great Ai-j tlllei-j- Expert I (By Aiioclatea rrni 10 i" -' - LONDON, Aug. 21. General Von Dcsolor, who won tho Gorman Em peror's personal praise yesterday for tho capture of Novo' Georglevsk, Is tho artillery expert of tho Gormnn nrmy.Ho won renown In the capture of the Belgian fortresses at Antwerp which wero regarded as Impregn able. He has specialized with the big slego guns and their accuracy at long range Is attributed to his gen ius. J& Dig dance Goodwill's pavilion Sat urday night AnKii-t UK. " "" sic, good tlmo and fine eats. Ev . ... .. .. n. Tlm-ft 1 erybody welcome, noni in Marshfleld at 7 otiock, iciunmiii after il.uue. , M RMAN ONRUSH AUGUST 21, 1915 EVENING ABE REUF IS FREED KOItMHIl SAX l'HAXCISCO POMT ICAIj HOSS I'AItOliKI) TODAY Stale Itoard of Prison Directors Kin- ally ltcleascs Xoted Convict Headed (3oldcii (into (iinft Dr Auoclitt.1 rrrfl la Coot lit; Tlmn.) SAX KItAXCISCO, Aug. L'l. Ab raham llcuf onco power in San Francisco politics, wag paroled to day from tho penitentiary by tho stato board of prison directors. In J'rlson lom Years Itucf has spent four years md five mouths In prlHun. He was sentenced to 11 years for having offcied n bribe .to tho San Fran cisco supervisors. Houf was ono of tho most noted characters of tho Pacific coast and was tho dictating power when Mayor Semmtz, labor leaner, was elected. His conviction followed tho noted San Francisco graft trials. XATIOXAL TICXXIS 11KTAIXS TITLi: CHAMPIOX TODAY Defeats Maurlco .McLaughlin of San Francisco, Former Champion, nt Xewport, It. I. Today lily AuoclatH l'rraa lo Cooi llay Times. XEWPORT, R. I. Aug 21. Nor rlu Williams II, of Philadelphia, na tional tenuis champion, defeated Maurlco McLaughlin, of Sun Fran cisco, tho former title holder, today. TAFP IX IDAHO EX ROUTE PORTLAND (n; Aiuorlalocl Prcri to Com Day Tlmra.l HOUSE, Idaho, Aug. 21. Ex-prcsldent Taft arrived In lloiso today to bo tho guest of Calvin Cobb, publisher ot tho Idaho Statesman. Ho will depart for Portland to night. (JEXERAL ODRIXJOX ANSWERS PEACE I'ETITIOX Siiys Hint (Jeneral Cairaii.u Soles- man Declares Other Countries Do Xot Understand .Situation lOy AnoitMcl rrn to Coot llay TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 21. General Obrogon's reply to tho Pan American appeal for pcaco in Mex ico, was received today. It politely icforB the Pan American conferees to General Carrimza for their ans wer. "Tho communication denotes clearly" said Obrogon's roply, "that tho honorable- gentlemen who signed t Iiro absolutely In Ignorance of tho solidarity or our government and or tho porfect control whlchflrst chief exorcises ovor tho whole constltu-, tlonnllst army. If our sister ropub-j Ilea ure, as I bollovo thorn to bo anl-, mated by lofty principles, morality and sincerely dcslro for our bolovod I Mexico futuro peace- and prosperity I and aro ready to lend old to accom plish It, thoy could do so by tho moro act of not allowing thomsejvesj to bo misguided by false Inforntnttoii nnd allow tho constitutionalist ad-j ministration to end its work ot pac- mention." Ad'ATE CARNIVAL AT PORT ORFORD SUCCESS (Special to Tho Tlmos. ) PORT ORFORD, Aug. 21. Tho annual Agate Carnival hero Is a big succebs. There Is a good attendance, many comlng from Coos nay, as well as other moro distant points. Port Orford handled the crowds well, fed them well and overybody had a good time. Thoro are many campers here, coming In by auto for an outing. A big pavilion was. erected for dancing and favorablo weather enabled program to bo carried out in full. Tho carnival closes tonight. Attend the danco at the Finnish JIall Saturday livening, Aug. 21. Music by tho Sumner Orchestra. WILLIAMS B AGTIDN MEXICO EDITION. T Sawmill Village of Alki in Whatcom County, Wash., Destroyed Late Yesterday FIRE STILL Many Other Towns and Homes Threatened in Vicinity of Bellingham by Fire HUNDREDS ArTfIGHTING IT llerloc Work on Part of Fire Fight, crs Save Wahl and Xoon Sta tion Wire lutiirriiptcd Again Today lly AiaoclatcH 1'rria lo Cooi llay Tlnua,) I1ELL1NGHAJ, Washington, Aug. 21. Funned by a Northwest wind, forest fires In nil parts of What com county, which yestorpay laid waste to the sawmill town of Alkal and destroyed homes near Maplo Falls, Alger and clsowhoro Is today threatening other homes and mill property. Wire communication was inter rupted nnd hundreds ot men are fighting to prevent furtbor destruc tion, llerloc work on the part of scores of men last night saved Willi 1 and Noon station, but lt Is reported today that flies hnvo broken out afresh. SAILSlEnSlLOI Captain Thomas Drake, maybo a descendant of Sir Frnucls Drako, arrived hero last night aboard the schooner Sir Francis from Seattle. Ilo Is master and crow of his craft, HI foot long, with a 10-foot beam and drawing thrco feet of water, and Is on an extended trip to tho fair, through tho canal, up the St. Lawrenco, down the Mississippi nnd back homo nguln. In 21 days, with tho aid of a friend, ho says tho hull was built, and finished complete, some time lntor. lie loft Seattlo .Inly 27, put Into Grays Harbor, Astoria and Til lamook. Fog obscured tho entrance to Yiuiulna liny and the Umpiiua. Ho attempted tho latter port Thurs day night, unsuccessfully, nnd then drow off a wnys and liovo too tor tho night. Captain Drake Is on a plonsuro trip, he says, and expects to lenvo Monday, stopping In at Ilaudon and Humboldt Hay on his way to Sail Francisco. He may tnko a sailing' companion from hero. Tomorrow at SUM) a. m. hu Is Intending to take cxciirsl'inlBts to Charleston Hiy and back, giving thein a ehiuico lo try put his boat. '$ 'AMONG THE SICK X Ueo. Gtibcrtson of tho Ekblud hardware la confined to his homo by boils and lagrlppe. .Mis. Charles Van Duyn is re ported much better today, aftor a week of severe lllnobs that has kept l-tr couriued to her bed. ' A, 1). Woodworth, who underwent an operation at Mercy Hospital last Thursday for appendicitis, Is Im proving nicely. John Tellesfsou, who has been quite ill ut his homo in Eastsldo for tho past two weeks, Is no bol ter. Dr. Housoworth was called to Handou yesterday morning to, aid Dr. Loop In an operation 011.W. Deck, u laborer at tho quarry, who was severely hurt In tho hips when a 500 pound rock rolled on him. Ho will recover. Mrs. Orion Allen, of Hunker Hill, is qnlto sick at hor homo. Mary WhlUy, of Eastsldo, who has been very 111 for over a month Is bettor today. Hurt Uy Hay Fork. Georglo Fer ry son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Ferry, was brought here from Myr tlo Point suffering from some bad bruises and lacerations as u result ot gottlng tunglod up In n hayiork and being thrown about fifteen foot to tho ground. NOTICE My wire having loft my bed and board without causo or reason I shall not bo responsible ror her bills Signed, A, P, Ilchfleld. 5 1 1 n A Consolidation of Times Const Mull niul Coos Hay Advertiser. SIX FOUND GUILTY PRESIDENT .MEXEFEE AND OTII ERS CONVICTED IX SUIT All of Accused Except Thomas llll- yeu Found Guilty Ask Clemency For Vice President Campbell Dy AiuoclttoJ l'rrsi ta Coo, lay Time. PORTLAND, Aug. 21. After be ing out twenty-one hours, the jury In tlio enso of tho United Stntes Cash ier Company returned a verdict of guilty In tho United Stntes District Court against six officers nnd sales men whoso fato was lert In their hands. A recommendation for clemency was nuulo for Oscar Camp bell, vlco president. Tho others found guilty wero: Frank Monefeo, president. F. M. Lcmoiin, salesman. A. O. Gcrncrt. R. E. lloniicwcll. II. M. Todd. An Instructed verdict of not guil ty was brought In for Thomas HII ycu, director and Inventor. Tho dofondnntB woro charged with misusing the malls In the sales or stock. Otho L. Ilopson, another of tho snloBinon who was Indicted with tho others, wilt have his trial tutor, not having been apprehended In Chicago until after his associates had been placed 011 trial. Ilopson formerly lived In Mnrshriold, Oregon. y LOCAL 'PHONE CONCERN WOULD IWY FARMERS' LINE Charles Hull (Joes Next Week to .Make Further Arrangements At Coqillllo Consolidation ot tho Farmers' Telephone Company exchange at Coqulllo, with tho Coos and Curry 'phone company may bo nccompllsli ed It negotiations now under way may be brought to a successrul close. Charles Hall, or the local company, expects to visit Coqulllo next week seeking further arrange, nioiits. Ilo says that his company Is willing to buy out the farmers' Hue at any time. When Mr. Miller, of tho Rail road Commission was hole a few days ago, ho refused to allow an Immediate raise of rates lu Coqulllo by either company and said that the Commission would heartily endorse a movo to consolidate. Mr. Hall said that should tho sale hu com pleted In all probability a central energy system would bu lustnllod. Thu Farmers' Company suvornl mouths ago bought tho Coos & Curry Company's exchange In Myr tle Point. TO WED .MISS LAURA LAW OF NOltll HEND ,ER News Leaks Out Despite Attempt lo Keep lt From Friends Young Couple Well Knovwi Tho mnrrlugo ot Miss Laura Liiw lor to Dr. Lloyd Molt at tho Cutho llc rectory ut North Hend next Mon day wan rumored here today. Miss Lawler has como down from Smith River' where she has boon staying tor some tlmo with Mrs. Clltford Hanson. Mr. Mott intends to glvo up tho prnctlco ot medicine and has prac tically completed plans tor the pur chase or a good sized ranch on Smith! Rlvor whore ho will go at onco with his bride. Ho Is a graduate ut the University of Oregon and a member f tho Sigma Chi fraternity. At Wlllamotlo University he took IiIb medical cotirso and thou cumu to North Hend whore ho has bcon locat ed for about two years, until lately having his offlco with Dr. Ira 11. Hartlo, For sovoral weeks Dr. Mott wns on Smith rlvor and lately has visited his parents In Salem. Miss Lawler Is very well known on Coos Hay, having boon horo for soino time. Sho has a sister, Mrs. Joo Olln in North Ilond, and for a time was In tho Golden Rulo storo In this city. Her parents llvo near Spokano. Dr. Mott went to Coqulllo tills morning and said that ho had busi ness to transact with tho county clerk boforo returning. I con MOn TD MARRY No. 24. W IN ST. L Off-Shoot of Texas Storm Claimed Many Lives Along the Mississippi River PROPERTY LOSS BIG Estimate that Millions of Dol lars Damage Was Done in That Vicinity HORSEMEN SAVE PEOPLE Section of Lcveo ut. Hast Alton, III., (Jives Way and Wall of Water Inundates Tlnre Towns, llti Winning Was Effvcllvo 200 KNOWN DEAD (lly AkkocUIfiI l'rraa lo Coo llay Timet. GALVESTON, Toxntt, Aug. 21. Tho total known dead from tho hurricane, both for Galveston Island and tho mainland ot southwest Tex as, stood today at 200. '" TEXAS FLOOD LOSS (lly AiuuHlalcl rir In Clin llay Tlmea.l WASHINGTON, I). C. Aug. 21. Governor Fergu son or Texas today tolo graphed President Wilson that the loss ot life from tho tropical storm along tho Tex as const will not exceed .100 and that tho early estimates of diunngo wero greatly ex aggerated. Do snld that situation Ih now under con trol. ' Illy AuorlaieJ Trwa to Coo nor Tlmea. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 21. Nino par sous are known to have perished In (he flood Hint swept parts of St. Louis yestorday, and two poraoua aro missing. Nino bodies wero round today one that or a wlilto woman nnd eight negroes. The two missing are negroes. Tho damage Is estimated nt sev eral million dollars. Tho storm was an orrshoot of tho storm that swept Toxiib. At East Alton, III., n !IOO-foot section or the now loveo gave wny and a wall or water rrom Wood River rushed toward tho towns ot Woodilvor, .Henbow and East Altiii, but two horsemen who stood watch at tho loveo raced ono hundred ynrdB of the oncoming wntor calling "Run Tor your lives!" "lu an hour tho thrco towns wcro under ton root or water, bat thu population escaped. HUD FINE HEARING HUGH MrLAIN PLEASED WITH COMMITTEE Asks for One Million Appropriation on Continuing Contract Hasltt niul Wants Dredge Hugh McLalu returned lust night from Portland whoro ho and Henry Songstuckou appeared boforo tho Rivers and Harbor Commlttoo and presented tho claims of Coos Hu: Tlio Marshflold mon woro tho first to secure a hearing und Sonutor Chamborlulii and Congressman Haw. ley, following tho presentation of Coos Hay's claims, mado nlco llttlo talks approving their potttlou for a Jotty system. Want Million Dollars "Atton 1 had described tho situa tion to thorn and had submitted the photos and blueprints Illustrating tho condition, Chairman Sparkman asked how much wo wanted," said Mr. McLuin. "1 told him ono million dollars to extend tho Jotty sixteen hundred feet seaward. I told them this could be mndo on tho continu ing contract basis, making $500,000 available the first year und about $250,000 par annum for tlio noxt two years, I told thorn that wo al so wanted tho bar drodgo kept In operation with it and If tills was done, Coos Hay would bo satistlod. Wo had a flno hearing nnd I am suro It will bring good results." 1 ! Mil 1; mwmsmm)t&lfm'91imm tt" nwmwTumrwmmimmti