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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
THECOOSBAVTOES, MAtiSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION THREE The Central Avenue Booster j. CKXTRAL AVENUIS, VR1DAY, FtillltUAllV 12, JDia Xo.8. r t's A Recognized Fact that the dealer who Insists upon offering you something Just-as-Good' as the Nationally-advertised goods you asked for, is substituting an inferior article upon which he makes a larger profit. Patronize the store which under no circumstances (offers you a "Just-as-Good" substitute. You may well have confidence in "THE OWL" Fran k D. Cohan. ' "The Central Avenue Drug Store." 'he Ladies Co s Bay A 10 cordially Invited to visit this utoro next ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 When wu will glvo n special demonstration of the famous "HEINZ 57 VARIETIES Two Heinz exports will bo hero to usslBt In tlio demonstration, which Is nntlon-wldo and itt observed all over tho United States ns "HEINZ BOOM DAY" Don't miss this educational event In 1'tiro Foods. OIKvant & WeaYeir l'UHK FOOD GU0CKH3. A (J(K)I) IMiACK TO TRARK. l'hoiio JU. Corner Centnil Avenue and Third Street. Jest See Omit Windows Arts mid Crafts .1UX0LK .1 AHRIXIKHHKS and IIAXUIXO HAS. Kin"S tho latest and most at tractive out. CALOL LIQUID (1LOSK tins tn, eleniw and brightens at tho miiiio time. Tut. a little on tho mop or tho dust, cloth anil wo tho remit. II. rloans. iwillslii mill illslnfc(M and In itihiiI fur hlihlv finished hardwood, mi ft woods and for automobile IniiUcs. Marshfield Hardware Co. Big Chief Pugsley, Kandy Kook Candy, Heap Good for the "Smokes," 'KANDY NOOK Gum: L. E. Mansky's Movie Show Me See ED MEADE. - 'Fore Me Go. Central Ave. Come. AS LONG AS PEOPLE WEAR CLOTHES THEY MUST HAVE THEM CLEANED H)U SHOULD SKK THAT YOU UKV YOUK MOXKY'S WOUTII ,1 Wild, (J1VK YOU YOUK MOXKY'S WOltTII AM) TIIKX SOMK MARK MK PROVK IT. Ono Suit will convlnco you and If I don't do this It costs you XOTHIXO. Will Call Anywhoro Phono Anytime. 2G0-X Jav Dovles Place Will Call Anywhere, anythuo. Phono U50-X How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. Wiley B. Allen Co. ' L. L. THOMAS, Mgr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. Marine Fire 'Auto E. I. CHANDLER. Insurance Accident Plate jGrlass Burglary COKE BUILDING Marshfield , Oregon TIIK CKXTRAL AVKXUB HOOSTKR Published Kvery Friday In tho Inter ests of Coos liny In Cenontl mid Central Avcnuo in particular. - HOOSTKR AVAR IlUIiliKTIX. With Dorsoy confjned to his homo in aoutli ainrshflcld and J. T. Hnrr'r gan hors du combnt In Went Marsh flcld, tho official commntnlcatlon snys that honors wero nbout oven be tween tho Allies and tho .Germans this week. However, Hen.ry Song stocken and Gcorgo Sollg say that tho Allies loBt their leader In J. T. Harrl gan and that with him out of ser vice, thoro Is nothing to it. A. .1. GRAFT, who by hltt nomo should ho a politician hut who Isn't, and who travels for "Heinz 57 Varieties," In calling on tho Coos Day trade this week. ' Great Graft! iiav ollivaxt'.h motto. "Honor thy father and mother, but not a stranger's checks." TIIK OLD SPOUT'S HKCKPTIOX I Lightning and thundcrl Whnt's your number Whoro do you linll from, my old sport? I'm tho picket, Whore's your ticket? No dend-hends pass Into this court. Whnt's that you soy? You've had to pay And nro rcnlly an cxcoptlon? Well, not In here, My whlto-hnlrod doar, This is A Man's grand (reception. IIo was trying all his life to bo sincere. Ho never caused his wlfo to shed a tear; Ho was always too kind to tho sick and tho blind And would not e'en sanction de ception. Thought ho's going to bo well re warded And his n n mo in gold will bo re corded, So movo along old gent, wo nro nil quite content And nro giving this man u re ception. Old sport replied: Kind friend, l'vo tried Slnco tho Creator gnvo mo life, To ho civil To- tho dlvil And I'll not entor into strlfo, I'll pass along With Joyful song, I no'er thought I was perfection. Saint Potor said, Ploaso go ahead, And stop at ''Grand Reception." Tho picket slightly moved tho gold en glliumor, It's ghiro fell full upon tho ngod sinner. As n sport, what's your nnmo, and ntn't you walking lanio? Whnt'ri Hint, enn't sponk? I hud a wrong cnncoptlon. Coino hero, put on this crown and purplo cloak, Ilnvo n drink of ucctnr, you'ro Jnst about to choko. ' Never mind your nnmo, I know you'ro tho samo For whom wo'vo planned this grand reception. KI) MKADK. Tho Central Avenuo Poet. CKXTRAL AVKXU13 JOTTIXGS. vnicaiiino Coming. Sunday Is Vnlcntlno day and W. J. Conrad ami Doe Dlx aro tho pictures of expec tancy to sny nothing of Walter Dia ler and John Ferguson. A Good Fvntiiro. Ono good thing about tho moving picture palaces on Central nvenuo Is that they cnablo n fellow to bo a sport and take a girl out on n lono two-bit plcco. Coming Kvcnts Hootnor snys that Cupid hns shot ono of North Hold's most bcnutlfullcst young ladles right smack through tho heart with nn ar row of lovo. How about it, Con? Another Theater. Central avenue Is rapidly becoming tho suro enough Great White Way. -Tho Now Orphc um wns opened Wednesday night and over two thousand pcoplo nt tended in n body. Manager Keller put on a good show and Is helping to inako Central nvenuo look like a metropolis. Important Xotlrc. Wo would like to linvo nbout IS now subscriptions from now subscribers who would bo willing to pay us strictly cash In nd vnnco If It wouldn't bo asking too much ns wo have a few bills to pay which ought to havo been paid over six months ngo. If this would bo ask ing too much wo would llko to hnvo say thrco or four subscribers then. How docs thnt Btrlko you? May llavo Jitney Huh. Frank Co han, tho original Central nvenuo booster and president of tho Ccnrtnl Avenuo Duslness Men's Association, annouueos that plans nro on foot for tho organization of tho Central nve nuo Jltnoy Uus Corporation (Limit ed). Tho project mot with prompt and enthusiastic approval from all sides, tho only- discordant noto in tho chorus being occasioned by tho Euro pean war. Henry Songstncken de sired to ho assured thnt It was not somo trick nnd subtorfugo of tho Al lies to gain a foothold. IIo said that "Jltnoy" sounded something llko "cockney" nnd ho didn't propose to hnvo nnythlng to do with It If It woro an English scheme. J.T. Ilnrrlgnu, on tho other hnnd, said It wasn't Eng lish nnd sounded nioro llko Austrian nnd ho suspected thnt Henry was try ing to "slip ono over."' After both belligerents wero assured and reas sured and Songstncken Insure) the project wns approved nnd tho public may bo prepared most nny dny to boo "Jltnoys" on Centrnl nvenuo, thanks to tho foresight nnd cntorprlse of llooHtcr Frank Cohan. Before Parting With Your Money AX AltTIKT IS, A LUCKY (JI1Y. Thayer Grimes Is a lucky wight IIo novor needs to worry; For If ho finds that mnnoy's tight IIo enn "draw" somo In a hurry. For ho's n realistic artist Even whon thirsty relief Is near For ho can solzo ids pen and quickly Draw himself a glass of beer. OULLKY kxowk. All things rnmo to him who owns n plcco of land nnd pitches in nnd works to heat tho hnnd. J. M.. CULLEY. QUITK A l-'HAT. "Funny 'thing wo did yestordny," remarked ono Centrnl nvenuo woman to another. "What was It?" naked her friend. "Wont out to Myrtlo Anna nnd mndo a round of flnts." IX UUYIXfl KKAL KSTATK 8KCURK A C0MPLKTI3 AIISTHAOT FJtOM TllE Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. .Which Is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance and exponso afterwards. vo also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. Marshfield office in Coko Ilulldlng onnoslto Chandler Hotel. Phono 11-J. Coquillo Offico adjoining Farm ers' Dank Illock. Phono 101. Ilandon Office, McNnlr Ilulldlng. Phono 482. Henry Sengstacken Manager. Tho prlco of wheat Ih Miarlug, Tho prlco of feed Is high; Tho camion now Is roaring, And bullets on tho fly. f Hut Haines Is not neutral on prices, He'll fight them Willi tooth and too nail, He'll hummer them low us possibly go And then put high prices In Jail. HAINES' The Central Avenuo Floury and Feed Man. Uu tho Waterfront. I UKHSOXAL MKXTlOX. 4 DAVE STAFFORD says his Idcn of a hypocrite is n man who goes to work every morning with a smllo on his face. HAltHY McKEOWN of tho Chandler, who has been spending somo time and no money In Portland, Is back again getting rendy to go again. MATT L. MAY, the popular represen tative of Haas Uros., reports busi ness Improving steadily, but then Matt L. nlwnys was an optimist. Whllo others croak nt misty days with htm It's always May. GENE CROSTHWAITK, of tho Smokehouse snys ho hns mndo ap plication to tho S. P. for tho first tlckot on tho first train In tho first smoking car that cornea into Mnrshflold over tho now railway. A. Y. MYEItS Is still minus nn over coat. W. J. Conrnd says is Is probably n good thing becnuso on cold days Al has to remain In tho offico and attend to business. Con's Intimation Is that somcono took the coat to mnko Myers go to work. JIM KELLOND or tho Smokchouso called at this offico and purchased somo old copies of tho lloostcr. Somo of tho copies was as for back as bIx months. Jim ain't n regular subscriber, but ho likes to keep posted on Central nvenuo doings. THAYER GRIMES, ono of our lend ing young lights, this week loft for Mllllcomn, whoro ho will begin n rival undertaking to tho ono launched by Guy Chambers, who deserted the city n few weeks ago, for tho Blmplo Ilfo on Daniels Creole. Just what ho Is going to rniso is not cortnln yet. L. A. PECK, tho original "Peek's Had Roy," who always got his Pa into a pickle and whon ho grow up went Into tho picklo business wltn Mr. Holnz, Is visiting Ray Olllvanl this week. Ray says ho can toll "C7 varieties" of Btorlcs and llko Holnz thoy'ro all good. CAPT. MACaKXN Is all smiles thoso dnys, ho reading thnt his old pal nnd boyhopd friend, Lord Kitch ener, to whom ho hns dedicated his latest poem, said about tho Eng lish winning tho war. Tho Cnpt. thinks tho sun would revorso nnd rlso In tho west If It wasn't for Lord K. FRANK TICIIENOR, tho original Coos county boostor, wns a Central uvonuo visitor this weok for tho first tlmo In throo years. Frank says ho hardly knowed tho place and Central avenuo reminds him of streets In tho groat cities of Port land, Sonttlif and Spoknuo, whoro ho hns been living for soma years past, hut ho Is coming back to his first, lovo. Central nvenuo wol enmos Frank to tho ranks of tho boosters. ' HIS WIFE'S GOXK AWAY. . Ily L. L. Tliomns. - Geo, hut this Is u lonesome town! I thought I'd hnvo a rare old fling, When I put wlfoy on tho boat I Bnld, "NOW don't lot nnythlng Drive you bnck to tho stuffy flat; Just stny as long as you can stay And got yourself nil well nnd rut. Geo, but this Is a louosomo town! SIio'h boon uway Just eight days, Tho first two ovenings 1 was froo I frlvoled on tho bright highways; I looked up Jim and 'Gono and Joo, Rut very fow glad hnnds 1 got I found I had no plaro to go. Goo, but this Is a louosomo town! I never lived a longer week; Somo plcnsuros I thought I'd enjoy I don't caro to go out and Book; Thoro may bo husbands bright nnd gny And nil nlono; but as for mo Well, midnight finds mo in tho hay, PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel The Ilulf of a Good Menu Central Avenue TIIK GROCER'S TROUHLK. If tho cost of living's high, Ulaino tho grocer. It tho cook has scorched tho plo, Dlunio tho grocer. If tho eggs nro tasting queer, If you'ro lacking in good cheer, Ho'!! explain It, nover fear, Dlunio tho grocer. If tho prlco of butter soars, Iilame tho grocer. If your entertaining bores, Rlame tho grocer. If your dlnnor doesn't "tnko," Illanio tho sugar iii tho cuke And of course for mercy's sake Illanio tho grocer. If your purso Is feeling flat, Blamo tho grocer. If you need a nice new hat Ulanio tho grocor. It will teach him self-control, True politeness from tho soul, If we always on the wholo Illanio tho grocer. .'' C13Q, U, CpOJ$. I SPECIAL CANDY SALE: TAFFY AND PEANUT BRITTLE ONLY 20 CENTS PER POUND :.' SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY AT STAFFORD'S ' ' . - -v ft Glebeas Wonderful Flowers from Bohemia lluvo arrived and tho ladles will find them well worth a visit to this utoro to mnko nn Ins pectlon. Nnturnl colors and odors FAMOUS BURLINGTON FIBER SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN Ladles Bhoulrtseo theso lioso nt SRc, GOc and GOc a pair.- A largo nssortmont of Llngerlo WnlstB JiiBt received and priced at, !?l.ltf, 91.50 and 92.00. FOR HER VALENTINE' MAHIXKLLO TOILET ARTICLES OLKltKAS FLOWKHS VALKXTIXK HANDKERCHIEFS Come In nnd ko tho very latest Ideas nt MARY ELIZABETH'S SHOP Central Avenue. PIONEER GROCERY CO. Phone 84 :: :: :: :: :: 81 Central Avenue Wo hnvo a supply of flrxt-chis lleaiity of Hebron early scil jKitatooN, nnd n full lino of fresh garden and vegetable seeds. Also fertilizers for nil purpoHCH. i a.r.. v. -....v. r .i.t ...i ..,i ' JbSAat Remember thnt Chnso .tt Hnnborn'N Seal Urniul.wCiffeoi jii 'tho best. 15 cents per pound, U-poiind enn, 85c, .A,,..,,;;,,;.,, If you want a good hov of apples, 91.00 to 91.U5. let us , know, From FOR THE REAL THING IN' Cigars, Cigarettes or Tobacco , Or If you want a good game of pool, billiards or arldtc magazine, call on ' . ' THE SMOKEHOUSE Central Avenue of Course. ' ' COOS IMIOXK l.'IO BAY STATIONERY COM'PrJ Oil CKXTHAL 4VK. FOR IIKTTKR RICSUll'S USE ANSCO FILM mndo by tho (loodwlu Film & Camora Co., n Blmplo tost is sufficient Load your enmora with ANRCO FILM, Bet shutter at, sny .3(i of a second nnd your Ioiib nt tho largest opening. Snap tho roll on tho Kamo subject decreasing tho Ions oponlng for each! ulie cesslvo Thou lond your camera with tho film youv(liih to compare nnd expose It Immediately on tho hiuiio subject aridt'i exnctly tho samo way tho ANHCO film wns exposed. 'r",; Tho result will toll tho story. T-- 1- EGGS EGGS EGGS;.', OHAXULATKR IIOXK Ih not only it great producer of KJififllmt also pnidurex hone, muscle, anil feathers. . CRVSTAL ORITS Experienced poiiltryinen are iiwnrw that flRrtfH is ns ncic.ssary to poultry an teeth nro to (ho human Mugs, mid to get good results from proix'r feeding, It Is nocesijiiry to Mipply a good grade of gritN. SHELLS havo n composition that Is iwcullarly adapted to tlio pro- duct (cm of eggs. MKA'Il SC'RAI'S All poiiltrymoa know the Importaucu of feeding meat food In miiiio form. V.ilil MAKER A Rahiuced Ration, , (Jet all the above nt tho oldest grocery on Central Avenuo. COOK'S GROCERY P ROMPT OPULAR ROGRESSIVE The MoBney Youn Deposit with us does not remain Idle development of homo Industry. poratloiiH need to borrow mo lie, mid It Is largely your in poo. Money depositeil In ha miinlty no ginxl. Therefore, posit your money whoro It will homo Industry also. Wo wel and take hlncoio interest hi Open a checking or havings In the bank, but it Is used for tlio Most Individuals, firms uud col li ey at times to carry on their bust- onoy that they Inirrow for thl(( pur- nks away from homo doex this com It Is to your bett Interests to ele- not only benefit you, hut will aid eonio all deiMisltors, lurgo or small, tlielr Avolfnro, accounts in this bank, First Matiomal an OIF Coos Bay ' IT Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon