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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1915)
HOPE UNACCOMPANIED BY-WORK, HAS OFTEN MADE PATCHES CONSPICUOUS HAVE A HEART Your Dollnr la Interested in Coos Hay. Iloro Is whore, it associates with other Dollars of its kind and helps to mako prosperity. Don't send it away it will ho lonesome. PERSEVERANCE A merchant cannot omit his advertising without tho fact being "noticed" to his disadvantage If ho could, ho could also closo his storo for a whllo now and then, to "savo oxponsc." MEMBERS Or THU ASSOCIATED PRKSS VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ns Tho f!nnt Mult. MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Ooniollilatlnn of Times, Congt Mull m1 Poo Hnv Ailvowlwr No. 173 juglamd Will Not Specify UNITED STATES SEN DS WARHIMG TO GREAT BRIT t Y Peace Terms fi A 01102 mmm wM CTA". SMITH'S BUSIM ESS GHHIEE IS APPROVED 11 SI FRANCISCO Ai I AM W. S. Chandler Wires That Bankers and Business Men Unite in Reassuring View LIQUIDATING COMMITTEE NOW TAKING CHARGE Declare All Interests Absolute ly Safeguarded Big Sugar Pine Sale ' PART OK I'AY ROLL TAKEN CAltl-J 01 Yesterday tho monthly pay roll -of tho Smith-Powers Co. was promptly met tlio checks being Issued and cashed when prooonted. Owing to an unexpected doluy Into yeatbrday nftor iiooii, wire authorization for tho pay rolls of tho other departments of tho hiiBlness did not reach hero and honco n slight delay. Owing to tel ephone and telegraph wlroa belli down south of Roao burg today, tho nmltor could nut be attended to today. ! Win. Orlmos today received a tolo gram from W. S. Chandler, president of thu First National Hank of Coos liny, who Is nt San Francisco on business, conveying additional reas suring uows concerning tho Smith companies. Mr. Chandler said that ho had Just conforred with San Francisco nnd Oakland bankers and with mombors of tho Smith Companies Liquidating Commlttco and all wore united in tho statement that tho chango In tho company's affairs nbsolutoly safe guarded all Interests involved. It was further stated that all out standing drafts and obligations would bo promptly mot nnd taken earo of. llowevor, tho transfer of tho direc tion of affairs into tho hands of'tho liquidating commlttco is requiring u little time and thero nro bound to bo a fow delays In occasional In stances caused by posslblo misun derstandings of tho workings of tho business, such as nro bound to occur when thoio Is a material change n any business. However, thoro was not tho slight est question among any of tho bank ers ami big business men conversant with tho situation but that every thing will bo takon earo of promptly and tho gonornl business go on as usual, Tho largo amount of nssots of tho Smith companies, which aro In tho naturo of Invcstmonts and not a part of tho actlvo ond of tho buslnoss of tho companies nor neccssnry to tho continuance of it will enable tho li quidating commlttco, if they deom It advisable to dlsposo of nny of tho holdings, to soil theso without Inter fering with or detracting from tho Smith lumber and manufacturing business. To Sell Sugar Vine. While it Is not positively known in Marshflold, it Is understood hero that the tract which C. It. Johnson, a mombor of tho creditors' commlttco, announced In a dispatch to Tho Times yesterday as practically sold, Is the largo sugar pine holdings in Califor nia. STATEMENT MiW.K HV GE.Y. MAXAOEK MERMEN Editor TImos: Wo regret vory '""eh that tho local banks havo re fused to accept our drafts. for tho payroll, which Is being deferred, al though every sueh draft during our eight years business iinallnea in Marshfleia has been paid whonj& Presented. This Mmnirn In Mm nnl O" of tho bnnks, duo to pross re ports regarding our flnanclnl ar rangements, havo made it necessary for this office to pass tho matter P to our head office at Oakland. 'o are awaiting thoir action, and are confident wo will bo advised so that the checks can bo given out not later than Saturday of this. week. Tll's Is the first time In 37 years f Mr. Smith's nctlvo business man agement that ho has failed to paj nls men on the regular pay day. Arno Moreen, I-lbhy COAL. The kind Y'OU have ALWAYS USKI). Phono 72. Vaclfic Livery aud Transfer Company. . .. E FAITH N C. A. SI Portland Lumbermen Say That Only Temporary Embarass- ment Can Result Tho Portland Telegram today says: Fred A. ICrlbs, who is probably clos er in touch with the affairs of C. A. Smith than any other person In Port land, expressed surprise when In formed of tho dispatch concoruliig tho placing of tho nffalra of the lum ber and timber magnate In tho hands of n committee of creditors. "I know that tho bond Interest was paid last fall and I had Informa tion about ten days ago that ar rangements! had been mndo to tide matters over when tho noxt Interost paylng ported enmo due. Of course thoro aro ample assets to cover nil Indebtedness and when prosperity eomos again to thu luinbor Industry thero will bo soveral million dollars loft ovor aftor tho debts nro paid." Lumbermen, loggers and bankers who discussed tho news of Smith's ombnrrnssiuent expressed tho bollet that tho troublo is only temporary. It Is gouernlly hellovcd that tho mar gin of assets ovor liabilities Is vory Inrgn. To tho stagnation of tho luin bor business Is attributed tho finan cial dlstross of thu Smith Interests whoso holdings In southwestern Ore gon nro imiuoiiBo. Tho most modern milling plant In tho country was orreted on Coos liny a fow years ago by tho C. A. Smith Lumbor Company. Hy its labor-saving dovlccs thoro was said tp bo a margin of f 1 n thounand foot of lum bor in tho compnnyVfavor ovor any competitor, nnd nt tho rato of pro duction In 1911 tho saving amounted to JsriO.OOO yearly, enough to pay In torest on $5,000,000 nt G por cont. Hy menus of tho pnekngo loading systom, tho compnny's largo schoon ers, averaging 2,000,000 feet carry lug capacity, wcro onabled to load n full cargo In 18 hours. LJ.SIPTB . GETJG MILLS REPORT AT NORTH REND THAT III! WILL TAKE OVKIt OTHER II KlIlS' INTEREST l.V COOS COUNTY" HOLDINGS. According to a rumor In North Iloud, L. J. Simpson Is now nogotla tlnug with tho other heirs of tho Into Captain A. M. Simpson for tho Simpson Mills and timber Interests In Coos County. It Is Bald that Ji. J. Simpson wnntH to personally take thorn ovor, giving in oxchnnge lila interest In othor Simpson hold ings. How well founded tho report Is, thoro la no way of ascertaining hero. Tho A. Jir. Simpson ostato In California alono was valued at $2, 000,000 bosldos tho Coos County Holdings and other Oregon proper lids. Tho annual meeting of tlio Simp son a.umbor Company will bo hold Fobruary 15 and this may como out at tho meeting. Tho meeting Is ex pected to'dotormlno about tho ro oponlng of tho Portor mill and pos slblo reopening or rebuilding of tho Old Town mill. Uov Factory heal. It is also roportcd that L. J. Simpson is negotiating for tho North Tiend Uox Factory. ' Mr. Kern will close tho plant March 1. The Swayne noyt lntorosts woro also aftor it. n m Capital of Iowa Refuses Li censes to Eighty Which Must Close Saturday rnr Aaciated Pr to cm nr tib.i DES MOINES. la., Feb. 11 Tho city council today refused to grant the saloonkeepers renowal of licens es. This means that tho eighty sa loons of Des Moines will permanently closo thoir doors Saturday night. ALL Hi IT LOSE dnLUU RES II WES RUMOR LODZ EVACUATED. lljr AwoeUtol I'rww la Com liar Tlmi,( O PARIS, Fob. 11. Tho ev- ncuatlon of Lodz by tho dor- mans lios been confirmed, nc- O cording to a Petrograd dls- patch to tho Havoh News Agency, which stntcd that tho stores, offices, commissariat and transports aro being re- O moved hastily to Knllsz. $ GERMANYT0 PL0AT BIG WAR LOANS (llr Amoi-IiIo.1 Trow lo Coot liar Time,) LONDON, Fob. 11. Gormun fi nanciers hnvo been suminonud to a conferenro In llorlln with tho Fl nniipo M dilator, who considers that a new loan of $1,200,000,000 Is re quired for tho continuance of the wnr, says n dispatch from Amster dam to tho lhichaugo Tolegraph. S S Announce Gains in the Ar gonne and Vosgcs Prog ress Against Russians (llr Aiiorlalc-I I'm lo Com liar Tlmw.J RERUN, Fob. 11. (lly Wireless.) Tho official statemont today says: "In tho west, an attack In Argonno resulted In n not gain of ground for us, Wo captured 313 prisoners, two mnchtno guns and six -small cannon. In tho central and southern Vosgos wo also gnlncd n fow small successes. On tho East Prussian frontlor tho en gagements continued yesterday with i rosults satisfactory to us, although doop snow hindorcd tho movements' of tho troops. In Poland on tho right' bank of tho Vistula, an advance,! brought us Into tho district north west of Slerpec, through which our oppononts woro repulsed. On tho loft bnnk of tho Vlstu'a there woro no special Incidents." i GERI CLAIM MALL VIGTOHIES ALLIES ill' STU880RI 3ATTLE FROM GERMANS 01 FRENCH FIELD After Six Weeks Struggle They Have Captured Hill of Notre Dame de Loretts GAIN AND LOSE ELSEWHERE ON LINE1 Stubborn Fighting Continues in Prussia and Poland Battle in Bukowina (nr Auoclal l'rtu to Com liar Tlmea J LONDON, Feb. 11. Olio of tho most stubborn fights on tho FVonch battlefields lo eald to hnvo been won by tho Allies. For six weeks tho hill of Notto Damo do Lorotte, In tho northwostora pait of France, has boon in dispute In winning possession of this hill, tho Allies gained an important ndvantnso Binco tho position dominates the surrounding region, llorlln reports ground galnod In an attack In Argonno, whllo Paris says tho ground which wns lost hy tho. French at Lafontenello wn3 re gained. In tho East stubborn fighting con tinues, with apparently no chango in East Prussia and Poland. In Gnllcln and Dukowlna, tho Austro-Gorman army is meeting with stubborn resistance in "an ap parent effort to out off tho Rus sian troops in Dukowlna. ARCHIE KRUSE, the former Coqullle River shlnglo mill magnate, Is a Marshflold business visitor today. flet our prices oil Moats. Valace Market. Foreign Minister Grey Refuses to Give Any Indication of What Will be Done PUBLIC UTTERANCES IN GERMANY CAUSE jNon-Commital in Response to uuusuuii ill nuusu ui oum 1 mons Late Today (llr A hoc I it cl M to Com liar Tlmrt. LONDON, Fob. 11. "itcccnt pub lic uttorancos in Germany glvo no reason to suppose tho purposo In view will bo promoted by adopting the courso suggested," was tho an swer of Foreign Minister (Iroy to n question In tho House of Commons this afternoon, asking whethor, with a viow to ending the terrlblo loss of life In the war, Oroat Hrltalu was pre pared to declare publicly tho basis whereon thu Allies were willing to dlsctiBB terms of peace. L PACIFIC COAST Interstate Commerce Commis sion Allows Railways to ' Compete With Canal (llr AaaotlatoJ 1'rvM lo Vovt liar Tlnira WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. II. To meet tho new traffic conditions which havo arisen with tho oponlug of tho Panama Canal, tho Intorstato Commerce Commission tawny permit ted tho trnns-pontnontnl rnllroads to establish cortaln commodity rates from eastern points to tho Pacific coast terminals lowor than thoso to Intormodlato points in tho tho Inter mountnln territory. t BULGARIA NKUTHAL! LOAN IIY" GERMANS (nr AorlalM I'rraa to Com Dr Tltnn. 4 i' SOFIA, Fob. 11. "IJul- garla has docldod to mnln- tain strict nnd loyal nouurnl- lly," said Premier Rndoslav- off, nt a mooting today with , parliamentary adherents, at which a Gorman loan to Ilul- garla was dlscusBcd. RIS TELLS OF CAINS Of ALLIES French Announc3 Germans Re pulsed and Former Gains Recaptured in Argonne (llr Aaoo lllftl I'rtM lo Cooa liar Tlmn.) PARIS, Feb. 11. Tho official statement this afternoon says: "In i Champalgno a German attack against our positions in tho foroat north of iMcsnll Lis Huiius, rccenCy occupied ! by us, was repulsed. Iq Atgonno, tho j lighting near tho Maria Theresa 'earthworks was vory violont. Wo j maintained all our positions. T". o 1 losses of tho enemy woro eonslJorablo and ours woro sorlous. In tho Vosgcs thoro is thick fog and abundant snow. It was during a ory dark night thero that occurred tho Infantry engagement reported yesterday ot LuFoutcncUo. After having codod somo ground, our troops recaptured everything they lost. This occurred yesterday by a eoilos of counter at tacks." Masquerade Hall, St. Valentino's live, Saturday, Feb. 1U, Kaglos' Hall. Prizes for best costumed. Martin's Orchestra. Admission 50c nntl surely worth It. You'll ho there, we'll nil bo there everybody's going. NU1' DWEH RATES TO NEW BLACK POPK. . I llr Awoclalfcl l'rnm to Com liar TlmMi. HOME, rob. 11. Father Lodochowlky was today elect- ed Gonornl of tho Socloty of Jesus, known bb tho "Black Pope," In succession to Fa- thor Francis Xnvlcr Wornz, who died n fow days after Popo Plus. GERMAN POOD SHIP SEIZED BY ENGLAND Ur AmocUIiJ 1'itu to Cool liar Tlmfi FALMOUTH, Feb. 11. The cargo of tho American steamer Wllhelmlnn was solz- cd by tho ilritlsh authorities hero today, In accordunco with n decision of tho foreign offlco. Tho cargo Is to go P to tho prize court. 4 lloplylng to tho question whether tho government will plarn nil food mid raw ma- tciial on tho list of nbsoluto contraband, tho Premier said: "Tho government Is con- sldorlng the question of tnk- 4 ing measures against Gorman trndo in vlow of tho violation hy tho enemy of tho rulos of 4 wnr. I hopo shortly to mako an announcement of theso 4 measures." 4 O o ASQUITH HLAMICS U. S. HVKCUIjATOKH 4 Dr AuotUlM Pm-m to Com nar Tlraf. 4 LONDON. Englnnd. Fob. 4 11. Donllng with the food question in tho House of Commons this nffornoon, Pro- mler Asnulth said tho dotor- mining factor in tho prlco of wheat was speculation on tho Now York and Chicago mnr- kets. Ho said theso markots 4 aro In a highly nervous condl- tlon. Ho anticipated that this fever of speculation would abate after Juno. (llr A"J"-tM I'rt.i lo Cooa Dtr TlmM. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 11. Tho Stato Department concludod that tho Wllholmlun caso must bo allowed to tako Its uoinial courso, which In volves going to tho prlzo court, bo cause of tho Issuo raised by tho Ilri tlsh contention that Germany has Justified tho seizure of tho Wllholm lua's cargo by Its decroo appropriating the homo grain supply. Tho decision of tho prlzo court is not necessarily binding upon the Unltod States and may bo a subject of protest. In tho document transmitted to Uorlln thoro Is a frlondly but pointed statement that Amorlcan vossols should havo froo and unrestricted pnisago through tho high soas and unblockadod waters and that the de struction of American vessols might lead to a chango In tho hitherto frlondly relations' between tho United States and Germany. In a note to London, (bo representations aro not based on tho Lusltanla' Incldont, but on tho statement of tho Ilritlsh for eign offlco Justifying tho use ot neut ral flags by its vossols, Tho noto stated that a coutlnuanco of the prac tice would bo highly dangerous to neutral vosso'b nnd would bo viewed with tho deepest anxiety bore. Tho notes created a profound Im pression among tho diplomats here. Sues Company. Deputy Sheriff Laird today served papers on the Smith-Powers company in a suit brought by Samuel D. Damron, who claims that whllo working in tho company's camps last October ho had his hand crushed and ho wants $2, C00 damages. DACIfl SAILS TODAY I FOR GERMAN PORTi American Steamer Questioned by English Officials, Leaves With Cargo of Cotton Dr AmocUIM l'rtti to con nar Time, NORFOLK, Virginia, Fob. 11. The American steamer Dacla sailed today with a cargo ot cotton for Gor mnny, via Rotterdam. Great Ilrl taln linn threatened to seize tho ship, questioning Its transfer from Ger man to Amorlcan register. German Correspondent Says Czar's Force in Carpathians Has Lost 10,000 Men (llr AmhhUM I'rrM to Com liar TlmM. UEHLIN, Feb. 11. A correspon dent in the Carpathians of tho llor lln Tngeblatt reports that tho offen sive spirt of tho Russians In this nro tin appears to be broken. Contenting theiusolves with a dufenso by artillery against a German attack. They lust In round numbers 10,000 dead, wounded and prisoners since tho end of J miliary. E BILL IS KILLED Republicans Win in Long Fili busterNew Measure Up From House Next Week III AMOflalikl 1'rrai lo Cowl liar TlinM.) WASHINGTON, 1). C Fel). 11. Tho situation In tho fight ovor tho administration ship bill underwont a completo change today as thu result of conforoncos between President Wilson and Con gross loadors. It was determined to relax tho fight in the Senate thus suspending tho historic filibuster whllo Important appropria tion bills nro pausod. Meanwhile Goro's substitute for tho administration bill will bo Intro duced In tho House as an addition to tho Week's bill, iiiiothor ship meas ure which has alroady passed the Senate. Under a special rulo It would bo porfectod to moot (ho vlowa of tho administration and pre sented to tho Sounto for notion aa a new proposition, Tho present bill, ovor which n long fight was waged, will bo allowed to dlo In commlttco. This decision of tho administration forces is n result ot tho succoss of the opposition In gottlng the Sonata adjourned late yostorday after a C-l-hour session. When tho now bill coiuos ovor from tho House, If tho fight In tho Senate Is rouowed upon It, President Wil son will docldo whothor to eall an ex tra session for tho consideration of tho ship bill alono. In tho House tontntlvo arrange ments havo bcou made to take up tho ship bill immediately aftor the pas sago of the civil sundry bill. It was oxpectod that the ship bill could be put through noxt wool;. Tho Senato spout tho first two hours discussing both of tho oloturo proposals that tho filibuster hud brought out. Thero was no Indica tion of a renowal of tho shin fight aud it was gouorally agiood that a coalition of tho Republicans and In surgent democrats hnd blocked tho mcasuro temporarily at limit. MOUNT LASSEi IS ACTIVE AGAIN (Or AmkLIJ Frwa to Com I1j TIium. REDDING, Cal., Fob. 11. Dawn today found Lassen peak belching va por in groat puffs that trnllod south ward beforo tho wind in a streamer 40 miles long. Thrco hours after sunrlso tho eruption was unabated. LAI SENAT SIPIG 'Anrne Ciiilmirl Anninof Rlio "OHIO UllljIUIIU MIJUIIIOl IIIIO- usc of American Flag by English Vessels TELLS GERMANS NOT TO SINK U. S. SHIPS Washington Diplomats Stirred by Notes to Warring Pow ers Last Night OHRMAXS TRY TO SINK DISGUISED HIIII (llr Awn litM Pith to Coos for TlmM YUM I DEN, Netherlands, Fob. 11. The Gormnn sub- marine U-a yesterday nt O tompted to torpedo tho Drl- tish stoninor Laortos, which arrived hero today from Java. v Tho vssel oacapod by adroit maneuvers. Whon nttnckod O tho steamer was flying tho Dutch flag. O (nr AmocUIM Pffr. to Ooa nar TlmM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 11. -Tho United Slates has warned Great Hrltalu nnd Germany, respectively, that general uso ot tho American flag by Ilritlsh vomhoIh would bo vlowod with grave concern bore, nnd tho de struction by aormnny of nny Ameri can vessel In tlo nowly proscribed war zone would load to sorlous com plications, it became known that tho toxt or tho two notes sent Great llrl tntn mid Germany Inst night express ed moro emphatically than was gen erally known tho displeasure of tho Unltod States against tho iiiIbuho ot the flag aud tho possibility of neutral vossols being sunk. ENGLAND TO IKE Premier Asquith Announces More Stringent Measure Against Kaiser's Trade (llr AMoclatfel I'mi to Cooa liar TlmM, LONDON. Fob. 11. Premier As quith in an announcement In tho IIoiibo of Commons this afternoon, sntd tho Ilritlsh government was about to take moro stringent meas ures against tho trndo of Germany. s MESSAGE IS FAKE In Message to Mayor Allen De clares Move to Kill His Port Bonding Bill Relieving that fake tologrnniB havo boon used and that thoro Is a con spliacy on foot to defeat his port bill, Roproiontntlvo C. R. Harrows sent a telegram eraokllng along tho wires from Salem to Mayor Allen this morning asking for information Tho tolagram snld: "Have you held an election in your Port of Coos Ray In regard to changing tho law ot bonding? Polrco showed mo a pro tended telegram stating you had such an election. Sountor Smith does not think you havo had such nu elec tion. Ha said tho telegram was not signed. I think It Is a rake." (Signed) C. It. Barrows" Tho bill prosoiited to the legisla ture by Mr. Harrows would provide that ull bond issues by any port In the stato must first bo submitted to I a vote of the peoplo. a measure that I I as occasioned considerable atten tion, tho Port of llniidon being Jstmngly opposed to tho measure. In answer Mayor Allen sont tho following wira: "Tho Port of Coos , Rny voted on nqd defeated this mens 1 uro two yoars ogo by a four to ono vote, tho ouo asking that tho pcoplo In the Port should vote on bond Is sues of ovur $60,000. No eloctlon held slneo then. Don't think Port ot Coos Dy wants or needs present am endment. Think each port should arraus Its own limits of bonded in debtedness. (Signod) F E. Alton " Times want ads brlug results. BLOCKADE I