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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1915)
WARE OF FALSE ECONOMY. THE S pg GARDEN SEEDS SELDOM PICKS ANY CUCUMBERS (Boas HAVE A HEART PERSEVERANCE A merchant cannot omit his advertising without the fact being "noticed" to his disadvantage. If ho could, ho could also closo his storo for a whllo now and then, to "save expense" 1 vmir Dollar U Interested In Coos Day. Horo is tUrn It associates with other Dollars of Its kind hd helps to make prosperity. Don't send It away -It will uo lonesome. members or tiik associated trkss )L NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 nn The Onaftt Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION.' & Consolidation of Times, Const Mali iml Cww Itnjr AOvortNor No. 175 mmm mm HAH SMITH GlPAIil ES c rhanrilnp and J. W. Ln'ntt Rivn Additional De tails-Praise Plans Made ANCE OF PAYROLL MET THISAf itniMuuiM Mereen Expresses Ap- brnr.ialion o Confidence r Shown in Organisation rh dnv brings moro renBsurlnB L concerning the C. A. Smith iianlcs and tlio success of tho now InKomonts that Mr. Smith has Today tho following telegram received from W. S. Chandler ; j. r. Ucnnott who aro In San nclsco: IVo liavo had a longthy conforonco tho members of tho liquidating tnltlco. Tho Smith matters arc krcuslng satisfactorily. Chlcngo btlntlons aro arranging for tho ball of tho shares of capital stock led by Mr. Smith In tho various panics so that tho full control of ! Smith proportlos will rest with commlttco until thoy can dlspoao bnouRh outlying timber holdings put all tho companies In good he, when tho Bhnrcs of capital He will bo returned to Mr. Smith. rho proposed arrangement docs fnffect tho companies In any way Ihoy retain tho stocks of lunihor, nil their various proporty nnd contlnuo to oporato In tho usual Bnor with C. A. Smith as prost- t. When tho commlttco nssumos trol they will liavo additional U (iirnlnlied by eastern crodtt to In tho business so that unsecured liters and omployoB Hhould ho jratulatcd and havo no causo for ty ns tho arrangomont Is really , their benefit. Tho commltteo bUts of practical lumbermen nnd kors of largo moans nnd lntogrty ihcnco no approhonslon ns to tho nfnctory outcome' need bo nutlet- M" I- Slatcinent by Mcrccn. iio following stntoment was mndo i afternoon by Arno Mercon, vlco- ildcnt and genoral Buporlntoudant he C. A. Smith Lumbof & Mnnu- urlng Company: Tho pnyrolls at tho company's ills aro being taken caro of this pmoon, and wo wIbIi to stnto that (ins bean vory gratifying nt this co to nolo tho confldouco, undor circumstances, that has bcon in by our cmployoos and tho pub- (n gonoral. Tho action taken by Smith Is not nn assignment nnd a receivership, but nu nrrnngq- nt bonoflclal for nil creditors, so lid and unsecured, na woll as tho oral lumber Interests of Coos Hanks Open Tonight. M noon today tolugrnmu woro ro jred by Arno Moroon, gonoral nKer of tho C. A. Smith mill. tho loral banks nnnounclug that iinKomcnts luul bcon mndo to tnko of tho payroll of tho Smith mills piedlately. In consoquonco, tho pay' chocks uo lasuod to tho mon this nf- I'oon nnd tho banks will bo opon evening to cash them as usual. Php nows was most gratifying, as pas tho last thing needed to ollm- No atiy DOBSlbln mlHiintlnrfttnnillnir ImlsapprolionBlon nB to tho exact "8 of tho Smith companies, rhrough n mlsundorstnndlnir. tho lire payroll was not takon caro of I-usual on tho tenth of tho month. Smtth'Powora company's checks n taken caro of on tho tenth as Ml and It was flrmolv bollovcd I It tho balance would bq that day. ""cr, through tho mlnuderstand- at San Francisco, tho balanco not and tho issuance of tho nav p was deferred until It waB pnged. fhe following dispatch from Chi- p gives additional reassuring ' concemlnK tho Smith com- ales: 'The liquidating coramittoo Jn ,rse of tho affairs of tho C. A. "th Timber Company, which, be- ' of present financial conditions, "een unablo to obtain money meet Its ObllcaHnns. To mnklne Pld progress In getting tho affairs 'o company straightened out. We will bo no receiver asked and n-i court action will be "B, Whon tl.n nfl.l.. it, - -.. v0 tiiiuwn ui iuu aet company are flnallr ntralcht . ( ft out It will continue In opera- bo lunihor company ownu flvoiMorlhlnston. Coo.ulllo Sentinel K ABOUT arrange STRANGE ACCENT E. C. Claypool Found Drowned in Illinois River Plan an Investigation (Spcclnl to tho Times.) GOLD BEACH, Or., Fob. 13. Tho body of E. C. Clnypool was found nbout n qunrtcr of n mllo luilow lndlgn Crook In tho Illinois Htvor. Mr. Clnypool, together with Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim O'Connor and Jnck Murray, woro coming down tho trail. At tho crossing of Indi go Creek, ono of Mr. Cluypool's horses bucked off his pack, nnd they woro unablo to got tho pack back on tho horsu nnd mnko him enrry it. Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Connor nnd Mr. , Murray wont on to tho next stopping plnco, nbout thrco miles, leaving Mr. Clnypool with his two horsos. When tho party re turned, In nbout nn hour, Mr. Clny pool nnd tho two horses wcro mlBs lug. Sonrch was Instituted, but no trnco could bo found of either horses or owner. After continuing tho search until dnrk without ro Hiilts, thoy nbnndoncd further ef fort until this morning, whon tho two liorses woro found browsing, nnd tho body ns boforo ntntod. How tho body got thoro Is a mystery. Nonrly every ono litis a theory of his own ns to how Mr. Clnypool lost his llfo. Thoro Is nomo talk of nn lnquost, hut no doflulto stops havo been tnken so far ns known. Tho District Attorney, V. II. Morodlth, wns scon, but wns unablo to throw any light on tho nffalr. Ho Is in communication with parties In tho vicinity of tho hnpponlng, but ns yet has determined upon no plan of operation to follow In solving tho mystery. Curry County has no Coronor, and in such cnBcs tho near est Justlcn holds tho Inquest If ono Is hold, Mnny pooplo fool that tho community Is entitled to know nil tho fncts, although thoro may be no suspicion attached to nny ono. lnrgo trncts of tlmbor land, four of, which nro unoporntod. It la proposed to soil theso four tracts nnd it Is bollovcd thnt plonty of monoy will bo ronlizod to pay off nil dobta and turn over n largo sum to tho tlmbor company. ;Tho lum bor concorn operates on only ono or tho tlmbor trncts, so thoro will bo no dnngor of It boing forced to censo oporatlons, C. A. Smith, who owns nil tho cnpltnl stock or tho company, has boon In Chicago sovoral wooka nnd has hold sovoral conforoncos with bondholders and tho liquidating commlttco. Tho tlmbor tracts will bo sold aq soon bb nil tho bonds nro doposltod. Tonus of present mort gugo3 provont tho snlo of tho tlm bor, hut whon nil tho bonds nro doposltcd tho mortgages will bo changed. It wns nnnoundced that CO per cent of tho bonds had lieon deposited with tho Contlnontnl & Commercial National Hank, or this city. Herman Wnldock, vlco-presl-dont or tho bank, is a member or tho liquidating commlttco. "Jt was said that tho liquidating commltteo hnd tho nf fairs of tho company woll In hand and ir tho unsecured crodltors will hnvo pa tlonco all tho company's debts will bo paid. Hasty action on tho part of unsecured creditors might throw tho tlmbor company Into tho hands or n rocolvor. Various committees dealro to provont court action. Tho lumber company is absolutely sol vent nnd banks which havo loanod to It nro contident that It will bo straightened out." WED IN COQUILLE. Tho marriage of Geo. P. Good man, of tho firm of Goodman & Go(.dnf.n, to Miss Clara Worthlng ton. or tho Myrtlo Point neighbor hood, ramo ns an ontlrcf surprlso to his friends here, so quietly did he manago tho arralr. Coqullle Son ttnel. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED William C. White and Dlancho M nrnun. j Christian A. Lund and Mary Axe. George P. Goodman nnd Clara GURRY GOUT Spanish Minister Ousted Fromm M TWO VESSELS TORPEDOED BY GERMANY llr A.noclatfJ Prrug to Com IU7 Tlmn. HAVRE, Fob. 13. Shipping cir cles hero now consider It practically certain that tho Ilrltlsh steamer Ori ole, was torpedoed and sunk by n Gor mnn submnrlnc. Tho vessel was last seen January 30 near DuhgoncsB In compnny with tho Ilrltlsh steamer IOiitlon Trndor, which is nlso missing. A telegram from Iloucn snys n sur vivor of tho London Trndor was landed thoro by tho ntenmor Poland. ON SHIPPING BILL Republicans Renew Delay on Democratic Plans in Senate for Compromise (11 At.ocLtrt TrM In Coo 11. r Tlmn. WASHINGTON, VS. C, Fob. 13. "Whllo ndmlnlstrntlon democrats woro rofrnnilug tho ship bill for a new drlvo in tho Houso, n Repub lican flllbustor blossomed out anew today In tho Senate whoro Gore tried to havo tho commorco commlt teo discharged from conBldcrntlon of his substitute, which Is to bo used as ono or tho bnsoB or n com promise, Durton took tho floor for n spooch thnt",pFo'mlsod'td' Inst nil day, nnd It wns apparent that the republican opposition was prepared to hold tho lines firm until tho ad ministration compromlso took n thoroughly doflulto form. KEEPS BOAT LINE Railroad Allowed to Retain Pacific Mail Steamship Line Despite Canal (11 AuocLtol rrM lo Coot lujr Tlmr.) WASHINGTON I). C, Fob. 13. Tho retention or control or tho Pa cific Mall Stonmshlp Company by thq Southern Paclflu Ilallrond was niilhorlzod todny by tho Intoratnto Commorco Commission In tho first decision undor provision of tho Pan ama Canal act requiring railroads to glvo up competing steamship linos oxcopt whon Joint ownership Is found by tho Commission to bo to tho public's ndvuutugo. Washington State College Leads Other Teams in Con testScores Mad3 J Iljr AuocLtol Prwa to Cooi pr Time. J WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Wash ington Stnto College has mndo the best scoro so far In tho Intfircol loglato shooting competition, scor ing 080 out of a possible 1000 in tho fifth match, This places Wash ington Stnto Collogo well In tho ltnd ror tho championship. Tho scoro: CIbes A Washington Stato 980 vs, West Virginia, 073. Michigan Agricultural, 907 vs. Cal ifornia, 041; Cornell, 972, vs. Min nesota, 937; United States Naval Acaaomy, yi vs. nimuo, oi, ( Iowa State, 007, vs. Illinois, 940; Masachusetts Agricultural, 972, vs. ( Norwich. 901. In Class C Nebraska 1 leads with 902, Whllo the Unlvor-, slty of Washington Is last with 83 1. j .. 1 1 RIG DANCE, FUXNV COSTUMES, DANDY MUSIC, EAGLES HALL TO. NIGHT. PALACE .MARKET SELLS THE REST MEATS, Phono -100-J, YOU'LL FLND ME AT EAGLE'S HALL TONIGHT, e FILIBUSTER SITE HH PAG F G G SOLS SHOOTING ITCH exico; Appeal Madrid Government Requests Nations to End Anarchy in Southern Republic SITUATION SERIOUS IN MEXICO CITY TODAY Food and Water Supply Short and Troops May be Remov ed Leaving No Guard APPEAL TO POWERS Wr AuocLtrd I'mi lo Cooa ll.jr Tlmm.l LONDON, Fob. 13. Tho Spanish government hns mndo application to tho powers In ordor to obtain Joint nctlon to end wjint Is termed tho stato or nnnrchy In Moxlco, nccqrdlng to a dispatch from Mndrld. , (IM)OMV OUT.IXM)IC IN MI3XIOO CITV Itlr l'rfu to Cooa Ilr TlmM.J 4 WASHINGTON, Fob. 13 Tho Znpnta forces have do- stroyed tho wator works In Mexico City; tho food fnm- ino ban becomo mora crltlcnl 4 nnd ludlcntloiis nro thnt tho 4 Carrnnzn forces may soon evacuate, official ndvlcos to 4 tho American government 4 nay today. nr AuocliKa' ITM. lo root Ou TI(rM.1 MADRID, Fob. 13. The expulsion from Mexico by Carranza of Spanish Minister Caro croated n profound lm 1IOhfIoii upon public opinion horo. All tho nowspnpors comment forci bly upon Carranza'o action. Meet ings of tho cnblnot nnd council aro called for today to consider what stops shnll bo taken. SITUATION 18 HKUIOUS in A.ocitit4 rmi 10 ct nr n.i WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 13. Officials horo aro much concornod ovor roports coming In tho last threo days. With lack of food and unrest' In the population nnd tho fact thnt Moxlco City Is or no gront strategic Importnnco, diplomats foar tho city will bo left without tho somblenco or authority nt any mo ment. Tho Spanish Minister, who was oxpollod rrom Moxlco City by Carrniua, wont aboard tho battlo ship Dolawa'o us tho guest or Cup tain Rogers, but will sail for Havana February 1C on n Spanish l'nor. OF SHIP AT SEATTLE Armed Men Kidnap Non-Union j Sailors Aboard Schoonsr Co lumbiaNot Found Itlr Aw UtJ Vft lo Coo. Ilr Tlmr. SEATTLE, Fob. 13. The non-union crow of rirtoon, taken by armed ' mon from tho steam schooner Colum bia, loudlng nt tho Ml'l dock In tho west waterway last night, has not yet been round. It Is supposed thoy I have been slowed away In somo sailor boarding houso. It Is thought that ! no ono was sorlously Injured In the strugglo botwoen tho boarding party and the. captured- mon. Tho Colum bia Is duo to sail tonight ror Cbllo. ULAN TO IIUILD 1'ORT Oltl'OHD WHARF (Special to The Times.) PORT ORFORD, Fob. 13. Plans aro being mudo to ro- build tho Port Orford wharf which was destroyod n fow days ngo by n storm. W. Whlto and E, J. Lonoy, tho heaviest stockholders, aro urging tho rebuilding at tho earliest possible date, which will bo about two months. It will be stronger than the old one. Enough or tho old wharr stands to allow the Rustler and similar crart to unlond cargoes. f t CREW t Power; GERMANS LIKE NOTE'S TENOR; RAP ENGLAND (llr AmocIMH I'iym to Coon IK; Tlmn WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 13. Administration officials had unoffi cial Information todny or tho presen tation or tho Aniorcnn note to Ger many concerning tho wnr zono proc lamation. Tho unofficial advices woro that offlclnls or tho Gorman government declined for tho prcsont to comment on tho 110(0 oxcopt to say that It was couched In friendly lan guage. It was said tho German riply would contend thnt Its nctlon was 'Justified becnuso of tho attempt of Great nrltuln to stnrvo out tho wo men nnd children ns woll as tho sol diers." TONE IR FATAL Three Chinese Dead and Three Injured in Shooting Scrape Chinese New Year Iljr AnodalMl I'rfta to Coo. 11. 7 Tlmr.. VANCOUVER, II. C, Fob. 13. Thrco ChlnoBO nro dead and thrco nro wounded,' ns tho result of n Now Year shooting affray today In a rooming houso. Chin Guolc killed Chin Ham arid Chin Cliong ryid tlmn klllod himself with a shot through tho hond nftor Jumping rrom n soc ond story window nnd being panilyzcd by tho rail. Chin Gouk nlso injured three othora who woro nttrnctod to tho Bcono ns ho rirod pistols rrom both hnuds. Tho pollco say ' tho shooting wns tho result or Tong fac tional rights. BUYS RESTAURANT Changes Name of White Grill to "New Home of the Java Coffee House." David Aloxnntlor, who rccontly disposed or tho Jnvn Coffoo Hoiibo. today purchased tho Whlto Grill, located In tho lllanco Hotel build ing, and this nftoriioon took pos session. Mr. Aloxnndor hns changed tho nnmo or U' rostnurant to "Tho Now Homo or tho Java Corfoo Ilciuso." Tho Whlto Grill has boon con ductod by Clint Hannwnlt for Four Ici Rrothors, who took tho rostnu rant over several mouths ago. Mr. Hauawalt has mndo many changes, nnd improvements In It. It was n good location on Front btreet nnd undor Mr, Alexander's managomont promises to becomo tho most popular eutlng houso in tbr city. Ho will contlnuo tho samo policy that made tho old Java such a populur placo undor his manago nrnt. .Mr. Alcxundor will bo pleasod te hnvo all his old customers visit "Tho New Homo of tho Jnvn Coffoo Houso" nnd also will welcoino uJJ I new customors. I ! ; : :: GERMANS' ENEMIES .MUST STARVE FIRST AMSTERDAM, via London, Feb. 13. Tho Cologne Ga etto, in an artlolo dealing with Great Britain's plan to cut otr rood supplies from Germany, gays: Prisoners of war must starvo first. Wo havo G00, 000 prisoners, and tho parts of Belgium and France we oc cupy contain 11,000,000 peo plo. "If it comos to starving tho subjects' of hostile countries will suffer first " t t: VANCOUVER ALEXAMDEH I TELL OF Y Accuse Allies' Aviators of Causing Ruin American- Ammunition "Found inr AuocUtoit I'rtM to Cooi lUr Tlmn. BERLIN, Fob. 13. (Wireless) Tho official ntatemont todny says: "In tho west, tho ciicniy'B uvlators nro again dropping bombs on tho const ns thoy did Thursday. The bombs caused rogrottablo damngo to tho civil population, while rrom n military point of view wo suffered only Blight losses. On tho oxtromo western front artillery nuimunltlon wns found which doubtless originated in Amer ican fnetorjes. Tho number or prisoners taken during tho attacks which woro re pulsed yesterday west or Soualuo wiib lncrcnsod yesterdny by 182. North or Mnsslcgcs another 1200 metres or French positions woro ta ken. Tho French attack on Sudol kopr wns ropulscd. "On both sides or tho EmJlTrus slnn frontier our oporntlons nro orcrywhero progressing successful ly. Wherever tho ononiy nttompts to resist, his opposition Is quickly broken. In Poland on the right bnnk or tho Vistula, our troops hnvo crosBod tho lowor Skrwn and aro proceeding In tho direction ot Rn couc." LOST m CARGO Andromeda, Carrying Wheat From Tacoma for England, Wrecked at Falmouth (Or AmucI.IoJ Trot to Coo. ntjr Tlmn. SEATTLE, Feb. 13. A dispatch to tho Merchants' Exchange snys tho British bnrk Andromeda, with whont from Tacoma for tho United Kingdom, was blown ashoro and wrecked nt Falmouth, England, yes-1 tordny. Tho vobho! nnd her curgo nro n totnl loss. Tho wheat was valuod at ?17'0,000. TAX ADJUSTMENT CAUSE OF VISIT Former State fax Commis sioner Starr Here Represen ting Timber Holders Adjustment of taxes on ttinhor holdings Is tho purpose of tho visit horo of C. L. Starr, a Portland tnx attorney. nnd former stnto tux com inlsslonor. Ho anlved last evening nnd this morning loft for Coctilllo, whoro ho expects to remain until Tuesday. Mr. Starr hns as his clients com panies who own lnrgo tlmbor traats In practically nil parts of tho stato and In California. Ho acts as a bur ror botweon tho county nssoBSors nnd tho compnnlos. Disputes1 regarding tho tnx assessments aro cnrerully gone ovor by Mr. Stnrr and stralght- 'oned out and in somo cases tho land is redemised. Coos county, ho declared, has boon woll crulsod by tho county mon and Httlo trouhlo Is oxporionccd hero, though Mr. Starr statod that In somo counties taxos on tho tlmbor lands aro assessed at an oxborbltant rate. With tho visit or this attorney fol lowing on tho announcement or T. J. Thrirt, county assessor, that tho tim ber or this county must pay a higher rato It Is presumed that an effort will bo mado by Mr. Starr to sccuro re ductions for his clients. Mr. Starr is an old class-mato of J. W. Melnturfr, both mon having at tondod tho law school ot Wlllamotto University. Whllo taking his courso Mr. Starr was stato tax commission er. Before taking his otflco nt the Btato capital Mr. Starr was Polk county suporlntondent of sohools. OIL YOU MASQUERADE TONIGHT EAGLES' HAM GERMAN GEEBRTN Of S GERMANS i T BRITISH SHIP IS: I OS T Additional Gains in Northern Poland Reported in Today's Dispatches From Europe CZAR'S TROOPS LOSE IN MANY ASSAULTS Berlin Claims Victory Over French in Argonne and Al lies Lose in Vosges RERUN .IOVFUL OVER VICTOR!' I Mr AwwLtM Itvu to Cf-o. liar Tlmrm),, BERLIN, Fob. 13. Morn- lug import! hall tho victory In East Prussia particularly ns removing further dnngor O of invasion In Hint province They point to tho Russian re- port of the buttle as nn In- 4 dlcntlon of tho complotoncss 4 or the ilofont, as It admits tho Russians nro foiling bnck ' to tho protection ot thojr thnln oj fortresses. Ilr AmoiUIcJ Vtn to Com 11. r Tlmr. LONDON, Fob. 13. Ilorlln Is to dny celebrating tho striking (victory said to havo boon won ovor tho Rus sians In East Prussia and further suc- cesses stated In todny'a official ro port. It is stated thnt In northoru Poland as woll as lit East Prussia tho Rus sian nttnckB fnllod and tho Gurmuus woro uniformly successful. Persistent German attacks In Ar gonna gnlnod further ground, nccord Ing to Berlin. Moro than n halt mllo or French positions nro said to havo boon won. , Thoro has beon further righting In tho Vosges nnd Ilorlln says all at tacks or tho Allies woro ropulsod. Tho French communication gives fow dotalls or yestorday's righting. Tho contest In the Carpathians con tinues stubbornly contested without doflulto result. F ii Paris Official Report Tolls of Activity of Aviators and Artillerv I llr AmoiLI! l'rM to U ll7 Tlmr.. PARIS, Fob. 13. Tho ofHrlnl coiniiiiiiiluul'n this aftoriinon suys: "Fiom tho son to Lys tho GormniiB )Pitortlay liombiirdod vlolontly Nleu poit mid tho uo u 11 try or tho dunes. Sumo ten uvlntors havo flown ovor th. roglou or Vordun. Bomba thrown did no dnmiigo. Two Ger man ntlncks night boforo last on the tronchos ninth or Vordun woro repulsed. In Alsaco tho enomy boiiibnided positions which wo took nt'itr Mount Hudolkopf. Tho orfocta wore iiiblgnlllcaut." (I'n-iiinii Pohtago. As a result, ot war conditions In Europe, tho PoBt mastor Gonoral has Uaned nn nn nouncoinont that tho postngo chnrgo for lottors rrom tho United Stales to Gormnny honcoforth will bo 5 contB Instead of two cents. Tho 2-cont rate was nlolwed undor arrangomont on all mall going by direct wator routo to Gormnny, but since tho bo ginning of tho war tho mall must go through othor countries thnt nro un dor tho 5-cent rnta of tho Postnl Un ion. Lottors mnllod without suffi cient postngo wlU bo dlspatchod, sub ject to a ehargo doublo tho amount of postngo duo. It wns understood by many of tho Inymon that tho C cent rato had boon offoctual slnco tho opening of tho war, but tho offi cial notification from tho postal au thorities was recolvod only yostorday. FREE LECTURE lit tho M, E. I t'liuiTti tonight. I THE CiOLD DUST TWINS AT EAGMJ'S HALL TONIGHT. ! PALACE MARKET makes REST 1 FRANKFURTERS. lMionu 400-J, Df, H. E. liEI.TV, DENTIST I Phono 112 J, Room 204, Coke Dldg. E S BENCH REPULSED CE1MI ATTACKS