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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
MMitoiiimsmmm. Sji-trtaw THE COOS BAY TfMES. MARSHFIELDi 'OREGON; FRfDAY, E&Kl)ARY 12, f-EVENlNG HDlTIQA) '' ' TWO WMV mKSSSktKtmmSmimmm Fimr CROSBY IS .'SI01 GUTS NILE . FflRIMEEK is gasss l ,.. ..- ---, n ri 'and the Coos County dolcgn CALLED BY DEATHI OFF SOUTH JtTlr mtSS HI o.!!. kttuires mid stibjocts buildings delegation wait contluunlly on the go. rofeRHor C. II. Eckles, of the .erslty of Missouri, proved one of tlie nbleat lecturers nnil tbo ,.NEWS;"QP -NEARBY TOWjMS Noted Hymn Writer Succumbs Columbia River Stiff ers- BRIEFS OF BANDQN by Thw Hoiortler. Roy K. White was over s sec- Delegation from Coos County .bunding in which ho gnvo his talks Mni.sI;rioltl gmilll,y m .. ivnn in nn f n i ir ri in ri'ii n i i nil . nii i . 1 at 95-Wrote Over 8000 ; Hon Destroyed Represents; Keturns, tmnusiasiic ,-- ;nt mo -; "r him W ' "B" from Church Songs S2,505,150Cost County is Praised tDr AdJOeUtfJ Trrta to Coot Dr Times. BRIDGEPORT. Conn. Feb. 12. Fanny Crosby, well known hymn wrl tcr, died today rt her home, aged 95. ' Eight thousand bymiiB of Christian worship Bting In Protestnnt churches throughout tho world, nre the work of Pniiny Crosby. No one since the days of rimrlpR Weslev or Isaac Watts has mndo anywhere near as large a con tribution to the gospel song book as did tho blind writer whose death occurred todny. Fanny Crosby's name was signed so regularly as author of one hymn nftor another, that the hymn book makers of a quarter of a century ao were forced to give her some 200 dlf- In larger hall was needed on tho sec- Tillage of soils, stock con-1 ond day. tests, dalrv cow demonstrations Much Interest was shown In Hie CUT. MAOGKXN SAYS these are but a few of the subjects dairying work of Coos County. Tho DAMASK NOP SERIOUS dwelt upon at tho Farmers' Weekend that thoro nre five cow testing $ nt Corvnllls visitors from which re- associations hero brought out much .... .. .turned yesterdav on the Ureal:- praise for J. L. Smith ana ins us water. "Well worth tho tlmo and moiii'.v," they declared In giving their oplnl6n of the state's big an- mini effort to gather tho farmers , and dairymen from over the stnte loi'O ft. of piling will restoro and give them one week's freo Iti- It. The rock has not ueen structlon. Capt. Macjcenn. who arriv ed with th Hreakwater yes terday, states that the first reports of the damage to tho Columbia River Jetty were exasse-ated. He says about slstauts, who In less than n yenr, have built up n system of herd testing that Is equaled In only one other county In tho United States. The large ninp showing tho lo cation of the! associations In Coos County, tho now ones proposed and damaged and still stands I J. L. Smith, county agriculturist, tho amount of butter rat nnd ciieeso above high tide. The bar is has not arrived home, as he Is com- ! produced In the county proved of perfectly safe. He so re- 'ng n overland with his family. ' Brent Interest to tho visitors, ported to the t'nlted States 4 Those who came back yesterday ' engineers. were II. IJ. Warner, tester of theiiiiiii nnDDCPT ncco I HM Couulllc Valley Cow Testing Asso- IUU uuimuui uuui uhvv I. tilt 1" tllllinrlll nlnllnn tr,.Mi Cimm.lnH Aimn " . .u. ... ...., viuiiuii, .iuiiij dciui., "...(,". - 1.,,,,1.1-j,,,,, i it, ..r.., .. .. ... -.!..... II..I n .....! r, III.. -..II... VI 1 "!- . i" l-.l.t-uj lll'ivil' irom me mtiuiii ui uic ini'i a. umi 1 1;, iiuiuuiur. Vj'jiiiiii.'; uinu iu- fnrnnf nnn tinttino In mnfcn It atwiMf Uml nnmnmio Iiralilna Mii famous wrl ASTORIA, Or 4rt tn.1 until t1tttf1 tV ll nt b n r t -!.-- -, ,,....i. fuy b mile of tho outer end of the land. Arago, nnd Manly Arnoson, of , who sang her songs, which were,-'"' '"C m ',,,,, ' ' translated Into every language, did an,t ,,ho, "'" " " ot " oU1 It was vacation week at tho Ore not know that it was a blind woman's tresUe, has disappeared. ROn Agricultural College, yet despite Inspiration which they on,ploed to The disintegration has been going ,8 fact every effort was made to 1 " - ,. n- cn inn Htnn nnil rmrint? Ilm unfit imn i m it... ..ti- 'ftist nlv mntttlia Mint innHnti tt tint iiUnnnnt .. f..HHM it.. .ni. Ittu Ui oi o ...Mi n.w... . ..- I'.D.uu uuu, i'llIJUH lll WUUR , -nf,1M1111 f. artlrt. I witt umvih -lllc- express their Christian liopo In song, faith gal (o Hunt Them Xow. Kt'OENB, Fob. U'. It prohablo that tho defective gamo law which falls to nut ko illegal tho killing or possession of deer, will bo corrected at once, according to .1. M. Devon?. Lane county district nttomey, who "Saved by Grace," "HIessed As- big breakwnter has consisted meroly more thnn 1C00 persons registered of a string of little rock Islands, vlsl- for tho various lectures, tho week's surinco," "Roscuo . tho Perishing," ,' " "' , Z, ,,'' .. J,ie, ..... , , ., . ble abovo the surfnee. Tho climax course, At tho train reception committees This law, according to Mr. Dovors. Is about tho only ono ho hopes to ! Iint'n nlin It tr it tt linU'nu.iM n ,. 1 -i..1. .1 .... tj iiit.hv liunutun IIH 1IU 1UIII1U nM.K Ortt In ttirt A flttn rt T10IIH flTA .-A.i -, r. nM.i.. cnmc- however, during last night and W,T . ' V, , r .-- "'Is morning, when tho Jetty was directed tho newcomers to lodgings. Inr.rolIgloiiB verses. Of tho latter ,.,,.,, . , , ., ,i , ,,.. ..... , .. ,. , . , , , .,n. . lashed by tho heaviest seas of the told them where to go and gavo tho. writer hns related an Incident ' , , ,. . ,,,. .,,.. ,...... ,7 .. . ., , . .. .I. i in hi. season ami inc enure siruuiuru iur it i"--m uuhmiuu man iiuuuiih tor wie biiuwiiii; iiiu ruiuuiKiiuiv ruiiuu; wiiu which bIio employed her Inspiration nnd hor talents of versification. w; u. wonno, wno wroio uio nius-t ., . . , . .,., .-,, , , ,,, . I. ........ I. ..-- I...t tt.l I UBIIUi BUtUlllJ HUH Ull HIIU1U IS IUI- -- o - "-K r..llu... 1 ,1, IS, , tain. a. tho bar is rougher today than to witness ono of tho largest horso ? Z vlr?. V.? S.??.ft rll" J'"s been at any other time this I'"" ever held in tho Willamette In r?n.In.,' ., i! Ill n ' w'" moiintalnou. sens are run- ley. Governor led to Cincinnati In fdrty minutes, ho tho roccsslon. Lieutenant P. J. said, nnd I have aomo music for ..... Hennessv. conimnnilnn nf nn n.. hunting door dtirlni? Mm .inn.i unn . t HL'iia wtru cuniiiiiriiLivuiv inuiiiriiiui -' - - . " .w., ow. d tho inlsfortuno to run a splinter into his finger yester- dny, ninklng a painful Injury. Dr. Leep was called and undor his nilnls trntlons tho Injury is rapidly mend ing. A. 1). Stewart nnd family 6f Co qulllo wero visitors lu this olty Sun day nnd Monday, waiting for tho Elizabeth to tako them to San Fran cisco. Mr. Stewnrt is on his way back to Arkansas, from whence hd enmo five years ago. Whllo ho hns immeiiso resiect for tho people of this section of tho country lib Is 16tid lu his oplon thnt heaven must look lllto tho bottom land of Arkansas. Frod Tebbln, special ndjuster for tho American Contial nnd St. Paul Insurance compnnlos, Is In thn city adjusting tho losses of tho fires whioh destroyed tho houses of Nlol Wil liams and W'.G, Uunmlre, both of whom wore Insnred liy A. 1). Mills, resident ngent for tho companies. Mrs. S. V. Police or tho SI.voh Hlv or. wife of Representative S. P. Polrco of Coos nnd Curry counties, passed through Hniidon Sunday on hor way homo from Salem, whnro she hns boon speiidtng tho tlmo with hor hiisbnnd slnco tho legislature opened In the early part of .Inimary Horn To Mr. and Mrs. T. M. LII lard, Friday evening. Feb. H, n lino baby girl. TO (HOT MOItK ItHIOIt. PROFESSIONAL E. Lothard MnClure I'rncllces l'u -1,,1 r'Vty Uooni III, I'liiiinmii, a i,C0Bi iv ,,. H. H. Hamer o "sssjifafs Phono 340-J. JlaHlnj. na Ciki. I.- M. Wright HUITiDINo COtimJL 18J Estimates fi,rnui.CWr ou on tenn..! ';roit Itosobuiji' Pi'oph Klgiiro Xeiv I'rolil l.uw I Ins .Inker. Tho ItoHobiirg Itevlow says: Whllo devotees of Uncchim lmvo buon be- walllng the 1! 1 (limit limit sot by the Legislature, and lmvo figured that thoy would have to go dry on uueh Sundny and on aonio Saturdays In tho month, a local man who lias made n study of tho mattor (luclnroa that there la u colorod geiitlomnn in the woodpile, and that the blbiilouHly In clined will ho much better off thnn urn- iiavo iiuruiuiuru laucicil. im.m-hms nr Wninrn nnl r The lltllo "Jokor" In tho measure. 0ftI;c l,l0" a30 J Uoob, ffl1!? ho declnied, libs In tlio fiict that nj so-called rituirt liuitly does not con tain u full (junrt, nnd "qunitH" of tho umber fluid cossnry to make tip tho IokiiI limit. Thus tho lovor or innjt Hiiioin will have a bottle Tor oneh'day in thrj mouth, nnd hIx over nt tho end or tho thirty ilnys. ir lie proforu to drink pints, It will lake six doyen of tho alleged hair qunrlH to mnko I ho equivalent o( tho !lt! "iiiart" bottles." IIAMIO.V VHHt'K HtUIMC. tho Leglslaturo not lu a mood to spend time on crlmlnnl statutes. Mr. Dovors cautioned hunters to- .iio.n nt nr i. ,n vm.i.i.n.1 fmm week's slnv. A hIlOi i.nn.i nni,J"n' regaining mo Bnino Inws. Ho t titrttito tlmt il.'n !.. I ..ih... sight. tPrts wore given ns entertainment , "'", " l""v u,c ,DO,lu '" iuesuon iasi . . .. . . - -. . .... n.,.i i-i t.'.i.i.. .1 ,.nn Friday was not thnt nf iiimiimr 'Hint inoro lias ueen a gnio OI Ull- "" ij muiu unm itiuu - - - - - n ....,, AmiLAN'D Or Fnli i . ijiil iiinr hi iiinnif ntiii iim.i..rr i.M r . .... ,...,, I1H .,. (JAM: AT ASHLAND. meat In ono s possession. Tho hunt ing of deer Is still lllcgnl. "Thoro Is sufficient Inw to wnr rnnt an nrrest and conviction for A florco 00-nillo oastorly gnlo wreeked tho Southern Pacific car ulioils. tore the roof off the coal house and derailed several frolght cars In the local yards uMnli T u-nnl vnn in urlln n livmn ' T....,. .. .. ,-W., .W .W.V . ,., lft..l- Ho sat dovm at tho piano nnd played nnu T,. i " """,""""" I'UlilU IIIBIUU IU IUW SUIIIU BllipS Ulll. Deforo 7 o'clock the conditions had Jiis music. 'I think I can write it, Mr Tlnntin T enlil. "I hurrcld upstairs and sat down ' f hn"Bcd, "ml tho bar w"s b"nkln B0 to write. For son.o tlmo I waa cn.;b,ndly thnt not ovon tho Ula wcro tlroly oblivious of surroundings. ab', to crfs "t' When I enmo back to my full senses , T,,, ',or",on of tho b-cakwatcr that tho hymn was written nnd was on in8 bc?n completed paper before me. I learned that I ' nHt s,rl"K' I,n "8 instruction a to- linil nnlv tnkon firftwin mltiiitiui Trl. , "" "' 'iuwhuii, i.iuo.vuu iuiib ihnphantly I carried it down to Mr.'of "" iat co.t U.07...B0, were Doanc. Tho music ho played then "sc- To ,1,nm,, l "8 rock froni thc nnd tho words I had hurriedly written l1 nml (lu,np U ' U, JoU" cn' are the same as used today In sing- la lod nM 0XnB0 of nl,out 30 contB ing 'Safe In tho Arms of Jesus.' I lo"' or ?52.',-,()0' nmk,,,B a lotnl (,f "It wa'sMiy-most' sutcessf ul hymn 2'?or,'1GO '?t wns oxpondod for and I believe It was dictated by thorock1for thls ,nll of Jott' to " Bnlrlt nf tho I-onl. n,i tlint II wim ",IU""K ol ' cum oi mo engineer Extensive dairnge waj dona lu the dot corps and a regular cavalry ! " said Mr. Dovors. "And wo shall I ,orrIt"ry CU8t of AaMaml. and all offlcor, gavo an lnterostlng dom onBtrntlon of Jumping on horse back. Ho was ablo to clear four feet eight inches nhonrd his steed, but the five-root mark was n llttlo too much. From early morning until Into In tho afternoon practically every hour attempt to enforco tills Inw until the Supremo Court directs otherwise." over town minor wreckage was scnt- tered to tho four winds. Considerable exi'llniiinut wna uro alod around (own yesterday by tho ropuit Hint thn hull of u bout hud wushoil up on 111' Uracil during the night previous, and iiiuiiy were the reaiH that there hud boon u dlsitH troiiH wreck at sea. lliij on rlirtlmr InvoHtlgntlon It wiih round Hint tho litlll wiih that or tho. old lOiiroku, which was wreeked twolo yenra ago Tho hull hud hnou partially or en tirely burlud In tho riand mid only showed n little uhovo tho Hiirfaco. Tho groat brcakors or tho paat few dayn lmvo worked tho sand away and uncovered n purl or the hull oneo I more. Unndou Kucordm. Or. H. M. Shaw OK. MAWIH 'it.' HIIAur D . niapnaea of W.unrn il., , -"" "corns son ... hat Jo cOXmJLTiNo i:oiNTMl . Id mo no-, AlU'llIT S'lllls . ornci's, U0G Irvine m. , 'hollo 10.1-1. or ari7r ck MnnhlWd, 0nR W. G. Chandler AU IHTDCT atioms !I01 nnd .'Jor. Pni. .... Mnrah field. Or.VBB,n Wm. S. Turnnn Alt IIITUCT Mitrshflclil, Oroton. Perl Riley Ballinger lll.MM ' AMI 'riMntii... Uesldoueo Studio, 2 1 7 No. tm ,i a AIN'T IT TUB TULTli Wo novor blntno tlio tailor b our pnntH wo lmvo to pit j Wo novor blame tho ihoa b'u when our soles grow old itt thin, Wo novor blnmo tho batter when our lids wo hart It flout, nut wo always M-.rno tho M. dry whon ou. onirts wr oil COOS HAY HTKASI IjAUXDRT I Phono 57J. -I TO (JOT youi- MONKV'S WOltTll, sec .LV DOVLK. . DO NOT KAIL TO ATTEND THE niHUT DKIJATK at tlio M. K. CIIUItCH, KK1I. H TO UH. Times want nds bring results. mmmmm born for a mlBslon." . nut Fanny 'Crosby- did not begin hymn writing' until sho was over for ty years of ago. Fifty years ago sho wait best known for her popular melo dies which wero whistled all over tho country, such ns "Proud World Good by, I'm Going Homo," "Hazel Doll," "Tho Honeysuckle- aien," nnd ".s'ov er Forget tho boar Ones." minded by Poull.Vc. Horn In Putnam County, Now York Ing nnd tho oxponse of constructing tho trestle. OREGON DRY BILL IS UP Attorney (Jivm-ml Hi-own DIsmism'h Enforcement of Prohibition. SALEM, Or., Fob. 12. "I think thnt this leglslaturo should go ahead nnd pass the prohibition law, as voted by tho people," snld Attorney Gonornl Drown this morning. "Tho pooplo Itoport of tho Condition of First National Bank of Coos Bay ' at Mrshfleld, lu tho State of Oregon, at tho close of business, December stato, March 21, 1820, chrlHtcned ! ,,nvo ,1,Ih "oro too dooply nt heart Frances Jnno Crosby, and married to Aloxouder Vnn Alutyno, a blind urn- nlc lonelier who died ninny years ago, tho blind wrltur lived to bo 95 years to lauo any cliiiiicoa whatever. Hut I do think that If thn Governor will oxpross hlniRolt as Intoiidlng to call an extraordinary session of tho logls 11,071.30 1,13.1.31 old. Her nlothcr lind lived to he,lnturo for ll0Xl Jnnuary, In case tho 102, nnd hor grandmother to bo IOC referendum shall b0 invoked, If will Sho retained to the Inst nil of horllMlvo tl10 e(f'ct desired. In thnt way facultloscxcoptlng eyoHlght. Sho wo cnn KOt rl'1 ()f tbo big cost of u ro lost this during a fever lu Infancy, feM",ul" "lection, becnuso If it is when n hot pojiltlco was applied io'r0rt,,roa by l,1 H'Hior foroos that tho her eyes, destroying tho optic norvo. !Kor"or w"1 "I,8et "H tholr work, At eight years tho llttlo girl dlB-!t,loy wM1 "ol l, lllol' to go to tho played hor first tnlont In voralflontlon 1X,""", of lvo'lg tho rofornoduni by this philosophy or contentment: lnt ""' '" B,,cl1 0VC111t t,,u oxpenso or I nu extraordinary session would bo avoided." Oh, what a happy soul nm I! Although I cannot huh; 1 nm molvod that lu this world Coiitontod I will be. How ninny blessings I onjoy, That other people don't; To woop and sigh hoouuse I'm blind J cannot, nnd I won't. Whllo no oxproMlon or opinion hns come rroin tho Governor's office it is generally believed that If tho refer endum shall bo Invoked by the liquor ana brewing IntorosU. and no pro vision has boon made for n hpoclal iMforoudiiiu elocilou. ho will bo cor tnlu to call the legislature together again and pass tbo hill with the emor Koncy elnuse attached. nEsourtcEs Loans nnd discounts Overdrafts, secured, ....; unsecured! .'.','.'.'.'. ( 1,25000 U. S. Ilonds to seciiro circulation (par valuo) . .100,000.00 Other bonds to secure postal savings .10 "00 00 Honda, securities, etc., on hand (other thnn , ' stocks), Including premiums to snmo .1-1,C8 54 IJonds, securities, etc., pledged ns collateral for Stato or other deposits, (U. S. postaj savings I'Aviiiueu , Subscription to stock or Fed'oral Kosorvo Dank $0,700.00 loss amount unpaid 5,500.00 All othor stocks Including premiums on anlo.. Hanking house, $72,000.00; rurnlturo nnd fix tures, $0,000.00 Duo from Fodoral Iteaorvo Untile .....'...' Duo from approved resorve agontH In contrn'l reserve cities Dlln frnm iiii,irr.ii.i ..,....... . . !' umiivu iikuuis in oilier re serve cities 02 232 1.1 Duo from bnnks nnd hiinkorstothor than abovo) "'"',"' Outside cheeks nnd other cash Iteiini. $928.74; rrnotlonnl etirroncy .:i0 .(S CheckH on bnnks In tho samo city or town ns " reporting bnnk Notes or othor national banks .'.'..'.' .' ,' .' Lawful money rosorvo In bank: f"oc1 ' 18,009,80 i.ubui-iuilliur no i on ... , Itedomptloii fund with U. S. Treasurer "(not more than 5 per cent on circulation) 09 185,00 Total For twolvo yonrs sho studlod nt the Now York Institution for tho lllltid ' , Sho novor learned to read by the rnU-1 Tlmos wunt udv bring results. cd lotters. Playing the nultnr whllo ' j n child sho so calloused her Hugars thnt thoy wero not sensitive etiougli JOHN L. K00NTZ to tend tho'raUod chnrnctors. All, Bho loiirncd she memorized from j EXTENDS Voir AN INVITATION homing. During hor connection with ' -H) (Hl,l, vr iik I'nu'i-i. '. tho Institution, which Included an IL' ' '?, UMtM'h ' additional,. yours ns a teachor. she' 1AUI,' A travelled all, ovor tho country do-i t'lulmlng hor a voiWi. noforo RIDE ll THE NEW uuui iiuusesfgicongroM suo once 10 clted thoeopeulal linos; 1915 OVERLAND The Serviceable Car "O yo, who horo from every stato convene, Illustrious band! may wo not hopuj HK WILL III-: (JUVD TO HAVE tho nceno You now behold vlll provo to ovory mind Instruction hath a ruy to cheer tho blind. KNIOI1TS OK PYTHIAS NOTICE! Thoro will bo n big meeting of Myrtlo Lodge No. 3 Monday night to colobrato tho 5 1st anniversary. All Knights pjqu.estod tpcomo, Ug eats! . py ordor C y, YOU MAKE COMPAHISON OK COMKOIVT, CON VENI UNCE, SPIU'IKIOATIONS, APPEAR. AXCE, gi'AHTY AND PIHCE WITH ANY ,V. T O M O It 1 L K 1 N AJIEIHOA K00NTZ GARAGE North Front Street LIAIHLITIES Cnpltnl stock paid In Surplus riind '.'. .'.'.!!!!'. '. Undivided proHt fi.lsV.r.U ,. , 25,152,59 Less ourront expenses, Interest, nnd taxes ,'m,a m.cni.os tliTiilntlug notes 100,000.00 Loss nmoiint on hand and In Tronsury ror rodemptlou or In transit ., 703i00 Duo to banks nnd bnnkurs (othor than abovo) Demand dopoclts: lndlvldiiul deposits subject to oho ok 393,805.90 Certificates of deposit duo in low than 30 l,ny "7 011 17 " v..wv ib or.n nn IIUU.UU $125,101.71 1,250.00 100,000.00' 39,200.00 18,753.90 1,133.31 78,000.00 12,000.00 00,101.22 51,37.1.50 1,259.12 1.029.10 1,800. go 18,191.80 5,000.00 $8S1.250.H $100,000.00 18,000.00 9.S00.C1 95,295.00 39.-tC9.l7 SPECIAL SALE ON TUB WAISTS One .sample t , l)mu 12.-, WAISTS In .Mmiiilsette, Vclle, Liu gesle nml Uidle,' SIiIiIm, rwgttlitr pi-.Vo fioni if I Mr, to lfvM)(l cucli rm- Siilimlny nnil Jlondny go nt l)8i Conu) early, ulillu picking l.s ftood. Wo also give shnijily ivduced prices oil ull I'ALlj COATKiunil-HlMTS Wo cmry tlio TIioiiimiii (Jlovv-Klttlng nnd tli In Huso ('oim-Im THE NEW STOUE 10 CENTHAL AVICNUE THE FASHION Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any pola In Mnrshfleld and do goneral tu'it t for roasonnhlo rates. 1 STAIl THANHI'Elt Ji STOIUQECtt I.ovl HelNiicr, Proprittor 1 PlunwNt IUO-.1. AU.Ju pg.ll GOLDEN GATE COFFEE WEEK WILL BEGIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH. WATCH FOR COUPONS Call 326 or hand your coupon to our clcliveryman COMMER & HQAGLAND Arc ready to supply you with your wants OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. South Broadway Grocers Watch for our Heinz' Adv. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. PAHLSIA.V OLEANI.Vfl ASD I DYEINd WOIIKS j 200 West Market Avp, conu j Second Streot. j Undor new inannRomont Frl(H j low, nnd all work satlifactorf, j Ladlot' Miik n pjicclally. j Phono 170-J. J. 8. STEVENS, Prop. - SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA YOU AUTO CALL ' FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS PI10110 ti-.-i-J Nllit anil Vnj. White ICIciihaiit drill CJnocl Cum. Careful WHfifl l). Tj. i-'ooti:. ttltt Pnul.L..'., l.nMl ... " u",,v,ha ""iBinnuiuK 13,523.01 Postnl savings deposits 29,071 05 Stuto and municipal deposits ...,..'.' l 0i'','2 1 Time dopoblts: Cortiriciitoa or deposit duo on or nftor 30 uayi , ' f,lUii,-i2 Deposits subject to 30 or more days' notice 31028.37 77,005,12 509,151.27 109,233.79 1 J8S1.250.U Total .. Htato of OroRon, County of Coos, gs, 1. Dorsoy Kreltzor. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solo.nnly 8wear that the abovo statement Is true to tho be.t of my knowledge and belle" DOR8BY KRBITZESR. Cashier. Subscribed and mvo.i. to boforo mo this 5th day or January, 1915 COUUECT-Attost: ANNIB BMITI1' N,ar' Pubp- W. S. CHANDLER, . WILLIAM GRIMES, '- Mv''' w. u. dou'glas, ; 4Mfi Just received a Fresh Invoice of s Simon Pore Lard The real Value-Received kind SAVE MONEY by ordorlni: tho fumoia HFNRYVII IP COAL Nut coal, por ton JjJJ Lump Coal, por ton fJ-JJ Or. half ton of both w I). MUSSO.V, W Phono 18-J or leave orden IHIIyer's Claar Store. DHY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARO North. Front Btrsel, PI10110 R7. Phone Your Ordqr to ' NASSURG'S The Good Housekeeping Store. T. J. HCAIFK 12 A. II. H0PCI Marshfield' Kbtlnuitcs Kiirnlslicd Phono 1 i.H. 9Inrlifleld, Ore. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of MnrshfleW WASHINGTON AVENUE HTADDEN STRE" MOUTH UV.SV O. A. Metlln, lrop. QKMUBS3MD3K3uf 1 : "'I Pictures & Praming Waiter Studio I p