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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
NO TREE IS SO STRONG THAWMEiUGHTWNG S BEND IT. IT ISSO WITH MAN AND MISFORTUNE 1 I (KtfflB HAVE A HEART PERSEVERANCE A morchant cannot omit his advertising without the fact being "noticed" to hlu disadvantage. If ho could, ho could also closo his storo for a whllo now and then, to "save cxponso." Your Dollnr 1b lntoro3tcil In Coos liny. Iloro Is whero If nssoclntos with other Dollnrs of Its kind and helps to mako prosperity. Don't send It away It will bo lonesome. MKMHKRS OF TIIK A5SOCIATKI) PRKSS Exmm mm t VOL NO. XXXVIII. GEHMMS CLAIM GREAT VIBTDHr Ol'ER RUSSIANS IN EAST PRUSSIA Announce Capture of Over 26,000 Men in Campaign on Eastern Frontier CLAIM VICTORIES IN ' ; POLAND LAST FEW DAYS Announce Capture of French Positions Say Allies Mis used Red Cross Flag tljr Aaaoctatd Pith to Coot Hay TlmM.) IIKRLIN, Fob. 12. (Wireless to I. sayvlllo.) Tho offlclnl Blatomont today says: "Emperor William hns L arrived on tho battle field of tho Hast J'russlan frontier. Our oper ations hnvo forced tho Russians to rapidly glvo up their position east of tho Muzurlnn lakes. At hoiiio places the fighting Is continuing. So for, about 20,000 prisoners hnvo been inndc. Moro than 20 hlg guuii and 30 mnchlno guns hnvo been tn- kcn. Tho amount of war material cannot yet bo cutlmntcd. "In Poland, on tho right bnnk of tho Vlstuln, tho nermann contlnuo tho offenslvci reported yeslordny. They took Slerpee and inn do hoiiio hundreds of prisoners. On tho left hank of tho Vistula thoro 1h no change "In tho wostorn theater, noar Sotinln, tho enemy nttemptcd an In fantry nttnek, but woro ropulsod with tho loss of 120 prisoners. "Northwest of Verdun, sovornl French tranches woro taken. French counter nttacks under tho Geneva flag (Red Cross) woro repulsod I with consldorablo Ions to tho eunmy. Verdun wns shelled by Gorinnu avi ators." COMPROMISE BILL President Announces Rejection of Now Draft Won't Quit in Two Years Dr Auocltted l'rtu (0 Coot Hay Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 12. President Wilson today rojectcd tho compromise ship bill ovolvod yestor dny by tho Democratic lcadora of tho lloiiso. Ho refusod to agroo to an amendmont tonnlnntlng tho activities of tho government In tho shipping business two years after tho closo of tho European wnr, Tlio Vote In Sennto In tho Senate Reed precipitated n parliamentary battle by Booking n voto on tho resolution to closo all debate on tho shipping bill with n final voto not Inter than Fobrunry 19. Twlco during tho dobnto that followed, roll calls on motion re sulted In a tlo, .40 to -IC, and each tltuo tho VIee-Proaldoiit broko tho deadlock, Tho dovolopmont did not particularly affect tho Sonato dead lock, bocauso tho Republicans woro prepared to filibuster against tho Heed resolution. Representing Prcsldont Wilson, Postmaster General Uurlcsou mado a counter proposition to tho lenders. This was that tho Houso comblno Gore's eubstltuto for tho administra tion bill with the bill by Weeks which has ajready passed tho Senate and which proposes n lino of naval aux iliaries to bo used for passongors and ft eight In omorgenclos. Uurlcsou said tho President would not nccopt any amendment to destroy tho per manent character of tho project. In tho meanwhile shipping legislation awaited the reformation of adminis tration lines. Plans to bring up tho cloture rules woro knocked away when tho rules committee today fail ed to act favorably. MEMORIAL HAISKD. IB AwoflaleJ I'reaa to Coot Day Timet, WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 12 Tho cornerstone for a two million dollnr Lincoln Memorial structure was laid here today without ceremo nies. In the cornerstone was placed a history of Lincoln, signed by Livingston, by uobert T. Lincoln. 44 Tluiea Want ads bring results. WHIN NOT Established 1878 n Tho Cnnat Mnll. MEET TODAY III Marshfield Bankers Attend Session of C. A. Smith Companies' Committee Everything Is progressing well In tho nrfalrs or tho C. A. Smith com panies, According to a night lotter received by Win. Grimes from W. P. Chandler, prosldont of tho First National Dank, who Is In Han Fran cisco. lit his messago, Mr. Chandler snld thai tho Smith companies' liquidat ing committee wns to hnvo unother meeting today nnd that .Mr. Chnnd lor nnd J. W. Uennutt would bo In nttondnnce. Mr. Ilennott was duo In San Francisco early this morning from San Dlogo whero ho went last Sunday. Mr. Chnndlor says that nil of tho company's mills and plants will ho kopt In operation nnd adds tlmt ho Is reliably Informed that lliu urfnlrB will bo adjusted shortly. Smith Leave Chicago C. A. Smith, who has boon In Chicago, wired Inst night to Gen oral Superintendent Arno Moreen, that ho wns leaving Chicago tjils morning for Oakland. This will menu that ho will reach Oakland Monday morning. Mr. Smith hud opectod to lenvo thoro n fow duys ngo, hut wns delayed. Tho San Francisco Ilulletlu In n story of tho chungo In thu Smith liiitliiofH says: Companion niv .Solvent. Tho creditors' commltteo which will hnudlo Smith's affalra until now nirangementH nro mnde, consists ot C. R. Johnson of tho Union Lumber Ccmpnny of San Francisco, J. K. Dnnohor of Chicago nnd Herman Wnldock, of tho Coutluontul nnd Commercial National Hunk of Chi cago. "Wnldock said In nn Intorvlow In Chkfigo that tho C. A. Smith com panies nro absoltitoly solvent, but that It has been found necessary to dlsposo of pnrt of tho assets In or der to moot tho prosslng obliga tions. Uudor Wnldeck's londorshlp steps nro being tulton to protect the holders of tho first mortgugo bonds, which nggrognto $G, 000,000, nnd othor crodltors. "In addition to tho bonds tho tlm bor company hns tho following ob ligations outstanding: "$1,500,000 of collateral trust p.otos, cnrrylng n C per cent Intorost which fall duo July 1 next. These notoj nro Bocurcd by a llko amount of tho company's first nnd refund ing bonds and by $G00,000 of tho outstanding $5,000,000 first mort gigo bonds. "Jl.GOO.OOO for first nnd refund ing G por cent bonds, plodgcd to retiro $1,100,000 first mortgago bonds, of tho Linn & Lano Timber Ccnpnny, controlled by Smith. llondlioldoiV Committee. "The bondholders commltteo con sists of John W. Rlodgett, of Hlod gett Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; V. I), Pottlbone, of Hnnlbal, Mo.; William R. Compton, of St. Louis, and Clark L. Poolo, of Chicago. This commltteo has Issued a state ment which Bays In part: "Tho Interest hurdon or tho com pany Is grenter than It can meet out of its oporntlng rovenuo. It Is evident, thoroforo, that In ordor to meet its obligations tho company must liquidate by tho salo of sonio of lis nssots, which consist of tho saw and pulp mills montloncd and five distinct tracts of standing Um ber, all of which are coverod by tho mortgago securing your bonds. Tho termii of this moitgngo provont tho rale of separato tracts of timber at prices that can now bo obtained. " 'It is impossible becauso of busl poss and flnnnclal conditions to find buyers who cun command tho very largo amount required to purchase tho ontlro property. Theroforo It Is very nocessary that tho terras of this mortgage bo so changed that tho fivo tracts of timber can bo sold separately or subdivided and soU'.' "The bond-holders' committee an nfunced that It can borrow money sufficient to pay the defaulted Feb ruady coupons, provided tho bond holders ngreo to tho salo of tha gniltli holdings In parcels." san FRANCISCO MARSHFIELl), OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915 rassia Admits Intimates WOULD IIOXOIl ' jiicuoics of kmdkx In AmoclalM Proa to Cont liar TlmM, RERLIN, Feb. 12 A moot- Ing of tho roprcsentutlves of vnrlotm communos nenr P Ucrlln today adopted rather n striking suggestion. This was that tho minister of tho In- P torlor allow nil tho monibors of tho crow of tho Gormnn crulsor Emden to add tho $ word Kmden to their nnmes nnd thus porpetunto through this hyphenated cognomen tho memory of tho cruiser's deeds. PORTUGAL TO GIVE ALLIES MORE TROOPS (Pr Aaoelate. I'm to Coon liar llmra.J LISIION, Feb. 12. Tho Portu gucso forolgn minister announced tlmt his country will carry out tho policy decided upon enrly In tho war, Involving adhesion to tho treaty with Great Hrltnln requiring Portugal to nsslst her with troops. Portugal now hns 100,000 men uudor arms. Tho foreign minister did not statu whothor Immediate notion would ho tnknu to throw tho army Into tho field with tho Allies. WIFE TO DUE To Split F. S. Dow $5000 In surance Policy Into Equal Amnnnfs Is nnnirlnrl A compromlso, splitting tho $5000 Insurnnco policy of F. S. Dow, do-1 censed, In two equal parts, $2(i00 go ing to tho widow and n llko amount to tho creditors or tho cstato, has Just boon orfectod by tho nttomoys ror both sides. Attorney C. F. Mc- Knight went to Coqulllo this morn. Ing to secure an order from tho! county court permitting tho compro-; miso. i In orrectlnga sottloment thoro has! boon subdued a point or law ilint, In i court, would probably hnvo rosuHod; In a long legal battlo. F. S. Dow, wlin nn Mnrnli fi nnnllillt toil Blltplrln GREDTDH 0 by jumping rrom a dock, by his first; ,0fc' f U, ""t'-oplum convofltton policy loft tho entire $5000 payable ,f 2. which alms nt ho suppres ! , , . . .i , a, i wi s,n of t!,o opium traffic nnd tho to his estate , as tho honor clary. H- llltornatlfina tl.affIc n cocallIO , nanclal troubles arose and ho Is said otJuM. noxoUH ftm hab;t form to havo contracted debts amounting! dn,gs wnfJ 8cn0(, ,W0 tQ(Iny ))y to nbput 126,000. ' Anioricnn Jllnlstor Voa Dyko, tho Evidently contomplntlng sulcldo, ' chlnow Minister nnd tho Nether Dow wont to tho lpcnl orrico or tho'!an.)h M nlatcr or Forolgn Affatts. Now Yoik Insurnnco company nnd thoro had his ptfllcy ohangod, making, his wiro tho bonetlclary. This wasi about thirty days provlous to tho. sulcldo, tho day on which ho wont to j tho office, Inquired about his policy i and found that tho papers authorizing ' tho change had boon sent to thoNow York orrico. Aor tho death ot F. S.- Dow It do volopcd that at tho tlmo ho jumped trom tho dock the papors had not I been received In New York and ns a ! rulo or 'tho company statos thai I changes must bo mado In tho Now York orflco bororo they go Into ef fect, tho creditors Immediately con tended that tho money should be paid Into tho cstato and not to tho wUo. Suit was filed In the circuit court by W. P, Murphy on bohair or tho creditors. Tho compromise has boon tho result. Valentino HALL by ho Iulles or Kplscoiuil Guild at KAGLKS' HALL, FRIDAY, FKKItUAKY 12. Dr. II. K. KICLTY, DKXTIST Phono 112-J, Room 201. Coko Dldg. Tho 11KST MKATS IX TOWX nt tho PALACK MAItKKT. Times Want A&a for results. D feat Imjportairat Qaainu Declares It Has Been" Deemed Advisable to Withdraw from East Prussia SAY GERMANS SECURED HEAVY REINFORCEMENTS Claim Pryzemysl Fortress Weakened by Sorties Re organizing Armies RUSSIANS PHKVAKI: FOR TALLINN HACK tlljr Aawlalrd Prcaa to Coot Hay Tlmm. HKRLIN, Fob. 12. Tho National Koltung published a dispatch from n correspondent . on tho Russlnu border who says tho Russians nro employ- Ing thousands of laborers to strongthon tho socond lino of dofonso. At tho fortresses , of Ivnngorod, Urcst-Lltovsk nnd Kovno, men nro working day and night. Tlioso pro- ' pnrntlons mnko tho luhnhl- tants rear that the RUssluns soon will bo rnlilug hack. 11 Amu Utvd I'rwa to Coo. Uay Tliux.) Pin'ROGRAI), Fob. 12. Tho of ficial statomont today says: "It has boon established that recently thoro npponred In Kast Primula four now corps of tho Gorman army, consisting partly of troops transported from tho west nnd partly or now recruits and reserves. This radically changed con ditions nnd 'Involved tho necosslty of our troops retiring In ordor to rnclll Into rccompostlon lo positions more concentrated. Tho object, It wns be lieved, could better bo attained upon our own torrltory In tho sholtor or our fortresses. It Is believed wo nro upon tin; ovo of n groat operation which must doflnltoly delay tho strugglo In ICnst Prussln. After 22 rrustrntod attompts tho Gormnns oc cupied In groat forco tho heights of ICozlouvka, but woro dislodged nfter n violent bayonet nttnek, leaving 400 dend. Tho gnrrlson or Przomysl ox linustod Itsoir In fruitless sorties. On tho Hlnck Sea tho Russlnns sunk a Turkish transport.". ,,. Mnmrn nn III jjlj (I 1 j II M fllj Jj J K U L N D 11 lU . i Chinese, American and Neth- Crland Ministers ADOrOVC ! Treaty Against Opium Illy Auo latel run to Cooa Hay TIiiim ) TIIK HAGUK, Fob. 12. Tho pro. SENATE II 101 State-wide Prohibition Msas- ure Passed by Vote of 39 to 10 Today Iy Amo'UivJ I'riw lo Cooa luy Tlmm.) DBS MOINliS, lowu, Feb. 12. Tho today adopted a con Etltt.tlonal amendmont providing ror state-wide prohibition by a voto or '0 ta 10. Tho moasuro now gou3 to tho House ot Representatives. J ISLAND IS SWKIT IIY I.LMMKXTS' FL'ItY Ily Awo lilfsl I'roa to iooi Hay Tlmnt.) TyTUILA, American Sa moa, Feb. 12. (Ily Wireless) Not only a hurricane, hut with it an earthquake and tidal wavo, "Swept tho Manila Islands or tho Samoa group, as reported hero two days ago. Only two persons were killed, ouo or whom was beheaded ' :i by flying wreckage "' WOKIOUS DRUGS TO 1 EVENING EDITION bimt GKHMAXS TAMPKIt WITH l S. MAIL Illy Amo-UIc-I I'rmw to Com tlay Tlmm, WASHINGTON, 1). C. Feb. 12. Thu United States has sont an Inquiry to Ger many on complaint of Amer ican Minister Vnn Dyko at Tho Hnguo that German mili tary commnndor8 nro Inter fering with his diplomatic correspondence with Luxem burg. Secretary Urynn so an nounced today. Tho roport that somo of his mall had been hold' up by Gormnn military author ities reached tho Stnto l)c pnrlmont rrom Dr. Van Dyko Inst night. Ambassador Gor nrd nt Uorlln wns Instructed to mnko representations to tho Gormnn Forolgn ortlco. 44 ASK GERMAN PEOPLE NOT BE ABUSIVE Illy AMiwIalM l'rr lo Cikw Hay TlniM.l I1HRLIN, Feb. 12. Appenl ror Its readers not to allow hatred ror Grout Hrltnln to lend thorn to insult Hngllsh speaking persons In tho streets Is printed In tho Loknl An zlger. Tho pnpor says It mny bo nsuumed In a groat .majority or cat oh tho speakers nro Americans. iLL BE TAKEN UP U. S. Government Asks Eng land to Allow Owners to Present Evidence in Case IVK WILIIKLMI.VA'S OW.NKIIH A CIIANCU (lly'AuorUtfrl rr'ia to Cooa Hay Tlmea.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 12. Tho Amorlcnn gov- orumout has proposed to Great Hrltnln a postponement O of tho plnn to tnko tho Amor- lean stoamor Wllholmlna bo- foro tho prlzo court, that hor ownors may havo an oppor- tuulty to prosout ovjdonco O which they contend will provo O that tho cargo wns not prop- V orly subject to solzuro. v Ill; AMiH' Pica la Cooa Day TlaiM.) WASHINGTON, .Fob. 12. Coun sol for the owners of tho Wllholmlna her cargo havo represented that they can present Irrefutnblo ovl donco to support argument that tho vossel .'a not contraband, Should tho government ngreo to tho pro posal, the action bororo tho prlzo court will bo unnecessary. Tho Wilhelmlun la nt Falmouth with foodstuffs consigned for tho civil population or Germany. nillL COItllKSPOXDKXT ! AND XOT A SPY ; UKIILIN, Fob. 12. Miss V Carolyn Wilson or Uovorly, Mass., arrested sovoral days ago on suspicion or osplon- P ngo, was released after Am- bassador Gerard had Intor- O ceded In her behalf, on condl- , that sho loavo Gormuny Im- ! mediately. Sho camo to Gor- O many as correspondent of a Chicago nowspapor and was arrested bocauso sho display- ed Indiscreet curiosity con- cernlng naval arralrs,gun cal? Ibers and other matters. 4 PALACK MAItKKT makes I1KST FItAXKFUIlTKltS. Phono -iOO-J. HILHELii CS A Consolidation ntl rVwm gerins BUCK FROM EAST PRUSSIA FRONT SILL BATTLES ALONG EAST FROIT French Statesman Tells of Minor Engagements, Most ly Artillery Duels Wr AhocUIM rrrti to Coot nay TlmM. PARIS, Feb. 12. Tho official communication this afternoon snys: "South or Lnbolssol, tho cnomy ex ploded a initio nt tho end of ono or our trenches. Wo, howovor, mnln- tnlned our iosltlon. IJotwoon tho son and Sommo thoro wns artillery tir ing, Including thu bombardment or Trncy Lo Mont by tho enemy. In tho Woovro district thoro wns fnlrly spir ited cannonading on tho pnrt or tho Germans In front of Rnmhuccourt nnd La Ilnssollo forest. Wo bom barded tho railroad station at Thla court and Armnvllle." SHIP IS SOI 61. RUSSIAN SHELLS Partly American Owned Steamer Washington Under Greek Flag Lost Illy AwoflJlM I'rfM to Tool (lay TlniM.) WASHINGTON, I). ('., Fob. 12. Ambassador Mnrgeuthnu today re ported tho sinking or tho partly Amorlcaii owned steamer Washing' ton, flying a Greek flag, In tho lmrlior or TrohUond, during tho recent Russian bombardment. L T Superintendent Raab Denies Dismissal of Teacher Was on Personal Basis That personal animosity had no part In losing tho position ror Miss Caroline Slbol, or the North Ilond public schools, Is tho statomont or Supt. A. G. Hnab mado this nftor noon nt n conference In tho offlco of C. K. Mnybco, olork or thti board. Miss Slbel was prosout and In turn declar ed to Mr. Raab that sho refused to ictrnct any of hor formor stntamonts. "Wo had a financial doallng somo tlmo ngo," said Mr. Raab, "but tho ontlro matter was sottlod. Tho re cords of tho school hoard will show that slnco tho teacher was omployod nt tho beginning of tho now year that twlco I hnvo boon bororo tho bonrd asking ror her nn Increase or salary. Tho lotter I wroto asking hor toslg natlon wns done In a spirit or pro tooting hor; through thu ontlro mat ter I hnvo worked with no nulmoslty whatever against Miss Slbol." Tho mnttor camo up In tho first place whon thu attorney for Miss Sl bol appoaretl before tho school board asking regnrdlug tho January salary which tho teaehor claimed was duo hor on tho grounds that sho had put resigned. This tho board refused, stating that thoy woro willing to be come defendants in a suit. C. JO. Mayboo claims that Miss Sl bol tendered hor roslgnatlon, not In writing, but through a member of tho bonrd and that sho took hor books G 1 PERSONA FEELING from tho building nnd also tlmt sho i with sawdust, salmon offnl. etc, nnd did not reappear artor tho Christmas! particularly tho Rogue River, whero vacation, Tills Miss Slbol douloai. J Roderlo MaoLoay lolgns supremo as Sho declares tlmt sho did not roslgn. 1 1" succossor or tho Into salmon king, Suit for tho recovery or salary ap-IR. I). Ilumo. Mr. MncLoay was Itlck poars tho manner In which tho trou-j l"K about not being permitted to bio will rench a settlement, nooordlntf lump tho offal from his ounnory Into to tho nttornoy for the tonohor. DIG LUMUKIl ORDICIl IX SIGHT. French noveriimeiit In Market for fiOO,00,00 Kivt. SKATTLK, Fob. 12. North Paciric lumbor Intorasts nro submitting ten ders on furnishing 500,000,000 root or lumbor ror tho French govern ment to bo used in constructing 100.- 000 two-room houses for Fronch war sutrorers. Lumbor mnnurarturors government's deslro tor an early do throughout tho world havo been ask- livery tho order will bo widely dls ed to bid on tho ordor and It Is ex- tributcd. I of Times, Const Mnl) llnv AilvpplUcr No. 174 E GZAR'S FORGE Retreat of Czar Will Leave German Soil Almost Freed From Enemies GERMAN VERSION OF CAMPAIGN LACKING French Claim Germans Badly Beaten in Poland With Loss of Over 40,000 Illy AtomUM Vmn to Cooa Hay TlmM. LONDON, Fob. 12. Tho offlclat statement rrom Petrogrnd makes It clear that tho Russian Invasion of ICnBt Prussia Is chocked and tho- In vaders nro retreating to tliolr own torrltory. Gorninny'a version or tho ovonts which brought this about has not boon given nnd It Is not known whothor thoro has boon h'envy right moroly rnlilug hnck before n largoly reinforced Gormnn army. With tho withdrawal of tho Rus sians, Gorman stilt will bo rrecd rrom hostllo rorcoe. oxcopt In n section of Alsace. Tho righting ror tho possession of tho CarpathkMi passos In Gnllcln con tinues undecided. Tho French offlclnl nnnonncomont claims tho Gormnn offensive In Pol niul Is n complete failure. It snys tho Iossoh or tho Gormnns exceed 10,000 dontl. In tho wostorn nronn both sides contlnuo ninrklng tltuo with no en gagements or any Importance re ported. ITS KILLED Jacob Vogol, Former Fruitvale Banker, and Wife Slain in Oakland Illy AaawlatftJ 1'rwa lo Cooa Hay Tlinra.) OAKLAND, Calif., Feb. 12. Ja cob Vogol, formor prosldont of tho Citizens' Dank of Fruitvale nnd a woalthy rssldont of this Boctlnn, nnd his wife worn lionton to donth early today by robbors who forced tliolr way Into tho homo. Tho Vogols nro bollovod to havo boon called to tho door by two men who solzod thoin both, bound tliolr hands bohlnd tliolr hack and whon thoy mndo nn outcry boat them to death with some pointed lustrumont Tho houso wns ransacked In nn offort to find a largo sum or niouoy which wns rumored to hnvo been kopt se creted by tho Vogols. NO WASTE FROM SALMON Columbia Cuuiieryiiuiii Tells 11, L. Mmilcuy of Rogue Itlver About It. 8ALKM, Or., Fob. 12. With such "old-tlmors" ns F. A. Sourrort, tho salmon king or tho Columbia, who has boon in tho salmon rishlng and packing businoss for moro than thirty years, thoro Is nothing in connection with tho salmon canning business that Hoos to wasto, and tho llttlo mat tor or the disposition or offal rrom his big packing establishments Is ot small concern to him for ho turns ovorythliig to account nnd ho realizes a haiidsumo profit from tills by pro duct or Ills plant which other cauuers nro worrying tliolr bonds off ovor tho solution of tho problem of what to do with It. Tho subjoot on mo up yes terday In connection with tho passage or Mr. Gill's bill, prohibiting tho poi- lutloii ot certain stroams or tho stnto the wntors of tho Roguo whon Mr. i Souffort stated that ho had long ngo solved tho problem by setting out n . ehorry orchard nnd using tho offal from his ounnory nt Tho Dalles for fortlllKor with astonishing and highly satisfactory results. "Thoro Is no i such thing as wasto around my pack- l... , . .1 l.l at... .. ..,... uift jivuiv, aaiu inu tuiuiuu jmi'nur ot tho Columbia, pected that bocauso of tho Fronch B WEALTHY COUPLE