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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
:t?,'ifiH!:i!i!i!iiifHffff!;aiiKinnmiJi'raW" iiiSSSiSKSSIISS! THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFlELR, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION - ' ' II HOUR - i t " mmmmmmwwMmmm i COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor and Tub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Kdltur, Official Ipor of Coos County .'4 -f After Fifty Years of Peace Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class vail matter. LEGAL holidays. A DILL has been Introduced In tho state Bcnnto which snys: "Tho common school month shall hereafter consist of twenty (20) days and no school shall be open In any district for tho purpose of ordi nary Instruction on any Saturday, or on any legal school holiday, or In any county during the time of holding the annual county Institute therein. The following days shall bo and aro thereby declared legal holidays In this state, viz: Every Sunday, tho first dny of January, tho twelfth day of February, tho twcnty-Bocond day of February, tho thlrtloth day of May, the fourth day of July, tho first Mon day In Scptumbor, tho twelfth day of October, tho twenty-fifth day of De cember, and every day on which an election Is hold throughout tho state, mnd every day appointed by the Pres ident of thq United States or by the ' Governor." We'll Just bet that If the bcIiooI lclds could vote on that bill It would go through the senate n-flylng, especially that part In refer ence to tho holidays. TER COSTS If JSLJ YOU 3 CARS WMF 8&VI3 MONEY ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curvy Counties. "THIS GUNNKIvVT" Front Street Marsh field, Ore. If You Want the Best In the Meat Line Telephone Us TELL US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU WANT AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS Wc buy the best that Coos County and Portland can fur nish us. We have equipped our market to keep and ripen meats and give tli3 most prompt and efficient deliveries possible. THE UNION MARKET J. F. Ford Co. 174 South Broadway. Phone 58 There Is No Time a iBriOk -lk tJ r: "..."c rri WNILt rUU'Kt IMMlrllILi AbUUT STARTING AR ACCOUNT, OTHERS ARE DOING IT. ijo yuii ruiuiKu nun u uiuiu ui;ii;iiiil mean' tnnro it I Stl saving of money? Having in iiiiuiui t " It gives you standing In tho oyon of Hk. uini t, Is bettor than an nrm full of letters ,r Im.-,,,! n,,,"0 1 mondritlun In tho oyen or BtranucrH. Yon ., J'0.1 "r vnrv ilnv vnii Htnrt n hank neciiiint. Im ii . , - . ueer ( ursoyou to start now with, $1. 00. EniJll. m , INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS FIRST MATIDHAL BUR OF COOS BAY Soetji Deposit Boxes For Itcnt. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST GOOD EVEXINO. "When I'm Rotting ready for an argument with a man I spend one-third of my tlmo thinking about myself and what I'm going to say, and two-thirds thinking nbout him ami what ho Is going to say." Abraham Lincoln. LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY J809 February J2 J9J5 J,INCOLV AN IXSI'IHATIOX. ny Nell MacDonald. Among tho noblest of our raco Our Lincoln stands tho peer of nil, With fa mo tho years cannot offaco Whllo homo and freedom men en thrall. With faco Illumined with tho light Of greatness, Lincoln sped his way, Itcaolvcd that freedom and tho right Throughout our country should havo sway. "When troubles dlro assailed tho land God's self appointed man appeared To lead and lend a helping hand, To savo tho fnbrlc freedom reared. Warm hearted, true, of soul sincere, A man of raro, heroic mold, With cnnflUonco, unmoved by fear, Ho hold Intact what dear wo hold. i Yea, more than this, with sword and pen Ho Btruck nt galling tlmo worn gyves Which had enslavod a raco of men And hopo outhroned In count loss lives, Throughout nil coming years his f a mo Will brighter glow with lapsing tlmo. Tho mention of IiIh honored namo Will stimulate to duuds suhllmu. "How hi.-mblo, yet how hopeful, ho could bo; How, In good fortune and In III, tho smite; Nor bittor In success, nor boastful he, Thirsty for gold, nor feverish for fame. No wont about his work such work as fow Evor hnd laid on head and hourt ami hand As ono who knows, when there's n task to do, Man's lionoat will must Horvoh's good grace command. Who trusts the strength will with the burdon grow, That God make Instruments to work his will, If but that will we can arrive to know, Nor tamper with the weights of good and 111, So wont ho forth to battle, on the side That ho felt clear was Liberty's and Right's. . As In his pleasant boyhood ho had piled Ills warfare with rudo Nature's thwarting mights." TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good ninny years and a lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to gottltg good, sound, durnblo framing mntorlal at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spoad and wo'Il get busy with our noncll and flcuro out tho best your uoney can buy, Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HKTAHi DKl'AUT.MUNT CUT THE FUKL HILL 1 TWO IIV USING OUIt WOOI) PHONIO inn. 18U HOUTII nilOADWAV FLHieHI I BEUETT Bill OLDHST HANK IX COOS COUXTV ICstnlillBhcd JH8t. Capital, Surplus and Undivi Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Dcposlta Officers: J. W. Heiinvtt, President. .1. II. l'laiiagim, Vlro-rrcNliTrnt. It. V. Williams, Caviller. Geo. I- Winchester, Ant. Culfel wxarzExxzxKsm'XSSSisn&tmnmGnmznxa fllarslif ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Murshflelil nt Ilusy Corner 10:00 2:00. ii.m, B:0() p.m. Leaves North Itoml 15 min utes later Loaves Umpire. 8::t() ll:.'iO a.m. :t:!IO p.m. To Portland m cvq JinHjiouaj' To Eureka every Monday! TIIH FAST AND CO.MKOUTAIILR S S. Geo. W. Elder XKWI.V KQUII'l'KI) Naming A State For President Lincoln K TIIOSU drawn from Indian 'able, they could very well spnro sources bo ullmliiatod, It will bo .sufflclont torrltory to make a state fOtllll! 1 1)11 1 linillDU (if IlllWim (if (if a ll'vn lllflf It'milil lia nl.iilltnlln tho statOH of the American Union to tho namo It Is Intended to boar, havo, eltlier directly or Indirectly, The namo of the "father of his a personal origin. Thoso are Delo- country" was not bestowed upon a wnro, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, state until nearly a hundrod years Now York, North Corollna, 101111-. after tbo orKanlsntlou of tho repub- SVlvaillll. Rnilth P.rnllnl VMrulnlu 'lie up Vnv II ISSO ., ilmt tlmvn w - -"...., n....n,., ( ., , awwv, mi k.ii.v ..w.v Washington, and West Virginia. Only lis satisfactory precedent for the une ui mo lunyeiRiii stales Dears ' tieiuy or poniemng- sueli a dlstlnr- BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capita, surplus and undivided profits Jl-MOO.OO OFFICERS: J. W. Ilcnnott, President Aithur McKcown, Socrotary Tom T. Donnott, 'Ice Proaldont Dennett Swnnton, Tronsuror Transacts a trust business only. Acts as trustoo of oxpross trusts and nlso as oxocutor and administrator of ostntcs. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outsldo of Portland organized under now trust law In this stato. NOltTII PACIKIO HTKAMSHIP CO. C. I McfHCOHOIB AGKXT W. H. P.UMll Phono 44, Mnrshflold Pbonu 421, North Eotl HVZSZVSEZITGSIS Abstracte II KQUII'l'KI) WITH WIIIKI.KHS. ii63.1"8 Breakwat ALWAYS O.V TIMK. HAILS FKOM .MAHKIIKIKLD HLHIXtJ FIMIKI'MtY OX THKJttl LOWI.NC I)ATI'..S:, 10:00 A. M.; 1'KII. lit, U A. M.J 1UJ UO, 1:00 P. M.; KKH. 7, H:00 A. 31. TICKKTS ON SALH AT 1'OItTLANI) CITY TICKBT OFFICE, I AND OAK BTHKKTS. POUTLAXD. Tliono 35-J. C. H. MXDCIW, if the name of an American or Amer lean Procldont, namely, Washington 1 tlon on the namo of Lincoln. When tlie (Into comes, It ml; lit perhaps he TllOrO 111 U ltlllVIIIAIlt In tW.l svlrulll.u. llltMI t tllU iiuiho lit larramnn of the country now that l, In thj should be conferred on a state In Southwest and Northwest to otUu IIhIi statea to bo honored by tho name of two other Illustrious clt 1oiiH, Thomas Joffersou and Ali.-a- well. IJ.Nchange the Louisiana purchase, and the name of Lincoln should o to a state in the old South he loved so l'Oll KKLIAHLi: AIISTItACTS OK TiTLK AM) IM'UH.MATION AIIOL'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. M.YltKlll'IKLI) AND COQl'ILLK CITY, OltKRON OK.MCUAL ACIKXTS, KASTSIDK AND .SKXOSTACKKX'H ADDITION AOKNTS FOR CANADIAN P.VCIMC RAILROAD LANDS IlKNItY HKNiiSTACICKN, MANARKR INTEH-OGEAN TBAHSPOHTATIIM Semi-weekly Qcrvico Coos Bny mid Snn ITrandscal 1 .MAY .MARK TK.VAS !J STATUS. ham Lincoln. In tho Leilslnture at Austlii few days ago a joint resolution was lutroilucetl niovld- Iiik for submlttliiK to tho popular' , , , ..,,, vote a proposition for uMu a w,,,,, "T ?""" ,!,,, hUHvU, state of tho western Half or Texas. I tn SmU' XU' "!,rt ltvm ,, ., ,' .Seclloiib In IaKIiiIuii'. It appoui-s that unit.- the act' admitting Texas to tho 1'iilon that AUSTIN. Tex.. Feb. 12. A Joint STORY KOU TDK DAY. ICx-Oovurnor Claflln -was a por Houal friend of Lincoln and was in closo touch with him durliiK tho oX. UllB""K Tg to the P11I0,, that At 8TI.N. Te.r.. Feb. 12. A joint cltliiK canipaiu of 1800 Ho had ai"'t" '"y '' ,,'v,,,oJ ,nt(1 "B M",J,Jf ,u,'U",' for an ainondment to the rich fund of anecdotes, and his favor-1 M fU M Wlthou' "rt,,,B of Cott-' ,u, Ml0 "Hvldlug Tekas Into Ito was a story of Lincoln and Douk- u'' Jl"l",l,,,,l" la '" tr I three states has been Introduced by Ins, ll0 wholly with the people of the 1 Senator W. L. Hall of Wharton eotui- DoiiBlas, meotlnir Lincoln mado a com,mwol''' ' resolution !ty. The states would be North Texas. HnyliiR- ""-should carry the polls, under the, tal Abilene, and South Texas, capital. humi. i f 1 . pPrtlon of the law tho new slate utln W by, Abo, I remombor you whon .......1.1 1.. ......, ,.,,. .. . ... UM'"- ...... .....- ...ii . . . ' """' i-iiw .iimrii. u ih an k n saw yg, tito-omr"L0? AMEirs Kaa'rjfe';g:)1Comi3ohy- CAurpRiil A H St Rrp DrrDA, LADIES' CLEANING WORKS REPAIRING, CONTRACTING. W tmmn Dry CIcnnlnK uo DnnrMP MATPniBI r ' inni.i l..lli..t.. r.,l...l., ii., ... 1 iiuurnuu iviMicniHLo. FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. HMkt (lclhato fabrics. Wo thely KtmrmitCQ nil work. Phono RU-N. Address a."5l Contra) Avenuo. peddlliiK out Koode at retail and sell Iiik liquor over tliu counter." "Yes," annworod Lincoln, "tbo mi. ly dltferouco hotwoen you and me matter that the mmouitiit for the dUlsiou of Texas grows out or tlu desire of the Western part of Pa- state, wan n is etrouKi for pro was tnat I was 011 one sldo of tho hiuitinn. i. .ii.....i,.i. i.i. counter and you wore on the other." j a soctlon alleged to be dominated to a great extent by business In- YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. n Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIGHT SKRYIC13 I For taxi, phone 20, Chnndlor I Hotel. I For touring cars, phono 20 Chnndler Hotel I LYNN LAMHKTH, 1'rop. j Now Cabs : : Now Cars TIUJRKYISKUVKRSION. Iterests oppose.! to the iirohlbUlon , Yo" "a ,'0"0'' "tol Ht 0,u' "' "Go to tho mis motor, thou slug. 1pau8- gardj consider Its ways." 0 you'll lose your Job. Kvery line of ' business Is closing Us doors to ' Simultaneously, a pillar move- :r""T".V.0,u,,n". H " ,ori lo man. b. !... .i .... f.u. ... w-ah. ' "" W " your ! and Idaho wblrh v h,1 "?. "' l)" tlW .W of .0R,"XK If all Coos nay people tt0n, I earlier rogult, than that in the UM;S"J ,S !J .TJiv Ti !T forced to pay as they Ko. some o Star slate, ubete ihiIUI.s la n fac-J JJJJJ. l" ,h"i ' lub,eti aUl1 tt' , of thorn would not only atop R(l. ju.r t10 jiropagauda. This hasj w ' ?' ., .... niMMVl, .,.. lnB forward for a whll,, but tahea lb. form 0f petitions that will ! bZ u tCl J, ?L Tl u tha ' would havo to retreat. be addrewed to Congress asking that ' J T. " W ..Vj ! Z t , ' .certain eastern counts of Wash- L" U i" ? "y r , InBton. and tbo sectl-m Vnowa a w u v9iWAfta ' . ghcro aro not may,, Coos Ruy'the Pan Handle of Idaho, be made Wlw yo ' ,.(h.,ukI .. ,, fc New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal dletrlbutore "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend .4 A s TEHHSHIP BID fl win. ha iii KiifiM sv i.'iiwnsrn coos RAY MONDAY, KKIIIICMIV M, AT3'.I Equipped wltb wireVess mul subrinrlnu bell. Passengers and freight. QTFflnfl n IU HIP II 5 1ITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passoiurcrs and freight. WILL HAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR i OOS IIVY . FRIDAY, FKHRIARY 1'-, AT 3 l. Han Francisco office, Grcomvicb street plcrKo. and GOO Fife building. i Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. cQeoroe, Phono 44. , n Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 FRKIGHT. BTOIUCI AHROW LIKE STEAMERS SAIL FROM San Francisco Pier No. 2C. Kvory Wednesday 3 P.M. Phono S7. Coos I3ay Every Friday To Portland And Tuosday To San FranclBCO THOMAS IJ. .1AM13S, Agont Ocean DocH PortfcDd j Bory Sftturdsy i a a. i : --' "v , " " .. "w ....... couples that can live up to whiit tint i a new statu to Im called Llucoln papers said about thorn whou tlioy,'1''10 l"ut of VVaslilugtou ombraced woro married. o of the money yow'Il save; liosllos. Utflllll. .k.n.. .. ... .. . &I. . . i.. n i . ... .""' "'" " v "iia more to tneir lu the bouudary of the m onosed I ,... .!...-.. .... . ,.T in.irll.uil..., ,., n. tt. .i..; i. v",rw'v" """ 01 u,a'' wc- Whon a Coos Ray man tells ai "" Spoluue. Washington Uaa' 11,,!' iglJl? oit'' iwiNi!. taut we aro ghlng away free ou request. Cull at our store aul talk it over. CHIMNEYS FIUE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Urlik Work at Prices That Are Right And all Work Guaranteed Call at -The Fireside," Johnson UldR., 137 Soooud St. Phone 43-1-J, French Rangos. Holler Work 1 ,larihfleI(l.Nortti Rend Anto Lias 'r mory ton niluutcB from 0 . tu to 12 p. in.; to South Slough onco a day, lea Iiik nt 11 a. m.; to lhnplre throe trips u day. OOR8T .ft KIVO. Props. 'Mmmmm C?a4 i inkn to half a dozon wonuM. m.wi ti.... ! iin wiea of ult.lSO suua-o miles oil lausU but ono, that oue U hisiauu J,'' " SJ.800 suai-o mile wUo. Times want lUUUs Roth are swall as! with Ju:"!L"r ." Z2 .f '!T I . 0W' "- "h-acy. .nk " " ' "".""ni Ilium. I .'ill. iii li,.....i , it .ui the .unrtuiou. uc foi-i. ,,,"! "j.,rl ";. .lu', ",",l, i.nv ( iiuiidicr UoM. phone 74, t D0TS0N HOTEL ROO.M AND ItOVIti) $ PKIt WKI.K AM) IP rm:i: rath ' So Second ami Cuitls Ave. o R. II. Humes I'rop, tHYYHYVVYYVV, DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo htpt opi: to tiii: pi une A regular btato Iheiu.ed uudertaher will bo In i ha i go Phono 1 ."..! fl LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly depondnblo. Immo dlste service, prompt attention to all Interests of our cllonts. MINIMUM G O S T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. . SOUTH COOS ItlVU I UNCHKXJ ,cve8 Mj.r.c. -,; 8 u. in. J.cavcs - , ..i ll. IU. il HTEAMLR iW-Vl I leaves head of e' ! ,,. in. Leaves Mars'Uleld in. For charter npij -ROGERS USUI" t ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ! In tho Hoait of Marshflold lroiulcto All Outsldo Rooms. mp -u near O MATH L. t xJ',, V.VI ,1,-S 7-ic mid l 9 I I'.UL RA'ri'X. s:i .in .'. MA -AFltl w.gtnrn nrccon Rcpc haas miffTME"8 Importer and V boIew Mars:.fltW. Oreg Tnl. 304-H. RC3. Mf"1' ' tttwWVWmtt? v 1 4 I IMsilsl'flMsBsWtsssssBSsssslBsWM . ,.---. ."!" " 'BC'Jr'LS i3v-:M . -