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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1913)
r$re If gfcfftaWKJC1 '! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ?3P8 NEWS OF NEARBY I A Daily Paper for the Home THE sincere representative of the press is the newspaper which really aims to safeguard the people's interests. In carrying out this public duty it uses it's best talents in reviewing all sub jects of public concern judiciously and con structively; in standing for what it believes to be for the good of all, openly and cour ageously; in presenting the news that IS news; in giving the buying public and the advertiser a square deal in it's advertising columns, and in devoting liberal space to topics of interest to the general reader As this newspaper continues to try to print a daily journal which is up to this standard, it seeks to merit the public's confidence in and acceptance of its product only as it capably fills so high a place in the commun ity's work and continues to show its fitness to occupy it The Coos Bay Times ii ii Z7 ft Alwajs Independent and Unafraid Till: HKCOHR I'HOTOOItAI'IIINta AUSTRACT COMPANY IIuvo photographic copies of all records of Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real cstnto furnished on short notlco. I1UHIXK.SS OFFICIO: J 17 North Front St., Mnrshfleld. Phone 101J W. J. RUST, Manager stHeaE SPEEDWELL CAPT. K. HOSKNHLATT, Muster. Sails for San Francisco and San Pedro Sunday, May 18. TIIK SI'KKDWHLTi In speedy nd bus excellent passenger accom-J iihhiihiiiun, surge Clean iiiiu nir- rooms mm cicciric iiguis iuiu Irt'h'. For freight and passage, npply, A. I'. Ktdnbrook Co. Titlo (iiiunmteo and Abstract Co., (Ii:t-(II7 Simla .'Marina Hldg., Kan Ki-uuclico. Mnrshflolil. Just to See and Smell ono of our rousts on the tahlo Is a treat mid a! ho u temptation. JuHt to taHtti It Is to know the real Joy of eotliiK and to long for more. Roof, mutton, pork or veal, tho result Is always assured. Try ono for next Sunday's dinner, and you'll wIhIi It was Sunday everyday. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Mar.shflcld Telephones North llend 221-J TvvnMnrknt rtl flit ft Skl Lfl gy jii i FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Re don do Equipped with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, MAY 13, AT 4 P. M. All PanneiiKvr Denervations From Snn YVnuclsco Must He Made at HOfI Fife Hiilldlug, or Lombard troot Pier 27. All reservations must be taken up 21 bourn before sailing. INTKH-OCKAN TRANHPOHTATIOV CO. PHONR 4. r p McnROROE. Agent. t:guii'i'i:i with wirklkhh Steamship Breakwater ALWAYNONTIMN. kailixc fuom port-land, april in, li.i, :io, mv a, i, i.-j, so, S!5 AX1 ill) AT 8 A. M. SAILING FROM COOS MAY, APRIL 12, 11), SO, MAY 2, 7, 12, 17 22 AXD 27. Tickets on salt) In nil (astern points mid Information as to ronton and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono .'Main JJ.VL. i, u STKRL1X0, Agent. Hldo In Lynn Lambeth's lOl.t 7. passenger Cadillac. Stand at III11 yer's Cigar Store. Tolephone 18-J. After 11 p. m., tolophono 2G0-L, tho IllBlit Cofo. Careful driving nssurod. Prompt attention. Will ko anywhoro, nny time, day or night. Loaves IIIIU yer's Cigar Store to meet all trains and boats. Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo them for rent or for salo. Mnchlnes Ropalrcd. Supplies and Needles for Salo. W. J. HITZ, 131 Pink Ave. Marshflcld. Phono 280-X. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BKN.JAMIN OSTLIXD, f'mii.iilll.... I,'. ...I. ...., 1 Aicbitet't. It Looks Good, Doesn't It. A cornor In South Marshllold at ?1100, when othors around It aro bringing $2000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Phone 103.1, Maitihflelil. Pro. S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKD WITH WIRKLKSS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA SUNDAY, MAY 1 1, AT 2 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OONNKOTINO WITH THK NOItTII HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NOHTI1 PACIFIC TKAMSUIP COMPANY. Phono II O. F. McGKOHOK, Agent. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' 0FFICF JM. WHIOHT, COXTKACTOH AXI) IIUILDKR Estimates furnlshtd on request. Plans nnd specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-R. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfleld TOKL OSTLINR, J Piano Tuner and Repairer. lib S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L pKKJj HILKV HALLIXGEH Plunlst and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. G. CHANDLER, Architect. Room 801 and 302, Coke RuIIdini MarMi field. Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, 171 Crimea Hulldlng, over Grand yilHr O'lhe Phone 320. WM. S. TUHPKN, ARCHITECT MarBhfleld. Oregon. DR. A. J. HKNrmY's """ ''mi luriura, vj are equipped to do high clam work on short notlco at tho very lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke Dldg., Opi Chandlur Hotel, phone U2-J. City Auto Service Oood Cars, Careful Drlrers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time' Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones -78 and 4( Night Phone 46. nARKFU nnnOAT.y. nronrUror. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. notlco Is hereby given that tho un dorslgncd has beon duly appointed administratrix of tho estato of John A. Hanson, deceased, and letters of administration on said estate duly Issued to her. Now wherefore, all porsons lmv- ng claims against said estate aro hereby notified to present the same i, ni?, ,nt tho 0,I,C0 of Jn"es T. Hall, 11 hldorado bldg., Marshllold, Ore- 'Vi . U.10 Tl)er vouchers duly vorlfled as by law required, within six months from tho dnto hereof Dated this 22 day of April. 1913. a i. i . . . . ANNA HANSON, t Al,,1'B,ttrIx of tho estato of I1,1,1 A Ilnson, deceased. Mrst publication May C, last pub lieutloii Juno 10, 1913 XEW CITV OFI'MCEHS Myrtle Point liiilucts liccciith Elcctod OII'IcIiiIh Into Olllcc. The Myrtlo Point Entinn-i,. says: "Tho now mayor and other J city omciaiH were inducted Into of fice at tho regular meeting 0f the city council Monday ovenlng. Thoy aro L. A. Itoborts, mayor; E, a Dodgo, recorder; J. M. Arrlngton (ro-oloctod treasurer! J. D. Bark low and Jnmes S. Whltakor, conn cllmon. Mnrshnl Brown's report for the month of April showed tlireo ar- rcgtH. I1VO I CGURCB HHIIPll llll.t n wnter taps mndu. "Tho rerordur read n coinmunlni Hon. (luted April 23d, from K. , Robinson, consulting engineer con ilotniilug tho materials to ho used in the concrete hnso of tho pave ment lit tho Intersection of Spruce and Kind Hlreots, as It was below tni) slnudard required by tliu nio I'lflcatloun. "An ordliiniiro was passed direct ing tho mayor and recorder to slpi a contract with tho Coos Hay Pav ing and Construction Company for die paving or mo intersection of Klfth and Maplo streets, at $1.30 per square yarn. ' AND, x,ws op AbS m ..lo cla'toTk.r,. A -.:"... " an !, ?l sSrSKSiS Mtts ""s&.SWft.J Jloidft "Ub"' ..i'i, TlAN. . wa B,...i. cno ,. "" V. " Of th! ( lcr Plahtran KS? "n evening. ' O0M T. Tllo Chllflr Kno n surnrlnA .. ,' ' "y lt. It beliJ fe .V icrv ni i.-.:v 'tuuiv .. --. ",l u tii. : ty-two ShiufJi p n J""y time. "BJ were ncompanled I. f,r(,ei1 MRS. IIHK.'HT DEAD. Kurd Pioneer Resident of Ct'uvcl Pism's Aunv. Tho Myrtlo Point Enterprlso says: "MrH. Angellno Bright died May (i, I ill 3, at the homo of hor son, Albert Bright, near (Iravel Kord. Sho was born In Tennessee and wns aged SI ycarH, C montlm and 17 dnys. Sho was mnrrled twleo, hoi- llrst husbiiiid being a Mr. Tucker, and one son wns horn to them. Her second husband was James S. Bright, nnd live chil dren were the Isnuo of this union. Ihreo girls and two boyH. With her liiHt husband and family sho cnniu to Coos County In September, 1872, and located on a homestead on the North Kork, whoro sho has resided nearly II years. Hor husband ami sous worked I BO dnys during one year milking roads to their place, receiv ing not ono cent of compensation, whllu tho faithful wire nnd mother did the farm work mid cared for the little ones. Sho was a member of V, II. church ut Oravol Kord." ciriiLixus ok cofjiniiLE. Coos County .Sent Xuhn as Told by run ficnuiici. Kred Single, representing tho Kord people, has sold fourteen touring cars this season. Ho expects tho last four on tho next hunt. They aro for John Miller and Paul Skeels or this city, Ilcrvoy Brothers, of Leo, and Schroe der Brothers of Arugo. Mr. Alfred Johnson, tho pioneer lumberman of Coos County, arrived homo on Saturday from nu extended stay In California. Ho wiih accom panied by Ills daughter, Miss Esther Johnson. B. X. Ilolcoiiib of Lnkesldo was In tho city n portion of the week, lie will go to Ohio In the not very dis tant rutin; and will not return alone. Mr, J, ,, .Stanley conteniplntes the formation of another club to Interest Itself In BrewHtor vnlloy, tho proper ty purchasable being twenty acres adjoining tho laud recently bought by the Ko Keel Kami Kluh, which Is also Interested in forty hitch on Ten Mile lake. XEW V. A. EXt.'IXEER. PORTLAND, Ore.. May 12. Cap (it In Theodore II. Dillon, appointed to succeed Captain II. II. Robert In the First River and Horbor District, has arrived at Celllo from Kort Leav enworth. Captain Robert will bo transferred to San Antonio, Texas. Beforo leaving for his new scene of activities, tho captain will enjoy a threo-months' furlough. ORRINE CURES DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has OR RINE beon In restoring tho victims of tho "Drink Habit" Into sober and useful citizens, nnd so strong Is our confidence In Its' curative powors, that wo want to emphaslzo tho fact that ORRINE Is sold under this pos itive guarantee If, nftor n trial, you got no bonoflt, your monoy will be refunded. ORRINE costs only ?LO0 per box. Ask for Kreo Booklet. Owl Prescription Pharmncy. Krnnl; D. Cohan. Opposlto Chnndlor Ho tol. Phono 74. blrthda m ill; let i..i ;:.."" - nnmton. w.;Sfl J""y nine, .uin. &&&& i-M.u iwmruay. '" v.H.;r-.,lM.C mSit ?i:,8 iii mini a ti. . " lenehlnc il,'.;w.u' Miss Xnonil Root u l "t tho l'rlco Mil iT" jvny spent Saturd ".fa licr ljo.noatAr.go M!cv . "b Miller hi ,(.. k IxiRgy horse. JH.vT!U' Hon i of Norway. Dob 2 niiother horse UofiSf: without a biufuil "civil l'lnkston, en iwV COMIlllln Snlnr,!.'. "' " Miss Hazel RadalantV it. iVi. .i.f-i.-,,0UMVtr .sfis1 & Ilie LmllM1 im c.,. . MrB. .1. n. nnH.k,;..! iH'silay, Mny7,touwUJU(l iiiiBiiit'D!) ami uerotloul skJ a wuriiruo part; indent n given at toe Taylor Is their son. Alva. n. ...-, Hpeiit very pleasantly f , f IB 4UIU IQ8L UUI HAT Kiif . candy. Among those pm .uiHe ;aomi, Klis and SeA iircer, Jler! lU iiniiaoangii, iielr Viilta. .Minnows, Einel and S!ea: Mrs. nnd Mr. f!c nrr. lli.v and Mr. I.clani Jllmrl, Itt HiiuauaiiKii, Meiari. Ctl der, Henry Sohroedtr, fftV I IT. I.lnvil nnil Pint,! Vmt Miller, Lester Clinton, ShWj ews, (HiDcrt I'lmiton.ncjn nnd Ann Taylor. IX MARXIST .won rn J. Conrad oIJIanlM Hid cllv this wetkandtainJ lallve of The Sentlnd ullbj eiirncDl about wantlitar; dil( In Conullle. and If ca granted lilm he would turs best possible service. Tie t presented to Iheconndltli sexsimi or mai hoc; u, a ..... HIiA-nl Hfl Ya nrAUtftf I imi iii'viui, mm uv ftvr' draw It nnd prtwntatm the nhlermanlc consldtraa qulllo Sentinel. xi:VMKiiviocn Cn Tuna 1 lllirl 1. it nnd A. V. Dennett ol 501 will open In tDisciuamnj stnbie. ineynaveiMwii' blocks north of the will niakeaapMW'tfM';" ttlllicru incuuj "-- ty from California. Cc;ti nci. com nwrii S Xt'HS of IloK" ll!,.t,,' Hie Clow. . Win. Candllo, of W i.. .I,l InrnlllV TeilHW' up overland from Eurela. V II. Meredith r Port Orford saiuroij - ho had been oe ro -tcrlla In a iU Wj rm-Im milkers for . Swiss boy. received w' an nPl-eal was J J .., niter wh tn a r "'." n-y. S.lil K IMP -' . . nere j"" Goodrum's. Garage homo of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars a 17 Central A v. Phono S73-L 411,1, effected. uiroiiKii SUUlll. sum Walk one block nnd save one dol lar on ench pair of men's and boys shoes. We do first class shoe re pairing at tho lowest prices In the city. Vours for a square deal. Aug. Olson. 215 South llrondivny. You Auto Call Poote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AI.D RAY Stand front of Blanco Htlllnrd Parlor TWO NEW CARS After II P. M. Phono 2(10-1. Residence Phone fi-J. Careful Drivers :- Oood Cars ... ..jibi h. stia"."'L, dennty game ." and Jackson w ....... 11,19 locality u" "'' ncon.panled. w ' niiv -- - .i.k wiir WLJT-.l "lDn " son. DepUj; ififi.1 -- .Arar:n and John Am. r,- centlemen " ,a& nnd Sunday j, ma and V Jg " Itov. c b. r.;.w in very HI .?. OrJ yesterday for A. - "" ii.j H iV?,lS.ferl Livery ; Tlmes-Wjnt flrfence in their" tM 9!'ailtbe'"Tl ur".nvleldto1TLJ i had kidney'", s ptv t-i.lnpv P1H' v" .,.rfOl m story tto'y,. ofl ,"Z All HI' "i,l b"w.p ytJW- p Coban. u' , phone T,