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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1913)
MartflLiaMwii fiEwiBgi T--'TirjiJtlll THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1913 ENING EDITION. "rT?"".'" You CAN cat your cake and have it, too. Here's the Way: Would a "COOS KING" Be a Time Saver For You? Think About It You pay automobile fare every day to and from your work. At the end of the month, what have you to show for that money? The monthly payments on a bicycle arc not much more than your automobile fate. You must be on time for that auto, or you walk. The bicycle is ready to go, whenever you arc. The "COOS KING" BICYCLE is warranted against defects by The MARSHFIELD CYCLERY. We arc bicycle specialists and have made good in Marshficld. Would we be foolish enough to attach our name to any but the best bicycle? That's Your Guarantee and the Bicycle Will be Your Cake You CAN EAT YOUR CAKE and HAVE IT, too, If you buy a "COOS KING" BICYCLE on the install ment plan. We sell them at $30.00 cash and a little more on installments. RELIABLF "Coos King" TIMElSAVERS y ALWAYS USEFUL Marshfield 156 North Broadway Kraresf Z2isiATjSV& w i W Fine Summer 'j PERFUMES Wo hvo a number of delicate, delightful cccnt3 tint give a perfect finishing touch to ths summer toilet The exquisito fragrance of these high-class perfumes cannot be ex celled by ar.y perfumes you may buy elsewhere at double the price. These perfumes deli cately conceal the odor of perspiration. r SAj Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY PHONE MAIN The Times Does Dayton Bicycles Cyclery Phone 158-R tffm3Ksamams!Sxis3tm3XZ!3sa v CORNER." 298 m&sff r"lrllfii iTSv 7i I A . uo iMra-n Job Printing W.iir2k..-ss!Sfp llKffv MAY TIDES. Holow Is Riven the time nnd height of high nnd low water nt llurshlleld. The tides nro plural In the order of oecnrrenre, with their times on the llrst lino nnd heights on the second lino of ench dny; a compnr- Ison on eon lucutlvc heights will , Indicate whether It Is high or low. water. r'or high water on the bar subtract 2 hours 3 1 minutes. lSllIrs.. l.fiS ".ID 2. 28 0.41 i Ft... 2.7 fi.l t.'J CO 111 Mrs.. 2. 71 !.10 3.20 10.32 , n.i .. wMitnit r. u,.- ,.f Ft... 2.3 4.0 0.0 5.3 . tnc Moving Tod-.-John MlrrnBoul 0H' "' t,,u fu"yinl B"" and family nro moving today Into the , ' . ri,i,. .. lmu.h"aynC;!;ibo,.crS.Twenty-nvoW''l' thoro he ylsltcd the poultry ini.,.nr ;ii on m. vm. n cum! much of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Sto- I Myrtlo Point. They left on the early " M tllor, measured nine tl.Hn i Inches around tho long way and I Ki-iivf Tihikii-kiw. C. W. Hill, l'.,"W lllcI'P I" circumference. '. Chamberlain. E. Vamey, Henry I , 'K Huslncss. Last Saturday was .Meyer and P. F. Froderon will ho tMo biggest dny In tho history of .outgoing passengers on thn Drain o Mrirshtleld Western Union of- ctago tomorrow morning. if0, 'Voro merges being handled ! Suit i:mJs. The suit of O. F. lln " ""V previous dny. The Wallace vm, P. D. Chamberlain for business has been steadily growing a $20 commission on n typewriter "t Manager Solicitor by putting Bale has been dismissed by Jimtlco '" loK day. hns been handling ' Ponnoek on nnnllctitloii of the nlnln- 'be wire alone. tiff. To Testily. C. 11. Codding. .las. WANT ADS. roil SALE Cheap If token nt once, Wilcox visited hero Inst year, stove and other household ftirnl- Recovers Pin. Through n Times Hire, comer 120 Hlrch and N. wnnt nd, Mrs. .?. C. Doano linn ro llrondway, j covered a lodge pin which she valued highly as n keepsake. A young liny FOR HUNT Four room house In found It. saw the lost nil In Tho South Mnrshllcld. Illg yard for Times and brought the pin to this of chlckens nnd garden, $10.00 per llco but would not give his namo to month. Coos liny Healty Syntll- claim nny rowan! that Mrs. Donna ente. 150 Front St. I'Olt RENT Iloiisclg'cplug apart- nients. Imiulre 413 Second St., or Phone 310-X. I Phone 310-X. WANTED Work by dny In private I iniuines. i'iioiic ..;iu-.. WANTED Houscv. oik week. Phone 22-X. 1 FOR REXT Furnished mill imfiir- I nfshed rooms. Cull 302-R. 1. DRESSMAKING First class dress- i making done nt Ladles' Emporium. CIIAri'l'lH'U wants hlttiiitinn. So- Iter, rellahle. Good mechanic and repair mini. Wishes steady pos- Itlon where work Is uppreclated. Itererenres furnished Address Fred Illsh. Prosper, Oregon. FOR S.ll.i: Clieapi u good iieiini separator, nlniost new. L. I), Smith, Mnrshlleld. Oregon. . WANTED Warehouse man. nt depot. Apply FOR SALE Second liund car In llrM clnss shnpe. Oil h. p., 7 passen ger, good for Btugo or livery. $1 000. Address P. O. Hex 203 or 7S0, North Houd. LOST (iobl necklace mid heart Hhaped locket. Reward for io tiirn to Tlmos office. llternturo for this section. Tho FOR RENT Si'ue vtlili l'lt!iie system Ik known ns "tho community with living rooms In ronr, nt El- plnn of advertising" and evory do rod mil Tenth. Mrs. Early. Mi." tit II of It Is handled by exports or Central avonuo. tho Southern Pacific Company. Tho . . Chamber of Conimorco will ineot l-'orxi) Automobile tire cluilii. tomorrow night to nrrnngo to rnlso Owner may get same nt Timed of fice by paying for this notice. IOR ItEXT Xlcely fiirnlshcil fiont room. Inquire 331 First St., or 1 Phone 32T.-L. FOR RENT Furnished i s with bath, sunny front room for two gentlemen at C31 First nnd Alder. FOR SALE Cheap. If taken at once, household tiirultiiro. Cor ner 120 Hlrch nnd North Hrond way. FOR SALIC A good organ cheap. In quire nt Oregon Trust Co., .oriu Deii.1. FOR SAI.N CHEAP Two pool tables nnd equipment In llrst clnss con dition Address G. H Caro Tlmos. FOR SALE Household furniture for four rooms. Apply 027 South Hroadwny. Ilouso may bo rented. Phono 1S7-R. DRESSMAKING At ill! South Hroadway. or phono 21C-L. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. COB First nnd Hlrch Bt. Telophone 239-J. FOR RI-LN'T Modern four-room cot- tnge. Dr. G. W. Leslie. FORTrEXT Xlcely furnished rooms. Enquire 216 North Second St. or Phono 120-R. ' FOR RENT Comfortable room with stovo and hath. Phone 23C-J: 7C8 North Second St. Ladies of Coos Bay will find our DELICATESSEN n great convenience. Today wo have: HOME nAKED HEAD'S SALADS ' COTTAGE CHEESE Drop lu for a cup of tea. White House Bakery Formerly Leld'B) I WEATHER FORECAST. I Hy Associated I'rcss OREGON Showeis In west i , tonight or Wednesday. Fair In ' I I onsi tonight nnd Wednesday. ! ' Fouth to west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 2-1 hours ending at 1:13 a. in., May 13, by HenJ Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum -14 At 1:13 a. m II Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1012 50.03 Precipitation same period last year 51.0 t Wind: .sorthwest ; partly cloudy. Wnssnn nnd others loft on tho llroakwuter fur Portland, where have been subpoenaed txj give wnrt. or uangor. He secured n Will Wed Soon. lien Chandler, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandler, who will grnduntc from the Univer sity of Oregon soon, nnd Miss Ce cllo Wilcox will bo married soon af tor his graduation. After a short honeymoon trip, they will romo to Mnrshllcld to mnko their home. Miss nilglit wish to give. Mrs. Donne hns received tho pin. New Members. At n regular meeting of the National Association of Knglneors nt the hall In North Ilend Frlilny evening, C. II. Wilson nnd Knrl L. Haines were olected members of tho order as electrlcnl en- gineers, nrter passing tho regular e.v- by day or nnilnntlon with an excollent percen t tnge. A banquet wns nftorwnrd held nnu n generul good tlmo enjoyed. , Ruogo Lights. Cnptaln Mncgonn ' "inking plans to petition for tho Installation of another harbor rnngo IlKht near the Llbby Ilunkors. Cap- lnl IoIc. when here recently, ur- ranged to Instnl an uddltlonal light nunr Jnrvls Landing, another near North iieuil nml the third ouo near tho Llbby Hunkers will complete the range HghtH in tho hnrbor as fur as the C. A. Smith mill. For fine Mock. A. II. Powers uns sent .lap Yoakain, Jr., to tho Willamette Vnlley to purclinso three blgh grnde bulls for his Coqulllc Valley ranch. He plans to get two Diirhnms and one Hereford. Mr. Poweis recontly Imported to head of high grade cows lor tho ranch, Mr. Douiout selecting them for him, and expects to linvo ono of the best herds In Southern Ore gon. Rooster Literature Messrs. Hill nnd Grant Gordon, of the Southern Pacific advertising department nro on tho Hay to figure with the Mnihlillold Chamber of Conimorco on Issuing u large amount of booster n fund of $1500 to carry out the proposition, Alaska Runt Line. M. Knllsh. of Seattle, manager of the Humboldt Steamship Compnny. which oporntes the Steamer Humboldt on tho Puget Sound-Alnhka run. arrlvod hero Sat urdny nnd left Sunday with W. S. Chandler for Eureka to nttond the minimi meeting of tho directors of tho compnny. They left on tho Al liance. Mr. Knllsh Is an anient booster for Alaska and his company has douo much to nld In Its devel opment. Mr. Chandler Is heavily In terested In the company and Is ouo of Its directors. 4 I ALONG TIIE WATERFRONT, The Honior will sail next Friday from San Franclhco for Coos Hay, according to word recelvod by Agent Dow. Genuine Burnt Wood Huiidkorchlef boxes, glovo boxes, tie boxes, match holders tlo racks, plpo racks, ribbon racks, photo frames, clock shelves, mottoes and novelties; tho very latest. Just think of It, ('HOICK 1.1c. 'ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store ORPHEUM TONIGHT (I PinTRKS ALL NEW SMOKE FROM LOXE HILL'S CAIHX A powerful Western story. THE CHAMELEONS MAKING STRAW HATS IN THE PHILIP- IMNKS Educational. THRI.E SUITORS AND A DOG MATRIMOXIAL VEXTL'RE OF THE ll.VIt X HAXDS Two funny comedies. TIIK GOVERN' ESS A powerful drama. 4 ADMISSION TEX CENTS. PERSONAL NOTES .i. E. KDMl'N'DS was a Coqullle vis itor esterday. II. E. RAKER, a Loon Lake resident, came to town this morning. JOHN SHUTTER ramo to town this morning from llnynes Inlet. EAL GRAY Is In town today from 1 Gould's Camp, near Allegany. ROCCO 11IASCA Is In town for the day from his home on Coos River. MRS. HYRD LATTIN Is a town vis itor todny from South Coos River. MRS. L. A. RO HERTS Is a visitor In Mnrshfleld from Myrtlo Point. L. U. JUDY of Loon Lako Is In Mnrsh lleld today on a short business trip. MRS. II. S. LARSEX, of Allegnny, wns n MarBlidcld shopper es terday. MRS. WALTER CHRISTIANSEN of Catching inlet Is spending the day In town. MRS. M. O. STEMMLER. of Myr tle Point, Is in Mnrshllcld today on n visit. MISS NELLIE DEMENT, of Myr tle Point, Is visiting friends In MnrBhflold. ALFRED STEVENS, n resident of Hnyncs Inlet, Is In- town today on business. .1. M. EDDY AND It. C. DIERS, of .North Hciid, were Mnrshfleld vis itors yestordny. MRS. ED NOAH, of Smith-Powers Camp No. 5, wns a Mnrahfleld shopper yesterday. ALFRED RODINE. a nromlnont rancher from Allegnny, Is n busi ness visitor here todny. CHARLES AND PETER PETER SON nro spending the dny In town from llnynes Inlot. C. A. SEIILHREDE returned Inst evening from Coqulllo, where he attended court yesterday. MISS GRACE KRUSE returned to Mnrshllcld this morning after vis iting her mother on Isthmus Inlet. MR. AND MRS. F. L. mASON nro In town todny from llnynes Inlet on n business nnd plonsuro trip. ED SCIIIEFFELE. of llnynes In let, enmo to town this morning with supplies for local mnr kct. MRS. HARVEY GRAVES of Shingle house Slough enmo to Mnrshllcld this morning on business and plcnsure. MR. and MRS. T. C. RPSSELL of Heaver Hill were In Mnrshlleld yes terday on a short visit, returning homo todny. MISS ELMA SELANDER of Sumner writes friends here thut she Is vis iting frlmids In Seattle nnd enjoy ing her visit. W. P. MURPHY returned last eve ning from Conullle, whore ho was summoned as a witness In the Donuc-Klunoy caso. P. I). CHAMHERLAIN. representing L. S. SMlth Typewriter Company will lenvo via Drain tomorrow for Florence nnd valley towns. MRS. MATT RANGLER returned to town this morning nfter n visit with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. John Solicitor, of llnynes Inlet. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS of Sumner wns In .Mnrshlleld this morning. Sho wont to Eastsldo In tho nfter noon to visit her grandmother, Mrs. L. Steckol. S. JUMPER, the llnynes Inlot ranch er. Is In town today on business, lie was formerly In tho barber buslnoHB here, but snys that rnncli lug Is fnr bettor. MR. HAZELTON. fathor of L. L. Ilnz elton, tho Catching Inlet dnlry iiinn. arrived on tho Inst llroakwu ter from his home nenr Eugene and Is talking of locntlng on the Hay. HARK W. DPNIIAM, nt ono tlmo n prominent resident of Mnrshtlold. having acted as town guardian for a numbor of years, was In Mnrsh lleld yestordny from his home In Coqullle. SIJPT. GEO. F. MRRCII, wlfo mid daughter. Mrs. Hiiro Qulst. re turned on the Nnuu Smith this morning from n throe weeks' visit to Monrovia and other California points. CI IAS. ST. DENNIS, of Lnkesldo Is In Mntitlillohl today. Mo hong' t n horse from a Coos Rlvor farm er end will take the niilmnl to North Inlet from Coon River over the hills. NEIL WATSON of Coos Rlvor Is In town today on business. He ro ports Hint work will coniinonco on tho now Watson homo tomorrow. A. II. Kollogg or Coqulllo will have chuigo of the work. DOT MEDLOCK AND LENS LEN EVE, of Coqulllo, nro In Mnrsh Meld on n short plensuro trip, Thoy expect to return homo on tho afternoon trnln. Thoy recent ly bought a restaurant In Coqullle. MR. nnd MRS. ERNEST VARNEV are In town todny from South Coos River, whero thoy vlsltod .Mrs. Var- Something New -IN CANDIES -AT Stafford's COMK IX AND SEE. ney'f, pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Byrd Lntlln. Mr. Vnmey will loavo In tho morning for Florenco on a short business trip. C. F. McKNIGHT left this afternoon for Coqullle to attend court. MRS. E. W. SI 1 ROCK of Cooston wns a Mnrshlleld visitor today. GEO. ROTNOR. of the Woolen Mill Store, is expected homo tomorrow from nu extended business trip to Portland. J. S. LYONS has moved his family here and will occupy n homo at 751 Elrod avenue. lie has taken a position with the Nelson Iron Works. JAMES A ALLEN, tho North Ilend shingle king and editor of tho North Head News Company, wns a Mai-'hlleld business visitor to dny. Ho reports business good and railway nows booming In his section. W. II. STULL. road supervisor of tho Allegnny district, Is In town today on business. Ho Is getting the rond In good condition for tho. smiuuier trnvol to SeottgUurn and l)rnn via AUoBliny, but tho holding up of tho spoclnl road dUtrlct Igvlos will Impede them. , MRS. WM. HYDEN AND CHIL DREN will lenvo this week to visit her parents at Menominee, Wis., nnd her sister, Miss Hnl verson, who wns formorly cash ier of the Marshllehl Western Union office. hIbs Hnlvcrsoti may return with hot. R. A. WERNICH AND DON OAR DINER, of North Ilend, were In Mnrshfleld yesterday on huslueso. Mr. Gnrdlnor reports n good workout of the Elks bnsolmll tenm Inst Sunday, Ho has received word that the Haiulon Elks nro working overtime lu getting In condition for the big games, JOHN C. KENDALL left yesterday for Curry County, whom ho will attend n meeting of the Curry County Court. lie will probnbly meet Arthur Peck, who loft for Hint section Inst Saturday nnd thoy mny take a little outing trip through that section together nf tor they hnvo finished their busi ness there. DAVID Fl'RRY. of Snn Diego, who Is visiting his brothor-ln-Inw, Fred Holllster. lu North Rond, wns lu Mnrshlleld this morning nnd delivered nu Interesting 111 tlo speech on good ronds on tho street corner, hut managed to get awny boforo Mnyor Shaw ap peared. Mr. Furry was greeted with applnuse when ho snld tho road to Rosohurg was the rot- tenest lu thu United States. - I AT TIIE HWKLS. Hotel Coos, A. II. KnlloL'ir nniiiilll 11 !' Sllollev. Conullle: V. A. Arnnlil! Chns. Frisco. Portland: Dot Mod lock, Coqulllo; Lans Lonovo. Co qulllo: N. P. Huntley. Myrtlo Point; .hick hicks aim wiro, coqulllo; jniiu Tiiiirninn, Coqulllo; Fred Keffer, Imndon; PonrI Keffer, llandon. Illiiniii Hotel. Guy Patrick, Spokano, Wash.; It. K. Kinnllov. Pni-tliiml W'nnli P E. Mlchnol. Myrtlo Point; Goldlo it. .Mtciinei. Myrtlo Point; P. F. Frodeen, ' Rod Deer, Aln.; Honry Mevors. Coaledo; Mrs. C. A. .inm. leson, llandon; Mrs. Mary Thorn, iiauiinii; n. v. uiinliam, Coqullle; Ed. Anseu, Coqullle;. Lloyd Hotel. Jack Tialuor, Heaver Hill; Chas. Haley, Portland; II. W. Landers. Rosehurg, The Chandler. W. F. Ilummest. Portluml! It. S. Wilght, San Francisco: 1 1. J. Con ger, San Jose; Chns. Walkor, Han don; Otto J. Hoss, Portland; D. Vance, Portland: Jerome Fulop, Portland; II. F. Hriice, Oakland; Mrs. M. O. Steniinler. Myrtlo Point; Mrs. L. A. Itolierts. Mvrlln Pnln. Nulllo Doinont. Myrtlo Point; J. S. Lmiii and wlfo, Coqullle; F. W. Hnyues, San Francisco. AMONG Till: SICK. I Mrs. M. G. Coleman of North Ilend who wont to San Frnnclsco u few days ago to consult physicians re (HrdInK her Infant son. wired frleudi yesterday that thn little fol low hnd boen operated on mid wna gottlug nloiiK nicely. Elton Metlln Is reported quite sick at his homo lu the Coos hotel, Miss Clara Wright of Sumner, who Is suffering from n felon on one of her Illinois, enmo to Mnrshlleld today to consult a physician. NORTH REND NEWS. Mrs. C. Stnrnoy nnd Mrs, G. Petor son of San Francisco, who nro visit lug friends In Marshllehl, will bo gnosis nt tho Robert MtCaun homo today. CHICKEN TAMALES will bo on SALE nt METHODIST CIII'HCir WEDXESDAV afternoon, nfter I o' clock. Tho LADIES of tho OATIIOMO CHURCH will hold a COOKED FOOD SALE Sat. May 17 at tho Tea. Coffeo and Splco hnuso lu the O'Connoll building. FREE We will glvo freo THE SIL VER CROSS SAFETY RAZOR to anyono buying a dollar's worth of shaving supplies this weok, ONE RAZOR to EACH PATRON Headquarter for Sluivlng Supplies. The Stor tor Qualify Ooods and Penslnr Remedies irrmvJ?B j r 3 Htmf