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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1913)
HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED I are l.c. f""'"1 '"""'' Tl"""' "'" M 1 IT T' WZ 1 Jl".-a1 Ihrin! Use I limit They ' fc-JfJ- k 23 . uvVWI I'.SUinusiiiu in inio VOL. AAA VI. T,0 Const Mnll. Three Dredging Companies to BKI Oil imiJiuviiiyiiiy Inner Harbor. ctart WORK AT ONCE; 51 FINISH IN 15 MONTlio About 4.000.000 Yards of Dirt to UC Ksmovcci buui. rui- hemi's Can't Build Jetty. . I'oos liny Comnils- , lot .today In making for letting contriiclH . .... mrtiiH In tlm I ii ii or r s Boy. Tim eou- i' n "' f, ' V 1 I (1 ... .. IWil 111! flflMllf1 fill " ' HI 1... r,... .li.n. Itrlaitr BWWWr liw"'i i " ' ' wiiuiinrwiwwwowwwwfTOIWWi W r h KM llll-Mh i ARRANGE FOR DEEPER GRANNEL . da, cr nw. " wiuuhnib . .' . i.... r.... mi, I I iwi titi'iilni? 6, .- iimhi (iii Ioiik ami wldo In Ifrort or " i Mli-id and North llond. Thrrs il"'' r;ing companies mmi rCo.:.!!'- "' l uero io oilier iiiiih oathr "!' s 11. llongeH. ot soui- t'i t'o I" n"ini urcugo aim jjr;i rnmimnv. L. Korshnw. or Tca:i ui'ii diilng a Tneoinn firm iml J u I'nrlior. of San FrnuelHoo. repe- n i tiio Standard American UrcilRllI ; lOIUIiailJ. moil iiiiih nmu io be imimiii ul ty i tioiocu huh cvc-nln;:. The i;pct iru-iitlojiB ror uroging arc. First To innko il cut 150 foot de, IncreirJiiB dopta from IS lo !5 feet, from Smith mill to sea. Kitlmatoil viirdngo Ih 1,811. 1177. None ct drciiliiRH to bo luimpod more tlinn STiOO fcot nnd moat of them k.B tlian 1200 foot. Second Mako hccoiiiI cut alonK lint, makliiK chuiiiiul 1100 foot wide ind 25 feet deep. Kntlinntod yard ire la 2.00 SlOa. tbu HLTond projoct Incluillni: tlio (IilhIkIiir of tho tnrn- loc bnsln. The Soutliorn rnclflp ih iuixioiih to cot nnrt of tlio druilKiiiKH to fill In their yardH In North llond and It Is poshIIiIo that tho port will ar rince with thoin to pay for Homo c( tho ilredKltiKH thoro. The ilreilKlnt; by tho Oickoii horo foit eoven loiiU or iohh por ynrd, kill this was ennlor work tlinn Ih cow IchiK nrraiiKi'd ho that If tho tldi aro ns low iib nlno cents por jiril the) will bo coiiHldored. Soinn (itlmatcil thnt tlio bldfl would bo 1! rents or hlilior. Tho rort CommlHHloii HpoelfloR the wjrk Ih iti start with 00 ilnyH Md lioth ltrojeets aro to bo com- IPMed with IT. montlm. One of tlio drcdKo inon stated libit If his company not it, thoy cx Iwcted to keop tlio iIiokoh koIiib 2-1 Icon's a dny and gut dono In con- Aflfirrttl tnaa .l.n.i IT iir.ntno "VMMW.J HO.1 V.I. .11 1U ,....., I'lillieiniis Can't Come. President h. J. Simpson of tho commission linn received n lottor from Cnptnln l-olliomiiB stntinK that ne cannot como horo to tnko clinrco oc the reconstruction of tho Jotty for me rort of Cooa Hay. Ho says that It Is posglblo thnt tho Port enn nr r'nso to do tho work under its di rection, of coiirso in a ninnnor sat Wactory to tho government. Ho nes Bomo BiiRBestlonB nuonc it anu l)'l thnt lin U'nnlil tin plml In nRRlnt In anv wnv ,0 coid. if the Port ws it, the Kovernmont will lmvo to cna an cnfilncor horo to seo thnt it I dono ns tho govorninont desiros nJ It Is liriRHlliln Mint Pnnfnln lnl. tfmus mlRht bo delegated for that. Captnln Polhomus BiiBBests thnt B1 son, Jns wlio has been working a the Cellllo nroloet. mlcht bo 80- "ed to do tho Port's work. Oilier Business. Oft'lne to tlio mnnv flnlnltn nt tlin edging proposition, tlio port com- ClSSlOnpru ,11,1 .,. ,rt ll.., - r.r,.f- J nS else this morning and may not afternoon, nltliougb delegates 'fora South Inlot and olsowboro were, "went to nsk for tho channels to bo pwuveti tnoro. I W.WII.NTIOX IX WASIIIXGTON. ppnlllcuns May Call Stnte Gather- ib.i . "- There. l7 AuorUicj rreii to Coo Dijf Tlm. ADEnnt.M.'M nr. .. io a tai T. . ' " ,i " ,lie Kenilllllr.nn nn,.n.,.lon .,,nnl 'PrObablv In Sonttln nn.l dv ., nl? In Juno' ls announced to Bnn r Stal Chairman Warnor A. "PP, provided tho National Ropubli- to can1" n',nrovcs 0( tllQ l)lnu fall Tl ""MU,"I tUHVOIlllUIl III HIU j, ,' re stato convention may bo .B,1.1.10 t'ASIJ DKCISIOXS. WASllIViVlVWY -r. r, o,... ttLi. Ut .nn'.U' ":.": ". "". U" " ldeoMiIa; -G without announcing idfel-i. ' - WJlIIOlll IU1IIUUI1UU1B Cor!!.,n tl10 s,at ra-o or other irvwriant cnsp imrnm if if in .m. lrsti ad'i0?!! ,that nn attom'pt will bo urnm; , a", l)ororo tne nnal gjje n " mo summer u Thli C T,.,,: WATi:itKHOXT I MterniJ , "uo w' 8aU tomorrow The n ban Francisco. Hn .-"'fr has returned from thp. lS.tee R'y-i t'om n. ruu U,U1 ''iiieiu saueu 'ranCin(lon yesterday for San i lltncr lariior c'niini'l to n mill-1 loiioo niiorloil from any point ho rnr i .0 or 2". foot, u in 111 1 ill il ii) far. Tlio number of iiitui who ro iriir.iu . " i ,,,, . ... ,,,,, ,, ,.,i,. i ! MARSHFIELD, . I. W. STRIKE ILL SO FA! No particular developments and no Violence Advice from Greek Consul. Thoro liuvi' boon few iIovoIod iiioiiIm In i lie t. W. W. strike since ' Hut hi ilny. Tboro bus been no vlo- Hponilcd to tho Htrike order Ih also Htild to bo much Hinnllur that hoiiio j had propheHlod. Olio loRKltiK camp Ih hIiuI down, but It was iloHod hiHt Kiiday, prior to tho iHHiianre of tho order, and ho It Ih not attrlbutablo to that mnulfoH to. Quito a few loKKoiH cHiiie to town Saturday and a number enmo in on today iioou'h train from tho Coiiulllc valley. Some of Uioho wore 1. V. V. momborH and ntlioin wcro tliciHo who woro takliiK a layoff on nccotint of nav dav. j Tomorrow iihiiiiIiib. It Ih snld, will 1 probably give tlio llrst real luilfcattou of the number of memberH tho I. V. I W. linn. .MoHt of tlio logBlug camp ! foremou havo told their men that all ts'Iio dcHlred to work iiiuhI report by Tuesday morning or their plares would no longer bo open. This order Ih said to have been given when tho camp foremen gave notice to all em ployes that thoso who wero dlssatls Hod with condltlotiH In any way to "roll their blankets and roll out." Tho oritur, whllo not directly specify ing. Ih understood to lmvo bcon aimed nt tlio I. V. V. memberH. Advice to fiivekH. One of tho leading Greeks la Coos County Ih one of tho proprietors of tho Mnrshllold Oyator llouso on Market near Front Btreot. Ho has Just received n letter from tlio Oreok CoiiBtil nt Portland In which tho lat ter reiiueslB htm to ask nil of his countrymen (Clreeks) In tills section to steer clear or tho I. V. V. troub les. Tho (irook Consul Is said to lmvo told him that Creeks should not bo mixed up in such matters nnd that anyway work was not nny too plen tiful. Homo of tho loBRors who loft camp on tlio llrst wiliest from t,ho fore men for thoso dlsaatlBlled to como nnd got tbolr tlmo, are now sorry. One man thought thnt to put In np penrnnco might moan iho granting of bottor pny and wont In. Instead of bettor pny, bo lost hlu Job. He Hold that ho wonted to keop his Job but was ready to tako tnoro wages If bo could got it. Had ricd Date. Tho calling of tho strike, Satur day, which was precipitated by tho order for all I. V. V. mombors to lonvo tlio camps wns simply advanced a lltttlo, It Is said. It is reported that tho I. V. had circulated pe titions among moinbers and othors to got tho loggers to sign up to strike May 18. Thoy planned to strlko then for a twonty-llvo por cent Incronso in wages, an eight-hour day, otc. Mnny rumors aro rifo about tho plans of tlio I. W. W. It is snld that thoy aro planning to Import some mombors, somo of their most radical leaders, nnd othors. It was nlso said that somo of tlio mombors woro to bo brought in hero from Coponliagon Drothers' camp, wboro thoy woro to call a strlko. Willott & Burr, sinco a llttlo senro a short timo ago, have been weeding them out tbero. Thoro nro no indications of trouble locally but tho largo number of business men who woro enrolled ns spocial officers last week Is maintain ed in caso of omorgoncy duty and tho first indication of troublo will prob ably bo promptly chocked. The sa loons lmvo been notified, by Mayor Straw, that In caso of any trouble whatsoever, thoy will havo to closo Immediately. Grand Jury Continues Investi gation of White Slavery One Woman Held. Dr AModaled IVtM to Coos tliT Time J LOS ANGELES, May 12. Emma J. Goodman, alias Joslo Rosenberg, pleaded not guilty today to two grand jury Indictments, charging procur ing Tlio defendant Is In Jail in default of bonds. Tho grand Jury resumed today tho Investigation of white slavery said to Involve several millionaires. VIGE PROBE III LOS ANGELES THAT A HOUSE IS NOT MEMBER OK Till? OREGON, MONDAY, MAY loirtlh Bernid's Debaters Homme Tomorrow LYI.E (Ml M'EI.I.K the Till'; pioti uple HE Hllver toniniod North llond ilouslilp of the State IUku nletidld victory lit Engono llond Is prepHilUK to Klvo tuem u royai welcome nail win uoiu a celebration on their arrival. There will be an niitn piirmlu and a re ception tit the blub Hi'liool. wlioro an addresH of welcome and con grntiilatory speecheH will bear ovldetuo of the loyalty and appro cli Hon or Hie people at home. The occiihIoii will bo innito one of genernt icjolclng nnd promo tion of the spirit that wins. WILSON WANTS President Says Negotiations with Japan Have not Reach ed an Alarming Stage Friendly Negotiations. lOIIXSOX'S HEPLV. SACRAMENTO, Mny 12. To day Governor JoniiBon sayB ho will not telogrnph IiIh reply to I Secretary Ilrynn'a niosHiigo nak- I I lng him to veto tno nneu innu uin i ! until Into tills afternoon and pos- I slbly not until tomorrow. I lllr AmoiII1 rrtt. lo lsw Vr TlniM 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 12. President Wilson belloves Hint the negotiations botwecn Japan and tho United States over tho alien land leg iHlntlon In California aro not nt an alarming Btago but that tho lntor chango of views tlius far has been nlong frank and friendly lines, calcu lated to remove the nppearanco of discrimination against Japanese sub jects. President Wilson In discuss ing tho subject tnformnlly todny took tho position Hint tlio Webb bill is not a violation of tho treaty between Julian and tho United States. Ho In timated that Japan's protest wiib not rnniifln.l nn n f.lnlni flint flm trontv would, bo .brokoiijlnitvvjU upona IELL OF Details of Charges Against Lieut. Gov. 0'Harra of Illinois Told Committee. inr AiotUle4 ri?M lo Coo Cjr Tlmei.l CHICAGO, Mny 12. Tho sonnto committee Investigating tlio charges of alleged Immorality against Lieu tenant Governor O'Hara resumed Its hearing todny. William L. O'Connoll, treasurer of Cook County, took tho witness stand nnd testified confirma tory to that given by O'Hara. It wns O'Connoll who Informed O'Hnra of tho existence of the Maud Robin enn nfflilnvlt. and after talking tlio matter over with O'Hara, advised tlio j , . - l Un nl., 1.101UOIHU11 uoveriiur iu iuu mu -leged "frame up" ngalnbt him run Its course. PRINCETON WINS RACE. Harvard .Second and Pennsylvania Third in Hoat Contest. (Dr Ao latej I'mi lo Cooa in 7 Tlmta ) CAMBRIDGE. Mass., May 12. Prlncoton won tho varsity boat race today by a quarter length. Harvard was second and Pennsylvania third. FREE Pl'LP AXIiTaPEH. Duty on Imports Removed by Cana dian Reciprocity. Ur Amo' Utc4 Tret, lo coo liar Tlmea.) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 12. Tho custom's court has decided that European nntlons are entitled to free onirv nt mi In nnd tinner under tho "most favored nation" clause of their! commercial treaties with tho United ! States, because tho freo entry prlv-j liege Is granted to Canada, under tho only operative clause of the Canada reciprocity agreement. ' I BIG FRAMEUP m ASSOCIATED I'HES 12, 1913-ENING EDITION il VicitoooiLus XOItMV CHASE. vinous dfbntorn who w rented the ciinm- School Debating League by their will arrive homo toinoriow. North CALIFORNIA DELA! feeling of nn effort to discriminate ngalnst tlio Japanese on tho ground of their Ineligibility to citizenship. President Wilson revealed that the question of naturalization I mil not yet entered Into tho iIIsciishIou with tho Japanese ambassador, but that of con tho underlying the bill, It was realized that the federal courts bad not finally passed upon tho question of their eligibility. It was Intimated nt tlio Whllo Hoiiao that for tlio pres ent, tho hope was that tho legisla tion In California cither would bo vetoed by Governor Johnson or do layed by a referendum to permit smoothing over some features of the situation. KAHXGETS IIUSV. California Couuicssniaii Looks l'p Allen Laud Fjiwh. in AuotUtfel I'm. lo Coo. lUr Timet WASHINGTON, 1). C, May 12... Representative Kahn of California conferred todny with Secretary Dryan and Intlmnted thnt ho was Booking InrornintJoii relntlvo to tho laws in other countries barring Japancso and othor aliens from owning land. "There's no doubt about California's right to enact tho alien lnnd law," snld Kahn, "but I havo nothing to bny about the expediency of plnclng such n law on tho statute books at tins time." GRAFT ARREST Many Politicians and Police men to be Caught in Fortune-telling Trust" (Ir AaiorUlcl I'rras to Coos Oar Tlmea. CHICAGO, May 12. Now arrests of "higher ups" In tho pollco pro tected clairvoyant trust, so-called, aro oxpected today. Three or moro politicians nro expected to be In custody by nightfall. States Attor ney Moyno assorts that ho can show tho grand Jury that sovornl politicians and policemen received part of tho $500,000 alleged to be collected unuually from the crime and graft rings In exchange for protection. Ho declares ho has posltlvo proof that organized gangs of pick-pockets and thugs pay thousands weekly so they can rob tho public without fear of arrest. riKECKACKEHS ARE BARRED ORENCO, Oro., May 12. Tho Town Council, at Uh last meotlng, passed an ordinance for a sano Fourth of July. No morchants in tho town will bo allowed to sell fire crackers or explosives if any kind for Hint occasion. A heavy penalty Is Inflicted on a merchant or citizen transgressing tho law. STEEL Tltl'ST CASE. (Ur AiiotlJtM r-rtaa to Cooa lli Tlmea. NEW YORK, May 12. Tho tak ing of testimony for tho defense In the Government's suit to dls solvo tho United Stntos Steel Cor poration under tho Sherman law was begun hero today with Jam' Farrell, president of tho corpora tion, as the first witness. SO BAD IF MEXICAN REVOLUTION ASSUMES PROPORTIONS OF REAL WAR IS DRAIN LINE Vv a U J I MaJ I I Cip Drain Paper Revives Story on Occasion of Calvin's Visit. The Drain Nonpnt-vll publlahen tho following InteroMliiiK railway new under the nipt ion "Drain Will Win:" "There is n rumor In the air Hint i ho S. P. Co. will build tho Drain lino to Cooh Bay after all, and tho fact that the S. P. Co Iiiih not order ed any construction between the I'mpiiun nnd the Siuslnw Is Hiitd to In dicate that tho story Ih well founded. Tho Gnrdlner-CooH Bay lino Ih said to bo built on the old- Drain-Coos Bny Hiirvcy. "Vlco-presldent Calvin and party, resisting of Trnlllc Malinger McCor mlck ami General Purchasing Agent IthotlcH loft Gardiner on Mny :trd nnd piiHsed through Drain on tho next day whoro their prlvuto car hud been ly ing for several days, watting for them In order to reach Portland In time for n conference on Monday li'iornlng. "PartleH In close touch with It say that Mr. Calvin's departure via tlu I'mpquu route to Drain, convinces tlioui that ho Ih still figuring on the Dniln-CooH Bay lino, oven though tho Siuslnw Is built. . "Ills trip around tho clrcio will on nlilo him to directly compare the two routes, nnd thoy declare thnt an an nouncement thnt the Drnlu road will bo built, would not be surprising. "During last year when Mr. Calvin wns In Drain after ho had made n trip from Eureka, California, up tho const by auto to MarHhlleld and Drain, ho declared tho Drain routo would bo tho best one na it would reach South ern Oregon with n lessor inlloago than othor competing points. This routo wns tho favorite ono of Chief Engi neer Hood, nnd practical reasons will no doubt lmvo their forcn In nt least building tlio Drain branch on some thing moro tlinn paper In tho near future." CAMP IS FINISHED. Laying of Stool on Coos Bay Line Out of Eugene llcMimctl. Tho Eugeno Guard: "Work on the Wlllnmotto-Pncllle nt Camp No. I! will pormlt laying of rnllH as far as Camp No. 10, about four miles far thor out. Work on Camp No. 12 was finished thlH weok and when tho cut at No. 10 Is finished, which It will bo In about a weok, Htcel can bo lnld aB far ns Portola and prob ably to tho tunnel. Tho track to tho tunnel wil undoubtedly nil bo in be fore July 1. Tho laying of steel will bo resumed Monday morning." FIRE DESTROYS PLANT. S. P. Elocliio Plant In Orovlllo, Oil., Burns Today. (l Aaaoflatea l'ra to Cooa llaj Tlmra. OROV1LLE, Cnl., Mny 12 Firo of mysterious origin destroyed tho Southern Pacific Gas and Electric Compnny'o plnnt, ngaliiHt which a genernl strlko had bcon called. Tho Immodlnto loss will bo approximately $25,000, tho Indirect loss mny bo much larger, for tho absence of pow er hns shut down all work on all tho gold dredgors In tho Orovlllo Hold, lenvlng an Investment of millions Idle. PEOPLE WILLKLECT SENATORS. Secretary llryun Will Issue Pinclii. iiiation Tomorrow. Ur Auoil.UJ frraa 10 Cooa Uar Tlmm, WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 12. Notice of tho final ratification by Wis consin of tho constitutional amend ment for direct oloctlon of U. S. Sen ators was received today by tho de partment of state, making thirty-six states that lmvo favorably reported. Secretary Bryan will Issue the procla mation probably tomorrow, HOUSE TAKES RECESS. Now WnltH on Sonnto About Tariff Bill. inr Aaaocll4 Trwa lo Cooa Ilr Tlmta. WASHINGTON, May 12. Tho Houso waa In session a fow min utes today. Even minor legisla tion failed to matorlnllzo and a series of threo-dny adjournments was bogun. The Houso will moot noxt Thursday untl thereafter on Mondays and Thursdays until tho first week In Juno. Many of tho moinbors returned homo with tho understanding that no Important loglslntlon would bo brought up In tho meantime. SILVER ANNIVERSARY. On May 30 Mayor A. T. Morrison and wlfo will colobrato tho silver " nlvorsary of their marriage, and about fifty invited guests will Join In appropriately obsorvlng tho occasion. Ai T. Morrison nnd Miss Sarah Nos ier wero united in marriago nt San Diego on May 30, 1888. -Cofiulllo Sentinel, IT IS PAINTED NOW is vol u time. siiuill ml In Tlio Times want nilumn inny bring yon results im mediately. Try otu. i CunxolldHtliin of Times, Const Mull r 9EA mid Coos liny Advoitlser. ,yu" Five Hundred Dead Found on Ensanguined Fields of . Last Week's Battles. MUCH ACTIVITY ALL ALONG THE BORDER i Munitions of War and Army Aeroplane Smuggled in Last Night. Ill)- Amo UIM I'rr.n In Cooa tUir Tltf" 1 NOGALES, Mn 12.-- Reports or lack or wntor and rood at llatamo tnl lave boon rocolxed. Only 200 of the fodornls wore left nr Giuiy innR, whllo IIIU'h men arts snld to i lmvo retaken Empnlmc. In bint ...w.1.u I. ..!. f.llA ,l..n.l .,,..... f......l ii itii n iinnii- uvu iit.iii iiuiu .uiiiiu on the field. ATTACK MATTAMORAS. lusiiigonts l'rcpiii Iiik lo Battle for oso-siui of Hot dor Ton n. lllr Amo, I a 11 I'itm In CmM Inr Tihim I BROWNSVILLE. Toxhh. May 12. -The CouHtltutloiiallstH were In sight of MatauiornH. tho Mexican town opposite hero at noon today. Tliev outnumbered the federal do fendoiH of Mntamorns, who nro be hind tho ontrenchmoutH nnd with four macliluo guim nro prepared to fight. FEDEBAI.S .sritltorXDKD. Unci In S.ildlci.s Found TIiciiiscIvck In Closo (.iimrtcrs, lllr AmoiUIivI l'n. In Cooa liar Tlmra, NOGALES. Mny 12.Tho federals frotn G uny iiiiih today found Ihtim hoIvoh Hiirroundcd nt Hntnmotnl, tlio first station on tho Southern PhcI rie north or GunyuuiH and Kininlmo, ii guir port. Confioutiug thorn Iroin tho north were Hlnte troopH whlnh Inst week won In three days' imp urntn lighting which forced tho llucrtu soldiers back toward tho gulf. From tho fodernl' roar, tho Constitutionalists of Colonel Ilenja nu Hill lmvo cut off retreat. AMEBICAXS IXVOLVED. I'our Aro Tliroiilonoil Willi Plot to Steal anil Soil Ammunition, llljr Aaan-lalfHt l'n lo Cooa Hay Tlmra. ) NOGALES, Mny 1 2. -Cnl Wright, city uinrHhal of thlH town, and Jack Wilson, a bartender, nnd two United States soldiers woro arrested hoto today by tho military authorities. A plot Is charged In which It Is alleged Is u plan to steal ammuni tion from cavalry camps and rail way warehouses and soil It to tho Insurgent troops In Souorn. AMMUNITION SMUGGLED. Insolvents Aro Busy Getting ,Hii piles lo Continue War. 11 Aaaocla't4 l'r.i lo Cooa llr Tlmra 1 NOGALES Mny 12. A shipment of 125,000 cnrtTlilgoH, It Ih report ed, wan smuggled over tho lino near horo last night. It Is said Hie re maining parts of an noroplauo. completing portions secured Inst weok nt Nognles, Souorn, woro Bhlf ped through the border patrol. Avi ator Dldlor Masson and mechanician, nro snld to have departed today from Nognles, Souorn, for Gunymns and tho front. STRIKE FUND MISSING. hirt of Money Given Lawrence Strikers Is Missing. (II; AMu.iatr.1 I'ft.a lo I uoa liar Tlmra I BOSTON, Mny 12. No sntliilac tory explniiutlou of tho dispouitlou of $10.S0O, of tho totnl of $118,000 subscribed for the benefit of strlH nnd families of the lng operatives toxtllo strikers ago, has been tho finding of iu Lawrence n yoar mado, according to Winflnld S. Slorum, who na mnstor, Inveatlgated the Btrlko oxpondlturoH. TARIFF FIGHT UP. Senate Tonionow Will Begin Wrniv glo (her Revision. Ur Aa.orlalil I'riw lo Cooa llajr Tlmra I WASHINGTON Mny 12. Tho tariff levlslon fight has Hblftod from tho Houso to bo renewed In tho Sonnto tomorrow when the Un derwood bill comes up for refer ence to the flnnuri) committee Tho Sonato was not In sosblon todaj FOR ALASKA COAL. Willi th U. S. Navy to Use It Instead of Foreign. (nr AmocUIoJ frraa lo Cooa liar Tlm. WASHINGTON, D. C Mny 12. Government con! reservations in Al aska for tho oxduslvo use of tho United Statos Navy wore advocated today beforo tho Sonato Territories Commlttoo by F. G. Joiumett. trea surer of tlio Alaskan Northern Rail road. Jemiiiett declared that II tho Alaska Hold was developod, the coast would bo mntorlully leshenod and tliut Pacific coast naval stations would bo nblo to keep an unlimited supply on band. Jemmott urguod that virtually all the coal taken n round the Horn for the nnvy'B uso is carried on for eign bottoms, which will bo m "v.ill able In timo of war.