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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1913)
MAN NEVER KNOWS HOW MANY ERIENDS HE HAS UNTIL THEY NEED HIM i.nST Alt'l'ICLKS NOW IS VOlIt TIMF. mmm ..t fouii.l tlnoiitfli Times mi ii I siimll nil In Tin1 Times want column inny lifhia you results mi- s mediately. Try one. pctn MK.MHKK OF THi: ASSOCIATED I'HKS KSjX22XZ .. , i.ii..i..,i I., turn lOL. XXXVI. Till) Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY. MAY 13. 1913 ENING EDITION SIX PAGES. a Consolidation of Times, Const Mall unci Coos liny Advertiser. No. 255. mn DM lttK M A ll h 60V. JQHNSQN ON ALIEN BILL I ! flbassador Takes no Further Action Pending Response of California txuuuuvu INKS UNITED STATES MUSI Itbl LXUHUI I inson Has 30 Days in Which Ho ACt Dili Will riuucimy I ii i m;l Tlml I mi rt IMOl Willi HI'" uuny. . .. . .tOIIVSOVS STAND. , I i tti.'i'i'n Mnv 1 !t. ! su ... ...i ,..'. unl.l tils nf- I GOV.Tlinr i""u.-i". ttrnooti .. in. Iiml sot no ll'PflUO '"IIP ' ' KeilUIIIR " llivn- '!:. ... xi ,, i.iiii'idii lii ronly lo I in nf smeiiirj Hryuii nsk- i-, hin veto Hie antl-nllon )im,l i.iil .lust now the Oov frr.or :i bidding farewell to lOj-Uln'or.- I i I in mi. IWif 1lm I I liVSIII.Tii Mux- i:i. -'Ilio Lrv Vui:i iKlnr will Inko no Jl'-rrSM ' t'oii'st against me l)f .'ll'll "' ''"' "llll ,1IW 1111111, te.r.r I"' '" u"ts "ii the inn 'or. lilm S'muld ho sign It. H uracil "il . tlio .liiimiioHo ; hot it:.iliii ruribor roprosentu ' : . ... . i, i ! 1 10 '111' ' IM' lll'lllll IIIM'llli "III l a rt .: -innlile tlmn to learn ; .. .. (...I. ..I ...I ..ll.luf I'll I l.ttl III. 11 OIC ICllt-MI- IMIIIilllirii I it. urn in- id b (In to met It H eoiililaltlt. Ill .. IllUl llll. ijq Will I'll' inn!' in li'ni. inn jtli.tit...i' or 'In' law. holding r,c:n;i!::ii' upon tile t'llltoil States 1K0 till "i. ' iiienuiMi. iiiiiiuiiK" i unlcr iiiml heio Hun Governor .mod i .: ,:u ii.i.vm in mi, inu- bcllcx liin answer to llrynn'H i .! in i ...i.. raiillUUIIC mil 11 Ulll nil invii- i.l.. I. M.I. I llllllll II WI'l'K I NO .llllllliemi utlon v. :i iIIm usseil toilny nt n ilti r -i iiii lint no conclusion i . .i. i II ..y. ii 1ES GUILT II W LAST E W D i Pall Mall Gazette Says it is Foolish to Expect Whites to Give tip to Brown Men lllr Amo IaiM I'ntii In run. liar Tlnir. 1 LONDON. May III. "IT U lie I rite Hint .lupiin wIhIich to cany the Cnllfonilti limit (tii'Htloti to The HiiKiiu 1 1-1 l)tm til. wo nuiy Hliortly oli 1 11 1 11 n fritltrnl Ichhoii of the no tlenl lltnllH of iiihltnitlon," The I'll 11 .Mull (inzotlo hii.xh toilny In iIIhciihhIiik the Hltiiiillon thin has tiiiKtm lietxveen the I'liltecl Siiiles nnil .Iniiiin In leKiutl to the Califor nia alien land owikthIiIh hill. Tl e itiVHiiiHr eontlniieH. "If Hie Clil itpe ami .laiinnexe are to have rree entry to (he I'aiifle Cohh) It nietinx ovontually the eNtlrpatlon of white labor from that roxlon. All the aiiiltnitlon In the world would not lipt'Hiindn the iieoplo of Weslci'i) HtatoH thai It Is their duly to kIvo up tholr bread mid butter to an alien laco ami we can IiiiiikIuo how much llUollhood there in or tlio kov eriunnnt at WiihIiIukIoii taltlni; uihiiw uteH to enforce Hiieh an award on Us own subjects. Wo hIioiiIiI rather lllio to see tho i.inrlineut for Uk UHufitlneHH in ImIiikIuk druaiiierH liiul; to hard factH." 'SEND WARSHIP 10 GITEM i sl Man Executed in Arizona y Authority of Uncle Sam Alleges Perjury III A-j :;-r r M In roix ll TtmM. II.0I1P, il;-.()tia. May III. lolin iooiiwln an ex-Moidler, wiih tlio man cxecn'ed under nutliorltv he feilcnil i jverninent In Arlz- "i uik i mi :ei toi.ay by rnlt- e jinr Itiil Cliarlos OvorlooK. n the tr.'n wiih mii-unir. (lood- maile a Btnti iiient that porJitrorH r iioiisiiiio ror hlH deatli. Oil win wrs nut lo il nn lli fnr tho tier ot frcl Klbbo and Alfred F iitrri'liHiitB of Olobo. who t Oil n limit Ini' nviinilltlnn mi San Carloi iTservatlon In Sop- r, mio w III am Stowart. aa cninlited In tlio ITnlled f fonrt of Imvlmr nsslHted In I murder I' nmlni- Rentnnen nf P anil will ho executed Au- l. England Will Insist Upon Pay ment of Claims by Cen tral American Country lllr Ann. Innl l'i" lu coa IUr TlmM.) LONDON. May IS. Tim llrltlnh rorelmi orriro U hopeful or nn ontiy HKttloniout or HritlHh clHlnis iikuIiimi (liinteuiala. Tlio Inut illHimteltw rrotn tlio lltitlHh Milliliter. Sir Lionel K. (!. (inrdon. lndleMtod a HiitlHrne lory reply to tho lliitlnh deinniul wan antlcliialed lu a day or two. I Tlio lliitlHli. .MIulHtor'H liiHlructloiiB aitthoilzod him lo enll a Hrltlsli ;waiHlilp, Hhould ho thlnlt Hh pres li'iico lu (iiintoinalnn wator wan. de 'Hlrnble. Tlio HiIHbIi cruiser Aeolim , Ih now on tlio wny from KIiikhIoii. .latnalra. to Puerto llartloB. Tho ' United Stilton Kovornniunt Iiiih been ndvlsed of the Hrltlnh Kovornmont'n . Intention to InHlBt on tlio pnynieut I of tho linndliolilorB. SHOO ss J. J. HILL foad Magnate Tells Sec. fane to Hurry and Finish Reclamation Projects ' A"''4 Frti to Coo. Dy Time.. ASlU.N'(jT0Ni Mny 13. -Hurry - vuiH,,iei0 tno rectamntion "' ; a'ready under way and bo i. .S con'Petont men in tne ' tllO Ullvlfin' tUnt Ininoo T rallroaa magnate, gavo Sec h.a'?iD0 t()(la' Rt tho reclama S'n,Li !! reiterated his Itln " " me t-oBi oi wio rec pnservlrn in tn..n n,.. .. ,..inn I. --. la HIUI U illl.ll IIIIIU i cost oher services and prl-terpr's-s to reclaim desert U A 0 IIHKIJ IN CINCINNATI. ,n"lH I iii llrcoKiiltloii 1U. re lihllrnfli... -- --.. ... ...... FMa. U-i LVriv. ' l0 "' TimM. i L, lnr"iiiatl streetcar om U nfe(1 t0(,ny to arbitrate eni der,iP(, t0 conMnuo tlie arb Mi " f .t,.,e. unlon . - '"ii ih in si st iiii nnnn union men. CITY ATTORNEY Councilman Winkler Wants New Man in Goss' Place Open So. Front St. Tlin ulront' rOllimlttCO Of tllO clt.V council was Inst evening empowered to ongngo such legal taioni bb uiej decided was required and tako such stops as thoy thought necessury to ro-opon South Front street. In connection wiiu uio uichiuii i the mntter. Councilman wiiiKtor nnu others sovoroly criticized City At torney Goss, Tho matter wns brought up by the roadlng of a communication or rather opinion from Attorney Harry O. Hoy to Councilman Winkler. The opinion was that Kront street had never been legally vacated and that the city rotalned control of It and could havo It reopened. It stated that tho records of tho meetings when It was supposed to havo been vacated wero very vague. Mr. Winkler stated, aftor the read ing of tho communication that this showed that tho city should chaugo attorneys. Ho said that Mr. (loss was nttornoy for the u A. Smith Companv and tho city, and could not sor'vo two mnstors. Ho said that when ho brought up tno ques tion of reopening South Kront stroot Mr. Ooss had stared that It could not bo done tlio street navlng bean vacated to allow tho K. H. Dean and Company to start a shipyard there. Ho saM tl'0,,,Pf-a'lojn4,'i (Continued on Pago Six.) STILL FIGHT FEDEOAL LINE Private Interests Behind Alas ka Railway Do Not Want Federal Competition Illy AMft intf-! 1'riM to foo tlA) Time 1 WASHINGTON. D. C. Mny III. (iovcrunipnt construction nml opera tion or ownnHhlp of railroads In Al aska would be folly I C. Jcmtnett. representing the Ilcndliolders of tho Alaska Northern Hiillroad, told tho Senate Territories Commit toe today. At the same time, he declared pri vate capltul would extend tlio road now existing out of Seward to the MatnuooBka coal IIoIiIh If the navy department would create n rival coal reserve there and operate It through tho bureau of mints or by contract. CALL lEETING OF ROLL MOOSE Marshfield Progressives Will Meot to Reorganize Like National Progressives lllr .Xmo. Intel I'm-m In Ciinn lid) Tlm.) Ilnrry O. liny. W. A. Held and other local Progressives, have called a meeting to be held at the office or the Coon llay Itealty Syndicate on Front street next Thiusday eve ning for tlio purpose of reorganiz ing the Hull Moose party lu this section. Tho mootliiK will bo open to both men ami women urn! It' Is expected that there will he quite a number of the latter present. The mooting was called In cou nci'lon with tho general movement throughout the country to reorgnn le the Hull AIoono or I'rouiesBlvo parly and got ready for future cam paigns. lll'.SV AT WASHINGTON. M FEDERAL AID Charge Mine Operators in the Cabin and Paint Creek Sec tions with Peonage flit Ao. turU t'rrM to 1'nofl Pat Time WASHINGTON. I). C, Mny IB. -Chnrues of peonage, "mediaeval feud alism" ami oppression of workers In the l'alnt Creek and Cabin Creek coal Melds of West Virginia were laid today licforp Senator Kern by Repre sentatives or tho Federation or La bor and Miners I'nloiis. It Is expect ed that the charges will bo used to support a resolution ror a congres sional Investigation or the situation. Copips of the rPsolutlouH adopted by the miners declaring "that a IhiptlHt church could not ho organized with cut the consent of the mine mana gers," were left with a senator. PASSES LARGE NUMBER OF WORTHLESS CHECKS HERE GIVEN I'niHiesslves Uefu-e Overtures of Ob! !!iiii!lillraii l'-it;, I Mr Aw. 4i I'r.'M lu I'uw IUr TIhw.) WASIIIXCTOW Mnv 1:1. -The siiKKPMtlou that rittompt will be niuiio to Imltirn Hunubllcans who joined the I'rouresslve party to re turn to their old allegiance was discussed today by tho IJouso Pro gressives and Hepiesentatlve Illml- iii'.iiuh nf llllnolH. sneak UK for tiioin. IsHiied a statement declarliiK Hint tie only course ror Progressive Hepiibllcnns to pursue Is to come Into the Progressive party where thc belong." AMERICA HAS RESTW0R1EN One in United States Turns Out 2 1-2 Times as Much as in England. IUr .XMfl. UIM l'rrf In Cimm Itnr Tlmm I WASIllNCiTON. May III.--.V rvn port prepared lit the Instance "t the t'nderuood lloiuo and way ami means committee, and the bu reau of Toi-cIki! and domestic coin merco says a comparlsoii of IT In dustries of (treat Britain and the United Stales shows that tho tiinuu factuiitiK establishments In this country havo a higher efficiency and Hint two and a half times as many xvago earners and one-sixth more power Is needed In tho Putted r Ingdiim than in the Pulled Statos to produce a net output of cquii value. The average wages of the IT Industries, the report adds, are only half as high In Great Itilt n I n as here, although the wage cost to obtain equal value of the net output wns 111 per cent higher. FEOERALS TO GETJN AID Claim that Huerta Forces Have Relieved Harassed Troops Near Guaymas (llf AiioiUteJ ITmi lo coot liar TlniM.J XOGALKS. May K!. Agents of tho Huortn governniont hero assort that thoy have recolved word that' more fodoral rolnforcoments arrived by boat at Guaymas and that tho main group besieged a few miles north will bo ablo to work Its way into tho gulf town. tore UNDERBELFREY Lightning Strikes Tall Church Spire in Stratford, Ont., With Fatal Results. Of AMOi'late. 1'rtn lo Coot IUr Tlmei J STHATFOUD. Ont., May 13. Tho tall snlre on tho Knox Presby terian Church, 1G0 feet above tho curb, was struck by lightning today. In tho ensuing fire, tho chief of police, tho fire chief nml a police man were killed and anothor fire man mortally Injured. The threo xvhoso lives wero lost wero burled beneath tho burning belfrey when It fell. . 1 1 ST LITTLE FELT Few Indications of Trouble Locally Intense Feeling Against Corporations TIipio have beon no developments In the I. W. W. strike and no In dication that It Is causing any fig ure. It was reported that tho most trouble would bo on tho Coqullle. Frank Granf, or tho Smith-Powers Company Is said to havo taken a low holllgoronts down tho lino. Tliore nru a number of the I.. W. W. niombors lu Miirslilleld who hnvo loft camp, but owing to tno Intense, feeling general against them thoy nro llltlo In evidence. LA.MPA CKKliK CAMP FOLL VERDIGT Marshfield Man Wins Suit Against Major Kinney for $1600 Circuit Court. (Spoclnl to Tho Times) COQl'ILLi:. Or.. May lit. I. C. Doane. of .Miirslilleld, was yesterday given a verdict for $UiOu. the rull amount of his claim against Major L. D. Kinney, after a trial lu Cir cuit Court. I inane claimed that the note which bad been given him by Kinney was xvrongly taken by Kin ney or his agents from II. F. Wyalt. who held It safe keeping. A number or witnesses were Introduced lo show Kinney's stamlliig. W. P. Murphy testifying that Major Kin ney's reputation for truth and ver acity was "fair." Murphy first re plied to the question that Kinney was a promoter. Today George Gondriini was given a verdict in Ills enso against Con stable Cox, of Marshflold, to recover possession of an auto which Mr. Cox had attached on labor liens filed by the Nelson Iron Works. T i auto was first sold by .Mr. Goiiilruin to Fred Wilson on a con ttact. but the latter returned the uinehiue. While Wilson had It. Fred Nelson did repairs and fur nlshed about :T( on II. As a re sult of tho suit, Nelson loses his claim. J. 1). Goss represented Mr. Goodriini and K. II. .loehuk and Tom llennett represented W. II. Cox and the Nelson Iron Works. Hrcacli of PloniKe Ciim'. MIks M. G. Wells, the North Ileiul milliner, who Is suing i has. O. King nf the (iiirst & King auto Hue of Marshlleld Tor $ I nnnn ror breuch of promise. Is In Coqullle to take a default Judgment against .King, whose utlorueys rnrgot to file an answer to the suit. TO SO SUFFRAGETTE Coiiloguo Ilrolhei's Close Down as ItcMilt or I. W. W. Agitation. (Spoclal to Tho Tlmos) COQPILLK. Or., May 13. Con loguo Hrothers havo closed their camp at Lnmpa Creek as a result of tho I. W. W. agitation. A num ber or tho I. W. W. members quit thore this morning and Conlogue cloBcd the camp until they could re-adjust mattors, It Is understood that tho Con loguo camp was tho one stroiiKtioId of tho I. W. W. In loos County. In tho other camps, they aro said to have only a scattering membership. A number of tho I. W. W. mem bers camo to Coqulllo today trom Conloguo's camp. Thoy claimed that the Sooloy & Audorson camps and tho Cralns camps would bo the next to feel tho result of tho strlTa order. National English Labor Press Director Announces Wo men's Paper Continues. lllr Auwltto-I I'rwt lo Coo IUr Tlmn.l MANCIIKSTKF. Kngland, Mny 13. T. llonson, dlroctor of tho Nat ional Labor Press, announced Its determination of continuing the pub lication of The Surfragotto. "The right Is ono of princplo," llonson snld. "livery edition can bo cen sored by tho uinuageiiKiut of tho National Labor Tress ami nn iiicno niont or outrage oxcluded. The manager believes that an attempt to siippross a nowspapor before It Is published alTects tho right of freo speech. It meatiB a big right if It is Issued. Dave Penwell Sought Today on Forgery Charge as Re sult of His Operations. SIGNED DIFFERENT NAMESJ0 CHECKS Formerly of Coquillc and Later in Coos River Camp May be at Bandon. Dave Penwell. former resident or the North Fork of tlio Coqullle and Inter employed nt Smith-Powers' Cntnp No. I on South Coos Itlvor nml for the Inst week n resident of Miirsli lleld, Is today being sought high and low. A trail or bad checks was loft behind him nml a half dozen or bo Miirslilleld men are mourning tholr ncqiiulutuuce with him. Penwell started lu yesterday cash ing checks right mid left here. Here are some or those who are sorry (lint they cashed bis paper: Vernon Darker. $)'. nnd also ac cuses Penwell or taking a suit or clothes, rain coat and chauffeur badge belonging to him. A. P. Owen ami Lowrey Owen, two checks ror $! each. J. W. Davis, of the lllanco llllllnrd parlors, $1(1. Geo. W. Clillds, of (be P. K. Sa loon, ;., In two checks of $"( and $:!."i each. La Combo and Chaltorburn $10 check. There are probably others, but (hose wore all (hat were reported to day. Penwell signed Ills own niinie to ones i ashed by Vernon Mar Iter and Lowrey Owen, Darker having known him slightly. On .lack Davis, ho signed his naiiio C. F. MeFurlnnd. On La Combo and Chatterton, he sign id It as McFarlaiid and ho used Die name or Lawhortie and Penwell en Chllds. He signs his namo Pen veil as though It might be Powell. Penwell Is about twenty-four or twenty-live years old. Ills mother Is dead and his rather Is at Grants Pass. Ho Is supposed to have left town on the morning train, someone claim ing to have seen him running ror (ho train. It was reported that he had hiked to llamlon ami (ho olllcor there Is on the lookout ror him. .1. W. Davis and Lowrey Owen left today for Coqullle lu hopes or locat ing him there. A warrant was sworn out ror 111 iti lu .Justice Penuock's court. Penwell exhibited coimldorublo cash last night bu Vernon Darker, whom he told that be had a check coming from Smith-Powers' camp thought that It was thai money. Peiiwdl used a pocket check book or the First National Hank, which he picked up somewhere. At Davis & Ashman's ho had n small account and asked Jack Davis (o mnke out u check. Ho signed it ami then told Jack (o mark It num ber four. The latter took this as concluslvo evidence (hat Peuwoll hnd a bank account, but no ono nt tho First National Hank ever saw or heard of him until tho checks bo gnu to come In. When a man leaves town lie ex pects people to miss him a sood deal more than they do. TIlOl'lUiK AT HANDO.V. I'icil Fleger Fined :i1 for Trouble With Arthur Couch. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) iiAvnns. Or.. Mnv 13. Frod Flogor was fined $35 In pollco court horo today ns a rosint or an ombrogllo In which ho and Arthur Coach became Involvod In last night. Coach coming oft second best. J no fracas stirred up llamlon and cnusod much excltomont last night. Tho kind of n girl that a man likes to meet nowadays Is not tho ono that ho can flirt with If ho wants to, but the ono that ho doesn't HAVK to flirt with If ho doesn't want to. If you have anything to sell, ren trade, or want help, try a Want A TARIFF BILL UP IN SENATE Measure Declared to be Most Revolutionary Ever At- ttempted in Congress. nr A"OfUlei rr lo Pool n TIhim.) WASHINGTON. D. C. May 23.- Tho tarllf fight was resumed today In tho Senate on motion of Senator Penroso to roior tho Undorwood bill to tho llnnnco commltteo with Instruc tions for public hearings. Chairman Simmons opened tho argument against tho Ponroso ainendmont'. Senator Lippott ro- rerred to tho moasure as mo "iiwsi revolutionary hill ever Introduced In Congress." Hrlstow In tho midst or tho tnrirr debato, Introduced an amendment to tho sugar schedule providing c.2Vi per hundred pounds on re. fined sugar for thtco years. $1.10 for tho succeeding threo years and $1.27 after that. CIHCK'KN TAMALKS will bo on SALi: at MKTHODIST CIH'IK'H WFIi.NKHDAV afternoon, after 1 o-ilock. TRY TO WRECK New Jersey Militia May be Called Out to Handle Silk Mill Strike lllr Aol4tl I'fiM lo Cuo IUr Tlmoj.l PATKKSON. N. J.. May 13. Thero Is talk of calling out tho mllltln today aftor last night's sec ond attempt to wreck a passongor train on tho Krlo Kallrond by pil ing debris on the tracks. Tho road received a number of threatening letters for the transportation of "scabs" Imported to roplnco tho striking silk mill workers. Fifty dotectlvos aro gunrdlng tho rail road property today. A third unsiircesful attempt to wreck an Kilo passenger train was made hero today. As the train pull ed Into tho station slowly, two men Jumped on tho platform between (lie second nnd third cars and at tempted to uncouplo thoni. Tho tralnmon worn on tho nlert, how ovor, ami provontod them doing so. Tho men oscapod. NIK.HO IS LVNCIIKD. Georgia .Mob Meles Out PiniMiliieiit to Farmer's Slayer. (nr Awn latl r lo Coo llr TIbm I HOGANVILLK, On.. May 13. Samuel Owensby, a negro, who yes terday killed llrooks Lano, a young farmer, wns hm tied Inst night Ho wps hanged to n tree near the Jali rd tils bod) riddled with bu'l 1