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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 12, T913-EVENIWG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOXHV Kdiloi- and Pull. n K. MALONKV Xeus Editor Official Paper of (.'oos Ciuiiily. . OFFICIAL I' OP Till-: (MTV OF MAHMIIPIKLI). TIP FROM PORTLAND. (From Portland Ores'inlim) If Mainhfleld would provide ahout 200 hammem mid nbundanco of roi-k to bo broken, llio I. V. W. would soon fade away. COOS IIAV'S I'MTl iti:. (From Port bind .lonrniil.) Coos Ilav has waited lonjr for n railroad, but tit least one in thor oughly assured at last. After Its advent, tbat greatly resourceful re gion will ki-ovv very rapidly. fillffl SLUICE BUI I II ill OUT FOB EUREKA i " i FUND BAR mm. song I III Aio laid l-i.iimiw liar Time ALAMKDA. Cal.. May U'. -Ho-cause tbe words "nrmy and navy fr ever" appear in tbe national sor-; "Columbia,"' thai eompoHltlon may be barred from tbe school celebration cf "penco ilny." May Hi. In this city. A circular letter was received by the Riiporlntendeiit of schools from local workers In the cause of International peace, objecting to tbe hour and to class room pictures depleting buttle boors, BURN GARS IN TRACTION ROW Street-car Strike in Cincinnati Assumes Serious Phase Violence Starts. Wt AMv Ulil I'rrM In Coo TlmM 1 CINCINNATI. May 12. One or was burned and live deserted and lo't KlnndliiR on streets In tliu down town miction, the crews of tbeso six cars liehiK either beaten or forced to run to cover, was tbe total result of the effort today of the Cincinnati Trac tion Company to operate cars on Its lines. Men in a wagon driving along Hide an Avondale car throw gasoline over It then put n match to It. The rrow, numbering ten, deserted the car and were pursued by n crowd but managed to escape. Steamer Arrived Sunday From Portland and Sailed for I There Again Today. I The Breakwater nrrlved in early yestertlav from Portland and sailed this afternoon again. She had u fair incoming list and a good cargo of miscellaneous freight. Including one auto for I-'red Nelson. 1 Among those arriving on the I Breakwater were the following: I A. I-:, Lnhourtch, Mrs. A. i. La 1 bourtch, 1-Mward Lnhourtch, K. X. CV dwell, .1. W. Klnzell. Clins. Stock lug. Choodoro Carlson, Mrs. Theo dore Carlson. Mrs. Schrieber, Mrs. Lee. Miss Miller. Mrs. M. l- Ilor ger. Oliver llranil, Gits Crate, Mrs. tins Crate. Paul Hennlnghovcu,' A. (J. Clarke, K. 1). Smith. K. P. Smith. Airs. It. A. I-'cltor. Mrs. Slmonus, It. I.. Lilly. C. .1. Hubbard. Hugh Hnrell. X. Slchl. Chns. Shorer. M. linoSLit, Robert Moireil. K. (1. Opam. Mrs. V. S. Harnett, John ! Varney. Mrs. .John Varney. P. I). I Iloml. Mrs. P. H. Uond. Miss Hond, , Mrs. K. L. Tenny, K. L. Tenny, Mrs. McDonald, .1. K. McQIll. Paul II. Miller. A. hlllson. Dr. H. Mont. .Mrs. I.. Davison, Win. Reelper. Mr. I Pari; hurst-, Mrs. Pn'kliurst, James Cblckhorn. Mrs. Patterson, .Mrs. I Corel, Mrs. Hoyle. Mrs. I). K. Dlggs, Mrs. Clias. Keuo. Rev. C. II. Mi-, Wee, II. K. Lee Stelner. (lorgo Ilethel, P. O. Weeks. It. II. Allen. Mrs. It. II. Allen. Kugeno Clark. A. C. Shnw, Win. S. Tldeninn, .Mrs. S. .1. Kennedy. H. 13. Glibermau. C. M. Hill. Grant Cordon, Henry Iloeck, Clara Oalaberg. Sails T day. Among those sailing on the Ilreak water for Portland this afternoon were the following: j 13. .). Johns-. n. W. Crepp, Mm. W. Cropp. W. Frve. Mm. Dixie. V. It. Keller. P. N. Smith. J. A. Qulnn. .Mrs. 13. 01sot t. Oiiun. I. Olson. W. P. . IJryan. K. KrestolT. C. H. Codding. C. j H. McArthur, C. DeuICelberger. Miss, Fannie Lee. II. Defonboch. Mrs. II. i Dofenbock. Itay Defenbocb, James ' Wason, Mrs. II. 13. Ilessey. II. 13. lies-, soy, 13vn Olllver. James Learinond. I Louise Peretira, II. W. Ilolden. J. D. McHroom. C. It. Holsoger. Albert Or en, H. W. Wheeler. 13. W. Ksterhurg. Henry Frazer, Mrs. C. W. Mooro, Mrs. N. Owen, Mrs. K. I.unuo. i-. II. Wane. W. 13. St. John. II. II. May. A. 13. 1 Haery, Mrs. It. W. II honey. Jobni Daw. Ceo. Winkler. Mrs. It. II. Bull, M. 13. Oearge. Leo Henderson. Ar- -vv-ivrw fc" Steamer Saiied Sunday After noon Brought in Big Car go of Building Materia'. Owing to n largo shipment of "i teiliil fin- Contrac'ors Nnson aid Wright tor the new Chandler '.til' I i lug. the Alliance, which arrlv -d in late Saturday was not able t -et i away for hureka until :i o'.-. .rlc 'vesterdav afternoon. Caiitnln l.'f BteJ worked an extra shift In order ,to get away Sunday hut could not. I Among those arriving on the Al liance were: i Dr. Wetherbee. W. I). Sllllwell, J. 13. Vedlln. Mrs. .1. 13. Verdln. F. W. Stlggs. S. W. A. 13. Diitln. Miss MacKenn. 1-'. 2j. TV't. C. I-. I.lnd. L. 13. Tony. F. 11. McKlnley. (I. 13. DeWolf. J. S'.eii- cer. J. Raymond. Dr. 13. Snow. li. Hole, O. Vender. A. Mu'iary. S. Letil-prr and S. Onrre I. The outgoing list for Hureka was: George Alkern, A. Rodman, 'I. II. Itvnti. iiJ. Shroeder; Dill Pom-! en v. Mrs. .Moore. C. M. Levalley. Mrs. O. II. l.ampher. Chns. OHn. O. I). l.tiiiiihor. Miss Anita Oushaw. Jink Gllnet, .1. 1 1. Wlsner, T. J. C'.i.i.iib'erlaln. Vernon Kaiilness, .las. thur Wllden. .1. M. Illossom. J. Gor stel.. John Condesco. Cras. Carrn. F. 13. Tuttle. C. A. Duke, Oscar Jerrel, R. II. Correy, A. Horiiscburcb, Joo Nosh. Dr. Pratt. It. M. Tuttlo. Al Card well, Herman Anderson, John Ilerg, F. McTnggart. Mrs. G. W. Cox, Miss GiiHsle Cox, llell I.envelle. Clar ence Pnshleld, 13. C. Mlllur, Philip Phelps. John W. Ilowen, A. M. Miller. Frank Cuerelo, Ilrcono Agasteno. lleniielto Agartcno. Oscar Johnson. A. Ili-imo. R. Rasdcll. I.. Rcnto, Joe William. Gils Peterson. W. Mcllnur tiie. I.. Loudon, Frank Calonlo. C. G. Dougherty, Hud Wilson. Oscar Ilnl vt 1-miii anil Mrs. II. R. Keller. Choosing a Bank NATIONAL AN Of COOS BAY Is a mntter tbnt should cnll for careful consideration. The features which should bo vi tally considered aro: The financial strength of the bank. The condition of Itn assets. The conservatism of Its policies, Tbo Integrity of its directorate. The facilities It offoru patrons and the Intelligent courtesy of Its offi cers and assistants. It Is our aim to excel and wo In vite you to put us to the test In all these essentials. XOTKM3. Tb"i- will be a special meeting of tl e Murshlleld Chamber of Commerce Tues.iay evening at S o'clock for the piirioso of entering Into contract with the Southern Paclllc Company for their ro-oporatlvo plan of adver tising. All members please bo pres ent. U. C. URKti.V. President. Ilavo your Job printing dono at Tbo Times oiilce. PLAN OF PHOURKSSIVKS. lenders of .Vev Party Favor lug Convention Soon. (Mr Amo.OIaI l'n-rt la Coot 111) Tlmn. lold- I - MKitci: pahtiks. Iljr Aww' UInI l'n to roi Ilr Tlmm.J CHICAGO. May 12. In n I statement today Governor Had- I ley said that a coalition of tbe I Republican and Progressive par- I ty was not only desired but Is I being sought. I THE STORY OF AMERICA IN PICTURES THE DISCOVERERS "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" FLANAGAN I BENNETT BANK hank in coos cocxtv. Kstablislied IHHlt. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officers: J. W. Iteniictt, President. I. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, Cnslilcr. (Jco. I Wliichoter, Ass't Cnliier. i 'o Inveaticnin , W . i 'lui'lng y? . 0Ur rlce, u, I well, nn.i uj ca"'t do S,,l , ,""" 'rtiap.wl ''hit,, mi.. it in. C.ecK:"; Cos Hay Tea, ci&s. u'f ,": KIKi, 5S -ln-N Shades. l ot '-lttc r.. dill mid seo our ,. , " We also Sv .Ck 0( Hi latest tlesiLMis i Ve 80I"e o 7. f""' St t S ' mMjcja a in ug. rnzeen !" TATB AN,, ISgn.lttt .n.P bargains , . ,, 11111 '"'" "'"I icsldccM, Union Storagelfc Expert .Sk.'Si, , Kurnlturo ft"1 Stalne.l antl Ilcpalred 3Sa Front St. h , t;cava orders nnnin. "J Be Up TotT Order your Suit froni TODD Jfe!- "" t-j)cn !7H l-'iiint St. I'wiln BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A I-M3W TKX ACHI3 TRACTS I-'Ol'It MILKS SOITII OX COCXTV HOAI $il.T PICTt ACKI3; $101) CASH, ItALAXCK TWO VKAItS. XO IXTKK13ST, XO TAXKS, l-MXK SAXHV LOAM, IJKVUU 11KXCH LAXIK Buy One It Will Make You Money DoeaM MacKiimtosIhi ItKAL I3ST.VTU and IXSUHAXCI3. Pictures &framin Walker Studio aby Choesj ahv OhnP5 Sec the new 1 1 in of llalij Show at (lie The Electric Sboe Shop at INI) South ItronJivij, Xo. 1. (MIItlSTOPIIKIt COLOIIH'S. Copyright, 1913, by Th Associated Newspapor School, Inc. CHICAGO. May I '-'. Progressive Itopuhllenu leaders at a meeting Hero today decided to urge the Nat Ihinil committee to call a couven tlpu to make radical changes in the policy of the party and particularly to cut down the Southern represen tation. Senator llorah iiciulesccd, al though he previously was opposed to the convention Idea. l-'ormer floveruor Hadley. of Missouri, also favored tbe convention. The conference decided to call up on the llepiibllcan National Commit tee at a meeting scheduled for May !M at Washington to Issue a call for a national convention, this year to arrange for "constructive and pro gressive activities In the affairs of the government." It was the furthor opinion of today's meeting "that such u convention might properly and use Hilly take any other action desirable to reunite tbe party." As chairman of tbo conference, Kouator Sherman of Illinois was au thorized to appoint a committee of Ilvo membtiii who will draft an ad dress to the public mid to the mem bers of the nut tonal committee. i ON a certain day In February. 1 !'.'.'. there rodo along the narrow pans at tho foot of Mount Klvlrn, a few miles from Granada In Spain, a man with his head bowed over bis bronsi. llttln ttmln lwi inti I'lillittr utuiitlilml It i it; tiiiiiu ihj linn i iiiiii ainiiMiluii i along wearily. Suddenly behind j him bo heard tho nolso of swiftly mumping uoois. nut ne uiu not raise his bead. Hut when the sin gle horseman drew alongside at last and slowed down, tbe rider of tho mllo looked up to see who It was. Thore followed n hurried conversation of fow words, nnd tiien the man on the mule, his oyos beaming, his fnce alight with hope itud prldo. and his bead erect, turned quickly his Jaded boast, and. together with the man on horseback who had fouowed him, rode back the way he had come. "who is who?" at tiii: HOVAL TIIKATKIl The renowned .Madame Ilershey and Company opened up nt the Hoyal Theater yesterday matinee With a capacity house. There Is no doubt but that she possesses the most olnborate costumes ever pre rented before the footlights in vaudeville and the electrical effects me the greatest ever seen on the Ainoriean stage today. Kverythlug was made especially for her. She is well supported by an excellent cast of actors and actresses who have evidently been picked for the parts Madame Hershe.x Is an actross of rare ability and we have Been art ists not nearly so clever In Impor tant roles of big productions. Mr. Klngsley, the funny negro, will be wen to good advantage, which ho ti; a riot irom start to finish. Miss Hnberts, the dainty and uitiquo son brofte. will also be seen with tho Madame Ilershey Company. .Mr. Ilnp Palmer, of the well-known remedy sketch team of Merrill. Itym and Palmer, will also appear vitji. the company. .Mr. Palmer lias appeared In comedy sketchos throughout the Fast, whore ho has made an enviable name for him solf. Remember tonight will be the last performance of "Who Is Who?" There will bo an entire change of program tomorrow night and tho Madame Ilershey Company will bo Kooti ju that slde-spllttlng furco com- "The Haunted House, Room -. - Tw Tbo man on tho mule was Chris tophor Columbus, and tho man who caught up to him was a messen ger sent by King Ferdinand of Spain to tell him that at Inst, nfter seven long years of weary waiting and pleading his causo, his requests were to bo granted, Ho was to be made commander of an expedition that was to attempt to discover a now and shortor way to Asia, In dia and tho magic Fast. Only that very morning Columbus, tired of waiting around tho Court of Spain, had set forth Intending to present his causo to Franco, with tho hope that bo might get aid there to pur sue tbe great enterprise he had la v'ew. This man. Columbus, or Colombo, as his uame Is spoiled in Italian, Was horn lit Cnnnn llnlv unnui. where nbout Hill or H51. It; was probably nbout H7I that ho' Itrl l-nllf-ldvflil til.. Illltn of .llenm- ' orliig n new route fo Asia, lor tho next ton yours ho mndo proposals of dlscoveri- to iininv nf tlm imiv. eriiinents of l-Iurope, but none would listen to him. Finally, after he had almost given up hope, Spain agreed to aid him. On Friday. August 3. 110:'. Co lumbus tct sail In command of Hireo little ships, tho Santn Maria, the Plata and the Nina, the largest of which, tho Santa Maria, was only !0 foot long. On tho 12th of Octo bor of tho same year. Innd wns seen, and Columbus landed on ouo of tbo Ilahtinm Islands, formally taking possesulon In tho nnmo of King Ferdinand of Spain. Columbus returned to Spain in March, 1103, and his journey through the country to Barcelona was n trlumnhnl mnrcb. in sn. teniber of that yoar ho snllod again, and discovered the Windward Is lands. Jamacla and Porto Rico. Ho founded a colony and returned to Spain. On his third voyage ho dis covered tho Orinoco. Then ho was accused on false charges by men who wero envious and Jealous of llllll. nnd he nnd his lnntliur llnrtli. olomew, wero taken hack to Spain in cuaiiis. tho captain of tho ship on which ho was brought back of fered to remove tho chains, but Columbus answered, "No. I will wear them as a memento of the gratitude of princes." On reach ing Spain, however, ho was iiuteklv freed. His fourth voyago was to explore tho Gulf of Mexico, but ho was takon sick at San Lucar and lay there for several months. Droken In body and spirit ho returned to Spain and died at Valladolld on May 20. 150G. Tho houso In which ho died bears a smnll tablo which reads simply, "Here died Colum bus." Kvery day a dlfforent human In terest story will appear in The 'limes. You can got a beautiful In taglio reproduction of this picture, with live others, oqually attractive, 7 by 9V6 Inches In size, with this week's "Mentor." In "Tho Mentor" a woll known authority covers the subjeot of the pictures nnd stories of tho week. Readers of The Times and "The Mentor" will know Art. Literature, History, Science, and Travel, and own exquisite pictures. On sale at Tho Times office. Price ten cents. Write today to The Times for booklet explaining The Associated Newspaper School plan. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKXKY SKXGSTACKKX, Mgr. Coqullle Olllce Phono 191 Platting Lands a spoclalty. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Marsh field Olllce 14-J. General Agents 'M3ASTSIDE." Unique Pantatorium T11I3 MOIIKItX nVKIW. CLKAMM, IMtKSSKItS nnd HAT IIKXOVAIOPJ Agent for Ihward II, Strusil Co., Fine Tailoring Lrt u mnko your next suit. 2fl CIJXTItAL. PlmiifSiH New and Second Hand Furnilot od on Hie InMnllmrnt r''- ! HAititiXGTn.v, norr.K w. .102 Front St. Phono IllO'Ii JUrdiflfH, Of. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAIL DKPAKTMKXT LUMIU3U, LATH, SHIXGLKS, MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOOHS. HOOFING PAPKR, KTO. CUT THK FUFJi HILL IX TWO IIY USIXG OUK WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HROADWAY MarshfieldhNorth Bend Automobile Lines TO OUR PATRONS: Automobile tickets are now good on both linos between Marsh field and North Dend. GORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE Low in price, high hi quality, Electric Irons Wo have a few second-hand Irons in good working condition nt $1.73. New Irons, $3.30 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J 153 N. Broadway Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phone orders to Blauco Hotel, 46, After 12, 260L, Right Cafe, Marshfleld, Oregon, The Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do all kinds of haulln on short notice. Wt meet all train and boats and we also hare tho latent style Reynolds Piano Morer. Wi guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner,ProP. Phones 98-H. 120-J '9-I First Class Weaving promptly dono ht Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or. Bowling Alley! H73 NORTH FRONT STHE17 Tuesday Evening Especially for ladies w7s7 hhov:TS TiTiiowS Marshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Co, l-Jstlmatos Furnished. Phone 1H7-L .MahlkM STADDEN ALL KINDS of niatOGM WORK', llronilde tvliti u Itoibik PliilshlnB. A modern Bnrt aMI.$ Light. Steam Hca t t , Furnished Rooms l m Cold Water. 0 8 II O T K L 0 0 O.A. MetUu,rrop. iutM: o ...u -sar Cor. llroaawBi - - T7...,v tvVEK9 In our new location, , poclally prepared to iw i . trade. Regular meals or d0r9' Open dar and night. .MERCHANT - Hroaihvay and CmnmU niirufflff; J. A. Goodwill andJJjB Plate, Art n"?,'lu CU ,, Mall orders and Phone ojUJ prompt attention. M . 727 So. urua""-,'.'. iikWAIM . ml '".V VannOt " '1 for uy tch icn--ffjj E. C. B ARKER Fine Watch f'eVt$ti&ia 200 Front t.i "" t By t ; i.,rti fj