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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1913)
OU WILL FIND THAT THE GOOD THINGS OF LIFE DON'T ALWAYS TGo THE GOOD lost articles ,,PS. roitml ilnoimli Times mini Z lleml llii'in! U-c tlioni: 'llicy ft pftJfMlIll iiIJlJs JJi WUU mum memdeu of the associated pres now m voir time. A small nil In The Times want column inny Iti-ltii; you rcMills Tin mediately. Try mil'. .. . i.ti. I 1 1.. 4U-Ll ifjL. XaaVI. , tj,l. Const .Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1913 EVENING EDITION i Con.iolldntlon of Times, Coast Mall Mn OKC mid Coos liny Advertiser. ' -ou" II 10 CALL ELECTION 01 WATERWORKS OFFER STEAL PUNS OF U. S. SHIPS feter Committee of Council I land Water uuiiiimhs '". on $145,000 Basis Today BAKE BETTER OFFER . IhAIM rinoi uivuiu inatc About $9000 for Improvements and Add 41-2 Acres of Land ... ...... r.,irnii. tcillliy bOlWOt'll .M ?, ....... n,..,i.ii.. Alhrocht nml r.u"",",,. .. ..:.,... .oiMinliloo of tho Ercounrll nml .1. H. Kluniigun nnd IV llcniu'H representing tlio Coin fcr Wntcr Company, terms wore llx- ).". ... ......Ilntlluiu for t lift H for icii'ii'''1' ih"'"" ' , -,- r '. .. ii,. ivnlor MVstcni liv tlio I!" .Mrt.iii.liL Tim nronosltlon In te iw- " i ! " l'"u . milini tll'll '" ll- vinem in r." y election be lii'lil I" about sixty U: .....I .mi ih i 15.000. icMleil en ! ttnu-r system Ih g I nml the wiiHT rlKlitB on niljii- r'l'ml in. fntmhlso nml system! ,Troiiii:ni hist "ffer WI1H ?' ""i BO Hlll3 nlmiil S'.i.immi. wuiiii ii".' Inmcil "'i11' ai'1'""1-" "" .",- i rovcmenlB Hi him H'tv yiwn. huh idmlcil niioKi stnonty-oiio ncroa or ml ... .,...1 'Mtiil-1 iiniriHii"- h coiiioioino. " :.'. ..n.uiiifin uiih to Include tlio (tot tlio corner of Fourth nml Con-, tsl but M si's i-inniiKUii nmi !"- i mil w . ti t to ulvn ill) Hint. ron rty Then tln coumllmeii innilu v' ' ... ... .... .1 I... lepropiiaiuoii nun mu i ' "" " UHi.Odii mul Hint roitr nmi onu ilf acres near tlu reservoir bo uIho icluileil, Tins, tlio wnlur luinpiiny taily ncri'i il to. TI,. ..,.!. .r , iiilillllttIV Will lU'OBl'Ilt M. rmi'irt III tlln I'ltV COIlllcll HOXt oslayivnlm; nml recommend Unit pc clritlon lio cniK'ii hi jiiihh pon the water toiiipiuiy ini ouui. h.rinfiv r ini.HIH'lIll till! llllri'llllHO lit utprliv Imt tlio ciitlio loiincll will in on It litfori' It Is Hiibmltti'il to i people , !T!-piic olitaliii-il is iilioiH ?n.- ia iinii, H it.... it... Ii.rmu (ifTiirml ii IV Ut.Ul HI III v v ....w. ur cr n ii o, tliioiiKh TIioihiih J. cUcf Om.'ilm Tlio prii-o uion wiih iM; i ... . i tn a.l.Mtluil to tilt) Br 0 iMri t ii'iluctlHll. tlio coill- loy Ira ixicmliil nliout ?U,ouu in BprouTiciits nml oxtoiiHlons nml o Imlir.c) fiiiir nml oiio-linir iutom Kljrl in mllitinii to tlio trnct of- rM llir.iiili Nolnu. I'listiiuiio Statu lli'iuliii:. I0?.lnir in tlio now dovulonnioilt til Eir H)li:ty of tlio rlty iur'linlnK Cnna II iv Willi..' f'lilillillliv'u HVU- i"i lli .mini II ..III imiiIhiIiIv nnvt oDJay cirnliiK unit tlio Oiokoii Stnto I'ommlMmm to lioHtpouo mo urine on tlio .Mnmlillolil coiiiplnliit nil niter tlio rpeiinl oleetloit is llil If tlm iii.iii.Ii. vntn tn llliv lllll mt, tin- dtso will bo ilropi'Oil but wmiBo ii win no nnonu. '.,.. ............i.. i uiiit.i i -mi inn. Illsnlfo proposed Unit In ndiUtlon I mo question or inirclinaiiiR tno BtPr S torn ii itfittftiin ii nirtiifl itiniit Permit the iBsunnco of bonds by tlio r to cover tlio cot.t of tlio Hystoni Mtc.l on nt tlio muno time. for tlio pun huso of tho plant, IJ.OOfl Will l.n mmiln.,1 AHI nil e reeomnieniliitlniiB of tho onulnoors ' u t:oiie over tlio pltint. unoiii- i v,.iuu win uo iieouoii ror nii- K)Clll.nlu 111 II. n UKotn,,, n..l nVn. . ,,M ,M tlIU nDlUlll llllll U.1V3I- m which will mnlto a bond lasuo jj.Oj.OOO needed to swing tho deal. Government Detectives Trying to Fathom Mysterious Thefts of Drawings. I Ur AwmlMH I'rrt In ruol liar Tlmni 1 WASmXC.foN. I). V.. Mny I I. DotcctlvoH InvcHtlKiitliiK tho theft of pluiiH for tlio oloitile wlrhiK of tlio dicnilmiiiKht I'oiiUHylvnulu di'ilnroil toiliiy Unit the piiblleutlon of u "loulc" probubly would liuiupor tliolr work nml uilKlit provciit u solution of tho problem. Tho Depnituiout of .Ins til o Iimk sovorul likely eluon, whleh nniy lend to urrouts. .N'otliln so fur luiH ilovolopod. It Ih siilil. to directly connect uny forolKii niitlon with the Buspeels. The fuel Unit tho ordl lllllieo Ulld Htoillll ollKilieerlllK I'll leans of tho navy dopurtniHiit for iiiiiny iiiontliH lime been iiiIshIiik' phuiH mid doeiimonts rulutliiK to Anioileiui vessels mid nniinineiit bus eronted uliirni uuiouK ollli'liils ami will un doubtedly cniiso inllltnry itiitliorltles to Hiirroiind tho war secrets of tho I'nltod Stntos with Krcntcr mifoKiiurilH Xouo of tho iiiIshIiik pupor, olllcluls relti'iated today, are Important or contained secrets of uih.rfntaKo to any foroii;u nations. CHARITY COST I 100 GREAT Less Than Half of the Relief Funds Collected in Chica go Go to Needy People II v Aaaa Intel l'n l I'm. IIT TlniM 1 eillC'AdO. Mny 1 1. About fi.'l per cent of tho alms colloetod by tlio I'nl tod Cluultles U used by tho oxpouso, It Iihh dovoloped at ti lioarltiK of the lettlslutlvo eoiuiiilttdo liivoHtlKutllitr tho charities nml Institutions. .Superintendent ICukoiio T. Lies of tho orKUiilatlon testllled that I T.:j )ir cent of tho inouoy rocolvod was netuully paid out In rollovliiB cllstreiw. l.los said Hint bo recohod n tmlnry of $1.1)00 por yenr. It wus stutod In coiiipurlHon Unit tho rrotestunt Epls copal Soel"-y eollctts at a cost of only seven per cent. 80MBS FOUND IN DAY GOAGH r..,vuu lll'l-UUIl lO BW IIIK 1110 UL'UI, AbOUt SlvtV ,1,1 vu npn rnnlllrn,! In ftil a Bi.a, l1 ..!.:.... .1.-1 n.A - "I'tviill CIUL'UOII BO llllll llIU lon cannot bo cnlled boforo about miuuiu or J lily. HE! WILL QUITS POSITION y Engineer Tenders His Res- aiion to Take up Pri vate Work on Bay. S'jL. EriRlneor A. n. Gldloy has "r .ir,i.. ,?naUon ns ''"V.')' ' arranging to Ko Into tho 'Jle contracting bualnoss on tho 'lis ilecibion to rotlro will bo ro- Hom ( 8ret ft8 ,10 ,S COI1Bl(1- Nala ik " U1L "10st nmo City OI- k ml,.81 la,8'meld hns over hnd. ioS.P,Bt D- l nucklnhnm. Ill pro,'J,c" a8"ltant city onglneor i ronai ,y )P appointed to take e Wl I. for t, ., ,l n lnlS?,-J'' Tho kind YOU have vtr'v ;. I1,0, Phono 75. Pacific - irnnsrer Company. "ve Vnn iv . .. 'Times office pr,n"ns aone 0l English Suffragette Place More Missies in Passen ger Train. Burn Building inr Auo lalJ rrwt io oooi lliy Tlmn,l LONDON, Mny 1 1. SuffraRotto bombs woro found today In ono of tho passongor cars on tho local train on tho Southwestern railway, making tho third outrago of this kind on tho fc-nnio lino In two months. No ex plosion occurred and tho bombs woro handed ovor to tho police. Tho suffragettes "arson squad" do ctroyed a largo iintonantod resldonco near Folkstono last night. SENDS INTERNA! .MACHINE. Siillriigettes .Make Attempt on EuglMi l'ollco .lunge, (nr AsocUt4 rrm to Coo nr Tlm 1 LONDON, May 14. A buslness llko bomb addressed to Henry Curtis Dennett, tho police magistrate hear ing the chnrges against the suffra getto lenders, was delivered by a let tor carrier at tho Dow streot police court today. Tho package was mark ed "Immediate" but disliking tho looks of It, the cautious receiving ollleor took it outside and plunged It Into a pall of water. It contained a tin tobacco box bound with wire nnd filled with gunpowder, shot and a cartridge. KOU IMtOTECTlVE TAUIEE ii DIE IN F M S Aged Wisconsin Man Kills Two, Wounds Third Mcm- of Family and Suicides. Ur AfnliiMl IT, la I'nm liar Timet 1 SI'AIITA. Wis.. Mny 1 I. Decauso of family trouble, which grew out of disputes ovor property, William I login, nged seventy, n retired fur-, inor. todny killed his wife with a poker, shot bis clnughtor, Mrs. fluy Wilson. serloiiBly wounded his son-lu-lnw nml then committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. Mrs. Wilson is dying, tier husband will recover. PENIELL NOT GHT YET BRUTAL SIRE SLAIN RY BOYS GOV. JORNSON SAYS RE WILL SIGN ANTI-ALIEN LAND BILL Arizona Youths Confess That They Killed Father When He Attacked Mother. tllr Awn, lalp.1 I'rcM Io Coo liar Tlmc 1 DOIV.I.AS. Ariz.. Mny 14. Otto nnd Kred Wnlson, 10 nml III years of ngo, arrested on the charge of murdering tliolr father, William Wntson, a ranehmnn, confessed to day Hint they committed the crime. They told n story of cruel tieiitinenint In which their mother wns also a victim. Tho father Is alleged to hnvo threatened to kill the entire family, and they shot him ns ho aimed the revolver. !SS WELLS IS Forger Who Passed Bogus Checks in Marshfield Has Not Been Apprehended. Duvo Ponwoll, tho forger nnd bo giis check nil 1st. whom a number of Mnrsbllold business men nro seek ing, has evaded eapluro so far. Tho ollleers nro still on tlio trull mid hope to land him soon. .1. W. DnvlH wont to Coiiulllo yos torilay nnd In coinpnny with tho innr slinll there searched all the lodging bouses .hotels ami other places In town In a futile on'ort to locate him. Constable Cox, who has wired tho oIllcoi'H at llantlon ami vicinity to bo on tho lookout for l'onwoll todny, received word that l'onwoll went di rect from tho train to tho bout for Dondcin nt (Joiiinllo yoatordny. Whe ther bo went through to Diindnn, or got off ut sonio Intervening station Is liurd to toll. As ho Is neciiHlonied to being In tho woods or on n ranch. It Is likely that ho will stoer clear or tlio cities. .Many I'orgei les. I'ouwell Ik the latest of a num ber of forers who ruv oprntol on the Dsy within the Intt few montliH. Win. Eilniunils win tskon out this morning to begin a- long tccni In tho penitentiary for his op erations hero. LEAVE T ON ALLIANCE Steamer in From Eureka This Morning and Sails North This Afternoon. Ti... Miiniico nn-Ived In this morn ing from Euroka and sailed lalo to dny for I'ortlnnti. sno mm a goon through list and cargo nnd also un- usun Iv honvy business in ami oui of tho Day. , , Among thobo sailing for 1'ortlnnd on tho Alllanco woro tho following: John Stlrd, J. Stovens, li. miku i.ia n . Snillli. Mrs. C. A. Smith, .1. Dovnrd, (ieo. DoWolf, A. Ander son. Otto Miller, W. Miessia. .). n. IdndoU, Mrs. E. Austin. J. A. pay ers, II. J. Cowgel, Judgo C. A. n. w. Morirnn. i. E. Ter ry. J. A. Ward, C. Means, Mrs. Means, S. 11. Hedges, u. lursuam, M. Dotln, A. Hodman, Theo. Deck man, Clins. Sweson, inos. Hill, Lowes Mayeil, J. H. Sharp. O. A. Wornor A. McCoIlan. J. C. Wofford, II. Smith, II. W. Lyons, E. Wen berg. , , . Among those arriving on tho Al liance were tho following: Geo. II. Luce. H. L. Maas. J. W. Ashley, F. C. Hauck, F. Alorhaps, II. W. Lyons, O. Drown, J. '.. Mar shal, R. Campboll, W. S. Clinnd ler, .1. M. Hutchesou nnd wife, and N. Collins. FOK CUItHENCV HEFOJIM. .MassaebiiM'tts Leglslatuio Sends .Meinoilal to Congress. Hr Ao-lateJ rrni lo Cooi fur TlmM J WASHINGTON, May 14. In ttm Sonato today a memorial wns read from tho Massachusetts Legislature urging that no tariff bill, unless it was based on protective principles, bo passed, Wilson Leaders I'lan to Hold Confer euro Early Next Week, nr Aiioclalel rri lo Coo liar Timet WASHINGTON, D. C. May 1 1. Conferences botweoii the Wilson leaders In the Houso and bonato ana othor advisors on currency legisla tion will ho hold at tho White House probably early next week nftor Ma jority Leader Underwood hos decid ed upon the personnel of the House Danklng and Currency Committee. It Is understood Uiat tho draft or tho bill does not provide for a guar antee of bank doposlls, which Bryan has favored, and may contain some other provisions not In nccord with Dryan's views as expressed In some public speeches. Houso leaders are awaiting with Interest, his attitude as an asset to curency. to bo Issued through tho banks, Is ono of tho provisions contemplated. GUN $4,000 North Bend Milliner Gets Big Verdict for Breach of Promise Against King. COQIMLLE. Ore.. May I I. A Jury In circuit court yesterday awarded MIbh M. O. WoIIh. of North lloml. a vorillct for $1,000 iiKnlnst Chas. O. King, of tlio Gorst & King Marsbllel 1 Nni'th lloml auto Hue. No d feuso wns put up. whatsoever. King, m his nttorneys. fulled to nnswer i In sult or uppour nml the trial was ta ken up. n Jury linpiiiiuoled nnd some or the plaintiff's testimony taken. Miss Wells told of King's courtship, of Ills promise to marry her nml of his failure to do so on tho dales speeilled. A number of love letters from King woro also Introduced as evidence, Tlio Jury wns out nbnut un hour and u hnir. the Jurors vnrylng In tliolr vIowh ns to tho amount of heart balm tlio milliner was entitled to. Soni' favored lir.Oll ami others $10,00, but (hey finally compromised cm $1,000. T 1 1 A X US KJ imi ( ' 1 1 1 X A . Xew (.'overiiineut Thanks fnlted States for Keciigiiltliiu. Illr Amk. IiiI I'rot m u. Hr Timet I WASHINGTON. MBJ II. A cable rroni Slmn SI and tho provlclal ns soinbly of Clilnn. expressing i banks to tho I'nlted Slates for lln reeognl tlou of the new republic of ("Una was lead tods'. In the Senate. MIT LEAVE 01 REDONDD STE.VMEU SAILS LATE Tl'KSHAV FOIt SAN FIIAXCISCO WITH IIKJ t'AIK.O OF Lt'.MIlEU CON DENSED .MILK SHI I'M EXT. Tho Hodondi) sailed at I o'clock Tuosday ror San Francisco with a capacity list or pnssongors and a big cargo r lumbor. Sho also took out about 500 cases or coiidonsod milk ror Snn Dlogo, tho shipment bolng mndo by Managor Sheridan or tho North Dond Coiidonsary. Among those sailing on tho Uoilon do wore: Mrs. Peters, Mrs. J. R. Robertson, Mrs. A. Hooting, II. F. Druco, E. W. Itnlston, W. A. Arnold. Col. Webb. Paul Soulo, M. Hartbook, Captnln A. Donaldson, M. II. Haines, A. DorUioff. W. F. Hayes, Noel Deed, Geo. Pe terson, H. Yanson, Riutlea Itoonvla, M. S. Dlack. A. II. Tolman, D. Tuu man, James Davis, T. A. Launlot, Gus Lonburn, W. L. Masson. John Westland. Chas. Kolm, Mrs. W Ilayos, Mrs. W. Merchant, Mrs. E. F. Nelson, J. Ladd, Desslo Ladd, Mrs Ladd and babies, Mr. Ladd, L. W. Jones, A. Drunnell, J H. Lewis, Miss Travors, Nina Richards. G. W. Hoff man, W. M. Knrns, G. R. Maddough, Joo Costollo and J. Parker. INDIAN STUDENTS n.l. GUATEMALA TO PAY OLD DILL Report That Central American Republic Has Arranged to Settle Claim. tllr " ta'el Trot In ran. liar Timet I WASHINGTON. I). V.. May 1 I. Private advices here sny President Cabrera or Guatemala has aceeeded to the demands or the Dritlsh govern ment for a settlement or the long standing Drltish claims. Tho Loudon foreign otllco recently Issued an ulti matum to Cabrera giving him until to morrow to settle, nml the Dritlsh war ship on the way to Puerto Dai ries emphasizes the demand. Drynii In nn effort to help Guatemala out of tho embarrassment IihiI expressed to the IVrltish government tho hope Hint, she would extend the time named In the ultimatum. No reply has yet been received but a settlement which is announced In private advices prob ubly ends the Incident, which threat ened force In the development of tlio Wilson administration attitude to ward foreign debts or Central Amer ican republics. IH E TESTIFY ABOUT O'HARA Illinois Investigating Commit tee to Summon Liquor Man About Case. Illr Amw HIM t'reet In C'out lltr Timet ) SPRINGFIELD. .May 1 1. TlinniwH Vruilonburgh nnd Sum Dal cr Springfield will be Kiiminonod to ap pear and testify boforo tho Somite In vestigators of the O'llara case. In iiulrlug Into the charge of liniuur rallly, against Lieutenant Governor O'llimi. This was decided today at an executive session of the committee. Vradenbiirgh will be asked to toll tho committee his version or the trip to Chicago and the extent to which O'llara participated In the 6votitH on that occasion. Davis Is tho liquor dealer who obtained from Maud Rob inson or Sprlngllold nn alllduvlt In volving O'llara. Ho will also be ex amined relative to the motive for ob taining the aflldiiIL SUFFRAGE IS LAIO ON TA6LE Carlisle ('bai-L'cs of Immorality at Made to Senators. nr AttoclalM rrm lo Coot liar Timet WASHINGTON, D. C, May 14. Genoral charges of Immorality ngalnst the students of tho Carlisle Indian school were made today by Laura C. Kellogg, n student or In dian affairs, boforo tho Senate Indian Priinmltten. MIhs Kollotrtr declared that tho superintendent thero did not maintain a standard of dlucipllno nec essary In such nn Institution. Sho could glvo no specific Instancos of Im morality at Carlisle. Senator Chamberlain's Resolu tion Postponing Amend ment Is Approved. (Ur Auorlate.1 freta lo Coot liar Timet,) WASHINGTON, D. C, May II. Sonntor Chninborlalii's resolution lostponlng tho nmendniont to tlio constitution to glvo tho ballot lo wo men was ordered favorably reportod todny by the Sonato Woman Suffrago Committee Chnlrninn ThomnB nnd Senator Owon, Domocrats, and Sena tors Jones, Sutherland, Clapp, Re publicans, voted for tho resolution, and Catron, Republican, voted ngalnst It. When the resolution Is reported by Chairman Thomas with in a few clays, an effort will bo made to have It taken up during tho pres ent session If the tariff legislation does not interfere. CHANGE OF DIPLOMATS. FORCE TO SCUTARI, (nr AttotlatM t-rett io eoot nr Timet J VIENNA. May 1 1,- Tho Internat ional Toreo which Is to occupy tin former Turkish stronghold of Scu tari until the now Albanian govern ment has been established, landed at Port San Giovanni nl Menua to day, i hoy woro eiiHiuslastluilly re celved by tho Albanians. California Executive Refuses to Veto Japanese Legisla tion as Bryan Wished REPLY IS SENFT0 WASHINGTON TODAY Declares That He Is Not Cer tain When He Will Attach Signature to Measure Illr Ao taie.1 I'lrtt lo root liar Timet 1 SACRAMENTO. May II. After working nil morning on a reply to Secretary llrynn regarding tho alien land act. Governor Johnson an nounced shortly after noon todny ho would sign tho hill which wns scut to him ' days ngo with almost tho unanimous approval of both houso of the Legislature. Governor Johnson said: " am sending n statement of California's position to Mr. llrynn mul It Is my expectation to sign the bill, I could not wiy exactly when I will sign the bill, but prolmb'.j within n few days." POPILS PASS E 1 Nearly Entire Class of Marsh field School Advance Some Are Conditioned Superintendent Tlcdgcu, of the .Miiishfleld schools, and .Miss .Mario Mulouey, principal of the South Mnrshlleld grades ami eighth grade teacher, todny received tlio results of the Oregon Stnto Eighth grade examinations which weie hold bore Inst week. Twenty-four out of tlio 20 In the grade pnnscd the exam ination In every branch, two failed In only one brunch and tho three others failed In two branches each.. Tho live latter who fulled to make passing grades will bo allowed to take examinations In these brunches at tlio second state examination next mouth nml will undoubtedly pass, unking tho entire class advnuco lulo high school next year. This Is said to he the best record mndo by any of the Coo County schools Ibis year nnd Is one that tho students nml teachers are re ceiving many compliments for. Last year almost nn good a rec ord was made by the Marshfield Eight grade class, all hough gcmenil ly throughout tl o stale many pu pils failed and there was much com plaint tlinf the examination wns too difficult. The following are the Marshflold pupils who passed the examination In nil branches: Rudolph Illllstroium, John Mor chniit, Dill Mllnor, .Mnuroo Upton, llnrvey Wnlter. Ruth Cownn, Velum Ross, Chns. Crnlg, Ludvlg Stone, Myrtlo Nelson, Eugene Staddon, Zoo Dolau, Wesloy Sonmaii, Helen Smith. Georgo Terry, Edyth Suninor, Mabel Immol. Clarence Durrows, Knrl Sand qulst, Mario I, argent, Goorgo Graham, Mao Church, Melvillo Chuttertoii, Hector Stephnu. HAD IIOAT EXPLOSION. llr AwoclitM (Trta lo Coot liar Timet HKLIOGOLAND, Ger., May II. Four Gorman blue Jnckets woro killed and three seriously Injured In an explosion or a high pressure cylin der In tho engine room of a torpedo boat "S-148," whllo tho vessel was participating In maneuvers near hero. Ilrltlsli Ambassador to Sultan's Court Quits Post. (Or Attoclateil I'riu to Coot mr Timet.' CONSTANTINOPLE. May 14. Tho Drltish ambassador to Turkoy Sir Gerard Augustus Lowthor, resign ed his post today owing to 111 health. Sir Gerard, who was secretary of tho Dritlsh embassy nt Washington from 1809 to 1901, was married In 1905 to Alice Dllght, daughter of Athor tnn Dllght of Philadelphia. PllTx FOR I'ltOllE. (nr Ao Iaie4 Tree lo Coot liar Timet 1 WASHINGTON, May 14,- Senator Kern presented In the Semito a sor- leg of losoiuuons anil puuuoiis iiuni tlio labor unions of Wost Virginia and Indiana, complaining of condi tions In Uo Paint Creek and Cabin Creok coal regions and urging a rcderal Inquiry t'at the Senator nas proposed. WILED BUYS IDEALPRAR1CY Well-known Drug Clerk Pur chases Business From E. Don McCrary. A biiBlnoss deal was consummated this morning by which Harry Winkler succeeds to tho proprietorship of tho Ideal Pharmacy, which was estab lished and has been conducted for several years by E. Don .McCrary. Mr. McCrary has built up a success ful buslnoss. Mr. Wlnklor has boon a resident of Marshflold for sovoral years nnd is well and fuvornbly known. At tho last city oloetlon ho was elected a mombor or tho city council. His many frlonds will wish him abundant success In his now vonturo, Ground Mhcat at Haines. Cost I living reduced by trading at Haines,