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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1913)
1" TMflBTFWWJ? " 4 T I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1913-EVENING EDITION. Till I 111 ' a T5T l aammmmm bmbbnbmb-i " MNNaiMaaaa m til ' ' W FOR IL SCHOOLS nh nounty Superin- & Believes Exams. Hale loo ouvuiu. vn Mnv 1' ""' ,on aal '?? .. i. ..,,,. i, .m nf ' '' , v Up T Tl,o V tl.o 'rural ord.lni!.i.. , ArlllHtrollK Vm -:'::!?,.. ::" the test in i"-""'h grade i.tipHs. who tin- i,er the IHKli ': f",c ..,.... ...mill VIA. sheriff. l"alH. l''- idl. nnmi i ..." """" Pll.rl.y ...i.l.Im F .i...iAi.,ini i ainab e. tdlib, porcelain. roiiBo- ment. ioiuirini. n.M..-.-.w-,'.'. uti.lnlllll. von rcMiiillH', loitv-c Kilt, lit- 'jcenery. paruriiu-, -leatile, antocoiidunt, ncro- cnJIculnr sjiiiiiii". inun Moratory. iHtliiiniH. ro .l.nllnlM. IHlVorUIIIOIlt, 111!' ilendar. Imi-liolor rt rural school dlstllOU malt Count), an puplh see who liiivc eompioicn course of Htmly for olo ...-I. Thin iiirroMllfltll1 tDQOI". "" ...... .i ..-.- nth (initio (if tho city ii.iiitiiiniii A I' Arm t qui-rtiloiis early In I In ichooia III winrii "ii u as to lie lii'lil cm Thins '..I... Thin IH ('(inducted Blrman of tin' board ol Mho district r ny sonn pointed ny huh uiiieiiu ... mil llll'lllllml III till pus II" -- Lf.Ha.1 ullll IIIICHt lOHH. I fne cnurne or Httnly mi nil Its graduates wrlti rowdeit ior my pupns , Aiilfilnn .if Mllllfll'llllnll vi'iiuwi. "i ....r trout; Hint tills omhiiIuii lievcrc a nisi, on pupiiH pqulrcd to wilt (i on ulgh IW,1I Til U'flPllU flllll Ullll. kIiuoh of penmanship K 1. .Innii 111 I tl' 1 II tU ire 10 qucstloiiH on viv ,ce fliipL-iinu'iituMU u tvor oi noun' ciuiuku ii i .. rH,,., r.. ri iui in wiinM him mii hlaitiio lint uliihi niilllui lie will endeavor to do . .L.i ...II. 1 1 I 11131 Will IK! lllll(IVCI' it Hoard of IMiieatlou TiuimiiL'iih iii inn inn fcwded relief from pros uuuim, nun win in rflis to lie I'linicd dur vjvi ;iiu iiuii inn nil ii lltilnt'il Iii final oxnm wwar) 10 t'liauio n THE STORY OF AMERICA IN PICTURES THE DISCOVERERS -"LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" X. 1!. TIIK CAIJOTK. CopyrlBht. 1913, by Th, ABsoclato d Nowspnper School. Inc. ArrilOPOII It wiih ColtimlniH who dlmoviMud tho land or tho WL'Ktcrn homlsiiliorc. North Ainurlca wiih ronlly illscuvorcil by tho CabotH, ilohn am IiIh hoii So liiiHtlan. And it Ih IiiIituhUiik to nolo that, whllo till threo of thusu inuii wori' ItallntiH, their Kicat dlH covurleH wuro imido imdur tho rinKH of furulKii countrlua. Coliim hiiH, who novor Unow that ho had found a now land, but Imllovod al waj'H that ho had ruaehud Asia, jorvuri thu KIiik of Spain. Tho Ca botH woro In tho employ of HiikIIhIi nierchnntH. HOOL OT B SLs niovnnnl Caboto, or John Cnbot, ih ho Ih called, wan a natlvo of tho anio town bh ColitmbiiH, beliiK born 'n (lonon In lir.O. Mont peoplo lilnk that ColiimliiiH wiih tho only nun of IiIh time to bellovo thnt the -arth' wns round, but there wore liiiny othorn who had the name ilea, nmoiiK them beliiK John Cn lot. Full of t IiIh Idea, lie moved to 'iOmlon about MSI. Ho mibmlttod Uh proposition to tho leading inor ImiilH of DrlHtol, KiikIiumI, and met iiHtnnt encouniKemout. For ninny yearn Cabot tried to urry out IiIh plaim to roach Anla l--i"JlJ'Jlj--NytlH-t'- l)"t n" ,,,H nt tempts ended In failure. And then In 1 193 tho nows leached Knglnnd that a sailor named Columbus had reached tho Kast Indies by sallliiB westward. Cabot uml his backers ImiiitMllately decided to accompllHh the mime thliiR, and on May 2, 1197, ho set out with Sebastian, two other sons, of whom nothing Is known, and 18 men, In a llttlu uhlp called the Mnthow. At Inst, after being fia days at sea, at ri o'clock on Satin day morn. In. they reached thu northern e.x tMinlty of Capo Mreton Isliind. North America hml bonn iiiapiivnrnii but John Cabot, rhulltiir tl.n oil fertile and the climate pleasant, was firmly convinced that ho had roach fd tho northettHtuni coast of Asia, from where cmno tho silks and proc Ioiih stones thnt ho had scon at Mec iti. The roynl banner was unfurled, and In salmon form ho took possess ion of tho country In the namo of Kiiik Henry VII, of Knitlnnri. On his roturn to Iirlstol in An riHt ho hastened to court, where the kliiK nave him jr.O Tor IhivIhk "found the now Isle." The following year Cabot made a second voyage of discovery, hop Iiik this time to secure soma of tho fabled riches of tho riast. Hut ho sailed too far to the north, and was finally forced to return without havliiB realized his dream. Ho died tho saino year, 1498. His son Sebastian was born at Bristol. KiiKland. In 1477, and ac companied IiIh fattier on his first voyage to North America. After the death of John Cabot, Sobastlnn made many voyages to both North and South America. Ho died In in 57. Kvory day n different human In terest story will appear in Tho 'I lines. You can got a beautiful In taglio reproduction of this picture, with Ave others, equally attractive, 7 by 910 Inches In slzo, with this week's "Mentor." In "Tho Mentor" a well known authority covers tho subject of tho pictures and stories of tho weok. Headers of Tho TJmos nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art, Literature, History, Science, nnd Travel, and own exqulslto pictures. On salo at Tho Times office. Prlco ton conts. Wrlto today to Tho Times for booklet explaining Tho Associated Newspaper School plan. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY Choosing a Bank Is n mattor that Bhntttd call for (aroful consideration. Tho features which should bo vi tally considered nro: Tho financial strength of the bank, The condition of Its assets. Tho conservatism of Its policies. Tho Integrity of its directorate, Tho facilities It offers patrons and Hio Intelligent courtesy of Its offi cers and assistants. It Is our aim to excel nnd we In vite you to put us to the test In nil these essentials. Mind Sihool. l'rlnmi'v. I Of the A division hnvn Ibelr lirbiui'M nmi i. n vn Plementnry books. punn (.nuiti. Pine niinllu l.mi iw.ifiwt di last week l5n, Krnest Immol. P-wn, Uobert Ferguson. nee, Kuilolph Johnson, Maud HtiitMiiiuii. Mni'iii Per, .Mnhcl Sneddon, rr. DaUy Adklim and " nao withdrawn. j-'e entered tho A oIiihs dar. the, in. . nr n... P'th grades, enjoyed n "mure ny Jtov. John '"Hi fi'ruije. n"e a hundred In the essona nf i ,- .. iiiiiLaro Hnypi cook. 'ioo. Knglund. Wilfred Mcl.nln. 'Ilmiilo Post, Helen Itees, Harold Walralli, Ablgnl I.edwurd and I.thcl Mngo. TIioho who mlNScd but one vord aro llattlo Itehfold, Irene Four or and Marguerite Wiseman. The children passed In somo very ood papers in Agriculture, Oram uar an Arithmetic for exhibit. AJmoHt all of the boys have com peted baskets nnd trays In tho man 'iui work. l)ltl.KI.(i Wl'S TO TKACII Fim: MISSO.V. To Rtlmtilnto public sentiment igaliiBt forest destruction nnd at tho mine time promoto sanitation, tho Unto authorltloH of Idaho, Washing on and Oregon havo Indorsed n unl liio jiroject of tho Western Forestry ind Conservation association to sup )ly .'100,000 public Bchool chlldron with n folding cup jnizzlo which ihows n way to nvold public drlnk ug cups nnd also teaches ninny les ioiih about the forest lira mil. A Biiunro pleco of pnpor. printed on both sides with an npparently mean ingieus juiuiiiu or broken text nnd pIcturt'H In bright colors, when fold ed along dotted lines prcsentH, In n series of four consocutlvo completed pictures, tho growth or a forest llifo from cnrolessnesH with n match to a Until scene of destruction. At tho same tlmo nro developed u sorles of rules and precautious whllo ouo side of tho comploted cup suggests learn ing to fold It out of paper anywhero. Thcso will soon be distributed In Im menso (linintltles through tho. public schools. Tho cups were designed by Western Forestry and Consorvutlon association, A man living at Auburn, Now York, had a sovero attuck of kidney and bladdor trouble lielng a working man, not wanting to lose tlmo, ho cured hlmsolf completely by using Foloy Kidney I'llls. A yonr later ho says: "It Is a plensuro to report that tho euro wns pormanont." Ills namo Is J. A. Farmer. Owl Proscription Pharmacy, Frank D, Cohan. Oppo. slto Chandler hotel. Phono 74. Phildren With Wormi 7 With voir- ..MM . M eontlooaily lrrltaole.. mi tit - r-v. vus nnnarea cases tronb'.j la wormi. a'a jmptoma of tin 1 worms ars nvtm l to epUepU- mi eleep, itching of Mnaea and often lialinVrr. r.evexal S5K imrife? Wrtor ..& Jotlng cifld i V..tti Bam6. but tfsjWSS .tatita;M?.0!Jff ka tt t.v. "nnirogs riiion? t i'i iS?-.!rty yean. psas Roof FiYPi. how TBBLL J list Electric Lighting Means Real Home Comfort One hundred years ago the family gathered iround the dim light of a tnllow cnndlo or drew up as closo as tho heat would permit to tho flickering light of tho old-fashioned log tire, Heading or sowing at night in thoso dayH was a hardship llttlo wonder our nnees trnl eyes failed before their tlmo. Today a single (10 watt tungsten (Mazda) electric lamp will give 48 times as much light as the eandlu of a century ago and tho light Is steady soft white Electric light is the first aid to home eom- fort. Did you over Investigate its cost? It will surprlso you to know how llttlo It costs to wire an unwlred house. Telephone 178 and let us submit an estimate on your proporty. Oregon Power Company Second and Central. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OMi:ST MANIC IX COOS COUNTY. KMnbllshori 1HH0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 J Interest, paid mi Time ItcpoMls. ' Officers: .1. W. lleiinctt, President. I. II. riiiimgaii, VlccPrt'sldciit. It. K WIllliiuiN, QiHhlcr. Oeo. R Winchester, Ass't Cashier. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FKW TKX ACItK TltACTS FOUR MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY ItOAO W.lti PKH ACHK; 10 CASH, IIAhANCK TWO YKAHS, NO INTKItKST, NO TAXKS, FINK HANDY LOAM, IiKVKIi llKNCir IjANI). Buy One It Will Make You Money DomiaM MacKimitosh I.KAI. KHTATH nnd INHUHANCK. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title J Guarantee and Abstract Co. 1II3NIIY SKNGSTACKKN, Mgr. Conulllo Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a epoclalty. Forma -Tlmbor Coal nod Marabflold Offlco 14J. Qonornl Agents "EASTSIDB." Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 JUST KKCtilYK.' A large shipment of ICIcclrlc Cut Olass Shades. Call and Beo our stock of glass ware. Wo also have some of the latest designs In shower fixtures, from two light to five. Kverythlng In electrical supplies. Barnard & langworthy Aug. Frizeen KKAIi KSTATi: AND INSl'HANCK. Some Inn gains In city nnd Hunker Hill lots mid residences, Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Rxport Packers. Carpets Cleaned. Fumlturo Packed, Shipped, Stained and Kopalrcd. 382 Front St. Phono 190. Loavo orders nt flnlnp & llnrvoy. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TOnn The Tailor and lyjUU Dreos Expert 157H l'ront St. Upstair. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Baby Choesf aby hoes Stv the new lino of Unity Shoes nt the The Electric Sboe Shop nt ISO South Hi mday. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. IlETAIL DKPAKTMENT LUMHKH, TiATII, 8IIINGLKS, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOOItfl, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TIIK FUEL HIM. IN TWO IIY UHINO OUR WOOD. PHONE IOO. 183 SOUTH IIROADWAY Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERH. OLICANEHS, PRESSEHS Mini HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Jhmnrd II. Htrnun H Co., Fine Tailoring. Let ua make your next suit. 25-ff CENTRAL. Phonr. 200-X New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tho Installment plan, HARRINGTON, DOYLE it CO., .idli Front St. Phone SIO-L Miirsbflcld, Or. Bowling Alley! 1J75 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies Marshfield-North Bend Automobile Lines TO OUR PATRONS: . . . . . , Automobile tickets aro now good on both linos between Marsh field and North Rend. , .GORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE W. 8. DROWN j5 A. H. HODGINS Marshfield Paint. (3b Decorating Co. Estimates I'niiil.slicd. Plionc 1H7-L MnrNhfielil. Ore. Ixw In price, high lu quality. Electric Irons We have a fow Kccoud-luuid Irons In good working condition ut 91.70. New Irons, 93.80 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J 163 N. Broadway Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, .Proprietors. Phone orders to lilauco Hotel, 4G, After 12, 2G0L. Right Cafo. Marshfleld, Oregon. ; Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. It prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notice. W meet all tralnr and boats and we alio bare the latent style Reynolds Piano Mover. W guarantee our work, L. H.Heisner.Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J 8-L. A modern Dricfc . uildlug, KloctrU Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL O O O 8 O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates! 00 i-enM n day and upwards Cor. Ilrosdivay mid Market FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo aro es pecially prepared to cater to faintly trade, Hegulur meals or short or deis. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Rrondwny uud Commercial Mfld, First Class Weaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpel Factory Cor, Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Beud.'Or. COOS HAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Ooodwlll and W. E, Sawyer. Plate, Art uml Window Glass, Mir rors, Pi'lsniatlu Glass. Mall orders and phono orders given prompt attention. Kstlmutes fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Hroadway. Marshflold. $ REWARD fur any wutth I cannot make run. . C. BARKER JEWELER Flue Watch aud Jewelry Repairing. iilld Front St., Marshfleld. .1