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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1913)
If THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. EVENING EDITION. MANY LEAVE E We know we wish BI Tl PORTERS PUN ALLIANCE BIG INCREASE yoii knew (ConiicJfroinrKoJL Steamer Sails This Morning for Portland With Large Number of Passengers. The Alllnneo snlled this morning with one of tla largest outgoing pns oongor lists fiho has hnd from Coot Day In a long time. Shu nrrlvcil In Into yesterday from Kurckn nnd brought in quite n list. She hnd a good enrgo of mlBccllaneous freight from hero In addition to the through shipments from Eureka. Among those arriving on the Alll nnco wore: T, If Vrlaa. O Krlrkwnn. W. At- loy, D. W. HcnderBon. A. L. George. ' so It Is predicted, nnd with Ha completion hitlldlng of the road down tlio river to Mnploton will pro ceed with speed. The right of way Is practically cleaied for the en tire distance between the Not I tun nel and Mrtpleton and n largo por tion of It will ho graded liofoie the completion of the tunnel. KOXTAIXE IS HOME. Snjs Ku'i'.vtlilng Is Helng Prepared To Itusli Work. Tlio Eugene (luard sayH: "W n Pmitnlnn nliilllnnt In Miss A. E. Koyes, F. A. Diamond. R ,-Hnrge of construction work on tlio v. iuucncii, m. Jjonstiori. .i. m. jyc, willnmctto Pncillc rallray, returned P. Strang, J. Knlnls and Mrs. M. from n trip from Mnrshlleld, coming Strang. to Eugene over tlio right-of-wny. Mr. The following list of passengers Fontaine says thnt everything there left Marshtlold for Portland on the 8 ovidenee or preparation. McArth- Alliance: ,lr, pt.rkH & Co. nro clearing tlio C. KvniiB. W. If. Mnck. W. W. right-of-way through Slmpson'B pnrlc Warner. S. It. I'lorson. C. O. Brooks, ,, Co08 Uny nll(l wi )t,Bn Krndlng iVJl5mSlnloy'.V & I nrmon. Dr. s soon ns auinclent clearing linB C. C. Jaggart. Mr. 11. II. MoriUon. )0CI, jnH1C(i to ponnlt them to do Mrs. 1). H. Morrison. Stovo Watts. po Tho p0 )lrlvK rrow , on Jno. Hamilton, Jus. M. Kltchon Mrs. i,nn,i t Coon Hay for tho purpose Slice, Lola Slice, Unlpli Slice. Until f testing to ascertain tho location Slice, W. Thorndlke. It. 0. Ilrown, 0f tho big bay bridge. J. BuhIi, .1. Powell. II. Anderson. .1. "Porter Bros, nro concentrating Holnborg, John Eenrly. J. Ichard- Hiipplles at Maploton and getting Bon, P. H. Nalgley. H. Harrison. ,cluly to work at thin end of their D. W. Henderson. .1. Nowcll. P. W. contract, as well ns continuing their Moore. CI. Powells, .1. Kopor., II. ' excavations at tho tunnels which Hoth, J. K. .lonea, H. Anderson, (I. thoy nro putting In. Tho snmo Ifl linker. Mrs. G. Maker. O. Thompson. ' true of Twoby Pros. Everywhere Loulso Thompson, P. Mnrshnll, C. activity Ih flhown nnd with a con II. Gnlllgor, P. O. Strong, Geo. I tlnunnco of lino weather grading will Gambler and .1. M. Ilotchls. take vessel xohtii bo In full blast in a very short time." (JUT .MO UK EQUIPMENT. I'vtohy llros. Shin In Supplies to Akiiltin Will Ho Toned Prom Coos Kiigene. Hy Breakwater. Tho Eugene Guard says: Among tho 110 piiBsonKers nrrlv- "Puller & Haiti. BtibcontrnctorB Ing on tlio steamer llronkwator yes- for Twohy Ilrofl., tbla morning ro torday wbb Cnntaln Ilornt Olscn, who reived two cnrlondB of dump wngonB 1b making arrangements for taking I over tho Oregon Electric railway, tho now tug Akutnn, belonging to They will be used on n sub-contract Alaska-Portland Packora' Aasocln- on the Eugono-Cooii Hay railroad tlon, to Portland. Tho tug will bo botween Elmlrn and tho Not! tunnel, towed to tho Columbia Hlvcr by tho where Twohy llros. hnvo a lot of Bronkwntcr. With Captain Johnson, ' grading to do before tho rails can master of tho steamer North King, bo laid to tho tunnel. It Is out of Cnntaln Olsen will bo aboard tho the ordinary for n contractor to tdiln Akutnn on tho way up tho coaBt. I his mnterlnla over n lino thnt Is a From Astoria alio will bo brought rival of tho one ho Is working for, to Portlnnd by one of tho river tow-' but tbeso wngons wore used on tho Major Morrow Says That Coos Bay Bar Dredge Will Be Here by That Time. PORTLAND. March I I. Tho Or egonlan says: "Hv August 1 tho new dredge Col. P. S. Micliie will bo nt work on tho Cooh Hny bar," remarked Major J. J. Morrow, corps of engin eers, V. S. A., aa ho was nbout to depnrt for Seattle to Inspect work on tho digger. "I bnvc not Inspected tho vessol for six mouths, because of hnvlng been with tho Alnakn Kaitroad Com mission and deta. ned nt Washing ton, but from reports I understand alio will be avallablo so wo can got results this senaon." Mariners fa miliar with the entrance to Coos Hny feel thnt the dredge will prove a material help In getting bettor wnter there. At tho anino tlmo they nro working for porinnnont linprovo menta, ua outlined when a delega tion from that district Journeyed to Washington enrly this year and placed tho situation aqunrely bo fore Influential otllclala. TO CONSULT ENt.'IXEEHS. boats. Captain Olscn, who will take the now tug to Alaska this season, nays ho expects her to arrive nt tho plant of tlio Willamette Iron & Stool Works, whoro tho machinery will bo installed, noxt Monday. GHBOXO.METEB IH AX AXCIKXT OXK. History of Time-Piece nt Myrtle Point In Wry Intc-rcNtliijj. Tho Bhlp chronometer, which has beon sotting In tho show window of George Kncklcff'u Jowelry Btoro, is probably over 75 years old, and tho history of tho Ufa of this time plcco 1b Interwoven with tho early history of Southwestern Oregon, hnvlng been brought to theno shores by Georgo'H grandfather, Cnpf. Wil liam Itnckloff, who wan tho first to sail Into tho Coqulllo nnd Ump qua Hirers. Cnpt. Wm. Itnckloff bought tlio Instrument In Portlnnd, Mnlne, In 1849. Just provloim to sailing with his family In tho 71-ton two-mnst vessel, Ortolan. from Portlnnd nrnund tho Horn and up tho west coast, Tho chronomotor, which wnB Hill lines nnd were shinned direct from thnt point." T IS INSTALLED Several Visiting Ministers Par ticipate in Ceremonies at Local Church. Itov. J. K. Hurkhurt was formal ly Installed as pastor of tho Marsh field PrcBbytcrlnn church Inst oven Ing by n speclnl mooting of tho Southern Oregon Presbytery. Tho mooting wnB largely attended nnd Bovornl visiting ministers partici pated In tho corcmontcB. Tho for mal Installation of tho Itov. Mr. Hurkhart menus his stnv hero will mndo by Morria Toblna In London,, bo for nn Indefinite tlmo. thnt Ib n wnH aeconti-nnnn wiiou cnpt. Hack-1 long ono. Whoro n pnstor la Instal leff bought It, nnd la estimntod to: led by tho Presbytory. ho Is to ro bo nt lenst 75 yenra old. tnln tho pnatornto until released by Georgo received tho instrument notion of tho Presbytory. from his fnthor, Capt. W. E. Itack-i Tho roromonlea lnat evening wero loff, who hnd succeeded to It from very Imposing. Tho Ilov. I). A. tlio senior Capt. Itnckloff. Ho has McLeod. formerly of North Pond, nil tho cnaeB roqulred in currying; but now of Hnndon, prenched tho this Benniun'B clock anonrd ship, sermon. Tho Itev. A. Hnhorly of nnd thla markor of tho flying sec- Hnndnn gnvo tho rhargo to tho pas onda seoina to run aa perfectly ns tor and tho Itov. P. II. Adnma of Coqulllo gave tho charge to tlio Henry SciigMnckcn and ('. It. Peck to Take up Jetty .Mattel'. A apeclal meeting of tho Port of Coos Hny Commission Inst evening took action to comply with tho re quest of the C. W. McNenr Com pany nbout a new ordlnnnco to make the records for tho ante of tho Port of Cooa Hay'a $300,000 bond issue legal. Tho change was merely the re-enactment of nn ordl nnnco at regular meeting, the ordi nance hnvlng been paused nt an ad journed session. It wns nlso ngrced thnt Henry Sengstnekcu nnd C. It. Peck should tnko up with Mnjor Morrow nnd Cnpt. Robert tho plnn of hnvlng the government send nn engineer here to tnko clinrgo of the reconstruction of the Jetty on funds provided by tho Port of Coos Hny. AHOLISH "Tlimi) DECHEE" Iais Angeles Chief of Police Wnnta More Humane System. (Ily Aiocltol I'itm to Coo lUy Time. J LOS ANGELES. March H. Tho appllcntlon of tho third degree In extracting statements from suspect ed prisoners wns discontinued today when Chief of Pollco Sobnstlon ls sued nn ordor forbidding Ita uso In tho future. Tho chief declared tho practice la Inhuman nnd thnt tlio results might bo obtained without' it. HUlLDIXn POK WOMEX. nny tlmc-ploco of that character. Myrtle Point Enterprise pooplo. PABASOL COVKItS In every suado of every color at MABSH- Havo your Jot) printing done n FIELD CYCLEHY. Tho Times offlco. Washington legislature .Makes Ap propriation anil Adjourn. Illy A"rUIJ rrtu 10 Coon lUjr Tlro.) OLVMPIA. Wnsn., Mnrch H Tho atnto legislature adjourned soon af ter 4 o'clock thla morning nftor agreeing on nn appropriation of $100,000 for n woman's building nt tho UnlvorBlty of Washington. Thoro wns strong opposition to tho appro priation In tho Senate I AT TIIK HOTELS. I LLOYD HOTEL P. A. Swlnford, Portland: L. C. Drown. Senttle. Wash.; J. Itoonoy, Coos Day; John Anderson, Cooa City. I1LANCO HOTEL Georgo John aon, Portlnnd; II. J. Snow and wife, Vancouver, H. C.j J. Ilornhnrdt, Portland; P. M. Hums, Corcoran, Cal.; P. Armetrong, Grants Pnss; J. G. Wertz, Grants Pnss; J. L. IlrlggB, Gravel Pord. HOTEL COOS J. M. Salter, Flo renco; Miss KeyB, Portlnnd. Easter Looks Good to tho nmn with good sight. If you hnvo nny troublo with your eyes, It will look good to you If you soo it through tho glasses wo nro prepared to supply. Como nnd bo examined nny wny. That costs you nothing. If you don't need glnscs wo will toll you so. Moderate Prices (Agents for Toric and Kryptok Lenses) wmM Red Cross Drug Store Phone 122-J Motor Cycle Delivery Does Your Con versation Lack Human Interest? Hy John P. Pnllou. If you nro not fnmlllnr with tho nowa of tho day, tho happen ings of the world, tho latest stylo and at lenst an everydny knowledge of music, literature art and sport, you nro nilssln,; half tho enjoymont and ple'aauro of lifo. A chnrming wcinnn, when ask ed how alio kept so well posted regarding bo mauy Interesting things, answered significantly, "I read my paper tl oroughly and keop a scrap book." THE TIMES will keep you well posted on nil tho Important news of tho dny nnd events of interest in tho business world. It will tell you of ndvonturo nnd achievement, of fnshiona nnd wo men's work, ot domestic science nnd economy. To securo tho grentost good from your newspaper overy dny nnd becomo woll informed upon tho Important topics or tho hour you must rend It cnrefully nnd continuously, it will nlso be to your Interest to road the ndver tisomonts In THE TIMES closoly nnd constantly for they will ena ble you to purchase nil tho nec essities nnd luxuries of Hfo to LcBt advantage. u -r TZ' kiStzT, MH rJB i y-.'1 1 IS T.1 M 355ir. rTs) bL-7- SJ0 I eiFsgfc mr w I ri m L &. a Mi, I i J 'Cy iL . a. - --Mi - ff-M",.' I ,' .-,' II UbJ.J I Kf m::n mmmjii1' raShUn,-' lift M . Ii. f.Vtea-'" : o' w rte- wm v?r M u ti ii II J l IV 1 ' ! L J i i'ti eu -in " " in BWpT" ...... a QnJrnln C93 It is our business to judge clothing values our everyday work teaches us hov. Unless you have had clothing experience you must judge clothes by their mere appearance, We unhesitatingly say to you that Penjam in Clothes are the greatest clothes value we have ever seen, They are not merely good looking clothes they are good clothes inside and out, They are all-wool, of course, The patterns are distinctive because tliej are scientifically selected for this special suit The lining is high grade al paca, Tho hair cloth and canvas are soaked in water, then dried in the open air to prevent any possible shrinkage and pulling the clothes out of shape, The buttonholes are hand-made, the collar and coat front are hand-tailored, You cannot get values like these at other stores. BENJAMIN CLOTHES are the great achievement of the oldest and largest clothing makers, Because of our unequalled system--cash only you a? able to get a suit of clothes from $4 to 7.50 lower than old fashioned meth ods permit, Come in and see how well you look in a BENJAMIN suit, You will like Ite clothes as well as the price take our word for it, we know, Perfect serra guaranteed, NEW STETSON HATS NEW STETSON SHOES NEW ARROW SHIRTS "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co Marshfield Myrtle Point ' SXOW AT lWflKXI llwl Wenther Kcricuccd nt WIN Inuietto Valley Points. Tho KiiRone Ounrd snys: "Just WllOll tho neonln of thn inmnr U'M. 'inmetto vnlloy wore beginning to , think thnt spring hnd bogun In .earnest, nlong comes n snow flur ry nnd sets tho date of tho begin ning of spring back n few notches. I Tho lino warm wenthor nil through , Kebruary nnd during tho first pnrt of this month stnrtoil vnentntlnn in growing, trees to budding nnd flow ers to niooming nnd everybody thought thnt nn excoptlonnlly enr 1 1y spring wns coming. Mnny hnvo put In n portion of their gardens nnd In soino parts of Eugene the enrly truck is seen coming up. The flurries of snow which began at noon nnd kept up during n portion of tho nftornoon, wero not nt nil wolcomo. While tho snow hns not roninlned on tho giound in tho vnl loy. the hills surrounding tho city wero more or less covered with snow for awhile. noutiias county will lU'INI) TIIUlCi: llltlDOKS XOTICK, KXIOHTS OF COLUMBUS. All members and brothors of Coos Council No. 126. Knlglrts of Colum bus. Marshfield, Oregon, and visit ing brothers nro requested to bo present at n meeting to bo held in Ma&hV'l1 t0mrr0W ewnta By ordor of e. n. McDonnell. Fin. Secy. noSBIlUKG, March 14. Doug las county will this yenr spend nbout 118,000 on now bridges. Three now bridges will be built, n stooNconcrete brldgo nonr Oakland, n steol-concroto brldgo across Elk Creok, sovon miles weht of Drain, and n wooden brldgo with concrete plors ncrosa tho Cnlnpooia river, near tlio Umpqua brldgo. Tho coun ty court on Monday purchased nn automobile for tho uso of county of ficials. Tho machine will bo usod for the most part by tho road on Klneer In making trips ovor tho county roads. KniDS HUYS BLOCK. Timber Denier Pays 200,000 for Property In Oakland. PORTLAND, Ore.. March 14. r-red A. Krlbs, tho woll known Port land capitalist, Invested $200,000 in realty this week, buying of J. W. Cook a quarter block at tho south east corner of Eleventh and Alder street. Anothor big Portland deal hub weeK was tlio salo of Charles K. Henry's ouarter-bloek nt Fourth nnd Oak streets for $500,000. Tho buy er Is tho Lawyers' Title & Trust Company. PAUAKOL COVKItS In every shade of every color at MABS1I-I-'IELI) CYCLKUY, Try The Times' Want Ads. Try The Times' Want Ads. TAIUFF COMES fW H Pivhldcnt Wilson )"" iinliii- Taken Up rlwiLir WASHINGTON, ' current legislation -,tfij if the t.riT TJM which Presldeni ?ttii' agreed upon. angfr UIUCUDSCU ivo""- , fl uxmaxxliu.;,! pout lut'"":,, tt" u with no one ' all sails set. itoyZdt! oniioH into Port u"", .tit other day and ! per end .of "" T"l ' beached eJaeUiJ or "d i rt,0tha & somewHciu -- .& t u 7 ion" of local J away from l'er. ,at. wero In tho ". c.i.scr bers wn m echo it I '. ,itf favor p" i,2, 0n W 1 ii'ivuzj Mf " . ii!I epuo" "