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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1913)
M mts2 22ZE. i WISE MAN MAY CONCEIVE AN IDEA THAT ANY EOOL CAN THROTTLE (Horn m.qT articles ,, i,.-! f""L """"k'1 TI""'H "'"" Jj7lbrml Vm' l'"1' f'''"'y tm?s eet rc-ii'" MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PItES itiJiimtjtjsuiLjtUi xow ts voru timi:. I A sinnl) nil In Tlu Times y,nnt column limy bring ni icsnlls . - mollntoly. Try nnc. H .. .,.,,.. f...i it iufu ...will l'.Siailll.ill- ! mu VOL. AAaVI. u i')lu Coast Mnll. WOMAN SUFFRAGE WILL BE ONE OF LEADING SUBJECTS Democrats Decide to Make it tcr in Extra Session. POINDEXTER WILL Utl unHiniviHiuonir Progrcssife Slated for Place; held in Movement. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 191 3 EVENING EDITION -EIGHT PAGES. UlntJon of Times, Coast Mail " v-uds ijuj- miveruser. No. 205 LET US TALK IT OVER HTGH Si T THREATENED HE position niul policy of tho Times on public iiucstlons nro BO Well known tlmf If ur,n..,o needless rolttorntlon to repent them bore. Tlio Times believes Hint nil public franchises belong to tho people niul should bo lcopt In triiHt for tho people. The Times believes thnt the Termlnnl railway franchise should hnve been owned nnd con trolled by the city. It opposed tho original granting of the franchise on theso grounds. Hut Tho frniichlso hnB linnn nninln.l nnd given to tho KOiitlotnaii who Inter courts ns n result f"1'" th? Toniilnnl Hnllwny Co. It nwnkened public so doing the snmo shnll not conflict or revoke nny of tho powers In this ??",". rcBorvc(I t0 tho City of Mnrshflold. UAuocUtf4 I'nai la Coon Ilajr Time. WASHINGTON. Murrh 15. Tlio Democrats of tlio Sennto hnvo de i.rmincl to tnko tho commltteo on toman auffmKo out of tho nilnor Hr lists niul moke It n nuijorlty committee x itti Sunnier Tiiomns or Colorado ns clinlrinnn. This wiih done In expectation of suffrage bo lts one or tlio live subjects for th Senate's loiiHlilurntlon. it was lea decided to plnco the commit tee on public health In tho ninjor fltr list with Hiinsdiil of Louisiana, I probably, ns chairman. Senntor I'olndexlcr who elnsst's himself ilth the Progressive pnrty, will get i minority tliiilriiiiinshlp at tho hinds of the Doiiiocrnts who look to RepuhllcniiH to provide loinmlt tee places for Ii I in. Tho reforms proposed by the Democratic man ners In the method of selecting committees nnd committee chair men oro presented to tho caucus tr Clialrmnn Kern witu an ex planation thnt they were to bring tbe Senate nearer the Ideal of Democratic government than It had teen. Senator Tlllmnu himself inado a motion that his iinino bo substl toted for thnt of Senntor Martin ns chairman of the appropriations committee. Greeks Aroused by Bulgaria's Claim to Turk Territory Conquered by Greece. Ill Asoclatr. prrn o Cooa tlr Tlmra.l ATHENS, Mnrch If.. A strong fooling ngnlnst tho HulgarlniiH Is sprendlng with great rimldltv among tlio (Jreek populutlon. Only mo strong iiund of tho proven tt violent outbrenks. Tho Ir ritation of tho Greeks Arises from tlio llulgnrlnn claim to great Btretches of tho orstwhllo Turkish territory which Greece considers bolongs to her by right or conquest. Is now out of Mm lintulu r ,i,,. .,' pie. It was snregunrded to some extent by various stipulations nnd provisions to protect tho rights of tho people. Tho question now comes up shall tho present owners or tho frnnchlso, Tho Terminal Hnllwny Co., transfer it to tho Southern I'nclllc Hint clnuso scorns fnlrly cxprcs bivo to the average render. Hut lnw yeiB hnvo ways of picking flaws nnd finding technicalities that nro con fusing to tho uverngo citizen. Tho limes believes, however, thnt tho intent and nurnoHn nr tim nimvn clnuso is clearly convoyed. In tho ilKht of tho recent decisions of our of nn aroused nnd Ell FEDERALS AND REBELS RENEW BATTLE NEAR BOUNDARY GERMAN CONSUL i EG WOMAN RETURN S M if lie IS IN DANGER C. A. Sehlbrede and Major ftiiiney wire Nat ue nial of Reports. Tbe stories circulated in North Bend durlne tho lnnt tnw ,i,,v. ,i,,..t MJor Kinney being on tho vergo of .hiobi counpHe, wero denied to- y Being unqtiulirivdly fulse by ',7? ?m c- A Sohlbredo " Major Kinney. JPF, Klnnoy received tho willing telcgrniu from C. A. Sohl ww. ho Is In Portland with Ma jor Mnncy; l)l.4j0r'8 hea,th nover bettor. All ffi l? lhe fon"-nry wilfully ami oillclously (also. Hnmmond not tt Jiainr tt nnn .......1.... .- T . UM. Are mak in- fi ....... i.. ceil" i""h'va iii A1 c- rn''s. w. J. w!i 8ttSrney' Bent N'u following inrpim When ho u'!n iniiii.lDn.1 tl. . Kin 11 ma hcro woro clnlmluK that taiSSe'r""110 Ul lh I,0tltlon lor K nn."Wlns Traill from Mn J"M Personally: ., neaitn never imni. ni.. n&& ab? ? B.SS ' Sler x l not Btnnd .i. more ability than iiiov. .,.., i.. "7d7ln Jm EetUllK t-nBor ov V in etery way. Good night." TkeTlmeantd u,0,llBtor Btated to " report the,r ",0,toloi'"o"o that i.i. '!port. that he hnd rnriv,i n - S. Hnmmond in- ,h ir of JOr Klnney waa on Solely fflia0me"tal collapse wns 111 S ri!ei ,0 Bal(1 thnt ho ueyer received nm. o..i. i '"1 irom m- i, ' -ii iuiu- Oo. Mr iTnil.1 ammond- Purthor m w.r' "o'llster said that h w. Mrs. Clarkson Who Deserted Minister for Burglar Is Repentant. Illr AiioclOM I'rrit lo Coot Ilr Tlmn.) CHICAGO, Mnrch in. Mrs. Ma bel Clarkson, the iuIbbIoii worker who run away from her htisbnnd, Hov. NeBter K. Clarkson, nnd five cnuciren last ChrlstnuiB with Owen D. Conn, tho alleged "socloty" mirginr, under arrest In Han Fran cisco, arrived In Chicago todny. "I have como hack ponitont, with a snd heart to ask my husband's for giveness," biio Bnld. "if my Iiub baud rofusoB to tako mo bnck, I Biiitii necomu n missionary. Clarkson said ho ' had decided not to forgive his wife, hut that ho might change his mind after n porsonal interview with her. OFFER PLACE TO UGH Mil lOt kaM.j .. r!,e K rep0rtBCtnV0.r8hlp ,8U,t8' 8e Mil that E t0 tho contrary. ? 'tlSlUBh Wanted t0 80 Wl LIT, ' f Xort" Dnd, a nanc""e f,r Major Kin! i,p Morrii .Br?h".eld today w,t' Holll,ter0LrJ! a"u stated that Mr. 10 b telwr.. I w,mt Pnortil t Major KinnVhleh k was Btated MU condU ey wns in n 80,,'ou8 'r term, th?1 p,ut U ln raUcl1 T.j. "na than linrntn o,.i tamZ?T The Tim;. ..."'." ttli ed by a very was in- Times .T? dan th;.:' Piailo Mnrsh- ,h stated it.;, Iast toleBr'n . SnJnT he Baw . l.AtC0rilnB fta,m Ra,sel' fe',0' Portland 8t0ry reco,ved ShSlCook ?d,.a mnn y tho !. of the . ,B 8ald to e a Marshfield Man Unable to Accept Tender of Gov ernor West. ' Hugh McLnlu of Mnrshlleld lms Just notified Govornor West that ho could not accopt nn nppolntment ns a inembor of tho Oregon Compensa tion Commission, which wns tendorod him tho day beforo yestordny. Tho appointments nro bolng m ado undor mo Workmen's Compensation Act, which was passed by tho last legis lature. A salary of $3000 por year Is attached to tho position, but Mr. .Mcuain did not feol that ha could glvo up his business on tho Day for No announcement lins boon re ceived concerning tho possibilities of tho U. S. Mnrshnllshlp for Oregon, for which Mr. McLnln Is n strong candidate. Howovor, como strong Oregon frionds of Ilryan nro work ing for nnothor enndidato nnd the "Peerless Leader,' now a momuor of tho cablnot, may throw ills Influence Into tho gnmo which would nut Mr. MoLnnoutcnMheruniU to tho story. Shahan, Frank Waito and Major Kinney first bought tho property, Shahan advancing $25,000 cash, $54,000 being borrowed from n Portland trust- company with tho result thnt J. K. Kollock was ap pointed trustee Shahan later withdrew and wns given a mort gage for $25,000. Later, it waB found, according to tho story, that tho mortgage given to Shahan was not valid and that Instead of It terminating his interest In tho deal his estate still roiains tho one-third Interest. It Is nlso stated thnt instead of $250,000 cash, Ivmjor Kinney will not receive much more than $100, 000 ensh out of the deal, as his net proceeds. Why not? If the provisions protecting the noo."' Iiro binding on tho Termlnnl Hal way Co. they will ,o oiiully binding on tho Southern I'nclllc. Tlio franchise Is no longer the property of , J.. '"" "' lM0 t,l u ' owned by Tho Terminal Co. It can mnko no possible difference to tho people whother the ownership Is in tho hands of The Terminal Hnllwny Co., n smnll corporation, or tho Southern I'nclllc Co., n lnrgo corporation. In tho mnttor of Borvleo and actlvo uso nnu operation or tho frnnchlso tho Southern I'aclllc Is In a position to do moro than tho Termlnnl Co. Now thnt the frnnchlso has pnsaed from tho ownership 0f tho city, why not plnco It whoro tho city nnd Its citizens will dorlvo the grenteHt pos- uiuio ueneiiis rrom ill There Is somo cnmplnlnt thnt tho so called "common tiBor" clniiBo Is inoillrlont nnd Ineffoctivo. Here It Is, read it for yourself: SECTION 11. Tho City of Marsh Held, expressly reserves tho right and power to pormit nnd nllow nnv nnd ovory rntlrond company which shnll deairo to run Kb freight or passenger enra or trains of enrs Into or through the City of Mnrshflold upon Front Street North nnd Front Streot Soutli. Ilrondwny South nnd Kruso Avenue Knst, and nny person, Ilrm or cor poration who shnll doslro to receive an iruigui. enra ni any wnronouso or factory In said City of MnrahfloM to connect with tho nbovo main trnckn of said grantees, their holm nr as. signs, with proper spurs nnd switches nnd to rcqulro said grantees, tholr heirs nnd nsalgns to recelvo snld cars or trains of enrs nnd transport and switch tho same on nnd over said tracks nt such uniform and roa. Bonnblo rates, and undor such rco sonnblo regulations ns tho City of Mnrshlleld may by Ordinance llx and order, nnd this shnll apply to their roads constructed on rights of way ncgulred over prlvato property on its road whoro steam mny bo used in said city. Tho grnntcca. their heirs or as signs, shall hnvo tho rluht hereun der to entor Into such t radio agree ments and arrangements with other common cnrrlora ns may bo neces sary or convenient to tho onorntlon of tho UnoB of railway horeln pro vided for; provided, howovor, that ln dntlSO COtlld not tin rntmtriKxl ntlln than tho Intent nnd purpose, which wns to pormit nil rnllwnys to uso when tho occasion required It. jf this is true thoro enn bo no vnlld objection to tho transfer of tho frnnchlso to tho Southern I'aclllc. This Is only a common boiiso vlow Of a matter thnt nnnm imnnln nr muddling without nppnrcnt cause. To Tho Times It Is n case of twoc- uiu nee anu iweeciio num. Hero Is another section of tho frnnchlso thnt is worth rending: SUCTION 0. Tho City hereby re serves tho right to mnko such regu lations ns to tho Hneed of ruiitiin.T enrs on snld rnllwnys, ns tho pub lic snfoty nnd convenlonco demand and to mnko such other nnd further reasonable and necnsHurv mirnin. tlons as tho public health, snfoty and convenlonco mny require. Tho rnto of faro Bhnll not exceed llvo cents for nny pnssonger travelling In ono direction within tho limits of tho iiy or .Mnrswioid, provided that tho rates for tho enrriago of botli pas senger and freight shnll ho subject to regulation by the Railroad Com mission of Oregon. Paid mombors of tho police forco and of tlio lire de partment In uniform nnd mnll enr rlera in tlio service of tlio United States, nil while on dulv. shnll bn carried freo upon the railways opor- mcd under this ordlnnnco. Members of tho police forco on duty In plain clothes Bhall likewise bo carried free under tho rules of tho grantees, tholr holrs nnd nssluns. nnnrntlnir anld rnllwnys; excepting thnt for rid ing in or for uso of observation, fu neral, pnrty or other spoclnl enrs for the carriage of passengers, tho gran tees, their holrs, and assigns may cunrgo ami collect suon compensa tion, rates and faros from tho pub lic ns mny bo desired, provided tho snmo bo llxed nt a regular and uni form rate. RELD IN JAIL Many Prominent Men at Her mosillo Jailed for Re fusal to Loan Money! til AmocIaIpJ I'itm to Coin Ilijr Time J NOGALKS, March 1C Max Mili ar, a ucrmnn consular ngent nnd bunker nt Hormoslllo, is held in solltnry confinement nt Sonorn, tho state eapltol, according to Americans arriving hero todny. Mnny other business men at Hermoslllo wero Im prisoned for tholr rofusnl to mnko nuns in mo stnio government. Mul ler Is snld to bo tlio only foreigner arrested so far. General Ojeda With 475 Men March Against 900 State Troops. MOVE BACK FROM LINE TO FIGHT EACH OTHER Opposing Armies Try to Avoid Complications With the U. S in Conflict. HANK WAS KAIDKI). Muller Snvos Must of VmuU Heftirc Mexican Itcbcls (,'ot Illtu. IP Aliod.le,! rru to Coon liar Tlmpa.) TUCSON. Ariz., Mnrch 15. Mnx Mullor, tho Germnn cmiHiilnr ni..n nt HermoBllIo, manager of tho Hanco do Sonorn, has boon Imprisoned iriid tho bank seized by tho authorities, according to rclnblo reports hero. Mullor Is Bnld to hnvo aroused thu dlsplensures of tho Btnto authorities by refusing to nogotlnto a loan. Tho bank wob raided but only 2.-I00 nnnnu woro found, Mullor having mado pro vlslon for tho Bnfoty of tho funds. WILSON PLANS LIVELYiWEEK With theso provisions The Times thinks thnt it does not mnko nny Will Pnf Mnu Pnlipmc infn Cf dlfferonco whether tho frnnchlso Is VVI" "1 ltW rOHCieS intO br owned by Tho Termlnnl Co. or tho Boutiiern rnclllc. The Times linn too much conll denco In the Integrity of tho present owners of Tlio Termlnnl Co. to think they would willingly botrny tholr community for n fow pieces of silver. When these men Btnto that tho fran chise has not beon mndo n matter of gran nnd bnrtor but Is to bo trans ferred to tho Southern Paclllc at tho cost of actual money oxpended with Interest Tho Times falls to see any objection to permitting tho transfer. Voto "yeB" on tho question Tuesday. feet and Issue Call for Special Session. HK TIMES hns already ex presed itBolf favorablo to the Coos Day band. It thinks tho peoplo of Marshfield should support It. It bollovcs that beauty Is as necessary to tho de velopment of our lives ns bread. Wo need music ns well ns meat, roses ns woll ns roasts. Tho band is an Important feature In foster ing nnd furthering the musical tastes of tho community. Marsh flold and Coos Day need tho band nnd it should recelvo tho support of ovory progressiva and enterpris ing citlzon of tho city. Voto "YES" on this proposition noxt Tuesdny Illr AuorUti rrrn lo Coo Ilajr Time.. WASHINGTON. Mnrch 15 Whllo tho present week hns boon elvmi over Inrgoly to the organization and tho filling of soma of tho vncnnrlPH occnsloned by a chango In tho ad ministration, word was sent out from the Whlto Houso today that next week thoro would bo a change of activity. Somo of thu adminis tration's now policies, it was snld. would tnko dcMuito form. It is ex pected that President Wilson not only will Issue his uroclninntlnn calling an extra session of congress, but will nmko somo Important nn- nouncomouta about tho future course of his administration. tnr AorUlm r-rcn lo Cooa Ilr TlmM 7 NACO, Ariz.. March 15.- -FenriiiK for American civilians nnd troops ov the Arlzonn side of tho lino horo. General Olivln uimriiv ,.n.... m -.' dock, gnvo conimnnd to evneunto tin town. With his 175 men, ho mnrch' cd away to the southwest leaving tlu fortlllcntlons nnd fnclng the ononis of twice Ids strength. Dnybronk found tho contending forces In reln- . y Jho BI,mo loltlons ob last night. Tho falluro of tho state troops to movo on Nnco was oxplalnod by tho tardy nrrlvnl of Porfm-i,, iim.' inontoB group. On tho approach or Ilrncamonte this morning, making the constitutionalists nearly 1,000 strong, tlio two leaders sent out n request to Ojeda to movo south to meet them nnd prevent nny danger tp Americans. Later Ojeda accoptod thu situation. One Aiiicili'iiii W'liiiiuiixi Hy 11 o'clock tho bnttlo wns In progress two miles bolow the bordor. OJediiB men charged to tho top of a rldgo of hills, dismounted and took Bklrmlsh positions. Cnllos' groupo advanced from tho South nnd throw gruelling Hro ngnlnst tho federal n0 sltlons. " A. A. Hopkins, n doputy marshal!, was wounded In tho leg whllo stand ing on tho International lino. The tiring wns furious from tiw. ainrt Tho fedorals once brought into pity throo Hold pieces and tho robol out posts rerented. Tho fedorals press ed forward tho main groupo of tho Cnlles constitutionalists. Each forco holds Its position. IJrncamonto'a group, which wns advancing on Naco jt tho tlmo of OJcdn's unexpected departure thon begnn moving to tho una, Bianco or uaiics. Htnrtlcd Itobcls. Startled by tho unexpected as sault of tho federnlB Callea' forcos begnn nt noon to fall back. Irraca monto's group nrlvod, but failed to Btom tho tldo or rotrcnt. Tho fight ing tills nftornoon wns nearly throo miles south of Nnco with tho fedor- ais iiogged ly pressing forwnrd. OJodo had two rapid llrors besido his Hold pieces. Ily 1 o'clock tho lighting wns gen eral between 500 federals and 900 state troops. Tho constitutionalists wore hoglnnlng to hold tholr posi tions respite tho nrtlllory Hro. PANAMA L IS IN Work on Great Waterway to Be Stopped Unless Special Session of Congress Makes Appropriation. ' (nr A.ioclaleJ rrrai to Cooa liar Tlmra 1 WASHINGTON, March 15. Of ficials of the Isthmian Canul com mission forcsoo ombnrrns8ment' should tho spoclal session of con- OLNEV UNABLE TO TAKE POST gross fall to tlon for tho SOME EGG nitlXKS. Egg Phosphate. Efig Lemonade. Egg Chocolate. Egg Mnlted Milk. Egg N Egg Manhattan Cream. We mean egg-actly what wo say. LEWIS' CONFECTIONERY. Old Democratic Leader De clines Ambassadorship to Great Britain. Illy AnoclateJ Vrraa to Cooa Dar Tlroea. WASHINGTON, March 15. Rich ard OIney of Boston, to whom Wil son offered tho post of ambassador to Great Britain, has declined. The letter declining tho post wns receiv ed from OIney today and was said to bo of a confidential naiuro and therefore was not mndo public, It Is understood that Olnoy has been In poor health and Is loatho to change his residence owing to ?.Is advanced ago. provide an approprla Panama Canal work carried in tho sundry civil appro- prlailon, which was vetoed by 1'res Idotn Tnft tho day ho relinquished ofllco. Tho bill cnrrlod $1C,2C5, 393 to meet tho oxpodltures In volved ln tho many departments of canal work nnd tho operations will como to a speedy close If supple mental legislation is not provided. GIVE UP PLAN TD ill nir. Tcipucoe FORJCHOOLS M Chairman Lovett of the U. P. Says California Balked Separation. (Or AuoclateJ rrraa to Cooa Hay Tltnea ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Mnrch 15. Chairman Lovett of tho Union Paci fic system announced in federal court hero today thnt tho modified plan for tho dissolution of tho Un ion Pnciflc and Southern Pacific merger had been abandoned be cause of opposition of the California Railroad Commission. PARASOL COVERS ln every shade of ovory color ut .MARSH FIELD CYCLER Y. Supt. Tiedgen, Principal Bar ker and Nineteen Re Elected. At n meotlng of tho Marshflold school board laBt evening, Supt. Tiedgen, principal A. L. Barker and nineteen of tlio present teachers woro ro-olectcd for tho ensuing year. In fact ull of tho teachers, except four who did not desiro to remain, wero ro-olccted. Tho four who plan to leavo nro Miss Carpenter, who may go to Honolulu next year, nnd Misses woodworm, Mogford nnd Unldwln. A fow of tho regular raises- In sal aries woro mado. Tho following aro tho toncliors re-oloctod: High school A. L. Barker, Esther Silverman, a. L. Grannls, Walter E. Morris, Anna M, Browning nnd Eliza beth Moore, Tho other teachers ro-olected aro Mario T. Malonoy, Mnry E. Thomp son, Alice Armsby, Helen Landrlth, Hlldn Stonholm. Loulso Wilbur, Ad neo Palmer, Lucy Spooner, Irono Ab bott, Belle O'Connor, Rosa Glossop and Lllllau Elmore. Miss Palmer ia to do grade work nnd teach drawing. Miss Spooner is to do grade work nnd tench music. Miss Armsby is to tench music and grade work. All will recolvo extra pay for teaching tho special branches Mrs. Annlo Stonholm wus re-elected Janitor at tho Central school and J. II. Cox wns ro-olected Janitor at tho high school. The board adopted a resolution re questing teachers who havo not done summer school work within a year WANTS l5. RECOGNITION. Mujor Gillette Urge Britain to Ay- m-ovo lliicitii's Government. , illr AuoclateJ I'rtia lo Cooa liar Tlmta.1 WASHINGTON. March 15. Im mediate recognition of the. Ilunrtn government In Mexico was urged on Secretary Brynn todny by Mnjor CnssluB E. Gillette, U. S. A., retired, who Is Interested In tho mining properties In tho Btnto of Mexico. "Tho sooner It is recognized by tho United Stntes tho iporo quick ly tho government will bo nblo to got mouoy nnd suppress tho Ilttlo revolution of tho outlying Btntes," snld ho. Gllletta would not discuss nryan'a vlow of tho situation. Re did not boo President Wilson. ANDERSON HAS it tnliA un cninn U'nrlr nt tlilu trln1 BLUE STEM FLOUR at HAINES, j this summor. BEST Of EIGRT VANCOUVER PUGILIST AND KNOCKOUT BROWN IN DRAW AT VERNON ANDERSON HAD RUST OF MAJORITY OF THE ROUNDS. tnr Aaaoclated rrraa lo Cooa liar Tlmta.J LOS ANGELES, March 15. Knockout Brown of Now York and Bud Anderson of Vancouver at Vernon this afternoon wont twenty rounds to a draw. Brown's falluro to put Anderson out nnd tho fact thnt Anderson hnd tho best of It ln tho majority of rounds Is regard ed as a victory for Andorson. Anderson was a 10 to 8 favorito In tho early betting, a bunch of Med ford sports backing Andorson heav ily. Brown, boforo tho light de clared that ho was dotormlnod to nmko his best possiblo showing, bo lng anxious to offset ho Buffered in his recont knockout by Joo Rlvors. Andorson snld thnt ho wns suro ha could put Brown out beforo tho flght went hnlf way, nnd bent Rlvors showing. It wns announced yesterday that Anderson would leavo soon after tho flght for Modford, Oregon, whoro ho Is said to havo a sweetheart. Many Medford sports woro presont to sa tho fight.