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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1913)
JsaWxu&jmxc-LX! .rasassAt. -. - -? ' "iiX'tju, If OTHER PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THAT YOU HAVE IT SUM HAVING IT (E000 NOW IS VOl'R TIME ttn I fnnlirniiuli Times mint A small nd In The Times wnnt tlicm! I'm- llit'in! Thoy column may bring im results mi. mediately. Try one. . rcHiiHx- MEMBER OP THK ASSOCIATE!) PRES I.1WV1H r.staiinsiicti in ioi VOL. XXXVI. M Tlio Const Mull. . a. ... . UTtl MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A. Consolidation of Tlnico, Coast Mnll unci Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 204- $mt tiWT AHTICLKS if III" .,1. ItWIll ii BEBEL FORGES NEARLY SURROUND GENERAL DJEDA IN SONORA TODAY hderal .force's Only Chanco Into U. b. FOUR AMERICANS HIT DUHIIMU lIUUHuno 1 miii lf ; Proniiso to Try ana hvuiu miwi"" Complications Now. lt!, At.orl.teJ I'" lo Cooa l'Jr TlmM 1 ,.nml II! All Mllll'li II llilt- .UK anlnit mi overwhelming Toree UlUb P 111...,., I ulfi't'fillfliit IIP v. .. ..... hi., linn no Arizona. i re the alternatives presented to ll,' to flcnernl OJutln. tin- riMlornl "ommamlcr who evacuated Agua prltatoilii ago will" 'I'1' vow I,iii,ii ..r imirr i ni! to No- I raie8 anil reinforcing the gnrrlBon I1. .. .. i.. ..I Vii, .til i-lii if tlln 1 .1.1. m. m icnrii that NokuIob lid been captured by tlio coiiBtltu- ll:nalltt. "Hub UJ'I wmi imiu i.j...I rniriilnru nl'il buttled 111) 111 Vico, ltli strong bodies of rubols doling In from tho east, woHt and ...,ik A farm of 401) constitution- illiti under IIIIhh Callos left Agun Prleta before daybreak to pursue tit federals and later llrncntnonlu departed on tlio same mission, .mi u froBhlv mounted, well uriiied ud cll provisioned. South of Kico arc more statu troops minor M.n.. irlilln ii form from Obrn- ton's column, which yesterday took .eaies, is nosing in ironi mo worn. Tit conitltutlonallBtB In their cag- trnen to pursue ujeuu b .urcu iuu i forro of only 200 to guard Agua Pritta. SERVIANS KILL ALBANIANS Report That Balkan Forces Summarily Dispatch Large Number of People. Illr AmoiIhIM I'rna lo Coo. Hay Time, FRANKFORT - ON-TIIH - .MAIN, Germany. Mnreh 14 Threo hundred Allmnlnn InhnliltaiitH of l.lnniii In tlio TnrklHh province of KoHHovro were Hhot and killed without' trial yesterday by the Servian troopB, according to a dlBinteh from Ur-kup. EXPLAINS RIGRER PRICE OF MEAT OVER FIFTY KILLED AND HUNDREDS HURT BY CYCLONES IN THE EAST President Leonard of Union Stockyards of Chicago Says No Reduction in Less Than Seven Years. Illr AMO'lalcl I'rc-M to Coin Pay Tlmra 1 CHICAGO, March 14. Arthur 0. Leonard, president of tho Union Stock YardH Company neiit tho fol lowing reply to n telegram of liuiulry from Mrs. .lullau Heath, president of tho National HoiibowIvob League, as to tho entitle for tho incrciiuo In tho prlco of ineatH throughout tho conn try, "for the period hIiicc .lanunry 1, na coinpnred with tho samo per iod of 111 1 2, the total doerenBo In re celptB In Chicago was GIG, GOO meat animals of every typo and tho amount will aggregate two hundred million pounds." Leonard said tho higher prices were due to shortage, tho BhortitKo due to the wiping out of a largo nmouiit of rnngo country and Its division Into smnller farms. He said that tho shortngo had been In creasing In tho Inst bovcii years and that It will tnko a similar period to build up the cattle raising Industry so that any material reduction In prlccH will be possible. FOUR SROT ON AHHIAXOPLE STILL H.U'K. Jliilgailaiw ami Sen Inns ItepuKcd lly Tmks. (11 AimiHUlFtl 1ti lo Lou. Hay Time. LONDON, .March II. A fierce but unsuccessful assault was mado on tho south fortroBB of Adrlanoplo last night, according to dispatcher from Constantinople. The besclg Ing llulgarlaiiB and Servians sustain ed heavy Iohbch anil were oventually repulsed all along the line. SALOONS Alti: CLOSKI). . i ItrU-N Miilntalii Cood Older In No- gnli'N Today. It; AmwUikI I'mt lo t'ova Hay Tlmra. X00AI.ES. March H. -DlBplay- li perfect dloclpllne, tho victorious ntt troops paraded tho street of .Nctalet, Bonorn, today. Tho mill- ttrjr authorities have lustltutod good order by closing all the saloons on it Mexican side and policing the 3llflng districts of tho Mexican tordtr ton. CL.USI CAItltAXZA SAKE. Kttl Lenders Deny I.vctiitlon of Hojul of Iterolt. IBr AufcluM 'ma lo Cooa llagr Timet. EAQLE IA8S, Tex.. March 14. Cirranw leaders In Pledras NegrnB foilthely deny tho truth of tlio ro- 0rttd cant urn ntiil nvnutlnn nf Corernor Caranza. They claim that uirr received in nprnniu frniTi iiini today. IMMENSE SUM IS APPROPRIATED Last Congress Set Aside Over Billion Dollars for Fed eral Work. (Ilr AaaocUltd I'ri'M lo Cooa Pay Time.. WASHINOTON. March 14. Ap propriations of the last Houston of Congress Including tho civil and In dian appropriation bills which aro to bo put through ar the coming ex tra session, aggregated $1,098,047, 0U0. Added to this tho contract authorized for public works will add $70,950,714. U. S. TERRITORY Mexican Rebels Express Re gret Over Incident of No gales Battle. Illjr AhucUIfJ Prna lo Cooa nay Tlmea NOCJALH8. March 1L Colonel Wilbur K. Wilder, of tho Fifth Un ited States cavnlry, hold a confer ence at the International line today with (lonernl Ohregon, commander of tho Souora State troops, which yesterday captured Nogalea. Ho discussed the neutrality font arcs with Obrogon and promised to keep over In the Mexican portion of the town and expressed sorrow over tho wounding of an American soldier and three MoxIcaiiH .on tho Ameri can Bldu of the lino during yestur day's battle. w s WANTS TO DIE OFFERED PLACE President Wilson Chooses New Assistant Attorney Gener al; No Collector Named. Jlly AMorlatt.1 Ittm lo Cooa Oar llmca. WASHINGTON, March 14. After conferences with Secretary McAdop today, Tresldont Wilson decided to offer to Dudley Field Mnlono of Now York tlie appointment as assistant Attorney General, representing the United States before tho customs court. It was said that Mnlono no longer Is being considered for col lector of customs of Now York. Wilson formally offered today so Joseph E. Davlcs of Madison, Wis., tho secretary of tho Democratic Na tional Committee, tlio appointment ns Secretary of War. TRAIN WRECK IN SNOWSTORM BANK CASHIER A HURRY SHYJI00,000 Four Killed and Eleven Injur jjd in Collision on U. P. in Nebraska Today. Illy Aoi Intel I'rrfi to Coo nay Tlmra nOTHENUIillO. Neb., March 14. In a blinding snow storm today, tho "Colorado Special" and tho "At lantic Express" on tho Union Paci fic collided near noro, killing four and serloiiBly Injuring eleven. THE WHEAT MAItKET. Illy AtaoilalpJ 1'rria lo Cooa Hay Time CHICAGO, Mnrch 14. Wheat quotations on the Hoard of Trade today closed: May SO :i-S; July SS 7-S; Sep tember, SS 1-8. lly Aaaoclalpd I'rrra lo Cooa Ila) Tlmra. PORTLAND. March 14. Wheat prices wcro unchanged hero today. Illy Aatorlatxl I'nta lo Cooa Hay Tlmra. TACOMA, Wash., March 14. Tho wheat quotations were unchanged today. MAN Y DIE IN flek to uxrrrci) states. Into Hundred of Mevlrans Cross Arizona Xow. lay AiuKiitaJ l to Cooa Hay Tim... J DOUGLAS. Ariz., Mnrch 14. Jinican refugees, numbering 1,500, flocked over tho border near iwpotnt within tho last threo weeks liS ? 5 ,0 "cords of tho locnl Uni im States lraralgrntlon stntlon. W crossed from Sonorn points 'wr, the heaIest day on record. FIS II K L COLLAPSE y Over Wilsey Deal Said Ia D n . ... iw oe oause or Possible Nervous Breakdown. klnh D Klnny la reported to 4owa ai.1 8e of a nervous break--&Himm? t0,a t0,eram from Mr. lamm0' who '8 ' Portland. IUte ran? n.dJn a w,ro t0 Pret ol tttd li 0t,nera ln Nrt Dond, that : liliy tl,at t was fenrod cau8Md'n 8lml,nr to tho one 'wa to S r.,m t0 entor a snnitnr ,,0 in an Francisco a year or so J&TSr Vle dota,ls of tho Kln fcUi Wal a"d tho troubles ho ,r laid t i" rao of hlB creditors collapse, no cause ot Possible l tnaTiu1 l$so sa'u to have stnt tt4ilM,I,MV,,eB.ha stated thnt Jh a rii,not bo sottlotl except Ua" that v'f'er' u waa nlso in toth7re?fehiP?lght Cn80nt r CE0"UTOmi SWKIT. h,K,UaiJjtte,, injured East n'i.utuWlt,nn,' Xe kW I and March . Fivo ?" of Haii,core ,nJured and ' done inf .ioUars worth of dam- I,vrffli rain yi K, ot a fievere UM U TO M Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Officials Agree on New Scheme. (lly AaaoclaieJ I'rraa lo Cooa Pay Tlmra. WASHINGTON. March 14. A modified plan for a dissolution of tho Union Puclfic-Soiithorn Pacific inorgor was agreed on by the In terests Involved nnd will bo sub mitted to tho United Stntea district court nt Sf. Louis tomorrow, with out tho approval or disapproval of Attornoy General Mcltoynolds, who has not had tlmo to study It. Representatives of tho railroads Informed tho Attornoy General It will bo necessary for them to pre sont tho plan to court boforo Sat urday under an agreement with n syndicato which is to underwrite tho stocks to be sold. ARREST WOMAN IN CONN CASE Two Suspects Taken Into Cus- today in East in Connec ' tion with Robberies. UytAuoclalrJ Trraa lo Cooa Hay Tlmea CHICAGO, March 14. Mrs. Mabel Clnrkson, who is alleged to have de serted her husbnnd, a minister, to fly with Owen D. Conn, the bur glnr under arrest ot San Francisco, was detained at Mllwaukeo today as she was about to tako the train to Chicago, nccordlng to n special to the Journal from tho former city. DETROIT, Mnrch 14. Mrs. J. Popo, who declnrea that she does not know Mrs. Mabol Clarkson, was arrested here today In connection with the Owen Conu burglary caso at San Francisco. San Francisco Prisoner Exe cuted for Murder of Po liceman. (lly Aaaoclaleil I'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra, SAN QUENTIN, Cal., March 14. Poolos Prantlkos was hanged In tho San Quonttn penitentiary today for having killed two policemen, Charles Casteh and Thomas Flnnelly In San Francisco, Nov. 20, 1311. Threo days ago Prantlkos broko from his guards while crossing tho prison yard clnmborod up n street tower calling to tho gunrds to shoot. "Kill mo now," ho shouted, "Don't lot mo suffor this suspense; I can't wait till Friday, It's too long." PORTERS PLAN BIG INCREASE Soon Have 3000 Men Hastening Construction of Line to Coos Bay. EUGENE, Ore, March 14 With in n month, Portor Ilros. will havo 3000 men at work on tho grading for tho Willamette Pacific lino to the Sluslaw. AH of tho clearing hns been completed from tho Notl tun nel, where tho Portor Bros, con tract begins, to Acme and tho camps have already been established. Tho company has been busy all winter accumulating supplies at Mapieton and at the camp a mile and a half above Mapieton and now has on hand nil of tho equipment and sup plies necessary. Of tho 450 feet to be cut in the Wildcat tunnel, 320 feot have boon completed nnd this will bo finished In 40 days. Chas. F. Baker of Crocker Na tional in San Francisco Is Short. Illy Aaaorlattd I'rraa lo Cooa Hay Tlmra. SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. AN though Charles F. Baker, assistant cashier of tho Crocker National Bank Is declared to bo short approximate ly $100,000 In his accounts, ho may never bo prosecuted. Tho attltudo of tho bank wns expressed today by Willlnm Crocker, the1 president, in the words of tho Saviour: "Let him among you who Is without sin, cast tho first stone." Bnkcr is sorlously 111 nt his home. It was duo to tho Illness nnd another man bolng placed on the books that the shortage was discovered. TWOHV I1HOS. 1'LAXS. Put on Additional Men to Work on Coos Bay Line. Portland paper says: Work tho Willamette Pnclllc, tho Southern Pacific lino botween Lu- geno and Mnrshfleld, Is being pros ecuted with nioro vigor now that tho weathor Is moro favorable. Quito a number of crews have been put to work recently and Twohy Bros., who havo the sub-contract for a stretch of road out of Eu gene, have opened their offices In Eugeno near tho dopot. There are 10 miles of grade now ready for the steel and tracklaylng will probably bogln on April 15. The first sixteen miles out of Eu gene will bring tho tracks to El mlra. The big tuunel at Notl will bo flnlshedlnabouttlireoinonths, JUU(ContinuednonasoSlxO E TO RUSH LINE Willett & Burr Plan to Have 500 Working on Smith Powers Road Soon. Wlllott & Burr will soon havo n force of ovor 500 men employed in tho construction of tho Smith-Powers logging road south of Myrtlo Point. Thoy now have over 300 men at work and aro bringing In additional workmen on each boat arriving from San Francisco. B. R. Keller returned from a trip to Myrtlo Point yesterday nnd says tho contractors are leaving nothing undono to secure tho com pletion of tho road by July 1. tho date set In their contract. Thoy now havo ten station camps at work nnd are arranging to put moro mon on tho lino wit ft tho opening of good weathor. Mr. Ragsdalo has succeeded Mr. Shaw In chnrgo of tho "Willett & Burr work ln Myrtlo Point. A. S. Rlggs, ono of the Willett & Burr foromoii, was in Marsliflold today on business. WIND M Five Killed in Tennessee and . Five Dead in Georgia as Result. ' Illy Aaaovlat. Prraa lo Cooa Hay Tlmra.) MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Mnrch 14 Fivo killed nnd ono hundred homeless nro tho result of n storm that swept Madison and Henderson counties last night. At Lexington nearly ono hun dred houses woro practically demol ished. Tho small towns of Camden, Tlborlako, Huron. Lifo nnd Sharon suffered a proportional loss. Terrific Storm Sweeps Tennes see, Alabama and Georgia and Northward. LOSS OF PROPERTY ' WILL REACH MILLIONS Entire Section East of Rockies and Between Gulf and Great Lakes Hit. lly Amoc latcl Trr.a lo Cooa Hay Tlmra I CHICAGO, March 14. Wlilo Bpreail storm of cyclonic Intensify swept over the Middle West anil South during tho Inst 24 hours and cut their way through tho townu and cities of five states, snuffed out n bcoio of lives, Hindu hundreds homeless and destroyed proiwscty high in tlio millions. At noon today, 51 persons woro reported killed and tho death Hat was growing. Other sections of tho country from tho Great Lakes to tl'o Gulf, and from tho ICnstorn seaboard to the Rocky Mountains were swept bjr gnles, rain nnd snow. Tho storm took the heaviest toll of life In Alabama, Tennessee anil NorthweBtorn Geo'rgln. A 50-mllo gale piiBsod ovor Chi cago and Illinois during tho night and cnused damage cstlmntcd at n million dollars. REPORT 18 DEAD. Xoi'tlnwM Georgia Suitors Severely In Storm. Illy At.ocjalri I'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra. IIOMB, Georgia, March 14. Eighteen nro reported dead and many Injured In n storm In northwest Georgia last night. Tho property damage was very heavy. LIKE A CYCLONE. Two Killed In Columbus, Geoiglir, by Severn Storm. Illy Aaaoclatrd rrvaa lo Cooa Hay Tlmra. COLUMBUS. Ga., March 14. A storm of cyclonic proportlono did groat damage In this city. Two aro reported killed. LOEFFLER WIXS FIRST ROUND. (Hy Aaaoclalrd Trraa lo Cooa Ha,' Times WASHINGTON, March 14. By a voto of 45 to 18 tho Senate refused to take Loofller's namo from the nominations.' Tho resolution may bo divided to provide for a separato voto on Loeffler for doorkeeper of tho Senate. PARASOL COVERS In every shade of every color at .MARSH IT ELD CYCLER V. COOS RAY GRAXtJE dinner Sat urday noon at Odd Follows nail. Fifty Cents. TICKETS at BUSY CORNER. WANTS FEDERAL LINE OF BOATS Representative Stevens of Cal ifornia Has Plan to Re place Free Toll. (lly Aaaorlated Trraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra. WASHINGTON, March 14. Rop roseutntivo Stevens of California an nounced todny that If the free pass ago provision of tho Pnuama canal act was ropoaled ho would lntro duco nnd press nt tlio extra session a bill providing for a lino or gov eminent owned steamships from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific to carry both passengers and freight. Ho be lieves that tho ownorBhlp and op eration of n fleet of vessols by tho government would net ns a regula tion of freight rates, both water and rail. STOLEN 1 D WM CITY COUNSEL Los Angeles Instals New De partment as Result of Fair Sex's Timidity. (ny Aatorlated I'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra. LOS ANGELES, March 14. A branch In tho city prosecutor's olllco, wherein a woinnn may recoivo legal advice from members of their own sex was established today when tho how department became necessary because of tho reluctance of women to Interview mon regarding their grievances. It Is In chnrgo of Miss Margaret Gardnor, recently appoint ed deputy prosecutor. BLUE STEM KLOl'R at HAINES. PARASOL COVERS In every shade of every color at .MARSH FIELD CYCLER V. Eddie Stice and Cavour Helm ing Convicted of Serious Offense. Eddie Stlce and Cavour Holiuliig, two young boys, woro arresteu last evening for stealing chlttum bark from a wnrohouso of Henry Songa tnckon nnd soiling it to F. S. Dow. Tho boys hnd been doing a ruBhliiR business In tlio past two weeks nnd hnd sold to Mr. Dow f7G.3(i worth of Senstnckcn's chlttum barrf. Tho thefts had not boon noticed by Mr. Sengstiickon until yeator day morning when ho dlacovorcd tho door or his wnrohouso open. Ho wont Insido nnd discovered that n largo number of sacks of chlttum bark had disappeared and also that a now truck had been taken. A little search with tho aid of Mnrshnl Cnrtor soon fixed the Iden tity of tho offenders. Tlio Stlco boy is 15 years old and Ills folks had beon conducting tlio Lnttln hotel. Tho Helming boy Is 10 years old. When confronted with tlio theft the lads admitted the offense It seems that they had boon taking tho sacks of chlttum bark from tho wnrohouso through a window, but yesterday morning they opened tho door from tho Insido nnd Instead of packing tho sacks on their shoul ders took n truck thnt was lying there and wheeled it down tho street to Dow's olllco whoro em ployes took It nnd paid for It. Tho boys woro taken boforo Judge Hall ln Juvonllo Court. Af tor lecturing them soveroly, ho greed that thoy should bo allowed to go on probation If they would refund Mr. Dow the money thoy had secured from him for tho stolon chlttum which was returned to Sengstacken by Dow. Tho Stlco family left on tho AI Ilanco this morning for Portland. They mado settlement for the boy and took hlin nlong with thoiit. Tho probation officer In Portland will bo notiflod to keep tab on hint. Tho Helming boy was also pa roled by Judgo Hnll and remanded to tho care of Ids mothor, Mrs. Moore, during good bohnvlor. Tho lads woro takon boforo Jus tice Pennock but when ho ascertain ed their ages, be sent thorn to Jurgo Hall's Juveiillo court. PARASOL COVERS In every shade of every color at FIELD CYCLER Y. MAHSF