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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1913)
tsmm&&mti!wtfmzrMmZ fraii fry. Atm f.-ff.f XV -, f THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913.- EVENING EDITION. -"T: TIDES FOR MARCH. Below la Klvon tho tirao and holsht of high and low water at Mnrshflohl. Thu tides nre placed In tho order of occurrence, with their tlmoB on tho llrst lino and heights ou tho scqond lino of each day; a compai iHon on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It is high or low wntor. For high water on tho bar, iiibslract 2 hours 34 minutes. Hlllrs.. (5.07 12.57 7. IS 11. fil Ft. .. fi 8 0.(5 3.8 2.5 WEATHER FORECAST. By Associated Press OREGON Fnlr tonight with heavy frost In west portion; Saturday fair. Northwesterly winds. Cornet Hart SchifTncr & Mir 0 you want new clothes for Easter Sunday ? Everybody Icorates" for that day, or before; eason why you shouldn't. You'll the proper things for it here. Hart Schaffner & Marx ng suits; new stylish models in ng overcoats ; the latest shapes in ng hats ; the finest neckwear in patterns. Woolen Mill Store . I "tore Is tho homo of Hnrt Schaffnor & Marx Clothes. local ti.mpehature record. For tho 21 hours ending at 1-13 a. in.. .March M, by IlonJ. Ostllud, special government me teorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 32 At -1:43 a. m 31 Precipitation 33 Precipitation slnco Sopi. 1, 1U12 4G.1C Precipitation samo period previous year H.2C Wind: Northwest; cloudy. sociaij calendar PHI DAY Ladies Art Club with Mrs. F. Fnlkcnsteln. SATURDAY Dance In Sumner Hall. L. i ' jMentnHy Kot his linger In tho saw. Tho top was cut off tho llrst Under niiu iwo oinor lingers were Injured. New Auk. Truck. C. II. Walter Is learning the. mysteries of operat ing an auto truck, having received a Roo truck for his transfer business. Sailor Attested Pontius Sellerby. a sailor, was arrested this after noon by Mnrshal Carter for caus ing n disturbance on the waterfront. , The first time Sellerby broko and .... , . I run nd got away but was located Hulhny Twenty-seven ,t fow hours Inter. Then he show- to Gus Adolsporger. Carl Davis and Cornell I.agerstrotn. Myrtle Point Enterprise. Men for InonCfor mi A n'n'0 th'S ",1 nht a,1(1 Mnrs Carter broiglU twr ,r ti L m n""' th C"." fo,'th h'8 blll- '"' lol '"' Jnll tractors of tho Smith-Powers road, tn sober mi beyond Myrtle Point. I .. . . ' . ... Hcdondo In Today. Tho Kedon- Hpeclnl Service- ., .. n , .. arrived In today from San Fran Hall niiniiittirnu ttmt I.,. VliiT ,i.. ll " W,UI " KU" enrgo oi mercnan ni tiio liomo of . J. Howard on i,i.. wri.-t,w,., r,,.. i .. a.m.! 1, I Powers railway. She will sail from New Autu l.lm Mr Priii.- wim ' noro s,1ln' afternoon at 4:30 for Bonny purchased Wart M?LkS & . ?."" " II (f lu UIU llllll'I IUI l 111 u auto first year. Buy Ittuii'li Frank Morris in forms tho Enterprise that tho Morris Hros.' ranch has been sold WANT ADS. FOIl HUNT Two well fiiniMied bedrooms with bath. References required. II euro of Times .or Phono .'IS 7. FOIl SALE Horse weighing about 125U pounds. Suitable for work on small farm. Coos Day Ico and Cold Storage Co. Phono 73. Oil HUNT Three unfurnished rooms. Modem conveniences. 1032 El'rod. WANT I ID Young man to learn mattress making mid upholster ing. Woven Wire Mattress and Redding Co., 515 So. II roadway. FOR RENT Five room house on Enstsldo, good garden spot, with large burn, also orchard. Phono 302. rocon oiu i-aiiiiinv, mis started an Bcrvleo between Mnrshflehl ntnl Hunker Hill, giving hourly Borvico. ' M,'N Welnsteln at Kmpress Mrs. This makes the second auto line ' Elfrcda Heller Welnsteln of Portland between hero and Runkor Hill. I wll appeared In a concert In Marsh- . I Held, under the direction of tho Holt Chosen Uric Bolt, son of Chamlnndo Club, Is to bo headllnor Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. N. Holt of Marsh- 11,1b ;ycok nt ,tho now Kmpress the flold, has been chosen as rcpreson- !l,or ,n Fortlnnd. Mrs. Welnsteln tntlvo of tho Willamotto Unlvorslty hns recently returned from n Euro at Salem In tho Oregon Oratorical I,onn ,rln where sho was offered an contest to bo held at Pacific Col- lerntlc engagement at tho Vienna lege this ovonlng. Tho Willamotto "cni. IIoU8- However, she pro Unlvorslty Collego publication soys furred to return homo to Oregon to that Willamotto Is confident that resume concert work and teaching. Dolt will carry off tho honors. I Was Overlooked The contest bo- tween W. J. Rust and Robert M. Plans Completed. The plans have Sinythlngton of tho Southport Oonl been completed for tho thrco-story , Company over n slxty-acro tract on framo oillco building, candy factory Isthmus Inlet, about two miles above and wnrehouso which tho Dradley. Mllllngton, cnlls attention to tho fact Candy compnny will erect on North I that tho valuablo land was overlook Front Btrcot. Tho Btructuro will bo ed by homesteaders until last Sep bullt especially for a candy fnctory, j tombor. It was innrked on tho plats but will havo room for tho olllccs as part of the old Coos Day Wagon and also for a warehouse. It is ' road grant but tho company had hoped to get It started soon. I never selected It. Rust entered on It j ns a homestead and Sinythlngton na ReMii(wl Injured. It was report- i conl 'n'1'1- Tll contest will be heard od around town todny that a womnn Mw . was qulto seriously hurt when I Firemen Arrested Harry Nelson, Footo's nuto struck tho railing on a Uroninn on tho Brenkwutor, was tho North Front street clovated f0""(1 K",,ly of assaulting Jns. Mich roadway last night with n party of oil, a mess boy on tho ship. Nelson Joyriders. Mr. Footo denied It and "leaded not guilty, but Justlco Pen sald that no ono was hurt. Ho would , nock decided othorwlso after hear not give tho iiamcs of tho peoplo in '" ',l(J..8t0.ry.?f V10 frny, n,nd BtJ? n,K tho pnrty. I Mitchells badly battered face, Nel- son having kicked him. Nelson was l.echm. Tiniii.iii Ti.r in n ' considerably larger than Mitchell. free Illustrated lecture by Archdca- n refused to pay n $r lltio and was con H. I). Chnmbers In the Episcopal , committed to tho city Jail where ho church this evening nt 7:30 on the wlJ BOr1V, to" (,lny!' ,f,ho?08" 1,n?' subject of "Tho Church In Oregon." ,, t oiiillle (.III Dead. Miss Manilo Archdeacon Chambors hns gathered ' ''Wiis. tho U-yenr-old daughter togother for his lccturo a number of ' M!- ") MrH; " ' , Ia,VBi f vory beautiful slides of sccnory In I Coqiillle. died at Mercy Hospltnl last Oregon nnd thoso who saw them at Dandon and Coqullo woro very fa vorably Impressed. All Christian poorle of Marshlleld nro cordially In Itc4 to be present. WAXTI3D Light housekeeping room closo In. Phono 217-X. I'Olt S.l,i: OR ItnNT Two new modurn bungalows Just being com pleted at ICastslde. Will soil on tho Installment plan. Inquire 1022 HI rod. FOR RK.N'T 7 r i house In liny Park. Apply Jns. Forty or phono 30 1 -X. Wr received a shipment of COLUMBIA aphonolas from $20.00 Up and also Phonograph Records, The Latest Songs Come in and listen to the band or the greater ar You are always welcome, kkhart-Parsons Drug Co. vil c "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 FOR S.I,K CIIF.AP If taken ut once, lino launch Tourist. Also runabout automobile. Inqulro I). O. Walcott. TO 1IOMK NF.F.KF.HK: Anone de siring to build a homo, either tn Marshlleld or Uastsldo, can nr rnngo to secure suitable building lots upon their own terms of pay ment. If you wnnt to own your own homo nnd got clonr rid of tho "blooming" landlords, see TITLE GUARANTEE & AB STRACT COMPANY. Coko build ing, opposite Chnndlor Hotel. .Vice of Taft Jenn Roll Hlckok. a song, dnnco and inonologuo artist, nrilivd hero yestorday on tho Speed well to open an engagement nt tho I.emanskl theaters. Sho has Just closed a six wooks' engngoincnt at tho Regal theater In Los Angeles. Sho Is a nleco of W. II, Tnft, former president of tho United States. She hns u letter from Tnft, written MeitIi 8, 1009, In which ho says: "I am vory glad to receive tho con gratulations and good wishes of nil my relatives nnd thank you for writ FOR SALE Sliarplcss Separator, Q00 pounds capalcty $40.00. Phono 3153. FOR SALE Gordon colt, .1 years old. Would make lino racer. 12S. Phono 3153. US AN BXTRACT FRfiM fytbact; m, . r&C's are RUarantPftfl tn Im nun nn.1 irlv inm1 ontls. r J ilTJ V"U lino and our prices are right. Try a f extractV fc.! of our vanilla extract, and comparo this with '" Plain bnttil. .u pay mro for.' All our extracts are put ' ky the iar nerofro you get full weight, so don't be do- realy cdntn jonoiea oouiea that aro used by otnor nrma "tracts frnm. no moro- but appear twice as largo. When you 5 ll on Vh V8 wo sn y ou extracts and when you want "a make ii? company. This is our policy. Try us and SS3oBwYTEA CFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE uiUAAKLIi DLDQ. 181 Jfarket avenue. FOR SALE Will sell my retail cigar aioro rigiu u uini-ii ouuh. Howard's Cigar Store. I'OR SALE Gns Rnnge, km ns now. Phono 307. u'AKTUn Tilrl. Must bo first- class body ironer. Apply Twin City Laundry. Phono 1124 North Dend. Cnso Ended With tho settlement of N. C. McLood's claim for $100 attorney foe, which ho had secured by a mortgngo on tho lot which W. II. Riirghngcn had deeded to Mrs. Rurghagen, tho Uurghngen dlvorco enses Is ondod. Mr. Rurghagon mndo n cash settlement with his formor wlfo's nttornoy for ICO nnd thoroby eliminated tho cloud that tho mort gngo might bo on tho proporty which reverts to him under tho decree. It is stated that Mrs. nurghagou'a for mor nnino was Ida M. Coney Instead of Ida M. Downor. Roy Injured Tho six-year-old son of Waltor Robertson, formor marshal of Eastsldo, sustained tho loss or n linger in an accident tuo, other day. Tho fathor was sawing n liff Tilnpn rt u'nnil nnrl tliA 1ml wnti ' pushing the sawdust away and nc- Dayton Bicycles No More Home Than A Rabbit That's not right the rabbit has a good home, and has got all of his Easter Candies and Novelties with him now at Sarter's Reception days, every day. Drop In and "luivo something." night or a complication of diseases. Sho was brought to tho hospital to undergo nn operation three wcoka ago. but an acute of Ilrlght's dis easu prevented the operation nnd terminated fntnll. Her father was formerly deputy assessor. Tho body was sent to Coqullle by O. W. liungan this morning and tho fu neral will be held there. PERSONAL NOTES FOR SALE Ono launch 20 feet, Bpoed model, with two cylinder, 8 horsepower engine, roverso gear, complete equipment Including ono 60 nmpero storago battory. Speed 13 miles. Inquire of M. G. Cole man, North Bend. RPHEUM TONIGHT to secft tonic t' 3 ImPrtt happenings throughout "Est'PnKMnTncT, Arn. 'IHI i youiii. Jlnife,' T "Is father's choice. .A comedy and u drnnia .n'1 frgct ....... .,vv V,VJ .ItlllKIJ HlUlilUVII !30. l--abI,S,,Ca Ambslon, ltc, Never more. WANTED A ninrrlcHl woman for k tenon work In nay uuy uoara- ing houso. Prefer woman whoso husband will board in tho house also. Position for man in mill. Phono 309G. STORE FOR RENT on WANTED To buy n few hives of bees. State kind of hives and prices. Address O. C. W P. O. Dox 73, Allegany, Ore. FOR SALE Dry wood, flr and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phome lBtf-L. FOR SALE India Ituimer duck eggs for hatching. Cornor or South Seventh and Ingersoll Sts. William Shook. FOR SALE HOOO feet Myrtle liuu borj also ono 4 h. p. gasoline en gine. Phono C-J. wAKTF!n-Tu-lvi ovncricnced min ora nnd timber men. Apply Deav-1 a- TII1I Conl Co. BROADWAY Part of now Marshfiold Cyclory building. Will bo woll lightod and the neatest front on Broadway. Lower Insuranco rates than any other building in same block. Suitable for Millinery, Tailor, Shoe Store, Cigar Siore, Confectionery, Newetand, Real Estate, Optician, Watchmaker, Harbor Shop, Stationery, Commission, Apply to Ownor, Marshfield Cyclery Agents tor Bicycles DAYTON Motorcycles OLIVER TYPEWRITERS Phono 158-R 172 N. Broadway Flowers! Flowers! 15 Cents the Bunch A complete lino of Yolvot nnd silk back flowers In buncheB or wreaths at "Always Something New" Peoples'5-10-15cStore , O'CO.VNELL nUIWJINQ. TOM PEAK Is In town today from Hnynes Inlet HARRY RHODES of South Inlet Is In town todnv II. C. ROO.NE Is a Marshlleld visitor today from Sumner. E. R. HODSON of South Coos Riv er Is In .'(iwii today. L. J. MATTHEWS was a North Bend visitor this afternoon. PETER PETERSON of Hnynes Inlet Is a town visitor todny. J. C. BEATTIE of North Coos JUvor Is In town on business. WILL INGERSOLL Is In Mnrshlleld todny from South Inlet. L. . COLE of Hnynes Inlet is spending the day In town. RUFUS HOWE of Sumner enme to Mnrshlleld for a short trip. J. D. CL1NKENBEARD of Sumnor U In town todny on business. J. E. NORTON of Coqulllo Is in Mnrshfleld on business. THOS. BRYANT, n resident of Hny nes Inlet, Is In town todny. JAS TRACY, engineer nt Henryvllle, moved to Mnrshlleld yesterday. CHAS. ESTERBECK of Catching In let Is In town todny on business. MISS 01,1.1 E RICHARDS Is In Mnrshlleld today from Sumnor. CHAS. HANSEN Is nmong tho town visitors from Hnynos Inlet today. REV. J. CRONIC Is among tho vis itors from South Coos Rlvor to dny. T. C. RUSSELL and wife of Reaver Hill aro Murshflold visitors to day. MRS. C. H. DUNCAN or South Coos River is In Mnrshfleld today ou business. E. L. BESSEY of South Coos Riv er la a business visitor to Mnrsh fleld today. ANSON ROGERS and wlfo of Soi.tu Coos Rlvor nro in town on busi ness today. SWANEE PETERSON camo to North Bend this morning from his Hny nes Inlet home. MR. nnd MRS. W. F. HODSON of South Coos River nro spending tho day In town, C. K. PERRY nnd wlfo returned ou the Speedwell yestordny from a short visit In Snn Francisco. AL WEINER of San Francisco is malting his regular business trip through Coob County. L. It. DEAN went to North Bend yestordny whero ho will bo em ployed In tho Evorott Phnrmncy. CAPTAIN LEONARD MASTERS of Sumnor went to Coqullle Gils' 'morning ou n short business trip. MR. and MRS. CHAS. McKnlght re turned yesterday from a two weokB' trip to Portlnnd and othor northern cities. MISS ELLA KRANICIC of South Coos Rlvor was in town todny ou her wny to Ten Mile to visit hor par ents. MESSRS. J. V. SMEATON and D. V. DESMOND of tho C. A. Smith Co. will lenvo for Sun Frnnclsco on tho noxt Redoudo. MESSRS. DESMOND, SMEATON nnd MEREEN loft yesterday to visit tho C. A. Smith Comimny's proper- ' ty In tho Coqulllo Vnlley and nlso to boo the now Hmllli-Powors roau. J. L. JONES of Randon Is spending n fow days in Mnrshllold on busi ness. Mr. Jones oxpects to opon a confectionery nnd lco cream par lor In tho "clty-by-tho-sea" nbout April 1. C. W. CLARK, a contractor and builder of Portland, is in tho city visiting Goorgo Rotnor of tho Woolen Mill fttoro, and Inves tltgntlng tho prospoctH of Coos Bay for his lino of work. G. W. SHELLY of Myrtle Point nns sod through hero today on routo homo from Southorn California, whoro ho accompnnled his young son, who will spend a few months thoro, nnd reports that the latter oxpocts to visit tho Bay about April 1. A Washington physician Is de manding tho abolition of tho linger bowl because it forms a loitering placo for germs that aro a menace to health. Woll, at any rate, they ought to chnngo tho water lu tho bowls onco a day. Pish! Pish! Fish! Smoked Fish Dried Fish Salt Fish Pickled Fish Kippered Fish All kinds, nil sizes. By tho piece, canned, or by tho bov. Largest variety in tho county. Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Maskey's "andies, Is Your Hot Water Bottle Leaky? How often havo you suddenly ncodod your hot wntor bottle only to find it leaky and unfit for uso? You will not havo this troublo with tho "Kantleok" Water Bot tle. It Is positively guaranteed to be perfect in workmnnshlp and materials. If it showB any imperfections within two years rrom tho day you buy It, the manufacturers guaranteo to roplaco It without charge. KANTLEE1( 1 1 Water Bottles It aro made of tho finest Para rub ber, with triply re-enforced seams and porfectly adjusted stopples that mako leakage impossible. fllin nttvtn nn In nnft n in .1 nlnaalm. i iiu nuuuvu JO OUlb U14U yW.a..b to tho touch. ? Evory bottle la full capacity. Various sizes, prices no hlghor than for the ordinary kind. Wo nro tho exclusive agents. If you will call, wo will gladly show you our comploto lino of rubber goods, Tho Store for l'enslnr Remedies nnd Quality Goods. !' ! '3 m i:i ' t t ri I 4 1